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John Stones' Paint Trophy

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Posts posted by John Stones' Paint Trophy

  1. Best ending has to be on DoR.

    Playing in Hell in a Cell Handicap match. Me (Jericho) vs. Edge and Christian. Well, I put Edge through the top of the cell and he hits the ring, unconscious. Christian tries a move from behind but I reverse it, and put him through a piece of cell already hit two times. I climb down and pin Edge for the easy three.

    Awesome to watch.

  2. Would you laugh if I shot your mom in the face?

    Not as good as The Office, but come on, was it ever going to surpass that?

    On it's own merits though, it's bloody brilliant.

  3. Yeah. I just saw on the news about it.

    Some dumb ass little girl with no friends probably, decked herself out in a full witch costume then proceeded to wait...for 18 hours! That means she took the day off school to wait for a book.

    I bet that attitude helps her pass GCSEs

  4. That's it? I thought that she had just changed some sentence structure in some places to make it more complex.

    Damn Lazy Rowling...I'll probably just get it off my cousin and give it a read. Seeing as she relys on the promise of people dying to sell books to children is kinda pathetic.

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