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Enter Blue Guy

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Posts posted by Enter Blue Guy

  1. I liked All That. Now it kinda blows, but back in the day it was awesome. The first 5 season with Keenan and Kel were on are the best. Nick Cannon was pretty funny too, but Amanda Bynes was annoying as hell during her run on the show. That is coming from a guy who actually liked The Amanda Show. Then after season 6 they basically started over from scratch. At first I didn't like the complete cast change, but season 7 and 8 were pretty good. Now it ain't so great, if Chelsea wasn't so damn hot I'd probably never watch it.

    Yeah, I like to watch a kids sketch comedy show. I have issues. If it helps, I also like porn.

  2. I don't think he is generic, far from it, if you listened to complete album instead a live version of "Gun Music", a song which I'm not too fond of myself, as an opening act, I think you could appreciate him a bit more. Well, it depends if you are a hip-hop fan or just a Beasties fan, which are two different things. Whatever, everyone has different tastes in music and not everyone is going to like what I like.

  3. Talib Kweli's "The Beautiful Struggle" is probably the only one in the last 2 or 3 months.

    Anyways, The Beautiful Struggle is just an all out awesome album. Though I enjoyed some songs more than others, there isn't really one bad track, in my opinion. The opening track, "Going Hard", Kweli sets the tone, that being a fully listenable, enjoyable, insightful, conscience hip hop album. Lyrically, there are few better than Talib Kweli, and it shows on this record. Even "Around My Way", a song that has an R&B base, is fantastic and easy to listen to. In fact, the first verse of this song is probably one of the best pieces of lyrical work I have heard in a long time. My personal favorite tune is the title track, "Beautiful Struggle", clear cut best song on the album, in my opinion at least. It may be my favorite Kweli song ever, next to "Eternalist" and "Guerrilla Monsoon Rap". It has an incredible mix of lyrical content and flow that complements the instrumentals extremely well. There is just something about the song that I love, not quite sure what it is, but it is something. All in all, The Beatiful Struggle was a refreshing album, something different. One of my favorite CD's of the year, maybe even my number one favorite. Certainly not your run of the mill rap/hip hop records, though, so not everyone can get into them like a commercially successful album that Eminem or 50 Cent release. I do believe, however, everyone can appreciate the nature of it. So if you are looking for something different and haven't already discovered Talib Kweli, I suggest going out and purchasing Reflection Eternal, Quality, and The Beautiful Struggle.

  4. A two more that haven't been mentioned are People Of The Sun and Tire Me.

    But my personal favorites are Bulls On Parade, Bullet In The Head, Vietnow, Bombtrack, Down Rodeo, and Renegades Of Funk....actually, there are very few Rage songs I don't like.

  5. Actually, I'm quite partial to the Toronto crowd booing Daniel Alfredsson whenever he touches the puck. Not really a chant, but it suits him.

    Another one would be in playoffs a few years ago, the New York Islands vs. Toronto series, the crowd would chant "Steve Webb Sucks" when he was on the ice, even sometimes when he wasn't. It was hilarious.

    Or how about "Theeee-oooooo, Theeee-ooooooo"....I remember one game Fleury was livid on the ice while the crowd chanted it. The guy is a snap case. Breaking sticks, flipping off the crowd, fighting mascots. Theo is quite the character. Too bad about all his personal problems.

    Oh, and this isn't a sports chant, but at Raw a few years ago there was some jackass in the crowd heckling the guys wrestling on Heat. First he is booing nonstop, then all of a sudden he starts this chant with one or two other people...as ignorant and moronic as it was, I laughed my ass off..."You guys suck shit...*clap, clap, clap-clap-clap*...That's why you're on Heat". Not sure why, but I was laughing about it all night.

  6. A) For one, the band is entirely too generic. That is one of the downfalls to Nu-Metal. They play their instruments loudly with little reason or care. I am not asking people to be able to play a drum solo here or there, but come on. Spruce it up a bit and actually try to formulate some good music here.

  7. I dunno, but some reason I'm tempted to say Gordon Downie of The Tragically Hip. He has the most unique style and it works, going hand in hand with the equally the band's unique overall sound. Downie's lyrics and the way he projects them are something else as well, he can tell a story like few others can. Certainly not for everyone, but there is just something that makes me admire their style, Downie in particular. Maybe its a Canadian thing.

  8. I saw Ringu. It bored me to tears. I honestly don't see what the hype was all about. The Ring grew on me as the film progressed, but while watching Ringu I reached new levels of boredom. I enjoyed The Ring, I didn't expect much out of it, but when it was over I was pleasantly surprised. I rented Ringu thinking that I would enjoy it more...and instead I ended up almost turning it off a few times because I felt like I was wasting my life just watching it. Not scary, but neither was The Ring in my opinion, but unlike The Ring, it plain out sucked. Most over hyped piece of crap ever. Last time I ever listen to Japanese Cinema fan boys ever. I'll take Chinese Kung Fu over Japanese Horror/Suspense any day, thank you very much.

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