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Posts posted by TheGrandAvatar

  1. I didn't expect to get a little emotional with a take X from A to B type of quest in State of Decay 2 when I returned to the Trumble Valley map from the first game. 

    Story spoilers below. 


    Ray Santos was a character I liked in the first game, and the dude gives you a fast car to mow down the zombies down with.

    He's like this helpful person in the valley who supplies people with anything they need to survive the zombie apocalypse in their time of need and does a pay it forward scheme in payment or asks them to help out other's with supplies. So nice kind of guy and pretty cool to work for. 

    Anyway I do know he's in the DLC Heartland as that is set before the main campaign of State of Decay 2. Plus having already met his character in the early part of it. However I'm yet to play it. 

    To the point of this post. You find him when you return to Trumble Valley in the main game as you need to check on him. He seems a little quiet and not so good. Which in turn you find out he is dying, he knows this as he has seen his father and grandfather the same way. It's cancer. Pretty much a gut punch and reality check of even if a zombie doesn't kill you out here, something else will do. You end up doing a few jobs for him. 

    I think I'm near the end of his characters life span.

    In the first game there's the church home which is the first base you have. Ray just asked me to pick him up and take him back to the church so he can 'stay' there until it's time. He gives you a story of how since the day's of his grandparents and before them someone has always gone every Sunday since it was built. Which I took as him going there every Sunday even after the apocalypse and to have his moments of peace. Him wanting to return to it just made me feel sad, but also understand how we turn to faith or stuff we remembered at time's of struggle, illness and with grief. Ray having probably lost a lot of good people he knew. 

    Escorting him there he reveals that he let some people take over and look after it but has not heard from them for a few days. Already this does not sound good.

    You have to kill the turned survivors in the end. To where Ray just says "They moved here wanting safety and to start a family." Think that is what stuck with me about all this and Ray. Came out of the base with the character and just sat in there car for a few moment's about the questline and how I would relate to it. 

    Quite an emotional gut punch. None of it is reality. But love a good story when it can make you think, but also question the characters and who they are, see their humanity and reasons with a moral compass. Yet you can relate to experiences of yourself, how you might feel and react.

    Never actually viewed State of Decay 2 before this way and it was a silly 'take X from A to B and kill the Zs' type quest of all thing's. No fancy cut scene. Just dialogue. 


    • Sad 2
  2. Watched Gordon, Gino and Fred's Road Trip last night with the partner as she loves it.

    They had been travelling Mexico. It was great with their humour, food and visuals of the country. Best bit was the Lucha Libre segment and I learnt a lot from this first exposure to it in a very weird way, and renewed an old interest in it. 

  3. This sucks. Once Upon A Crime was a childhood favourite film of mine to watch. His character and portayl was one I enjoyed. Remember him in Robin Hood Prince of Tights from around the same time. Wagons East also, yet not one I particularly liked with it being John Candy's last role.

    He's pretty much been in a lot of the films and TV shows I enjoyed growing up and fondly remember.

    He often spoke about his mental health troubles and his addictions throughout his life. How John Candy's death was a wake up call for him.

    I know his health hasn't been great for a while. Just very sad. 

    RIP Richard Lewis. 


  4. Managed to finish State of Decay 2 on Standard Zone with all four leader types. Now it is to Dread Zone. Luckily, there are quite a few decent guides on YouTube for new players, tips, and a 'How to Survive Lethal Zone' video series. It helps that the game has a passionate fan base that still plays the game.

    • Like 1
  5. Was a lot of nostalgic fun watching Gladiators. Did not intend to watch it. Just glad I did. A very fun time. Bradley Walsh and his son are fun hosts and it was pretty easy to get into and hyped for once the game's started. 

    The Gladiators helped a lot by having heel and face alignments. Much like wrestling. Which is probably why I'm enjoying the show so much.

    Even pulled my own knee getting up off the couch after it. :lol:

    • Haha 1
  6. Snagged the updated fixture list and put it in spoilers for anyone who needs to know what game is on what channel/website/player over the weekend. 

    Enjoy the FA Cup weekend. 


    Thursday 4th January 2024 


    Crystal Palace v Everton 

    FA Cup Third Round 

    ITV4 ITVX 

    Friday 5th January 2024 


    Tottenham Hotspur v Burnley 

    FA Cup Third Round 


    Saturday 6th January 2024 


    Sunderland v Newcastle United 

    FA Cup Third Round 



    Chelsea v Preston North End 

    FA Cup Third Round 

    BBC Red Button BBC iPlayer BBC Sport Website 


    Middlesbrough v Aston Villa 

    FA Cup Third Round 

    BBC OneBBC iPlayer BBC Sport Website 

    Sunday 7th January 2024 


    Manchester City v Huddersfield Town 

    FA Cup Third Round 

    BBC Red Button BBC iPlayer BBC Sport Website 


    Shrewsbury Town v Wrexham 

    FA Cup Third Round 

    S4C BBC iPlayer S4C Online 


    Arsenal v Liverpool 

    FA Cup Third Round 

    BBC One BBC iPlayer BBC Sport Website 

    Monday 8th January 2024 


    Wigan Athletic v Manchester United 

    FA Cup Third Round 



  7. Excited. Obviously it's just a trailer so far. But one I would buy on release date. It's been a tradition since Vice City to purchase on release date for GTA. Will be interested in returning to the modern world of Vice City, and also see if they mention Tommy Vercetti at least in a nod to the passing of Ray Liotta last year. 

    I'm happy to see a female character in GTA. I often used to use a cheat code to change the character model in 3 and San Andreas. So it really doesn't bother me, and I'm actually interested in how the story will be with the female character. 

    I hardly touched Online in IV or V. So hopefully Rockstar will still build on the single player experience this time, instead of just online content. Although. Seeing as they are already probably going to stagger release dates as mentioned in here. Probably not.

  8. State of Decay 2.

    Cleared the blood plague hearts off the current map. Managed to build quite a team so far. Sure some will be added to my legacy pool for another playthrough with them.

    The updates have made the game very enjoyable. The curveballs really make you have to think what is best and manage what it throws at you. It is a lot more fun than it was at launch in 2018 and a lot of the game has changed since then. Mentioned that the other week on about this game in another thread. 

    Anyway have started a new community as I made some mistakes and want to use my set of survivors and skip the tutorial. Aiming to beat it again so I can get the benefits again. Had not managed to do that on this last playthrough. 

    • Like 1
  9. 53522007.png

    Simple prompt of make me a character like Tony Khan but out of his head on cocaine for the CVerse.

    Welcome Tony Elite. Job done.

    But yeah it is a crapshoot on what you get really. Have managed fine tune the prompts used, which programme setting, version used and what style it is in. 

    Here's quite a few of mine.





    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Ruki said:

    Oh, absolutely! I haven't watched it in years, I doubt it has aged well at all (outside of some episodes).

    The Ben episode is what stuck with me and probably the saddest episode of the series that I remember watching. It had a few emotional kickers at time's. 

  11. 1 hour ago, GhostMachine said:

    I'm more a fan of horror that relies on scares and terror than gore. While I love the Re-Animator, Evil Dead (Ash) and A Nightmare On Elm Street (with Robert Englund as Freddy) franchises, I'd much rather watch an old school Vincent Price horror movie (even the cheesy ones) any day.

    And the last two Halloween movies were crap.

    You can't beat the classic Vincent Price, Lon Chaney Jr, Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff classic horror movies. Even the cheesy Hammer Horror and their rival films from Amicus are still decent enough to watch these days. I also find them less taxing. 

    Watched Midsommar recently and the opening has stuck with me more than the rest of the film did. It's unerving, filmed in a way to get you to feel how you do with it, a brutal kicker and one that I think probably unnerved me a lot more due to my own trauma. 

    I will stick to classic horror, slasher and zombie films in future. . :lol:

    • Like 2
  12. Had my first taste of the blood plague in State of Decay 2. It's not fun.

    Was scouting for medicine for another group of survivors, and while searching accidentally made a noise. This attracted what was around. About five zombies. So had to shoot them to take at least two out and even the odds. My character was knackered. Whacked the remaining three and just had the stamina for that. Great I thought. Job done. Medicine on my back. However. Realised the gunshots had attracted a group of blood plague zombies. Had to run past them to the truck and get out of there. Luckily made the medicine drop off and back to base for the treatment and was able to cure okay due to having made some blood plague vaccines from collection of samples and a good supply of medicine and a decent infirmary. Was able to trade some away for a few items and mods we needed on the base. 

  13. On 10/10/2023 at 10:44, michgcs said:

    Would love to see some images of your C-Verse CAWs.


    On 12/10/2023 at 06:56, K said:

    everytime i see someone post a CAW it's always that one braided haircut or that one incredibly triangular beard

    Hahaha. Unfortunately it's the best you can get with how bare bones it is. Had to work around it myself and suspend a lot of disbelief in CAW modes. 


    Had to do this for these. Liberty is not the Cverse Liberty (making him later) this is Captain Liberty I wanted to create after making them a user character in the CVerse 1997 mod on TEW 2020.

    Nemesis just has this attire but a mask on and off variant. Wanted to give him a slasher style hockey mask as it seemed fitting with the influence of DAVE at the time, along with SkullDeBones. 

    Rip Chord. Has the basic Ric Flair blue attire. Which I've used for his HGC 97 run. I'm going to create his Texas drinker and brawling attire from early career, HGC Slic Rip, Syndicate Boss attire and a lot more. He's modeled on Ric Flair for myself and influences of Texas Wrestlers from 1970s to 2000s. Added knee brace to signify his knee blow out and surgery before 97. 

    Sam Strong has a few attires. Basic one is his early APWF/Chicago attire that it before he had the last name Strong and it was Stragavelli. Which is Italian colours. There's his basic red, white and blue attire as Strongamania hit the SWF. An alternative Red and Yellow and then Syndicate Sam Strong as an evil boss tyrant figure which was built into his Hollywood Sam Strong gimmick. There's also a black and white attire variant like Hollywood Hogan. 

    Liberty will be next. As I want his American bleach blonde gimmick, his facepainted attire and then into The Crow Sting style. 

    Only issue is the game has been crashing whenever I've tried to play it, and a bug where I ended up not being able to do anything in a tag team match. Still had a very fun tag team match with the four of them when I did get some time. 

    • Like 4
  14. Been playing State of Decay 2.

    Like it a lot better than the 1st game, and what 2 was like when it launched. The patches they've done and features added over time have made it a lot better than it felt in 2018. Slowly building up a base and collecting resources. We have enough outposts to bring in ammo, medical, food and parts. 

    On 13/10/2023 at 09:13, stokeriño said:

    My same issues remain from what I previously played only a very small amount of Stellaris, I.E. I don't know what I'm doing and can't resource manage to save my life. 😂 Still, enjoying it on some level nonetheless.

    That was my issue with Stellaris and Surviving The Aftermath too. Resources.

    It's funny that both game's are from the same company and yet it's the same problem for me. Resources and trying to expand to quickly, or not knowing what to focus on.

    Have an eye on the Star Trek game. Might check a few streams out, or video's on it before I purchase it. 

  15. Probably 1 first. That game just stuck with me and was the first I really enjoyed on the PS1.

    The Russian Gunship line lives rent free in my head since that day, and made me a fan of the Russian Hind helicopter. Those rotar blade noises and battle on the roof are great. 

  16. Excellent. I've been using some tools myself. So this is perfect. Could be good to use this as a thread for new created people for the CVerse if people need pictures or just free pictures to put in the free picture file. The same for logo's too.

  17. On 10/10/2023 at 10:44, michgcs said:

    Would love to see some images of your C-Verse CAWs.

    Playing this on the Steam Deck and it just sucks that there's currently a bug where there's no audio in the game :(

    Oh no. That does suck. You'd think they would be working on it. But considering how this game has been. Probably not. Do hope you can enjoy some of it even without audio. I will play anything. Even this heap of a mess. Yet. This is me who played the NSTC version of PS1 WWF Smackdown! In black and white, it was clearly a copy that the developers sent to a magazine review company. Funny what you remember at time's. 

    Will get around to maybe posting some. I need to create some more and also fiddle with alternative attires. But I'm hoping to create The Black Serpent Cult, Sean McFly, Eric Tyler and Mr Lucha soon. 

  18. This has been fun to dip in and out of still. It's exactly what I thought it would be. Not the greatest. But fun to have a few quick matches when you want to game.

    Decided to have a look at my stats anyway. Playing on medium have 86 wins and 12 loses. Mostly it has been 1 on 1 matches played by myself. Most used is CM Punk. :shifty: Used 29 times. 

    Have created quite a few CVerse CAWS I wanted to use. Enjoyed fiddling with create an arena and made a few variations from high school gyms to Japan. 

    Had a lot of fun matches. CM Punk and his war with Jack Perry was fun. Ended up trapping Punk in the world's most devastating move the surprise roll up. He became AEW Champion. Rematch he did it again. Punk lost the tag team match when he teamed with Christian Cage. This took it to another light's out match. Fire, barbed wire, thumbtacks and of all thing's glass stopped Jungle Boy from walking out with the belt, again. 

    Enjoyed battling Ruby Soho as Kris Statlander. It became a war of respect. The same as Sam Strong's time battling The Hooded Kudo in Japan. It made it feel like a hard hitting stiff Japan brawl with trading blows, chops and power moves. Hit the Judas Effect which I use as Sam Strong's Strong Arm Tactic finisher to end several of those matches. 

    Next step Tommy Cornell will be created. 

    • Like 2
  19. Ah good old faithful is in the team, that being Maguire. He must be like a lucky rabbits foot or something to Southgate. Yet he's someone I enjoy being in the squad. 

    Good team. A lot of my favourites are preliminary in, unless of injuries that might take them out before the game. Excited for Watkins being back. 

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