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Everything posted by Blehschmidt

  1. Ended up pairing Survivor Triple H from that KOTR!
  2. Decided I didn't have the ambition to play RTG to pair Survivor Kane, because you know...it's Kane. Half paying attention to a Survivor KOTR and actually made the tournament. Smashed my first round opponent. Just pulled a Survivor Mr. Perfect Manager card while farming for energy. 1-1 in the Semi's right now. Even if I win, I die in the finals. Hopefully whatever I get makes another pair.
  3. I'll be in for Team RD as well. Got my Survivor Fusion Owens and Survivor Taker Pro's ready to go. Also managed to win a Survivor KOTR over the weekend. Got Kane and Ultimate Warrior for winning.
  4. The Leg Pro's are my Diva's. So I'm out of luck.
  5. Anyone know if 3 Survivor Pro's, a Survivor Fusion Pro, and 2 Legendary Pro's will be enough to put me into Mania?
  6. Paired Survivor Undertaker in a KOTR last night, and just paired Survivor Fusion Kevin Owens today. My deck just took a huge jump once those are ready to pair! Not to mention Cena from Log In next week making a pair.
  7. I didn't necessarily mean that we would just quit playing, it just seems that we are about past the point of the Legendary card being something that people need, and the Survivor card will take a ridiculous amount of playing that none of us have the time to commit too because we have lives.
  8. So have we pretty much reached the point that Team RingDom is the only event truly worth our time? RTG is a lot of fucking playing for what basically amounts to Fusion Fodder for most of us at this point.
  9. Guys I will hopefully be able to help more a little later the eye doctor dilated my eyes and I can't see my phone enough to play using speak and type to put this on the board sorry
  10. Just wanted to take a second and say that you guys are awesome. My contributions this week sucked due to the aforementioned reasons, and then my buddy Scotty couldn't contribute like he wanted too either because all of that crazy flooding in the North East of the States making him crazy fucking busy at work. Yet still we nailed the Legendary card, because all of you guys are fucking machines. I really wish they'd move the team events to the weekends. We'd be crushing the Survivor card and more, no problem.
  11. Guys, I'll do what I can on Team RTG this week. But I've been suffering from severe migraines for the past several weeks and long periods of staring at screens seem to be one of the triggers. Being that I have to look at a computer for my job, I kind of have to choose my battles.
  12. Oh Yeah.....the Survivor Rusev in this Team Ring Dom will make my first Survivor Pro! That and the Legendary Nikki I paired winning a KOTR over the weekend will make lovely additions to my team and our team!
  13. I blew 100 credits and used some title matches on Rollins but I'm glad we got him. Also hit my 9000 games played and drew a Survivor Sting.
  14. Team RTG tomorrow. The Legendary Rollins will make a Pro for me and Scotty. Hopefully it helps out some other people too. Also, I am throwing a single Legendary Rusev in for training purposes in the early stages. I hope no one minds.
  15. Second Survivor Fusion ended up being Roman Reigns. Leg Rusev will make a pair. Good weekend of Supercard already!
  16. I've clicked the MITB thing well over a hundred times.....not a single chance for a free bout. Between this and RingDom, I think this game hates me.
  17. MITB is a full time mode. It shouldn't cause there too be less RTG's.
  18. That new mode sounds decent. and shit guys, if we keep at it, we might get Edge too!
  19. @Katsuya loves Oslo there is an opening on the team. Leave your Supercard name in here, and send a request to join in game.
  20. I pulled a Survivor Kofi Kingston off the board today. Will start my 2nd Survivor Fusion in the morning. Looks like Team Ring Dom tomorrow, apparently Survivor card is Undertaker. Also, which member of our team is RPS? If he is done, hopefully we can drop him and gets Kats in before the event starts.
  21. @RPS if you are certain you are done, I'll remove you. What was your name on Supercard? @Katsuya loves Oslo if RPS is out, would you like his spot?
  22. Great job everyone. Looks like I'm the last place guy this time! Sorry, work was just an unrelenting prick today. As for the Survivor card. I feel like we are finally good enough to get there, but between a job and needing sleep to function at said job... I have no idea how were supposed to have enough time to acquire that many points.
  23. That is the biggest problem with Supercard. Once you reach a certain level, all of the events become worthless, unless you are willing to spend money or have no job/life and are willing to sacrifice sleep to achieve. Then again, that's why it is a Freemium Game. The real question is.... We are most likely not going to get the Survivor Bret, and I know half the team already has a Leg Pro Stardust. So apart from Fusion Food, does anyone Actually need the Stardust for a Pro still?
  24. Survivor Fusion ended up being Kevin Owens. Pretty okay with that!
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