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Posts posted by SirEdger

  1. 9 hours ago, TheWho87 said:

    It's too early right now, depeds if anything comes from it, currently it just seems like when they loaned Nakamura for Muta's retirement match.

    From what's been speculated so far, it looks like they're gonna send a member of the No Quarter Catch Crew (probably Drew Gulak) to wrestle Nakajima for the Triple Crown title on 1/3/2024. Who knows if in return, we don't get an All Japan guy working an NXT event in exchange.

  2. It's probably set this way because of the fact that Ronda gave Alexa 2 straight concussions that almost cost her her career in 2018. As for the Sasha stuff, it had been well-known during their NXT days that they hated each other but I believe they patched things up since. So perhaps adjusting both to "dislike" instead of hate would be more appropriate.

  3. Well, that's the thing with Jacques Rougeau. He tends on embellishing a lot of his stories to make himself look good. For instance, he speaks at schools in Quebec about bullying and everything but doesn't make any bones about the fact that he knocked out Dynamite Kid with that roll of quarters, pretty much killing the badass aura that Tom Billington had until that point.

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