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Xero Gravity

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Posts posted by Xero Gravity

  1. Sophie's idea had worked. Spending a lot of money on advertising over the month had meant we'd made up all the ground we lost, and even gained a bit on top of it. The cost was pretty high, but it would be worth it in the long run. About an hour or two after the card went up, the website started gaining a lot of hits. Not only that but people were steadily showing up at the building to buy tickets. it didn't take us long to sell out every seat we had available.

    Maybe this would succeed after all...

    IPB Image

    SJW Heavyweight Title Match

    Alex Shelley Vs. Jimmy Rave

    Stable mates in Ring Of Honor, enemies here. Both men know each other very well, and will have to draw on all that knowledge if they are to succeed. Some say Shelley has the advantage, as Jimmy Rave's stature as the crown jewel of the Embassy has made him overly arrogant. Other's believe Rave has every right to be arrogant, and he'll be more than a match for Alex in this match.

    Chucklez The Clown Vs. 'Primetime' Brian Lee

    Nobody wanted to be the first man to step into the ring with Chucklez. Nobody that is, except for Brian Lee. At nearly seven feet tall, Lee has no reason to be afraid of his opponent's intimidating nature. If there's one thing for sure, it's this match will be felt by both men for a long time after the bell has rang.

    High Society Vs. Onyx and Rainman

    Onyx and Rainman demanded a challenge for their first match in SJW. They weren't expecting to be facing off against High Society. Despite having yet to step foot in the ring, both teams have already started to show signs of dislike towards the other.

    Gavin Faulkner Vs. 'Canadian Dynamite' Maxime Boyer

    Two young and talented wrestlers find themselves paired off against one another. All eyes will be on Faulkner, as being likened to Kurt Angle gives him a lot to live up to. But Maxime Boyer isn't one to be taken lighty, as he too has comparisons to Chris Benoit in the back of his mind. If anything this should be a hotly contested match, and one to look forward to seeing again and again.

    The Lost Boyz Vs. Team X-JAPAN

    Two experienced teams from opposite ends of the earth. Team X-JAPAN may have the advantage thanks to Konda's raw power. But Azreal and Gabriel are more than capable of working together as one to take on all comers.

    Cheerleader Melissa Vs. MsChif Vs. Mitsuko Toyoshima

    SJW's women's division may be in it's infancy at this point in time, but with three talented women on the roster already, things can only get better. Melissa and MsChif are known for their bitter feud in SHIMMER, which will no doubt carry over into this match. Throw in an unknown entity in Mitsuko Toyoshima, and all hell could break loose.

    Bonus Questions

    1) Which match will start the show?

    2) Which match will get the highest overall rating?

    3) Who will take the fall in the Women's match?

  2. Dilapidation is a wonderful thing, at least when it nets you a building for a fraction of what it’s worth. We struck lucky in securing an old bar/nightclub nearer the center of town. If we had found it ten minutes later, the building would have been scheduled for demolition to make way for expansion of the buildings near it. At first I wondered why something so roomy, and near the heart of the city, would be empty for so long. That was quickly answered when we stepped inside. To say it was a dump would be insulting to dumps around the world. The amount of work that would need to be put into it was hefty to say the least. But I could see the potential in every crack, sagging beam, and puddle of unknown liquid.

    I sure hope you know what the hell you’re doing Adam.

    Trust me, what’s the worst that can happen?

    Given my recent track record, the correct answer would be “anything and everything”. We’d barely stepped out of the doors, and I was already making calls to get things in motion. We only had three weeks left until Living In Sin was scheduled, and at least two months worth of renovation to get through. At the very least, nobody could argue that we weren’t busting our asses to make this work. Sophie had already started printing off flyers, pre-empting our new address before the ink had even dried on the deal. The website had been cleared of everything but the results from the past nine shows, and had been given a visual overhaul. Information about our new location was provided, and a graphical placeholder for Living In Sin sat waiting for a card to be announced.

    I had to hand it to the construction workers and decorators we’d hired. I told them about the tight schedule we had, and offered to double their fee if they could have it done as soon as possible. How they managed to squeeze a potential two month job into the space of a week and a half was beyond me. I was so amazed, I added a little extra on to the doubled fee. The building we stood in was a far cry now, from the cesspit it was before. Vibrant colours filled the room. The rotting foundations were replaced, so the changes of it collapsing on us were minimal. Even than unpleasant smell, that none of us could recognise, had been taken care of. The next day we transported the ring from my house, and set it up for the first time. Even with the amount of space it took up, it was great to see we still acres (not literally of course) left for seating. The only modification the building had from its original plan, was a place for an entrance to connect the backstage to ringside.

    What counted for the backstage was kitted out with everything we’d need. My office was already beginning to look like home, with papers and other assorted junk scattered around my new desk. I sat back in my chair, with a list of our new roster in my hand. We were still several guys short, and I had no idea where we were gonna find the guys we needed to fill the gaps.

    So naturally, this was were Sophie stepped in…literally.

    I know you said you didn’t want to be disturbed, but there’s someone here who’d like to speak with you.

    I was sceptical at first, but nodded as I tried to organise my desk a little. The man that stepped in sent a chill down my spine. He looked just like a normal guy, but there was something about him that didn’t sit right. Decked in a fancy looking suit, and his black hair slicked back, he strode confidently up to me and stretched out his hand.

    The name’s Max…Max Kraven.

    It took me a moment to realise his hand was hovering in front of me.

    Nice to meet you Max, please take a seat.

    He looked quite disturbed by the only available seat being covered in half eaten pizza.

    Sorry, it’s the cleaner’s day off…

    Chuckling politely, he made room and sat down.

    I know this is a little out of the blue, but I came here today looking for a job.

    Oh really?

    Maybe you’ve heard of XGW? Or perhaps even GPW?

    The second one no, but the first definitely rang a bell. It wasn’t a good thing though, as I remembered the incident surrounding it being the center of a drugs bust.

    Ah yes, I…

    Wait, just hear me out. I know what you’re going to say. But that had nothing to do with me. The investigation cleared me of all involvement. Look…I’ve tried running promotions before, and both times they’ve gone under. My heart belongs in the wrestling business, but I just want a chance to be a regular member of the roster…without the pressure of running the place as well.

    Are you a trained wrestler?

    Yes, but I’ve spent the last few years being used as an authority figure in various places.

    That was a good thing to hear. Vanessa may have been pretty charismatic, but didn’t really look the part. He still freaked me out a little, but another person meant we were one step closer to filling up the roster.

    Well then, I guess you can consider yourself booked. If you check with Sophie, she'll give you more information.

    Thank you, I promise you won't regret it.

    I sure hope I didn't.

    Rooting around for that roster list, I wrote down Kraven’s basic information onto it. With him on board, we were more or less set...bar any major problems that is.

    Alex 'Fucking' Shelley, Face, 48 Over. Anyone with half a brain, and has watched TNA over the past year knows who Alex Shelley is. His surprising rise to the top of TNA was cut short by Kevin Nash's relapse into politicking. Alex is clearly the best all round wrestler we have, as well as one of the most charismatic. Not to mention, one of only two members of the roster to sign 6 month written deals. Uses (as most people know) the Shellshock and the Border City Stretch to win matches.

    Alexander Worthington III, Heel, 21 Over. Worthington is a fairly average wrestler, but has enough charisma to get by. In order to hide his obvious flaws, he was paired up with Conrad Kennedy III to form the rich snob tag team High Society. Worthington's finisher is the Cash Flow Crisis (Roll Of The Dice).

    'The Angel Of Death' Azreal, Heel, 27 Over. Alongside Gabriel, Azreal is one half of The Lost Boyz. Both men worked primarily for NWA: Anarchy, up until recently when they started taking bookings elsewhere. Azreal is more grounded than his partner, choosing to wear opponents down on the mat instead of taking to the skies. Azreal's primary finisher is the Slit Throat Piledriver, but has also been known to use the Old Testament (Death Valley Driver Bomb).

    Brian Lee, Face, 49 Over. Brian has been out of the spotlight since his departure from TNA, back before the switch to Orlando. He got his biggest exposure in his two stints with the WWF, as both Chainz and the fake Undertaker. A fairly decent brawler, and has the size to make him stand out from the crowd. Uses the Cancellation (Hanging Backbreaker), and a simple Chokeslam for finishers.

    Cheerleader Melissa, Face, 11 Over. One of the best female wrestlers on the American indy scene today. Is most noted for her (as the name suggests) cheerleader gimmick. Along with Toyoshima and Mschif, she makes up the beginning of SJW's Women's division. As far as finishers go, she uses a Reverse Russian Leg Sweep to win matches.

    Chucklez The Clown, Heel, 32 Over. A relatively new wrestler on the independent scene, Chucklez has only been wrestling for about a year. However, he still has people talking thanks to his gimmick. Having participated in deathmatches, those who haven't seen him would assume he was much like Pogo The Clown. However, standing 6'5" and weighing in at around 260lbs Chucklez is in no way out of shape. He has an insanely high pain threshold, making him even more of an unstoppable terror. His preferred method of ending a match is with the Three Ring Circus (TKO).

    Conrad Kennedy III, Heel, 23 Over. Slightly better in the ring than his new partner, Kennedy is another member of the roster who benefits from having charisma. He makes up the other half of High Society with Alexander Worthington III. He uses the Chump Change (Overdrive) as a finisher.

    'The Archangel' Gabriel, Heel, 25 Over. Alongside Gabriel, Azreal is one half of The Lost Boyz. Both men worked primarily for NWA: Anarchy, up until recently when they started taking bookings elsewhere. Gabriel is the smaller and lighter of the duo, and uses that to his advantage. will more often than not attempt high risk moves to get the better of less agile opponents. When wrestling like sized opponents, he uses the Cradle To The Grave (pumphandle torture rack into a sitout powerbomb) as a finisher. On larger opponents he utilises the Angelic Redemption (450 Splash).

    Gavin Faulkner, Face, 15 Over. Dubbed the next Kurt Angle, Faulkner is an accomplished amateur wrestler. Former NCAA champion, World champion, and was fully expected to head to the Olympics in 2008. However he was forced to pull out of the running due to personal problems. The step into professional wrestling was only natural, and the WWE came calling straight away. However Faulkner wanted to prove himself, and chose to start from the bottom. Out of those interested, he chose SJW thanks to it's current "relauch" situation giving them a clean slate. In doing so, he joined Alex Shelley as only the second person to sign on to a written contract. He drips charisma, and some say already surpasses Angle in technical ability. Uses the Fujiwara Armbar as his sole finisher.

    Jimmy Rave, Heel, 47 Over. Jimmy Rave gained his biggest recognition in Ring Of Honor as part of the Embassy with fellow roster member Alex Shelley. As part of a fan promotion, the winner of a contest was allowed to pick one person who they'd like to see brought in to work some matches. Rave was the man picked, and thanks to his friendship with Shelley, agreed to sign on. A very versatile wrestler, who can work the mat and fly equally as good. Uses the Greetings From Ghana (Pedigree), and From Dusk Till Dawn (Spinning Headscissors Crossface) as finishers.

    Joey Sinclair, Heel, 14 Over. Joey is the only surviving member of the previous roster. While not actively competing at the moment, he is still a fairly decent all rounder and has amazing charisma for a sixteen year old. When he does wrestle, his finisher is the Whole Damn Show (RKO)

    Kansuke Konda, Heel, 30 Over. Kansuke Konda is the powerhouse of Team X-JAPAN, along with Mitsuko Toyoshima and Takuro Matusmoto. Like a lot of Japanese workers, Konda tends to work very stiffly during matches. He has also been likened to Tazz, thanks to their similar builds and array of suplexes. His finisher is the ultra stiff Pearl Harbour Lariat (Burning Lariat).

    Max Kraven, Face, 45 Over. The last person to join the SJW roster, Kraven is known for his two previous forays into the wrestling business. As a trained wrestler, he can step into the ring when called upon. However his charisma and presence is where his real strength lies, making him perfect to be the new commissioner. On the occasions that he does wrestle, his preferred method of winning is with the Kraven's Way (Spinning Falcon Arrow).

    'Canadian Dynamite' Maxime Boyer, Face, 23 Over. Boyer is a young Canadian wrestler, already getting praise for his in ring work. The nickname was derived from two of the greatest wrestlers in the world, Chris Benoit and Dynamite Kid. His ring style emulates Benoit to the point where people say he is Chris Benoit. Adding his own touches to this rounds out an impressive skill set. His main finisher is the Life Style (Wrist Clutch Spinning Fisherman's Suplex).

    Mitsuko Toyoshima, Face, 20 Over. The female, and mouthpiece of Team X-JAPAN. Toyoshima follows a long line of world class female wrestlers hailing from the orient. Her biggest asset is her lighting quick speed which she utilises to great effect. Her two main finishers are the Memoirs Of A Geisha (Phoenix Splash) and the Samurai Driver.

    MsChif, Heel, 10 Over. The last female on the roster, is also the most unique in terms of gimmick. Claiming to hail from "Dante's Inferno" MsChif plays an evil, mist spitting bitch. While not as well rounded as the two other females on the roster, MsChif can still hold her own in a match. Her finisher is the Desecrater (Arm Trap DDT).

    Onyx, Face, 32 Over. A former member fof NWA: Wildside with The Lost Boyz and Rainman. For someone of his size, Onyx is exrememly powerful as well as agile. His debut in SJW sees him teaming with Rainman, someone he's been very familiar with throughout his career as both friend and foe. His finisher is the Blaq Out (Spinning DDT)

    'The Soul Assassin' Rainman, Face, 35 Over. Joining Onyx from NWA: Wildside, is Rainman. A highly underrated wrestler, Rainman has everything required to be a big star. He is almost an equal match to his partner, other than giving up some of the agility Onyx has. For finising moves, he likes to use the Dark City Street Cutter (Piggyback Stunner) and the Spinesplitta (Spinning Sit-Out Spinebuster).

    Takuro Matsumoto, Heel, 15 Over. While being an accomplished high flyer, Matsumoto is best known for being the striker of Team X-JAPAN. Using a style similar to Yoshihiro Tajiri, Matsumoto mixes stiff martial arts and aerial tactics into his offense. His finishers include the Takuro Tornado (Kankuu Tornado) and the Chrono Trigger (Tiger Driver '05)

    The Ringmaster, Heel, 27 Over. The manager and handler of Chucklez. His appearance is heavily influenced by Captain Spaulding from House of 1000 Corpses. Has no in ring training himself, but does know how to take a bump when needed. That includes more extreme spots of the occasion calls for it.

    Vanessa, Face, 24 Over. The former commissioner. Her new role in SJW is yet to be determined, but with her charisma it shouldn't be long before she finds herself in the thick of things again. While not being trained professionally in any way, she does have a huge amount of natural charisma. Depending on how things progress, there is a chance she could start training to make an in ring debut at some point.

  3. Well, I don't really read WCW diaries from around this time thanks to not getting a chance to watch. However, I have seen Bash At The Beach so in a way it's not too bad as everything from here on is new.

    As far as the shows themselves go writing wise, I echo AM when I say they're really well written and more or less don't need changing at all. They're easy to read, and this is one of the diaries where the commentary doesn't bog down the enjoyment with pointless filler drivel.

    BaTB was a great way to kick off the first PPV of the diary. A few random thoughts:

    Regal going over is always a good thing in my book, and going over Konnan is even better. I liked the knucks getting used, the power of the punch lives in '96.

    Neither PE or the Nasty's were overly great workers, but the Dog Collar stip helps it greatly. I'm more fond of PE, so I'm glad they went over in the end.

    The little bit about the "mystery man" and his southern drawl, well I have to say the first name that came to mind was Jarrett. But that was solely thanks to the KOW stable TNA had, seeing as in '96 Jarrett wasn't exactly the kinda guy that would make headlines by jumping ship.

    Personally, I've never really cared for Mysterio so I'm glad Malenko survived another pay per view with the Cruiserwieght title. Given more time, and some decent build up storyline wise I could see Rey getting the belt. But I'd have to confess there would be several guys I'd prefer to see with it than him.

    What can I say about the I Quit match? I was rooting for Benoit to win, but the ending you went with made far more sense in terms of the storyline. It showed just how angry and violent Sullivan is because of it, and shows just how tough a bastard Benoit is for not actually quitting.

    I loved Flair disqualifying Savage. I don't know if he's face or heel at this point in time, but if he's heel it's a great way to screw Savage out of the title. I much prefer Giant as champion, thanks to this being the young and in shape Paul Wight we haven't seen in a long time. I can see Flair getting the belt at some point, leading to and eventual Flair/Savage showdown for the strap.

    The main event...well like TGC said there's no way The Outsider's weren't losing this one. Sure, they didn't actually win the match either, but that was secondary to what followed. I'm glad you decided to stick with the whole Hogan turning thing pretty much word for word. Because as much as I hate Hogan, it was a fucking brilliant moment in wrestling history. Despite what I said eariler, I do like the idea of Jarrett being involved from the start. It certainly gives the nWo more of an invader feel, consisting of four ex-WWF guys. I'm honestly hyped to see how you push the group thanks to your list of goals.

  4. IPB Image

    School’s Out Forever?

    The name Soft Justice Wrestling may not be one you are too familiar with. For the past nine months, a group of children aged between 13 and 16 had been participating in wrestling events. Along with a group of established wrestlers, they continually managed to draw local crowds of around 200 people. Last month it held what would ultimately be it's final show. A fan in attendance e-mailed us, explaining how a parent attacked the booker after the show for putting his son in danger. The fan explained his child was protected for a lot of the match, and the assault was a huge overreaction on the father's part. However, it seems that it did enough damage to cause the fledgling promotion to close it's doors.

  5. I'm glad this was bumped, as for the life of me I couldn't find it...

    DMN mentioned it first, but I think the first thing that jumped out at likeable was the backstory. With these kind of story driven diaries, it's essential to make sure you have an idea that doesn't suck. The idea of not wanting to run a promotion definitely falls into that category.

    The group of characters you've assembled are an interesting bunch, and Ahmed Ashed (which has been said several times already) is clearly the most enjoyable of the bunch. If you do take YI's advice and have him making his own tables, it could be one of the greatest things to happen...ever. Convict Bartlett is a close second though, as I've always liked criminal characters.

    The one big (but not so big) thing that I find as a negative, would be how you set out the show. The format was one of the things I hated the most about FUSE, and again I don't really care for it here. There's just something about not spacing between the dialogue lines that irks me. It makes the shows seem squashed and cluttered, especially as you progress to the longer exchanges between characters. Still, it's not gonna turn me off if you choose to ignore it and carry on.

    Over all, it's been a good start after the first show. I didn't really mind who came out of the show with the belt, but Ahmed is clearly the way to go into the upcoming shows.

  6. For the first time in months, I slept without a single worry. Where images of the four men I killed the night before should have been, stood an empty space. The guilt had taken a wrong turn and got lost somewhere in the ether. When I awoke around 11am, the local networks had already broken the news. I knew a lot of shady characters would have been pleased to hear news of Vinnie’s demise. According to them, the police assumed it was gang related due to how he was “viciously executed”. Hearing that brought a smile to my face, that would have disturbed anyone who saw it. I truly was free to start my life again. I could feel the filth I’d been drowning in wash away as I took a shower. The doorbell rang out of the blue, I showed no hesitation in opening it…

    I’m detective Biggs, and this is detective Wedge, may we come in for a moment?

    The flash of panic in my eye was barely recognisable as I ushered them into the living room.

    What is this about?

    The two sat down, and started flipping through a notepad, full of disorganised information.

    I take it you heard about the four mob killings that took place last night?

    Uhhh…yeah, but only what I saw on the news about half an hour ago.

    Well this is just routine enquiry on our behalf. We’ve been lead to believe you had contact with the deceased?

    Vinnie’s address book…

    I guess you could call it that. Once when I placed a bet with him and the other when I lost and paid him the money I owed. After that, you could imagine I didn’t want anything else to do with him.

    So you never saw him again after that second meeting?

    No, as far as he was concerned my debt was cleared and I wasn’t worth bothering with anymore.

    Well, that’s as we expected. Thank you for answering our questions.

    Not a problem, I was glad to help.

    They both rose, and nodded in appreciation. I heard them talking about a “Captain Wallace” as they left, but it was clear that my involvement with the investigation ended the second I closed the door. With one problem sorted, I grabbed my coat and set about trying to rectify another. Sophie’s final message still played in my head. She was right, I’d let them all down again, but this time I was going to make sure I made it up to them quicker.

    As far as I was concerned, the world hadn’t seen the last of Soft Justice Wrestling…


    Despite being drunk at the time, I could still remember where the cab dropped Sophie off after our date. I stood around the door for a good few minutes before knocking, fully expecting to be rejected. The door opened with a click, and there she was…

    Sophie, I…

    …and there she goes again. But I was in a persistent mood. I stood there for a good ten minutes knocking on her door. By the time she opened it again, my knuckles were red raw.

    What do you want?

    Can I come in?

    She thought about it for a second.

    Why, so you can screw up my life again then just disappear for months at a time?

    Please, we need to talk. I…have a proposition for you.

    There’s nothing you could say that I would want right now.

    The money in my pocket said otherwise. I didn’t really feel like keeping around the money Vinnie touched, and I knew Sophie could do with it after I was the reason she lost her job.

    Please, just five minutes?

    The door opened a little more as she walked away. I quickly followed, closing the door behind me.

    So what, you’ve just come here to try and buy my friendship back?

    No, it’s not like that. I felt like shit when I found out you’d lost your job. I know how much you loved working there. That’s just my way of saying that I’m sorry. I know it’s not gonna make up for what happened, but it’s a start right? Then there’s the other thing…you haven’t found yourself a new job yet, have you?

    Not that it’s any of your business, but no I haven’t. I tried to get my old one back, but they refused to even talk to me.

    Well how would you like to work for…I mean with me? I was thinking about something you said to me a while back. Hanging out with the kids was fun, but I want to do more with my life. My mistake may be a blessing in disguise. I’ve still got some money left over, and I was thinking about trying to start up SJW again. Only this time, make it legit and not some after school activity for kids.

    Why would you want to do that?

    I don’t know if I ever told you why I thought up the idea in the first place. But like everything in my life, it started with a bet. I had some stupid idea of using the kids to get back at the guy I thought was responsible. You know how many promotions went out of business in the last nine months. But for some reason, we were actually making money. If we could do that with just a bunch of kids, think what we could do with a proper group of people who actually knew how to wrestle…

    Wait, what’s all this “we” stuff? I haven’t said yes…besides, you’ve let me down before. What’s to say you won’t do it again?

    I’m free of everything that was clouding my head before. Please, I can’t do this without you.

    She was giving it some serious thought. I didn’t dare say anything, in case I only made things worse.

    I must be friggin’ crazy to say this, but fine…on one condition.

    Name it.

    Vanessa gets a job too. She’s too talented to be letting it go to waste in a strip club.

    That’s it? You’ve got a deal.

    Truth was, I was going to try and bring back Vanessa anyway. Sophie’s condition made it all the more simple a decision. We were back to square one…actually, it was more like square minus two. We had no building, no ring, and no roster.

    But the main thing was, we were back.

  7. For over a week images of Vinnie haunted my nightmares. By now he would have heard the news of what happened. But yet I hadn’t been paid a visit. With his guaranteed cash flow coming to a grinding halt, I had waited patiently for the summoning that just never came. Everything wrong with my life over the past year had directly or indirectly been influenced by him. The more I thought about it, the angrier I became. In the end it had consumed me wholly, and the only thing I thought about anymore was making him pay for what he did.

    The more I thought about it, it became less of a desire and crept closer and closer to being a reality. I watched him for days, wasting time alone obsessing over his every move. The gun under my pillow dug harshly into the back of my head every night. It was screaming for Vinnie’s blood, and I was finding it harder and harder to resist. E-mails and phone calls had flooded my house, as Sophie tried desperately to get hold of me. People were buying tickets to a show that simply wasn’t going to happen. I felt terrible for dumping this responsibility on her yet again, but how could I face anyone in the state I was in?

    The final call from her wasn’t pretty. She lambasted me for destroying the image of me that she had, for letting SJW die so easily, and for letting my friends down again. To make matters worse, the incident had cost her the job at the rec center after they were flooded with complaints from parents. Not only that, but I soon found myself the target, as they tried to squeeze me for everything I had. In the nine months we’d been running, SJW had managed to amass quite a bit or money. We’d turned the initial loan into nearly a million dollars. It was a lucky thing, as I was forced to hand over a quarter of that paying for the “damage” I had caused their reputation. Not only that, but they took the ring and sold it to get a little more money out of me.

    That was the final straw. I had nothing left, no one around who cared for me, and one man to blame for it all.

    One way or another Vinnie DeMarco was going to pay…


    The silenced gun dug into the bottom of my spine, begging to be free. The night sky hung heavy over my head, it knew tonight wasn’t going to end well for someone. If I had my way, that someone would be Vinnie, and I could finally be free again. The streets howled with an unfamiliar sound of silence. Not a soul in sight as far as the eye could see. Vinnie’s building sat in the distance, the light at the end of my tunnel. Images of bloodshed danced in my head, the star of my very own gangster movie. I was determined for this one to have a happy ending, as my destination grew ever closer.

    The windows were covered in filth, but my gloved hand made short work of it. Inside I could see the only thing standing between me and my redemption. A dimly lit poker table housed Vinnie’s last line of defence, the only three people in this world who didn’t hate his guts with a passion. Their guns lay on the table, just another chip on the pile for them to up the ante. My breath hung heavy in the air as I walked towards the door way. The slightest of touches opened it, my presence would remain undetected for just a little while longer.

    Darkness was my friend as I crept closer the poker table. The small light bulb above their heads struggled to illuminate them, but it was enough to make everything else around them seem darker than it was. The gun ached for it’s release, and now I was in no position to deny it’s request.

    Three whispers screamed with death, all three men didn’t see it coming. The veil of darkness had served it’s purpose well, but now there was no reason to hide. Vinnie’s office door beckoned me like a siren calling out to Odysseus. My hand wavered over the door handle for a second, this was the point of no return. Clutching it tightly, I pushed forward into the final confrontation.

    Ah Clyde, I…

    His voice trailed off as he stared down the barrel of my gun.

    What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!

    It could have been so easy to pull the trigger then, but I needed closure.

    You…you planned this all along didn’t you? Undermining me at every chance, you just hoped that I would crack under the pressure and hand over my half before disappearing. Well congratulations…I cracked…

    His hands twitched, I knew about the button under his desk. Despite the blackness filling his line of sight, he still pushed it with a smile.

    You can push that button all day Vinnie, no one’s coming to help you this time.

    At first his smile held strong, as he tried to read if I was bluffing or not. But it slowly melted away as the realisation set in.

    Now Adam, I…I…

    Shut up! I don’t want to hear your excuses, all I want is the truth. Did you, or did you not try to steal SJW out from underneath me?

    I…yes, I did.

    Just like that, all the weight I’d been carrying was gone.

    Please…I’ll give you everything back, just don’t kill me.

    I didn’t say a word, just watched him intently. The agreement I’d signed was placed on the desk. I gave him a knowing stare, as he pulled out a copy of it that he’d made. Following that, all of the money he’d extorted from me was placed on top of it.

    There, that’s everything…just take it and go.

    Stepping forward, I scooped it all up without taking my eyes off him.

    I’m not gonna kill you Vinnie, in fact I never was…

    The fear turned to a glint of anger as I smiled before stepping back towards the door.

    Oh, and Vinnie?

    He looked at me, waiting for words that never game. One single bullet ripped through his forehead, killing him instantly. I squeezed off a few more shots, partly to make sure, and partly for the fun of it.

    …I lied.

    Blank eyes stared back at me as I backed out of the office a free man.

  8. It took three minutes for him to find me, two seconds to punch me in the face, and one second for me to hit the floor…


    Trying to explain myself would have futile, even more so after getting kicked in the stomach while I was lying on the floor.


    I would have happily laid there and taken the beating all night, if the idea was actually mine to begin with. Each time he hit me, my mind flashed with Vinnie’s grinning face from behind his desk. After five or so more shots, his wife thankfully managed to pull him away.

    If you think I’m gonna let my kid keep doin’ this shit after tonight, you’ve got another thing fucking coming!

    Things wouldn’t have been too bad, if he’d only stopped his tirade there…

    If any of you had any sense, you’d do the same thing!

    What could the other parents do? If they didn’t agree with him, they’d come off looking like terrible parents. One by one, the domino effect rippled through the crowd as they showed their agreement with what he was saying. I could see Joey in the corner of the room, realising his adlibbed line about Haxx0r’s father was coming true before his eyes. After a few seconds more of spouting abuse at me, he left taking his new flock of sheep with him.

    The door closed, and SJW as I knew it was effectively dead.

    I lay on the floor for a good few minutes, trying to understand just what had happened. An idea forced on me had killed the one thing that I was enjoying in my life. Sophie and Vanessa didn’t say anything, how could they? They were just as stunned as I was. Finally I dragged myself to my feet, the lack of any serious pain was a good sign that I hadn’t broken my ribs again. For a few seconds, I aimlessly looked around until I spotted Joey still standing there

    …what are you still doing here? Why didn’t your parents drag you off as well?

    I should have guessed really, I’d always suspected it a bit.

    My parents didn’t take me away, because I don’t have any.

    …but how?

    Look, not every family can be like the Brady Bunch. As far as mine is concerned, you’re looking at it. I haven’t had a family for three years now, or at least one that could give a shit about me. Just don’t bother pitying me, I’ve made it this far by myself so it’s not like I miss them at all.

    Finally Sophie and Vanessa awoke from their dumbfounded states…


    There was that disappointed voice again.


    Simple question really, but I just didn’t have a simple answer for it.

    I…I thought it would be a good idea.

    Every time I said that, I could imagine Vinnie laughing out loud. She didn’t say anything in reply, which was a bad sign. The two started to leave, motioning for Joey to come with them. Reluctantly he did, and once again I found myself alone…


    …and angry…

  9. Every step I took filled me with dread. Vanessa was watching the show, but up until that point wasn't scheduled to be a part of it. I pulled her to one side, and quickly changed that. Her face was clearly one of confusion, as I told her what to go out and say during the show.

    ...are you sure about that?

    Of course I wasn't.

    Yes, just trust me, okay?


    Please, just say what I told you to.

    Okay Adam, but I sure hope you know what you're doing.

    I knew alright, I was making sure I didn't meet my maker earlier than intended.


    IPB Image

    T-Jizzle Vs. Super Saiyan J

    Having wrestled each other several times over the course of SJW’s existence, the match went off without many problems. Those who hadn’t seen these two perform were pleasantly surprised. Those who had, sat through pretty much a carbon copy of the matches they had seen before. Both kids took turns with the advantage, teasing a finisher or two to try and give the match a little more variety than usual. In the end though, it came down to a tried and tested finish. Saiyan attempted to execute his illegal finisher, and was halted by the referee. Jizzle took advantage of it, and hit a low blow followed by a Fo Shizzle Mah Wizzle for the 1, 2, 3!

    T-Jizzle def. Super Saiyan J

    Overall Rating: 45%

    Crowd Reaction: 20%

    Match Quality: 71%

    Before his match, Baxter has a few words for Doink

    Basics: Last month, I suffered a grave injustice. To have my shoulders pinned to the mat by not one, but two gimmicked freaks is a disgrace! Tonight is my chance to eradicate that from memory, and get back on the winning track. Doink the Clown is one of the most recognisable gimmicks in wrestling history. What better way to prove that I am the real deal, than beating his ass and humiliating him in that ring? Right now, there's nothing more important than this match. If I lose tonight, I might as well call it a day and walk off into the sunset. But that is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! Doink is facing humiliation of the highest degree, courtesy of true champion of old school wrestling!

    Overall Rating: 50%

    Baxter Basics gained overness from this segment.

    Baxter Basics Vs. Doink The Clown

    Despite the age and experience gap, Baxter is able to hang with Doink in the opening stages of the match. After a fairly impressive exchange of chain wrestling, the match degenerates into a brawl. Showing uncharacteristic aggression, the happy go lucky clown beings to work the advantage and pull ahead leaving Basics struggling to defend himself. The match itself looks to be nothing more than glorified squash, as Doink slams him around the ring without trying to go for the pin. His mentality is clearly geared towards making sure Baxter’s war against gimmicks ends tonight. His quest goes well for several minutes, until a desperate thumb to the eye cuts him off in an instant.

    Instead of trying to fight back in the space of time he has, Baxter fires himself up and goes for the ultimate insult. Wrapping both hands around Doink’s fuzzy green hair, he begins riving trying to tear it off his head! Fighting to keep it on his head, Doink is left wide open to take a cheap, undetected low blow that drops him to his knees. Releasing the grip off his hair, Baxter steps back and spits on his hand before slapping the taste out of the clowns mouth! Still feeling the effects of the low blow, Doink is unable to stop Baxter from connecting with the Basic DDT! Instead of covering, he drags the colourful man off the floor and hits a second Basic DDT! Once again, he drags him off the floor with a smile on his face and hits a third Basic DDT! Casually laying one arm over Doink, Baxter counts along with the ref’s 1, 2, 3!

    The fans don't like the complete disrespect shown by Baxter, but that is amplified as he tears the flower from his shirt. The grim trophy is stuffed into his pocket as he spits on Doink's unconscious body before leaving the ring..

    Baxter Basics def. Doink The Clown

    Overall Rating: 49%

    Crowd Reaction: 38%

    Match Quality: 61%

    Baxter Basics gained overness from this match.

    Cutlass On A Pole Match

    Deacon Night Vs. Capn' Bloodbeard

    It takes a moment or two for them to set up the cheap pole in one corner of the ring. The plastic sword is attached to it with a piece of string, and then both kids make their way out one after another.

    Nine months of back and forth fighting between the two had helped them really get to know just what the limitations each one had. Being the big blow off to their feud, the gloves came off and both gave their all to get the best match possible. From the start that mentality shone through as they used everything they’d been taught to make it look as real as possible. Stiff shots thrown back and forth degenerated into a brawl around the ring, which eventually spilled outside and up the aisle. There was no way the ref was going to count them out, and gave a lot of leeway to resolve things by themselves.

    The fans naturally stuck solidly behind Bloodbeard as they fought around the ring. A body slam onto the concrete got a good pop, as Deacon sold it like he’d broken his back. Capn’ took the opportunity to climb back into the ring and head for the pole. His size proved to be a problem, as even on the top turnbuckle he could barely reach the tip of the cutlass. His determination left him open to attack, as Night returned and climbed up to the top as well. Bloodbeard fought with him, but after being rammed head first into the pole, there was no stopping Deacon hitting him with a top rope Depressing Reality! Both bodies crashed into the canvas a motionless heap below the cutlass.

    It was no surprise that Deacon started to move first, making it to his feet after a good two minutes of trying. Looking down as Bloodbeard, his eyes trailed upwards to where the sword was. The thing that started off their feud was within his reach, and he started to climb the turnbuckles. His legs were still shaky, but he made it up in the end. Reaching up, the cutlass offered little resistance and it was soon in his possession. He held the weapon in his hands, staring at it intently. After a second, it was hovering over his wrist. Like so many times before, he looked to use it on himself. Bloodbeard slowly staggered to his feet, AND WAS MET WITH A SWORD SHOT TO THE HEAD! Deacon continually drove the sword into Capn’s face so much, that the ref was forced to step in despite it being legal. Breathing heavily, Night dragged Bloodbeard to his feet, and planted him with a Depressing Reality onto the sword for the 1, 2, 3!

    Deacon Night def. Capn' Bloodbeard

    Overall Rating: 37%

    Crowd Reaction: 17%

    Match Quality: 57%

    Making a unannounced appearance, commissioner Vanessa heads to the ring.

    Vanessa: Later on tonight, everyone in this building will witness the downfall of the most obnoxious child to ever exist on this planet. For months, Joey Sinclair has done nothing but get under the skin of anyone he’s come into contact with. That was only made worse by the fact that for the past three months he’s been the SJW Heavyweight champion. The six man tag match however, will take one step closer to remedying that situation. But up until now, I couldn’t get something out of my head. We’ve seen Joey cheat to win countless times now, and tonight could be no different. So I’ve been racking my brains trying to come up with something to really stick it to him in a big way. At first I wanted to make it a no disqualification match, but I couldn’t risk it in case he actually did manage to find some kind of competent backup. So instead I went a little deeper into the bag of stipulations, and pulled out a gem. Tonight’s six man tag match will no longer be straight up, but be contested under first blood rules!

    The reaction is clearly mixed. The very mention of blood sends a murmur of discontent through the building. There are however a lot of people who are deriving some strange enjoyment out of the idea. The displeasure becomes more and more vocal as Vanessa leaves, but soon calms down somewhat as the next match gets ready to start.

    Overall Rating: 60%

    Vanessa gained overness from this segment.

    SJW PG13 Title Match

    "Not So Nice" Guy Angelo Vs. Teh Mad Haxx0r©

    Angelo came out swinging right from the start, knowing he all but had the belt won last month. To his credit, Haxx0r took it all and gave back just as much. Knowing he had another match straight after this one, the PG13 champion occasionally bailed out of the ring to try and lessen the chances of any problem occurring. Angelo however, didn’t want to hand him that luxury, and was on his every move like a rottweiler. In the end, it became clear that the only way he was going to make sure he was healthy for his next match was to try and beat Guy as quickly as possible.

    This proved to be harder than it seemed, as Angelo cut him off at every opportunity and punished him with a series of stiff strikes. A few quick body slams follow it up, leaving Haxx0r primed for the finish. Wasting no time, Angelo scales to the top rope ready to end the match just like he tried to last month. Leaping off the top rope, he meets…nothing but canvas! Haxx0r barely manages to roll out of the way in time, leaving Angelo to land awkwardly. He quickly crawls over and hooks the leg, as well as a handful of tights 1, 2,


    Despite trying to cheat, Angelo somehow manages to find a way to kick out! A lot of the fans cheered prematurely, certain that they were witnessing the finish to the match. Instead, Haxx0r is left trying to find a way to end the match for real. That comes with the familiar shout of “1137!” as he drags Angelo to his feet. The set up to the 1337 p0w3r80m8 is quick and effective, hoisting the Mafioso up into the air. The second before he can execute it, Guy rolls down his back and hooks in a sunset flip 1, 2, No! Haxx0r is barely able to compose himself enough to kick out. He refuses to stay down long, catching Angelo rising with a clothesline. With the 1337 p0w3r80m8 countered, he tries a different approach and sets up the SQL Slammer. Lifting him up into the backdrop, Angelo keeps going and lands on his feet behind him! It only takes a second, as Haxx0r turns and gets dragged down to the canvas for a Sicilian Necktie! The fans don’t like it one bit, as both kids are right in the middle of the ring. Haxx0r fights for everything he’s worth, knowing his title is at stake. A good minute and a half passes, with him refusing to give up. Realising he still has another match to go, he concedes defeat and taps out!

    Guy springs to his feet triumphantly, amidst a hail of boos from the crowd. Teh Mad Haxx0r’s title reign has ended after five months, but the only thing concerning him now is the pain running through his neck. Angel clutches the belt tightly as he rolls out of the ring. The two kids lock eyes as Haxx0r pulls himself to his feet. Making a gun shape with one hand, Guy “shoots” the former champ with a smile on his face before leaving.

    Guy Angelo def. Teh Mad Haxx0r to win the SJW PG13 title.

    Overall Rating: 47%

    Crowd Reaction: 26%

    Match Quality: 68%

    The SJW PG13 title has gained in image.

    It takes a few moments for John Walters and The Honky Tonk Man to join the defeated Haxx0r in the ring, ahead of their first blood six man tag match. They console their partner, and praise his effort. The heavyweight champion eventually appears in the aisle, however he is all alone…

    Joey: Well boys, I’m sure this is the sight you wanted to see…

    He starts pacing towards the ring.

    Joey: Little old me, alone without a friend in the world. It would give you, and that bitch Vanessa a lot of pleasure to see me lying bloodied in that ring. You all make me sick, what kind of person subjects kids to such a dangerous match? What kind of person sits and enjoys such a sick prospect?

    Finally he reaches the ring, and slides in under the bottom rope.

    Joey: These parents sitting in the front row, just look at them…

    The parents in question are in fact The Mad Haxx0r’s parents, getting a first hand look at their son in action. Needless to say, their demeanour has changed a lot since the added stipulation. Joey’s singling them out didn’t help either.

    Joey: They’re not smiling, are they? They think this is just as sick as I do. You should all take a page out of their book and boycott this crap!

    Walters and Honky are starting to get impatient, as Joey is clearly stalling for time.

    Joey: Don’t get your jumpsuit in a twist old man, I’m getting to it! The burning question, is “Did Sinclair find help in time?”. Well I heard a lot of rumours myself, even one that I’d managed to gain the services of Jimmy Rave. Sadly, the answer to that question is…yes, yes I did mange to find help. I bet it really screws up your plans of a three on one beating, doesn’t it? Morons and cretins, may I direct your attention to the entrance way…

    He points, for the few stupid enough not to know where to look. After a few seconds, the curtain begins to ruffle, and out steps…

    Butch and Luke, The Bushwhackers?!

    The hapless duo bound down to the ring, slapping hands with bewildered fans. It has the same effect in the ring, as none of the three opponents can quite believe what is going on. Both Butch and Luke climb into the ring and begin shaking hands with Honky and Walters. All the while, Joey remains un phased by his partner’s friendliness with his enemies. Honky Tonk Man is the first to grab a mic, and address the situation.

    HTM: This…this is it? After runnin’ your damn mouth for months, the best you could come up with is these two? Son, you ain’t got a chance in hell of beatin’ us with the Bushwhackers by your side.

    Joey cracks a smile, stepping away from the ropes.

    Joey: Bushwhackers? I think you’re mistaken old man. These aren’t the Bushwhackers, they’re The Sheepherders…

    The split second of confusion is all Butch and Luke need to pounce on their opponents! Honky and Walters don’t know what hit them, leaving Haxx0r prone to a belt shot to the face as the match starts!

    Overall Rating: 60%

    Honky Tonk Man gained overness from this segment. Butch gained overness from this segment. Luke gained overness from this segment. John Walters gained overness from this segment. Teh Mad HaXX0r gained overness from this segment.

    First Blood Six Man Tag Match

    "The Chosen One" Joey Sinclair and The Sheepherders Vs. "Hurricane" John Walters, Honky Tonk Man, and Teh Mad Haxx0r

    Joey’s plan has clearly worked, as the crowd is stunned by the vicious way Butch and Luke assault Walters and Honky. Haxx0r, having taken a belt shot to the face is lying flat on his back by the champion’s feet. Sinclair casually taunts the crowd, knowing full well he’s in no immediate danger. This comes back to bite him in the ass, as Walters manages to knock down Luke long enough to attack. Months of pent up aggression are releases as he dives across the ring and tackles Joey to the ground and begins unloading with right hands! He gets a fair few shots in before Luke is back to his feet, and breaks it up with an double axe handle to the back of his head. Sinclair is seeing starts for a moment or two as he tries to get back to his feet.

    In one of the corners, Butch has Honky Tonk Man covering up against a barrage of rights and lefts. In another Luke is doing the same to Walters, until the former heavyweight champ turns the tables of him with a spinning belly to belly suplex! The Mad Haxx0r has only just started to move, trying to get to his feet and join in the match. Joey surprisingly bails, and starts to head up the aisle. The crowd boos as it looks as though he’s leaving the match already. However, he makes his return a few moments later, with a trashcan full of weapons and a smile on his face. He places it onto the apron, but gets it dropkicked into his face by an angry Haxx0r!

    In the ring, Honky and Walters have turned the tables on their violent opposition and are in full control of the match. Despite being first blood rules, neither man seems to be in too much of a hurry to try and win. Haxx0r however, is more than happy to try and make Joey bleed on the outside. Rooting around in his can of weapons, he pulls out a baking tray and waits for Sinclair to get to his feet. He does, and BAM takes a shot square to the top of his head! It staggers him somewhat, but he doesn’t fall. So Haxx0r rears back and BAM hits him again! This time Joey falls, but that doesn’t stop Haxx0r unloading on him with baking tray shots.

    A low blow in the ring causes Walters to double over, leaving Luke free to slide out of the ring. Mid baking tray swing, the weapon is pulled out of Haxx0r’s hand be the Sheepherder. He teases pasting the kid in the head, but in the end doesn’t…UNTIL HE TURNS AROUND, AND TAKES A SHOT TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD! The fans goes absolutely nuts, as Haxx0r’s father is forcibly restrained from trying to get involved. Luke grins sadistically before helping Joey to his feet. The two then throw Haxx0r, and the weapons into the ring and. Not afraid of a little rule breaking himself, Honky plants Butch with a low blow and tosses him head first out of the ring!

    The odds are a little more even now, as Walters gets back to his feet and jumps Luke looking for a little revenge. Sinclair pays no attention to that, focusing solely on Haxx0r. Removing a Singapore cane from the trashcan, he waits patiently for his prey to rise up. The cane twitches in his hand as he anticipates the strike. Slowly, Haxx0r staggers to his feet, not knowing what awaits behind him. He turns despite the fans pleading with him not to…


    The fans go crazy as Honky Tonk Man raises the broken weapon above his head and verbally berates the heavyweight champion. Despite that, he’s still not bleeding and the match continues. Haxx0r takes the cane Joey had, and emulates him by waiting seemingly forever for him to get up. Walters and Honky know what’s coming, and make sure it goes off without a hitch. Butch and Luke desperately try to break free from their captor’s grip, but no matter how hard they fight it proves to be impossible. Joey is left alone with Haxx0r, who takes several steps backwards as he waits. Turning slowly, Sinclair sees it coming too late as Haxx0r takes a running start AND PASTES HIM RIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES WITH THE CANE! Joey hits the canvas and rolls onto his stomach. It takes a few seconds for him to move, raising his head to show it’s now covered in blood. Despite the sickening visual of a kid bleeding badly, the fans cheer as the bell rings to end the match!

    Butch and Luke finally break free, seconds too late to stop the match. Angrily they attack Honky and Walters, who broke their concentration for only a second to celebrate. Haxx0r’s cane is snatched from his hand by Luke, WHO SNAPS IT OVER WALTER’S SKULL! Butch grabs a chair from the trashcan, AND BLASTS HONKY TONK MAN WITH IT! It doesn’t take long for both men to start bleeding, as The Sheepherders get their hands bloody by punching and choking them in a fit of rage. Haxx0r by this time has frozen with fear, without anyone to protect him. They both spot this at the same time and slowly begin to stalk towards him. Each grabbing him by the head leaves bloodied prints on his face. The can see how scared he is of them, and it brings a smile to their faces. Instead of doing anything else, they simply leave the blood covered ring to a mixture of boos and stunned silence from the crowd.

    John Walters, Honky Tonk Man, and Teh Mad Haxx0r def. Joey Sinclair and The Sheepherders

    Overall Rating: 55%

    Crowd Reaction: 46%

    Match Quality: 65%

    Show Overall Rating: 50%

    Match of the Night: Six Man Tag Match

    Worst Match of the Night: Deacon Night Vs. Capn' Bloodbeard

    No More Angels was attended by 233 people!

    We made $4660 from ticket sales.

  10. Considering the most well known names (to me at least) are the guy out of Deep Rising, and the baddie from Kindergarten Cop...this is probably gonna suck.

  11. Damn, the first show was up too quickly for me to get predictions in.

    A few of the match results were quite surprising. Ryan over Walters, and Windsor over Shelley stand out the most. I'd have expected the latter to walk out with wins to be honest. However, I did like Windsor beating Shelley as there's room for the two to develop a rivalry. I fully expected Williams to beat Smith, as he seems to be a more long term investment than his opponent. That was only enforced more by his eventual win, and once again I was surprised to see Windsor sticking around as long as he did.

    I think the title match could have done with a little paragraph about a few kep points. It could have helped try and get across things about a few of the guys involved. With twenty men, there was an opportunity to show who you top guys are below Lesnar. Raven however did come out of it strongly, eliminating several guys and being the runner up. I'm not sure how to take Birchall winning. He wouldn't have been off WWE tv for long, and therefore fresh in the fans minds. Plus, Birchall Vs. Lesnar at some point? That sounds sexy.

    Lesnar going over in the main event wasn't a surprise at all. Giving both guys over an hour is kinda a half and half move. They're both capable of delivering a fantastic match, but after a 20 man battle royal? It could have been draining on the crowd. Still, having it go back and forth right up until the end helps give Shibata more credibility for future appearances.

  12. Sainsbury taking out Delgado in the first lap, tut tut.

    First victory for me, ain't nobody beating me this year :D

    It'd also be nice if XG would do something other than sit around like a bum and drag down BMW's good name with his lame DNF.

  13. Intriguing start so far. I always seem to enjoy reading and writing diaries surrounding created promotions. It gives a lot more freedom to do what you want from the start. Straight away you've got a big hook with the American wrestling return of Brock Lesnar. It's an interesting decision to take, and with the relationship established there's a chance for more dealings down the line. Of course, Lesnar will be the aspect I was the most. Only having him for a year means you've got to get the most out of him before he's shipped back off to the E. I like the mix you have in the roster right now aswell. Any diary featuring guys like Shelley, Walters, Nakamura, and Shibata always get a thumbs up from me.

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