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Posts posted by Deathlok190

  1. My friend is a dick, he hit ultimate tier and decided to get rid of the team so I am without a team now, if anyone here who isn't in the EWB Hitmen is interested I have formed the EWB Vipers and it is open to all tiers, if you send a request let me know here what your name is on the game.

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  2. Once i have 2 more male Hardened or Elite cards I'm going to take the male SS Pros from my RTG deck and use them as fusion/training fodder, better to knock my tier slightly to push it back up when I get pros. Little point me keeping hold of them when they won't get any better, gonna keep hold of any SS fusions i have/get ready for the possibility of them adding the new tiers.

    I believe the post claiming the game is being discontinued to be fake, for one the grammer is appaling and if the person really worked for WWE in any capacity they would have signed an agreement not to divulge information about the company plans, although leaks have happened before this one doesn't seem legit to me.

  3. Pulled a rare cameron with the special effect that it does for cards of your tier, next board clear was a legendary sheamus, either they've fixed the glitch or I'm having no luck at all. Gonna give up and call it a night.

  4. Got the final shard for my team on Sami, although I'd seen the info about the glitch I am only gonna start using it now to get 2-3 cards.

    Including the females from just before the event I have five cards that need bouts, got an Elite Randy Orton as my last shard.

  5. my new team got Bray within 7 hours, i used a bunch of credits to buy pick doublers and had unbelievable luck on picks. Pace has slowed about halfway through Sami but i'm not too worried as we have lots of time left

  6. Chris seems to have alot of luck this event, I'll get two singles from the event which will be a huge boost to my RTG deck, Wyatt will be a boost to my RD deck and be incredible.

    EDIT: Just realised both are right arrows which makes a nice change to most of my best cards being left arrows.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Chris2K said:

    Now I'm very glad I kept to one Bray during the last MITB instead of getting two, so it's pro time.

    Thought I remembered seeing a elite Bray as someones team card, glad it's useful for you since all it's going to do for me is knock one of the two remaining ss cards out my RTG deck, probably still gonna only be hardened+ in RTG though.

  8. Figured I would post here a list of the series I am binge watching at the moment since I previously posted about what I should do before adding NCIS to my backlog, the list is ordered by which have least cumilative length of time left to complete watching. As with all shows I am watching them through before watching new episodes, I have a habit of dropping in and out of series and losing track of where I am upto so have started using trakt.tv to stop this from happening.

    The Walking Dead, this is something I had never watched any of before and have been binge watching alot of with the intention to catch up to the point where I only have newly released episodes before adding NCIS to my backlog.

    Big Bang Theory, this is another show which I am watching through from the start before only watching the new episodes, currently I am upto season 5 and plan to watch alot more of this before adding NCIS.

    Ridiculousness is another show that is ongoing and I am trying to catch up with, currently in season 4 and have hit the point where having binged so much I need a break from this before carrying on.

    The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, having recently started season 2 I still have alot of episodes left to watch but am making steady progress.

    JAG, have eased off on watching this since i'm close to the end of season 8 and the introduction of NCIS, will begin binging this after I catch up with The Walking, will watch this alongside NCIS to watch the last two seasons as quickly as possible so as to cut down how much I am binging.

    Two and a Half Men and One Tree Hill are two series with alot left to watch and I am probably going to end up doing an all out binge for like The Walking Dead to watch these through quicker, might not do that until I have caught up on some other series.

    Power Rangers, this is something I have been watching alot of and although I am still in season 1 I have made good progress, going to have to up how much I watch of this or it will take a long time to ever catch up with, really enjoying the dose of nostalgia it gives me though.

  9. 8 hours ago, LarsLars said:

    Combine those and watch His Friday Girl (1940), I love that film! It stars Cary Grant! But there's loads of good films between 1940 and 1970. Depends on what genre you like.

    I normally stick with action, adventure or comedy movies so am trying to move away from those, I am not a fan of horror movies so those would be the only thing I'd avoid if suggested.

  10. 1. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

    2. The Last Legion
    3. Ready to Rumble
    4. Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
    5. Jack Reacher
    6. USS Indianapolis: Men of Courage
    7. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
    8. Starship Troopers
    9. Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
    10. Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
    11. Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation
    12. Starship Troopers 3: Marauder
    13. Starship Troopers: Invasion
    14. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
    15. Suicide Squad
    16. The Hobbit: The Uexpected Journey
    17. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
    18. The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies
    19. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
    20. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
        Suicide Squad **REWATCH**
    21. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
    22. Jack Reacher: Never Look Back
    23. Troy
    24. Herbie: Fully Loaded
    25. Robin Hood
    26. Gladiator
    27. Hulk
    28. xXx
    29. xXx: State of the Union

    New Additions:
    30. The Wedding Ringer
    31. The Expendables
    32. The Italian Job (2003)
    33. Death Race 2
    34. Death Race 3: Inferno
    35. Death Race
    36. Pixels
    37. The Expendables 2
    38. The Expendables 3
    39. xXx: The Return of Xander Cage
    40. Friends With Benefits (Romance Fortnight)
    41. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (Romance Fortnight)
    42. No Strings Attached (Romance Fortnight)
    43. Failure to Launch (Romance Fortnight)

    Romance Fortnight was my girlfriends way of helping me to watch movies I would normally avoid, I'm not a fan of movies with too much in the way of romance but will be watching 1 romantic movie a day upto and including Valentines Day. The following fortnight I am planning to watch a movie made between the 40's and 70's, in what I will be calling Old School Fortnight, this is my way of forcing myself to watch some movies that are not normally my cup of tea. If anyone has any suggestions for decent movies from that time period I'll take them into consideration.

  11. Unlikely I will get Joe from this event, but seeing as I only have 2 more SS singles in my RTG deck it's not too big an issue as I can get better cards through the team RD and RD, hopefully the next RTG has something that holds my interest a little more so I would be willing to grind for it.

    Started a KotR earlier but forgot about it and am in 12th with a 4-11 win loss record, might be able to save this and reach the bracket stage, would have to make the finals to get a hardened card though.

  12. Bought this due to the 50% off coupon in my inventory and I started a career with the shortest races possible, began season 1 at ZRT and successfully led them to 4th in the constructors, finished 4th in my second season before moving to Kruger who were relegated after season 1 and failed to bounce straight back. With no personal changes and no chance for me to develop the car myself before the season opener I was surprised to win, as the saying goes 'if its not broken, don't fix it' so I stuck with the team as was, won the next two races and than on lap four of the fourth race both cars crashed out within a couple hundred yards of each other.

    Now that I have learnt the way the game works I am planning to start a new game with the race length set to the longest and make a diary based on the save, whether or not it makes it's way onto the forums is unknown but I'll post updates here.

  13. Not really focused on RTG this time out, was going to but have been playing alot of wild since I'm coming upto my ladder reward, an elite female. Pulled a hardened Becky Lynch so after this ladder I'll have my females for RTG will be Elite Nikki, SS Pro Sasha Banks, HD Carmella & HD Becky.

    Might do some more work on RTG once I get the reward in about 30 games, might not get the HD Samoa but be a good way to get cards for fusions or training.

    EDIT: My ladder reward was Nikki Bella.

  14. 26 minutes ago, Davidmarrio said:

    The programme I'm going to say isn't exactly an issue with the first season IMO but.....

    The Walking Dead Season 2. That for me stopped me getting into it as I was hooked during season 1 and then season 2 just felt like it dragged for ages. It felt tedious and boring a lot of the time up until the final few episodes but the majority of it was just crap. 

    I've only just managed to get past season 2 and that's after several attempts over the years in which I just gave in and never got round to watching it again. 

    I recently began watching The Walking Dead for the first time ever recently, I agree that the start of season 2 was a little tedious but it picked up again and I am glad I continued through it, I'm only about half way through season 4 so still have some catching up todo.

    Despite being a huge fan of the majority of Marvel's movies and shows, Agents of SHIELD was a slog initially. I also found the early parts of Daredevil and Jessica Jones to be a slog, Luke Cage wasn't so bad but took a few episodes to get into.

  15. 1 hour ago, the-giant-head-of-dean-malenko said:

    My only problem with Ace is that he's not "Ace" Bob Orton. Or "Ace In The Hole" Sonny Siaki. Or Johnny Ace.

    Deathlok, thanks so much for sticking around for this team event. Wish you and your new team all the best, brother!

    My new team is Elite tier so will give me a boost to the cards I can get in team events. It has been great being with you guys and keep up the hard work or I might come back and kick you into shape lol.

    1 hour ago, Chris2K said:

    I got Charlotte and she's fully levelled up, it wasn't quite enough to get us into Elite though.


    However it did get me into Elite and my freebie was another Kofi Kingston to add to my ever expanding list of left arrow cards (4 of my 5 strongest are left arrows...)

    I'm in the same boat with my best cards 4 of my best 5 are left arrows aswell, and this RTG will most likely add yet another left arrow to my RTG deck making it 8 out of the 16 males in the deck, the login bonus will be a nice change since it's a right arrow lol.

  16. That was a brilliant event for the team, I hope you all continue to push on and improve. It was great being part of a team with so many good players, Trey really dominates in every event, I was hoping to beat him this time but by the time I got started he had about 70 points lol.

  17. 16 minutes ago, GhostMachine said:

    I'd definitely complete at least a couple other series before starting NCIS, if I was in your situation. 

    Props to you for being able to binge watch that much AND juggling that many different shows. I once binge-watched the first two seasons of ARROW, and that alone drove me nuts. 

    Part of the reason I have so many on the go is because I hit a point where I can't watch it for a few days and watch something else, four of the eight series I have partially complete would become a show I only watched the new episodes once I catch up, the others are no longer airing and would lighten my load a great deal for awhile.

  18. Unsure if this is the right place to ask a question but it seemed better than starting a new thread, I binge watch alot of shows while also keeping up with current shows that I find interesting.

    One of the shows I am currently binge watching 6-10 episodes a week is JAG which used a double episode to introduce NCIS, I am almost at that point but am unsure if I could manage to add another series to my backlog of shows to binge to the most recent episodes, as things stand I have 8 series I'm binge watching at various stages of completion.

    Would you recommend that I complete a couple of the other series I have partially completed before adding NCIS to it? How many series do you normally have that your catching up on?

  19. Yeah, Supercard missed a real chance with this event and mostly by lack of communication. it's just after eight in the morning in the UK and if I'd known there wasn't anothercode I'd have grabbed some sleep after the Rumble.

  20. The preview for the TRTG is up, only card that would make a difference to any of my decks would be the Hardened Reigns which would push my RTG deck to HD+ everything else would be fusion/training fodder for me.
    I will be putting in as much effort as possible to make sure we all get that Hardened card, don't have work this week so I'll do a second night with little to no sleep if I have to.

  21. 1 hour ago, Blehschmidt said:

    I absolutely hate to see you go man, but good luck. Thanks for sticking around for one more event.


    Anyone else on here needing a team? Gonna need at least Wrestlemania Pro's or better in all three cards to make the team.


    12 minutes ago, Trey said:

    Yeah you've been a huge help, thanks for sticking it out for one more. Hate to see you go man. 

    Sticking around for one last event to make sure you have chance to find a new member rather than leaving without notice.

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  22. They are dropping on the hour mark Pacific time which is eight hours behind the UK, just before the hour open up twitter and refresh on the hour with the QR scanner ready to open, that's how I got mine.
    Rumours are circulating of one at 3pm UK time.

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