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Mountainous Cleavage

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Posts posted by Mountainous Cleavage

  1. Yeah, I've got quite a few D now, so I'll probably try to make a couple trades or something. Don't necessarily want to drop Rome just yet though. He's got 5pts in 4 games including 3 goals, so I wanna see if he keeps that up for a bit.

    EDIT: So glad to get rid of Ward though, he's been killing my already weak goaltending section. Hopefully Khabi helps out.

    EDIT2: NHL wise, there's apparently Leafs/Marty Turco rumors. I wanna say..... Tur-Noooo!

    EDIT3: Phaneuf's famous stumble decided to make an appearance, and cost us a goal. 1-0 Phoenix

    And Scrivens is a bucket of pucks, once again. 2-0 Phoenix.

    3rd period, Komisarek gets the 1st goal, cue Kessel getting the 2nd to tie it up 2-2. Komisarek just killed Smith with a slapshot, too. He's down and hurting as we go to commercial. Nvm, back from commercial and he's playing.

    Great, Grabo AND MacArthur are both injured! Grabo limped to the bench, looking in pain. BigMac is in the dressing room, upper body injury apparently. Grabo now back in the game. Nevermind again, Grabo tried the leg out and it's a no-go. Now back off and heading to the back.

    Goes to shootout, after an amazing OT period of hockey. Kessel and Kulemin can't score, Scrivens can't save a puck and we lose the game 3-2. :(

    Quote of the day; "Hey Markov, when you coming back?" "Next question."

  2. So that trade that happened with me the other day didn't get processed (I get Jagr & Khabibulin, I give Nathan Horton, Christian Erhoff & Cam Ward) because it would have put the other guy over 30 guys on his roster.

    So we go to re-set it up, I tacked on his Aaron Rome to even it out at a 3-3 trade, and he surprises the fuck out of me by countering with this offer.

    I GET: Jagr, Khabibulin & Rome

    I GIVE: Nathan Horton, Blake Wheeler & Cam Ward

    For whatever reason, I`m getting an even SWEETER deal then I had to begin with it. I get to keep Erhoff in place of Wheeler going in, I also get Rome who`s been on a tear, AND I still get JagrBulin. What a fucking steal.

  3. Lately, every time I've watched the pre-game shows, they've had interviews with Wilson and talked less about the team somewhat. One was about him joining Twitter, and one tonight was about him going to catch movies after games and stuff. Call me crazy, but he seems like a pretty good guy.

    Scrivens in net tonight. Let's hope he just forgets about what has happened and focuses on playing tonight.

    EDIT: I know Scrivens likes to puck-handle, but god damn he just needs to leave it alone.

    EDIT2: 2-0 Leafs! We got a powerplay goal in 10 seconds?!

    Scrivens just made the sickest pokecheck I've seen from a goalie in a long time

    EDIT3: Blues score with 2mins left in the 3rd after Scrivens did a great job stopping 20+ shots between the two goals. Into OT now, 2-2.

    Nothing in OT besides Scrivens taking a penalty with 19 seconds left. Into a shootout we go. C'mon boys

    Steen for Blues - Stopped by Scrivens!

    Kessel for Leafs - GOAL!

    Oshie for Blues - Stopped by Scrivens!

    Grabowski for Leafs could win it - but its stopped by Halak.

    D'agostini for Blues - STOPPED BY SCRIVENS FOR THE WIN!

  4. Ah, that brings me back to Oblivion and finding a spot in town where Guard's couldn't attack me from, attacking one and using magic from the 'untouchable' spot to get his gear.

    That's probably one of the reasons I never finished the game, playing it like that. :shifty:

  5. 2 forwards and a D-Man clog the neutral zone, with one D-Man in the defensive zone and one forward (supposed to be) fore-checking. Opposing team either decides to move it or gets forechecked into moving it through the neutral zone, where the 3 players are waiting to get in the way/cause a turnover/ect.

    At the same time though, NHL caliber players should be prepared at work against that, instead of just doing what Philly did. Sure, hanging back and exposing their 1-3-1 works, but doesn't make you look good either.

  6. That's hilarious, and while I want to say that I don't have a problem with it (which I don't really), what's to stop a team from scraping in a goal and then just hanging back like that on a gamely basis. Strategic, yes, but at the same time, they're hockey players getting paid top dollar to play hockey. To add to that, they're playing in front of fans paying their hard-earned money to watch them play hockey, not stand around.

    EDIT: Alright, slightly feel dumb as it's really only the Lightning's 1-3-1 trap this works for, didn't really clue into that at first. Still though, the 'paid top dollar to play hockey' part stands. :shifty: If they can't work their way through a trap, they need to work on some things.

  7. I'm proud of myself, I've actually learned how to play goalie(atleast somewhat), and online at that. Started out letting in 2 goals the first 3 games I played. In the first two games, I was scored on early before I locked down and held on for the wins in each game. Third game I managed to only let one get in and kept it a 1-1 game until the final minute of the third where I broke and let one in with :55 left. Luckily my team pulled up their socks and bailed me out with :6 seconds left to send it to overtime. Made a couple key saves in OT before my team managed to pot one for the win.

    Late in the 2nd game, I started to realize some things to make me play better which helped me win that game, as well as keep the 3rd game 1-1 for most of the game. After learning that, I've gone into my 4th game determined to play that way, and we ended up winning 6-0 (3-0 until late 3rd where a flurry of 3 were scored to put the nail in the coffin.) They came hard trying to break my shutout but I managed to use my newly-learned techniques to Tim Thomas the shit out of them, and came out with my 1st shutout of my career.

    This feels like a whole new game to me now :shifty:

    EDIT: Managed to keep a 5 1/2 period shutout, before I got lit up in the 2nd half of the third to lose 4-1. Fuck. Although, my team absolutely sucked including one guy who must've put his controller down mid-game to take a shit or something as he stood still since the end of the 1st period. 4-1 is my win-loss record as well, ironically.

  8. Fuck Gusty, Fuck the Panthers, Fuck the Leafs, Fuck everything.

    Cmon 3rd period. #faithsontheline

    EDIT: Nope, Fuck Scrivens too.

    EDIT2: Kessel gets one, but still. Fuck them. We are officially screwed without Reimer.

    EDIT3: I re-iterate. We are screwed without Reimer.

    EDIT4: 5-1 loss, god damn it.

  9. *sound of balloon being hit with axe* 5-0 Boston going into the third.

    Quite honestly though, this doesn't seem like the same Scrivens in net. Clearly it was Reimer in a Scrivens jersey in the last game. :shifty:

    Also, if Kessel doesn't get a goal tonight, I think it's almost fair to say he's slowing down.

    EDIT: brb, killing self. 7-0.

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