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Posts posted by JoeMimic

  1. Yeah I understand why he's there it just sucks. I'm a stickler for realism. With that being said I'm hoping for a engine rebuild for SVR08.

    Why? There's nothing wrong with the Smackdown engine. Compare the first Smackdown to last year's, the engine can be tweaked enough to make it feel like something brand new. And I can understand being a stickler for realism, but there's only so much they can do with the time they have.

  2. Link

    Big Vito is up...Sad to say he doesnt have the dress but I guess it woulda been tough to make it look right with the detection. He has his new music and his new titan tron but he's a heel and his old FBI taunts. Also sucks that Tazz is still on commentary with Michael Cole.

  3. Bit dissapointed with the videos. Although it's pretty much all good, the fan reactions for the entrances are poor and so is the realism.

    If Kane hits a chokeslam on RVD he should be down for the 3 count and not immediately get up. Why they just don't install that in the game is beyond me because it will probably frustrate me to no end.

  4. Why is it everytime that I decide to skip a UFC PPV the main event ends in .5 seconds? The last PPV I missed the main event was Arlovski/Buentello....15 seconds long. This time it was Babalu and Liddell. What in the world was Babalu thinking?

    Sure you caught him with a punch or two but this is Chuck Freakin Liddell. You don't chase after the man. He rocked his world backing up. (Someone was gracious enough to put these fights up online if youre wondering how I saw)

    Bonnar/Griffin 2 - Was pretty good; obviously not the classic the 1st one was but come on thats a Fight Of The Year. Bonnar just looked real tense at times and didn't let go until it was too late. Forrest has improved so much.

    Which brings me to my FAVORITE fight of the night. Nick Diaz Vs Josh Neer. Nick Diaz is just one of those guys I just can't help but like. The dude can throw; he's good on the ground. He lost his last 3 fights in the UFC sure but they were all close and they were all decisions. He takes this fight on 4 days notice, a lot of the guys I've notice taking fights on short short notice usually don't do to well but Nick keeps himself in great shape. Neer is a good fighter but he had zero time to prepare for Diaz. Diaz assaulted him for 2 rounds before getting him into a picture perfect kimura and putting himself right back in the UFC picture. Loved it.

    Also that Chieck Kongo knee to Wellisch was pretty crazy. Kongo looks like he has some potential.

    As for Vera; he's another one of my favorite fighters. The thing about him is he walks around and fights at 225 pounds so dropping down to 205 would be almost nothing for him. With that being said I would hate to see him drop down right now especially with the state the Heavyweight division is in. He could be on the top of the Heavyweight Division sooner then later.

  5. I agree with that up to a certain point. UFC does keep guys around but eventually you do have to win. Nick Diaz has a bigger name then Jason Von Flue and he's not in the UFC anymore. Whether it be contract dispute or what have you; the bottom line was he had lost 3 unanimous decisions in a row all to some tough fighters (Sherk/Riggs/Sanchez) The only guy Von Flue has beaten in the UFC is Alex Karalexis and he's hardly the next coming to Matt Hughes.

    Von Flue has lost consecutively to Joe Riggs and to Luke Cummo unanimously. I like Von Flue like I stated before but I don't know if he'll get another shot. There's plenty of UFN who haven't been seen since. Bobby Southworth lost to Sam Hoger and has only fought once in any MMA fight since. Josh Rafferty lost once and was gone. The 2nd season has had a lot more staying power though definitely between Luke Cummo Rashad Evans Stevenson and Sammy Morgan fought and lost last night. Don't forget Dan Christison's lost to Frank Mir at the last PPV.

  6. I was very impressed with Kos; I still don't like the dude though. Doesn't mean I can't respect him.

    Lister/Yuki was a fun little fight. Lister gassing was a suprise but when you think about him cutting all that weight it really isn't. I think we'll see Sasaki again. He had excellent submission defense and if he hadn't of gassed he might have came away with that fight.

    Leben/Santiago - What can I say? I'm a huge Leben fan. He got destroyed by Silva but everyone gets beat in this sport. Everyone thats not named Fedor. I thought Leben came out okay; he didn't look great in the first round but he didn't look terrible. Santiago looked good I would expect to see him again but he made a mistake and all it took was one punch and he was out.

    Von Flue/Riggs- Damn is all I can say. I like Von Flue but he hasn't really done much to stay in the UFC I think he needed a win there to keep himself in it and he just didn't get it. Riggs trains with the MFS team and its beginning to show.

    Parysian/Sanchez - Again. I don't like Diego and I think he's in for a rude wakeup whenever he gets his shot whether it be GSP or Matt Hughes but he won the fight. To me on any big fight theres almost ALWAYS one judge who scores it totally wrong. If I remember correctly there was a judge scoring the Ortiz/Griffin fight who had Ortiz winning all 3 rounds.

    As for why Matt Serra was on cold pizza. I think its totally possible he is one of the winners because he's very talented but I also just think he's one of the more outgoing and media ready fighters especially compared to everyone else on the show. I was glad Shonie won; I think he could very dangerous if the guys get him into any kind of shape. Shonie is very entertaining at least to me.

  7. Brock could be very very very good; theres few people who will be able to out wrestle him and few people who will be able to overpower him. Depending on who they put him in there with he could win his first match on that alone. Once you start working with him on jiu jitsu and submissions and his striking? Yikes he's going to be a BEAST.

    UFN is approaching a couple of my local fighters are fighting. Of course Chris Leben looking to avenge his first ever knockout loss, and Pat Healy my buddy from high school gets to show his stuff against Season 3's Anthony Torres. I haven't seen much of Torres but I know Pat likes to strike but he's much better on the ground IMO.

  8. The reason guys are getting lousy payouts while the gate is going up is simple. Contracts. Hughes' contract was probably a certain amount of fight deal signed at the rate before UFC was getting the huge buy rates and he simply has to play it out before resigning and making more money.

  9. I agree the judging of fights in the UFC is usually horrible. Someone almost always has a fight the complete opposite of what it was. A recent example would be the Mir/Christison fight @ UFC 61. I believe a judge there had Mir winning all 3 rounds when to most people he only won the 3rd round. Which reminds me. I think it's time we finally see the Mir/Arlovski matchup that we couldn't have when Arlovski was champ. Mir would be a nice bounce back for Andrei and finally Mir can take his out of shape self to King of the Cage or something else and maybe get his head out of his ass.

  10. It's a win win for Pride; theyre running their first card in the US in October and they need a way to break in with US MMA fans who aren't familiar with their brade (IE most TUF fans who weren't MMA fans before the show.) Thus why Silva was allowed to wear the Pride shirt on UFC tv when Pride is a forbidden word on UFC tv. Goldberg and Joe Rogan will never say the word Pride when mentioning a fighters history. It's always overseas or in Japan. They get free publicity and if their fighter comes in and knocks out Chuck Liddell and takes the title thats even better for them.

    The UFC is betting heavily on The Iceman. I doubt we'll see a true war. There isn't a UFC heavyweight that can compete with any of the Top 4 heavys in Pride. The other divisions are okay for UFC but Pride seems to have more overall fighter depth. It's a big big big gamble for Dana White and the UFC but they had to do something to freshen up their PPVs they were running out of rematches to put on TV.


    -Quinton Jackson vs. Matt Lindland

    -Bas Rutten vs. Kimo

    -Ricco Rodriguez vs. Ron Waterman

    -Ryoto Machida vs. Vernon "Tiger" White

    -Ivan Salaverry vs. Art Santore

    -Jason "Mayhem" Miller vs. Lodune Sincaid

    -Rob McCullough vs. Harris Sarmiento

    -Marvin Eastman vs. Jorge Oliveira

    -Jose "Pele" Landi-Jons vs. TBA

    Show airs live on InDemand PPV and Dish Network PPV in United States; has not yet been cleared for DirecTV availability

    United States PPV suggested retail price: $34.95

    According to MMAWeekly.com. The card is certainly looking to be worthy though but 2 MMA ppvs in a month kill my budget.

  12. God did I ever hate the ending to that fight. I wouldn't put it past Dana who is MORE then known in the MMA world of some shady dealings to have told Herb Dean beforehand if Ken or either fighter for that matters looks to be in danger early don't be afraid to step in and call it so we can have a rematch and make more money.

    Silva coming to fight is huge; no doubt about it. Now if we could just get some Pride HWs over here to bring Silvia back to reality.

    Word is Tito Ortiz wants Forrest Griffin again.

    I'm interested in WFA's PPV coming up later on this month. There's been rumors they might even get it onto Showtime. I'd much rather pay for a month of Showtime then $34.95 for one PPV.

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