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Heroin Bob

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Posts posted by Heroin Bob

  1. Played a Last Man Standing (my favorite match type right now) last night. AJ Styles (me) vs. Abyss for the WWE Title (I was champ). After a million chair shots, six Black Hole Slams, nine Styles Clashes, and an unexpected heel turn by Styles superkicking the ref, I finally took the monster down with a running title shot starting from the stage to ringside for a ten count. Took 35:47.

    Then beat Paul London in a tables match that took only less then ten minutes with a Styles Clash right through a table.

  2. Make a little side project to push about three guys. Right now I'm pushing Carlito, Masters, and Monty Brown.

    Carlito was undefeated until the self-dubbed "Carribean Screwjob" where he was eliminated by both Booker T and Chris Benoit in an over the top rope battle royal and lost his US Title. I just kept putting him over people, and a feud with Chris Benoit where he "killed" him in a Parking Lot Brawl, and now hes a main eventer, at almost 80 popularity. Due to Cena, Aitch, Batista, and Benoit being injured, hes my second highest superstar, feuding with Ric Flair of the WHC.

    I've been pushing Masters as undefeated also, with the Masterlock Challenge (KOs are on, no ropebreak). Started with about 30 pop. I think, now at about 58. He just took on his biggest challenge, the Big Show.

    And I just debuted Monty Brown with wins over William Regal and now two matches with Muhammad Hassan.

    Thats whats keeping me interested. I just sim the other matches they aren't in.

  3. Holy shit, I just tried out the limo finisher in the Parking Lot Brawl. That had to be one of the best things I've seen in a Smackdown! game.

    Anyways, did anyone get the Match Veteran trophy yet? I can swear I've done very match type so far, and I don't want to do them all again. I'll get it done at some other time I suppose.

    EDIT: For Monty's Pounce, I'd use the running shoulder tackle, but it doesn't little to no damage. You'd be better going with Goldberg's spear.

  4. I meant to say it was a tag match, but I thought I still stated it when I showed who was in the match.

    Anyways, just played the Rey/Batista vs. Kane/Big Show match from Armageddon, but I had the World tag Titles on the line. I was having a lot of fun with it, since it was pretty hard to win using Rey most of the time until I tagged in Batista, but had no luck. About 25 minutes into the match I was in the ring as Rey and Batista was outside with Kane with a chair and Big Show with a sledgehammer. I saw the ref starting to get up, so I decided I needed to stop the match from ending in DQ. So I hit the Asai Moonsault to the outside as a desperation move. Big Show and Batista fell down, but Kane only staggered. So I went to punch Kane, but got hit with the chair. The match ended in DQ. Damn.

    I'm playing as Orton against Taker in the HIAC match now.

  5. I'm having so much fun with my little TNA group. Just had a 6 man elimination match: AJ Styles, Sting, and Christian vs. Jeff Jarrett, Abyss, and Petey Williams. Lasted almost 25 minutes. Petey got eliminated by countout, as did Styles and Christian somehow. It was down to Sting against Jarrett and Abyss. I hit the Scorpion Death Drop on Abyss, but was taken down by Jarrett (the legal man). I had Jarrett down, but was out of stamina, so I went out of the ring to regain it. Abyss picked up a steel chair which I used earlier as Christian to take down Abyss. I said what the hell and let Abyss hit me, so Jarrett got DQed. Then I went back in the ring and rolled Abyss up for the win. So I guess Sting is the new contender to Styles' title.

  6. The should give you the option on which type of rumble you want.

    Little survey: what CAWs do you have? I have:

    AJ Styles (My NWA World Champ)

    Jeff Jarrett

    Joey Mercury

    Johnny Nitro



    Taz (ECW Strle)

    Samoa Joe


    Petey Williams (No. 1 Contender to Styles)

    F-Punk (Been making him since HCTP)

  7. Just finished an NWA World Titles defense using AJ Styles against Abyss in a Last Man Standing Match. Styles Clash nor Spiral Tap could keep "The Monster" down. I did get him down with a chair, but I decided to make a huge move, so I hit the Shooting Styles Press off the turnbuckle (Abyss was on the outside). Both of us were in red, but I finally nailed him with a DDT on a chair to keep him down while I kept collapsing trying to get in the ring. It lasted about 16 minutes, probably one of my best so far. I should have recorded it.

    Brought the title prestige up by 941. I'll try my next title defense in a ladder match against Petey Williams next.

    Who should I fight after that? Right now the only guys from TNA I have are: Christian (Cage), AJ Styles, Jeff Jarrett, Abyss, and Petey Williams. Only guy I haven't faced besides Williams yet is Christian.

  8. Just found a glitch. Played Michaels vs. Benjamin in a cage match. Both were as the same distance and the top of the touching ends of a corner. Michaels went for a moonsault and Shelton went for an elbow drop at the same time. Michaels fell out of the cage, but can get back in by running back into it. I remember something like this in Smackdown 2.

  9. I got it last night. I love it. The voice commands make even better. The dogs come to whatever you name them, and you name the tricks. So if you yell "SHUT THE HELL UP" it will rolls on its stomach. Really fun.

  10. World Wrestling Federation Championship

    The Undertaker Vs. Scott Hall©

    First Blood Match

    Shawn Michaels Vs. Cactus Jack

    No Holds Barred, Anything Goes Match

    If Kevin Nash Wins, Then Ric Flair Will No Longer Be The Commissioner, And Nash Will Be The One Who Chooses The Next Commissioner

    If Ric Flair Wins, Kevin Nash Is His Own Personal Servant

    Special Guest Referee- Rowdy Roddy Piper

    Ric Flair Vs. Kevin Nash

    Submission Match

    Loser Leaves The World Wrestling Federation Forever

    Bret Hart Vs. Owen Hart

    World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

    Four Corners Match

    "Stone Cold" Steve Austin© Vs. Al Snow Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley Vs. Rick Martel

    World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship

    Triple Threat Tag Team Match

    Brian Adams and Brian Lee© Vs. British Bulldog and Ron Simmons Vs. Chris Benoit and Brian Pillman

    World Wrestling Federation Light Heavyweight Championship

    Ten Men Battle Royal

    Sean Waltman Vs. Chavo Guerrero Vs. Sho Funaki Vs. Taka Michinoku Vs. Brian Christopher Vs. Billy Kidman Vs. Steve Bradley Vs. Scott Putski Vs. Hakushi Vs. ?

    Ken Shamrock Vs. Goldust

    The Patriot, "Party Boy" Marty Jannetty, Koko B. Party and Van "Party Time" Hammer Vs. Sycho Sid, Duke "The Money Maker" Droese, Johnny Swinger and Simon Diamond

    Tie Breakers

    1. What will be the first match of the night? Shamrock vs. Goldust

    2. Which match will get the best match quality in EWR? Bret vs. Owen

    3. Which match will get the worst match quality in EWR? 8 Man Tag

    4. How many titles will change hands? (titles can't change hands by DQ, No contests, Etc) Two

    5. What's going to be the match before the main event? HBK vs. Cactus Jack

    6. Will anyone debut? And if so, Who's debuting? No

    7. Who is the mystery entrant in the ten men battle royal? Hakushi

    8. Who will be the first person eliminated in the ten men battle royal? Scott Putski

    9. Who will be involved in the deciding fall during the triple threat tag team match? (Post who will get the pin on who) Benoit over Bulldog

    10. Who will be involved in the deciding fall during the four corners match? (Post who will get the pin on who) Austin over Snow

    11. Who will be involved in the deciding fall during the eight men tag team match? (Post who will get the pin on who) Sid over Koko

    12. Who will be the final two men in the ten men battle royal? Guerrero and Waltman

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