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Everything posted by Blehschmidt

  1. Be glad to add another Elite to my deck, and if we can manage to get the Hardened again too, all the better!!
  2. Add me to the got Alicia Fox crew. Disappointed as hell in her stats. But I didn't have the cards to start an Elite Fusion right now. Did start another Hardened. Maybe we'll all get lucky and pair her.... Other than Ace, I hope Ace gets all 5 singles before he pairs one!
  3. SS Miz made a pair. Pulled a Hardened Braun Strowman on the same draw as when I unlocked Miz. Decided to keep playing at work, I am now 8 points away from Jordan! First Hardened Fusion will come out on Sunday. Pro'ed Hardened Kallisto today as well. Good Supercard day/weekend
  4. My SS Fusion wasn't done until Saturday and they finished it! Didn't get a pair, so it went back in for a Hardened. RTG will net me a SS Pro Miz, but since I'm not good enough for the Elite card I'll probably stop there cause I'm not busting my ass for a Jason Jordan card.
  5. Hardened, Elite, and Ultimate Fusions coming after the update today!
  6. The event doesn't start until 2 hours later than normal for some reason. Just an FYI @Chris2K can you please swap your good cards back onto the team when you have a second. Thanks man!
  7. Team RTG starts today. Hardened is Kallisto (which is a Pro for me!) If people need to put cards in for training, that is cool, but can we please make sure the commons and uncommons still in from RingDom get switched, otherwise we'll get murdered! I don't know if we'll be good enough for the Elite card yet, but damn it, we can try.
  8. Got SS Claudio and Hardened Woods from RingDom. Super busy tomorrow so gonna stop there. Also managed to get the cards all leveled so I could put together SS Pro Orton, SS Pro Enzo, and Hardened Pro Zayn. All in all, a good weekend! EWB Hitmen members, please remember to swap your good cards back in before the event on Monday!
  9. Seriously, Fuck This Game. Another Pick Doubler. 2 Cards is all I'm gonna get from this. Unbelievable.
  10. I've pulled four more Pick Doublers.....
  11. Well, I've often said this game hates me, and today confirms it. I used the glitch and got a Hardened Nia Jax. After that, I told you guys about it. Then after getting a Rare, I pulled a Hardened Sami Zayn from a Royal Rumble while trying to remove cards from the board. So that may or may not have been legit. Since then I have pulled at least 13 Pick Doublers, and never gotten another tier pull, blowing 300 credits in the process. Asshole game.
  12. I take no responsibility if this comes back to bite any or all of us in the ass.
  13. I don't know about the rest of you guys, but Enzo makes a Pro for me. So if you crazy bastards have a little left in you, finishing him would be awesome.
  14. If you pull a Pick Doubler it resets the whole thing. Found that out on the 9th games of the 10 games my 200 credits bought me
  15. If trades's were allowed, I would give you my Uso for your Bo!
  16. I'm afraid of it too Ellis. I know glitches like this have been exploited all to hell in the past, but the one time I participate will be the one time they nail people. So I am going to be moderate and just do like 3 or 4, instead of spamming it all night. I did pair Sami Zayn though!!
  17. @Chris2K Can you swap out your Charlotte so GoGo and I can put some better cards back in. @Trey You too!
  18. Yes. 1 Rare, 1 Normal Tier.
  19. When we finish Zayn, we need to drop down to the SS card. There is a glitch, where If you drop your Ranked deck to Rare, then go to Team RingDom, and play until you pull a Rare card. Then go switch your Ranked deck back to whatever you actually are (Hardened/Elite) and play Team RingDom again, your next pull is a card of your tier!!!!
  20. R.W. that is me damn near all the time! Nice work Deathlok, hope you guys get him. Gosh Ace, off another team already? That's sad.
  21. Super pissed off. Have a notification that I have loot to claim, which appears to be an advertisement, and I blew 100 in game dollars trying to claim it, for which I got 3 health packs.......
  22. If we can get an Elite and a Hardened this week, we should definitely go for it!
  23. Thanks for answering all my questions so far. Think I am finally getting the hang of everything. Is there any way to unlock new superstar posters other than defeating them at the end of a tour? I just keep getting posters of the people I already have.
  24. So I have the option to Enhance my NXT Seth Rollins for 3000 coins and/or Fuse Up for 2000 coins Is one better than the other? Should I do both? Any particular order?
  25. I still can't figure out what I'm supposed to do with like the jump ropes, the microphone, the lantern, and the other "tokens"
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