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Enter Blue Guy

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Posts posted by Enter Blue Guy

  1. There are so many single Chandler lines that I love.

    From TOW Phoebe's Ex-Partner, when they are watching the singer who turns out to be Phoebe's old singing partner.

    Chandler: I like her.

    Phoebe: Why, because she can sing and play guitar and do both at the same time?

    Chandler: ...Well, that’s pretty much all I’m looking for from these people.

  2. EDIT: Also, If you want to do an EWB hockey pool, I set one up here at www.onlinepools.com

    pool name = EWB

    password = playoffs

    It's a free one, so it's just basic. It's set up so you can pick as many players from either conference, but for the sake of a pool it should split down the middle for both East and West.

    I have it set as 20 skaters and 4 goalies all together, but to split into East/West and positions it should be 6 forwards, 4 defense, and 2 goalies per conference.

    2 points for a goal

    1 point for an assist

    2 points for a win

    3 points for a shutout

    edit: shit, I meant to edit that to my last post, my bad.

  3. You pick players from each conference separately (something like 6 forwards, 4 defense, 2 goalies per conference) and you get points for goals, assists, etc (you can usually add or take away any stats you like, but for playoffs it tends to be more simplified, just goals, assists, and wins for goalkeepers). Of course, since it's playoffs, the players drop out each round. There is no maintenance, you just picked what players you think will rack up the points, win games, and survive in the post season and they do the rest for you.

    It's better when it's for money, but harmless fun if there is an EWB one.

  4. Some poster on Sherdog said the fight would end with Cung Le winning via controversial stoppage due to injury. IIRC, he may have even called it ending in the 3rd, but I'm too lazy to dig the thread up to check. 50 million threads get made every day at Sherdog, lately a good number them have been about Cung Le/Shamrock, so fuck that. Anyways, the guy claimed to be a training partner of Le's, but later he apparently denied being as closely associated with Cung Le as he first said, if he even knew him at all.

    Frank's arm got pretty fucked up in that fight, enough to question why he'd want to work a finish that would require him to break his arm in order for it to be pulled off. Frank doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would willingly lose. He's pretty full of himself. It was an intense fight, neither guy looked like they were pulling any of their strikes, if there was no "training partner", there would be no questioning the legitimacy of the fight.

    Who really cares if the fight was worked, though. I mean, so much good came out of it. A great fight, more hype for Cung Le (good fro Strikeforce at least), and Frank's mouth getting shut. For the time being.

  5. Okay...I HATED "Friends"...part of the problem may have been the 'random episodes' channel 4 did...but for whatever reason I started downloading them, in order...and DAMN...I love it!

    The weird thing was...I knew about the 'Ross/Rachel' shit...but I never really seemed to catch any of the episodes where it was prominent...so whilst I 'knew' it was a big deal, I never really 'knew' it was a big deal...if you catch my drift. :shifty:

    Anyways...I'm coming to the end of Season 4 and I already feel the quality slipping somewhat. I've heard it picks back up in the later series...but I dunno, it's kind of gotten bland. 1 and 2 were awesome. 3 and 4 are both somewhat hit and miss (With 3 being much better), with some great episodes, but some dull ones.

    The thing about Friends is that episodes can be storyline oriented (for a network sitcom, I mean) and a lot of the jokes as the season go one become more "inside" to people who follow the show. Obviously there are the random events and smaller scale stories, but usually there is a big storyline taking place in each episode that would to string episodes together to follow from the current season or even previous seasons. Friends is a show that plays a lot on past events and knowing characters histories and personalities. Again, for a network sitcom, not comparing it highbrow, brilliantly written programing. So yeah, catching a random episode when you're not really fan isn't the greatest way to watch it.

    Am I the only one who would have preferred the last episode ending with Rachel going to Paris, without all that phone call mumbojumbo?

    As a fan, I loved the way the series ended, no matter how lame and predictable it was. Realistically, Friends was ready to pack it in between seasons 7-9. it seemed like seasons 9 and 10 were done purely for the fans who kept the show relevant and successful even though they were getting on in the years. Season 10 especially. The series was milked creatively for all it was worth, the Ross/Rachel baby story in season 8 was the last original storyline for the show. The jokes in the last few seasons are campier, much more fan related and "popcorn" funny, very much a tribute to all the people who'd watched over the years. To have to show go out on any other way would have been horrible.

  6. I don't mean to hijack the thread, I'm assuming this was meant for the UK Apprentice only, but I really like Celebrity Apprentice. I've never liked the show before, my mom did so I've seen a bit of it, but this celebrity version is highly entertaining. Stephan Baldwin is probably the most unintentionally entertaining human being on the planet.

  7. As much as I love Mats Sundin, I really think it's his time to move on.

    Mats is the leader on that team, but man, too much of the load gets put on his shoulders. It seems like the team expects Mats to be "that guy" way too often. They aren't a high caliber team in the first place, but with Mats out of the line up, you notice the rest of the team plays better. They work harder to pick up the slack, they work as a team, there is no one guy expected to carry the heavy load. Mats is the star, but without him is when the team really becomes the cohessive unit. I mean, just cutting out Mats isn't the answer. Obviously no matter how hard they work they aren't going to set fires as is, but it's a great way to start rebuilding this team. As long as Mats is a Leaf, there is going to be that stigma that he is THE guy, he is THE team, the Leafs need Mats to succeed. Get rid of that. This should be the start of new foundation, find new leaders, new stars, new production players. As much I hate to say it, for the better of the team's future, let's close the book on the Mats Sundin era.

    Like MPH said, you shouldn't be expecting this team to make the playoffs next year anyways, with or without Mats. The message has been clear, this team is going to get overhauled, any fan who is going into next season expecting a quick fix needs to get their ass in check. The era of quick offseason fixes is over (I hope). The Leafs need a reason, a spark, something to get people realize things are going to change. They need to cut the safety net and work their way back up with something new.

    That's #1 on a long list of offseason chores, IMO.

    EDIT: I spent a longer time editing that over and over again then I did to write it.

  8. Wow. I did not know this. Another bit of useless info collected to bust out when the time is necessary.

    I wish there were more Leaf playoff clips on youtube. All I can find are a few highlights from 93, a bunch vs Ottawa, and from 2002 but with the crappy American announcers. I need to get my Leaf playoff fix somehow.

  9. Game 7 was seriously is the best game I've ever watched. I watched it on ESPN Classic Canada a few years ago and my buddy informed it was on the other day too.

    Also, you know the old MLG house announcer? He's the one announcing the goals in the game I posted. What ever happened to him? He said everything in such a simple, calm, tone, rather than yelling everything an overexcited lunatic. I can't remember when he disappeared, but he was awesome. I got goosebumps listening to him announce Leaf goals.

  10. http://youtube.com/watch?v=DXYX-dF8PT8

    Fuck, watching these clips made me wish I was older than seven years old when this series went down so I could have more vivid memories about it. It's sad seeing MLG, how great the crowds were, how distinctive the venue looked, and knowing that the ACC is the exact same arena as 99% of the other ones in the league. Fuck the platinum rows being filled with lawyers and business folk who do bumfuck-all during the games. I wish they would get rid of those sections and start at the golds. Fucking lawyers. Let's show up 5 minutes into the period because we'd rather mingle than watch the fucking game. It's a goddamn social event at the ACC for the platinums, behind the benches especially. At the Garden's everybody was a fan.

  11. I like Jack, I listen to it more than any other station when I'm driving. Then Fan 590, then Z103 because I like to stay informed in the pop culture world. Q 107 suddenly became a Jack clone with psychedelic rock.

  12. Hockey Central at Noon on Fan 590. Millard and Berg > Millard and Kypreos.

    I feel the need to listen Z103, which is a general poppy music station in Toronto, when I am driving just so I don't fall out of the loop. I mean, not all mainstream music is bad. And even if it is bad, some of the bad stuff is kinda catchy.

    I used to be an "Edgehead" back in the day, listening to 102.1 the Edge all the time. It's actually a pretty decent rock station. No Nickelback, no crappy numetal, a lack of crappy generic rock. There is crap, but when comparing to people I hear talking about stations playing shitty rock music, Edge is pretty good. I have a weird thing for the Dean Blundell Show in the morning too. It`s refreshing to hear a crude morning show that not only makes fun of themselves more than anybody else, but can also break character and show a human, sometimes sensitive, sometimes intelligent, side where they aren`t jackasses who rip on people and make coitus and fecal jokes. Maybe I just listen to the show too much.

    EDIT: I just noticed that I can`t type a normal apostrophe in Firefox. Weird.

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