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Evil Chase K

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Posts posted by Evil Chase K

  1. I'm getting so sick of Matt Cooke's shit.

    That hit didn't cost the Pens the game, but there's no place for that in hockey. I like Matt Cooke's game when he's not doing ridiculous shit like this. Unfortunately you can't overlook this shit.

    To be fair, he's only wearing a letter because Crosby, Malkin, and Orpik are down.

  2. Coming into the tournament this year I was cautiously optimistic. I thought Pitt had a chance to make a run this year, but I was telling everyone who considered this Pitt team to be Jamie Dixon's best yet that they were idiotic.

    I hate being right. Fuck.

    I'm done. Until these assholes can prove that they're worth anything come tourney time I'm not getting my hopes up. I'm not even going to watch the fucking games.

    So many stupid decisions. Dixon's decision to make his offense hold the ball until there were 10 seconds left on the shot clock before going into their offense, Wannamaker then passing the ball back out with 2 seconds left on the shot clock instead of forcing a shot and hoping for a foul, Travon Woodall deciding to be Carl Krauser and drive the length of the court himself with no one set up for a rebound and then taking a fucking charge and then with 1.8 seconds left Nasir Robinson deciding to fucking foul that Butler asshole instead of just letting him get the rebound and going into OT.

    What a mindblowing game. How in the fuck do you commit that penalty at the end of the game like that? How does that make any sense? Did Jamie Dixon not tell his players to allow Butler to rebound the ball if it was tied and Brown missed the second shot? If no, why didn't he? Was Butler really going to set up a reasonable shot attempt with 1.9 left?


  3. This is all the owners fault in the first place.

    I don't think the NFLPA was overstepping it's boundaries by asking to see proof that the owners needed more money. I think that every NFL team that is playing in a taxpayer funded stadium should have it's books available to the public anyway, so why can't they show the players?

    Both sides are wrong here but it was the greed of the owners that started all of this so I hope that in the end they lose and come out much worse off than they were prior to them opting out of the CBA.

    • Like 1
  4. Yawn, same old Pitt.

    I never understood why the locals were saying this team was the best Jamie Dixon's ever had. The 08 team with DeJuan Blair and Sam Young was much better. Is anyone surprised that the best player on the court made the game winning shot at the buzzer? I know I'm not.

    I expect Pitt to make another Sweet 16 exit this season. If they get that far.

  5. Campbell isn't going to rule on any punishment because of his son being Chara's teammate.

    The one thing the NHL consistently fails at is punishing players hard enough to prevent future incidents like this one.

    Giving Chara 4-5 games does nothing to make players in the league think about hitting someone and putting them in a situation where a broken vertebrae and a severe concussion (if not worse) are potential outcomes.

    You'd have to think that giving Chara 15-20 games would make players around the league think twice before driving someone into the boards like that.

    And if the NHL is truly serious about player safety this is something that they'll have to seriously consider.

  6. Trevor Gillies getting 10 games was pathetic. What Chara did is 1,000X worse than both of Gillies transgressions combined.

    If Chara gets any less than 20 for this, it is a disgrace. 20 might even be too little.

    He clearly lifts Pacioretty up into the air and guides him into the glass.


  7. After reading his tweets I'm starting to think this is all an act. Or at the very least he's not as crazy as he seems.

    He keeps referring to all of his recent lines that have been popular in a way that tells me he's extremely aware of the reaction he's getting. If he was crazy, I would think he'd be oblivious to all of it.

    Perhaps Charlie Sheen is playing all of us.

    • Like 1
  8. Maybe I'm slightly insane but I'm really looking forward to baseball season this year. Maybe it's the fact that I'm likely to have a more prominent role behind the scenes of the Pirates gameday broadcasts, or maybe it's just that the team finally has some good young talent but either way I'm excited.

    The fact that the Pirates didn't lose to the State University of Florida Manatees this year helps too.

  9. I think the Steelers need someone else in the secondary. Even if Ike Taylor comes back, that is the obvious weakness of the teams defense and an issue they need to address. Another LB to eventually replace Harrison would be nice too, but we always seem to get guys who can do that pretty easily anyways.

    The Steelers had the #1 defense in the NFL so while saying that they need a DB is true, unless that DB is Brandon Harris I really really really hope they go with a Tackle in the first round.

    That is assuming they can keep Ike Taylor though. If Taylor's gone then they'll need to go CB in Round One.

    Harrison is going to play out his contract (2014) and be done. They have time to replace him unless he gets hurt and they're high on Worilds.

    The O-Line actually played a lot better than I expected until they were decimated with injuries. It's hard to find a lot of needs when you make the Super Bowl and lose a close game, but those are things I can think of off the top of my head.

    The Steelers need to upgrade three offensive line positions (LG, RG, RT). Now I think Ramon Foster can be their starting RG of the future, I don't know if the Steelers agree.

    Chris Kemoeatu is garbage and needs upgraded yesterday. At right tackle they have 96 year old Flozell Adams if he comes back. Or they can re-sign Willie Colon but that's just stupid.

    Unless Brandon Harrison or Cameron Heyward are going to be the pick at 1.31 then I'd like to think they'll go for a Tackle.

  10. I liked GoGo. But with Letang here, the Pens didn't need him.

    He's a less dynamic not as skilled version of Letang. And the Penguins have a dearth of talent at the position, especially with Simon Despres on his way to the NHL next season.

    Goligoski was going to be a cap casualty at some point anyway, so from the Pittsburgh standpoint this was an amazing trade.

    James Neal will be the most talented winger Crosby has played with since Hossa, and Neal has a more conplimentary skill set to Crosby's. I can see Neal on the powerplay with Crosby and Malkin next season.

    I'll take it.

  11. I liked GoGo. But with Letang here, the Pens didn't need him.

    He's a less dynamic not as skilled version of Letang. And the Penguins have a dearth of talent at the position, especially with Simon Despres on his way to the NHL next season.

    Goligoski was going to be a cap casualty at some point anyway, so from the Pittsburgh standpoint this was an amazing trade.

  12. Guys stop it. We live in a world where the Pittsburgh Steelers aren't champions. Let's celebrate that fact.

    :lmao:I love getting a glimpse into the psyches of desperate Ravens fans.

    Seriously though, Baltimore tried getting tougher to compete with the Steelers, while the Steelers got faster and more explosive. I think that's where I'd go if I was Baltimore. Boldin is nice, without Fitzgerald on the other side he's merely a nice piece.

    Another QB wouldn't hurt either.

    And you can keep trolling just like Chase does.



    As far as the Steelers go I really only see three major needs this off-season.

    1.) Cornerback

    Only a desperate need if Ike Taylor walks in Free Agency. But if I guy like Brandon Harris is there at 1.31 he has to be the pick.

    2.) Guard

    Chris Kemoeatu has to go. Ramon Foster can be a good guard in the league with a few more years of work. Max Starks is a proven starting LT in the league. Pouncey is going to be great for years to come. Right Tackle is a position that the Steelers need to upgrade if Flozell Adams doesn't come back, but it isn't as easy for the Steelers to upgrade RT as it is LG.

    3.) Defensive Line Depth

    Aaron Smith was the best 34 DE in the NFL from the moment he became a starter. But with his inability to stay healthy it makes more sense to let Ziggy Hood be the starter and let AA be a wave player where he can contribute on 15-20 snaps or so a game.

    4.) Linebacker

    If Woodley leaves (which I don't see happening) then the Steelers have to go out and find a legitimate pass rusher to replace him. If Woodley returns, the Steelers still need to find an OLB to replace Harrison when he retires in 2013. If that player is Jason Worilds, great. If not, they better find him soon. Inside linebacker is a mess. Lawrence Timmons is solid, but you don't know when the wheels will fall off James Farrior. Behind them you have a decent Larry Foote and awful Keyaron Fox who should've been cut immediately after SBXLV ended.

  13. You've said a lot of stupid NFL related stuff but this one is right up there. Me wanting a 18 game season somehow means I am not a football fan?

    You are the king of saying stupid Anything-related things. So you really have no write to talk.

    And yes, that's exactly what it means.

    18 games is good for the owners, it is bad for the players and fans of competitive football.

    You're forgetting the reason for the extra games is essentially "SHOW ME THE MOOOOOOOONNNNNEEEEYYYYY!"

    Everyone other than sahyder understands that adding two games on the back end of the schedule would be basically the same as forcing the average fan to watch two meaningless preseason games disguised as regular season games for most of the teams right?


    A team that has clinched a playoff berth by Week 17 is going to shut it down unless they can improve their playoff position. A team that is out of it by Week 17 is going to shut it down and the few teams battling for playoff spots will lose players to injury before the playoffs begins. Adding 160 players to the league means we're watering down the product even more during those final weeks of the season. What they're proposing is similar to MLB's expanded roster in September. Teams that are out of it will give new players who weren't good enough to be on the team all year a chance to play. Ask a fan of a team that was mathematically eliminated by Week 14 or 15 if they really want to watch 2 more weeks of games.

    All it's going to take is for a star player like Manning or Brady to get hurt late in the season during a playoff run or miss an entire 18-game season before people begin to bitch and moan about it and force the NFL to change the rules even more to prevent injury.

    If you want to add meaningful games to the NFL schedule all they need to do is add another 2 or 4 total playoff teams. That way you add an extra week of the postseason, but you're not forcing the entire league to go through the motions for 3 extra weeks (2 weeks of games plus a potential 2nd bye week) to pack in maybe 5 or 6 games that matter to the end result of the regular season.

    This is a great idea.

    What people forget when they clamor for 18 games is that not every team can sell out 8 home games let alone 9. At least if you add extra playoff games you're pretty much guaranteeing they will involve teams who will not only sell out their stadiums but will be teams people want to watch on tv.

    No one wants to watch Cardinals/Browns in Week 17 let alone in Week 19.

  14. Maybe because Palmer is younger, is coming off a better season, and ya know.... hasn't gotten to the point of his career where he gets benched for Rex Grossman?!?! :w00t: Don't get me wrong, Palmer not a real option, nor is McNabb a bad choice. Especially considering the Niners are looking at another season with Alex Smith or a rookie QB. However as I said, Carson Palmer is not an option. The Bengals are going to call his bluff and make him retire before they trade him. They didn't cave for Chad Johnson, why would they cave in with Palmer?

    I don't think Mike Shanahan benching McNabb for Grossman is an indictment on McNabb's abilities.

    While neither QB has been "clutch" in their career, I'd take my chances with McNabb before I'd consider putting my season in the hands of Carson Palmer.

  15. I'd prefer Carson Palmer over McNabb.


    I have said for years that the NFLPA is really weak and the NFL always wins out but that is more an argument in favor of more games then less. The NFLPA will give in. Equipment does matter. As the padding is getting better and lighter the players will still be able to perform at a top level while having the needed protection. The whole "zero reward" for the players make no sense. NFL revenue is growing every year. Even if players stay at the same % of revenue they are getting more money each year. That doesn't change that the NFL owners have taken advantage of the players but it is far from "zero reward" for the players.

    Money isn't everything.

    The owners will not give in on healthcare and insurance issues. Right now, an NFL player has to play 3 seasons of football in order to receive 5 years of insurance after their career ends. The NFL has yet to be willing to compromise and drop that number so players would have to play an additional six games just to get health insurance for 5 years.

    The owners and by extension Roger Goodell have proven that they do not give a fuck about player safety. The whole hard hits crackdown was a PR move. If the NFL truly cared they would take 18-games off the table or at least concede something toward giving the players better healthcare after they retire from the NFL.

    I am hoping that the 18-games idea is just a bargaining chip by the owners to be pulled as a concession for the players giving in to something the owners really want.

    I couldn't disagree more with your "concussion/head injuries" comment. These injuries aren't increasing, they are just being diagnosed properly. Ten years ago these guys were being allowed to play thinking they just had a headache.

    If you don't think bigger bodies running faster and with more velocity than ever before doesn't cause more concussions then you're naive.

    I'm not saying I know for sure that more concussions are happening, but it just makes sense to me that as the players in the league get bigger, stronger, and faster hits are going to be harder and harder and will likely lead to more concussion.

    There really is no right or wrong answer here. I want more football and you want less. Neither of us will change our minds on it.

    If you're a fan of the game you'd want 16 games.

    Why would you want 18 games of watered down football? With 18 games you'll either see more injuries to top players and (with the expanded rosters the owners would have to agree to in order to keep more players on the team for depth reasons) games being played with guys you've never heard of who in years past would've been XFL or UFL players, or you'll see an NFL so concerned with injuries that physical football is all but legislated out of the game in favor of Arena Football League-esque track meets where teams win games 60-54.

    18 games is going to be horrible for the players and the fans. But hey the owners and the league make more money so we should all be cool with that right?

  16. http://www.cbssports...legendary-pairs

    (Tomlin/Ben approaching legendary pair status)


    (Big Ben not Bradshaw on alltime Steelers team)


    (Bill Polian says Ben is up there with Peyton and Brady)


    (Ben had edge over Rodgers)

    Just some of the nonsense posted on national websites since the SB pairing was set.

    That still doesn't account for all the "analysts" arguing the exact opposite.

    Wow, my prediction was only a point off....damn 2 pt. conversion :angry:

    But good for Rodgers, good for the Packers. I was a Rodgers fan since he was drafted, and never disliked Green Bay for any reason. Glad they won tonight, also glad it was a really good game. Pittsburgh played really well too, and just as easily could've won the game. That missed pass to Wallace followed by the HUGGGE whiff on that 52-yard FG absolutely killed Pittsburgh's momentum.

    So, how long 'till a CBA gets done?

    Could not disagree more.

  17. I'd hardly say Rodgers had a lesser reputation than Ben. Obviously less prolific in the post-season but most people (Rightly) assume he's better at the QB position and hasn't shown any really awful post-season performances.

    People were ready to anoint Ben one of the "all time greats" had he won today. That's all they've been talking about for the last 2 weeks on national sports talk television and radio. Some douchecanoe named Jason Smith of ESPN radio was actually arguing that if Ben had won his career would have been BETTER than Brady's to date because Ben is younger. Apparently it didn't matter to him that Brady has 2 Super Bowl and (now) 2 regular season MVP awards and Ben might have played the worst SB ever and had maybe 2 votes for MVP in his career.

    Really? What people were these?

    Everyone I heard was acting like having a Top 10 scoring defense somehow diminishes a QB's accomplishments.

    Were you living in a cave the past 2 weeks? Did you turn on ESPN or NFL Network on at all?

    You mean the NFL Network that had Marshall Faulk claiming Ben had 1.5 rings? That had Rod Woodson saying he wouldn't be a Top 5 QB no matter what? I could go on and on and on.

    The whole story going into this game was that if Ben Roethlisberger won, he'd be so good that raping multiple women wouldn't matter, Joe Buck was slobbering all over him, so yeah, I'd say people were ready to anoint him as one of the all-time greats.

    Nope, sorry. Didn't see it.

    I'd hardly say Rodgers had a lesser reputation than Ben. Obviously less prolific in the post-season but most people (Rightly) assume he's better at the QB position and hasn't shown any really awful post-season performances.

    People were ready to anoint Ben one of the "all time greats" had he won today. That's all they've been talking about for the last 2 weeks on national sports talk television and radio. Some douchecanoe named Jason Smith of ESPN radio was actually arguing that if Ben had won his career would have been BETTER than Brady's to date because Ben is younger. Apparently it didn't matter to him that Brady has 2 Super Bowl and (now) 2 regular season MVP awards and Ben might have played the worst SB ever and had maybe 2 votes for MVP in his career.

    Really? What people were these?

    Everyone I heard was acting like having a Top 10 scoring defense somehow diminishes a QB's accomplishments.

    You're fucking kidding right ?


    I thought I didn't count because I was just a homer.

  18. I'd hardly say Rodgers had a lesser reputation than Ben. Obviously less prolific in the post-season but most people (Rightly) assume he's better at the QB position and hasn't shown any really awful post-season performances.

    People were ready to anoint Ben one of the "all time greats" had he won today. That's all they've been talking about for the last 2 weeks on national sports talk television and radio. Some douchecanoe named Jason Smith of ESPN radio was actually arguing that if Ben had won his career would have been BETTER than Brady's to date because Ben is younger. Apparently it didn't matter to him that Brady has 2 Super Bowl and (now) 2 regular season MVP awards and Ben might have played the worst SB ever and had maybe 2 votes for MVP in his career.

    Really? What people were these?

    Everyone I heard was acting like having a Top 10 scoring defense somehow diminishes a QB's accomplishments.

  19. This one's for you, Chase.


    Dallas, hide your daughters, Big Ben is here, and he's really, really angry. Someone's getting raped tonight!

    You're a Raiders fan.


    His qb hasn't been accused of rape… twice

    /better win

    The Raiders don't have a QB.

    /best win

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