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Posts posted by craig

  1. It has taken me ages to catch up but i finally got here.

    I think you should continue the diary alot of people here have been reading this for about 21 months and the whole diary is amazing and prob the best at EWB, maybe you could do the next year as doing another mission as your writing for the backstage bits and that was purly amazing, maybe having Andy - Kidman as the role of Heyman so that Andy can stay the same person

    I think the Taker-Kidman-Torrie storyline was very good esp with Taker controlling Torrie esp knowing what we know bout Kidman and Torrie

    Also just before the Rumble in Montrel when Edge was pissed off with Eddie bout summit on a tape (i orignally guessed it was Eddie that assualted Edge but now finding out it was Matt) what was on the tape, that confused me?

    But anyway my Wrestlemania Predictions


    World Heavyweight Title: Chris Benoit © vs. Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels

    - No disqualification

    - No countout

    - No time limit

    - Any inconclusive finish results in the champ retaining

    I'd like to see Benoit win and go on to feud with Orton for the title (or maybe Batista returning from rehab :thumbsup: )

    Intercontinental Title: Lance Storm © vs. Michael Shane

    I think Shane will pick on the win as Storms reign has seemed abit lifeless

    Molly Holly vs. Kane

    I think Christian will help Molly win and we have a big mushy romantic moment with Christian and Molly

    World Tag Team Titles AND Women's Title: René Dupree © and Sylvain Grenier © and Lucille LaChienne vs. Sting and Chris Harris and Alexis Laree © vs. Booker T and Scott Hall and Stacy Keibler vs. Joey Matthews and Chris Matthews and Jackie Gayda

    - Elimination rules

    - Men on winning team get World Tag Team Titles

    - Woman on winning team gets Women's Title

    THis was very hard to predicted but i ruled the last two teams out just because of the women and think La Resistance will win because 1. Laree's reign has been longer than La Resistance's and if Molly is returning to womens division she will prob be going for the womens title, and there are lot more and better face diva's than heel's


    WWE Heavyweight Title: Matt Hardy © vs. Edge

    I think it is Edge's time and with Hulkamania in his Corner i think Edge will walk out the champion

    SuperCage II for the WWE Tag Team Titles: Ultimo Dragon and Tajiri © vs. Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar vs. Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin vs. Eddie Guerrero and Rey Misterio

    (For those not familiar with the SuperCage, picture a big blue steel cage. Now imagine a couple of bars going across the top, connecting opposite sides of the cage. Now put the tag belts above the cage. To win, you have to get the belts, which requires climbing the cage, getting to the intersection of the bars, and standing up on the bars to grab the belt.)

    This was a hard match to predict but i'm guessing WGTT so there ends up being a feud between WGTT and - Angle & Brock

    Hell In A Cell: Undertaker vs. Billy Kidman

    The only way this feud will get closer is if Kidman wins but it is Wrestlemania so that really threw me but i think the Deadman will go 12-0 for a Edge - Taker feud

    Ron Simmons, Rob Van Dam, and Hurricane vs. Jonathan Bradshaw, Bull Buchanan, and Sean Morley

    Team Steph mainly coz they have the better superstars more over superstars and have the US champ on there side


    Randy Orton vs. The Rock

    This could go either way, Rock could win and Orton could turn on Evolution for not being there or Orton could win and turn face saying he's better than Benoit because he did something Benoit never could do, but i think Orton needs the win more than Rock ever will now he's Mr Hollywood

  2. 1. WWE Heavyweight Title: Eddie Guerrero v. Matt Hardy Matt

    2. Will Hardy use the Bossman Slam, Swanton Bomb, both, or neither? Neither

    3. Will anyone interfere in the match? Shannon and Evan

    4. WWE Tag Team Titles: Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar v. Edge and Hollywood Hogan Angle and Lesnar

    5. Who pins whom in the above match? Kurt pins Edge

    6. Undertaker v. Billy Kidman v. Bull Buchanan Undertaker

    7. Who pins whom in the above match? Undertaker pins Bull

    8. Tazz v. Rey Misterio Tazz

    9. Who *is* Joey Numbahs, anyway? Joey Styles

    10. Who will win TAG TEAM TURMOIL? WGTT

    11. Who will finish second? Tajiri and Scott Colt

    12. WWE United States Title: Ultimo Dragon

    13. What match will be the best? Matt v Eddie

    14. Will these be the only matches? Yep

    15. What match will get the main event slot?

    Eddie v Hardy

  3. If I was taking this as a literal history lesson about ECW, I would think it was terrible, but since it is your fantasy interpretation (i.e. some of the wrestlers haven't even started to be known or even started in the business by 94 and some of the Japanese promotions didn't come into existence until years later), I'd like to see where you go with it.

  4. my matches, Chris Benoit and Mike Awesome v Nick Mondo and Tommy Dreamer, Christian and Molly v Kane

    Sting and Chris Harris v Batista and Michael Shane

    Lance Storm v Chris Nowinski, 2 out of 3 falls

    Chris Jericho v Randy Orton

    Tracy v Trish SR/ Triple H

    Steve Austin v Eric Bischoff (if Possible but i know Non-Wrestlers can wrestle at big events)

    Shawn Michaels v David Flair

    Booker-T- v Rhyno

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