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  1. Steamboat has still been around a few times. Steve Austin and Ric Flair have wrestled more recently than Goldberg, but he's still there... Aalyah Mysterio Jimmy Havoc Andrei Arlovski Junior Dos Santos Kaitlyn Velveteen Dream Michael Tarver Joe Hennig etc... are still in. I'd understand deleting jabronis nobody cares about that are no longer around, but in a database of 3000+ workers it's quite baffling that some of the biggest stars in the history of the business, who are still able to work in some capacity and people would actually want to use, have been removed. It was easy enough for me to add them and a few others back in, though, and I appreciate your efforts nonetheless.
  2. Am I blind or are The Rock, Austin, Steamboat, etc. just not in the data?
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