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Xero Gravity

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Posts posted by Xero Gravity

  1. I have to admit I haven't watched ROH as much as I used to recently, and very rarely read ROH diaries. That being said:

    Bringing back the Pure title. It would have been nice to see sme storyline reasoning behind it's return. It's not a big gripe, but it could have given a few guys something to do while a new champion was crowned instead of just handing it back to Nigel. Speaking of which while some may not like Cabana, I've never really been too fond of Nigel myself. I hope his reign doesn't go as long as his previous one, as there are several guys who could benefit from holding it for a while.

    I didn't really mind the WWE signings, as like it was said they're all guys who ROH would realisticall go after, It'll be interesting to see how you use Striker and Smith. Sticking with Matt's teacher shtick could give ROH that little bit of gimmickry to counterbalance all of the seriousness. It's not totally over the top, but does add a little character. I also liked the Harry Smith signing, as he's one of the guys that could be a big player down the line if utilised correctly.

    I hope Kenta isn't the only puro wrestler who makes an appearance during this diary. ROH's relationship with Japan is my favourite aspect of the promotion. The number of dream matches that can be done every now and then is great. It may take a little explaining to gert certain guys in, thanks to it mainly being NOAH (I think).

    I hope the rumour of a new ROH champion is true. While I can enjoy Danielson in the ring, there's just something that hasn't interested me with him in the last several months. My personal pick would clearly be Homicide to take the belt. It can be said that he doesn't really need the belt anymore, but he's prrobably the guy who deserves it the most. Plus it's also useful if you continue his problems with Cornette (it is him, right?) as being champion would be a great way to stick it to him.

  2. I woke up the next day with a blinding hangover. I didn't remember a great deal of what happened the night before. One thing did stick though, and that was paying the bill for dinner. I'm a cheapskate at heart, so naturally I was expecting to pay maybe forty bucks at the most. Sophie however had other ideas, forcing me to get dressed up and go to one of the more expensive resturants in town. Handing over one hundred dollars with a smile on my face proved to be a very painful thing to do.

    I'd have been happy, if we actually talked about personal stuff, but she refused to let her guard down. Even after several glasses of high class champagne, she still veered the conversation towards business at every opportunity. Tonight could have been the night, but it seemed as though I had a few more barriers to break down before that was possible.

    As my eyes shifted into focus, the remainder of the night came back to me. Staggering into the house with what was left of the bottle, I simply crashed onto the sofa. Well, almost...I missed it by a good three feet and spent the night face down on the carpet. A hazy look at the clock revealed it had just passed midday. Even when I'm blind drunk, I still manage to wake up on time...

    It took an hour or two for me to sober up and have a shower. Not being back to the house for quite a while meant finding clean clothes was quite the task. Nothing a liberal helping of deoderant won't hide though. I took a little detour to a local Starbucks to get some coffee. If the sight of some bizarre guy strangling one of the workers was a sign of things to come, my day was going to be pretty strange.

    Striding into the rec center, no one batted an eyelid. By now they were used to me showing up whenever I felt like it. I head into my office, and in an instant my blood ran cold...


    There he was, sitting at my desk. Sophie standing next to him with a smile on her face.

    Ah, now there's my newphew!

    I had to grit my teeth as he wrapped his arms around me, and planted a kiss on my cheek.

    Adam, you didn't tell me your uncle was coming to visit.

    ...it...must have slipped my mind, I guess.

    He's quite the charmer, now I know where you get it from.

    If only she knew how sick that made me feel inside.

    Yeah, do you mind Sophie? I want to talk to...my uncle...in private for a sec.

    Sure, you two probably have a lot to catch up on.

    His letcherous eyes trailed her every move as she left the room. The cup of coffee in my hand started to shake as I tried to restrain myself from doing something stupid.

    I have to say, she's a lot more attractive in person. The pictures I have of her just don't do her beauty justice.

    What the fuck are you doing here?!

    After our little chat last month, I needed to show you something. Despite how safe you think you are, it couldn't be further from the truth. As you can see, I'm not afraid to leave my club. I have no illusions about being a hated man, in fact I enjoy the attention. But this is a warning to you, my patience is running very thin. I took the liberty of making a littler alteration to your show this month. But it's only for your eyes, no one elses. This gets announced before the show starts, and the thread you're dangling from may just snap...capice?

    He didn't need an answer. Rising from my chair, he patted me on the shoulder before leaving. I waited a good two minutes before sitting down. I didn't dare look at what he'd done, but in the end I had to.

    Son of a bitch...

    Considering there were kids involved, I wasn't too surprised by his match choice. I never took Vinnie for a wrestling fan, seeing as his wording was spot on. But maybe he wasn't, and it was just a coincidence. There was a chance he could just be a sick bastard. Taking his warning to heart, I deleted his little message before posting the card on the website.

    IPB Image

    Six Man Tag Match

    "The Chosen One" Joey Sinclair, ?????, and ????? Vs. "Hurricane" John Walters, Honky Tonk Man, and Teh Mad Haxx0r

    Months of rubbing people the wrong way may have finall caught up with the Heavyweight champion. After screwing both Honky Tonk Man and John Walters out of title shots, the two men have found a common cause. Throw in an insulted PG13 champion, and you have the odds staked firmly against the champion. His only hope is finding two people to team with him and take the disgruntled trio on. If he doesn't, he'll be forced to take on all three by himself.

    SJW PG13 Title Match

    "Not So Nice" Guy Angelo Vs. Teh Mad Haxx0r©

    The PG13 champion finds himself pulling double duty tonight, as he is set to defend his title against Guy Angelo. SJW's resident mafia member had the title won last month, until Haxx0r stole the victory from underneath him. Demanding a rematch, it was booked before Haxx0r threw himself into the main even ruckus. Could tonight be his last night as champion, or will the cult favourite's reign continue without signs of stopping?

    Cutlass On A Pole Match

    Deacon Night Vs. Capn' Bloodbeard

    The object that started it all, will be the object that ends it. Since day on in SJW these two have been at eachother's throats. Deacon wanted Bloodbeard's help, only to be refused. The caused Night to join Baxter Basic's crusade against gimmicks in wrestling. In what could be the final chapter of their rivalry, Bloodbeard's cutlass will be legal to whoever can grab it first.

    Baxter Basics Vs. Doink The Clown

    Doink made his debut two months ago, coming to the aid of fellow gimmicked star Capn' Bloodbeard. With the sides even in the fight, they met in a tag team match. But thanks to Deacon's fear of clowns, Baxter was left to take a 2 on 1 beating and lose the match. Refusing to take the loss lying down, Baxter bounced back and challenged Doink to show up again. It didn't take long for the clown to accept the match, looking to once again get one over the old school warrior.

    T-Jizzle Vs. Super Saiyan J

    The surviving two kids from last month's loser leaves town match square off one on one. Will their desire to compete be renewed, now they have been given the chance?

  3. ...and now for the results of the prediction contest:

    Wormmaster - 3

    fatal1tystr1kes - 4

    Jack_Attack - 5

    Gareth7 - 3

    Jaze - 2

    Furlong - 5

    JonDude - 5

    benkid - 4

    TheEvilOverlordVersion1.0 - 2

    Aaron Maiden - 4

    Serj - 5

    Neil_1113 - 4

    Besmirched Tea - 4

    ...and that leaves 4 people tied for first place if I counted them up right. So here's what I'll do. First one of the four to PM me with a person that fits the criteria (under 50 overness, in the HV3 update) wins....GO! :shifty:

  4. Seeing as I missed the last game, I wouldn't mind joining this. Is signing up with the driver name very important? I tried to sign up for the previous one, only as Xero Gravity and I don't know if you can change it. Also, does it matter which team I'd join?

    Well I would like you to have your real name as your name in the game as it adds to the realism. You can change it by going to file > your account. The only team you can't join just now is Red Bull as that is reserved for Hamstah :blush:

  5. Seeing as I missed the last game, I wouldn't mind joining this. Is signing up with the driver name very important? I tried to sign up for the previous one, only as Xero Gravity and I don't know if you can change it. Also, does it matter which team I'd join?

  6. Many sleepless nights had passed since my meeting with Vinnie. I was becoming a nervous wreck, hiding away from everyone in fear of revealing everything to them. Any time I did talk to someone, it was short and to the point. The longer I stayed around, the further up my throat the truth managed to crawl in a desperate attempt to escape. Tonight was the worst, hundreds of people surrounded me with nowhere to run. What else could I do but feign sickness and drop the responsibility onto Sophie's shoulders?

    I'm such a coward...

    IPB Image

    Loser Leaves Town Match

    Al A. Kazam Vs. T-Jizzle Vs. Super Saiyan J

    For those who were unsure, the rules were made clear going into the match. The three kids made their seperate entrances, to very little fanfare at all. Even the initially popular Super Saiyan J was becoming more and more tedious with each showing. One by one they were introduced to the crowd, again with whimpering applause. The bell rang, and the match started by giving just as much apathy as they'd received.

    They all knew what was on the line in the match, and weren't willing to make the first move while their spot was in jeopardy. A lot of shuffling around the ring got the crowd restless until Saiyan made a bold move and went straight for T-Jizzle! That prompted Kazam to join in, and the match finally started to move along...if you coild call it that. The wresting aspect was thrown out of the window, as the three degenerated into nothing more than a school yard fight. A lot of the early minutes of the match was spent rolling around the ring until Jizzle managed to push Kazam through the ropes and to the outside.

    Now down to a one on one situation, some semblance of a wrestling match started to break through the school kid fighting. A few back and forth holds give Jizzle the opening to whip Saiyan across the ring, and catch his with a fairly sloppy looking powerslam. Sliding quickly into a cover 1, 2, No! Kazam returns with a shove to break up the count. He drills Jizzle with several weak right hands, before hitting a fairly average samoan drop. Back on his feet, Saiyan is a little reluctant to get involved as Kazam continues to beat down Jizzle near the ropes.

    Eventually he does decide to get involved again, but sides with the hapless magician in dishing out a beating on the wigger. His help is less than appreciated however, as mid kick he's rolled up in a school boy by Kazam 1, 2, No! Saiyan kicks out, less than pleased at Kazam's decision and plants him with an angry clothesline! T-Jizzle pulls himself over to the ropes, choosing to watch for a moment or two as Saiyan hammers Kazam with a few more clotheslines. He looks set to finish the match, as he reaches for his torch. This proves to be a costly mistake as it takes too long to get free. Kazam, with renewed vigour gets to his feet and hooks him into a huge Equivoque! He goes for the cover, but T-Jizzle springs back into the match with a Fo Shizzle Mah Wizzle connecting square into Kazam's temple! Saiyan can thank his lucky stars as Jizzle covers Kazam for the 1, 2, 3!

    As the bell rings, Al A. Kazam's tenure in SJW comes to an end. Super Saiyan J finds the strength to roll out of the ring as T-Jizzle celebrates to a non-existant applause. He too leaves, just as the defeated magician staggers back to his feet. The crowd does give him a sympathetic hand as he takes a stumbled bow before leaving the ring for the last time.

    T-Jizzle def. Super Saiyan J and Al A. Kazam

    Overall Rating: 38%

    Crowd Reaction: 19%

    Match Quality: 58%

    Before their match, Baxter is forced to drag a screaming Deacon down to the ring.

    Baxter: Deacon, DEACON! Listen to me dammit! Tonight is the most important night in our fight against those gimmicked freaks. You better put this stupid fear of clowns behind you, because I can't do this on my own. Stop crying, and grow a backbone before I kick you ass myself. Doink is nothing but a man in a suit. An old, washed up has been trying to hold onto the fleeting fame he had in the 90's. Don't let him get into your head any more than he has already. He is not the evil entity you think he is, but Matt Borne the man. He aches, and he bleeds just like you and me. Face paint and green hair does not make him better than us. Tonight, I vow to to the same thing I did last month and tear away the gimmick he so naively cherishes!

    Overall Rating: 40%

    Capn' Bloodbeard gained overness from this segment. Baxter Basics gained overness from this segment. Deacon Night gained overness from this segment.

    Tag Team Match

    Capn' Bloodbeard and Doink The Clown Vs. Deacon Night and Baxter Basics

    Baxter has to focefully restrain Night in their corner as Bloodbeard and Doink make their way down to the ring. Both fan favourites interact with the crowd, getting them solidly behind their cause. One by one they step into the ring, and as the applause dies down all that is left is Deacon's shrill screaming. With no other option, Baxters slaps him into his senses and forces him onto the apron. This gives Bloodbeard the perfect opening to jump him from behind to start the match!

    The beating he took last month is still fresh in his mind as he wails away on a defenseless Baxter. Not wanting to hog all the match to himself, after a minute or two he tags in Doink. The two take turns working on Basics as he begs Deacon to get into the ring and help him. In between shots, the only thing he can see is his partner shaking his head in fear. Doink stops, turning to night and simply smiling. That's enough to get him off the apron and running with fear. Baxter is dumbfounded as he watches his partner bail on him. Both Bloodbeard and Doink look at each other as their lone opponent backs off into the corner pleading with them to stop.

    Naturally his words fall on deaf ears as he's dragged out of the corner and body slammed by Doink. A little tandem offense follows, with Bloodbead being whipped across the ring. He flies back into Doink's waiting arms, who lifts him up and flapjacks him down onto Baxter! Doink quickly helps him off before going for the cover 1, 2, No! Basics surprises everyone by kicking out. However he's only delaying the inevitable as Doink continues to work him over with the basic wrestling that he covets so much. To the delight of the crowd, the clown calls for the Whoopee Cushion and heads to the top rope. In an act of desperation, Baxter hurls himself at the ropes and crotches Doink on the turnbuckle!

    Bloodbeard can only watch in the corner as Basics pulls himself up to Doink's level, and shows surprising strength to hit a huge superplex! It takes a few precious seconds to make the cover 1, 2, No! Doink has enough in him to kick out, and start crawling towards his partner. Baxter does the same, remembering too late that his partner had deserted him. Back on his feet he turns to see Bloodbeard charging towards him with a clothesline! He whips him across the ring towards Doink, but Baxter attempts a clothesline only to have it ducked! He turns back around and gets a face full of water from a flower on the clown's jacket! Temporarily blinded, Basics staggers into the middle of the ring where he's easy picking for a Tarred and Feathered to give the gimmicks the 1, 2, 3!

    Capn' Bloodbeard and Doink The Clown def. Baxter Basics and Deacon Night

    Overall Rating: 43%

    Crowd Reaction: 31%

    Match Quality: 56%

    John Walters Vs. BJ Whitmer

    Up next is the only match worthy of being a contender for match of the night. Both men make their entrances to a fair amount of applause from the crowd. One difference is just how little Walters seems to care about it at this point. After losing the belt, and being screwed out of his rematch, his mood has clearly changed dramatically. The bell starts the match, and both men lock up in the center of the ring. It only takes a few seconds to find out that Walter's mood has leaked into his ring work. He wrenches sharply on Whitmer's arm, and drives a few stiff forearms into the shoulder joint. The crowd doesn't know whether or not to boo, but John couldn't care less.

    He continues the determined assault on Whitmer's arm, snapping him down onto the canvas with a huge arm drag. BJ tries to fight out, but Walters is too quick for him, and easily slides into a high armbar within a second or two of hitting the canvas. Dead set in the middle of the ring, there is little room for Whitmer to move as John continues to wrench on his arm looking for a tap out. His growing anger clouds his judgment, causing him to let up for just a second giving BJ the opening he needs. Sliding onto his back, he hooks him into a small package 1, 2, No! Walters kicks out with authority, and fires off a few angry Benoit like stomps to his head and shoulders!

    Desperately needing a break, Whitmer rolls to the outside trying to distance himself from Walters. It works for only a few seconds as John acts like a shark smelling blood and follows him out. The arm is his continual target, with another few stiff shots to the shoulder and elbow. As BJ reaches the corner, John grabs his arm and threads it through the turnbuckles. The fans don't like his tactics at all, and for a second he seems to realise what he's doing is wrong. But a quick shake of the head snaps him out of it and he pulls hard on Whitmer's arm, wrapping it around the post! Clutching it in pain, BJ tries to distance himself again by rolling back into the ring. Walters again follows him, but this time isn't so lucky.

    As he rises to his feet, BJ snaps off several desperation left hands. While not being as strong as his rights, enough of them in quick succession still do the job of stalling Walters. A one armed irish whip is enough to send the former champion across the ring, and returns into a high back body drop! Still protecting his injured arm, Whitmer tries to draw energy from the crowd as he drops Walters with a series of short left arm clotheslines. Despite his best efforts to regain the advantage, John finds himself firmly on the back foot against a weakened opponent. The anger once again causes him to lose focus, and fall prey to a quick boot to the stomach. Forgoing the pain in his arm, Whitmer desperatly tries to apply the Wrist Clutch Exploder. It's clear by the howl of pain as he executes the move, that it did just as much damage to him as well. Dragging himself over to Walters, he hooks a leg with his left arm 1, 2, No!

    The entire crowd thought that was enough, but somehow John Walters barely managed to kick out before the three count. Whitmer hismelf is shocked by that not being enough. Determined to finish the match, BJ points to the corner. Walters finds himself whipped hard into the turnbuckles, and sat on top. The climb proves to be hard without the use of both arms, but Whitmer makes it eventually. The two balance precariously for a second or two, until BJ hooks him and hits a Super Wrist Clutch Exploder...but Walters twists it in midair and lands on top for the 1, 2, 3!

    The fans are surprised at just how Walters managed to turn clear defeat into a winning predicament. Both men take their time getting to their feet, to a round of applause from the crowd. Being the professional that he is, BJ offers his hand to Walters. Looking down at it he contemplates whether or not to accept, but despite his actions in the match accepts it to a cheer from the crowd.

    John Walters def. BJ Whitmer

    Overall Rating: 59%

    Crowd Reaction: 38%

    Match Quality: 81%

    Triple Threat Match For The SJW PG13 Title

    Great Valiant Task Force Omen Ranger Vs. Teh Mad Haxx0r© Vs. "Not So Nice" Guy Angelo

    Haxx0r's PG13 title reign has been going now for 5 months, and still looking strong. Both of his opponents tonight have face him and lost on at least one occasion. The fan's attention is split between Haxx0r and Ranger, leaving Angelo to face the sole brunt of the heat. To his credit, he plays it up fairly well during the entrances, jaw jacking with some of the fans in the front rows. Unlike the loser leaves town match, this doesn't suffer from any stalling after the opening bell, as all three get stuck in from the start.

    Each having problems with the other, there is no ganging up in the opening stages of the match. It's a basic idea of hit anything that moves as they trade rights and lefts, with the occasional power slam thrown into the mix. This keeps going for at least a minute or two without showing any signs of slowing down until it nears the third minute. The frequency of the shots drops dramatically after that, giving an opening that just begs to be taken. In the end it falls to Angelo to snatch it, as he hits a quick double clothesline to take both of his opponents down.

    Haxx0r becomes his main target after that, prefering to pin the champion instead of a challenger. Ranger take the opportunity to rest up for a second, and watch Guy plant the champion with a series of suplexes. His resting period is cut short, as Haxx0r falls prey to a surprisingly quick Sicilian Necktie attempt! Luckily GVTFO is on hand to boot Angelo in the face and break up the submission before a tap out is achieved. It also gives Ranger a chance to be the one in the driver's seat for a while, as he gets some much needed retribution on Angelo for ruining his title match last month.

    The boot to the head did a little more damage than first expected, as Angelo seems incapable of fighting off Ranger's attack. With Haxx0r still feeling the Sicilian Necktie, he's unable to be there to stop Ranger attempting a Valiant Driver. Angelo's luck shines through, as Ranger staggers back a few steps after lifting him, getting closer to the ropes. Clutching them tightly, Guy is able to stop the move in it's tracks and free himself onto the apron. He doesn't waste a second dropping GVTFO throat first onto the top rope, before climbing up to the top. As Ranger hit's the floor, Angelo leaps off with a Concrete Shoes! His feet come down square on Ranger's chest...and he finds himself thrown head first over the top rope! A rejuvinated Haxx0r has no problem covering GVTFO Ranger for the 1, 2, 3!

    Retrieving his title, Teh Mad Haxx0r lifts it high into the air after another successful defense. On the outside, Guy Angelo is livid after having the title won. He tries to get back into the ring, but the ref interjects forcing him back. This gives Haxx0r enough time to bail out and head up the aisle with a smile on his face.

    Teh Mad Haxx0r def. GVTFO Ranger and Guy Angelo to retain the SJW PG13 title.

    Overall Rating: 41%

    Crowd Reaction: 25%

    Match Quality: 57%

    The SJW PG13 title has gained in image.

    With one match left to go, Joey Sinclair makes his way down to the ring with a mic in hand.

    Joey: Let me guess, you're all expecting me to take this time to explain why I did what I did last month? Well you're in luck, because I am. However it's not gonna be because I think you deserve it, but because I just want to rub it in just a little bit more. You see two months ago after I won the belt, I decided I needed an insurance policy. After all, I'm just far too good to be a one month wonder. Don't get me wrong, I could have beaten John Walters without help. I just chose not too, that's all. With this belt, I mean something around here. Why the hell do you all think I didn't settle with the PG13 title? Just look at who's holding it, and you'll realise that it's nothing but a joke. That reject Haxx0r couldn't even lace up my boots, let alone compete with me in the ring! But if he thinks otherwise, he's more than happy to step up and get his ass knocked out!

    He begins pacing back and forth, clearly straying from the path he intended to take.

    Joey: But anyway, that piece of trash isn't even worth my time. I spent weeks looking for a "legend" to aid my cause, and wound up meeting The Honky Tonk Man in an even more pathetic promotion than this one. It saddened me to see what he had become, nothing more than a circus seal performing the same tired routine in hopes of being thrown one last fish. He was perfect for my plan, guilible and desperate. All I had to do was ply him with false promises of a return to glory, and his arrogant pride was quenched once more. You all saw the results last...

    HTM: Son, you better shut your damn mouth right now!

    Surprisingly, Honky Tonk got a cheer for interrupting Joey's speech.

    HTM: Okay, so 'ya got me. Yeah I believed every damn word you said, like the old fool that I am. But when you cracked my own guitar over my head, let's just say I saw things a little clearer.

    Joey: Only a little late, don't you think?

    HTM: Crack all the jokes 'ya want kid, because I ain't laughin' at 'em. You see the sad thing is, everything you said was true. I have been actin' like a damn seal for years now, hopin' that just one last time ol' Honky Tonk Man would get his time in the sun. Thanks to you, I got it...

    Joey starts laughing in the ring, much to the fan's displeasure.

    Joey: Wait, you actually think you've got a chance of beating me?

    HTM: You bet your ass I do! I may have taught you some of what I know, But I sure as hell didn't teach you all of it!

    The fans are starting to get behind Honky Tonk now, as he gets more fired up with each passing second.

    Joey: Listen old man, do yourself a favour...

    HTM: Shut up! I'm sick an' tired of hearin' you run your mouth! A real champion fights with his actions, not his words. You think you can beat the greatest intercontinental champion of all time? Prove it son!

    Honky Tonk Man picks up the pace towards the ring, and slides to start the match!

    Overall Rating: 70%

    Honky Tonk Man gained overness from this segment. Joey Sinclair gained overness from this segment. Honky Tonk Man's turn was completed, and he is now a face. Honky Tonk Man gained overness from this turn.

    SJW Heavyweight Title Match

    "The Chosen One" Joey Sinclair© Vs. The Honky Tonk Man

    Joey has to drop the belt, giving Honky enough time to get in and start snapping off right hands. Working together through the last month works wonders as Sinclair sells the punches really well. Sadly it's lost on most of the crowd as they're too interested in Honky Tonk's side of the equation. usually it would be a problem, but thanks to the crowd being into this match more than nearly every other so far, it can be excused. Even the limitations placed on the match due to Honky Tonk Man's age aren't enough to keep this from being a well received match.

    Joey plays the cowardly heel victim well as Honky keeps on plugging away, hitting rights and lefts with an occasional body slam to give him time to breath. An irish whip attempt is reversed, but Joey can't follow it up as he gets dropped with a running shoulder tackle! Sliding him onto his back, Honky hooks in a sleeper to slow the match down for a minute or so. Sinclair works several false tap outs, playing the crowd into thinking he'd lose. Slowly the two make it up to their feet, with Honky trying desperately to keep the hold locked in. The jump is a little mis timed, resulting in the following back body drop not being as smooth as it could have been. But that doesn't sto pJoey making a cover 1, 2, No! It's still too early for him to pick up the win.

    Getting to his feet, Joey fires off a few vicious stomps to Honky Tonk's head before hitting a nasty kick to his ribs! The less than legal tactis only serve to get the fans behind the veteran even more that they already are. With each shot, the crowd gets louder and Honky Tonk Man starts feeding off it. A surge or adrenaline helps him make it to his feet and fight back with rights and lefts of his own! Joey struggles to keep up with his elder, and gets forced back into the corner. Honky climbs up and starts firing off rights in time with the fans 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Sinclair hits a desperate low blow to break the count! Honky Tonk falls to the canvas, as Joey shakes the attack off and starts stalking his challenger.

    Slowly, very slowly, Honky Tonk man starts showing signs of getting to his feet. Sinclair shifts into position and goes for the Whole Damn Show...but Honky Tonk Man blocks it! Shoving him into the ropes, he's able to catch Joey with a kick to the gut. Hooking him into position, he starts gyrating to signal the Shake, Rattle, and Roll. Spinning through, it looks all but done until Joey manages to push him away...straight into the referee! Both men clash in the corner, as Joey goes straight to the outside and grabs HMT's guitar. He waits, savouring the moment before swinging and bringing the guitar down onto his head for the second month in a row!

    Instead of covering, Sinclair smiles as a plan hatches in his head. Sliding the handle of the guitar into Honky Tonk's hand, he grabs the remains and scatters them on another part of the ring before lying down. Both Honky Tonk Man and the ref start to stir at the same time, unaware of what's going on. The ref takes one look at an "unconscious" champion, and calls for the bell!

    Honky Tonk is beside himself as Joey magically recovers, and attacks him! The ref doesn't know what's going on as he returns with the title, to see Joey beating down his disqualified challenger. Grabbing the belt, Sinclair lines up HTM and pastes him in the face with the belt! The sound of cheering causes him to turn around as Teh Mad Haxx0r comes running to the ring! He gets a few shots in on Joey, before being hit with a low blow and taking the belt to his face too! Just as it looks like he's won, Sinclair's eye widen as John Walters appears on the aisle and makes his way down to the ring.

    Joey Sinclair def. Honky Tonk Man by DQ to retain the SJW Heavyweight title

    Overall Rating: 57%

    Crowd Reaction: 51%

    Match Quality: 64%

    Honky Tonk Man lost 1 point of overness from this match.

    Before Walters can get his hands on Joey, Vanessa appears on the aisle.

    Vanessa: That's enough! I'm sick and tired of this! Joey, get your ass out of the ring now! If anyone else tries anything, I'll fire them on the spot!

    Joey bails with the belt leaving Walters, Haxx0r, and Honky Tonk Man in the ring.

    Vanessa: Don't go too far, because I'm not finished with you. Since day one you've been an arrogant little jerk, acting like you're above everyone else around here. Well I've got news for you little boy, you're not!

    He takes offense to the little boy comment, and looks as though he's going to blow his top.

    Vanessa: You've pissed off a lot of people, myself included. It's about time everyone you've wronged gets a chance at a little revenge. Next month at No More Angels we're gonna have a match. A six man tag match to be exact. In one corner it'll be John Walters, Teh Mad Haxx0r, and The Honky Tonk Man. In the other it'll be you Joey, and two partners of your choice. I'm leaving it up to you, as there's no way in hell you'll find two people stupid enough to tag with you. Oh, and if I'm right and you don't find two partners, next month's main event will be a 3 on 1 handicap match!

    At that, his top has well and truly blown. Vanessa endures all the verbal abuse he hurls at her with a smile, before back tracking up the aisle. Sinclair hasn't finished, he he gives chase leaving the faces to celebrate the news in the ring.

    Overall Rating: 71%

    Vanessa gained 3 points of overness from this segment.

    Show Overall Rating: 54%

    Match of the Night: BJ Whitmer Vs. John Walters

    Worst Match of the Night: Loser Leaves Town Match

    Generation Gap was attended by 210 people!

    We made $4200 from ticket sales.

  7. Typically, with my disappearance I didn't even know you'd finished this yet. Still, I'm caught up now so all is well. ^_^

    It's been said a lot so far, but it's good to see you're keeping up with WCW's penchant for giving away big matches on free TV. While Nash/Hart Vs. Norton/Konnan isn't huge, it is a pretty hefty match for Thunder. Hogan/Savage for the title however is exactly the kind of thing that would kill the buzz of a ppv match shortly afterwards. I'm hoping Hogan Vs. Savage is an indicator of Hart walking out of Slamboree with the belt.

    I'm really liking this little angle with Eddie trying to corrupt Chavo into becoming just like him. Either way you decide to go with it could result in something interesting. I'm kinda leaning towards him sucumbing to the pressure, as a Guerrero heel team could be a nice addition to the tag scene.

    You know how I feel about Karagias (odd as it may be), so I was kinda disappointed to see him lose out on his chance. Still, it was only by one second so it's not like he was completely destroyed. The segment following it shows hope that he's not done yet, and will keep at it like an unkillable cockroach until Hennig gives in.

    The Sting/Giant segment added a little more prior to the tag team match, and I'm actually looking forwards to it more than I was. I like all four guys, and seeing as it's '98 it could result in a fairly good match if all four bring their A game.

    Much goodness in the news this week, as signing Christian and Test seems like a formality. I do like the idea of them coming in as a tandem, as both play the roles you mentioned very well. However I really enjoyed Christian's Brood stuff, so him reprising that role (maybe even with Test involved) would be my favourite choice. You get extra points for signing Gedo and Jado too, because they rock (Y)

  8. Once again I was sucked into the lion's den.

    But I wasn't looking into the eyes of the alpha male, but a cackling hyena trying to be more than what it truly was.

    Do you want to run that by me again?

    Oh it's simple really, the audience wants more...more sex, more violence, more profanity...and you are going to give it to them.

    Yeah, that's what I thought you said. Now I have a question, do you happen to know if your brain and your mouth are actually connected? You see, I honestly think that the answer is no. Why else would you have just said you want children to do things like that? Any sane human being would realise that idea is fucked up.

    You're in no position to argue Adam...

    No, I think I am Vinnie.

    The light clicking sound behind me obviously thinks otherwise.

    You were saying?

    I tried, so hard to refrain from saying anything...but I'd bottled this up for a long time...

    You're sick, you know that? You sit here in this office, a fantasy world where you seem to think you actually count for something. You've got what, three people in the entire world who don't think you're a worthless piece of shit? Three people who would gladly die for you, because they know no better. When was the last time you left the confines this building Vinnie? Do you know why every lowlife in this city wants you dead? You've been trying to punch above your weight for too long, and one of these days someone is going to punch back and knock your ass out permanently. You want to threaten me into doing this? Fine, I'll do it...but mark my words, you'll be the one who regrets it in the end, not me...

    My heart was racing at a mile a minute as I stared deep into his eyes. With a flick of his head, the goon behind me shuffled to one side.

    Cute story Adam, really it was. Now if you don't mind, I'm a very busy man.

    I hesitated, there had to be something else. Seconds passed like hours before I started to backtrack towards the door.


    There it was.

    ...and seeing as I liked your story so much, next month's payment has just tripled. Not only that, but I expect you to deliver it personally...

    He flashed an insincere simled, the last thing I saw before I slammed his office door shut behind me.

  9. IPB Image

    SJW Heavyweight Title Match

    "The Chosen One" Joey Sinclair© Vs. The Honky Tonk Man

    Joey brought in The Honky Tonk Man as an insurance plan for keeping hold of the SJW Heavyweight title. It proved successful after Honky battered John Walters with a loaded fist mere minutes into the match giving Sinclair the cheap win. After the match however, Joey revelaed that it was all just a ruse as he shattered a guitar over Honky's head. His plan to use him to retain the title had worked, and he no longer needed him around. Honky Tonk Man refused to go away so quietly, demanding a chance to teach Sinclar a lesson in manners. Has Joey bitten off more than he can chew in the shape of the greatest Intercontinental champion of all time?

    Triple Threat Match For The SJW PG13 Title

    Great Valiant task Force Omen Ranger Vs. Teh Mad Haxx0r© Vs. "Not So Nice" Guy Angelo

    This match as been months in the making. Matches with each other, interference, and flat out hatred have caused all three kids to be closely involved with each other for quite some time. Now it comes down to one last chance. Commissioner Vanessa has demanded that their problems be settled once and for all. Whoever walks out with the PG13 title will no doubt hold a lasting victory over the other two.

    BJ Whitmer Vs. "Hurricane" John Walters

    Despite being billed for just a one time appearance, BJ Whitmer returns this month to challenge the former SJW Heavyweight champion. Whether this is a good idea or not remains to be seen. After being screwed out of his rematch last month, Walters has been in a foul mood. While Whitmer may have had nothing to do with what went down, he will be in for the fight of his live nonetheless.

    Tag Team match

    Capn' Bloodbeard and Doink The Clown Vs. Deacon Night and Baxter Basics

    Bloodbeard couldn't beat the odds last month, ending up on the losing end of the handicap match. Afterwards both Deacon and Baxter tried to strip the pirate of his gimmick. Their plan was foiled thanks to the arrival of none other than Doink The Clown. Deacon fled in a hysterical fit of fear, leaving Basics to fall victim to the wrestling clown. Doink is back this month, teaming with Bloodbeard as he looks for revenge. But will Deacon be in Baxter's side, after showing he is deathly afraid of clowns?

    Loser Leaves Town Match

    Al A. Kazam Vs. T-Jizzle Vs. Super Saiyan J

    Commissioner Vanessa thought long and hard before announcing this match. All three kids have been less than impressive over the last several months. In an attempt to get them motivated, she decided to make them wrestle what could be their last match in SJW. Whoever is pinned for the 1, 2, 3 in this match will be forced to leave Soft Justice Wrestling for good, while the remaining two get to continue wrestling.

    Tie Breaker Question - Who will take the fall in the Loser Leaves Town Match?

  10. IPB Image

    The Rock Returns To Wrestling, Mexican Wrestling War Coming To An End?

    Earlier today, the wrestling world recieved the news that The Rock was coming home. Or at least that's what everyone assumed. When the former actor announced his return to the ring, all eyes looked towards World Wrestling Entertainment. The Rock owed his fame to the WWE, and is his one and only home. While everyone was watching the WWE website for the inevitable update, Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre announced that they had captured the superstar's signature. Nobody saw it coming, but early reports are that Vince McMahon his furious at Rock's decision to snub him and head to Mexico for his in ring return.

    Speaking for CMLL, the arrival of The Rock could be the last nail the the coffin for Asistencia Asesoría y Administración. Mounting debts have caused AAA to try and take drastic measures. Stepping up their touring to a national level has helped somewhat. However they still face the task of clearing millions of dollars of debt before they are forced to close their doors. The USA Network have thrown them a temporary lifeline after agreeing to air a television show every Monday night. Right now this is one of the main factors for their survival, as American interest in their promotion on is causing a brief surge in their popularity.

  11. Yeah?! Well you can tell him he hasn't heard the last of this! No...fuck YOU!

    it was pretty hard to watch people walk out of the show before the main event had happened. it was even hard to have to pretend that it was my idea in the first place. When someone who has the power to have you killed for fun, tells you to do something...you do it if you value your life. But here I was shouting down the end of a phone, once again skating on that fine line between the two plains of existence.

    ...who was that?

    Time to lie already?

    It was no one, just one of the angry parents from last night.

    I couldn't tell if she bought it or not. Even if she didn't, the conversation quickly moved on.

    About that, what were you thinking?

    If only I could tell her it wasn't my idea.

    I...I was doing what I thought was for the best.

    ...and the best just happens to be driving away paying customers?

    Look, I took a risk and it didn't pay off. But what the hell am I supposed to do? There's only so long this can last before people get bored. The creative freedom with a bunch of kids is very narrow, and sooner rather than later things are just gonna dry up.

    But isn't this supposed to be about the kids?

    Oh come on, you know for a fact that Joey is the only one of them who actually cares. It's been like that since the start. He works his ass off wanting this to work, and the others just treat it like one big joke.

    Shouldn't that be enough though? I mean you're giving these kids something to do while their parent aren't around. I thought you'd changed?

    Dammit, I have. But haven't you ever wondered what it could be like if things were different? I don't want to spend the rest of my life being the novelty act. We're making quite a bit of money now, but like I said it's not gonna last.

    You really have that little faith in us?

    Why couldn't she just understand?

    It's not like that, the people coming to shows are what I don't have faith in. Anyway, just forget it...I'm not thinking straight after seeing those people walk out.

    Look, you're just being too hard on yourself. Things will be better next month, you'll see.

    I wish I could have agreed with her. Prior to the phone call, I might just have said yes. But things...they were about to get a whole lot worse.

  12. Al A. Kazam Vs. T-Jizzle

    Once again, these two are sent out to warm up the crowd having nothing better to do. By now they're used to working with each other, and manage to put on a surprisingly entertaining match as the audience continues to file into the rec center. T-Jizzle tried to eumlate his cheating tactics from last month, but Kazam was ready this time. Blocking his low blow, he drilled him into the canavs with an Equivoque to pick up the 1, 2, 3!

    Al A. Kazam def. T-Jizzle

    Overall Rating: 37%

    Crowd Reaction: 19%

    Match Quality: 56%

    IPB Image

    "Not So Nice" Guy Angelo Vs. Super Saiyan J

    This match is actually quite sad in a way. Super Saiyan J comes out to the ring amidst cheers from the kids in the audience. That is his sole bright spot in the match, as Angelo marches out onto the aisle in a pissed off mood. Sliding in, he tackles Saiyan to the canvas and simply blitzes him with a barrage of angry offense. Despite the pasting he's taking the kids still cheer, clearly not knowing their hero has basically become a jobber. Angelo beats him all around the ring, dragging him back to his feet quickly every time he hits the canvas. After a good two minutes of being slapped around, Saiyan miraculously starts to fight back. He rocks Guy into the middle of the ring with right hands and drops him with a hard clothesline! The brief respite allows him to "transform" as he starts bounding around the ring full of energy. Guy staggers to his feet and Saiyan swings a huge right at him, but Angelo ducks it and slaps on the Sicilian Necktie! Saiyan is barely in the hold three seconds before tapping out a like a little bitch. Keeping the move applied for just a little longer, Angelo finally releases it and rises to his feet with a grin on his face. The kids boo him unmercifully, bu he doesn't care as he rolls out of the ring and heads to the back.

    Guy Angelo def. Super Saiyan J

    Overall Rating: 41%

    Crowd Reaction: 23%

    Match Quality: 59%

    Baxter and Deacon head to the ring, but not before laughing at the gimmicky Saiyan being helped to the back.

    Baxter: You see that? That is exactly what I have been trying to get you all to understand! Useless gimmicks do not help you win matches. I mean seriously, who the hell watches Dragonball Z?

    A lot of kids in the crowd cheer, raising the hands. Baxter shakes his head as he looks around the room, catching Deacon with his hand raised.

    Baxter: Put your damn hand down! No wonder you're depressed all the time, you watch trash that's rotting your brain! Do your grey matter a favour, and pick up a book every now and then. Trust me, you'll feel a whole lot better reading about the exploits of Captain Ahab, than watching silly cartoon characters flying around a TV screen!

    Night simply shrugs his shoulders, not being allowed to talk at all.

    Baxter: Speaking of Captain Ahab, since SJW's debut show there has been one individual making my associate's life a living hell.

    Deacon: My life was already a living hell...

    Baxter: Dammit, what have I told you? Think positive thoughts! I won't have any protégé of mine acting pessimistic all of the time. But as I was saying, Capn' Bloodbeard has been nothing but a nuisance since day one. He's the perfect example of the kind of gimmickry I intend to eradicate from SJW once and for all. You may not like it now, but believe me in the future you'll thank the heavens above that someone had the sense do do it.

    Clearly having enough of his inane chatter, Bloodbeard races out from the back looking to get a head start on his opponents!

    Overall Rating: 47%

    Baxter Basics gained overness from this segment. Deacon Night gained overness from this segment.

    Handicap Match

    Capn' Bloodbeard Vs. Baxter Basics and Deacon Night

    The plan works from the start as Bloodbeard barrels through Deacon with a clothesline, sending him rolling out of the ring and to the floor! This leaves Baxter to go toe to toe with a pissed off pirate throwing fists left and right. Despite his superior skill, he simply cannot contend with the sheer ferocity of Bloodbeard's attack and is forced to bail on the outside. The two heels regroup and try to talk strategy, but their huddle is broken up by a huge baseball slide sending them into the front row of the fans! Not bothering to go out after them, Capn' remains in the ring, trying to get the crowd behind him as Baxter and Deacon scramble back to their feet. Neither is happy about being kicked into the audience's lap, and begin circling the ring to try and catch Bloodbeard off guard.

    They both circle the ring once, trying their best to confuse the lone foe. Night however jumps the gun, sliding in and runs staight into a right hand to the face! Baxter has no choice but to follow, and takes a right hand as well! Somehow Bloodbeard is able to keep this up, switching from strikes to slams as his oppoents have no chance to make the numbers game work in their favour. Lifting Deacon onto his shoulders Capn' starts an old school airplane spin twirling around faster and faster in the middle of the ring. Basics staggers to his feet and walks straight into the flailing legs of his partner, sending him back onto the canvas! Realising it's time to stop, Bloodbeard drops back into a samoan drop covering for a 1, 2, No!

    Deacon just kicks out, despite being dizzy from the airplane spin. It takes Bloodbeard a few seconds to gather himself, but he's soon on his feet and waiting patiently. Baxter is up first, not knowing what's awaiting him as he turns around. Sadly he's too late to react and gets drilled with a Tarred and Feathered! Capn's goes for the cover 1, 2, No! Night hurls himself onto the pinfall, breaking it up before the three count. With Basics out of it, Bloodbeard grows a confident smirk as this leaves Deacon to fend for himself. Dragging him up by his stringy black hair, he hooks him into the Tarred and Feathered. Running a thumb across his throat, the move is blocked by an unseen low blow! Capn' clutches his crown jewels in pain as Deacon is free to hit a Depressing Reality! He covers 1, 2, No! Baxter breaks up the count?!

    Night is confused as Basics shakes his head. Leaning down he lifts Bloodbeard's head up and slaps on a Basic Sleeper. Choosing to add insult to injury, Baxter wrenches on the sleeper until the ref decides enough is enough and calls for the bell.

    Baxter Basics and Deacon Night def. Capn' Bloodbeard

    Overall Rating: 36%

    Crowd Reaction: 23%

    Match Quality: 53%

    Baxter refuses to release the hold, as Deacon grabs a microphone.

    Night: I know you probably can't hear me, but are you happy now Capn'? All you had to do was help me end my pathetic life! That's all I asked for, and you let me down. For months I tried to make you see that it was the right thing to do, but you refused to see things from my perspective. Baxter's right you know, you are just another pathetic gimmick that needs to be killed off.

    Pulling Bloodbeard's sword from the sheath, Deacon stares at it much like he had done for the past several months. Baxter nods, and Deacon snaps it in half! He doesn't stop there, ripping the fake beard from his face and tearing it to pieces! The duo systematically rip pieces of Bloodbeard's identity off his body and destroy them. They don't even hear the fans cheering until it's too late. Both spin around to see...


    Deacon's face goes pale, even more so than usual. Fear fills his eyes, leaving Baxter with a confused look on his face. In a flash, Night begins screaming hysterically and bails out of the ring! He doesn't try to make it to the aisle, instead scrambles his way through the crowd and to safety. This leaves Basics open to a barrage of right hands from the wrestling clown. A big right drops him to the canvas, allowing Doink to hop onto the top rope. He waits momentarily, before leaping off and hitting Baxter with the Whoopee Cushion! The old school warrior crashes into the canvas and bails out of the ring, leaving Doink to help up a tattered and torn Capn' Bloodbeard. The two gimmicked faces raise their hands to a cheer from the crowd, as a groggy Basics curses on in the aisle.

    Overall Rating: 49%

    Doink The Clown gained overness from this segment. Baxter Basics gained overness from this segment. Cap'n Bloodbeard gained overness from this segment. Deacon Night gained overness from this segment.

    SJW PG13 Title Match

    Great Valiant Task Force Omen Ranger Vs. Teh Mad Haxx0r©

    The first title match of the night starts off with a bang, as Ranger is clearly out for revenge. Haxx0r unprovoked attacked last month is still fresh in his mind as he spears the champion to the ground. The two roll on the canvas, scrappily trying to get the upper hand. That eventually falls to GVTFO as he managed to position himself behind Haxx0r in a camel clutch position. Instead of appying the hold he starts firing off crossfaces, showing a far more aggressive side than he has over the past several months. The champ tries to cover up, but can only do so momentarily as he's drilled in the face with another clubbing forearm. Referee Tony Bryant is eventually forced to step in and seperate the two, giving Haxx0r a much needed respite.

    Ranger tries to deny him that luxury, but falls prey to a side step and get pushed into the the turnbuckles. He staggers backwards into a schoolboy roll up as Haxx0r tries to get his feet on the ropes 1, 2, No! His attempt to steal a quick win is foiled as Ranger kicks out with ease. This doesn't stop Haxx0r, as he quickly catches the rising challenger in an oklahoma roll 1, 2, No! Again the pin fall comes too early in the match, and Ranger is able to kick out with ease. Hoping third time's a charm, Haxx0r bounces off the ropes and attempts a suset flip, but GVTFO drops to his knees and pins instead 1, 2, No! Caught off guard, the champ is barely able to force Ranger's weight off his shoulders.

    They're both quickly to their feet, where they trade a pair of arm drags with no clear winner. Instead they try clotheslines, only to fall into a second stalemate. Finally they decide to see who can simply battering ram the other down with a charging shoulder tackle. Haxx0r goes first, plowing into Ranger and staggering him back into the ropes. With his turn ready Ranger runs for the ropes, but Haxx0r springs into actiona and German suplexes him into the middle of the ring! It takes a bit of effort, but he manages to bridge the hold into a cover 1, 2, No! GVTFO barely kicked out, and will be thanking his lucky stars than the helmet he wears protects his head somewhat.

    With his challenger groggy, Haxx0r draws out "1337" in the air with his finger and waits patiently. Ranger makes it to his feet and turns into a kick to the stomach. Wrapping both arms around his stomach, he gets ready for the 1337 p0w3r80m8...


    Guy Angelo comes out of nowhere, and drills him in the back of the head with the PG13 title!


    The still dazed GVTFO Ranger takes a shot to the head as well, and the ref has no choice but to throw the match out! He's not finished yet though, as he drags Ranger's body and lies it over Haxx0r. Ascending the top rope, he does a slit throat gesture before leaping off and hitting both with the Concrete Shoes! Most of the audience boo the hell out of the angry mafioso as he poses with the PG13 title before leaving, with his message sent.

    Teh Mad Haxx0r draw. GVTFO Ranger to retain the SJW PG13 title.

    Overall Rating: 40%

    Crowd Reaction: 25%

    Match Quality: 56%

    The SJW PG13 title has gained in image.

    Special Attraction Match

    ????? Vs. ?????

    With the participants of this match still unkown, there's an air of excitment throughout the crowd. However that starts to fade as an unknown walks out onto the aisle. Decked in a sequined jacket and pants combo, his eyes are hidden behind a pair of expensive glasses. There are a few people in the crowd who know who he is, having watched Smackdown over the last few months. Aaron "The Idol" Stevens saunters down to the ring, getting the the face of a fan who tries to touch him. He spouts off a spiel about being an international star, before rolling into the ring.

    He removes his jacket and glasses as he waits for his opponent. The wait is a short one, as a much more familiar name steps through the curtain. Current ROH star BJ Whitmer comes out in full face mode, slapping hands with a lot of fans as he makes his way down towards the ring. Instead of getting straight in, he circles it once continuing to greet the fans. This only serves to piss Stevens off, as he's forced to wait for Whitmer to get into the ring.

    Finally he does, but gets an elbow to the back of his head straight off the bat. Whitmer struggles to get to his feet as Stevens continues to drop elbows into the back of his skull. Evenutally after taking a good doven shots to the head, BJ is able to get a shot in himself and catch Aaron with a forearm to the gut. It's enough to phase the former Smackdown star enough for Whitmer to launch a counter attack. Grabbing his opponent's head with one hand, he angrily starts firing stiff forearms to his face! Staggered back into the corner, Stevens is whipped to the opposite side and drilled with a huge running clothesline!

    Before he can hit the canvas, Stevens is whipped back across to the opposite corner and hit in the face with a running Yakuza kick! Aaron slumps to the canvas as BJ quickly makes a cover 1, 2, No! Being too close to the ropes, Stevens is able to drape a foot over the bottom and break the count. Not taking no for an answer, Whitmer drags him into the middle of the ring and covers again 1, 2, No! The extra time gave Stevens just enough to kick out fully. His condition proves to be more of a ruse that first thought, as he drills BJ with a low blow as he attempt to bring him back to his feet. Instead of rolling him up, Aaron gets to his feet and hits him with a stiff superkick! Whitmer's expression becomes blank as his head snaps back and his body crashes into the canvas. Stevens scurries into the cover 1, 2, No! Despite his glazed over look, BJ is able to kick out before the three.

    With the match now on a somewhat level playing field again, neither man can take full advantage of the the situation. Slowly getting to their feet, both men fire off a quick right hand to try and falter the other. Neither are successful on the first try, and now fully on their feet they try again. Stevens connects first, rocking Whitmer back a few steps. BJ's reply is equally as strong sending Aaron back into the ropes, only for him to come back with spinning lariat! He hooks both legs as tightly as he can 1, 2, No! Whitmer kicks out with authority, rolling Aaron off him with ease. Showing renewed fire, BJ is quickly to his feet and striking with anything he can. Chops, forearms, kicks, and everything else in his arsenal. A quick irish whip is reversed, but Whitmer still manages to drop Stevens with a high leg lariat! This clearly knocked the former Smackdown star for a loop, as Whitmer dragged him up, hooked him into position, and drilled him with a huge Wrist Clutch Exploder! The Idol's head crashed hard into the canvas, giving BJ plenty of time to cover for the 1, 2, 3!

    BJ Whitmer def. Aaron Stevens

    Overall Rating: 53%

    Crowd Reaction: 43%

    Match Quality: 65%

    With the ring cleared, the new SJW Heavyweight champion saunters down to the ring with a smug grin on his face.

    Sinclair: Well, well, well...

    Three words out of his mouth, and the crowd are already booing the hell out of him

    Sinclair: ...I love each and every one of you just as much. But just for a moment, I'd like to draw your attention to my right shoulder.

    The big gold belt glistening under the lights brings another smile to his face.

    Sinclair: For months, people have said "oh, Joey's just a kid. He's not good enough to be champ". Well to all the people who thought that, I have something to say to you...FUCK YOU!

    To say that didn't go down well with the crowd would be an understatment of epic proportions. Part fans caught up in the atmosphere, part parents legitimately pissed off. Joey simply grinned again, knowing he couldn't be touched.

    Sinclair: Last month I proved each and every one of my detractors wrong. The "kid" outlasted both John Walters AND Arik Cannon, something people said wasn't possible. Not only that, but Arik Cannon ran to TNA through the sheer humiliation of what I put him through! To all the people who still don't believe I'm the real deal, I have something to say...FUCK YOU TOO!

    Now he's pushing it, as parents start to gather their kids and head for the exits. Luckily it's only about 25% of the audience, so there's still more than enough people sticking around.

    Sinclair: This belt right here proves one thing, that I'm not just a kid. I am the SJW HEAVYWEIGHT FUCKING CHAMPION! As long as there's air in my lungs, and blood pumping through my veins, that's the way it's gonna stay. Each and every one of you who hasn't walked out like a pussy, will bare witness to that tonight. When John Walters steps into this ring with me, and loses again, there will be no reason for anyone to EVER say I'm anything but a legitimate champion!

    Finally, the challenger steps out into the aisle to a huge cheer from the remaining fans. He quickly marches down to the ring, causing the champ to bail. Now with positions switched, Joey stands in the aisle not quite finished yet.

    Sinclair: Hold it, hold it, HOLD IT! Who the hell do you think you are? You're not the champion anymore, I AM! You don't get to do whatever you please anymore, I DO! So you can just stand there and look stupid, because I'm not done yet. You see, I'm no fool. I know for a fact that you're a tough son of a bitch, and you'll do anything to get this baby back. So to make sure that didn't happen, I enlisted some help. I've spent the past month with a man who knows all about being a champion. I've absorbed all of his knolwedge and experience into my body, in an attempt to cement myself on top of this rat hole. But it would be awfully rude of me, if I didn't even introduce you to the man who's helped me prepare for you.

    He pauses, dramatic effect at it's best.

    Sinclair: So without further ado, marks and peons, allow me to introduce you to the greatest WWF Intercontinental champion of all time...THE HONKY TONK MAN!

    At first they don't believe it, but sure enough old Honky comes strutting out through the curtain in his spangled white jumpsuit. Guitar in hand, he gets a surprise face pop from those in the crowd old enough to know who he is. Walters doesn't look too happy, but motions for Joey to get in the ring and start the match. With HTM by his side, Sinclair slides into the ring and hands the title over to the referee. After raising it into the air, it's placed at ringside and the match is on!

    SJW Heavyweight Title Match

    "Hurricane" John Walters Vs. "The Chosen One" Joey Sinclair© w/ The Honky Tonk Man

    Straight away, Joey looks angry as he heads over to the ref and starts arguing with him. Walters stands in a confused state as Sinclair continues to berate the official for little or no reason at all. Eventually he catches sight of Honky Tonk Man on the outside now in possession of the belt. With his back turned it's clear he's gonna try something. Choosing to get the jump on him, Walters creeps up and grabs hold of the belt rendering it useless as a weapon...


    The trap is sprung as Honky Tonk blasts Walters in the face with a loaded fist! Joey takes his cue to stop distracting the ref, and roll Walters up and steal the 1, 2, 3!

    The fans are absolutely livid as Sinclair gets to his feet and celebrates like he's just been through a half hour back and forth battle. Honky Tonk retrieves the belt, a mcirophone, and his guitar before joining Joey in the ring. Handing the mic to the champ, Honky starts taunting the crowd riling them up even more than they already are. With Walters barely conscious and bleeding for the second month in a row, Sinclair crouches down beside him.

    Joey: Hey John, can you hear me? Probably not, but that doesn't really matter. What does matter however, is the lesson I just taught you. After tonight, nobody is ever gonna take me lightly anymore. This match will serve as a grim reminder that no one, and I mean no one will stop me from being what I want to be. Honky...?

    HTM grins, taking a tight grip on the guitar. Joey drags Walters to his feet, but stops.

    Joey: Wait a sec...let me do it. This bastard has given me nothing but trouble since day one.

    Shrugging his shoulders, HTM switches places with Sinclair and hands him over the guitar. Spouting off a brief tirade at Walters, Joey rears back...


    Both HTM and Walters slump to the canavs, as Joey stands alone in the ring with a sick smile on his face. Dropping what's left of the guitar, he picks his belt up off the floor and grabs the mic again.

    Joey: Thanks old man, but you've just outlived your usefulness...

    Laughing, he drops the mic and rolls out of the ring as the fans boo the hell out of him. Absorbing their hate withs smile on his face, he backtracks up the aisle with the belt raised high above his head to end the show.

    Joey Sinclair def. John Walters to retain the SJW Heavyweight title

    Overall Rating: 65%

    Crowd Reaction: 47%

    Match Quality: 84%

    The SJW Heavyweight title has gained in image.

    Show Overall Rating: 52%

    Match of the Night: Joey Sinclair Vs. John Walters

    Worst Match of the Night: Baxter Basics and Deacon Night Vs. Capn' Bloodbeard

    End Of The Line was attended by 207 people!

    We made $4140 from ticket sales.

  13. I should be pissed that two of my best players were stolen from me by Liverpool and Chelsea, but the combined £26M I got more than made up for it. Using cash I'd stored up from other transfers, winning the premiership, and the £13M tv revenue, I was able to bring in:

    Jose Antonio Reyes (Pissed off with Arsenal)

    Tomas Rosicky

    Julio Baptista (Didn't expect to actually get him)

    William Gallas (part of Defoe transfer)

    Asier Del Horno (part of Defoe transfer)

    Shunsuke Nakamura


    Mirko Vucinic

    Needless to say, Sunderland don't suck quite as much anymore :shifty:

    I just sat through a surprising World Cup too, seeing England fail to make it out of the group stages after a 3-2 loss to Saudi Arabia. Spain, Sweden, Germany, and Argentina (losing to Cameroon) went out in the second round. Brazil lost the Semi final to France, and barely beat Turkey in the 3rd place match. Italy much like in real life beat France in the final.

    I take it if I apply for one of the vacant national teams, I can still manage Sunderland too? I've never actually been in the position to do it before now.

  14. Fuck Chelsea, fuck Liverpool, and Fuck Man Utd...

    I took Sunderland all the way to the Premiership title in my current season, and amassed a fairly sexy squad in the process. Now that it's ended, those fucking vultures are circling in an attempt to rape me of what I managed to aquire. Liverpool have already taken my star striker Anrdey Arshavin for £15.8M thanks to his minimum release clause, and Chelsea look to be taking Jermain Defoe as well. Man Utd (and Chelsea for that matter) think it's funny to make bids for at least 4 of my players at a time <_<

    In a way I'm not too fussed about Defoe though, as I managed to get him for a measly £4.8M thanks to him being pissed off with Tottenham, and them in need of the cash. He bagged nearly 20 goals in as many games, and along with Arshavin made sure I won the league. Chelsea came along offering £11.8M and both Gallas and Del Horno. So while I don't really want to let go of one of my best players, I could do with the defensive back up.

    So, anyone have any ideas on who I should splash my newfound wealth on? I'm not too good when it comes to the midfield, although I've got Rosicky coming in by July. Another good striker would be helpful too...and price doesn't seem to be a problem at the moment :P

  15. Wait, WHAT?!

    ...he's gone, and so are Jigsaw and Retail.

    Please tell me you're fucking kidding.

    Adam, do I look like I'm joking?

    It was clear she wasn't, but I had to try and hold onto the smallest shred of hope that what I'd heard wasn't true.

    Were they even gonna tell me to my face?

    They just said the offers were too good to pass up, and I should tell you they were sorry.

    FUCK! Did they say who hired them?

    Jigsaw got picked up by ROH, Retail by CMLL, and Arik...he's now working for TNA.

    TNA...I should have guessed.

    So once again, I'm forced to scrap an entire card, and start again from scratch.

    Needless to say, I was a little vexed by my current situation. Just thinking about TNA handing Cannon a contract was enough to give me a splitting headache.

    I'll put on a pot of coffee, two heads are better than one, right?

    She knew very little about wrestling, but was still willing to waste her time helping me out. One of these days I was gonna find a way to thank her.

    ...one of these days, I just might tell her how I feel...


    It had been a good few hours since we'd started reworking the card. Unsurprisingly it was nowhere near as good as the original, but it would have to do. I still felt bad though, I tried desperately to think of a way to make it up to the fans.

    ...and then he walked past my door.


    I bolted from my chair, nearly crashing into him as he turned back to see what I was shouting about.

    I know this is gonna sound crazy, but I need your help.

    What do you mean by help?

    Well you've been in the business for a few years now, so I was wondering...

    I threw my arm over his shoulder and guided him into my office, locking the door behind me.

    IPB Image

    SJW Heavyweight Title Match

    "The Chosen One" Joey Sinclair© Vs. "Hurricane" John Walters

    Two months ago, Sinclair was the challenger and Walters was the champion. But after picking up a shocking win last month, Joey finds himself walking into his very first title defense. During their one and only encounter, Sinclair took everything Walters had and almost got the upset. Will wearing the gold raise his confidence, or could it just be a foreshadowing of things to come?

    Special Attraction Match

    ????? Vs. ?????

    With the unfortunate departures of three of SJW's roster, commissioner Vanessa has been busy trying to find people to plug the gaps. In a one off performance, she feels that those selected to perform will not let the fans down in the slightest.

    SJW PG13 Title Match

    Great Valiant Task Force Omen Ranger Vs. Teh Mad Haxx0r©

    Guy Angelo will curse his decision to cheat GVTFO Ranger out of their match two months ago. During his PG13 title shot, Ranger showed up causing him to be rolled up and pinned. Adding insult to injury, Ranger attacked ferociously and hit him with two Valiant Drivers. The interference didn't come without a price however, as Ranger found himself on the recieving end of a 1337 p0w3r80m8. Thanks to that, the two were signed to face each other one on one, with the PG13 title on the line.

    Handicap Match

    Capn' Bloodbeard Vs. Baxter Basics and Deacon Night

    After a tainted victory over Super Saiyan J, Deacon Night was confronted by Baxcter Basics. it didn't take long for the old school warrior to convince Night to join his crusade, Their first victim was Capn' Bloodbeard, who fell to the 2 on 1 numbers. After the show, Bloodbeard tracked down commissioner Vanessa and demanded a handicap match against his agressors. After several protests, she agreed to sign the match. Bloodbeard left with a grin on his face, vowing to send both of his opponents to meet Dave Jones.

    Guy Angelo Vs. Super Saiyan J

    Having lost his shot at the PG13 title, Guy Angelo sought out a perfect way to vent his frustrations. A chance encounter backstage with SJW's resident Dragonball Z nut brought about that opportinuty. The challenge was accepted, but not after a cheapt attack by the angry mafioso.

  16. Your mentioning "shitty fucking diaries" (mine's probably one of them) getting more feedback than good ones prompted me to remember I was supposed to check back on this ages ago...

    So first thing's first, I love the roster you've assembled for this. Not swamped with the usual glut of indy guys, and has that interesting mix of characters to boot.

    The opening show did a great job of establishing several characters, especially Maven and Kanyon. While he's somewhat competent in the ring, this "Reality TV star" gimmick Maven has more than makes up for it. While it's not full of over the top arrogance just yet, given the time it could be great for him. As for Kanyon, thanks to the whole "I'm gay" side of him now I can see him becoming a lot more violent as he's forced to endure shit from people on a regular basis. The stand-out moment of the first show was naturally the Raven/Hall confrontation, and a great way to top the show. Both men are clearly going to be embroiled in the title scene for quite some time, and throwing Killings' interference into the match showed you intend to have him around there too...which can't be a bad thing.

    A few thoughts on some of the PWInsider notes:

    - It's a shame Sanders got such a long injury, as I've always liked Mike and he could have been a solid addition to the midcard.

    - I couldn't have been happier to see you won't be bringing in Hogan at all, as I've never been a fan of his at all. The only exception I'd care to see if it was a one off match where he gets the ever loving shit beaten out of him.

    - Jericho signing would be a huge thing, and I'm not sure what to make of the talk of his position. I'd love for it to just be a smokescreen until he's signed, but I also have to comend your taking realism into account by recognising his loyalty to WWE and not picking him up.

    The second show, I felt was better than the first. I loved Raven's promo to kick off the show, especially the opening line. However I have to agree with Nick and Dukes when it comes to Magnus. That was a fantastic promo, retaining the intelligence his Hassan work had while stripping away the "evil arab" shit. If there's was only gonna be one thing going for this diary, Hassan would be it. Luckily that's not the case and he's just one of a handful. Despite the news bit, I assumed Nash may not show up until at least a show or two after. Still, it's another recognisable name to bolster your main event scene making a splash in his debut. Vampiro's slight hesitance to hit Raven was an interesting point prior to Nash's arrival, a feud or alliance between those two would be great.

    Over all, there's a lot I'm liking and practically nothing jumping out at me as something I don't like. Now I've caught up, I'll make sure to come back more regularly from now on. (Y)

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