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Posts posted by Ruckus

  1. Well, I have a couple of books along with Vampire: Requiem ones (a game that'd be great to get running), so I have an understanding of things, but I've yet to get an actual DnD game going, so expect a couple of dumb questions. As to msn vs forum, depends on how its set up. A game like DnD would be best for msn, via forum it moves really slowly and there are people who would be impatient, along with the fact that it's not an rpg that can really be set up with as a freeform rpg, with multiple things happening. That's my 2 cents.

    Edit: Is 4.0 not coming out next year?

  2. Hangar 18

    Los Nativos - Their ep Black Flag Red Star is awesomely good


    Felt - Which is Murs + Slug from Atmosphere





    And ummm, basically if you like El-P, check out his label Def-Jux, there's a bunch of good artists there.

  3. Haha, I love the wordplay at the end of the ign article.

    "What could result in such carnage? Who has the potential to unleash such an apocalypse? Certainly something sinister is happening, and there's no telling if the upcoming one-shot will provide answers or merely show us that certain doom is coming in just a few months."

  4. But the point, I think, TGC was trying to make, is what's the point in making massive changes to the universe if you're just going to change the characters in it? You may as well just have introduced new characters into their roles. I'm all for artistic license with characters, but you can't just outright go against who characters are.
  5. See the gimmick, KevinStorm, is that his raps really do suck but we encourage him and get him to post more because they are high-larious. Okay? Do you get it?
  6. I've preferred the more Deadpool centric route the series has been taking. Especially with Cable's addition as an X-man. I love that Nicieza is finally allowing Deadpool to be serious. I couldn't stand the "moron" running around "insane", cracking jokes a mile a minute with no seriousness at all. Deadpool jokes to annoy and cover his own feelings and avoid things, not because he's an idiot. The recent Civil War stuff and past few issues have really illustrated that.

    Cable's an annoying Deus Ex Machina (despite the future he comes from no longer existing, and thus any knowledge he had being null). Albeit I can help but like him. He's Murtagh to Deadpool's Riggs.

    I've avoiding mainstream Marvel for over ten years. But the recent occurrences of Civil War and random events that have occurred in Cable & Deadpool and She-Hulk (only two main marvel books I read monthly) have my interest piqued. Then again I can't really tolerate the new breed of writers (particularly Bendis) and the need for such decompressed storytelling and the fetishistic attitude towards certain characters.

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