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Posts posted by ADG

  1. I don't think I'm going to bother with settlement building until there's either a massive overhaul of the editor or a mod that makes it a shit-tonne easier because it's just so fiddly and awkward to do right now.

    On an unrelated note I picked up an Explosive Combat Shotgun from a legendary and it's wonderful.

  2. Just had a wonderful run-in with a Legendary Assaultron. Had to take a hit of Psycho Jet and use my powered-up Kellogg's Pistol in VATS to take it down then run like hell to avoid the explosion that follows (got caught with that the first time!)

  3. Has anyone else went through the Boston Mayoral Bunker? I just did and want to know if anybody else had the same thing happen to them I just did.

    I got all the way through the bunker, no problems, nothing to even shoot at except a couple of turrets then suddenly when I turn to leave again the entire place is crawling with synths for no reason. They just all suddenly appeared.

  4. I love how the Brotherhood just randomly buzz overhead and pick fights. I was running around setting up Mercer Station and in comes a vertibird to fight raiders and gunners. Then the vertibird explodes and crashes into my settlement.

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  5. On PC you just press and hold down E over the body and it'll move when you walk/move the mouse. Can be used for any item you can pick up/interact with if you're like me in Fallout 3 and had to have all your skill books in the bookcase exactly right.

  6. Potential spoilers for happenings in Sanctuary...

    I gave Mama Murphy one dose of chems too many and she snuffed it. Now everyone in the town is just crowding round her corpse and they follow it if I drag it around. I tried to find out which part of her body they were mapped to follow but after hacking away with a bladed tire iron and only determining it wasn't her head I got impatient and thought I could dismember all her limbs with a mine. The mine explosion: [1] promptly crippled Preston Garvey and Jun Long and [2] blew Mama Murphy through an open window into a house where everybody went to crowd around her again I hope this isn't how they're going to be forever, my settlement isn't very big yet but I imagine we'll be attacked at some point and I don't need Sheffield fighting them off himself because everyone else is mourning Mama Murphy.

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  7. 36 minutes ago, Onion Apsham said:

    Hmm? The first time you do it and it's shown to you, you should have five people unless you are just talking about building a new one or it opened up somehow else for you. Regardless, what you can do is go to the Power menu and build a Recruitment Tower.

    You can also recruit people through talking to them.

    Sheffield in Diamond City can be recruited if you give him a Nuka Cola and then ask him if he wants to work for you.

  8. Mole Rats scared me enough with their...


    popping out of the ground.

    Has anyone run into any fun glitches yet? I've had a Deathclaw getting caught in the ground (making it far easier to kill to be fair) and the Minuteman guy walking about holding an invisible gun.

  9. Wasn't directly aimed at you just your post prompted it. Just I won't get to play it until Tuesday evening, I imagine that'll be the case for a lot of people and would like to avoid spoilers when coming into a topic for a game that isn't officially out to be spoiled yet. 

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