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Xero Gravity

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Posts posted by Xero Gravity

  1. IPB Image

    Backstage Problems?

    While nothing more than rumors at the moment, it seems as though the XGW lockerroom has been thrown into a state of unrest. A number of backstage altercations have been broken up over the past few days, as the company has been preparing for their final two shows of February. The two names floating around with the rumors are Azreal and Ryan Sakoda. This poses a big problem for XGW, as the rumors have indicated that these two have quickly grown to hate each other. If it is ideed true, then the likelyhood of one of them leaving is pretty high. This poses what could be a big problem, as both men have fairly big positions in the comapny at the moment. Sakoda is currently being featured in the big storyline surrounding the Heavyweight title, and Azreal is one half of the only XGW tag team champions to date. If either were to leave it would need the company to quickly try to find a way to keep things running smoothly.

    New Talent Coming In?

    In other XGW news, there have been rumblings over new signings over the last few days. One known for sure is Leon "Vader" White, as it was announced in a sit down interview with James Tyrell yesterday. While in only a backstage capacity at the moment, there has been talk of Vader stepping back into the ring after working hard to get back into shape in the last several months. Two other names being mentioned are Chaz Warrington and Glen Ruth best known as The Headbangers. While nothing is concrete at the moment, it looks as though they may be debuting at Living In Sin to add some much needed experience to XGW's young tag division. There was one other name mentioned in the sit down interview, however the lid has been kept firmly shut on that one. Speculation is it is someone unhappy with their role in TNA or WWE who will be leaving soon.

    A Bizarre Week In The Big Two

    While not totally newsworthy, it has to be pointed out that the past week has certainly been a strange on for both the WWE and TNA. Nowhere near ppv time, we have seen several big title changes on free tv. Among them is the double title win of Shane McMahon. Winning both the United States title and World Heavyweight titles in the space of a few days has left many fans angered, and the Smackdown brand's morale at an all time low. On the TNA side, the James Gang split not too long after getting back together. Nobody would have thought this would grow into an NWA title feud, both that is exactly what has happened after BG James pinned Kip James at Impact to win the NWA World title.

  2. Pre-Show Attraction Match

    Beef Wellington and The Green Phantom Vs The Iron Saints

    Giving four of the XGW's newest talents a chance to get some exposure to the crowd, the two teams make their way down to the ring as the people are still getting comfortable. All four men got plenty of time to show off what they can do in the five or so minutes they had in the ring. Both Thomaselli's spent most of their offense isolating the Phantom, negating his size completely. Beef could only wait and watch as they traded tags and focused all their effort on his left leg. A blind tag off an irish whip finally got Beef into the ring undetected. Climbing to the top he hit a huge Ass Punch on Vito, bailing him out the ring and getting a laugh from those in the crowd seeing it for the first time. Alone in the ring, it didn't take long for Sal to fall victim to the E-Coli giving Beef and Phantom the victory.

    Beef Wellington and The Green Phantom def. The Iron Saints (Wellington pins Sal) (5 mins) 51.4%

    IPB Image

    IPB Image

    After the parental advisory logo flashes up, the intro video kicks in with "Nobody's Real" by Powerman 5000.


    A series of slow begin focusing mainly on Seven, Ace Steel, and Ryan Sakoda along with several other stars flashing up momentarily

    Scary monsters and super peeps

    The more you dream the less you sleep

    Life as you know it has gone away

    Unbound, unwound, who's here to stay (away)

    As the song progresses it kicks up a notch showing fast paced clips of various matches throughout the year. Birchall's debut is shown, tearing through Iceberg like he was nothing. A brief flurry of aerial moves takes over featuring guys like Insane Dragon, Air Paris, and Shannon Moore.

    Nobody's real but they're willing to let you know

    Nobody's real but they'll feel it tonight (feel it tonight)

    Nobody's real but they're willing to let you go

    Nobody's real but they'll feel it

    It then cuts to the main event of Baptized In Blood, and shows several slow motion shots of Steven Richards superkicking Ace Steel. The smile on Seven's face as he stands over Steel with the belt remains on screen for several seconds...

    Nobody's real

    ...and with that we're straight on Josh and Mike to open the show...

    Matthews: Welcome once again to another edition of Body Count! As always I'm Josh Matthews...

    Sanders: ...and I'm Mike Sanders, the workhorse of this announce team!

    Matthews: Yeah...right...for those of you who tuned in last week, the three man brawl that erupted between Seven, Steel, and Sakoda will still be fresh in your minds.

    Sanders: ...and for those of you who didn't tune in, you suck!

    Matthews: Indeed they do, but that's not the point. There's only so much...

    Right Off The Bat

    Josh is interrupted by the projector screens coming to life. Raised voices and a mass of bodies fill the scene as workers and ring crew alike swarm over Ace Steel and Ryan Sakoda already trying to tear each other to pieces. Several innocent bystanders gets sucked into the whirlwind of bodies as it takes several attempts to finally seperate the two without them breaking free for another round of blows. Ace is held where he is and starts to calm down as Sakoda is dragged away. He doesn't have a chance to remain angry for too long, as Steven Richards appears with the same pissed off look on his face he had last week.

    Stevie: What the hell do you think you're doing? The show hasn't even been going for two minutes and you're at each other's throats already!

    Ace simply stares blankly at him, breathing heavily.

    Stevie: Dammit I'm talking to you!

    Ace: ...That son of a bitch started it, not me.

    Stevie: Listen to yourself, you're acting like a damn kid! You're as much to blame as he is.

    Ace: He jumped me as soon as I showed up! What the hell was I supposed to do, let him kick my ass?

    The black blur knocks Stevie onto the ground, and before he knows what the hell happened Sakoda has Ace on the floor and they're both throwing punches at each other again. The group that dragged him away last time all show up a few seconds later and seperate them as Stevie gets back to his feet.

    Stevie: THAT'S IT! I've had it up to HERE with you two! This ends TONIGHT whether you like it or not. You two, in the main event, one on one...if you're going to beat the piss out of each other, then you'll do it officially in the ring. But I'm warning you both...lay so much as a finger on the other from now until the match and you'll both find yourselves unemployed faster than you can say "Holy shit, I'm fired!" Now get the hell out of here before I change my mind!

    Stevie remains on the spot until both men have been dragged down seperate ends of the corridor and disappear from sight.

    Stevie Books The Main Event (4 mins) 50.6%

    Matthews: Were you surprised to see that Mike?

    Sanders: Oh yeah, that was one of the most shocking moments in wrestling!

    Matthews: ...and that statment singlehandedly just caused every sarcasm detector in the world to explode

    Sanders: Well you know what they say, ask a stupid question...

    Matthews: Yeah...anyway, it looks as though we've got a match that could easily headline any big event and it's only roughly 45 minutes away!

    Sanders: No doubt these two are going to continue the trend of beating each other senseless...what are the odds that this doesn't have a decisive winner?

    Matthews: Well I'm no gambler, so I can't even begin to answer that question...so I'll do the next best thing and change the subject. Scheduled for out first match tonight we're about to see everyone's favourite norse warrior The Berzerker, taking on one half of the Samoan duo in Matt Anoai. Both men have size and power in abundance, and both men have momentum on their side going into this.

    Sanders: They do both have momentum that's true, but Anoai didn't embarass David Young last week...Berzerker better watch his back!

    The Berzerker Vs Matt Anoai

    Anoai is out first by himself, not needing Eddie by his side for this match. Berzerker gets his usual strong reaction from the crowd as he stomps down the ramp with his sword and sheild swinging wildly. Anoai is sent out of the ring as Berzerker rolls in still armed with his weapons. Reluctant to release them into the custody of the ref, he's eventually talked round to relinquishing them to the outside so the match can begin. It comes as no surprise to anyone that this starts off as a solely brawling affair, as it's what they both do best. The hard hitting nature of the two keeps the relatively basic offense from boring the crowd too quickly. In a smart move, just as it starts to wear thin Berzerker clotheslines Anoai over the top rope taking the match to the outside. The change of scenery, and the addition of a little leway of the rules allows them to utilise the ringside to good effect. The ref performs a very slow ten count giving them plenty of time to work in a few spots with the guardrail. The highlight of which is a nice move from Berzerker, slamming Anoai onto the rail and following it up with a running kick to the head that flipped the big man off the railing onto the floor. They eventually made their way back into the ring after what techincally should have been at least a 25 count, but only registered as an 8. After a short comeback from Anoai, Berzerker took control again and signalled for the Big Boot. At the exact moment he "Hussed!" for the move, David Young hopped the guardrail and waited for the perfect moment to strike. As Berzerker ran off the ropes, Young slid into the ring and caught him charging towards Anoai with a huge Spinebuster! The referee called for the bell as a pissed off Matt Anoai sent David running for cover.

    The Berzerker def. Matt Anoai by DQ (7mins) 51.8%

    Sanders: I guess by now Berzerker's really regretting the way he made a fool out of David last week!

    Matthews: Are you kidding me...made a fool out of him? Just because David Young wasn't good enough to beat The Berzerker, that warrants him getting unfairly attacked during one of his matches?

    Sanders: Well payback IS a bitch, and Berzerker just learned that the hard way.

    Matthews: This seems to be just another situation that needs to be settled before it gets way out of hand...we don't need another Steel/Sakoda fiasco on our hands!

    I Can't Give You What I Don't Have

    We're treated to another backstage shot, this time of an unusual scene...Stevie sitting quietly in his office. The door can be heard opening as Richards looks up to eye his visitor.

    Stevie: Ah Dean, what can I do for you?

    Dean: I think you know what I...what Paul wants.

    Stevie: I was afraid this was coming.

    Dean: Then surely you've come up with the necessary paperwork to make it happen tonight?

    The disappointing look on Stevie's face says otherwise.

    Stevie: It's not as simple as that, I'd love to see Birchall get his hands on Evan just as much as the fans...

    Dean: ...but?

    Stevie: But he's not here tonight.

    Dean: You better not be protecting him Steven!

    Stevie: Look, Evan is an obnoxious litte shit...do you really think I'd keep him from someone like Paul Birchall? Here, maybe this will prove it?

    He hands him over a sheet of paper from his desk.

    Dean: You're fining him for not showing up? That's the best you can do?

    Stevie: Right now, yeah...but if he doesn't show up next week then I'll have to take things a little further.

    Dean: You're not firing him! Paul wants me to make it perfectly clear...if he doesn't get to kick Evan's arse, he'll have to find a suitable replacment.

    The less than amused look on Stevie's face makes it clear he knows exactly what he means by that.

    Stevie: I take it that's supposed to be a threat?

    Dean: Not a threat Steven, more like a guarantee.

    Stevie: While I don't like being threatened, how about this as a gesture of good will. Evan WILL be here next week, but tonight Birchall can take out some pent up agression on...Azreal. How does that sound?

    Dean rubs his chin for a few seconds, pondering his suggestion.

    Dean: I guess we have no choice do we? I'll go tell Paul the good news.

    Stevie simply nods glad to see the back of Ayass as he leaves the office.

    Birchall Gets A Replacment Match (3 mins) 57.4%

    Matthews: Evan will be here next week? I wouldn't want to be in his shoes come next Tuesday, Birchall's going to beat him clean out of them!

    Sanders: Forget Evan, I wouldn't want to be poor Azreal right about now. But I can't help but think Richards was abusing his power a bit there...it seems a little fishy that he happened to pick a member of The 7th Circle for Brichall to massacre.

    Matthews: You really think Stevie would do something like that?

    Sanders: Absolutely, Seven and his minions have been a thorn in his side for a long time. What with Seven embroiled in his problems with Sakoda and Ace, Stevie has the perfect chance to sneak in and shut them down for good.

    Matthews: Well that's a possibility I guess, and speaking of Seven our next match features him taking on Shannon Moore. While the match is scheduled to be a non title bout, you can bet that is Moore causes an upset on the champ he might be able to bypass the rankings and get to the front o the queue for a title shot.

    Non Title Match

    Seven© Vs Shannon Moore

    Both men made their way down to the ring, and in obvious fashion Seven took advantage of the match straight away. Utilising the sheer advantage he had over Moore, he proceeded to make an example out of him. Several times early in the match he could have possibly got the three count, based solely on the fact that each move was delivered with such great force. He teased the Pale Horse a few times, but on each occasion either booted Moore in the face, or hit him with a clothesline that nearly decapitated him. Pleased with the level of brutality he'd shown on Shannon, he decided to end it with a Christ's Burden. Hoisting him up into the crucifix position, he expected no resistance and instead found himself quickly on his back as Shannon wriggled out of it and hooked in a school boy! Seven kicked out furiously, watching as Shannon bailed to the outside trying to recuperate a little. Seven made the foolish mistake of following him out, and got caught on the way back in a dropkick to the face. Finally Moore managed to get some offense of his own in, concentration solely on the champion's head. Neckbreakers were his main weapon against the big man, utilising one whenever he needed to cut him back down to a managable size. As the moments passed, the upset looked more and more likely. After a huge spingboard dropkick, Moore signalled for the Halo. By now the fans were getting behind his spirited comeback as he planted Seven with a kick to the stomach. Bouncing off the ropes he lined up the move, but got caught in the champs powerful arms and whipped round like a rag doll into a Pale Horse! Seven covered him quickly, and left the ring looking quite surprised that Moore almost made a fool of his overconfidence.

    Seven def. Shannon Moore (6 mins) 61.9%

    Matthews: That was a little too close for comfort if you ask me, Seven tried to make an example of Shannon and it nearly cost him the match!

    Sanders: Nearly, but the fact is Seven still got his hand raised in the end and that's all that matters.

    Matthews: I don't know, you've got to think that did a little unseen damage to Seven's demonic ego. After all he's the heavyweight champion, and a guy like Shannon Moore almost pinned him 1, 2, 3 in the middle of the ring.

    Evan's Head On Azreal's Body

    Backstage again, we're shown Birchall pacing back and forth as Dean Ayass comes into the picture with a half smile on his face.

    Birchall: Well?

    Dean: Evan's not here tonight...

    Birchall: That little bastard!

    Dean: Richards did decide to give you a match though...against Azreal.

    Birchall: Azreal...that goth poofter is the best he could come up with?

    Dean: At least you've got a match this week, that's better than nothing.

    Birchall: I guess in a way Evan will be here tonight, as I know I won't see Azreal when I tear him limb from limb!

    Ayass smiles as Birchall heads off to the ring with a look of determination on his face.

    Birchall Psyches Himself Up (2 mins) 36.8%

    Matthews: It looks like Birchall isn't going to give Azreal and time to prepare for this match!

    Paul Birchall Vs "The Angel Of Death" Azreal

    Birchall hit the ring straight away, and waited like a caged animal for several moments for Azreal. He finally emerged, but wasn't alone. He came down to the ring with Gabriel and their still un-named accomplice. Birchall didn't seem too bothered about being outnumbered, ad he slid straight out and jumped the three of them before the bell! He made short work of Gabriel and the face painted guy, before tossing Azreal into the ring kicking the match off officially. It became evident that Azreal was Karagias to Birchall, as he mercilessly suplexed him all over the ring without showing any signs of stopping. In a single minute of the match, Birchall had hit at least 7 suplex variations on Azreal without stopping once. The match looked all but over without any offense by "The Angel Of Death", until Gabriel hopped onto the apron. Trying to distract Paul proved to be a costly mistake, as he soon found himself hauled into the ring. It took Birchall only a few seconds to drag him to his feet and give him the same treatment he gave Azreal. This time however, he ended it with a belly to belly suplex over the top rope! Gabriel crashed onto the thin padding covering the cold concrete, showing little signs of moving. This did however give Azreal a chance to mount an attack. He threw everything he could, and looked to steal the match with a Ted Bundy. Hooking Birchall into a suplex and lifted him up, only to have it reversed! Landing on his feet Birchall spun Azreal around and pulled him down to the ground by his right arm. Locking in the Royal Mutilation it only took three seconds of being arched back in such an unnatural position for Azreal to tap out kicking and screaming! Birchall quickly released the hold, as the unkown Circle member climbed into the ring and ran straight into his waiting arms. Showing little regard Birchall flipped him backwards landing a C-4 in the middle of the ring! Leaving all three 7th Circle members down and out, Birchall finally had his hand raised and left the ring.

    Paul Birchall def. Azreal (6 mins) 60.0%

    Sanders: Dominating performace by Birchall! But you know who's to blame for all of this? Evan Karagias...that pepper spray attack is going to cost him dearly, especially when Birchall takes it out on other people just like that!

    Matthews: I couldn't agree more Mike, Evan crossed a line treating Birchall like he did at Ascendancy II...and day he's forced to pay for it will be one I guarantee we won't forget in a hurry!

    Sanders: Could it be at Living In Sin? As you can see the commissioner is on his way to the ring, and I hear he's going to be announcing a few of the matches we'll be seeing in a few weeks.

    Living In Sin Starts To Take Shape

    Richards is just climbing into the ring with a microphone in hand and a clipboard in the other. He waits a moment or two for his music to fade out before attempting to speak.

    Stevie: Two weeks ago marked the biggest milestone to date in XGW. Ascendancy II heralded in the one year anniversary of this promotion. Now for such an occasion, the show didn't seem to have as much bang as I'd hoped. I'll be the first to admit that it was my fault, who elses could it be? While it may have been a financial success it was far from an artistic one. In two weeks time, the 26th of February, I get a chance to make up for that with Living In Sin. While not all the matches have been signed as of yet, there are still a few that I want to put out tonight after certain events took place this evening...and there's no better place to start than the top. It'll come as no surprise, but the XGW Heavyweight title will be on the line as Seven defends it against Ace Steel AND Ryan Sakoda! All three men want to try and cripple each other? Well what better way to do it than when it really counts, and with the title on the line. BUT! As far as Seven's little army of munchkin henchmen are concerned...if they show their faces anywhere near ringside, Seven will be stripped of the belt immediately, and ejected from the match!

    Another match taking place at Living In Sin stems from the opening contest of the night. David Young...you seem so intent on getting physical with The Berzerker again, that you'd interject yourself into his match with Matt Anoai. Well congratulations kid, you got your wish. You and Berzerker will face off again, only this time it'll be a hardcore match! You may not be very concerned by that, but maybe you should ask someone what happened during the last hardcore match Berzerker was a part of. Or better yet, go find Iceberg and ask him...I'm sure he'll tell you all about how insanse Berzerker was during that brawl.

    Those of you watching this show on XeroGwrestling.com didn't get to see the tag team match before the show. However I was so impressed by that quartet that I decided to give them their big event debut, with a slight difference. One one side of the ring it will be Brandon, Salvatore, and Vito Thomaselli collectively known as The Iron Saints. On the other side, their opponents Beef Wellington, The Green Phantom, and a partner set to debut on the show.

    ...and as the final announced match tonigh, we will see the official beginning of the womens division here in XGW at Living In Sin. Six women will compete in a gauntlet match to crown the first XGW Womens champion! Competing in the match will be Christy Hemme, Shelly Martinez, Tara Bush, and Candice Michelle marking their in ring debuts after a year of training and development. The two remaining spots will stay unrevealed until they make their entry into the match itself!

    Those, along with a few still to be announced matches make up this year's Living In Sin...now that's out of the way, it's time to settle things. Ace! Ryan! Get your asses out here now!

    Stevie Announces Matches for Living In Sin (7 mins) 72.5%

    Matthews: Here we go, main event time!

    Ace Steel Vs Ryan Sakoda

    Stevie remains at ringside as Ace and Sakoda make their entrances. Much to everyone's delight they already start brawling long before the timekeeper has rang the bell. It remains very even throughout the opening exchange, with neither man backing down an inch. The fans can't seem to make up their minds as they're split down the middle on who to root for. With their faces starting to go red from the number of stiff shots they've taken, both men conceed to stop and back off. They don't stay away for long before jumping straight back into it. This time however, Sakoda takes the lead fairly quickly with a rapid fire trifecta of open hand slaps that rocks Ace backwards. He continues to snap off the slaps until Ace is backed into a corner, and makes a quick dash diving at him with a double knee press to the sternum! Steel slumps into the corner clucthing his chest as Sakoda runs back again, this time driving his knees into his face! Ace's head rocks like a pinball from the impact as Sakoda quickly goes for an early pinfall. Showing his drive, Ace kicks out and endures a good fifteen seconds of relentless punching from Sakoda until the referee forces him to break and get back. As Steel staggers to his feet, the blood flowing down his face from his nose doesn't look good. However by grabbing it he shows it's not broker, and motions for Sakoda to come at him again. He does so without hesitation and gets sucked into Steel's trap. Moving out of the way causes Ryan to hit the turnbuckles knees first and give the advantage away for the first time in the match. Stemming the blood flow Ace uses his advantage to the full, working on the obvious target of Sakoda's knees. Ranging from a good old spinning toe hold, to a texas cloverleaf, Ace tries everything to weaken Sakoda down and make him slower. Showing desperation, an errant kick trying to break free catches Ace in the nose and causes the blood to start flowing again. Sakoda uses this respite to cause maximum damage with a hefty price. Getting to his feet, he fires off a huge Roaring Elbow catching Ace perfectly in his nose! This however causes his weakened knee to go out and he crashes to the canvas as well. Stevie is watching intently at ringside as they both try desperately to get up. They do so at nine, and Sakoda attempts another Roaring Elbow only for Ace to duck! Despite the blurry vision, he manages to catch Sakoda's arm and lift him into a quick Twist of Kain! The crowd pops and Sakdoa slumps forward and Ace crawls over. Pushing him onto his back he drapes an arm over. The ref gets down to count, but as he reaches two the bell rings! The fans, Ace, and Stevie are confused for a second until the announcment of the time limit is made. Ace looks distraught that he was one second away from victory, and Stevie is angry that the situation still hasn't been fully resolved.

    Ace Steel draw. Ryan Sakoda (15 mins) 68.9%

    Matthews: Not the most ideal ending to the match, but when you're out of time, you're out of time. I'm Josh Matthews along with Mike sanders, and this has been another edition of Body Count...we'll see you next week!

  3. Looks like we've got another three way being built for the title, but damn I can't put my vote in for Ace, even if he is the face. Ever have that character you don't like and it seems like he's being pushed down your throat? Not sure if you'll get the reference, but Ace Steel is your Robbie V..even though I like Robbie V.

  4. IPB Image

    IPB Image

    After the parental advisory logo flashes up, the intro video kicks in with "Nobody's Real" by Powerman 5000.


    A series of slow begin focusing mainly on Seven, Ace Steel, and Ryan Sakoda along with several other stars flashing up momentarily

    Scary monsters and super peeps

    The more you dream the less you sleep

    Life as you know it has gone away

    Unbound, unwound, who's here to stay (away)

    As the song progresses it kicks up a notch showing fast paced clips of various matches throughout the year. Birchall's debut is shown, tearing through Iceberg like he was nothing. A brief flurry of aerial moves takes over featuring guys like Insane Dragon, Air Paris, and Shannon Moore.

    Nobody's real but they're willing to let you know

    Nobody's real but they'll feel it tonight (feel it tonight)

    Nobody's real but they're willing to let you go

    Nobody's real but they'll feel it

    It then cuts to the main event of Baptized In Blood, and shows several slow motion shots of Steven Richards superkicking Ace Steel. The smile on Seven's face as he stands over Steel with the belt remains on screen for several seconds...

    Nobody's real

    ...and for the first time, we fade into Josh Matthews now situated behind a cloth covered table on an elevated portion of the stage area.

    Matthews: Hello everyone, thank you for logging on and welcome to the first edition of the new look Body Count! I am as always Josh Matthews, and it is my pleasure to introduce my new partner making his XGW debut tonight...former leader of WCW's Natural Born Thrillers, Mike Sanders!

    The newly aquired camera gets put to good use as it moves to the left of the table, following Sanders up the set of stairs. He shakes hands with Matthews before sitting down and placing on his headset.

    Sanders: It's great to be here Josh, I've heard quite a bit about this place over the last year or so.

    Matthews: As my partner gets himself comfortable, take a quick look at this evening's opening contest. After making an impressive debut at Ascendancy, Canadian superstar Bobby Roode looks set to remain undefeated as he takes on Air Paris coming off a failed attempt at capturing the XGW Junior Heavyweight title. Both Paris and his partner Seth Delay have been on quite the losing streak as of late, incapable of sustaining any form of long term success.

    Sanders: No doubt Roode knows that just as much as they do. He's got the confidence and momentumn going into this one, but just think what an upset would do for Paris...

    Bobby Roode Vs Air Paris

    Paris knew exactly what a victory in this match would do for his floundering career, and took it straight to Roode from the opening bell. He was able to neutralize the size and strength of the Canadian during the opening several moments of the match by refusing to stay in one place for very long. Picking his shots carefully, and always looking to keep him off balance, Paris showed sparks of getting his confidence back. Catching Roode in the face with a spinning heel kick and knocking him to the ground proved to be his big chance. As Bobby was dazed on the canvas, Paris quickly scaled the ropes. Leaping off with a moonsault, his confidence came to a crashing halt as he met nothing but canvas. From there Roode made sure Paris never got a chance to mount a comeback. Taking him down with the same harsh offense he showed again The Berzerker, Bobby wore down Paris for several minutes without any form or resistance. This gave the Canadian time to gloat at how easy the match had become, which really started to rub the fans the wrong way. As they voiced their disapproval of his arrogant attitude, he quickly silenced them by dropping Paris on his head with a huge Fisherman's Buster! This proved to be enough as Paris lay motionless on the canvas long after the three count.

    Bobby Roode def. Air Paris (7 mins) 64.7%

    Now on the outside, Roode continues his breating of the fans for not respecting his obvious talent. Noticing Paris is now getting to his feet, he quickly returns to the ring and levels him with a huge Northern Lariat to the back of his head! Satisfied that his message has been sent, he leaves the ring and heads up the ramp with a confident smirk on his face.

    Sanders: It may not be the most popular way of going about things, but Bobby Roode is surely sending a message to everyone that he's a guy they should take notice of.

    Matthews: Regardless, there was absolutely no reason to attack Air Paris again. He won the damn match, that enough should make people aware of how good he is.

    Sanders: It's all about standing out from the crowd. There are a lot of talented guys here in XGW, and competition to be noticed is fierce.

    Matthews: You're right about that, there is a lot...

    That Little Wanker!

    Josh is cut off by the two stage screens behind him coming to life. Birchall is on a rampage in the back, being chased frantically by Dean Ayass.

    Dean: Paul, WAIT!

    Birchall refuses to pay any attention to his friend and manager as he kicks open every door he comes near, screaming for Evan Karagias to show himself.

    Dean: Stop acting like a bloody idiot and calm down!

    Getting in front of him, Ayass tries his best to stop Birchall from going any further.

    Dean: Listen to me Paul, this isn't worth it! You know how crazy Americans are with suing people. You put one hand on that slimy little tosser and he'll go straight for a lawyer.

    Birchall: He won't be able to, if he's DEAD!

    Pushing Ayass out of the way, Birchall continues his search for Evan...

    Birchall Hunts For Karagias (1 min) 32.8%

    Hightailing It Again

    Having obviously found out about Birchall being on the warpath, we're shown another part of the backstage area. In a similar fashion to Ascendancy II, Evan Karagias is showing running straight for the parking lot. He stumbles over a misplaced piece of unused equipment, but that only stops him fleeing momentarily. Quickly back on his feet he bursts through the exit to the parking lot and straight for his car. Just like Sunday his tires let out a shrill screech as he tears the car out of the lot and away from the club as fast as he can.

    Evan Runs Away...Again (1 min) 52.9%

    Unwelcomed Interruption

    We're shown inside the hallway again as XGW commisioner Steven Richards is marching down the corridor with a pissed off look on his face. From through a door pops an unkown face...

    ????: Mr. Richards, do you have a minute?

    Stopping abruptly, Steven stares down his bald, tattooed blockade.

    Stevie: No...no I don't.

    He tries to leave, but finds his path blocked once more.

    ????: Please, I really need to talk to you!

    Stevie: I don't even know who the hell you are, and I've got more important things to be dealing with...like a pissed off Englishman trying to kill one of my wrestlers!

    ????: I know, but I'm supposed to be debuting tonight and I don't have an opponent.

    Stevie: Like I said...I don't know who you are.

    ????: David...David Young.

    Stevie: Ok...David, you want a match that bad you've got one. Right after Shannon Moore takes on Gabriel, go to the ring. Whoever decides to come out after you is your opponent, ok?

    Young: Thank you Mr. Richards!

    He holds out his hand looking to shake, but Stevie walks off in a hurry leaving him hanging as the screen fades on his slightly upset face.

    David Young Gets His Debut Match (2 mins) 58.2%

    Matthews: Well that was certainly an odd series of events...

    Sanders: Hehe...you're not kidding! If you knew Birchall was hunting for you, would you stay in the same building?

    Matthews: Of course not, I'd run faster than we just saw Evan going that's for sure! But what about that David Young guy?

    Sanders: Ah yes, I know David back from when we were a part of S.E.X in TNA. The guy could defintely give Arn Anderson a run for his money as far as giving someone a Spinebuster is concerned. He's a surprisingly underrated guy, and I'm sure given a chance he can show people what he can really do in the ring.

    Matthews: Well with that kind of endorsment, how can he fail? As the commissioner mentioned a few moments ago, or next match concerns Shannon Moore taking on Gabriel. Both men and their respective partners are scheduled to face each other at Living in Sin at the end of the month for the tag team titles. No doubt tonight is as good a chance as any to try and tip the balance and try to get an early advantage.

    Sanders: I'd be surprised if that didn't happen...gold does things to wrestlers, sometimes uncharacteristic things. Shannon has never had a lot of success when it comes to championships in well known promotions, so winning the tag titles would be a huge achievement for him.

    Matthews: You shouldn't forget Insane Dragon either...they win the tag titles and he becomes a double champion, which in reality could do more harm than good in my opinion.

    Sanders: Are you saying Shannon would be jealous if his partner wore two titles?

    Matthews: No...I...

    Sanders: Ok then, I'll say it for you. March could be a very interesting month for the makeshift team if they can win the tag titles...everyone loves to see friends fall apart and become enemies!

    Shannon Moore Vs Gabriel

    Having a lot of experience with each other over the past year, many of the long term fans know what kind of match to expect from these two. It starts off with them trading a fast paced bout of cruiser style counters, but quickly sours as Gabriel tries to take advantage by cheating at every opportunity. Somehow Shannon manages to keep one step ahead and stop most of his cheap shortcuts. It comes as no surprise to anyone that a few minutes into the match, Azreal makes his way down to ringside. This makes Shannon very wary and allows Gabriel to take full advantage and really start to work over his neck. This continues for another minute or two until Insane Dragon makes his way down to the ring as well. Evening the sides up allows Moore to concentrate more on the match and get back to a level heading despite taking a lot of offense on his neck. Being thrown to the outside, Moore is open to an attack from Azreal. However Dragon makes sure he keeps his distance. What he doesn't see is Gabriel come up behind Shannon, and dropkick him forward! He collides heads with Dragon, who drops the the floor. Rolling Moore back into the ring, Gabriel adds insult to injury with a series of neckbreakers as Azreal keeps Dragon out of the picture by throwing him over the guardrail and into the crowd. Unable to sustain any more damage to his neck, Moore falls prey to an Angelic Redemption from Gabriel giving him the less than clean victory.

    Gabriel def. Shannon Moore (10 mins} 67.2%

    Azreal quickly joins Gabriel in the ring, and the tag champs continue to stomp away on Shannon's neck. As they're too caught up in their assault, neither spots Dragon grab a chair form the crowd and slide into the ring. Both Lost Boyz find themselves on the recieving end of a chair shot as they bail from the ring. Dragon looks down at Shannon, not realising it was Gabriel who caused Shannon to collide with him. Still with an uneasy look on his face, he finally helps his friend up to his feet.

    Sanders: See that? The cracks are already starting to show, just think what it'll be like in a week or two!

    Matthews: I hate to admit it, but you're right...Dragon and Shannon really need to sort themselves out before it's too late. We've seen one too many promising teams torn apart too early by jealousy and confusion.

    Sanders: Either way we're guaranteed to get some great drama out of it before the climax.

    Matthews: That's very thoughtful of you Mike, I'm sure they appreciate you trivialising their problems like that. But we have no time to dwell on that fans, as coming up right now should be David Young. As for his opponent, who knows? It's first come first served...could be Sakoda, could be Seven, it could even be Paul Birchall!

    Sanders: For his sake I hope that's not the case...

    Debut Match

    David Young Vs ??????

    David comes down to the ring to very little reaction thanks to it being his first time out in front of the Gravity Bar's crowd. Bouncing up and down on the spot once he's in the ring, he waits patiently for his opponent. His face turns into a pleased smile as he watches The Berzerker making his way down to the ring. Figuring he has no problems facing someone who is nothing more than comedy relief, Young motions for him to get into the ring. Berzerker obliges and Young is quick to attack as he's climbing through the ropes. Taking advantage of his jumping of the gun, Young's target from the start is evident. Several minutes of offense focused solely on Berzerker's lower back follow, ranging from boots, forearms, and a duet of impressive spinning backbreakers. During this, the crowd favourite does manage a brief comback but it's cut short as he tries to lift up Young only for his back to give out. David simply picks up where he left off, working on the back solidly for another minute or so. He finally signals for the Spinebuster, satisfied that Berzerker has been softened up enough. Whipping him across the ring, David is caught by surprise as Berzerker throws himself foward catching him across the neck with a flying clothesline! The fans are quick to get behind the viking as he follows this up with a Big Boot and a Leg Drop to complete the comeback and beat David Young!

    The Berzerker def. David Young (8 mins) 54.9%

    Berzerker celebrates his victory as Young comes to and immediately flips out over being beaten. Throwing a fit in the ring, he soon sets his sights on revenge. Spinning the still weak Berzerker around, he snaps him into the middle of the ring with a perfectly placed Spinebuster! The fans boo Young's blatant lack of sportsmanship as he continues to stomp around the ring, angry that he lost such a simple match.

    Matthews: Can you say sore loser?

    Sanders: Sore loser...what's your point?

    Matthews: Are you telling me you condone what David Young just did?

    Sanders: Of course...if it was me who lost to The Berzerker, I'd be pissed off too! This is 2006, not 1993 after all, and the Berzerker is what...80 years old?

    Matthews: He's 46 actually, and despite being at least 13 years older he still beat David Young.

    Sanders: Overconfidence...it's felled even the greatest of superstar. I guarantee you that if David faced him again, the outcome would be much different.

    Uneasy Partnership

    Josh and Mike are interrupted again as the screens show Ace Steel in the back, getting a cheer from the crowd. He walks a short distance down a corridor before stopping dead in his tracks.

    Ace: What the hell are you doing here?

    The camera spins around to show Ryan Sakoda, bandaged up standing outside Steven Richards' office.

    Sakoda: That's none of your business, it's between me and Richards.

    Ace: If you're thinking of trying to get another title shot, FORGET ABOUT IT! You've already had two, and lost both of them! Not to mention I bailed your ass out this past Sunday seeing as you couldn't handle it...

    Sakoda: What did you just say?

    Ace: Didn't I say it loud enough? I...SAVED...YOUR...ASS!

    Sakoda takes off his glasses and tosses them to one side. Ace braces himself for an impending fight, but Stevie returns just in time to keep them apart.

    Stevie: What the hell do you two think you're doing? It's bad enough I've got Birchall trying to kill Evan, I don't need this crap right now!

    Ace: The only reason I came back was for what's rightfully mine...I want Seven at Living In Sin!

    Sakoda: Bullshit! After what happened on Sunday, I deserve another shot!

    Stevie: ENOUGH ALREADY! Ryan...face facts, Seven beat you cleanly at Ascendancy so you "deserve" nothing.

    Ace smiles as Sakoda tries to control his anger.

    Stevie: As for YOU...You walked out on XGW and caused me nothing but shit for over a month. Quite frankly you don't "deserve" anything either!

    Now Sakoda is smiling, but Ace isn't as good at restraining himself and lunges for him. Stevie does his best to push back Ace, and keep Sakoda from taking a cheap shot.

    Stevie: KNOCK THIS SHIT OFF NOW! I've had it up to here with people walking around demanding whatever they please! You two want a title match so much? Then prove it tonight...I'm putting the two of you in the main event...as partners!

    Neither man looks pleased by the announcment.

    Stevie: The two of you teaming together to face The Samoan Island Gangsters. If by some miracle you manage to work together, I'll consider giving you another chance. If you chose to disobey me and try to attack each other...well you can kiss the XGW title goodbye, as you'll NEVER get a shot at it again! Now get the hell out of my face before I suspend you both!

    Thery both shoot each other a hateful glance before going their seperate ways. Stevie is left shaking his head in anger before going into the quiet solitude of his office.

    Richards Lays Down The Law (5 mins) 58.6%

    Waiting In The Wings

    Instead of fading to black, a noise of a door slowly swinging open causes the camera to track down the source. Not too far away from the argument between Ace, Stevie, and Sakoda the door in question is found. Stepping out from the darkness of the room, XGW Heavyweight champion Seven appears with an evil smile on his face.

    Seven Eavesdrops The Argument (1 min) 58.6%

    Matthews: Ace Steel and Ryan Sakoda as PARTNERS tonight? I hope Stevie knows what he's doing...

    Sanders: Not only that, but did you see the smile on Seven's face as he watched that entire scene first hand?

    Matthews: With his two top challengers at each other's throats, I'm not surprised the champion has such a smile. But you have to wonder how Steel and Sakoda are going to coexist against The Gangsters.

    Sanders: You're kidding right? If that argument is anything to go by, they've got no chance of working together without imploding...and I can't wait!

    XGW Junior Heavyweight Title Match

    Insane Dragon© Vs Seth Delay

    Making his first defense of the Junior Heavyweight title, Insane Dragon finds himself up against Seth Delay. Much like his partner Air Paris, Delay knows how much a victory here tonight would help boost his flagging confidence. Both men make their way to the ring without their respective partners. Proving to be a much more spotty affair than the Gabriel/Moore match, Dragon wastes no time showing the crowd how he's considered one of the best high flyers on the independent scene. Delay on the other hands seems lost in the ring as he continues to take Dragon's moves without any real attempt to make it otherwise. Still, despite the vast array of gravity defying planchas, somersaults, and splashes that Dragon pulls off he still can't seem to keep Delay down for the three count. At one point he attempts a springboard 450 splash, but eats nothing but canvas. Just like that Delay springs to life like a shark smelling blood. While not as flashy as Dragon, Delay takes his turn to wow the crowd with a short spurt of high impact dives. Within a matter of minutes the match looks completely different and Seth is pulling further in front and nearing the winning post. He heads up to the top looking for the Delayed Reaction but Dragon manages to hit the top rope, crotching him on the top turnbuckle. In the memorable moment of the night, Dragon climbs onto the top rope and positions both delay and himself on the top rope. Leaping up onto his shoulders, Dragon flips backwards into the ring sending Delay crashing into the canvas with a huge top rope reverse hurricanrana! As the crowd chants "Holy Shit! Holy Shit!" Dragon tries to get back to his feet. As he does, the same face painted character that helped The Lost Boyz at Ascendancy runs down the ramp. Sliding into the ring, he wastes no time in lifting him into a firemans carry. Flipping him up he twists it into a reverse DDT mid air and drives the back of his head into the canvas! The ref has no choice but to call for the bell and award the match to Insane Dragon, much to the dismay of the crowd hoping for a clean winner.

    Insane Dragon def. Seth Delay to RETAIN the XGW Junior Heavyweight Title (9 mins) 38.0%

    Satisfied with his actions, the mystery man rolls out of the ring and casually walks backwards up the ramp.

    Matthews: Who the hell IS that guy? He's obviously aligned with The 7th Circle, but we still have no idea who or what he is.

    Sanders: I think it's obvious he was helping out The Lost Boyz again by softening up Insane Dragon. Did you see that Fireman's Carry/Reverse DDT thing he did? I wish I used to do something like that while I was in the ring...might not have been cut from the WWE...

    Matthews: I know how you feel...I got cut too.

    Sanders: ...but you're not a wrestler...

    Matthews: Hey! I was a runner up on Tough Enough!

    Sanders: But you didn't win did you?

    Matthews: ...no...but I can finally do a moonsault!

    Sanders: Marvellous...care to introduce the main event now?

    Matthews: ...fine...as you saw earlier, the commissioner put his foot down sticking Ryan Sakoda and Ace Steel in a tag team match as partners. We all know they don't like each other, and if they attack each other in any way they never get another XGW title match again. The deck is surely stacked against them, even moreso as they're set to face 600+lbs of angry Samoan!

    Tag Team Match

    Ace Steel and Ryan Sakoda Vs The Samoan Island Gangsters

    The Gangsters come into the match heavy favourites not only due to being an experienced duo, but thanks to being screwed out of the tag titles and looking for someone to vent their anger on. Naturally Sakoda and Steel make seperate entrances. However Sakoda doesn't even wait for Ace to make it to ringside before starting the match against Fatu. Both men have their own reasons to be pissed off, and both make it perfectly clear they intend to take it out on the other team as they trade a series of stiff strikes and chops much to the delight of the crowd. Eddie proves to be using his head as well as his anger by focusing on Sakoda's head and neck after the damage done to it on Sunday. Tagging in Anoai, he too continues this well thought out plan of keeping Sakoda isolated to work on his weakened body part. Ace simply stands on the apron with a look of indifference as his partner takes the entire brunt of the match up to this point. It's only after a lucky shot that Sakoda catches Steel with a fairly forceful "tag" allowing him some time to rest. His month or so away from the ring doesn't seem to have done any harm to Ace as he goes straight for Anoai. Steel juggles between working on Anoai and getting the crowd pumped as he keeps the big man subdued, until Matt shows his strength and pushes him halfway across the ring! This allows the fresher Eddie into the ring who manages to fare much better than his partner and turn the tables on Steel. Making the mistake of whipping him into the corner Sakoda is standing, Fatu fails to see the blind tag and bodyslams Steel looking for a pin. By the time he realises what's going on, Sakoda has jumped off the top rope and double stomped him square in the back! The smile on his face shows that he knows he managed to hurt Ace without actually touching him. Another minute passes with Sakoda gearing up towards a Roaring Elbow. As he's about to hit the move, "Pale Horse Apocalypse" hits causing both he and Ace to look at the stage. Steel drops off the apron leaving Sakoda vulnerable. Anoai tags himself in and hits the unsuspecting Sakoda with a huge Samoan Drop to pick up the win just as Ace realises what's going on!

    The Samoan Island Gangsters def. Ace Steel and Ryan Sakoda (Anoai pins Sakdoa) (10 mins) 71.7%

    Ace rolls back into the ring as The Gangsters leave celebrating a much needed victory over two Heavyweight title contenders. Sakoda gets to his feet and immediately goes after Steel for leavng him open to lose. A shoving contest quickly degenerates into a fist fight between the two! Only making matters worse is Seven picking the perfect moment to hit the ring and join in, making it a three way brawl! Several hired security guards and other members of the roster pour into the ring to seperate the three men, as Stevie stands on the stage looking anything but pleased to close out the show...

  5. IPB Image

    Last Sunday Xero Gravity Wrestling celebrated it's one year anniversary with Ascendancy II. The one thousand fans in attendance saw the crowning of the first ever Junior Heavyweight champion, The 7th Circle retain both their titles along with gaining a new member, and Ace Steel finally make his return to the promotion to get even with Seven. Now XGW finds itself in a new era as the first ever edition of the NEW Body Count comes to you this Tuesday evening right here on XeroGwrestling.com! Already signed for the show, Bobby Roode will make his Body Count debut as he faces Air Paris, Shannon Moore will go one on one with Gabriel ahead of their tag title match at Living in Sin, and Insane Dragon will make his first defense of the Junior Heavyweight title as he takes on Seth Delay. Along with these signed matches, the rest of the XGW will be in the house, so who knows what will happen!

    Confirmed Matches

    Bobby Roode Vs Air Paris

    Shannon Moore Vs Gabriel

    Insane Dragon© Vs Seth Delay (XGW Junior Heavyweight Title Match)

  6. IPB Image

    In Depth Interview With The Man Behind XGW

    Several hours before XGW was set to run it's one year anniversary show, I got a chance to sit down with James Tyrell, one of the two men responisble for bringing XGW to life back in January 2005. Even with the hectic schedule surrounding the night's event, he still had time to sit down and answer all of my questions...

    WA: So it's been a year now, and Xero Gravity Wrestling is still alive and kicking. Did you ever think that it wouldn't make it to this milestone?

    JT: Oh yeah, there were many sleepless nights in the beginning. Max and I spent weeks planning everything out to the last detail, and more than once we asked each other if we thought this was a good idea. Neither of us had experience actually running a promotion, but we each shared a passion to make it work no matter what.

    WA: Speaking of Max, he came in from nowhere and threw himself into the wrestling game. Care to shed any light on who he actually is?

    JT: Well he'll probably kill me for saying this, but he's just your run of the mill businessman. You've got guys like Bill Gates sitting on billions of dollars, well Max is kinda like a mini Gates. If you talk to him backstage you'd never realise he's amassed a small fortune as he's so humble and soft spoken. I was lucky to meet him actually, as we were both looking for someone to start up a wrestling promotion and both were taken by the other's apparent desire to get it done.

    WA: Have the two of you ever clashed over creative differences in the past year?

    JT: Of course, it's only natural for people to have different opinions from time to time. For the most part though, Max just leaves the creative side to me and the other bookers only occasionally offering an idea or two. After all, you watch wrestling for as long as we have and you tend to come up with your own angles and storylines.

    WA: You said "other bookers"?

    JT: Yeah, just like many other promotions we've got a few of the roster as part of a team. God knows I'd have burnt out long ago if it was just me. Since about the second or third show I've had Ace and Dean to bounce ideas off and vice versa. There's also a fourth guy, but for secrecy's sake I can't tell you who he is until he actually debuts in a month or two.

    WA: Oh come on, you can't say something like that and not expect us to ask for a clue.

    JT: Hahaha...ok then, let's just say he's the biggest aquisition we've had to date. We were fortunate he wasn't happy with his current employer and was looking to revitalise his career.

    WA: Any idea on when he's going to debut?

    JT: I wouldn't say for another month or two, until then he's going to be a backstage entity only.

    WA: Is he the only new face you'll be bringing in this year?

    JT: Far from it as a matter of fact. 2005 was a great year for us, and we'd love nothing more than to make 2006 even better. We've been looking around for people who will ultimately help make the product more exciting, and we believe we've found some people to do just that. I know there's been a lot of talk over how our promotion is quite...unique...in the fact that we have a diverse roster. I mean who expected to see The Berzerker in a wrestling promotion in 2006?

    WA: I know I didn't...

    JT: Exactly, and that's what we're trying to achieve. We want to make ourselves stand out from the crowd. You've got TNA putting on a great sports entertainment product on a much smaller scale that the supposed "leader" in wrestling, and you've got ROH putting on amazing show after amazing show. Until we mature enough to try and raise to their level, the best we can do is draw people in with our unique appeal. We've got outlandish gimmicks, talented wrestlers, and a soon to be established womens division...and by that I don't mean just parading them up and down in practically no clothes. I'm talking women with talent, including the few who were cut from the WWE and actually spent time training instead of throwing them into the ring from the start. Believe me, there is no one that we wouldn't consider welcoming into our family if we felt that they could serve a purpose. For example I recently met with Leon White about coming in not only in a backstage capacity, but possibly in the ring as well.

    WA: Leon White, known to most people as Vader?

    JT: Yeah, that's right. The last time he was seen on tv in the wwe, he didn't make the most memorable of appearance. Most people haven't seen him since the, but he's changed quite a bit. He's down to at least 380lbs dropping at least 70lbs, and he feels in the best shape of his life.

    WA: So an in ring return is likely?

    JT: Well that's up to him really, if he does we have a highly recognisable face to promote. If not, we still have the wealth of knolwedge and experience he has to help out younger stars improve. All I know is he's determined to not have his last moment on tv be him falling off the apron in front of millions of people.

    WA: Earlier in the month Max made mention of a change in the way Body Count is to be ran. Any more info available on that?

    JT: Well he did want to wait until after Ascendancy II was done, but this won't be up before then right?

    WA: I wouldn't think so, it'll probably be up the day afterwards.

    JT: Ah, well that's ok then...simply put, the speculation was true. Starting with the first show of February, Body Count will be ran like a more traditional wrestling show. While the recap format helped people not attending the shows to see what happened, we feel running weekly shows would be more beneficial in the long run. Fans can watch storylines unfold on the website, and hopefully enjoy them enough to try and make the trip to the Gravity Bar at the end of the month.

    WA: It seems like a big risk to be taking.

    JT: You're right...but we made sure to get the guys together and talk to them before taking the idea any further. Basically we allowed anyone who didn't want to be part of this slightly tougher schedule to walk away and we wouldn't hold it against them. The fact that nobody got up and left just goes to show their determination to help XGW grow just as much as Max's and mine.

    WA: Well I think I've taken a lot of your time already, so thanks for letting us at Wrestling Addicts pick your brain.

    JT: No problem at all, and for everyone interested XeroGwrestling.com should start to be updated a lot more now, starting in a few days with a preview of what to expect on the first edition of the new Body Count!

  7. Around one thousand people have packed themselves into the two levels of the Gravity Bar in preparation for Ascendancy. The DJ hired for the days that XGW doesn't run is currently keeping the fans occupied prior to the start of the show. With a few minutes to go until bell time, the lights and music cut off. Many people look concerned to be plunged into darkness, assuming that there has been a power cut. The confusion is cleared as the two large projector screens hanging above the entrance way come to life with a recap video of the last year, accompanied by "This Time's For Real" By Ill Nino playing on the sound system

    IPB Image

    Why do you tell me all these lies?

    I just want to live my life

    I don't want to leave my dreams behind

    Tell me

    Why am I only getting older?

    My patience getting shorter

    I'm running out of time

    And I hope that I get what I wanted

    This time's for real

    Is there anything I wanted?

    Is there anything I needed?

    Anything at all?

    This time's for real

    Is there anything I wanted?

    Is there anything I needed?

    Anything at all?

    Why do you make me feel denied?

    Always pushing me aside

    You do not decide what's wrong or right

    Tell me

    Why am I feeling so much pressure?

    Am I searching for the answer?

    I'm running out of time

    And I hope that I get what I wanted

    Both the music and the video as the crowd packed into both floors of the Gravity Bar eagerly await the opening match, while Josh Matthews sits high up on his own introducing things for the benefit of the eventual DVD release of the show...

    Three Way Dance For The XGW Junior Heavyweight Title

    Shannon Moore Vs Air Paris Vs Insane Dragon

    Kicking off in a big way, the opening contest features the crowning of the first ever Junior Heavyweight champion. Air Paris makes his way out first without Seth Delay by his side. His reaction is barely even noticeable, and that's not because of his music playing in the background. Months without any form of solid push have left fans completely apathetic to both him and his partner. The first of his opponents comes out next in the form of Insane Dragon. His reaction seems like a main event pop in comparison to Paris', mainly due to his greater exposure in promotions such as ROH. He remains on the outside leaving Paris alone in the ring, as the music shifts for a third time. Even after such a long time being under used by the WWE, the fans still give Shannon Moore a fairly impressive ovation as he makes his way down the short ramp towards the ring. He notices Dragon waiting at ringside, and chooses to enter straight away which prompts Paris to take the initiative and nullify any chance of a double team before it can happen. He manages to get several good shots in on Moore before escaping to the outside once Dragon dives in to make the save. Helping Shannon to his feet gets a loud "Hit Him!" from a fan at ringside. The two look at him, which gives Paris enough time to get back into the ring and shove Shannon into Dragon, and get back out again without being seen. Assuming Moore did it voluntarily, Dragon shoves back angrily. Looking to try and calm Dragon down, Shannon realises it's a futile thing to do and instead decides to go with the flow and throws a punch at his partner! Paris remains on the outside watching his opponents take each other out without him having to lift a finger. Instead he goes over to the guardrail and tries to piss off a few of the fans who call him a pussy for staying outside. Thanks to his jaw jacking with the crowd he doesn't notice Shannon and Dragon, who have stopped fighting and are both staring a hole right through the back of his head. Dragon motions to Moore, who drops onto all fours by the ropes. Running straight at him, Dragon uses him like a stepping stone to vault over the top rope and land almost directly on top of the unsuspecting Air Paris!

    Moore quickly gets to his feet and slides to the outside, collecting Paris and dumping him back into the ring. Unlike his partner, he doesn't show the same compassion and instead goes straight for the cover only to get a two count. Dragging his dazed body over to the nearest corner, Shannon climbs up to the top and flies off with a quick moonsault, but again only manages to get a two before Paris kicks out. By this time Dragon is back to his feet, but remains on the floor until the most opportune time to get back into the ring. That moment presents itself when Shannon drops Paris onto the canvas with a snap body slam, and follows it up with a standing moonsault. Hopping onto the apron, Dragon vaults onto the top rope and springboards into the ring landing a huge leg drop onto the back of Moore's head! Rolling him onto his back he attempts the cover, but Shannon is aware enough to get his shoulder up before the three count. Paris rolls over onto his stomach, but is quickly rolled back over as Dragon goes for another quick cover and again only gets two. Bringing the fight back to a vertical base, Dragon whips Paris across the ring and catches him square in the face with a spinning heel kick. He doesn't get the chance to go for a pin as Moore is back to his feet and lays him out with a short series of running clotheslines, finishing it with a perfectly placed dropkick to the face! Dragon gets covered for the first time, but doesn't have to kick out as somehow Air Paris scrambles to his feet and drops and Axe Handle on Shannon to break the count. He continues to drive several more axe handles into his back, before pulling him up to his feet and planting him in the middle of the ring with a snap suplex. As Dragon rolls away and onto his hands and knees, Paris mounts his first strong offence by hitting Moore with a huge Lionsault! The match looks all but over until Dragon gets involved and connects with a basement dropkick to the face, knocking Paris off Shannon to kill the count!

    Attempting to steal the win Dragon jumps onto Shannon, but only gets a one count as Moore escapes the cover and rolls onto his stomach. Shaking his head, Dragon gets back to his feet and changes his target to Pairs. However he's aware of it and pulls Dragon by the belt, dumping him through the middle rope and to the floor. Moore is back on his feet, and attempts to clothesline Paris but gets back dropped over the top rope and lands next to Dragon on the outside. Jumping up and down on the spot, Paris tries to rile up the crowd but they're still not buying him at all. Failing that he rebounds off the opposite rope, and hits a tope over the top rope. Over shooting it slightly he barely connects with Shannon and Dragon, and instead hits the guardrail back first and ends up in the front row of the crowd! Although not being his intention, that finally gets the crowd somewhat into the match as they start up a small yet enthusiastic "Holy Shit!" chant. To try and buy him some time, Dragon whips Moore into the ring apron then rolls him back in under the bottom rope. Positioning him next to the ropes, Dragon flips over with a leg drop but only gets two. He checks behind him to see Paris staggering to his feet and falling over the railing. Keeping the focus on the ring, Dragon drags Shannon back to his feet only to get caught with a series of right hands to the gut. Running off the ropes, Shannon catches him with a quick Halo and scurries over looking to end the match! The fans all think the bout is over as the count along, but somehow Paris manages to get back into the ring and break it up at the last possible moment! Looking pissed off that he didn't win, Moore looks to take out the still groggy Paris. Dragging him up to his feet, he slap him a few times before kicking him in the gut to set up for a Halo of his own.

    Somewhere beyond happiness and sadness

    I need to calculate

    What creates my own madness

    And I'm addicted to your punishment

    And you're the master

    And I am waiting for disaster

    All eyes turn to the stage, most of all Shannon's as Evan Karagias' music hit the sound system! He walks over to the ropes and makes a beckoning motion with his hands. As his attention is turned away from the match, Insane Dragon is able to get to his feet. Seeing Paris stumbling around after feeling the effects of his mis-timed tope, he springs into action and grabs him by the head. Running up and over the ropes he plants him head first into the ring with an Ode to Leviathan and hooks a leg to get the three! Shannon turns around after realising what's happened, looking pissed that he had the match won and stolen from him. Dragon is handed the title as Moore argues with what he did. Shaking his head, Dragon rolls out of the ring saying "You'd have done the same thing" as he backs up the ramp.

    Insane Dragon def. Shannon Moore and Air Paris to WIN the XGW Junior Heavyweight Title (Dragon pins Paris) (67%)

    Deemed To Repeat Itself

    Cutting backstage on the two screens we see the trio of the XGW Tag Champs Azreal and Gabriel, and the XGW Heavyweight Champion Seven. The Lost Boyz have their heads bowed standing behind Seven, who himself has his face covered by the hood on his leather coat.


    One more time Ryan Sakoda has chosen to stand before the gates of hell, determined to change his destiny.

    Raising his head, he brushes back the hood revealing his face to the camera.


    When will you realise that what is written in stone cannot be changed? It is not your destiny to reign over XGW as champion, it is MINE! Tonight you stand in my way yet again like the persistent cockroach that you seem to be. Like what anyone else would do to a cockroach, I will rub you out with one fell stamp of my boot and sweep you into the trash. You will become they everlasting symbol to anyone that tries to step in my way...go against me and you risk being consumed by the fires of Hades! As for Ace Steel, you showed some intelligence last month by staying away. For your sake I hope you repeat that momentary intelligence and let your contract get terminated. If you choose to ignore my words and return, The 7th Circle will physically terminate you from not only XGW, but the entire wrestling business!

    Azreal and Gabriel raise their heads.


    ...so it is written...


    ...so it shall come to pass...


    May the Devil...have mercy...on your souls...

    The three lower their heads as the screens shut off and we return to in ring action.

    The 7th Circle int. (66%)

    Number Six Ranking Spot Match

    The Berzerker Vs ??????

    "Berserker" by Love Among Freaks brings out The Berzerker swinging his axe and shield, and the fans are still surprisingly into him despite being the most outlandish gimmick on the roster. Not knowing who his opponent is going to be doesn't seem to bother him that much as he still shows all the crazed confidence he would if he was still going to be facing off with Justin Polaco. He finally gets into the ring, and disposes of his weapons as his music fades and he waits for his replacement opponent. After a moment, "The Way You Like It" by Adema hits the sound system.

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    From through the curtain steps TNA star Bobby Roode! The fans don't know how to react at first, but his blatant disregard for them quickly asserts him as the heel in the match. Casually sauntering down the ring, he makes it his mission to pick fights with as many fans at ringside as he can. Eventually he makes his way into the ring, and goes toe to toe with the massive Berzerker showing no fear despite giving up considerable size to the comedic giant. The bell rings and Roode takes the immediate advantage be stomping on Berzerker's right foot, opening him up to a barrage of right hands to the side of his now lowered head. This manages to stagger the big man backwards as Roode locks and loads for a running clothesline, but Berzerker flips the canadian over his head and watches his long descent to the floor! Stumbling to his feet, Roode rubs his left knee before charging back into the ring. He takes the big man down with a running tackle, and starts unloading with rights and lefts until he's thrown off to on side. Berzerker rolls onto his knees, but meets the flat of Roode's boot as he viciously drops the viking back down to the canvas. The fans are really starting to get on his case, as he drives boot after boot into Berzerker's head without showing any sign of stopping. It's only when the ref forces himself into the situation that he chooses to back off. Being checked by the ref, Berzerker shows he can continue by hussing loudly in his face, startling him somewhat! This proves to be a bad idea as it opens Roode straight back into continuing his assault. Dragging the big man to his feet, he attempts to whip him across the ring but finds himself reversed and sent for the ride. Berzerker waits as Bobby rebouds, and hoists him up into a massive bearhug!. Swinging him madly Berzerker tries his best to squeeze the life out of Roode, much to the delight of the fans. Flailing his arms in desperation Roode hammers several rights into Berzerker's temple that seem to have very little effect. Showing signs of fading, Bobby takes the cheap way out and jams a thumb into Berzerker's right eye that breaks the hold instantly. Dropping to his knees, Roode sucks as much air into his lungs as he can while the Berzerker is temporarily blinded. The big man stumbles around the ring clutching his eye, and walks striaght into a kick to the midsection. Lurching him forward, Roode tries to capitalise by going for a Fisherman's Buster! Hooking Berzerker's massive right leg, he lifts him up, but his back buckles halfway as he drops to the canavs still feeling the effects of the bearhug. Given a second chance, the viking starts hussing madly and stamps his feet. Pulling Roode up by his hair, he whips him into the ropes signalling for the Big Boot. Roode rebounds, but ducks the outstretched foot and keeps running. Berzerker turns around, and eats a huge Northern Lariat! The fans boo as Roode drops to his knees clutching his chest, and covers the Berzerker to get the three count in his debut match!

    Bobby Roode def. The Berzerker to take #6 in the XGW Rankings (58%)

    XGW Tag Team Title Match

    The Lost Boys (Azreal and Gabriel) © Vs The Samoan Island Gangsters (Eddie Fatu and Matt Anoai)

    As the participants from the previous match leave the ringside area, we cut straight into the second of three title matches of the night. "Gangsta Nation" by Ice Cube brings out the challengers for the tag titles, the former Three Minute Warning of Fatu and Anoai. Both men have their game faces on as they march the short distance down the ramp to the ring, and roll in through the bottom. Their no nonsense approach to the match brings a short end to their entrance, as the music fades.

    Woe to you, Oh Earth and Sea, for the Devil sends the

    beast with wrath, because he knows the time is short...

    Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the

    beast for it is a human number, its number is Six hundred and sixty six.

    The opening to "Number Of The Beast" is replaced by "Black Metal" by Cradle Of Filth, bringing out the XGW Tag Team champions in the sixth month of their reign. Both men march slowly down to the ring, with their heads covered in black cloths covering their faces. The Gangsters wait patiently in the ring, pacing back and forth like caged lions waiting for their prey. Azreal is first to step onto the apron, but drops back down as Fatu makes a charge for him. The referee is forced to keep the two huge samoans back as The Lost Boyz make their way into the ring. Un-hooking the straps on the tag titles, both belts are handed over as the ref shows them to Fatu and Anoai. The distraction of the gold allows both Azreal and Gabriel to throw themselves into the fray early, and get a much needed opening advantage.

    Scurrying out of the way, the referee disposes of the titles and calls for the bell to officially start the match. Taking the initiative off the bat works wonders as the smaller champions are able to keep the challengers off guard with a flurry of rights and lefts. This proves to be short lived however as they both get thrown backwards in a dominant show of strength. Instead of charging again the champions roll out of the ring and try to regroup, but that doesn't hold well for the Gangsters as they too take it to the outside and attempt to close down their means of escape. Seeing the two big men coming, Azreal and Gabriel slide back into the ring and are quick to deliver stero leg drops cutting off both Fatu and Anoai as they try to follow. They try to continue their assault, but Gabriel is forced out onto the apron leaving Azreal to fly solo against a pissed off Fatu. Luckily he's able to land several boots to the side of his head before he can get up, which is enough to keep him off balance long enough to try and hook in a camel clutch. It takes some effort for Azreal to pull Eddie's arms into position, and by this time Fatu is starting to rise back to his feet. Holding on for dear life, Azreal hammers Fatu in the side of the head with several right crossfaces. This only serves to piss him off even more as he falls backwards and flattens him underneath his 370+lbs frame! Clutching his stomach in agony, Azreal rolls to one side as Fatu gets to his feet and tags in Anoai. Eager to get some retribution of his own, Matt drags Azreal up by his blood red hair and whips him across the ring. Fatu is their waiting to lift him up into a release flapjack, as Anoai comes off an opposite rope and lands a huge leg drop to the back of his head! Gabriel tries to help his partner by ascending to the top rope, and leaping off with a flying body press. Eddie sees him coming and catches him with ease, spinning him into the middle of the ring with a devestating powerslam. The fans cheer on the total destruction of the tag team champions, as Matt calls for Eddie to go up to the top rope. Signalling for the Gang Warfare, the match looks all but over as Gabriel shows little signs of life. Azreal is pulled to his feet as he's chosen to take the move, but as Anoai spins him around he gets a face full of red mist! The referee sees this and starts to reprimand Azreal, then quickly tries to help Matt clear his vision.

    Eddie tries to get off the top rope, but Azreal quickly cuts him off with a forearm shot to the stomach. This gives Gabriel enough time to get back to his feet and join his partner. The champions climb to the top along with Fatu, and hook him carefull into position. The three men stand shakily on the top rope for a moment before the Lost Boyz execute a breathtaking double superplex that shakes the ring on impact! All three hit the ring hard, leaving Azreal to crawl over to Eddie and attempt the cover. The ref is still helping out Anoai, and misses what should have been the end of the match. He finally realises there's a cover attempt, but Fatu manages to kick out at two thanks to the extra time he was given. Still suffering slightly from the mist, Anoai grabs hold of Azreal and whips him furiously out of the ring. The anger on his face is evident even through the patches of red still on his face. Gabriel gets to his feet unaware of what's behind him, and turns right into a barrage of brutal right hand shots reeling him backwards into the nearest corner. Gabriel's eyes look glazed over under the lighting in the Gravity Bar as he continues to take each right hand Anoai angrily throws at him. As his body slumps to a seated position, Matt heads over to the other corner slapping his knee. He starts to charge, but Azreal springboards onto the top rope and wipes him out with a huge dropkick! Matt barely misses his partner as he crashes into the canvas. With Azreal the only man on his feet, he looks to try and finish things with the Green Manalishi With The Two Pronged Crown. Exerting a lot of strength pulling Fatu to his feet, Azreal kicks him in the stomach and sets him up in a piledriver position. Crossing both arms and clutching them tightly, he tries to lift the big man up but stalls halfway. Determined to hit it, he tries again but to similar results. Not allowing a third attempt, Eddie flips him over his head and falls backwards flattening him again with his weight! He remains on top looking for the win, but Gabriel makes the save just before three. Rolling the samoan off his partner, the Archangel helps Azreal to his feet and they start putting boots to Eddie's neck and head. Once again Matt Anoai is left to save his partner, dropping both champions from behind with simutaneous clotheslines. Making sure there will be no stopping them this time Anoai lifts Azreal over his head and tosses him over the top rope, sending him chest first into the guardrail! A fairly large "Holy Shit! Holy Shit!" rings out through the club as Anoai helps Eddie up and calls for another Gang Warfare. It takes Fatu quite some time to climb to the top rope, as Anoai waits with Gabriel on his shoulders. Neither man is paying attention to anything but the match, and doesn't see the crowd parting as someone makes their way over the railing.

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    Grabbing both tag titles, he tosses one of them into the ring baiting Anoai to drop Gabriel. Grabbing the belt off the floor, Matt is imediately confronted by the referee despite having no intention on using it. This gives the unkown figure enough time to hop onto the apron and level Eddie with a huge shot to the back of his head! The fans boo madly as he drops to the floor and quickly runs around to goad Anoai again. Letting his anger get the better of him, Matt climbs out of the ring and starts to give chase. He stops in his tracks as he hears the referee counting, but can't make it back in time to stop Gabriel covering the unconcious Fatu.

    The Lost Boyz def. The Samoan Island Gangsters to RETAIN the XGW Tag Team Titles (Gabriel pins Eddie Fatu) (74%)

    Gabriel rolls to safety, helping Azreal to his feet as Anoai storms back into the ring. The ref collects the titles and hands them back to the Lost Boyz as they join their mystery cohort on the rampway. Matt is left throwing an angered temper in the ring after being screwed out of their first ever title shot. Eddie can barely move after the belt shot, and needs to be helped up by his partner.

    Running Out Of Time

    As the ring is clearing of the competitors, the screens show a shot from the parking lot, where Stevie is pacing back and forth in the cold January air. Every few seconds he stops to look at his watch, shaking his head in disbelief. Eventually giving up, he heads back into the warmth of the club.

    Stevie Waits Patiently For Ace To Show Up (79%)

    Number One Ranking Spot Match

    Evan Karagias © Vs Paul Birchall w/ Dean Ayass

    "Getting Away With Murder" hits the sound system, heralding the arrival of the man who claims to be the undisputed star of XGW since the very first show. Holding onto the number one spot of the title rankings since it's inception, Evan Karagias' ego has swelled to outlandish proportions. So much so that despite taking on a wrestling machine like Birchall, he makes his way down to the ring in his street clothes. Making sure to take as much time as he can, Evan stops at ringside to chat up a lady in the front row. Her boyfriend doesn't seem to be too happy about it, and Karagias only makes matters worse by grabbing his beer and throwing it into his face! The guy tries to jump the barricade as Evan rolls into the ring, but security manage to restrain him and calm him down. Motioning for a mic elicits a boo from th crowd, which quickly turns to a cheer as "Sick" by Seven Wiser hits before he can get a word out. Dean Ayass makes his way out through the curtain first, but Brichall soon makes his appearance as he charges past his manager making a beeline for the ring! Evan is too dumbfounded to react and gets wiped out with a huge running tackle that nearly knocks him out of his expensive shoes. He's barely hit the floor when Paul grabs his head and starts firing off right after right trying to make short work of him. Switching his offense quickly, Birchall lifts Evan to his feet with very little effort and tosses him into the middle of the ring with a perfect overhead belly to belly suplex! The fans are eating up the Englishman's fast paced, hard hitting offense as Karagias rolls around in agony. Dropping to the canvas Birchall grabs Evan's right arm looking for a Royal Mutilation but Evan is still too aware and drags himself over to the ropes and wraps around them tightly. Surprised by the determination he's showing, Birchall lets a wry smile cross his lips. This swiftly disappears as he lays several strong boots to Evan's ribs, releasing his hold on the ropes. Lifting him up to his feet and then onto his shoulders in one fluid move, Paul walks into the nearest corner. Taking several steps forward he flips forward landing a rolling samoan drop on Karagias. Before the fans have a chance to cheer, he's onto his feet and hits an impressive standing moonsault. Again the go to cheer, but once more he's already on his feet. To the few who know of his previous work this sequence comes as no surprise. However for the majority seeing it for the first time, they're amazed at the sight of a heavyweight like Birchall hitting a perfect standing shooting star press! The near thousand fans are now solidly behind Paul Birchall as he goes for a cover but stops the count himself, shaking his head with a smile on his face. Standing up, he looks around the club and shouts "C...FOUR!" at the top of his lungs. Karagias is barely able to stagger to his feet as Ayass barks encouragment at his charge. Birchall stalke Evan, waiting for him to turn around. As he does, he finds himself locked in a rock bottom position. Paul points up, and is met with several sharp elbow shots to the side of his head! Showing a little sign of life Evan escapes the move and makes a hasty escape to ringside. Rubbing his jaw, Paul looks increasingly surprised but not worried in the slightest. He watches as Karagias stumbles around the outside of the ring, only to see Evan spring to life as he nears Ayass and wipes him out with a huge right hand! This sends Birchall into a rage as he darts after Karagias, who quickly runs around to the opposite side of the ring. Paul gives chase as Evan hits the ring, and starts fumbling around in his trouser pocket. Birchall gets into the ring as Evan tries to run again, colliding with the ref! This spins him back around face to face with Birchall who grabs his shirt collar with both hands. He rears back with his right hand...but Evan finally pulls his hand out of his pocket, revealing a small canister of pepper spray! He squirts it in Birchall's eyes and watches with a sick sense of satisfaction as Birchall claws at his eyes, uncharacteristically screaming in pain! The moment his back is turned, Karagias rolls him up in a schoolboy and grabs a handful of tights. The ref returns to the action seeing the cover and counts three, giving Karagias the victory! The fans hurl abuse at Evan as he rolls out of the ring and runs as fast as he can up the ramp, leaving a blinded Birchall in agony in the ring.

    Evan Karagias def. Paul Birchall to remain #1 in the XGW Rankings (63%)

    Run Like The Wind

    The screen quickly lights up showing Evan continuing to run through the backstage area of the club, and out into the parking lot. Finding his car he scrambles to get out his keys, and within a matter of moments he's revving the engine and getting as far away from the Gravity Bar...and Paul Birchall...as he can, almost colliding with another car turning into the lot in the process.

    Evan Karagias leaves the club (57%)

    XGW Heavyweight Title Match

    Ryan Sakoda Vs "The Dark Prophet" Seven ©

    It was finally time for the main event, a rematch from Winter Wasteland between Ryan Sakoda and Seven. Despite both being heels in the fans eyes, the two have enganged in several hard fought battles over the XGW Heavyweight title. While Sakoda has beaten the champ before, the title was never on the line. "Paper Tiger" by Dry Kill Logic brings out Ryan Sakoda for the first time in the evening. Wearing a full dress suit and sunglasses like he wore during his brief run with the WWE, Sakoda walks down the ramp towards the ring exuding confidence and determination. Most of the fans have adopted him as the face of the match much like last month thanks to the overall hatred towards the dominant Heavyweight champion. Removing his glasses, jacket, and shirt, Sakoda slides them under a nearby turnbuckle and begins to stretch on the ropes several times to limber himself up as he waits for Seven. His music fades, and we get a few moments of eager silence before "Pale Horse Apocalypse" by Devildriver blares through the speakers in The Gravity Bar. Decked in the same long white coat he wore during his interview earlier in the show, Seven slowly steps onto the top of the stage with his head hung low. He waits for a few moments before reaising his head and pushing back his coat to reveal the XGW Heavyweight title around his waist. A smile can just be seen under the cover of the hood. Sakoda refuses to pay him much attention, choosing to walk back and forth throwing flurries of quick fists into the air. Walking down the ramp at a very slow pace only serves to increase the anticipation in the crowd, and in turn makes his smile even more evident. Pushing back the hood revealing his spiked blone hair, Seven's eyes lock on a now motionless Sakoda. Climbing up onto the apron, he steps through the ropes refusing to take his eyes off his challenger. With them now both in the ring, they remain in seperate corners as Seven removes his coat fully and then unhooks the Heavyweight title handing it over to the referee. His music finally fades as the belt is thrust up into the air before being placed on the outside. The very second the bell rings, both men simultaneously burst out of their corners and clash in the center of the ring!

    Much like during the last match, the crowd really gets into the hard hitting opening to the match. Both men exchange a series of stiff right hands that make Vader look like Duane Gill in comparison. Neither man will allow their pride to be damaged by showing the effects of the punches, and this is shown literally as Seven thrusts his thigh deep into Sakoda's stomach bringing the exchange to a screeching halt. Taking a moment to breath, he follows the thigh strike with a clubbing forearm to Ryan's back that drops him down onto all fours. Then breaking from his usually serious demeanour, the champ takes a moment to illustrate how this is the position everyone in the club should be in regards to him. They don't like this one bit, giving him as much hell as they can. He casually laughs it off and drives a boot into the side of Sakoda's head, flipping him onto his back. Dropping down he goes for a cover, pushing his right forearm into Ryan's face for added insult. Naturally the count never makes it past two, but Seven knew that it wouldn't and merely did it to get inside Sakoda's head so early into the match. Rising to his feet he circled his downed opponent, kicking him mockingly denanding he got to his feet. His taunts were finally answered, as one of his kicks was caught and Sakoda sprung into action dragging him down to the canvas. Within a matter of moments Seven found himself face down with his legs wrapped in a unique leg lock variation! The crowd popped at the quick switch in advantage as Sakoda pulled and twisted Seven's legs with every ounce of strength he had. The champion managed to hold on long enough to drag himself and the extra weight several feet across the ring and clutch the bottom rope in desperation. Finally showing some kind of humanity gave Ryan the opening he needed and switched all his focus onto the champion's legs. Like a pitbull he relentlessly attacks his target, giving Seven no option but to bail out of the ring in an attempt to keep his chances intact. Sakoda doesn't see it that way as he's straight out onto the floor too and going straight for the legs again. Pulling Seven to his feet proves to be a decisive moment in the match so far, as the champ is able to rake Sakoda's eyes, and whip him hard into the guardrail! Instead of escapiung back into the ring, Seven grabs Sakoda's arm and whips him into the ring apron. Once again he whips him, this time hitting the guardrail but flipping up and over it as well! After finding an area of his own to work on, Seven rolls himself back into the ring hoping he can steal a cheap count out and retain his belt. This seems like a very likely option as Sakoda is still in the crowd as the ref reaches six and is barely back in the ring by nine.

    Not too downhearted by the match continuing, Seven takes solice in the fact that Sakoda's back has taken a beating. Dropping a series of three elbow drops right into the center of his back, he attempts a rare submission by dragging Sakoda into the middle of the ring and applying a Camel Clutch. Wrenching back on his head, Seven seems determined to either get the tap out, or snap Sakoda's neck trying. In a surprise moment Sakoda seems to feed off the encouragment of the crowd and starts to show signs of life. Seven notices this and cuts him off by dropping his weight onto the weakened area of his back. Stepping off his body, Seven stumbles slightly still feeling pain in his legs. Running his thumb across the length of his throat, the champ pulls Sakoda up to his feet. Whipping him off the ropes he shows no doubt about going for a Pale Horse. Catching and swinging Sakoda's body, Seven all but hits the move as his legs buckle halfway through and both men hit the canvas in a crumpled heap. The crowd starts to chant for Sakoda as the ref initiates a no standing ten count. It is however, the champion who starts to move first as he crawls towards the ropes. Sakoda finally starts to stir, clutching his back as he rises to one knee. Across the ring Seven is pulling himself up the ropes to his feet, never once taking his eyes off Sakoda. Knowing he's lost the speed advantage, the champ moves gingerly away from the corner hoping to catch Sakoda in a reversal. However the same thing is going through Ryan's mind as he knows he can't lift Seven with his back taking so much damage earlier. The two remain circling, also realising that they're also getting closer together. Within about five feet of each other Sakoda springs into action looking for a knee height dropkick, but Seven moves. He tries an elbow drop which is also dodged, and both men scramble to their feet where Sakoda shoots forward with a Roaring Elbow! The crowd pops as Seven's head snaps backwards and he drops to the canvas. Instinctively Ryan goes for the cover and the entire club counts along. Many of them begin to cheer his victory, until they all cone to realise Seven's foot is placed on the bottom rope breaking the count. Distraught by being so close to the title once again, Sakoda gets to his feet primed for another Roaring Elbow. It takes Seven quite a while to drag himself up as he turns around to see Sakoda charging at him like a bull. Whether it was intentional or not, Seven drops back down to the canvas watching Sakoda sail over the top rope and to the floor below! The ref checks both men, taking more notice of Seven who now has his eyes close lying motionless on the canvas. Sakoda gets to his feet angrily, noticing the ref checking on Seven and looks up to the top rope. Sliding back into the ring Ryan points down at the champion and slowly begins to climb the ropes. What he doesn't see is Seven reveal he was playing possum as he gets to his feet and surprises the challenger with a clubbing shot to his back. Spinning around he clutches both Sakoda's arms in a crucifix position and dives forward driving Ryan shoulders and neck first into the canvas with his Christ's Burden! The fans can only watch and boo as Seven crawls over and drapes an arm over Sakoda as the ref counts three on another successful title defense!

    "The Dark Prophet" Seven def. Ryan Sakoda to RETAIN the XGW Heavyweight Title (56%)

    Rising to his feet, Seven is handed the XGW Title which he raises proudly over his head. The Lost Boyz and their mystery accomplice from earlier all make their way down the ramp and slide under the bottom rope. With all four members of The 7th Circle in the ring, they turn their attention to Sakoda lying face up in the middle of the ring. Seven initiates the assault as his three followers quickly join him in beating their unconscious pray. After a few moments the crowd begins to chant "ACE! ACE! ACE!" causing Seven to look towards the curtain. However there's no sign of movment and he returns to the assault. After several minutes of taking turns attacking Sakoda, the fans are showering not only The 7th Circle with boos, but Ace Steel as well for not showing up.


    Tell your children not to walk my way

    Tell your children not to hear my words

    What they mean

    What they say


    They finally have something to cheer about as all eyes turn to the stage and Ace Steel bursts through the curtain with a chair in hand! Seven's eyes pop out of his head as he watches the man he thought he'd got rid of for good charge down the ring. Ace slides in and immediately starts swinging the chair at anything that moves. Each member of The 7th Circle takes a shot from Steel before bailing out of the ring. They regroup on the stage as Steel makes sure they don't try to get back in. Sakoda slowly begins to come to and stumbles to his feet. Ace turns to face him, not showing any compassion for him despite coming to his rescue. Sakoda shares the feeling as he doesn't seem at all happy that Ace came to help him. A three way staredown ends the show, with the returning Ace Steel getting an ovation from the XGW faithful!

  8. I've kept my eye on things over the last few months, but this was the first UFC show I've ever sat down and watched, and I can honestly say I loved every minute of it. I was kinda hoping to see the main event go at least a round more, and not be won thanks to Randy slipping...but Liddell pouncing as soon as he hit the floor made up for it. Seeing as I enjoyed it so much, I'm going to have to make sure to keep watching from now on.

  9. It may be a so-so decision, but I'd love for them to do a sequel to Manhunt. I personally loved the game despite it having many flaws. Tkaing the few things that were good, and seriously overhauling the bad (which is a lofty task) could produce a much better game.

    I agree with a remake of Chrono Trigger too. As a huge Final Fantasy fanboy, I was eventually drawn to CT and I was far from disappointed. A current/next gen interpretation of that would be as good if not better than an FFVII remake that will frankly never come.

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    After the parental advisory logo flashes up, the intro video kicks in with "Nobody's Real" by Powerman 5000.


    A series of slow begin focusing mainly on Seven, Ace Steel, and Ryan Sakoda along with several other stars flashing up momentarily

    Scary monsters and super peeps

    The more you dream the less you sleep

    Life as you know it has gone away

    Unbound, unwound, who's here to stay (away)

    As the song progresses it kicks up a notch showing fast paced clips of various matches throughout the year. Birchall's debut is shown, tearing through Iceberg like he was nothing. A brief flurry of aerial moves takes over featuring guys like Insane Dragon, Air Paris, and Shannon Moore.

    Nobody's real but they're willing to let you know

    Nobody's real but they'll feel it tonight (feel it tonight)

    Nobody's real but they're willing to let you go

    Nobody's real but they'll feel it

    It then cuts to the main event of Baptized In Blood, and shows several slow motion shots of Steven Richards superkicking Ace Steel. The smile on Seven's face as he stands over Steel with the belt remains on screen for several seconds...

    Nobody's real

    ...and we fade into Josh Matthews, who looks far moer relaxed than he did during last week's episode...

    Matthews: Welcome once again, to another edition of Body Count! I'm Josh Matthews...

    He trails off as his line of sight goes past the camera in front of him, a slightly forced smile crosses his lips.

    Stevie: ...and I'm the lovable commissioner Stevie!

    Matthews: I thought you said you wouldn't be coming back this week?

    Stevie: Believe me, I had no intention of coming back. But then I was shown this earlier today...

    He produces a sheet of paper and hands it to Josh. The forced smile disappears completely.

    Matthews: ...oh...that's great...

    Stevie: Damn right it is, last week's show was the most watched so far! I figured it'd be a wise move to hang around for at least one more week, as it's obvious you're just not cutting it alone. Things keep going like this and I just may have to let you go...

    Matthews: You're....you're kidding right?

    Stevie: Hahahaha...no...

    A more depressingly look hits Josh's face, as Stevie looks directly into the camera and shakes his head

    Stevie: Lighten up, I was only joking! Are you able to take or joke, or was that part of your briain removed during Tough Enough?

    Matthews: ......

    Stevie: Whatever, I guess I'll start the show today then. This week will be much shorter than before, as we're only one week away from Ascendancy II, and only one match left to recap. As well as that match in it's entirity, we'll have comments from Evan Karagias, Shannon Moore and Insane Dragon, and a complete run down of Ascendancy II for you! Have you cheered up at all yet?

    Matthews: ...I guess so

    Stevie: Good, then do your job and introduce this next piece!

    Matthews: ...Evan Karagias has had quite the time since joining XGW. From a floundering career since leaving WCW, with only and AWA title win to his name. The first few months were pretty quiet for him, until the debut of Shannon Moore. He used that to assault his former friend and propell himself up the list of people XGW fans truly hate. Only serving to fuel his ego even more, with a little help from XGW champion Seven he was able to land the top spot in the new rankings. That guaranteed him title shots so long as he remained on top. After his first attempt saw Sean Casey brutalised by the champ, it looked as though he wanted out. But that proved to be nothing more than a lie, and thanks to that Stevie here booked him in a match with the undefeated Paul Birchall...

    Stevie: What can I say...he took advantage of me, and only my wife is allowed to do that.

    Matthews: We've already heard from Birchall and Dean Ayass on a previous Body Count episode, now let's take you to Evan Karagias and hear what he has to say on his Match at Ascendancy II!

    In a change from previous interviews, we find ourselves on the roof of the gyn where XGW currently holds it's shows. Evan has his back turned to the camera, leaning over the edge looking down at the ground below...

    Evan: I still remember it like it was just last night. Winter Wasteland had just started, and I came to the ring a desperate man. My pleads for someone to help me fell on deaf ears. I threatened to jump off this very roof if nobody would help...and what did I get? A bunch of ungrateful bastards chanting "JUMP! JUMP! JUMP!" In unison. The world today sickens me, nobody has compassion for their fellow man anymore.

    He finally turns to face the camera...

    Evan: Each and every one of you who hate me, only have yourselves to blame. Believe me or not I really was going to lie down that night, but those chants hurt me. They cut me deep, and pissed me off. Thanks to each and every one of you, I'm being forced to fight for my life! There's nothing that would please you more than to see Paul Birchall destroy me. Well I've got news for you...that's not going to happen! I'm going to humiliate that limey bastard, and make you all realise that I AM XGW! Without me, this two git outfit DIES! Forget Seven, forget Ace Steel, Ryan Sakoda, Paul Birhcall...all of them! I am the only one that matters in this company, that THAT is why I'm going to walk out of Ascendancy still the number one contender...because you all need me to!

    He walks off screen, as the camera remains rolling for a few seconds before fading to black...

  11. IPB Image

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    After the parental advisory logo flashes up, the intro video kicks in with "Nobody's Real" by Powerman 5000.


    A series of slow begin focusing mainly on Seven, Ace Steel, and Ryan Sakoda along with several other stars flashing up momentarily

    Scary monsters and super peeps

    The more you dream the less you sleep

    Life as you know it has gone away

    Unbound, unwound, who's here to stay (away)

    As the song progresses it kicks up a notch showing fast paced clips of various matches throughout the year. Birchall's debut is shown, tearing through Iceberg like he was nothing. A brief flurry of aerial moves takes over featuring guys like Insane Dragon, Air Paris, and Shannon Moore.

    Nobody's real but they're willing to let you know

    Nobody's real but they'll feel it tonight (feel it tonight)

    Nobody's real but they're willing to let you go

    Nobody's real but they'll feel it

    It then cuts to the main event of Baptized In Blood, and shows several slow motion shots of Steven Richards superkicking Ace Steel. The smile on Seven's face as he stands over Steel with the belt remains on screen for several seconds...

    Nobody's real

    ...and we fade into Josh Matthews, who is joined from the start by XGW Commissioner Steven Richards...

    Matthews: It's Tuesday Night and that means it's time for another edition of Body Count, right here on XeroGwrestling.com! As always I'm Josh Matthews, and tonight I'm joined by the commissioner Steven Richards.

    Stevie: That you are kid, and I've got a feeling this week will prove to be more entertaining that last week...and not just because I'm here.

    Matthews: Indeed it will be. Not only do we have the penultimate match from Winter Wasteland, but we'll also show you what Seven had to say prior to his title defense against Ryan Sakoda.

    Stevie: That's a nice idea, give people a teaser so they'll keep coming back...who's idea was that?

    Matthews: Uhhh...well, it was yours.

    Stevie: Brains as well as good looks, that's why I'm the best damn commissioner this company has ever seen!

    Matthews: But you're the only commissioner this company has ever seen.

    Stevie: Exactly! The statistics don't lie, do they?

    Matthews: Well there's no arguing with you there.

    Stevie: Of course not, everyone knows what happens when you argue with me...you join Iceberg in unemployment!

    Matthews: Are you going to keep acting like that during the entire show?

    Stevie: I have to...every duo needs the annoying heel, and let's face it you couldn't be a heel to save your life.

    Matthews: Yes I could, watch...Your Mom is so slutty, she gets more clap than an auditorium!

    Stevie: ...that's not funny, my mom's dead.

    Matthews: Oh...uhhh...sorry.

    Stevie: Just kidding! But seriously, leave the jokes to the porfessionals because that was pathetic.

    Matthews: Son of a...can we start the show now?

    Stevie: If you insist, but make it snappy as I've got a few announcments to make.

    Matthews: Don't you want to make one of them now?

    Stevie: You've got a lot to learn...if I wait, it'll up the suspense!

    Matthews: Fair enough, you're the boss.

    Stevie: Damn right I am!

    Matthews: Last October at Devil's Night, we witnessed the debut of a new tag team in XGW. For months the tag scene here had consisted of the long standing feud between The Lost Boyz and Air Delay. During the tag title match at Devil's Night, Eddie Fatu and Matt Anoai hit the ring. For those of you unfamiliar with those names, the duo saw a fair amount of exposure as Rosey and Jamal in the WWE. Making their return as an active duo, they laid waste to the feuding teams and laid their mark on the tag scene in a big way. Being sidetracked by the battle royal at Ground Xero, the tag team title went undefended on the show as everyone set their sights on the big prize. This didn't stop the six men from getting personal as at one point all three teams were battling it out in the ring. Then last month at Winter Wasteland...

    Stevie: ...in my infinite wisdom...

    Matthews: ...a number one contenders match would take place between the Samoan Island Gangsters and Air Delay. The winning team would advance to Ascendancy II later this month and face The Lost Boyz for the titles. Would the champs try to shape their future by interfereing in the match? Let's take you back to Winter Wasteland and find out!

    Stevie: Do you have to keep saying "Winter Wasteland" all the time?

    "Hate Every Beautiful Day" by Sugarcult brings out a very focused looking Air Delay, as they look set to take on their biggest challenge to date. They still have time to interact with a few fans, but cut it short and make their way into the ring. They remain in their corner sharing a few words as the music fades as is shortly replaced by "Gangsters Paradise" by Coolio. The two massive samoans make their way through the curtain to a thoroughly mixed reaction from the crowd. However unlike their opponents they choose to be all business and take no notice of the fans in the slightest. In single file the duo make the short walk to the ramp, and take it in turns climbing onto the apron. Anoai remains on the apron as Eddie steps through the middle rope with a confident look on his face. Both members of Air Delay look at each other, nod, then pounce as the bell rings!

    Before Fatu has a chance to react he's thrown backwards into his corner from the impact of a double dropkick! Air Delay scramble to their feet as Eddit remains stunned in the corner. Dropping on all fours, Delay acts as a stepping stone for Paris as he leaps into the air with a huge bodysplash. Their offence is short lived as Fatu catches him, shaking his head in anger. Swinging him like a rag doll, Fatu powers Paris onto the back of his partner with a thunderous body slam! This gives the Gangsters enough time to become fully aware of the match. Kicking Paris off Seth's back, Fatu stomps on his prone shoulder several times before switching out and giving Anoai his first taste of action. Choosing to bring him back to a vertical base, Matt whips Seth across the ring and steamrolls him down with a huge clothesline. The match proves to remain one sided as Paris gets to his feet, and is duly laid out with a clothesline of his own. The audience is still seemingly split as half cheer for Air Delay to make a comeback, while the rest are applauding the sheer dominance so far of the Gangsters. This continues as they make frequent tags in and out, hitting one big move on Delay to slowly wear him down. Paris has rolled out of the ring during this, and waits patiently for both samoans to focus on Seth. As they go in for the kill, he springs into action by climbing onto the top rope. Leaping off, he catches both men with one foot in the back of the head sending them crashing forward onto the canvas! Scurrying up to his feet and over to his corner, Paris frantically calls for Seth to make the tag and can only wait as he parter drags himself across the canvas. Anoai is the first Gangster to make it to his feet, and successfully grabs one of Delay's legs. Seth hops to his feet and attempts to leap forward, but Matt's dead weight just causes him to hit the canvas again. Showing his determination, Seth rolls onto his back and uses his free leg to kick Anoai dangerously close to the groin. This is effective enough for his to release the grip, allowing Delay to leap the last few feet and tag in Paris!

    Air Paris gets into the ring and charges at the doubled over Anoai, hitting a basement dropkick into his right knee. This topples the big man forward, allowing him to follow it up with a well placed leg drop to the back of his head! Fatu is on his feet, and looking straight at Paris, but fails to see Seth on the floor behind him. As Eddie advances Delay grabs his leag holding him back. Much like at the beginning of the match, Paris uses Anoai's body as a stepping stone. Leaping over the top rope, he catches onto Eddie's head and drvies him throat first onto the top rope as he lands on the floor below! Fatu staggers backwards thanks to the whiplash effect, and soon drops onto the canvas alongside his partner. In the surprise position of being in full control, Air Delay trie to wrap things up as quickly as they can. Targeting the more weakened Fatu, they signal for the Hang Time. Ascending opposite ropes, Pairs comes off with a body splash and Delay with a diving leg drop. Both men connect at the same time, doing huge damage on Fatu in the process! As the legal man Paris quickly attempts the cover expecting to get the victory. However Matt is alert enough to break the count before three saving The Gangsters from defeat. Seemingly full of confidence both members of Air Delay turn their attentions to Anoai and hail a barrage of strikes on his without any specific order to the attack. Somewho Matt is able to endure it long enough to get to his feet, and returns the favor with a few heavy rights and lefts of his own. Seth is first to his feet looking pissed off, and charges at Anoai. However as he does, the big man catches him in a flap jack and follows him down with a push for extra force. Getting back to his feet, he looks to do the same to Paris. Waiting for his foe to turn, he lifts him up, but holds him in the air for a second or so. This gives hime enough time to turn, and throw him backwards out of the ring! Paris' body sails backwards, crashing onto the thin protective mats on the floor as a "HOLY SHIT!" chant breaks out among the crowd.

    With a weakened Delay left alone in the ring, Anoai helps his partner up. The two take their time as Fatu makes his slow ascent to the top rope. Signalling for the Gang Warfare Anoai hoists Delay up quickly and drives him into the mat with a huge samoan drop. Fatu completes the move by hitting a massive frog splash, and remaining on top for the decisive three count.

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    XGW Suffer Talent Set Back, New Show Format?

    Earlier today we were sent word that XGW had been forced to alter their plans for Ascendancy II. Peter Polaco a.k.a Justin Credible was set to debut on the show, as a mystery participant in one of the matches. However only days after accepting the offer, Polaco was contacted by the WWE and given a chance to make a return. Speculation is they're trying to coax Lance Storm out of retirement, and pair them up to help boost the tag division. Needless to say this left XGW looking elsewhere for someone to fill the gap. Official word is that while they're disappointed, he had yet to debut and therefore no storylines had been affected by his departure. Regardless of who is chosen to replace him, they will keep with the plan of not revealing him until the night of the show.

    While on the topic of XGW, there have also been rumblings right now that the company isn't liking how Body Count is currently being run. Many involved backstage feel that they need to be doing something to put out new content every week, instead of filling it with matches from the big events. XGW's owner Max Kraven, while only partially involved in decision making, has decided to wait until after Ascendancy II before choosing which direction to go in. On the plus side, running weekly "TV" shows would keep those not to attend the end of month events in the loop. On the other it would mean a lot more work for the talent, who may decide that they don't want the extra work load and look elsewhere to keep their schedules light.

  13. Japan: Versus, Battle Royale, Ichi the Killer, Spirited Away, Audition, Ghost in the Shell, Dead Or Alive

    Korea: Into The Mirror, Old Boy, Save The Green Planet, Sympathy for Mr Vengeance, Shiri

    Hong Kong: Infernal Affairs, Fulltime Killer, Hard Boiled, God of Cookery, Police Story, The Killer, Shaolin Soccer

    ...I think they're all in the right place. Can't say I'm too fond of any other foreign cinema, I just tend to stick with asian movies.

  14. IPB Image

    IPB Image

    After the parental advisory logo flashes up, the intro video kicks in with "Nobody's Real" by Powerman 5000.


    A series of slow begin focusing mainly on Seven, Ace Steel, and Ryan Sakoda along with several other stars flashing up momentarily

    Scary monsters and super peeps

    The more you dream the less you sleep

    Life as you know it has gone away

    Unbound, unwound, who's here to stay (away)

    As the song progresses it kicks up a notch showing fast paced clips of various matches throughout the year. Birchall's debut is shown, tearing through Iceberg like he was nothing. A brief flurry of aerial moves takes over featuring guys like Insane Dragon, Air Paris, and Shannon Moore.

    Nobody's real but they're willing to let you know

    Nobody's real but they'll feel it tonight (feel it tonight)

    Nobody's real but they're willing to let you go

    Nobody's real but they'll feel it

    It then cuts to the main event of Baptized In Blood, and shows several slow motion shots of Steven Richards superkicking Ace Steel. The smile on Seven's face as he stands over Steel with the belt remains on screen for several seconds...

    Nobody's real

    ...before cutting to the XGW banner hanging on the back wall like last week. Josh Matthews steps into view, ready to getr started

    Matthews: Hello once again to another edition of Body Count right here on XeroGwrestling.com! On this week's show we'll be taking our second look back at Winter Wasteland, and show you the events surrounding Iceberg's departure from XGW. Also on the show we'll be hearing from the man who's looking to jump straight into the top ten rankings at number one, in Paul Birchall. Then to cap it all off we have our first in studio guest in the form of Ace Steel. Hopefully we'll be able to find out just what's been going through Ace's head these past few months, and maybe even get the bottom of him no showing Winter Wasteland. So without further ado, let's jump straight into tonight's show!

    Way back in the summer of 2005, the massive Iceberg found himself on the end of a huge losing streak. That surprised a lot of fans considering someone with his size should have little trouble throwing around the vast majority of the XGW roster. However despite his best efforts, the losses kept coming with no signs of stopping. To make matters worse at Ground Xero two months ago Iceberg was beaten by The Berzerker. Word spread that after that match Iceberg tore apart the backstage area, feeling he'd been embarrassed by his defeat at the hands of as he put it "a complete fucking joke". Then last month at Winter Wasteland he showed up and promptly continued to trash the backstage area looking for anyone to fight. This gross disregard for company property drew out the commissioner, who had this to say...

    Iceberg is in the middle of his destruction of the backstage area, when Stevie charges into view without a second thought.

    Stevie: Just what in the hell do you think you're doing?!

    This stops Iceberg in his tracks as he slowly turns to face the commissioner. The crazed look on his face doesn't faze Stevie, nor does his 400+ pound barrelling towards him. The two share a tense momentary stare down as backstage personell have began to converge on the argument.


    Stevie: Do you...

    Richards isn't able to finish as Iceberg wraps his hand tightly around his throat, and slams him backwards into a nearby wall.

    Iceberg: SHUT UP! I'm calling the shots, ya got it?

    Stevie doesn't say a word, instead just stares into Iceberg's demented eyes.

    Iceberg: Good! Last month I got fucking humiliated by Bezerker. This month, I'm not even on the card! Since you're in charge, you're to blame. So I suggest you listen to what I have to say. Tonight...RIGHT NOW...I want Bezerker one on one. You make it happen and I don't break your neck, understand?

    Stevie: You don't just...

    Iceberg: I swear to God, if the next word outta your mouth isn't yes, I'll fucking CRIPPLE YOU!

    His grip tightens as Stevie starts to go blue in the face.

    Stevie: Ack! A...Alright dammit!

    A sick smile creeps onto Iceberg's face as he relinquishes his grip. Stevie drops to his knees clutching for air, as the crazed behemoth turns to head for the ring.

    Stevie: You...you think it's just that easy?

    He stops in his tracks, turning back to Richards who is slowly getting to his feet holding his throat.

    Stevie: You put your hands on me, you're lucky I don't fire your ass on the spot!

    Iceberg starts to make a beeline for him again.

    Stevie: Hold it right there! You put a hand on me, and you can forget about the match AND your career! Take one step closer to me, and I'll get your ass thrown into jail where you can rot for all I care!

    He contempates defying him, but smartly backs down and listens to what he has to say.

    Stevie: You dared to lay your hands on me, so it's not going to be a simple one on one match. No, it's going to be a NO DISQUALIFICATION MATCH! But that's not it...you lose tonight, and that's the end of you in XGW. You lose tonight, and your ass is unemployed...and I promise you'll never see the inside of that ring for as long as you live! Do YOU understand ME?

    Iceberg's fists clench up. Security spot this and get ready to pounce if things get ugly again. Richard's doesn't like the silence, so he walks straight up to him and gets in his face.


    The backstage area and ringside alike are hushed silent by Stevie's outburst. Iceberg is fighting with everything he's got to stop himself, and eventually succeeds. Stepping backwards, he doesn't look happy but nods regardless and resumes his trek to the ring leaving Richards fuming as the camera cuts.

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