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Posts posted by craig

  1. four it was hyped it was the suprise guy, just think if you was told a suprise person was debuting and you tunned in and then sting appeared it'd be like aq OMG moment, and LOL tbh its my diary and i like them, when i read them after and right it's easy for me and i do like them there after

  2. as i have mentioned before this diary isn't only here its at Corp-x where it has the biggest fanbase and they like the gfx.

    And its not team WWE its Team Bischoff but he has called hsi team, team RAW because he wants RAW to kill ECW, so its not a team of WWE or RAW guys, its a team brought toghther by Bischoff called Team RAW coz he wants RAW to kill ECW, it is quite simple

  3. I Shall be making a updated Summerslam card after every show when the card is updated

    Summerslam - Sunday August 21st 2005

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    World Heavyweight Title

    Batista © v Randy Orton

    In the thrid Summerslam in a row that Randy Orton will challenge for the World Heavyweight Title, former Evolution partners will go face to face one on one for the World Heavyweight Title, however this monday night on RAW, we will find out if Triple H will join the match as Triple H and Ric Flair take on Batista in a handicap.

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    Intercontinental Title

    Chris Jericho v Shelton Benjamin©

    Chris Jericho last the Intercontinental Title to Shelton Benjamin last October at Taboo Tuesday, and attempts at regaining the title at Backlash and Badd Blood failed, will it be thrid time lucky for Chris Jericho

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    World Tag Team Titles

    Undertaker and Kane v Rhyno and Sean O'Haire ©

    Rhyno and O'Haire debuted to defeat Hurricane and Rosey in a open challenge, later that night they cost Kane then World Heavyweight in claims to win a bounty put down by Triple H on Undertaker and Kane, this match will be be one more step in Rhyno and O'Haire trying to win $100,000

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    Muhammad Hassan v Hulk Hogan

    Hassan is possible the least liked superstar on RAW, while Hulk Hogan is the most popular, Hogan will be trying to bring justice on Hassan for America and end the undefeated run of Hassan

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    Sting, Mike Awesome, Steve Corino, Chris Masters and Edge v Tommy Dreamer, Terry Funk, Steven Richards, Justin Credible and Lance Storm

    Team RAW v Team ECW, Eric Bischoff v Paul Heyman, a very unique 10 man match where the Manager of the win ning team becomes the sole general manager of RAW

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    Womens Title

    Lita © v Trish Stratus

    These wo women as of late have been united to get rid of Ivory, Christy Hemme and Victoria, however at SUmmerslam, if there mission is completed they will be the only two women left on RAW and they will wrestle for the Women's Title, which Lita recently won from Trish in a 4 ay with Christy and Victoria

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    Hardcore Title, Open Battle Royal

    With ECW feel on RAW and Paul Heyman and Theodore Long's new friendship, at Summerslam the two rosters will unite to wrestle for the Hardcore Title

  4. Heat Tapings

    Viscera defeated Luther Reigns 65/58//44

    Al Snow defeated Garrison Cade 65/67/69

    William Regal and Eugene defeated Hurricane and Rosey, Heart Throbs and La Resistance 67/64/68


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    The ECW RAW Video hits and we go to JR and The King

    JR: What a night we have for you, a 10 man tornado tag and a extreme lumberjack match, welcome to RAW, I am JR and this is the king

    Victoria’s music hits

    King, WOO HOO puppies

    Victoria and Christy come out to the ring with Ivory, they are then followed by Trish and Lita

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    WWE Women’s Champion Lita and Trish Stratus w/ Eric Bischoff v Christy Hemme and Victoria w/ Ivory

    Lita and Christy started the match of as the legal participants and Lita kept the control of the match early. Lita hit a few suplex’s and DDT’s on Christy and then tagged in Trish, Christy managed to get to her feet and Trish went for a Chick Kick, Christy ducked though and hit a DDT on Trish, and slowly managed to get over to tag Victoria, Victoria came in and clothesline Lita who came in the ring, and the Trish, Victoria then threw Lita out of the ring and Lita the Widows Peak to get the 3 count on Trish

    Winners: Victoria and Christy Hemme

    Lita enters the ring and tries to clothesline Victoria, Victoria ducks and hits a Widow’s peak on Lita, Victoria then drags Christy out of the ring and Victoria, Christy and Ivory celebrated up the ramp

    We then go backstage and the Tag Team Champions are in Paul Heyman’s office

    Heyman: What can I do for you

    Sinister Minister: Rhyno,, and Sean O’Haire, they want to defend the tag team titles at Summerslam, they want to defend them against a deadly duo, Paul they want to wrestle Undertaker and Kane

    Paul: Well I can’t advise anyone wanting to wrestle them, especially after last week, but if that is what you want, then its on, Rhyno and Sean O’Haire defending the World Tag Team Titles at Summerslam against The Undertaker and Kane

    -Commercial Break-

    We return and Todd is with Victoria and Christy

    Todd: You two just defeated the Women’s Champion and the number one contender, your thoughts

    Victoria: Todd we just proved out there, that we deserve to be fighting for the women’s title at Summerslam, and Todd from now on we are going to make it out number one priority to make Eric Bischoff and Paul Heyman see we deserve to be in the women’s title match at Summerslam

    We return to ringside and Mark Jindrak is already in the ring, Muhammad Hassan’s music hits and he comes to the ring with Daivari

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    Muhammad Hassan w/ Daivari v Mark Jindrak

    The match was very much a squash match, Jindrak got very little offence in, Hassan hit a powerbomb and hit a huge DDT on Jindrak, Jindrak tried to fight back but was unsuccessful as Hassan knocked Jindrak down with a clothesline, Hassan hit a modified STO and finished Jindrak off quickly to get the win

    Winner Muhammad Hassan

    After the match Hassan tosses Jindrak out of the ring and grabs the microphone

    Hassan: Hogan, at Summerslam this is what you can expect to get, the beating of your life, and Hogan after the match I will throw you out of the ring and this business like the trash that you are,

    Hassan then dropped the microphone and walked to the back

    We then cut backstage  and Triple H and Ric Flair is in Eric Bischoff’s office

    HHH: So its on

    Eric: Oh its own Triple H, next week it will be Triple H and Ric Flair in a handicap match against Batista, and when  you win, at Summerslam it will be Randy Orton v Batista v Triple H in a triple threat match

    HHH patted Bischoff on the back quite hard

    HHH: You know what Eric, I hope you win at Summerslam, we need to keep a guy like you around here

    Eric: Well thanks Triple H

    -Commercial Break-

    We return to the ring and the Intercontinental Champion Shelton Benjamin comes out to the ring, he is then followed by his Team mates, Team ECW who is with Paul Heyman, next out was the whole of the Bischoff Corporation except Lita and Trish.

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    Tornado Tag, Edge, Chris Jericho, Mike Awesome, Steve Corino and Chris Masters w/ Eric Bischoff v Lance Storm, Justin Credible, WWE Intercontinental Champion Shelton Benjamin, Tommy Dreamer and Steven Richards w/ Paul Heyman

    The match was extremely bizarre, if not for the 10 man madness, but for the fact the lights in the arena kept flickering thought the match, could this be a sign for what was to come? This was a complete brawl, the 8 man that are in the ECW v RAW 10 man match at Summerslam was brawling outside the ring and in the ring we got a intercontinental title match preview, outside the ring Edge went to spear Justin Credible bur Credible moved out of the way and Steve Corino received the spear, Edge then turned around into a That’s Incredible, Richards hit a Steven kick on Masters, but Awesome hit a Awesome bomb on Richards, Awesome then ducked a superkick from Credible and hit a Awesome bomb on Credible, Awesome wasn’t lucky for a third time and walked right into a huge Superkick to the head by Lance Storm, in the ring Jericho hit a sleeper drop hold on Shelton, Storm entered the ring and exchanged punches with Jericho, Jericho whipped Storm into the ropes, Storm ducked a clothesline and hit a superkick on Jericho, Jericho staggered back into Shelton who hit a T-Bone, 1.2.3. Shelton got the win

    Winners: Lance Storm, Justin Credible, WWE Intercontinental Champion Shelton Benjamin, Tommy Dreamer and Steven Richards

    After the match the brawling continued and referee’s and road agents ran out to split up the 10 superstars

    -Commercial Break-

    We return from the break and everyone was separated, Team ECW and Shelton was on side of the ring holding steel chairs and Singapore cane’s, on the other was Team Bischoff, in the ring Heyman and Bischoff both had microphone’s

    Heyman: Eric its time to show you and the world the man that will be leading team ECW into Summerslam, the most extreme man ever, a former ECW and NWA World Champion, the real king of the deathmatch, Terry Funk.

    Funk walked to the ring and Bischoff was in shock, but then cracked a smile

    Heyman: Am I suppose to be impressed that you got some washed up old guy, let me introduce you to a former WCW and NWA World Heavyweight Champion, and the man leading Team RAW into Summerslam, the man from the darkside, STING.

    The lights started to flicker and dim as Sting walked to the ring, Heyman and Bischoff left the ring ruing and Funk stood ready for Sting to enter the ring

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    Extreme Lumberjack Match (Edge, Chris Jericho, Mike Awesome, Steve Corino, Chris Masters, Eric Bischoff, Lance Storm, Justin Credible, WWE Intercontinental Champion Shelton Benjamin, Tommy Dreamer, Steven Richards and Paul Heyman)

    Terry Funk v Sting

    A weird match which saw a normal one on one match in the ring, but outside there as DQ and No Countouts. The match was a complete brawl, outside and in, Sting controlled Funk mostly in the ring, outside the ring Jericho and Shelton brawled there way to the back, Sting continued to have control of the match until Funk ducked a running clothesline and Funk then clotheslined Sting over the top rope to team ECW, Team Bischoff ran over to attack team ECW before they could attack Sting, Funk went outside the ring ad started beating on Sting, Mike Awesome though jumped Funk from behind, Eric Bischoff set up a table and Awesome hit a Awesome bomb on Funk though the table. Sting crawled into the ring and Awesome threw Funk into the ring, Sting locked the scorpion deathlock on Funk, f**k tried to get to the ropes, but Bischoff held the ropes back, this lead Team ECW to jump into the ring and attack Sting, causing Funk to be disqualified

    Winner: Sting

    After the match Team ECW and Team RAW invade the ring and brawled, eventually Team ECW got the upper hand and send Team RAW out of the ring and up the aisle way, as Team ECW was in the ring and Team RAW was in the aisle way Vince McMahon’s Music Hits and he came down to the ring with a microphone

    Vince: Woo hold up Eric, I want everyone except Paul Heyman and Eric Bischoff out of here now, and Eric I want you in this ring

    No one moved

    Vince: And I want that in the next 30 second or I will fine you all,

    Team ECW ran to the back chasing Team RAW to the back, Eric Bischoff then slowly walked into the ring.

    Vince: Now Paul I want you out here to observe your new role on RAW

    Bischoff smiled thinking that McMahon was stripping Heyman of his power

    Vince: I don’t know why you are smiling, Paul Heyman’s ECW RAW idea is huge, last week we drew more ratings than you ever have in 3 years. Now Eric you have made some bad business moves as f late, I think the biggest would have to be firing Chris Benoit on RAW and sending Hulk Hogan home until Summerslam, infact Bischoff, I don’t think you have what it takes right now to have any control over RAW, so Eric until Summerslam you have no power, and Paul is the sole 100% General Manager of RAW

    Heyman: Mr McMahon thank you for this, but I think this is the perfect time to make an announcement, but first I want to introduce a good friend of mine, Smackdown General Manager Theodore Long

    Theodore Long came to the ring and Vince looked intrigued

    Long: You see Playa, I invited Paul to the Great American Bash last night, as we had a long conversation about ECW, and the hardcore way of life, and Vince with your permission at Summerslam, we want a RAW v Smackdown, open invitational battle royal to bring back the Hardcore title, the only title that is a multi brand title

    Vince: Eric, this is how you make a good business move, Paul, Theodore I love it, at Summerslam there will be a RAW v Smackdown open invitational battle royal for to bring back the Hardcore Title,

    Vince shook hands with Heyman and Theodore and Bischoff looked irate

    -Commercial Break-

    We return from the commercial break and Randy Orton is with Todd

    Todd: Randy earlier tonight we found out that next week Ric Flair and Triple H will face Batista in a handicap match and if Triple h and Ric Flair win, at Summerslam it will be you against both Triple H and Batista in a triple threat match at summerslam

    Randy: Todd, its always the same, Triple H can’t handle the fact hat someone more deserving is getting a title shot, its always the same with Triple H, he can’t face it when he’s to old to be going for the top spot, Todd this will be the third straight summerslam I go for the World Heavyweight Title, and it will be the second summerslam in a row that I leave World Heavyweight Champion, and it will happen whatever Triple H or Batista think

    Orton walks off and we cut to ringside, Rhyno and Sean O’Haire come out first, they are then followed by Triple H with Ric Flair, out next comes Undertaker and Kane and last of all World heavyweight Champion Batista

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    World Heavyweight Champion Batista, Kane and The Undertaker v Triple H w/ Ric Flair and World Tag Team Champions Rhyno and Sean O’Haire w/ Sinister Minister

    Kane and Rhyno started the match, Rhyno almost picked up a early win by hitting a running power slam followed by a gore on Kane, Rhyno got a 2 count but it was broken up by Batista, Kane started to fight back against Rhyno and hit a chockslam, Kane staggered back and tagged Undertaker, Undertaker went in the ring and picked up Rhyno for a tombstone, O’Haire came in and pulled Rhyno of the Undertaker, Rhyno staggered back into the corner and tagged Triple H, O’Haire went for a jumping kick but the Undertaker ducked and hit a chockslam on O’Haire, Taker then turned around into a pedigree by Triple H, , Taker sat back up and fought his way back up, taker then hit a big boot and then a pumphandle slam. Taker then went to tag Batista and HHH rolled out of the ring to escape the World Heavyweight Champion, this lead to all 6 men brawling, this continued for a few moments until HHH and Batista was in the ring, outside the ring O’Haire whipped Kane into the steel steps and entered the ring to help HHH with Batista, Batista fought back though and hit a spinebuster on O’Haire sending him outside the ring, as Batista turned around into a facebuster, HHH then held Batista and Flair grabbed a steel chair and entered the ring, Flair went to hit Batista, but Batista ducked and HHH got nailed with a chair, Batista then hit a sit-down powerbomb on Flair, but turned right around into a gore by Rhyno, Kane entered the ring and Rhyno turned around into a chockslam, Kane was then kicked in the head by a spinning kick to the head sending him to the outside, The Undertaker then entered the ring and chockslammed O’Haire who rolled out of the ring, Taker then looked at the only man left in the ring, Triple H, Undertaker ran his arm along his neck then went over to Triple H, picked him up and hit the tombstone. 1.2.3 Batista, Kane and The Undertaker got the win

    Winners: Undertaker, Kane and World Heavyweight Champion Batista

    After the match Batista crawled in the ring with the World Heavyweight title and Randy Orton came onto the top of the entrance ramp, Flair dragged Triple H out of the ring and up the aisle way, the show ended with Triple H, and Flair surrounded by Orton and Batista who stared each other down

    -Short Results-

    Victoria and Christy Hemme defeated WWE Women’s Champion Lita and Trish Stratus at 6:34 61/45/61

    Muhammad Hassan defeated Mark Jindrak at 3:21 68/64/66

    Lance Storm, Justin Credible, WWE Intercontinental Champion Shelton Benjamin, Tommy Dreamer and Steven Richards defeated Edge, Chris Jericho, Mike Awesome, Steve Corino and Chris Masters at 8:53 66/73/73

    Sting defeated Terry Funk at 6:21 72/68/78

    World Heavyweight Champion Batista, Kane and he Undertaker defeated Triple H and World Tag Team Champions Sean O’Haire and Rhyno at 9:01 73/73/75

  5. user posted image

    With just 4 weeks away from Summerslam, RAW is ready to explode, we will find out the final member of Team Bischoff and Team Heyman as they square off in a exterme lumberjack match, and the lumberjacks will be the other 8 participants in the 10 man tag, as well as they two men facing off for the intercontinental title at Summerslam, Chris Jericho and Shelton Benjamin, however the 10 lumberjacks have more than this match on there mind as they will face off in a 10 man tag team match, and the co - general manager will sure to be at ringside

    Also after last week in the ECW Rules World Title Match, Batista will team with Kane and The Undertaker to face Triple H, and World Tag Team CHampions Rhyno and Sean O'Haire, Triple H will be looking for a win in this to put himself in the title picture at Summerslam

    All this and much more live on RAW

    -Confirmed Matches-

    Muhammad Hassan v Mark Jindrak

    WWE Womens Champion Lita and Trish Stratus v Christy Hemme and Victoria

    WWE Intercontinental Champion Shelton Benjamin, Lance Storm, Tommy Dreamer, Steven Richards and Justin Credible v CHris Jericho, Steve Corino, Mike Awesome, Chris Masters and Edge

    Exterme Lumberjack Match, Team ECW/Heyman leader v Team RAW/Bischoff leader

    World Heavyweight Champion Batista and Kane and The Undertaker v World Tag Team Champions, Rhyno and Sean O'Haire and Triple H

  6. Matthew Starr - EWB - 6

    Bubba - EWB - 5

    Tyler - Corp-X - 2

    Thatz - Corp-X - 6

    Lucas Jackson - Corp-X - 7

    Evansfan1 - Corp-X - 8

    Naughty.Nick19 - Corp-X - 9

    Rdarnz - Corp-X - 6

    Forlan - Corp-X - 5

    MrDanny1988 - Corp-X - 5

    Iggy - Corp-X 4

    Well done NN19, i shall PM you very soon, he got 7 out of 8 matches correct :o

  7. user posted image

    WWE Great American Bash – Sunday 24th July 2005

    Theme Song - rise against - give it all

    Main Event – WWE Title John Cena © w/ Torrie Wilson v Christian w/ Tyson Tomko

    Other Matches

    6 Man Tornado Elimination, Charlie Haas, Hardcore Holly and Tajiri v Rene Dupree, Akio and Nunizo

    Matt Morgan v The Big Show

    Cruiserweight Title, Paul London © v Psicosis

    WWE Tag Team Titles, MNM © w/ Melina v The Dudley Boyz

    WWE United States Title, Orlando Jordan © w/ The Basham Brothers v John Bradshaw Layfield

    Shawn Michaels and Booker-T- w/ Sharmell v Kurt Angle and Marty Jannetty w/ Sensational Sherri

    2 out of 3 Falls, Latino Street Fight, Rey Mysterio v Eddie Guerrero

    The WWE Entrance Video Plays followed by the Great American Bash Video

    Break through the undertow, your hands I cant seem to find,

    We See Images on Christian’s SD Debuting attacking John Cena

    pollution burns my tongue, cough words I can't speak so I

    We See Guerrero staring a bloody Mysterio

    stop my struggling, then I float to the surface,

    We see Jannetty Superkick Shawn Michaels though a barber shop window

    fill my lungs with air, then let it out

    We see Angle have Sharmell trapped in a corner

    I give it all, and there's a reason why I sing,

    We see Rey’s 1.2.3 win in sequence of Rey pinning Guerrero 3 times in a row, end of 04 start of 05

    so give it all, cause it's these reasons that belong to me

    We See Mysterio’s celebrating his win over Eddie at Wrestlemania

    Rock bottoms where we live, and still we dig these trenches,

    We see a bloody John Cena after being beat down by Christian

    to bury ourselves in them, backs breaking under tension

    We see a frustrated Booker-T- kicking a TV screen with Kurt Angle on

    For far too long these voices, muffled by distances,

    We see when HBK put Jannetty though a barber shop window some 12 years ago

    its time to come to our senses, up from the dirt

    We see when HBK and Jannetty shook hands before Jannetty attacked HBK

    We give it all, and there's a reason why I sing,

    We see Christian holding the WWE Title

    so give it all, and it's these reasons that belong to me

    We see a frustrated Eddie Guerrero holding a steel chair at Judgment Day

    Breathe, the air we give, the life we live, our pulses racing distances,

    We see HBK struggling in the Ankle Lock at Wrestlemania

    so wet my tongue, break into song, through seas of competition,

    We see Kurt Angle kissing Sharmell

    So please believe your eyes, a sacrifice,

    We See Jannetty and Angle looking at a fallen HBK and Booker-T-

    is not what we had in our minds,

    We See Rey and Eddie’s staredown the week after Eddie let Rey get beat down by MNM

    I'm coming home tonight, home tonight

    We see the Tail end of Smackdown with Cena holding the WWE Title with Christian looking on from the outside around chaos and a mass brawl

    We give it all, and there's a reason why I sing,

    We see HBK celebrate after he beat Angle at Vengeance

    So give it all, and it's these reasons that belong to me

    We see Christian taking the WWE Title from a knocked out Cena

    Today I offer up myself to this, I'm living for my dying wish,

    We See Jannetty and Sherri standing over Michaels

    I give it all, now there's a reason, there's a reason, to give it all

    we see a split screen with both Christian and Cena holding up the WWE Title

    Cole: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the Great American Bash, and what a huge night we have for you, Christian challenging John Cena, and Rey Mysterio against Eddie Guerrero in a Latino 2 out of 3 falls street fight

    The International Warfare Music Hit

    Cole: And we go straight into action

    International Warfare come out first, they are then followed by Haas, Holly and Tajiri who all come out together, the 6 men all get in the ring and the bell rings and the match begins

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    6 Man Tornado Elimination match

    Charlie Haas, Hardcore Holly and Tajiri v Rene Dupree, Akio and Nunizo

    The match started off with everyone paired of with someone, Rene Dupree paired of with Hardcore Holly, Charlie Haas paired of with Nunizo and Tajiri paired of with Akio. Holly hit a huge powerslam on Dupree, but was then dropkicked out of the ring, Akio ducked a kick by Tajiri and then Tajiri was double dropkicked out of the ring by Nunizo and Akio, Haas threw Nunizo out of the ring, Haas then ducked a kick from Akio and hit a German suplex with a  bridge, Akio kicked out after a two count, Nunizo ran in with a attempted clothesline, Haas ducked and hit a sleeper drop, Haas picked up Nunizo and hit a DDT and then Haas went to lock in the Haas of Pain, all this however gave Akio enough time to get to his feet and climb the turnbuckles and hit a top rope spinning kick from the top, Tajiri entered the ring and hit numerous kicks to Akio, This left Dupree and Holly alone on the outside to brawl, Dupree went for a DVD but Holly countered with a DDT, In the ring Nunizo returned to his feet and hit  toe hold on Haas followed by a legdrop to the back of the neck, Nunizo then bulldogged Tajiri, unknowingly to Nunizo Holly got back in the ring and hit a Alabama Slam on Nunizo, Akio then hit a Enziguri on Holly, Akio quickly went up top, and hit a moonsault, Akio covered, 1.2.3

    Hardcore Holly Has Been Eliminated

    The match was no at a 3 on 2 advantage to International Warfare, Nunizo was completely out and Akio wisely rolled him to the outside, Akio picked up Tajiri and placed him on the top rope, however Haas cut Akio off and the two brawled in the ring, Rene Dupree then entered the ring and seen Tajiri, Dupree went over to Tajiri, but was met with a Tornado DDT, on the other side of the ring Akio hit a Dragon Suplex with a bridge on Haas, 1.2. Tajiri just managed to break it up, Nunizo started to get up on the apron. Tajiri kicked Akio in the head and spit mist into the eyes of Nunizo, Tajiri then walked into a Death Valley Driver by Dupree, 1.2.3

    Tajiri Has Been Eliminated

    Haas was in trouble and he knew it, he was left 3 on 1, however he knew Akio and Nunizo was out for the time being, Haas quickly speared down Dupree, Haas punched at Dupree’s face and then locked in the Haas of Pain, Haas let go when Akio started to get in the ring, Haas quickly hit a Haastruction on Akio, 1.2.3.

    Akio Has Been Eliminated

    Haas went back to work on Dupree and locked the Haas of Pain Just as Dupree was about to tap out  Nunizo rolled back in the ring, Haas quickly went over to greet Nunizo and like Akio hit a Haastruction on Nunizo, Haas covered 1.2.3

    Nunizo Has Been Eliminated

    Haas had a chance, he could win, Haas however walked right into Dupree and a Death Valley Driver, 1.2. almost a 3 count but Haas got the shoulder up. Dupree was irate and argued with the referee, Dupree picked up Haas, but Haas broke the hold and threw a couple of elbows at Dupree followed by a Belly to Belly Suplex, Haas then picked up Dupree and hit a German Suplex, Haas then locked in the Haas of Pain, determined to make Dupree tap out, Just as Dupree was about to tap out Dawn Marie ran to ringside and distracted the referee, Dupree tapped out but the referee was distracted Haas let go of the hold but was then hit from behind, it was DOUG WILLIAMS, Williams then hit the Chaos Theory on Haas, this left Haas down and a masked superstar came of the top with a frogsplash, the masked superstar was Abismo Negro, Williams threw Dupree on top of Haas and left the ring, Marie jumped off the apron allowing the referee to turn around and count the 3 count

    Charlie Haas Has Been Eliminated

    Winner: Rene Dupree

    Dupree rolls Haas out of the ring and Akio and Nunizo return from the back, Dupree, Akio, Nunizo, Williams and Abismo Negro celebrate in the ring with Dawn Marie

    We then go backstage and Josh Matthews is with Carltio and Matt Morgan

    Josh: Matt

    Carltio: Whoo, whoo, whoo, when you wanna ask Matt Morgan something, you ask Carlito

    Josh: Ok, well Carltio, on Smackdown Big Show got the last laugh on you two in a handicap match, your thoughts

    Carltio: The Big Show got lucky, now tonight, with me at ringside or not, my man Matt Morgan will go out there and destroy the Big Show

    Morgan and Carlito walk off

    The Big Shows Music Hits and he walks to the ring he is then followed by Matt Morgan who is joined by Carlito, a group of referee’s then run out to escort Carltio to the back before the match begins. After Carlito has been escorted back to the locker room the bell rings and the match begins.

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    Matt Morgan v Big Show

    The two giants started the match with a huge test of strength that the Big Show eventually won, The Big Show started by tossing Morgan around the ring, Show then whipped Morgan into the corner and started chopping the chest of Morgan, however Morgan got a knee into the gut to take control of the match, Morgan tried to whip show into the ropes, however Show put his weight down and stood still and whipped Morgan into his arm for a clothesline, Show then picked up Morgan with the neck ready for a earlier chockslam but Morgan rolled out of the ring to escape from the giant, Big Show followed Morgan out of the ring and chased Morgan around the ring, Morgan then entered the ring followed Big Show, Morgan started to stomp away on the back of Big Show Morgan then picked up Big Show and whipped him towards the ropes and hit a Big Boot on Big Show knocking the Big Show down, Morgan felt it was the right time to end the match and picked up the Big Show, Morgan had Show on his shoulders and spinned him around but Big Show landed on his feet, hand around the neck of Morgan and hit the chockslam, Big Show covered, 1.2.3 Big Show picked up the win.

    Winner: Big Show

    Big Show celebrates in the ring and we go backstage.

    Christian is with Tyson Tomko they are just getting out of a limo and heading towards the arena, Josh Matthews catches up with Christian.

    Josh: Christian, on Smackdown you thought you had took John Cena out completely, but that was not the case and he showed up at the end off Smackdown in the middle of that huge brawl that took place and sent you out of the ring and hit a F-U on Tomko

    Christian: Josh I don’t care what happened on Smackdown, all I care about is what happens tonight when Captain Charisma wins the WWE Title from the rapper wannabe John Cena. Tonight John

    Josh: It’s Josh

    Christian: Whatever do you think I care, Tonight, the WWE Title comes home to the peepulation. Christian and Tomko walk off and we return to ringside

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    Cruiserweight Title

    Paul London © v Psicosis

    The two men started the match with a lock up in the centre of the ring, Psicosis pushed London away and then scored with a dropkick, London rolled out of the ring, Psicosis then jumped over the top rope with a pluncha Psicosis then stood on the guard barrier until London got up and hit a hurricanerunner from the guard railing onto London, Psicosis picked up London and rolled him into the ring. Psicosis climbed straight up to the top turnbuckle and waited for London to stand, Psicosis then hit an overcast where Psicosis jumped over the top of London, grabbing onto London’ head and neck and Psicosis fell for a neckbreaker effect. Psicosis stomped away on London for a bit before hitting a standing shooting star, Psicosis covered London but only got a 2 count, Psicosis jumped to the top rope and as London got up hit what looked like a reverse hurricanerunner to roll up London for another 2 count,. Psicosis started to get frustrated that he couldn’t put London away this easy and put London on the top rope, Psicosis then climbed the top rope. Paul London however started to fight back against Psicosis, and hit a top rope face plant (X-Factor) on Psicosis, London covered but only got a 2 count  London then went up top and went for a London Calling, but Psicosis got his knee’s up into the stomach of London, which left both men down. The referee started his 10 count and both men got up at the count of 8, London launched himself onto the shoulders of Psicosis, but Psicosis pushed him forward and London jumped onto the top turnbuckle and went for a moonsault crossbody, however Psicosis moved and London caught the referee, Psicosis tried to sneak up behind and whip London into the ropes, however London got back on task quickly and hit a drop-sault followed by a powerbomb on Psicosis, Super Crazy then made his surprised WWE Debut, he kneed London in the back and then Hit a crazy bomb, Crazy then hit a moonsault from the bottom rope, the middle and then the top completing his triple moonsault, Shannon Moore than ran down to ringside and hit a Mooregasm on Crazy, Unknowing to Moore, Psicosis had climbed to the top rope and hit the High Top Death on Moore, Psicosis then shaked the referee to get him to come round, Psicosis covered, 1.2. no London some how kicked out before 3, Psicosis was irate, Psicosis then climbed to the top turnbuckle and went for the High Top Death on London, London ducked though and hit a powerbomb on Psicosis, London then slowly climbed up to the top rope and then hit a London Calling on to Psicosis, London covered 1.2.3, somehow Paul London picked up the win.

    Winner: Still WWE Cruiserweight Champion Paul London

    Crazy comes in and starts beating on London with the help of Psicosis. Shannon Moore then grabs a chair and chases Crazy and Psicosis off from in the ring, and London and Moore staredown Crazy and Psicosis from the ring.

    We then see a Summerslam Hype Video.

    We return and Josh Matthews has just caught up with Shannon Moore and Paul London after coming though the curtain.

    Josh: Paul a tough but huge win for you tonight

    Paul: You’re right Josh, it was tough, it was huge, but if it wasn’t for Shannon here I would have been screwed out of the title by Super Crazy, now I have no idea what his problem is with me Josh, but if he wants a shot at MY Cruiserweight title, he just needs to ask, I’ll have no problem making him another name on the list of victims to Paul London

    We then cut backstage and the Dudleyz are talking

    Bubba: D-von tonight the Titles are coming home to Dudleyville, and MNM are going home though tables

    D-von: TESTIFY

    The Dudleyz walk of carrying a table

    MNM’s Music hit and they come to the ring with Melina who still has a neck brace on, they are then followed out by the Dudleyz who has a table with them. The Dudleyz get in the ring with MNM laving the table outside and the match begins.

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    WWE Tag Team Titles

    MNM © w/ Melina v Dudley Boyz

    Nitro and D-von started the match, they tied up and D-von pushed Nitro away, D-von went for a clothesline but Nitro ducked, ran towards the topes and rebounded by hitting a hurricanerunner on D-von, Nitro picked up D-von for a suplex and held him above his head, Matthews climbed the turnbuckles and clotheslined D-on as he was above Nitro, Nitro then hit a standing star press in a attempt to win the match early, however D-von kicked out at a 2 count, Nitro started to stomp away at D-von and as D-von started to get up Nitro went back to the ropes and ran towards D-von, however D-von back body dropped Nitro and then tagged Bubba, Bubba came in and picked up Nitro and slammed him, Matthews came up but got a kick in the stomach, Bubba then followed up with a DDT, Nitro then got up and walked into a suplex by Bubba, Bubba rolled over into a cover, 1.2. Nitro kicked up, Matthews then started to beat on Bubba and was then joined by Nitro, D-von then ran in to help his partner, D-von threw Matthews out of the ring, The Dudleyz then set Nitro up and hit the 3-D, Bubba covered but Matthews managed to break it up at the last possible second, D-von went to clothesline Matthews, Matthews ducked and then picked up D-von and dropped him throat first onto the ropes, Matthews then dropkicked Bubba out of the ring Matthews got Nitro up and as D-von got up MNM caught him for the snapshot, Nitro covered but the referee refused to count as D-von wasn’t the legal man, Bubba got back in the ring and speared Matthews right though the ropes and to the outside, Bubba though Matthews into the steps, inside the ring, D-von went for a shoulder tackle but missed and hit the referee, Melina got a table and pit it in the ring and Tazz got up, dropped his headsets and set behind Bubba, to the shock of everyone he locked in the Tazzmission on Bubba, in the ring Melina set up the table and Matthews looked to put D-von threw it but D-von though back and threw Matthews out of the ring, Spike Dudley then ran in and hit a Dudley Dog on D-von threw the table, Spike left the ring dragging the remains of the table out with him, Spike then threw Matthews into the ring, Melina revived the referee, the referee counted, 1.2.3

    Winners: Still Tag Team Champions MNM

    However a second referee ran down to the ring a replied the interference of Tazz, Spike as well as D-von being put though a table, the referee then reversed his decision, disqualifying MNM

    Winners: By DQ, Dudley Boyz

    Tazz then throws Bubba into the ring and Melina gets the table that the Dudleyz brought out MNM picked up Bubba and hit he snapshot though a table, MNM then rolled out of the ring and celebrated with the titles up with ramp while in the ring Tazz and Spike shouted at The Dudleyz who was both obviously knocked out.

    We go backstage and The Cabinet are talking

    OJ: So you know the plan right,  don’t care if I win or not, as long as I leave the United States Champion, you got that

    Bashams: Yeh

    OJ: Good now come on lets go

    We see a video of Orlando Jordan and JBL, we see Jordan and JBL working side by side in the Cabinet, we then see JBL helping Jordan win the US Title, but the screen turns dark as we see Cena pin JBL at Wrestlemania and then JBL saying I Quit to Cena at Judgment Day, we then relive Jordan’s speech to JL, where Jordan said JBL is just another washed up one hit wonder and without the Cabinet will never be WWE Champion, we then see JBL getting viciously beaten down by the Bashams with Orlando Jordan watching no with a smile, and that brings us up to date

    The Cabinet comes out first and Orlando Jordan looks extremely worried, JBL then comes out next in a limo, and shakes hands with everyone as he comes to the ring

    JBL gets in the ring and faces Jordan who looks more nervous than he ever has as the bell rings.

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    WWE United States Title

    Orlando Jordan © w/ Basham Brothers v John Bradshaw Layfield

    The started with a tie up and JBL over powered the United States Champion, With Jordan in the corner JBL started throwing left and rights, the referee started his 5 count and JBL moved back before the referee got to 5, As Jordan left the corner JBL charged at Jordan and hit a elbow knocking Jordan down, JBL picked up Jordan and hit a huge suplex, Jordan rolled out of the ring trying to escape from JBL, JBL rolled out of the ring to follow Orlando Jordan, JBL threw Jordan into the steel steps, Danny Basham then went to approach JBL but received a clothesline from hell, Doug then went to attack JBL, but JBL whipped him into the guard rail, and then picked him up and dropped him neck first onto the guard rail, Jordan then rolled into the ring knowing he had no backup , JBL entered the ring and Jordan charged at him but was hit down with a big boot, JBL then picked up Jordan and a fall away slam, JBL then picked up Jordan for the Last Call, JBL then picked up Jordan one last time for the clothesline from hell, and Jordan was limp. JBL covered 1.2.3. JBL has won the United States Title

    Winner: New WWE United States Champion, John Bradshaw Layfield

    With all 3 of the Cabinet out JBL celebrates in the ring, as JBL leaves the ring Josh Matthews is there to meet him

    Josh: JBL an extremely impressive performance there, I don’t think you even had one offensive move hit on you

    JBL: Kid this wasn’t even a challenge, and it proves that JBL is no one hit wonder, I am still the number one draw on Smackdown, whether I am WWE Champion or United States Champion

    JBL walked off to the back

    We then see a video hyping up there Jannetty/Angle v HBK/Booker-T- Match

    We see HBK in a very cocky attitude with Sherri and how he was like back in the early 90’s and putting Jannetty though a barber shop window, we then fast forward to pre Wrestlemania with the Rockers Reunion on RAW, as well as Jannetty’s and HBK’s match with Angle. We then see Angle teasing Sharmell and Booker, but then the window quickly see Angle gets superkicked and pinned by HBK at Vengeance, we then see Angle and HBK traded to Smackdown and the Cabana where Marty Jannetty returns, the video ends with the 4 superstars brawling.

    Marty Jannetty came out first with Sensational Sherri by his side, they are then followed by Kurt Angle, Booker-T- came out next with his wife Sharmell, out last was the Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels, with all 4 men in the ring the bell rings and the match begins

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    Marty Jannetty w/ Sensational Sherri and Kurt Angle v Booker-T- w/ Sharmell and Shawn Michaels

    Angle and HBK started the match. Jannetty distracted HBK so Angle could jump HBK from behind, Kurt Angle beat down on HBK and then hit a release German Suplex. Angle stomped on HBK for a bit before tagging Jannetty into the match, Jannetty hit a suplex on HBK

    Jannetty picked up HBK, but HBK ducked a punch and kicked Jannetty out o the ring, HBK then just managed to tag in Booker, Booker went to the outside where Jannetty was, However Angle jumped Booker from behind and threw him into the steps, Angle and Jannetty then double suplexed Booker on the outside, Jannetty continued to beat down Booker on the outside, Angle then slide in the ring and picked up HBK who was still down in his corner, Angle hit a few right hands and went for a Angle Slam, HBK however slipped out and hit Angle with a sweet chin music, however before HBK could capitalize he was distracted by Sherri and Sharmell who was having a cat fight, the two women was pulled apart by Jannetty and Booker, and Sherri and Jannetty had a huge smile on there faces as if it was planned, This gave Angle enough time to get up and hit HBK with a Angleslam followed by a Anklelock, Booker-T-rolled in the ring and caught Angle with a side kick, Jannetty then entered the ring but was meet with a stuff kick to the face by Booker, Angle got up went for a right hand on Booker, Booker ducked and hit the Book End on Angle, Jannetty started to get up and received the Scissor Kick by Booker, Sherri then grabbed the leg on Booker so he couldn’t pin either man, Sharmell then tackled down Sherri and Booker-T- had to go outside to separate the two, HBK and Angle started to get up and Angle caught HBK with 3 German Suplex’s, with HBK down Angle went up top and hit an amazing moonsault on HBK, Angle got a 2 count but it was broke up by Booker who came off the top with a Huston Hangover. The referee sent Booker back to his corner and started to count both HBK and Angle down, both men got up at a count of 8, HBK hit a DDT on Angle and tried to get to his corner but Jannetty came in and dragged HBK to his side of the ring, Angle got up and tagged in Jannetty, Jannetty superkicked HBK into Angle and Angle hit the Angleslam on HBK, Booker-T- ran in but Angle used his momentum to throw him out of the ring, Angle followed Booker and the two brawled outside the ring Jannetty went up top and hit a elbow drop on HBK, Jannetty covered HBK but with his feet on the ropes for leverage, 1.2.3. Jannetty got the win over Shawn Michaels

    Winners: Kurt Angle and Marty Jannetty

    Jannetty quickly rolled out of the ring, and Sherri celebrated up the aisle way with Angle closing following and HBK looked furious in the ring

    We cut backstage and Rey Mysterio is with Josh Matthews

    Josh: Rey up next you will face Eddie Guerrero in a 2 out of 3 Falls Latino Street fight, now for weeks you have kept the final stipulation from many of the fans, what is it

    Rey: Josh it was agreed with Theodore long that the stipulation would not be revealed until the last minute, and well it is that time, the third and final fall if needed will be a I Quit Match

    Josh: WOW Rey that is huge, but what is your thoughts on the up and coming match

    Rey: Tonight Josh, whatever I do to Eddie Guerrero I will have no regret, no remorse over, he tried to end my wrestling career man, a few months ago he was my boy we was amigo’s , but tonight after everything he has put me though, I will make Eddie Guerrero pay holmes

    Rey walks off to his match

    We then see a hype video for Mysterio v Guerrero, we Mysterio pinning Guerrero 3 times in the row on the last Smackdown of the year and the first two Smackdown’s of 2005, we then see Rey and Eddie winning the Tag Team Titles and clips from the Wrestlemania Match, we then see how Guerrero slowly turns, costing Rey a match against JBL, not saving Mysterio from an attack by MNM, and pushing down Mysterio after losing the tag team titles. We then see Guerrero watching Mysterio being beaten down by MNM and Guerrero beating up Mysterio a number of times including Judgment Day.

    X-oloution Music Hits and Eddie Guerrero comes to the ring first, and he is followed by X-oloution (Dean Molenko, Chavo Guerrero, Fuego Guerrero, Perry Saturn, Shane Douglas and a young women that Michael Cole calls Mahee Paiement.

    Before Rey comes out Theodore Long comes out

    Long: Hold up playa’s I’m not having this become a handicap match, ya feel me, X-oloution

    Shane Douglas grabs a microphone

    Douglas: You can’t do that, Mahee has a WWE Managerial license

    Long: Well playa’s the rest of you don’t so leave the ring now or all of you including Eddie will be facing a 6 month suspension.

    X-oloution begrudgingly leave ringside, after they do Rey Mysterio comes out and gets in the ring to start the match.

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    2 out of 3 Falls, Latino Street Fight

    Rey Mysterio v Eddie Guerrero w/ Mahee Paiement

    The two men locked up and Eddie pushed Rey Mysterio away, Rey ran at Guerrero, but Guerrero went for a clothesline but Rey ducked jumped onto the second ropes and hit a hurricanerunner on Guerrero sending him to the outside, Mysterio hit a Asai Moonsault on Guerrero to knock him down outside, Rey went under the ring and grabbed a ladder, Rey set the ladder up and started to climb the ladder but Guerrero got up and caught Rey as he was half way up the ladder, Guerrero German Suplexed Rey off the ladder over his head, but Rey landed on his feet, Rey then hit a running side kick as Eddie turned around, with Eddie down Rey pulled out two tables, Rey slid one in the ring and left one outside the ring, Rey set the table outside the ring up and then dragged Guerrero in the ring, Rey whipped Eddie into the ropes and then hit a drop toe hold sending Eddie head first onto the second rope, Rey then hit a 619 followed by a west coast pop to get the second fall early, however Eddie kicked out at a 2 count, Neither Rey or the fans could believe it, Rey climbed the turnbuckles and as Eddie got to his feet Rey dived off with a moonsault holding onto the cover, 1.2. Kickout, Rey was in disbelief, He picked up Guerrero and DDT’d him, Rey then put Guerrero on the table and climbed to the top turnbuckle, however Mahee held onto Rey’s leg distracting him and this gave Guerrero enough time to catch Rey on the top, Eddie set Rey up for a superplex but in mid air Rey countered it with a DDT straight down, missing the table, Rey covered, 1.2. Eddie just managed to get his foot on the rope, What else could Rey do to pin Guerrero, Rey picked up Guerrero and placed him on the top rope, Rey then climbed the turnbuckles with all intention of hitting a hurricanerunner on Eddie though the table, however Eddie countered and powerbombed Rey though the table, Eddie covered and somehow Rey kicked out at a 2 count, Eddie went up top and hit a frogsplash, Eddie covered again and still Rey kicked out at 2, Eddie then winked at Mahee before climbing the turnbuckles again, outside the ring Mahee got a steel chair and entered the ring and smashed the referee in the back, Eddie then hit the frogsplash on Rey, but the referee was down, Mahee then grabbed the arm of the referee and even though Rey’s foot was on the rope and left arm was half up Mahee counted a 3 count with the referee’s arm, and a the referee’s arm had technically made a 3 count, there was nothing the time keeper could do but ring the bell and award the first fall to Eddie Guerrero

    Winner of the first fall, Eddie Guerrero

    A small army of referee’s came out to help the current referee to the back, as well as another referee taking over the referee duties and sent Mahee to the back for her interference. The referee then but the 30 second rest period into effect, by the end of the 30 seconds Rey had just managed to get to his feet. Eddie charged at Rey but Rey back body dropped Eddie over the top rope, Eddie however landed on the apron and turned Rey around and dropped Rey’s neck on the top rope, Eddie then quickly went up top and wanted to finish this match as soon as possible, Eddie went for a frogsplash but Rey moved out of the way  and Eddie injured his chest, Rey managed to get back up and dropkicked Eddie in the head as he was on his knee’s This sent Eddie to the outside, Rey then went to hit a running pluncha on Eddie, but Eddie moved and Rey hit the guard rail, Eddie picked up Rey and threw him into the steel steps, Eddie then suplexed Rey onto steps and then covered Rey but only managed to get a 2 count, AS Eddie argued with the referee Rey managed to crawl away, as Eddie went over to Rey, Rey blasted him over the head with a steel chair shot to the head of Guerrero, and Guerrero’s head made a dent on the chair, Rey pulled out another ladder from under the ring and slid it into the ring, Rey then tried to drag Eddie into the ring, but Eddie thought back and few Rey head first into the ring post, Guerrero then tried to DDT Rey onto the steel steps, but Rey blocked the moved and pushed Eddie back into the ring post, Rey though couldn’t get his head free and hit an amazing Fisherman Suplex bridge from the steel steps onto the floor, Rey held on in a bridge and got a 2 count, Rey then entered the ring and set the ladder up, Rey started to climb the ladder slowly but Eddie entered the ring and also started to climb the ladder, at the top of the ladder the tow men exchanged blows, but Rey eventually got the better of Eddie, Rey then hit a superplex from the top of the ladder, but both men was hurt so bad neither could capitalize eventually Rey managed to roll over and cover Eddie, but Eddie had enough time to recuperate a bit and managed to kick out at a 2 count Rey was extremely frustrated and rolled to the out Rey got a trash can from under the ring and throw it into the ring, Rey then entered the ring and picked up Guerrero and took him to the corner, Rey then sat on the top turnbuckle and hit a Tornado DDT onto the trash can and busted Eddie Guerrero open, Rey covered but only managed to get a 2 count, Rey Mysterio then stood on the apron and waited for Guerrero to get to his feet, as Eddie got to his feet, Rey went for a West Coast Pop, but Guerrero caught Mysterio and powerbombed him, and then locked in the Lasso from El Paso, Rey was trapped he had no way of escaping/ Rey though battled to the ropes Eddie refused to let go of the hold and there was nothing that the referee could do, Rey then battled though the ropes to the outside, But Eddie kept the submission locked in and feel to the outside with Rey, but now there was no ropes for |Rey to hold so if Rey tapped it would count as a fall, Rey continued crawling around ringside, but Guerrero kept the hold in Rey though just managed to reach his arm under the ring and pulled out a kendo stick, and hit Guerrero in the back of the head with it several times, seemingly knocking Eddie Guerrero out After a few moments Rey managed to get back to his feet, he went over to the announcers table and cleared the top of the table, he then grabbed Guerrero who was still out and put him onto the table, when Rey looked at the Ladder in the ring, Rey slide into the ring and climbed the ladder, Rey Mysterio then hit a huge moonsault from the ladder in the ring onto Eddie Guerrero who was on the announcers table, breaking the announcers table, the fans was in shock and both Rey and Eddie was out, but luckily for Rey he landed on top of Guerrero, 1.2.3., Rey had managed to pull one back

    Winner of the second fall, Rey Mysterio

    The referee put the 30 second rest period into place but neither Guerrero or Mysterio moved in the whole 30 seconds, as the final fall was under I Quit stipulations Rey being on top of Eddie as the match resumed meant nothing, The referee was extremely concerned for the two superstars as they was both knocked out and it seemed the end of the match, the referee signalled for EMT’s to come out and they brought two beds for Guerrero and Mysterio, and the match seemed to be over, both men was loaded on the beds and wheeled on the aisle way, when Rey Mysterio started to come round, Rey fought his way off the bed and pushed the EMT’s away from Eddie and pushed Guerrero’s bed to the ring, Guerrero was hopeless as he was tied into the bed. The referee signalled that the match was to continue and Mysterio got a chair and continuously beat Guerrero with it, Mysterio then put Guerrero’s bed into the ring and Guerrero was still helpless as he was tied in, Mysterio then climbed to the top and hit a 450 splash onto Guerrero, the move broke the bed however which enabled Guerrero to escape, Guerrero slowly managed to get up before Mysterio, Guerrero turned Rey around as he got up and hit a brainbuster on the trash can that was used earlier, Guerrero got a microphone from the outside and told Mysterio to quit but he refused, Guerrero then hit Mysterio in the head with the Microphone and you could see the blood around the eyes of Mysterio, Guerrero went outside and grabbed another table and threw it into the ring, , Guerrero set the table up and then placed Rey onto the table, Eddie then climbed the turnbuckles but spent to long arguing with the fans outside and Rey dropkicked Eddie just below the stomach , Mysterio then climbed the ropes and then hit a DDT on Guerrero threw the table, Mysterio just managed to get to his feet and went outside and grabbed another able and Ladder from under the ring, Mysterio set up the ladder quite close to the other ladder in the ring, Mysterio then climbed the ladder and put the table on top of the two ladder, Mysterio then went outside the ring and grabbed the ladder that had been set up earlier and brought it into the ring, Rey placed the ladder near the other two and grabbed Guerrero an dragged him up the opposite side of the ladder, once at the top Rey hooked Guerrero for a suplex on some sort, But Guerrero reversed and suplexed Rey though the table, sending him 20 ft to the mat below, the fans was in shock as was Guerrero at what he had just done, Guerrero had practically nothing left and fell of the ladder, Guerrero went over to Mysterio and covered him but the referee told him it was I Quit Stipulations, Rey was out and Guerrero tried to awake Mysterio by shaking him to say I Quit, Rey wasn’t moving though and Guerrero was irate, he went outside and grabbed a steel a chair and then re-entered the ring and wedged it between the second and third turnbuckle, Mysterio went to whip Mysterio into the steel chair but somehow Mysterio reversed and hit a drop toe hold sending Guerrero into the chair head first. Both men was bleeding heavily and the referee had clear concern on his face for both participants for the match, Mysterio some how managed to slowly climb to the top, and as Guerrero got to his feet Mysterio jumped off for a hurricanerunner, Mysterio landed on Guerrero’s shoulders but didn’t have enough energy to complete the move, Guerrero used this to his advantage and went to lock in the Lasso from El Paso, however Mysterio managed to slip out and Dropkicked Guerrero into the ropes, Rey then hit a 619 and was standing on the apron ready to hit the west coast pop when the lights went out, when they returned CHRIS BENOIT was standing behind Mysterio on the apron, Benoit hit a German Suplex on Mysterio though the table that had been set up near the start of the match, Benoit then locked in the crossface and Mysterio was taping, but the referee refused to ring the bell as Mysterio had to say I Quit, Guerrero then rolled outside and smiled at his plan, Benoit told Guerrero to ‘lock it in’, Guerrero then locked in a modified version of the Lasso from El Paso, Mysterio continued to tap, but still there was nothing that the referee could do, Both Guerrero and Benoit continued to apply pressure forcing to break the neck, back and legs of Mysterio and completely end his career, Mysterio had no choice but to say the words I Quit, and the referee reluctantly rang the bell to signify Eddie Guerrero had won the 2 out of 3 falls Latino Street Fight

    Winner of the third fall and the Match, Eddie Guerrero

    After the match Benoit and Guerrero refuse to let go of Mysterio, when Billy Kidman came down with a steel chair to try and make the save, but he is followed by X-oloution who destroy Kidman, This lead to Juventud Guerrera and Konnan making there WWE debut and ran out with a Chair and a baseball bat, the hit anything that moved in the ring and sent X-oloution running to the back, Guerrera and Konnan helped Kidman and Mysterio up and they 4 celebrated Mysterio’s win in the ring

    A Video is then shown to hype up Christian and John Cena, we see Christian’s raps and other ways of insulting John Cena while he was still on RAW, and then Christian being traded over to Smackdown, we see Christian busting Cena up on numerous occasions and the video closes with a repeat of the end of Smackdown with Cena chasing Christian out of the ring and hitting an F-U on Tomko

    We then cut backstage where Kidman, Mysterio, Konnan and Juvi are walking and Theodore Long walks up to them

    Long: Playa that was amazing, you had my respect before tonight, but Rey let me tell you, everyone’s respect for you after tonight has gone though the roof, now playa I wanted to tell you that after tonight Rey I’m giving you and Eddie a 2 week match break, meaning you don’t have to wrestle for two weeks, but in 18 days in your return match it will be Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit against Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman, but that’s not it this week on Smackdown it will be Chris Benoit one on one with Billy Kidman, Holla, Holla, Holla.

    We then cut to ringside where Christian is coming out with Tyson Tomko, John Cena then comes out next to a huge crowd ovation, Cena enters the ring and gets right in the face of Christian before the Bell rings, The referee sends Tomko out of the ring and the match begins

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    WWE Heavyweight Title

    John Cena © w/ Torrie Wilson v Christian w/ Tyson Tomko

    Cena and Christian stared down before even a punch was thrown, Christian tried to hit a sucked punch towards Cena, but Cena countered with a punch to his own, Cena continued to punch Christian to the ropes, Cena whipped Christian to the ropes and as Christian bounced of the ropes Cena hit a shoulder tackle takedown. Cena put Christian in a sleeper as Christian was on his stomach. Christian worked his way up to his feet and hit a back suplex on Cena, Christian stomped on Cena until Cena started to get up and Christian started to punch Cena in the head, however Cena countered and lifted Christian up onto his shoulders for a F-U, however Christian countered into an Tornado DDT, Christian picked up Cena and lifted him up for a Brainbuster, however Christian held Cena up for to long as Cena’s weight advantage came into play and Cena managed to hit a sit down DDT, Cena covered but only managed to get a 2 count, Cena beat down on Christian until Christian had backed himself into the corner, Cena kicked away on Christian in the corner and then posed to the crowd, this gave Christian enough time to catch his breath and as Cena turn back towards Christian leapt out of the corner and clotheslined Cena, Christian then picked Cena up from behind and hit the unprettier, Christian covered Cena in a very cocky manner, 1.2. no Cena kicked out, and Christian was irate, he was shouting at the referee and everything, this gave Cena enough time to get to his feet, Christian turned around and went to punch Cena, Cena ducked and picked up a reeling Christian, F-U, Christian is down, Cena covered hooking the leg, 1.2.3. No Christian just managed to get the shoulder up, Cena couldn’t believe it Christian the first ever person to kick out the F-U, Cena waited for Christian to get up and put him back on his shoulders, however Christian flipped out and dragged Cena down for a neckbrecker, both men was down and struggled to get to there feet, the referee started his 10 count and eventually both men got up by the count of 9, Cena beat Christian to the punch and whipped him into the ropes, Christian ducked a clothesline and hit a Dropkick on Cena, Christian then climbed the ropes and stood on the second turnbuckle, Cena slowly went over to Christian, and Christian booted Cena in the head before hitting a tornado spike DDT off the second rope, Cena was completely out, Christian rolled Cena and just managed to put a arm over the chest of Cena, Cena only just managed to kick out before the 3 count, Christian was extremely frustrated, what else could he do to win the WWE Title, Christian picked up Cena and hit a delayed vertical suplex, Christian slowly made his way to the top turnbuckle and waited for the WWE Champion to get to his feet. Cena slowly got up and in the corner of his eye could see Christian on the top turnbuckle, Cena pushed the referee into the ropes, causing Christian to fall quite abruptly onto the turnbuckle, Cena very slowly made his way back up to his feet, Cena then climbed the turnbuckles until he got to the top, Cena then stood on the top rope with Christian on his shoulders and went for an F-U, but no Christian countered with a huge tornado DDT, however Christian was on the other side of the ring to where Cena landed, by the time Christian crawled over to Cena, Cena had managed to recooperate enough to kick out after 2, Christian picked up Cena and kept punching and kicking him, Christian then had Cena set up for a unprettier, but some how Cena powered out and pushed Christian towards the ropes and clotheslined Christian, Cena then hit the 5 knuckle shuffle and then picked up Captain Charisma and put him on his shoulders for a F-U, Cena then looked at the turnbuckle and pointed towards it, Cena then climbed the turnbuckle with Christian on his shoulders, F-U off the top rope, Oh My God, out of pure luck Christian landed on his back and Cena on top of Christian, 1.2.3. Cena just pulled out the win and managed to retain the WWE Title

    Winner: And Still WWE Champion, John Cena

    Cena was celebrating in the ring with the WWE Title, it what was one on Cena’s toughest matches in the WWE, Cena was celebrating on the second rope with the WWE Title when Tyson Tomko jumped Cena from behind Tomko started to beat down on Cena, and Christian started to join in, Christian hit the Unprettier when some familiar music hit, RVD then ran down the aisle way and hit a side kick to Tomko and then a dropkick to Christian, however the numbers starts to catch up with RVD, Cena then gets back up and helps RVD, the two then manage to gain control and Cena hit an F-U on Tomko and RVD threw him out of the ring, Cena then hit an F-U on Christian and RVD went up top and hit a 5 star frog splash on Christian, Cena and RVD celebrated in the ring over Christian but RVD kept one eye on the WWE Title as Great American Bash went of the air

    -Short Results-

    Rene Dupree survived the Tornado Elimination match (Charlie Haas, Hardcore Holly and Tajiri v Rene Dupree, Nunizo and Akio) 70/75/66

    Big Show defeated Matt Morgan 65/67/68

    WWE Cruiserweight Title, Paul London © defeated Psicosis to retain the title 68//81/78

    WWE Tag Team Titles, Dudley Boyz defeated MNM © by DQ to win the match, but MNM retain the titles 65/76/73

    WWE United States Title, John Bradshaw Layfield defeated Orlando Jordan © to win the United States Title 67/74/69

    Marty Jannetty and Kurt Angle defeated Shawn Michaels and Booker-T- 81/73//83

    2 out of 3 Falls, Latino Street Fight, Eddie Guerrero defeated Rey Mysterio 2 falls to 1 85/73/92

    WWE Title, John Cena © defeated Christian 82/71/85

  8. I know you started this a year ago, but still i jst read it all, dunno if this was asked, but why was Wrestlemania cancelled and how did Austin win the title as you ahd him with the title on the March 29th SD, where he didn't win it till APril 1st Mania 17, which you never had, explanation please?

  9. Great American Bash

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    Prediction Contest - Winner of Prediction Contest picks the atipulation for the Smackdown Summerslam Main Event

    Bold Your Predicitions, and Answer all questions

    WWE Title

    John Cena © w/Torrie Wilson v Christian w/Tyson Tomko

    WWE United States Title

    Orlando Jordan © w/The Bashams v JBL

    Kurt Angle and Marty Jannetty v Booker-T- and Shawn Michaels

    Who Gets the Win?

    Who loses the fall?

    Latino Street Fight, 2 out of 3 Falls

    Rey Mysterio v Eddie Guerrero

    What will the final results be?

    Big Show v Matt Morgan

    WWE Tag Team Titles

    MNM © w/Melina v Dudley Boyz

    Will someone be put throw a table

    Tornado Elimination

    Hardcore Holly/Charlie Haas/Tajiri v Rene Dupree/Akio/Nunizo

    Who is the final man left?

    Cruiserweight Title

    Paul London © v Psicosis

  10. Velocity Tapings

    Darkness and Funaki defeated Tyson Tomko, Matt Morgan and Carlito (Big Show chased Carlito and Morgan to the back and chockslammed Tyson for Funaki to get easy pin) 44/65/52

    Booker-T- defeated Billy Kidman 74/76/77

    WWE Tag Tea Champions MNM defeated Charlie Haas and Hardcore Holly 74//65/75


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    The Smackdown Video Plays and we go straight into the entrance of the Big Show

    Cole: We have a huge night folks, but we start off with a Handicap Match that the Big Show requested

    After Big Show has got in the ring Carlito and Matt Morgan made there way to the ring

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    Matt Morgan and Carlito v Big Show

    Morgan refused to start the match so Carlito was forced to start the match against the Big Show, Big Show threw Carlito around the ring like a rag doll, eventually Big Show threw Carlito into Matt Morgan forcing Carlito to tag Morgan, Morgan entered the ring and the two giants stared each other down in the ring, Morgan tried to cheap shot Big Show, but Big Show grabbed the hand of Morgan and crushed it, Big Show then kicked Morgan in the guy and put his hand round the throat of Morgan for the chockslam, organ quickly rolled out of the ring, Morgan caught his breath and re-entered the ring spearing down the Big Show, Morgan kept the control until Morgan went for an F-5, as Morgan twisted around Big Show he landed on his feet and grabbed Morgan around the neck again, Morgan slipped out, ran out the ring, tagging Carlito on the way out, Morgan looked on from the entrance ramp, Carlito entered the ring confused looking at Morgan, Show then spun Carlito around and hit the chockslam, Show covered as Morgan looked on, 1.2.3

    Winner: Big Show

    -Commercial Break-

    We return from the commercial break and Big Show is with Josh Matthews.

    Josh: Big Show earlier tonight in your handicap match it looked like Matt Morgan was scared of you,

    Show: Josh its about time he was scared of me, do you know what a 7ft, 500lb monster like me can do, I can destroy anyone in that ring whenever I want, and everything Matt Morgan has down to me Josh, he has released the monster within, the monster called the Big Show.

    We cut backstage where Shannon Moore, Paul London and Rey Mysterio are talking

    London: Rey we got a big tag match tonight

    Rey: Holmes ya right, but its nothing to this Sunday, huge nights for us both

    London: I can’t wait to step in the ring with Psicosis

    Rey: Man be careful with him, I have wrestled him before, he’ll do anything to take the cruiserweight title from you

    Moore: Yeh Paul he destroyed me two weeks in a row, he is tough

    London: He’ll have to try everything, because I’m not going to lose this cruiserweight title to him or anyone, this title is my life

    We cut to ringside and Tajiri comes to the ring, he is followed by Akio who is with his International Warfare partners Rene Dupree and Nunizo, Akio entered the ring and the match began

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    Tajiri v Akio w/ Rene Dupree and Nunizo

    The match was very clean to start with and the control kept going back and forth between Akio and Tajiri. Tajiri hit a back string elbow and waited for Akio to start to get up to hit his lethal kick, but Akio ducked Tajiri, tripped him and caught him with his own kick that only got a 2 count. The first sign of interference was when Tajiri had Akio in the tarantula, Dupree went to approach Tajiri while he had Akio in the hold, this left the referee to push Dupree back which allowed Nunizo to hit a double sledge to the back of Tajiri. Akio kept the control of the match then right until the end when Dupree and the referee distracted Nunizo was on the apron, Akio had Tajiri set up for a powerbomb, Tajiri then blew green mist into the eyes of Nunizo and then hit a hurricanerunner on Akio, Followed by a kick to the head when Akio quickly got up and then the kick of death, Tajiri covered, 1.2.3

    Winner: Tajiri

    After the match Dupree and then Nunizo entered the ring and with Akio started to beat down Tajiri, this lead to Charlie Haas and Hardcore Holly to come out to the ring to try and make the save, but they was also beaten down, Dupree hit the DVD on all 3 men and the International Warfare had laid out all of their 3 opponents for the Great American Bash

    -Commercial Break-

    We return from the Commercial Break and Josh Matthews is with the International Warfare

    Josh: you have just destroyed Charlie Haas, Hardcore Holly and Tajiri, the 3 men you will face in a Tornado Elimination match at the Great American Bash

    Dupree: You see er Josh, we shall destroy any one who comes between us and our main goal, dis Sunday, we shall be de victories

    We cut back to ringside and Rey Mysterio comes out followed by Paul London, some unfamiliar music plays and Chavo Guerrero comes out with Perry Saturn and Eddie Guerrero, they are then followed by someone who looks like a younger Rey Mysterio, who the ring announcer calls Fuego Guerrero, Chavo and Fuego goes in the ring to start the match.

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    WWE Cruiserweight Champion Paul London and Rey Mysterio v Chavo Guerrero and Fuego Guerrero w/ Eddie Guerrero and Perry Saturn

    The match was very fast passed, some high points in the match was London taking Eddie and Saturn out on the outside with a 450 splash, as well as Fuego hitting a moonsault crossbody on Rey for the 2 count, Chavo was the one who controlled the mat wrestling, Chavo hit a brainbuster on London but only got a 2 count. The finish came when London and Rey dropkicked Chavo and Fuego into the ropes, Rey hit a double 619 followed with a Asai Moonsault, London went up top and hit the London Calling (Shooting Star Press) On Fuego and got the 3 count

    Winners: WWE Cruiserweight Champion Paul London and Rey Mysterio

    After the match Psicosis comes out of no here and drags London out of the ring and they Brawl up the aisle way back to the locker room, With London leaving that has left Rey alone with all 4 X-oloution members, Eddie grabs a microphone and he enters the ring with Saturn as Chavo and Fuego get up

    Eddie: Well done holmes, bet your pleased with yourself, well I am going to take this time to introduce the brain behind X-oloution, mamacita’s and gentleman, Shane Douglas

    Shane Douglas started to walk down the ramp and Rey was looking at Douglas when the 4 men in the ring jumped Rey from behind, Douglas ran to the ring and the 5 men beat the hell out of Rey, when a load of Road Agents and Referee’s ran out to separate X-oloution from Rey Mysterio, eventually the referee’s and road agents managed to pull X-oloution  of a Rey and managed to hold them back, Dean Molenko then pulled Rey out of the ring and helped him to the back, half way up the aisle way, Dean Molenko powerbombed Rey on the concrete and locked in the texas cloverleaf, the referee and road agents left the ring and ran out to get Molenko of Mysterio Eddie then grabbed the microphone that was still in the ring

    Eddie: Holmes if you thought this was bad, wait till Sunday Essa when you see the biggest debut for X-oloution, viva la rassa

    -Commercial Break-

    We return from the commercial break and the cabinet made there way to the ring, the Dudley Boyz then came out to the ring, the bell rang and the match began.

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    Dudley Boyz v Basham Brothers w/ United States Champion Orlando Jordan

    This was a very hard hitting match, The Dudleyz had the advantage for the most of the match, the advantage changed however when Orlando Jordan got involved and tripped D-von allowing Danny to hit a back suplex, Jordan was then chased though the crowd by John Bradshaw Layfield. The Bashams isolated D-von and kept the advantage. Danny ran in and hit Bubba off the apron, the Bashams then set D-von up for a double powerbomb, however Bubba run in to save his partner and sent Danny to the outside, the Dudleyz then hit a 3-D on Doug, D-von covered, 1.2.3

    Winners: Dudley Boyz

    After the match MNM jumped in the ring and started to beat on the Dudleyz, the Bashams joined in and turned it into a 4 on 2 beat down, the Bashams then hit a double powerbomb on Bubba and MNM hit the snapshot on D-von, Melina then appears on the titantron with a neck brace

    Melina: Dudleyz are you happy with what you done to me, Well this Sunday I’ll b happy with what is done to you, because not only will my boys leave Tag Tam Champions, but that extreme surprise I promised, will destroy you both

    We cut backstage and Josh Matthews is with Christian who has Tomko by his side

    Josh: Christian, after your attack last week with don’t even believe John Cena will be here tonight, your thoughts

    Christian: Josh if I got a beat down like that, I would of opened the show wanting revenge, but that proves the difference between me and John Cena, I am a fighter, while John Cena is weak, and come Sunday he will be even weaker when Captain Charisma leaves Great American Bash your WWE Champion, ‘cause that’s how I roll

    -Commercial Break-

    We return from the Commercial and Shannon Moore and Scotty 2 Hotty come to the ring, they are followed by Christian and Tyson Tomko, who look like they wanna make quick work of the 2 cruiserweights

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    Christian and Tyson Tomko v Scotty 2 Hotty and Shannon Moore

    The match was a complete squash match, Christian and Tyson held the offence for most of the match, Shannon and Scotty tried to use there high flying move on Tyson, however Tyson kept catching the cruiserweight and powerbombing or powerslaming them, Tyson was the legal man for the entire match, seemingly to keep Christian out of harms way just 3 days before his WWE Title Match, Tyson went for a powerslam on Moore, Tyson whipped Shannon into the ropes, when John Cena’s music, Both Christian and Tyson was distracted and looked towards the entrance ramp, Shannon then snuck in a quick roll up on Tomko to get the 3 count and the shocking win.

    Winners: Shannon Moore and Scotty 2 Hotty

    Scotty quickly drags Shannon out of the ring, and everyone is in shock, Shannon and Scotty celebrate up the ramp and Christian and Tomko look on in shock in the ring.

    We cut backstage and Josh is with Booker-T- and Shawn Michaels

    Josh: This Sunday, you can both get revenge on Marty Jannetty and Kurt Angle for the actions in recent months, your thoughts

    Booker: I don’ have no beef against Jannetty, but Kurt, after everything you put me and my wife though, its time that you pay, Sunday I will beat the hell out of you, now can you dig that SSUUCCKKAA

    HBK: Marty, Kurt I am going to kick both of your asses this Sunday, and I will make you both wish you never heard the name Shawn Michaels

    -Commercial Break-

    We Return from the commercial break and Tazz and Cole hype the Great American Bash Card

    WWE Title, Josh Cena v Christian

    United States Title, Orlando Jordan v JBL

    Kurt Angle and Marty Jannetty v Shawn Michaels and Booker-T-

    2 out of 3 falls, Latino Street Fight, Rey Mysterio v Eddie Guerrero

    Big Show v Matt Morgan

    WWE Tag Team Titles MNM v Dudley Boyz

    Cruiserweight Title, Paul London v Psicosis

    Tornado Elimination, Hardcore Holly, Charlie Haas and Tajiri v Rene Dupree, Akio and Nunizo

    As Cole and Tazz finish JBL Music Hits and he comes to the ring followed by Kurt Angle

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    Kurt Angle v John Bradshaw Layfield

    Angle started the match of in control, but JBL soon got the advantage, JBL used his brawling to overcome Angle, JBL went for a clothesline from hell early, but Angle ducked, then raked the eyes Angle and then connected with a Angleslam, Angle then went to lock in a Anklelock, but JBL escaped and left the ring to catch his breath, Angle followed JBL out of the ring. The two brawled outside the ring. JBL reversed Angle sending him into the steel steps, JBL went over to Angle, but Angle low blowed JBL and rolled him into the ring, Angle then went to grab a chair and then went into the ring, the referee tried to pull the chair away from Angle, Angle pushed the referee to the floor and hit JBL over the head with the steel chair to get disqualified

    Winner: John Bradshaw Layfield

    The Cabinet then ran out and with Angle started to destroy JBL, this lead HBK and Booker-T- to come out and tried to make the save, but this caused Marty Jannetty to come out and help the beat down on JBL, HBK and Booker-T-, the locker room then emptied to try and separate the 8 men, however with so many people and so many rivalries in the ring, a huge brawl erupted with everyone beating down on everyone, bodies started being thrown over the top rope and everyone was brawling in the aisle way except Carlito, Christian, Morgan and Tyson Tomko who was beating down on the Big Show in the ring, when all of a sudden WWE Champion John Cena’s Music Hit, Christian and Tomko ignored it and told Carlito and Morgan to do the same after the incident earlier tonight, but then out of the Crowd with a lead pipe came Cena, Show rolled out of the ring and Cena first hit Carlito in the head with the lead pipe, and ducked a kick by Tomko and then hit Tomko with a lead pipe to the head, Cena ducked another big book by Morgan this time and hit a Cena powerbomb, Cena then ducked a clothesline by Christian, Cena had Christian set up for an F-U, but Tomko came to Christian’s add, Big Booting Cena to the face, Christian rolled outside the ring and as Tomko picked up Cena, Cena put Tomko on his shoulders and hit an F-U as Christian was looking on with carnage all around him, Cena celebrated in the ring on his on with the WWE Title, staring down Christian, Cena was the last man standing, but will he be this Sunday on Pay Per View.

    -Short Results-

    Big Show beat Carlito and Matt Morgan at 6:36 62/54/68

    Tajiri beat Akio at 7:21 73//82/71

    WWE Cruiserweight Champion Paul London and Rey Mysterio beat Chavo Guerrero and Fuego Guerrero at 8:45 67/82/70

    Dudley Boyz beat Basham Brothers at 6:31 66/74/69

    Shannon Moore and Scotty 2 Hotty beat Christian and Tyson Tomko at 5:10 71/69/73

    JBL beat Kurt Angle at 6:30 75/78/74

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    After lasts weeks show with Kurt Angle as GM, Smackdown GM Theodore Long was disgusted with how Kurt Angle ran the show and as punishment will go face to face with one man who escaped the wrath of Angle last week, with the Great American Bash just 3 days away, will either man have the full focus on there oppoenent on smackdown.

    Also at the request of the Big Show, just 3 days away before hi match against Matt Morgan, Big Show will go in a 2 on 1 handicap match against Matt Morgan and Carlito.

    Last week Christian and Tyson Tomko destroyed WWE Champion John Cena, just 3 days until Great American Bash it is unclear if John Cena will be on Smackdown, however Christian and Tyson Tomko will wrestle Scotty 2 Hotty and Shannon Moore

    And find out what Guerrero means with X-oloution

    All this and more on Smackdown

    -Confirmed Matches-

    Akio v Tajiri

    Chavo Guerrero and ??? v Rey Mysterio and WWE Cruiserweight Champion Paul London

    Big Show v Carlito and Matt Morgan

    Christian and Tyson Tomko v Scotty 2 Hotty and Shannon Moore

    Kurt Angle v John Bradshaw Layfield

  12. Heat Tapings

    Jason and Johnny Darkness defeated The Heart Throbs 26/62/35

    William Regal, Eugene and Viscera defeated Heidenreich, Snitsky and Luther Reigns 71/64/67

    Shelton Benjamin and Mark Jindrak defeated La Resistance 69/69/72


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    The RAW opener hits but cuts half way though to a ECW opening video, we then cut to JR and King

    King: JR I can’t believe it, Vince McMahon has actually allowed this to turn into a extremely crappy wrestling event

    JR: Well whatever your views this is a new era for RAW and what a night we have for you

    ECW Music Hits, and Dreamer, Richards and Al Snow come out followed by Paul Heyman, Paul Heyman looked at the New RAW Set, very Purple, extreme with Barbed Wire, Glass and Tables at the top.

    Hassan and Daivari came out next, followed by Edge who was with Lita and Eric Bischoff

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    ECW Rules, Tommy Dreamer, Steven Richards and Al Snow w/ Paul Heyman v Muhammad Hassan, Daivari and Edge w/ Lita and Eric Bischoff

    The match was chaos, Dreamer and Richards paired off against Hassan and Daivari and Snow and Edge paired off to start the match. Dreamer, Richards and Snow felt very comfortable in the environment they was in, Edge was semi-comfortable as he was use to the whole risk factor, however Hassan and Daivari looked like fish out of water and tried to stop the use of weapons as much as possible. Eventually though weapons was in play all over the place. Edge hit a Edge-u-cution on a chair to Al Snow, and outside Daivari had been put though a table with a Dreamer driver by Tommy Dreamer. Hassan was then driven though a trash can with a Stevie-T- by Richards, Dreamer got back in the ring but was hit with 3 steel chair shots to the head, Richards then brought a table and trash can lid, Richards entered the ring but was immediately speared by Edge and the Edge hit a Edge-u-cution onto the trash can lead, and Richards rolled outside leaving Edge and Dreamer in the ring, Edge set up the table as Bischoff waved someone out, Dreamer was put on the top as it was showed that Bischoff was waving out Mike Awesome, Awesome went straight to the top and hit the Awesome Splash, Edge then covered Dreamer to get the win

    Winners: Edge, Muhammad Hassan and Daivari

    After the match Hassan and Daivari helped each other to the back, and in the ring, Awesome and Edge posed in the ring over Dreamer and Bischoff and Heyman staredown and argue on the outside

    -Commercial Break-

    We are backstage in Eric Bischoff’s office and Chris Benoit is in Bischoff’s office with Bischoff

    Bischoff: Chris, its good to have you back, but as you know I promised you and the fans a return match to RAW, but Chris make it a good one, because it could very well be your last, because if you lose tonight against the next superstar in Team Bischoff, you will be fired.

    Benoit: I hate you Eric, I hope Paul makes your life a living hell

    Benoit lives Bischoff’s office and we return to ringside, Hurricane and Rosey are in the ring with Stacy

    Stacy: It’s time for the Hurricane and Rosey’s open challenge for the Tag Team Titles, to any team in the back come…..

    The lights went out, a load of white lights appeared and eerie music played, when the lights returned Rhyno and Sean O’Haire was standing in the ring with Sinister Minister standing between the two, none of the 3 said a word before the match began

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    World Tag Team Titles, Hurricane and Rosey © w/ Stacy Keblier v Rhyno and Sean O’Haire w/ Sinister Minister

    A complete squash match by the challengers, Hurricane and Rosey didn’t get any offence in what so ever. Rhyno lifted Rosey onto his shoulder and hit a running slam. O’Haire hit a jumping spin kick to the head knocking Hurricane out of the ring, Rhyno hit a gore on Rosey, made a cover, 1.2.3

    Winners: NEW World Tag Team Champions Rhyno and Sean O’Haire

    As soon as Rhyno and O’Haire was given the Tag Titles, the lights went out and Rhyno, O’Haire and Sinister Minister disappeared from ringside

    We go backstage and Triple H is in a darkened room with a briefcase.

    HHH: This last few weeks a couple of guys have got in between me and the World’s Heavyweight Champion Batista, now tonight is a big night for Batista, he could lose the World’s Heavyweight Title, now I don’t want that to happen, you see Dave, you are not going to take the easy way out of this.

    Triple H opened the briefcase and there was a hell of a lot of money in there

    HHH: In there is one hundred thousand dollars, and this will go to whoever can take out Undertaker and Kane,

    We zoom into the money and then to the face of the coach

    Coach: What a night tonight, a night that the ladies of RAW have been waiting for, for a long time, the return of the one, the only, Randy Orton

    Orton comes into the picture.

    Coach: Randy, the world wants to know, why are you here

    Orton: Coach, tonight is a huge night for RAW, a new era begins tonight, and Randy Orton wanted to be here for a new era.

    Coach: Well the last time we seen you Randy you got your arm destroyed by our World’s Heavyweight Champion, Batista

    The camera zooms into the face of Orton

    Orton: Batista, I promise you this, watch your back because payback is a bitch

    -Commercial Break-

    We return from the Commercial Break and Chris Masters comes to the ring with Eric Bischoff, followed by Justin Credible with Paul Heyman

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    Chris Masters w/ Eric Bischoff v Justin Credible w/ Paul Heyman

    Masters used his power in the match and Justin Credible used a speed advantage and a selection of kicks, Credible used a Implanted DDT, but Masters kicked out at a 2 count. Credible tried to hit the That’s Incredible, but Masters reversed and back body dropped Credible, from then on Masters controlled the match, hitting a powerbomb as well as a double sledge, Masters felt it was time to end it and locked in the Masters Lock, Credible tried to break out but he couldn’t, he was so close to fading away when he ran towards the ropes, bouncing off the and falling back, using Masters momentum to hold down the pinfall and got a quick 3 count for the win

    Winner: Justin Credible

    Masters rolls outside with Bischoff, and in the ring Credible poses and Heyman invites them back in the ring, but Bischoff and Masters retreat to the back.

    We go backstage and Todd is with Triple H and Ric Flair

    Todd: Earlier tonight……

    Triple H: Shut up, I asks the questions not you, Batista did you really think you was going to get out of it, do you really think I was going to let you lose the World’s Heavyweight Title to anyone but me, Batista one day, somewhere I will beat you and I will do it for the World’s Heavyweight Title

    Flair: Batista, you maybe good, but you’re not great, you have luck now, but one day the champ will regain the title, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    -Commercial Break-

    We return from the Commercial Break, we see Triple H walking down a corridor alone, he then looks at a door and enters the locker room, as Triple H closes the door, we see the name Randy Orton, we then cut to ringside.

    Victoria’s Music hits and she comes out first, she is then followed by Christy who has Ivory with her. Finally Eric Bischoff’s music hits and Lita and Trish comes out together with Edge and Eric Bischoff following. The 4 Diva’s stepped in the ring and stared down each other, clearly having a divide, Trish and Lita one side of the ring, Christy and Victoria the other

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    Women’s Title, Trish Straus © w/ Eric Bischoff v Lita w/ Edge v Victoria v Christy Hemme w/ Ivory

    This match started of as if it was tornado tag rules, Lita and Trish teamed up and Christy teamed up with Victoria, Trish and Lita hit a double suplex on  Victoria and then started working on Christy and hit a Double DDT, Trish and Lita argued about who was going to get the pin, Victoria came in and hit a running clothesline on both diva’s down, Victoria then covered Christy but only got a 2 count. A little later Trish hit a Stratusfaction on Christy, Victoria then hit the Widow’s Peak on Trish, Lita then hit Victoria with a twist of fate, Victoria rolled out of the ring with Trish, Lita then climbed the top and hit a lita-sault onto Christy to get the 3 count

    Winner: NEW Women’s Champion Lita

    -Commercial Break-

    We return and Eric Bischoff is in his office with New Women’s Champion Lita, Edge and Trish Stratus. Orton then comes into Bischoff’s office

    Bischoff: Randy, its good to have you back

    Orton: Thanks man, its good to be back, but Eric I need business here, I need Batista for the World’s Heavyweight Title at Summerslam, he done this to me Eric, I’ll be cleared to wrestle by then.

    Bischoff: Randy, you know I have no doubt you can do it, and consider it a welcome back present from your boss, Batista against Randy Orton at Summerslam

    Bischoff and Randy shake hands

    Randy: Thank you Eric you won’t regret this.

    We got to the ring and the High-Lite Reel is set up and Chris Jericho is in the ring

    Jericho: Welcome to the highlight reel, and the number one contender Chris Jericho, now tonight is a huge night for me, I start the final road to kicking that little bitch’s ass Shelton Benjamin at Summerslam, so who better to have as my guest as the Intercontinental Champion, Shelton Benjamin.

    Shelton Benjamin’s Music Hits and he comes to the ring

    Jericho: So Shelton, how does it feel knowing you are going to lose the Intercontinental Title to me at Summerslam.

    Benjamin: You mean the same guy who was scared to wrestle me in a cage, Jericho I think you might just be looking a bit to far ahead

    Jericho: And what’s that mean Junior

    Benjamin: That Jericho I wouldn’t be to sure that you’ll win tonight

    Jericho: Is that right,

    Jericho then hit Benjamin over the head with a microphone, Jericho then started to stomp away at Benjamin,

    until Lance Storm came out and chased Jericho away, as Jericho was going up the entrance way Storm and Jericho was arguing.

    -Commercial Break-

    We return from the Commercial Break just as Chris Benoit came out, next out was Chris Benoit’s mystery opponent, Old School Steve Corino, who was followed by Eric Bischoff

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    Chris Benoit v Steve Corino w/ Eric Bischoff

    The match started with Benoit in control. Benoit ducked a right hand and hit 3 German Suplex’s in a row to end with a bridge, Benoit got a 2 count before Corino kicked out. Corino started to fight back against Benoit. Corino hit a stalling suplex on Benoit, Benoit started to get up Corino hit a Northern Lights Bomb, Corino covered but only got a 2 count. A bit later in the match as Benoit was getting up Corino went for a running lariat, Benoit quickly caught Corino and hit a belly to belly suplex. Benoit went up top and top rope headbutt dive, Benoit then locked in the crossface, the referee was down ready for Corino to submit, Bischoff dragged the referee out of the ring, Bischoff hit a karate kick to the head of the referee. Bischoff entered the ring, distracting Benoit, Benoit let go of the crossface and went to confront Bischoff, Corino got up and hot the Old School Expulsion on Benoit, Corino covered and Bischoff counted a quick 3 count

    Winner: Steve Corino

    Bischoff grabbed a microphone.

    Bischoff: Well, well, well. I have wanted to say this ever since you left WCW, Chris Benoit, it is my honour and privilege to tell you, You’re Fired, Security get him out of here. Security came down to ringside and dragged Benoit out the ring and to the back

    -Commercial Break-

    We are backstage and Team Bischoff is with The Coach

    Coach: Boss, what a night you have had tonight, the debut of Mike Awesome, beating ECW in a ECW rules, the debut of Steve Corino, firing of Chris Benoit, and up next, Chris Jericho becomes the number one contender to the Intercontinental Title

    Eric: You know what Coach, it has been quite a night for Team Bischoff, and its about to get even bigger, and at Summerslam, Team ECW stands no chance, look at my team so far Coach, Gladiator Mike Awesome, Mr Money in the Bank Edge, Master Piece, Chris Masters and Old School Steve Corino, Coach we are on fire, but we have one man left to debut for team Bischoff, the team leader, and Next Week Paul E, hears a challenge, you debut your final man, and I’ll debut my final man, and we do it next week one on one, what do you say to that, I’ll see you in the ring, next, Common Chris

    Bischoff and Jericho leave for the ring as the others stay where they are looking impressed.

    First the ECW Music hits and Paul Heyman comes out, followed by not to the surprise of many by Lance Storm, Next out came Chris Jericho followed by Eric Bischoff

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    Number one Contender to Intercontinental Title at Summerslam, Chris Jericho w/ Eric Bischoff v Lance Storm w/ Paul Heyman

    The match just like the last was very technical, highlights of the match was when Lance Storm jumped onto the top after a catapult by Jericho and then hit a moonsault onto Jericho as he was standing. Jericho hit a bulldog followed by a lionsault attempt that missed, Storm went for a superkick but Jericho ducked and hit a sleeper takedown, Jericho went for a cocky cover but Storm kicked out. A bit later on, Storm went for an Superkick, Jericho caught the leg but Storm hit a Enziguri, Storm went for a cover by Bischoff distracted the referee, Heyman went to pull Bischoff down from the apron but Bischoff kicked Heyman away, Storm then got up and kicked Bischoff in the chest knocking him to the floor when Heyman started to punch Bischoff repeatedly, Jericho then took advantage of the distraction and hit a bulldog, followed by a lionsault, 1.2.., Storm just managed to kick out, Jericho argued with the referee about the decision and this gave Storm enough time to get up, Jericho then turned around right into a superkick, Jericho was down, Storm then locked in the Canadian Mapleleaf submission, Jericho tried to hold out but , Bischoff could tell from the outside Jericho was close to giving up, Bischoff tried to fight off Heyman and get in the ring to distract the referee, the distraction was long enough to allow Edge to run down to ringside and spear Storm, Edge then put Jericho on top of Storm, Heyman dragged Bischoff back out of the ring and this allowed the referee to turn around and count the 3 count

    Winner: Chris Jericho

    Edge and Jericho started to beat down on Lance Storm, Tommy Dreamer came down to even up the sides. Mike Awesome and Steve Corino then came out to put the advantage back with team Bischoff, this lead Steven Richards and Justin Credible out to even up the sides once again, but Chris Masters came out to give team Bischoff the advantage again, Jericho started to back off and watch Team ECW get beat down by Team Bischoff. This lead Shelton Benjamin to the ring who scared of Jericho and started to work with Team ECW to send the rest of Team Bischoff into retreat, Heyman then grabbed a microphone and went into the ring.

    Heyman: Eric Bischoff, I heard you made a challenge early tonight, you’re leader against mine, and its on in a lumberjack match, and the lumberjacks Eric will be everyone out here now, including me and you, but Eric lets add a little bit of extreme, 6 people will have weapons, while 6 won’t and that will be decided by a 10 man tornado rules match, your 5 men there, and my 4 Team ECW Members and Shelton Benjamin, and Eric, I am going to take you, to the EXTEME.

    We go backstage to Batista who is with Todd Grisham

    Todd: Batista tonight we have heard a lot about you from Triple H, Ric Flair and Randy Orton, all former Evolution team mates of yours, do you think there is a Evolution reunion that you are not involved with?

    Batista: Todd I couldn’t care if there was, Triple H, Flair, you can get involved in my match tonight, any shape or form you want but I will quick both your asses, and Randy you have a world title match against me at Summerslam, Orton good luck because you are going to need it.

    -Commercial Break-

    We return from the Break and Kane comes to the ring ready for his World’s Heavyweight Title match, Batista then comes out to a huge pop, the two have a staredown before there match begins

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    ECW Rules, World Heavyweight Title, Batista © v Kane

    The match was very hard hitting and wasted no time in going to the outside, Kane went to whip Batista into the stairs, but Batista reversed sending Kane into the steps, Kane thought back against Batista and the two started to brawl of the entrance ramp, Batista levelled Kane with a clothesline, Batista started to punch Kane, and Kane started to go closer towards the side of the entrance  ramp, Batista started punching Kane closer to the edge like he wanted Kane to fall, Batista set Kane up for a huge punch but Kane ducked and caught Batista by the throat and chockslammed Batista right of the stage threw a couple of tables and onto some wires and other equipment, Kane took a breather but HHH and Flair come out and they beat Kane back into the ring, Flair grabbed a couple of chairs, Flair hit Kane in the back and Triple pedigreed him onto a chair, after a few seconds though Kane sat up, much to the surprise of Triple H and Ric Flair, they started punching Kane as he got up, Kane then caught them both by the throat, but then received a double low blow, Triple H then picked up a chair and smashed Kane over the head as the lights went out. When the lights returned The Undertaker was in the ring, Triple H and Flair tried to run away from the deadman by going threw the crowd, however The Undertaker slowly followed, As Kane started to get up out of know where Kane was gored by  Rhyno, O’Haire then jumped of the top hitting a seanton bomb onto Kane, they continued to beat on Kane, obviously trying to claim the bounty on the head of Kane and his brother. Batista slowly started to walk back to the ring, back in the ring O’Haire hit a spinning kick to the head of Kane, Kane then stunned turned towards Rhyno, who hit a running powerslam, Batista slowly got into the ring by was gored by Rhyno as soon as he entered the ring, O’Haire when for another spinning kick, by Kane ducked and hit a chockslam, Kane and Rhyno then brawled, Kane hit a uppercut and Rhyno turned around into Batista who just got up and hit a Batista Bomb, Kane ran in for a clothesline on Batista, Batista ducked, hit a Batista bomb on Kane, 1.2.3 Batista won

    Winner: Still Worlds Heavyweight Champion Batista

    After the match Batista is celebrating in the ring, Randy Orton’s music hits, he comes to the entrance ramp and stare’s down Batista who is standing on the second turnbuckle holding the World’s Heavyweight Title. To end the show

    -Short Results-

    Edge, Muhammad Hassan and Daivari beat Tommy Dreamer, Al Snow and Steven Richards in a ECW Rules Match at 6:21 75/79/74

    World Team Tag Titles, Rhyno and Sean O’Haire beat Hurricane and Rosey at 2:01 to win the World Tag Team Titles 73/72/71

    Justin Credible defeated Chris Masters at 7:11 61/60/60

    Women’s Title, Lita defeated Trish Stratus, Christy Hemme and Victoria to win the women’s title at 6:45 55/44/52

    Steve Corino defeated Chris Benoit in 8:03 62/81/72

    Number 1 Contender to Intercontinental Title at Summerslam, Chris Jericho defeated Lance Storm 63/83/74

    World’s Heavyweight Title, ECW Rules, Batista defeated Kane at 10:05 to retain the World’s Heavyweight Title 67/71/69

  13. user posted image

    Paul Heyman sealed a deal with Vince McMahon to make a first ever ECW RAW, and what a night we have, for the first time ever the World's Heavyweight title will be on th eline in ECW rules.

    After last week when Triple H and Ric Flair attacked Batista before his world's heavyweight title match against Kane, well this week the match will take place no matter what.

    We also will find out who will wrestle Shelton Benjamin at Summerslam for the Intercontinental Title, when Shelton Benjamin faces a oppoenent picked by Paul Heyman.

    Eric Bischoff made a 6 man match, Al Snow, Steven Richards and Tommy Dreamer against Muhammad assan, Daivari and Edge, however in a attempt to annoy Eric Bischoff even more Paul Heyman made this an ECW rules match, in a match which will surly hype the fans up ready for the main event

    Also Chris Benoit returns to RAW, and Eric Bischoff has promised Benoit a huge return match ahainst a Team Bischoff member at Summerslam

    All this and much live on RAW

    -Confirmed Matches-

    ECW Rules, Tommy Dreamer, Al Snow and Steven Richards v Muhammad Hassan, Daivari and Edge

    World Tag Team Titles, Hurricane and Rosey issuses a open challenge

    Summerslam Team Bischoff Member v Summerslam Tean Heyman Member

    Womens Title, Trish Stratus v Lita v Christy Hemme v Victoria

    Chris Benoit's return match

    Number 1 contender to Intercontinental Title at Summerslam Chris Jericho v A Oppoenent of Paul Heyman's Choice

    World Heavyweight Title, ECW Rules, Batista v Kane

  14. Velocity Tapings

    Big Show beat Billy Kidman 71/69/70

    Carlito beat Scotty 2 Hotty 64/56/68

    Jason and Johnny Darkness and WWE Cruiserweight Champion Paul London defeated Basham Brothers and Chavo Guerrero 44/69/47


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    After the opening video we go to Kurt Angle standing in the General Managers Office

    Angle: Well I must say it is great to be back where I belong, and after tonight’s show I will be back full time, now after watching RAW Monday night and seeing Paul Heyman try and out do Kurt Angle with ECW RAW, tonight Smackdown will turn extreme. The 3 on 1 handicap tag team match, is now 3 on 1 handicap, no tagging necessary

    Cole: Please that’s just Angle trying to have Booker out of the picture before the Bash

    Angle: Also there is some 10 man tag match tonight that don’t really care about, it will be No DQ tornado rules, now welcome back to Kurt Angle’s Smackdown.

    We cut to ringside and Shannon Moore comes out to the ring, followed by Psicosis, after both men was in the ring the bell rang and the match began

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    Psicosis v Shannon Moore

    In a rematch from last week Moore took it right to Psicosis and hit the Mooregasim early, but Psicosis kicked out after two. Psicosis showed some amazing moves in the match, which including an Asai Moonsault where Psicosis landed on the guard, then jumping off and hurricanerunnering Moore in the ring, and jumping from the apron over the top rope hitting a 450 splash. Psicosis lured Shannon into a corner and locked in a drop toe hold sending him to the middle turnbuckle, Psicosis jumped onto Shannon’s back and then to the top rope, as Shannon backed off a bit, like last week Psicosis hit the High Top Death to get the 3 count

    Winner: Psicosis

    Paul London comes out to the ramp to staredown Psicosis, Psicosis grabs Shannon Moore and moves him to the corner, Psicosis stands on the second rope and then climbs to the third and piledrivers Shannon from the top, Psicosis then points to Shannon, then the cruiserweight title than signals it is going around his waist.

    -Commercial Break-

    We return from the break and the Cabana is set up in the ring and Carlito and Morgan are standing in the ring.

    Carltio: Welcome to Carlito’s Cabana, tonight we have a very special guest in de Big Show, de man we destroyed two weeks, ago, dats cool. SO come on Big Man, common down.

    Carltio and Morgan waited but nothing

    Carlito: Are you scared of Carlito, come on Big Show, don’t be such a scardy cat

    Still nothing, and Carltio gave Morgan the microphone as the crowd erupted, Carlito and Morgan thought it was for Matt Morgan, but in fact Big Show had slowly walked threw the crowd.

    Morgan: Biii iii iiig Shooo ooo ooow come on to the rrrr rrri rrri ing

    Big Show slowly and quietly got in the ring behind Carlito, Big Show put his hand around Carlito’s mouth and tossed him out of the ring, he then put a unsuspecting Matt Morgan is a full nelson. Big Show let go of the Full Nelson and then hit the chockslam, leaving Matt Morgan in the ring, Carlito then ran in the ring but Big Show caught Carlito and hit the final cut on Carlito, a move Big Show hadn’t used in a long time, Big Show celebrated over the two fallen superstars.

    We go backstage and Josh Matthews is with Paul London

    Josh: In just 10 days you will defend the cruiserweight title against a man you have never stepped in the ring with, Psicosis.

    London: Josh, everyone says I won’t be able to beat Psicosis, and Psicosis is a legend, now don’t get me wrong he is a very impressive superstar, but at the Great American Bash he is just another obstacle I will overcome.

    Psicosis walks onto the set, and without saying a word stares down Paul London

    -Commercial Break-

    We return to the ring with International Warfare and MNM in the ring, and Haas, Holly and Tajiri outside of the ring, The Dudley Boyz music hits and they come out to the ring, all 10 men are in the ring trying to intimidate each other as the bell rings.

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    No DQ WWE Tag Team Champions MNM, Rene Dupree, Akio and Nunizo w/ Melina v Dudley Boyz, Tajiri, Charlie Haas and Hardcore Holly

    The match was a complete brawl, there was not a tag at all in the match. For most of the match International Warfare and Haas, Holly and Tajiri was brawling outside the ring, while MNM and the Dudleyz fought in the ring. International Warfare tried to escape Haas, Holly and Tajiri by escaping threw the crowd, but Haas, Holly and Tajiri followed them. In the ring Mercury and then Nitro got hit with a 3-D, the Dudleyz then got 2 tables and set them up in the ring and one outside. In the ring Bubba went to pick up Nitro, but Melina grabbed the legs of Bubba. The Dudleyz chased Melina, and quickly caught her, right by the table, Bubba then powerbombed Melina though the table, MNM then came to Melina’s aid a bit to late hitting both Dudleyz with chairs to the back. As officials was helping Melina to the back, MNM hit a snapshot on D-von on the concrete, they then rolled Bubba into the ring and hit a snapshot on Bubba threw one of the tables in the ring, Nitro covered, 1.2.3

    Winners: WWE Tag Team Champions MNM, Rene Dupree, Akio and Nunizo

    MNM go outside and bring D-von into the ring,  Nitro sits up on the top rope and Mercury lifts D-von up to Nitro, Nitro then powerbombs D-von though a table like the Dudleyz have done many times before, MNM then celebrated over the Dudleyz who have both been put through a table.

    We then go backstage to Josh Matthews who is with Booker-T-

    Josh: Booker tonight you are in a 1 on 3 handicap match against the Cabinet, your thoughts.

    Booker: Tonight, Kurt Angle wants to try and take out the Booker man before the Bash, then he is greatly mistaken, and then at the Great American Bash, Kurt Angle you will pay for everything you have put my wife threw, now can you dig that SUCKA!!!!!!

    We cut backstage where Eddie and Chavo are talking

    Chavo: Essa I like it next week me and him against London and Mysterio, and then when I pin London, long will have no choice but ot put me in the cruiserweight title match at Great American Bash, and Rey will be destroyed so bad he won’t even make it the Great American

    Eddie: I like it holmes

    Kurt walks up to Eddie and Chavo

    Kurt: Guys I didn’t mean to listen in to your conversation, but I like your idea, and as General Manager, next week it is official Rey Mysterio and Paul London against Chavo Guerrero and a partner of his choosing, now Eddie the reason I am here is that I wanted to talk to you about something later tonight.

    The 3 men continue to walk along the corridor

    -Commercial Break-

    We return and the cabinet is on there way to the ring, they are then followed by Booker-T- who has his wife Sharmell with him.

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    Booker-T- w/ Sharmell v WWE United States Champion Orlando Jordan and The Basham Brothers

    With all 3 men in the ring at once Booker didn’t stand much of a chance, but Booker held his own, constantly keeping one man in the ring and 2 men out. It was a very kick match. The number caught up to Booker, and the 3 men started to dominate him. On orders of Kurt Angle they wanted to destroy Booker-T-, Orlando sent the two Bashams to get steel chairs, however while outside the ring they got a surprise as JBL came from no where and hit a clothesline from hell on both men, knocking them out, Jordan then seen JBL and ran, and JBL chased after Jordan, with all 3 men out of the ring the referee started to count, the Bashams was out and Jordan was running for his life, and Booker got the count out victory

    Winner: Booker-T-

    Booker-T- celebrated in the ring as the Bashams jumped him, Kurt Angle then came out and as the Bashams held up Booker, Angle hit the angleslam and then locked in the anklelock, eventually angle was dragged off by Road Agents and referee’s.

    -Commercial Break-

    We are backstage and Josh is with Orlando Jordan

    Josh: Orlando you just lost a 3 on 1 handicap match to Booker-T- because you was running away from JBL

    Orlando: Josh in 10 days I will humiliate JBL in front of the world, he knows it and that is why he is trying to intimidate and scare me before are match, but JBL I will be at the Great American Bash, and I will prove to the world that you are nothing, without the cabinet.

    We Cut to ringside just as Shawn Michaels music hits and he enters the ring where the cage is lowered. Kurt Angles music hits and he comes to the entrance way.

    Kurt: Shawn I decided to come out and introduced your opponents for what is now a handicap falls count anywhere cage match. First of all being occupied with a former special friend of Shawn Michaels, Marty Jannetty.

    Jannetty’s Music  hits and he comes to the ring, with Sensational Sherri beside him, Sherri kisses Jannetty on the cheek before he enters the cage.

    Kurt: And his opponent, EDDIE GUERRERO

    Eddie comes out, but is jumped by Rey Mysterio, Eddie quickly gets the advantage and slams Rey’s head into the cage and hits a brainbuster on the mats outside the ring

    Angle: On second thoughts, this match is now a tag team match.

    Eddie dragged Rey into the ring to start the match.

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    Falls Count Anywhere Cage Match, Rey Mysterio and Shawn Michaels v Eddie Guerrero and Marty Jannetty w/ Sensational Sherri

    The 4 men split into two, Rey and Eddie, and HBK and Jannetty, HBK and Jannetty was quite even, but Eddie destroyed Rey. Eddie hit the 3 amigos on Rey and HBK and dominating Jannetty in the corner, Eddie walked over to HBK, and HBK quickly turned and hit a sweet chin music on Eddie and then continued to beat down on Jannetty. A little bit later with Eddie still down and HBK beating on Jannetty, Rey started to climb the cage as Eddie started to get up, Eddie started to follow way and grabbed the ankle of Rey, Rey kicked Eddie away and continued to climb the cage, and Eddie followed, eventually both men was sat at the top of the cage punching away.

    Back In the ring HBK waited for Jannetty to stand up, HBK went for a sweet chin music, Jannetty ducked and hit a sweet chin music  of his own, obviously not as powerful as Shawn Michaels, it just knocked him down for a few seconds before HBK got up, but in that time Jannetty started to climb the cage and HBK followed. Eddie hit Rey off the cage. Perry Saturn than ran out threw the crowd and climbed up to the top of the cage, Saturn came off with a elbow drop onto Mysterio, followed by a frogsplash by Eddie. Eddie covered 1..2.. The Bell rang to signal the end of the match. Eddie, Saturn and the referee was confused when a reply was shown on the screen.

    We see HBK and Jannetty starting to climb down from the cage together, punching each other, HBK feel but landed on his feet, he landed a sweet chin music on Jannetty sending him face first into the cage and making him land on the floor, knocked out, HBK covered and you can see the count inside the ring getting to a 2 just as the referee outside counted a 3 count

    Winners: Rey Mysterio and Shawn Michaels

    Inside the ring Saturn and Guerrero destroyed Mysterio, outside the ring Angle ran down from the entranceway where he was watching the match to jump HBK, Angle dominated HBK  with a angleslam and then a anklelock, Booker-T-‘s music hits and he came out limping with a chair, who chased Jannetty Sherri and Angle away from HBK to the back, in the ring Saturn and Eddie posed over a beaten down Rey.

    -Commercial Break-

    We return from the commercial break and Josh is with Eddie and Saturn

    Josh: You two men just destroyed Rey Mysterio, but why is Perry Saturn here on Smackdown

    Eddie: Holmes if you this was something you have seen nothing yet, Rey you are just going to be the first victim of many of X-oloution, Viva La Rasa

    We cut to ringside where Tazz and Cole is hyping up the Great American Bash Card

    WWE Title, Josh Cena v Christian

    United States Title, Orlando Jordan v JBL

    Kurt Angle and Marty Jannetty v Shawn Michaels and Booker-T-

    2 out of 3 falls, Latino Street Fight, Rey Mysterio v Eddie Guerrero

    Big Show v Matt Morgan

    WWE Tag Team Titles MNM v Dudley Boyz

    Cruiserweight Title, Paul London v Psicosis

    Tornado Elimination, Hardcore Holly, Charlie Haas and Tajiri v Rene Dupree, Akio and Nunizo

    Christian and Tyson then interrupt Cole and Tazz, after they are in the ring, Cena comes out with Torrie Wilson by his side

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    WWE Champion John Cena w/ Torrie Wilson v Tyson Tomko and Christian

    Tyson started the match for his team and was the legal man for most of the match. Cena had control of the first part of the match until Cena was tripped over by Christian, Cena was then kicked in the head by Tyson knocking down the champ, Tyson covered and got a 2 count.

    Later in the match Cena hit an F-U on Tyson, Christian snuck in behind Cena and hit a unprettier, Christian went back to the apron and Tyson fought his way over to tag Christian, Christian ran in to cover Cena but he kicked out at 2, Christian went to pick Cena up, but Cena scooped Christian up onto his shoulders ready for a F-U, Cena posed around the ring with Christian on his shoulders, when Tyson shot into the ring with a steel chair to the back of Cena, and getting his team disqualified.

    Winner: WWE Champion John Cena

    After the match Christian and Tyson destroyed Cena, Tyson wore out the steel chair on the back of Cena, Christian then hit a Unprettier on the steel chair that busted Cena open.

    Tomko then went outside and grabbed the WWE title, he then presented it to Christian who celebrated like he had just won the title, Christian and Tomko then left with Christian carrying the WWE Title, The show ends with a zoomed in pictured of a bloodied Cena and Torrie Wilson over him.

    -Short Results-

    Psicosis defeated Shannon Moore at 7:35 64/72/75

    WWE Tag Team Champions MNM, Rene Dupree, Nunizo and Akio defeated Dudley Boyz, Hardcore Holly, Charlie Haas and Tajiri at 6:23 76/82/80

    Booker-T- defeated WWE United States Champion Orlando Jordan and The Basham Brothers by Countout 4:23 64/68/64

    Shawn Michaels and Rey Mysterio defeated Marty Jannetty and Eddie Guerrero 7:21 75/74/75

    WWE Champion John Cena defeated Christian and Tyson Tomko by DQ at 6:34 74/66/77

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