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Posts posted by Chris2K

  1. From a pure Gladiator standpoint I remain firmly on the Nitro train, he has shown himself to be good/great at every event, and has so much personality and charisma to make a name for himself outside the show.

    Legend has done a great job as well, Diamond and Sabre are stand-outs too but don't really seem to have found their role on the show yet. Fury is probably the best female Gladiator in that regard as she's constantly being the friendly tough girl who'll play hard then hug you afterwards. Viper certainly has his role, but it's really not working.

    Those six, Apollo, Giant and Dynamite have been front and centre, but that has left Bionic, Fire, Electro, Athena and Phantom on the outside, mostly taking part in group Gladiator events or short individual ones. And Comet as well, but her leg was in multiple pieces quite early on. I feel like they need to something to level out how often each Gladiator is featured, otherwise what's the point in having more than 10?

    • Like 1
  2. This week's show has been postponed due to the Man City/Newcastle FA Cup tie.

    The folks on Reddit have gone nuclear about "sports always ruining the TV schedule", and my attempts to point out that more people like football than Gladiators haven't gone down well.

    • Haha 1
  3. On a slightly related YouTube topic, my favourite video game YouTubers Outside XBox/Outside Xtra are doubling down on their D&D content (believed to be because they get paid independently from the Gamer Network for D&D videos), so their video game content has become gradually less and less, to the extent it's now 1 list video a week and 1 live stream a month (if any) between the two channels, with the occasional video sponsored by the game they're playing.

    It's a real shame that they seem to be moving on, particularly if, like me, you're not interested in D&D, but it's their decision at the end of the day and nothing lasts forever.

  4. I've just bought Lost Judgement as it was on sale, but I know Judgement is the first game so I'm waiting for that to be on sale as well before I play Lost Judgement.

    11 hours ago, GoGo Yubari said:

    Didn't love who the final enemy ended up being though I get that there's a sort of

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    Kiryu vs. kind of a fragmented mirror version of himself when he was younger thing going on with Aizawa.



    I honestly couldn't remember who it was when they met with Saejima in the Colosseum, but that could be because I had stopped playing the game for a long time between Kiryu's adventures as a taxi driver and completing Saejima's interminable prison/hunting stuff.

    Him being a lacklustre main antagonist isn't helped by him getting defeated by another protagonist in the previous chapter, no idea what the thought behind that was.


    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Benji said:

    I find Viper cheating every single time to be utterly dull. I know Wolf did it on occasion, but it wasn't every time, and most of his heelness came from his post event antics from what I recall. Is my memory wrong @Chris2K?

    No you're about right, certainly the biggest difference is that Wolf's behaviour was pre or post game, and whilst he lost quite a lot he rarely got intentionally disqualified or actively looked like he was trying to lose. Viper feels like he's gone off the deep end of being a whipping boy, to the point that it's just assumed he'll lose every time.

    They do really need to stop the best loser for next series, and I'm sure the BBC might be willing to give them more episodes. Doing it once for the 1/4 final is understandable, but again for the semi final is ridiculous. Imagine someone getting through to the semis after losing twice, but boy can they climb a cargo net quickly.

    On that note, I've just finished watching one of the 1996 International Gladiators semi finals...


    and the UK champion Mark Everitt had to pull out through illness, so they replaced him with a guy who lost in the opening round of the 1996 series, but had the fastest eliminator time. To face the Australian champion who had won every show he had competed in. The Australian guy won.


    • Thanks 1
  6. The drama at RB was something worth watching at least. It continued on the cooldown lap as well with Yuki divebombing Danny Ric at turn 1.

    Meanwhile, Alpine's Technical Director and Head of Aero have already tendered their resignation.

    • Haha 2
  7. Thank God Betti has gone. From pushing Fury's face into the mat during The Ring, to being the worst competitor in Duel history, in addition to her antics during the Eliminator in the first round, she may be the most unsporting and unlikeable contender from any series. That said, the editing made it very clear she will be the fastest loser, so I expect she'll be back.

    Kinda glad Ash didn't get through as well, I appreciate his representation but he looked constantly scared during every game against a Gladiator and offers barely any challenge until the Eliminator.

    Legend was my favourite Gladiator this week, got me to properly laugh twice with his interviews with Bradley.

    • Like 2
  8. Apparently it's not just a bunch of stuff, it's every piece of evidence from the investigation, and its been sent to every media outlet, team principal and F1 executive.

    This is going to be an interesting 24 hours...


  9. Yakuza Like A Dragon is done, and it still may be my favourite of the series. The JRPG aspect really appeals to me, and I would probably be happy grinding levels on every possible job type if I hadn't manage to convince myself I need to move on to the next game. 


    Whilst I was frustrated at losing to Majima/Saejima, and even more so after the third time, the euphoria I felt after eventually beating them was probably worth it. It's crazy how much harder their battle was than anything after it, even Tendo was just a case of grinding down his health and occasionally healing, and Aoki's battle is naturally a curbstomp.

    Kiryu's re-introduction as a fist coming in from off-screen to knock out an Omi yakuza may be one of my favourite cut scenes in video game history. When it got to his actual talking though I couldn't deal with his English voice, and ended up going back to the menu to switch the audio to Japanese until his part in the story was done.

    The story is so good, with ridiculous levels of emotion. I can't say I emphasise with Ichiban too much because I think he forgives people far too easily, particularly Namba who I will never trust, and his complete refusal to accept that Aoki/Masato was irredeemable nearly got several people killed.

    On to Man Who Erased His Name now, but I kinda wish I was going straight into Infinite Wealth. And not just because I'm expecting to cry.


    • Like 3
  10. I've started watching Drive to Survive season 6, because apparently I'm still a glutton for punishment, and just to add to the pain they now have "F1 expert", and the dictionary definition of a Karen, Danica Patrick as one of their main talking heads.

    I swear, if she starts one more sentence with "as a race car driver" I am giving up. It's even more strange for her to say that seeing as she doesn't believe the female mind can cope with motor racing.


    Holy crap. Episode 2 opens with Father Christmas visiting the Horner household and asking his kids "has daddy been a good boy this year"?

    I did a literal spit-take.

    • Haha 2
  11. I dunno, I thought Apollo's character development was great this week, from dumping Jake into the ball bin and showing no remorse, to singing Another One Bites The Dust.

    I have very few complaints this week, which is a nice feeling. Really enjoyed the episode and glad the two contenders that went through did. Chung is a prototypical contender in being small enough to do well with agility events and the eliminator, plus being a perfect victim for a Duel thrashing.

    Meanwhile Bionic turned up for the show, only appeared in Duel, won in 5 seconds, and went home. Good work if you can get it.

  12. I liked the IST, but everything you say is correct in terms of that the players shouldn't have to be motivated to play the game they're being paid millions of dollars a year for, and it probably is too long a season. The courts were the only negative I really had.

    The All-Star game was as meaningless as always, but I did think Dame's half court shooting was pretty impressive, and it's quite funny that KAT has scored 50 twice this season, and has lost both games. He's my favourite player, but he really is too obsessed with his stat line.

    It seemed pretty clear that the judging panel on the dunk contest was doing their best to score based on the round, not on the actual dunk. McClung's first dunk, with the grab, release, catch and reverse dunk, was by far the best but got horrible scores even compared to Brown's standard dunks.

  13. Had a nightmare on Yakuza LAD yesterday (not Infinite Wealth).


    I had forgotten how difficult the Majima/Saejima battle was, and after my initial excitement at seeing them was over I was quickly reminded with a curb stomp battle where I didn't even reach the Saejima stage.

    That's fine, I thought, I'll go back to my last manual save and train up at the Sotenbori Battle building for a while. Except it turned out I had lost track of time, and my last save was 5 hours beforehand, having spent that time doing the Business Management game to get 30 million yen, exploring all of Sotenbori, maxing out bond levels with Namba (who I still will never forgive for his treachery), Joon-Gi Han and Zhao, and of course the pre-requisite hours of cutscenes.

    That's fine, I thought, the autosave will have no doubt kicked in at some point. And it had! 14 seconds after my manual save, and not a single time after that.

    I took out my frustration by skipping every cutscene, hammering the A button through the Business Management game to get my money again, then slaughtering 25 levels of the battle arena to get all my party up to Level 45 with my favoured job ranks at 22+. And more importantly, I saved the game.

    With that done I went back through the Omi HQ to Majima and Saejima... and lost again.


    • Haha 4
  14. I'm still irrationally annoyed about how a contender is allowed to just say they don't want to do an event because they might aggravate an injury. Either you're fit enough to take part or you're not. The show literally started with a contender dropping out because they were injured, a contender who got injured and still did two more events including winning an eliminator before being ruled out.

    There was also no direct penalty involved, they said he lost the chance to score points but that's only a penalty if the other contender does score some in the event. If Wesley had scored 0 in Gauntlet (seemingly impossible in this format as it is) then would this still have been allowed?

    Anyway, to calm myself down, here are some Duel statistics from Series 1-4.

    For clarity, "Won" means knocked the contender off or the contender was disqualified, "Lost" means the Gladiator was knocked off or was disqualified, and "Time Limit" means they went the full 30 seconds.

    Female Gladiators

    Total of 74 matches:

    Won 19 times

    Lost 7 times

    Drawn 48 times

    Individual - Rankings based on 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw, -2 for a loss

    1. Nightshade - 11 wins, 8 Draws, 1 Loss - 39 points

    2. Lightning - 5 Wins, 8 Draws, 2 Losses - 19 points

    3. Falcon - 1 Win, 8 Draws, 0 Losses - 11 points

    4. Panther - 0 Wins, 9 Draws, 1 Loss (her first 8 fights were draws) - 7 points

    5. Flame - 0 Wins, 6 Draws, 0 Losses - 6 points

    6. Jet - 1 Win, 2 Draws, 0 Losses - 5 points

    =7 Amazon - 0 Wins, 3 Draws, 0 Losses - 3 points

    =7. Zodiac - 1 Win, 2 Draws, 1 Loss - 3 points

    9. Scorpio - 0 Wins, 2 Draws, 2 Losses - -2 points

    No Duel appearances as of the end of Series 4 - Phoenix, Vogue

    International Gladiators - Flash (Finland) - 0 Wins, 4 Draws, 0 Losses

    Male Gladiators

    Total of 86 matches*

    Won 54 times

    Lost 15 times

    Drawn 17 times

    *More matches are due to the Celebrity Specials only using Male Gladiators for Duel

    Individual - Rankings based on 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw, -2 for a loss

    1. Shadow - 21 wins, 8 draws, 2 losses - 67 points

    2. Hunter - 9 wins, 3 draws, 0 losses - 30 points

    3. Warrior - 7 wins, 2 draws, 3 losses - 17 points

    4. Trojan - 6 wins, 1 draw, 2 losses - 15 points

    5. Cobra - 4 wins, 1 draw, 1 loss - 11 points

    6. Raider - 2 wins, 0 draws, 0 losses (and he's done, so he'll stay at 100%) - 6 points

    7. Saracen - 3 wins, 0 draws, 2 losses - 5 points

    8. Rhino - 1 win, 1 draw, 1 loss - 2 points

    9. Wolf - 1 win, 1 draw, 4 losses - -4 points

    Only Hawk (the Welsh one) never made a Duel appearance.

    International Gladiators

    1. Sabre (USA) - 1 win, 1 draw, 0 losses - 4 points

    2. Hawk (USA) - 1 win, 0 draws, 1 loss - 1 point

    3. Dynamite (Russia, not the tiny one from 2024) - 0 wins, 0 draws, 2 losses - -4 points

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