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Posts posted by Hewey

  1. user posted image


    Live from: Kansas City, Kansas

    Last Monday night we saw the return of Rowdy Roddy Piper, Piper returned after being out for almost a month.... Last time Piper wrestled he beat Hollywood Hogan at Starrcade. Last week Piper made his return to confront Hogan! Hollywood Hogan had other ideas and ran away from Piper! What will Piper do tonight? What will happen between Piper and Hogan tonight? Piper claims to have a huge announcement for tonight! What does "Hot Rod" have to say?

    The Giant is another man who can't be too happy, Last week Eric Bischoff and Nick Patrick cost him his WCW World Championship match against Hollywood Hogan, The Giant is scheduled to be in Kansas City..... What will The Giant do? Will The Giant go after the nWo?

    Last week Lex Luger got brutally attacked by the nWo Wolfpac, Tonight Luger gets his revenge because he teams up with Diamond Dallas Page to challenge The Outsiders for the WCW Tag Team Championship in the main event of the evening! What will happen when Page and Luger get their hands on The Outsiders? Will Luger get his revenge on the nWo Wolfpac? One thing's sure for, The Outsiders wanted competition and tonight they get it! Can the WCW Dream Team come out on top as the new champions?

    The nWo are also going to ask Sting once again to join the nWo, What will Sting do? Will Sting betray WCW and join the nWo? You do not want to miss what happens between Sting and the nWo tonight!

    Matches for Monday Nitro

    Eddie Guerrero V Big Bubba Rogers WCW United States Championship

    Kensuke Sasaki V Alex Wright

    Rey Mysterio Jr. V Lord Steven Regal WCW Television Championship

    Jeff Jarrett/Steve McMichael V Faces Of Fear

    Plus the huge tag team main event!

  2. Keep in mind that the "B shows" are suppose to be less detailed, Anyways

    user posted image


    Announcers: Mike Tenay and Dusty Rhodes

    Taped from: Akron, Ohio

    Saturday Night opens up with it's usual regular opening and then we're taken to the announce booth where Dusty Rhodes and Mike Tenay are shown, They hype up tonight's show.

    Hugh Morrus with Jimmy Hart defeated Jim Powers

    This was a squash match, Morrus dominated Powers through out the whole match and beat him down like a dog. Powers made a short come back near the end and nailed Morrus with a DDT but that wasn't enough to keep Morrus down. Morrus finished Powers off with a flapjack followed by his No Laughing Matter moonsault off the top for the one, two, three.

    59, 46, 72 *1/4

    Interview with Kensuke Sasaki and Sonny Oono

    Backstage Mean Gene Okerlund talked with Kensuke Sasaki and Sonny Oono, Gene asked for Sasaki's thoughts on tonight's match with Glacier but Oono took over saying Sasaki wasn't scared of Glacier and that he would dominate Glacier here tonight in front of everyone. Oono then talked about Japan being number one and talked about how the Japanese would reign supreme in WCW.


    Kensuke Sasaki with Sonny Oono defeated Glacier

    Sasaki and Glacier had a back and fourth type match up, Sasaki dominated the early portions of the match and kept Glacier down on the mat working over Glacier's leg so Glacier couldn't use the Cryonic Kick. At times Sasaki would distract the referee which allowed Sonny Oono to get some cheap shots in on Glacier. Glacier was able to hit a clothesline and followed with three atomic drops and a flying clothesline from the top turnbuckle.... Glacier went for the Cryonic Kick but Sasaki ducked, Sasaki then kicked Glacier in the midsection and delivered the Northern Lights Bomb for the three count. Afterwards Oono celebrated with Sasaki shouting some words in Japanese.

    66, 63, 70 *1\2

    John Tenta defeated Greg Valentine

    Greg Valentine jumped Tenta from behind right from the opening bell, Valentine worked over Tenta's leg trying to soft it up for the Figure Four Leglock.... Valentine stomped down over Tenta's legs and late into the match he was able to lock the Figure Four Leglock only to have Tenta power out of it.... Tenta then nailed Valentine with several clotheslines and followed with a shoulder tackle putting Valentine down. Tenta finished Valentine off with the Aftershock for the win.

    59, 53, 66 3/4*

    Interview with Public Enemy

    Mean Gene Okerlund interviewed Public Enemy in the back, Gene asked Public Enemy if they were scared of Faces Of Fear.... Public Enemy replied and told Gene that they feared no one! Public Enemy told Gene that they knew tonight they have a tough challenge but they said that they weren't scared of Faces Of Fear. Public Enemy said that tonight if they had their way someone would go through a table!


    Public Enemy defeated Faces Of Fear with Jimmy Hart

    This match started off with all four men brawling outside of the ring, Faces Of Fear beat down Public Enemy out on the floor until the match came into the ring.... Public Enemy had some brief offense going but that ended when Johnny Grunge ran into the Kick Of Fear. Barbarian and Meng then beat down Grunge keeping him away from Rocco Rock so he couldn't make the hot tag.... Eventually Grunge was able to tag Rocco Rock after hitting Meng and Barbarian with a double DDT. Rocco Rock came in like a man on fire knocking down everyone on his way. The ending comes when Grunge is out on the floor brawling with Meng.... Barbarian goes for the Kick Of Fear to Rocco but he ducks it and ends up rolling up Barbarian for the win! Afterwards Public Enemy celebrated their win as Hart and Faces Of Fear threw a fit.

    69, 58, 81 **1/4

    Interview with Lord Steven Regal

    Mean Gene Okerlund interviewed the WCW Television Champion in the backstage area, Gene asked if Regal was worried about his match with "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan tonight but Regal replied calling Gene a moron. Regal said that he wasn't scared of Duggan or America for that matter. Regal told Gene that tonight he'd still be the Television Champion!


    WCW Television Championship

    Lord Steven Regal defeated Jim Duggan

    The match was all Duggan, Duggan dominated Regal right from the opening bell and kept Regal down. Duggan hit three atomic drops and followed with a running clothesline. Duggan went for the Three Point Stance but Regal moved out of the way! Regal then beat down on Duggan in the corner and followed by locking Duggan into a sleeper hold! Duggan eventually fought out of it and ended up hitting the Three Point Stance! Duggan went for the Old Glory but Regal moved out of the way! Regal then quickly finished Duggan off with a reverse neck breaker for the three count! Afterwards Regal celebrated his win  posing with the gold as Saturday Night came to an end.

    73, 76, 67 *1\2

    The WCW Television title has gained in image.

    OR Show Rating- 67

    TV Rating- We got a 2.59 rating for 'Saturday Night'!

    The attendance level was 6539 people.

    We made $261560 from ticket sales.

    WWF got a 2.96 television rating for 'Shotgun'!

    The event was attended by 4040 people.

    They made $161600 from ticket sales.

    ECW got a 0.10 television rating for 'Hardcore TV'!

    The event was attended by 456 people.

    They made $9120 from ticket sales.

    WCW Main Event


    Announcers: Michael Cole and Larry Zbyszko

    Taped from: Akron, Ohio

    Main Event opens up with it's usual regular opening and then we're taken to the announce booth where Michael Cole and Larry Zbyszko are standing by. Cole and Zbyszko talk about the crazy week it's been here in WCW and then they talk about today's show.

    Psychosis and Juventud Guerrera defeated Dirty Dick Slater and Bunkhouse Buck with Colonel Parker

    The veteran team of Dick and Buck controlled the match from the beginning, They isolated Psychosis keeping him away from Juventud Guerrera at all times. Dick and Buck made quick tags in and out and double teamed Psychosis.... At times Colonel Parker would get involved behind the referee's back. Psychosis ended up making the hot tag to Juventud after taking both Dick and Buck out with a double drop kick! Psychosis tagged in Juventud who came into the ring like a man on fire knocking down everyone on his way! The match ends when Psychosis had Buck out on the floor.... Psychosis hits a asai moonsault to Buck while in the ring Juventud drills Dick with the Juvy Driver! Juventud covers and gets the win for his team! Afterwards Buck and Parker helped Dick to the back as Guerrera and Psychosis celebrated.

    52, 40, 64 1\2*

    Piper madness!

    A video highlight is shown over last Monday night on Monday Nitro.

    Hogan motions for the nWo to come down to the ring! But no one is coming down! On the video screen we're shown the nWo locker room with a forklift blocking the door! The nWo members pound on the door but they can't get out! Hogan and Bischoff look concerned! The bagpipes then hit to a huge ovation from the fans.... And Rowdy Roddy Piper makes his way down the entry way! Hollywood Hogan and Eric Bischoff can't believe it! Piper's carrying a steel lead pipe! Piper gets inside the ring and stares down Hogan! Hogan though grabs the title and heads to the outside, Bischoff and Nick Patrick soon follow Hogan! Piper stands in the ring with the weapon in hand as Hogan, Bischoff and Patrick look on from the entry way.... Piper stands over the fallen Giant as Monday Nitro comes to an end....


    Rowdy Roddy Piper gained overness from this segment.

    Billy Kidman defeated Squire David Taylor

    Taylor dominated the young Billy Kidman today, Taylor beat Kidman around the ring and worked over Kidman's arm.... Taylor even rammed Kidman's arm across the steel ring post three times! Taylor continued his assault on Kidman and hit a devastating shoulder breaker! Kidman somehow was able to kick out at two though! Taylor made a big mistake as he decided to go up top.... Taylor ended up missing a elbow drop which allowed Kidman to make a come back... Kidman took Taylor down with various drop kicks and hip tosses. Kidman hit a swinging bulldog off the ropes and then went up top.... Kidman came off the top with the Shooting Star Press to Taylor and covered for the win! Kidman then celebrated his biggest win in WCW to date.

    56, 42, 70 3/4*

    Devon Storm defeated Chavo Guerrero Jr.

    Devon Storm freaked out young Chavo Guerrero during this match up by running around the ring acting crazy and shouting.... At times Storm would hit his on head on the turnbuckle in the corner which got Chavo even more freaked out! When they finally locked up, Storm got the best of Chavo and ended up taking Chavo out to the floor with a stiff clothesline.... Storm then continued with a reverse cross body press off the top all the way out to the floor onto Chavo Guerrero! Storm continued his offense in the ring hitting a springboard legdrop and a suplex to Chavo. Chavo eventually made a short come back but Storm finished Chavo off with a russian legsweep for the win. After the match ended, Storm shouted at Guerrero before heading to the back.

    70, 49, 91 ***1\4

    Chavo Guerrero Jr. lost overness from this match. Devon Storm gained overness from this match.

    Video for Ken Shamrock

    The same video from Monday Nitro is shown hyping the debut of Ken Shamrock.....

    Ken Shamrock- WCW they say that's where the big boys play? Well I'm coming soon and I ain't no boy..... To all the WCW superstars be ready to fight the "World's Most Dangerous Man", When you step into the ring with Ken Shamrock you will learn that my nickname ain't no marking ploy, It's the real Mckoy! I'll snap each and everyone of you into my Ankle Lock and go right to the top of World Championship Wrestling! I'll be coming very soon and WCW will be the playground for the "World's Most Dangerous Man!" There will be a line of people who get their ankle snapped one by one! Now get that damn camera out of my face!


    Joe Gomez and The Renegade defeated Craig Pittman and Mike Enos

    Boring tag team match here, Pittman and Enos controlled the whole match right from the opening bell. They isolated Joe Gomez from the beginning and double teamed Gomez. They hit a double suplex late into the match and almost got the win but Renegade made the save. Gomez soon ended up making the tag to Renegade. Renegade came into the ring running right over Pittman and then Enos with a clothesline! Renegade then hit both men with shoulder tackles! Renegade finished Pittman off with a running clothesline while Gomez fought Enos in the corner....

    52, 41, 63 1\2*

    Interview with Disco Inferno

    Backstage Mean Gene Okerlund interviewed Disco Inferno, Gene asked for Disco's thoughts on today's match up with "the man of 1,000 holds" Dean Malenko. Disco Inferno replied telling Mean Gene that he wasn't scared of Malenko and that today everyone was going to see Disco beat Malenko easily. Disco Inferno told Gene to watch what he does to Malenko.....


    Dean Malenko defeated Disco Inferno

    This was a good back and fourth match up between Disco Inferno and Dean Malenko, Malenko started off out wrestling Disco but it didn't last as Disco hit a back elbow to Malenko's face and then took him out with a big swinging neck breaker. Disco continued hitting a russian legsweep and elbow drop off the second turnbuckle for more near falls. Late into the match, Disco Inferno locked Malenko into a reverse figure four leglock! Malenko grabbed the ropes breaking the hold..... Malenko was able to hit a spinning heel kick out of nowhere taking out Disco. Malenko then used a tilt a whirl slam and a big back breaker to put Disco down. Malenko finished Disco Inferno off by locking him into the Texas Cloverleaft! Disco ended up tapping out giving Malenko the win! Main Event went off the air with Malenko celebrating his win.

    70, 66, 75 **

    OR Show Rating- 67

    TV Rating- We got a 2.73 rating for 'Main Event'!

    The attendance level was 6518 people.

    We made $260720 from ticket sales.

    WWF got a 2.99 television rating for 'Superstars'!

    The event was attended by 4012 people.

    They made $160480 from ticket sales.

  3. Albums

    1. Weezer "The Blue Album (Weezer)"

    2. Weezer "Pinkerton"

    3. Stone Temple Pilots "Core"

    4. Rage Against The Machine "The Battle of Los Angeles"

    5. Stone Temple Pilots "Purple"

    Tracks (From the Albums)

    1. Weezer "In The Garage" (All thought I love all the songs on the CD)

    2. Weezer "Across the sea"

    3. Stone Temple Pilots "Creep"

    4. Rage Against The Machine "Guerrila Radio"

    5. Stone Temple Pilots "Silvergun Superman"

  4. user posted image


    Announcers: Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan

    Live from: Columbus, Ohio

    Monday Nitro opens up with it's usual regular opening and then we're taken to the area where pyro shoots off.... We're then taken to the announce booth where Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan are standing by.

    Tony Schiavone- Welcome to Monday Nitro! We are live in Columbus, Ohio coming off the heels of nWo Souled Out! I'm Tony Schiavone and alongside me is the one and the only Bobby "The Brain" Heenan. And what a night nWo Souled Out was. Hollywood Hogan retains the World Championship against The Giant and what a battle that one was.

    Bobby Heenan - That was a brawl Schiavone, The Giant had the title won until Nick Patrick and the nWo interfered. It took alot to put The Giant away last night.

    Tony Schiavone- The nWo picked up other wins last night also, The Outsiders retained the Tag Team Championship against Steiner Brothers, Masahiro Chono beat Jeff Jarrett, And Buff Bagwell defeated Scotty Riggs in a grueling match.

    Bobby Heenan - WCW also had it's big wins, Eddie Guerrero retained the United States Championship against Syxx in a hard fought ladder match.

    Tony Schiavone- Fans Eddie Guerrero won't be here tonight, Due to the ladder match we understand that Eddie Guerrero has some minor bruising but he should be back in action next week. Syxx is scheduled to be here tonight though.

    Bobby Heenan - The ladder match was out of this world wasn't it Schiavone? I'm surprised Syxx is here tonight.

    Tony Schiavone- Yeah he does, Fans tonight Monday Nitro is going to kick off with singles action! Lets take you to the ring!

    "Mystery" hits as Rey Mysterio Jr. who's wearing black and white makes his way to the ring to a good ovation from the fans, Mysterio stops on the entry way and poses as pyros shoot off behind him.... Mysterio then walks down the isle way and slaps hands with the fans around the ringside area. Mysterio gets into the ring sliding under the bottom rope. Mysterio poses on the turnbuckle and waits....

    The music of Lord Steven Regal hits the arena to a chorus of boos from the fans, Lord Steven Regal poses on the entry way with the WCW Television Championship around his waist. Regal slowly walks down to the ring looking at the fans at ringside with disgust, Regal gets into the ring and takes the belt off his waist telling Mysterio it's not on the line. Regal hands the title to referee Charles Robinson who then rings the bell getting the first match of the night under way.

    Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Lord Steven Regal

    Mysterio and Regal started off circling the ring, They tie up and Regal gets Mysterio into a side headlock. Mysterio though ended up countering and sent Regal onto the ropes and took Regal down with a drop kick! Regal quickly got up to his feet and Mysterio once again drop kicked Regal sending Regal out to the floor through the middle ropes. Regal gets up on the outside and yells at the referee and at the fans..... Regal goes up on the apron but soon gets back down taunting Mysterio. Mysterio has enough of Regal and ends up coming off the ropes diving right onto the Television Champion! Mysterio mounted on top of Regal and nailed Regal with right hands to the face. Mysterio then rolls Regal into the ring and hits a springboard drop kick off of the ropes for a 2 count! Mysterio sends Regal off the ropes and delivers a spinning heel kick for 2. Mysterio drags Regal up to his feet and goes for a enziguri kick but Regal ducked and drove Mysterio's knee down to the canvas! Regal then kicked away at Mysterio's leg. Regal posed a bit for the fans who booed the Television Champion. Regal continued working over Mysterio's leg and locked Mysterio into a deadly half boston crab!

    Mysterio tried to make it to the ropes but Regal dragged him to the center of the ring! Regal seemed to have Mysterio in place for the submission win but Mysterio ended up making it to the ropes to cheers from the crowd! Regal broke the hold but continued beating down Mysterio stomping down on Rey Jr. Regal lifted Mysterio up and suplexed Mysterio with ease. Regal covered and got a 2 count. Regal once again covered Mysterio and again Mysterio kicked out. Regal then covered for the third time and Mysterio once again kicked out! Regal got frustrated dragged Mysterio back up, And delivered a huge double underhook powerbomb! Regal covered but this time Mysterio put his foot on the ropes! Regal couldn't believe it! Regal dragged Mysterio up to his feet once again and set Mysterio up for a suplex, Regal lifted Mysterio up in the air but Mysterio got out of it! Regal then turned around and Mysterio kicked Regal in the midsection and followed with a DDT putting both men down!

    Charles Robinson started the count and both men slowly got up at 7. Regal went to hit Mysterio but Mysterio nailed Regal with right hands and chopped away at Regal. Mysterio sends Regal for the ride and hits a springboard drop kick to Regal! Mysterio covered and Regal was able to kick out at 2. Mysterio continued his offensive floury hitting a big hurricanrana take over. Mysterio then came off the apron springboarding off the ropes with a legdrop to Regal for another near fall! Mysterio then went on the apron and called for the springboard hurricanrana! Regal though got up and nailed Mysterio with a right hand! Regal went to suplex Mysterio back into the ring but Mysterio dropped Regal across the ropes throat first! Mysterio then came into the ring and hung Regal down across the second rope neck first..... Mysterio bounced off the ropes and then came right off the apron with a kick to Regal's face! (6-1-9)

    Mysterio covered but Regal kicked out! Mysterio went back out to the apron and called for the Springboard Hurricanrana..... Regal slowly got up to his feet and Mysterio went for the Springboard Hurricanrana but Regal caught Mysterio in midair and drove Mysterio down to the canvas with a sit out powerbomb! Regal though instead of going for the cover taunted Mysterio! Regal lifted Mysterio up to his feet, Regal went for a reverse neck breaker but Mysterio countered into a backslide! 1...2...3! Mysterio wins this non title match! Regal can't believe it and starts throwing a fit! Regal argues with the referee as Mysterio heads to the outside.... Mysterio yells at Regal telling him he wants the next match to be for the title! Regal grabbed the title and hugged it with a psychotic look on his face.

    80, 73, 88 ***1\2

    Tony Schiavone- Rey Mysterio wins this non title match! What a impressive win for young Rey Mysterio Jr.

    Bobby Heenan - A big win but he doesn't get anything for his efforts, The title wasn't on the line.

    Tony Schiavone- Well now he could get a rematch with Regal and the title could be on the line next time they meet Bobby.

    Bobby Heenan - Yeah but Regal won't lose two in a row to Rey Mysterio Jr., Regal lost tonight but I promise you he'll go over tonight's match and find a way to put Rey Mysterio Jr. away.

    Tony Schiavone- Well it's still a big win for Mysterio, Fans Monday Nitro is going to go to a commercial break but when we return we'll hear from the nWo! What does the nWo have to say about last night's event? Find out when Monday Nitro returns!


    nWo declares victory

    Monday Nitro comes back from the commercial break with the music of the nWo playing to a mixed reaction from the fans mainly boos, Eric Bischoff makes his way down the ramp way with a big smile on his face. Eric Bischoff stops walking and points to the top of the entry way.... Hollywood Hogan then comes down the ramp way using the WCW World Championship as a guitar playing it..... Hogan poses flexing his muscles as Scott Hall comes down the ramp way walking ever so cocky wearing with the WCW Tag Team Championship around his waist..... Hall throws his toothpick at the camera as Bischoff and Hogan reach the ring.... Hall does his "I'm scared" finger taunt at the camera before pointing back to the entry way as if he forgot something, Kevin Nash then walks down the entry way wearing a nwo T-Shirt and around his waist is the WCW Tag Team Championship.... Syxx then follows Nash slowly limping after last night's hard fought match. Nash and Syxx point back to the entry way as the rest of the nWo.... Big Bubba Rogers, Buff Bagwell, Masahiro Chono, Michael Wallstreet, Scott Norton, Ted DiBiase and Vincent make their way down the ramp way also of them with nWo T-Shirts on. Eventually everyone gets inside the ring and Eric Bischoff is handed a microphone.

    Eric Bischoff - Thank you! I certainly feel the love tonight!

    The fans start booing and chanting "Bischoff sucks" Bischoff just lets out a big smile as the fans continue booing.

    Eric Bischoff - Last night was a very big night for the nWo, Hollywood Hogan defeated The Giant and retained the WCW World Championship! The Outsiders also defeated Steiner Brothers to retain the WCW Tag Team Championship! Buff Bagwell defeated Scotty Riggs to prove who the best man truly is and nWo's first Japanese member Masahiro Chono defeated Jeff Jarrett! The nWo proved to the whole world that we're the best! Sure WCW picked up a few wins but lets remember they needed help unlike us! The nWo is on top of the wrestling world! We're the top organization in the history of pro wrestling! No group in wrestling has ever had the talent and power like the nWo! Not the Four Horsemen, Not the Dangerous Alliance, Hell not even the whole WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION has the power we have! No one has the talent and the power like the New World Order! We're on top of the world and last night was proof of it!

    The fans continue booing Bischoff and chanting "Bischoff sucks" as Bischoff hands the microphone over to Hollywood Hogan, The fans boo as Hogan puts the World Championship on his shoulder.

    Hollywood Hogan- Giant brother, Last night you found out what happens when you get into the ring with Hollywood Hogan brother! Last night I dominated The Giant and proved to everyone why I am the biggest icon in pro wrestling. Last night Hollywood Hogan ran all over you with the twenty four inch pythons! And when Hollywood got tired of beating you down all over my ring brother, I finished you off with the Hollywood Legdrop! I covered you and picked up the win, One, two, three just like that brother! The Giant will now learn to think twice before challenging Hollywood Hogan for a title match brother! Giant next time you want to challenge me for a title shot you'll keep your mouth shut before you get some more of Hollywood brother! Hollywood Hogan is still the WCW World Champion and I'm gonna keep the title for a very long time to come brother! No one can beat Hollywood Hogan not Macho Man, Not Roddy Piper, Not Ric Flair, Not even The Giant brother! Hollywood Hogan is the World Champion and that's just too sweet!

    The fans boo and start chanting "Hogan sucks" over and over again, Hollywood Hogan then hands the microphone over to Scott Hall who gets a mixed reaction from the crowd in attendance.

    Scott Hall- Hey yo.....

    The fans chant "Hey yo" back at Hall who smiles

    Scott Hall- Now before "The Bad Guy" gets down to business I think it's survey time! Now how many of you came here tonight to see the nWo?

    The fans are divided as some boo and some cheer Scott Hall.....

    Scott Hall- And now have many of you came here to see WCW?

    The fans cheer and give WCW a huge ovation, Hall though plays it cool and just smiles and does his "I'm scared" finger taunt at fans.

    Scott Hall- One more for the good guys! Now lets get down to business. Last night at nWo Souled Out everyone saw the top tag team The Outsiders face the Einsteiners for the titles. And we all saw the end, "Big Sexy" picked up that sorry excuse for a wrestler Rick Steiner and dropped him down to the canvas with the Jackknife Powerbomb giving The Outsiders the win! We proved to the whole wide world that we're the best tag team in WCW. Me and Kev have been the champs since October and since then no one has been able to beat us! We begged WCW to give us some decent competition and they give us the Einsteiners. They give us a muscle bound freak and his brother who thinks he's a dog! Is that the best WCW can give us? We're the World Tag Team Champions and that's the very best you can give us? Hey WCW when you guys find us a decent team to face, We'll put the titles on the line! Because right now The Outsiders won't defend the titles until we get some decent tag teams against us!

    The fans start booing Hall and chant for the Steiner Brothers, Hall just grins and hands the microphone over to Kevin Nash.

    Kevin Nash- Scott said it best. Last night we thought we were going to get some competition but instead we get the Einsteiners. Half steroids and half dog! And ironically they share half a brain! That's the best World Championship Wrestling could do? Well we're not going to defend these titles until we get some decent competition, Because lets face it... I was right when I said the tag teams in WCW were like luggage that needs to be carried around every night and last night was proof of it! We dominated Steiner Brothers and after we got tired of carrying them around, "Big Sexy" finished off the dog man with the Jackknife Powerbomb for the one, two, three! The Outsiders are the tag team division in WCW and we are the best tag team to have ever stepped foot into a wrestling ring. No one can beat us and no one is going to beat us!

    The fans boo Nash's comments as Nash hands the microphone over to Syxx who appears to be sore and battered from last night's brutal ladder match with Eddie Guerrero. The fans boo Syxx and there's some "1-2-3" chants but they quickly stop and turn into boos.

    Syxx- If you people would shut up and listen for a damn minute you'd know I'd have something important to say!

    The fans boo Syxx and chants "Syxx sucks" over and over again.

    Syxx- Last night I fought that no good punk named Eddie Guerrero for MY United States Championship in a ladder match! And once again I get screwed out of my chance to be United States Champion! Eddie Guerrero everyone of these people know that I had you beat! I got robbed out of the title last night! I put on one of the best ladder matches in the history of the sport and I don't come out on top! Some second rate wanna be comes out with MY title! Well Eddie Guerrero soon there will be a rematch and when there's a rematch you will find out why I am the best high flier in the history of pro wrestling! I beat you down like a dog last night! Eddie Guerrero you're nothing but a paper champion and you'll always be a paper champion! Eddie Guerrero whenever you're feeling froggy I'll slap on the Buzzkiller, Wolfpac Style! There will be a rematch and when it happens I will walk out as the new United States Champion! Guerrero don't sing it, Bring it!

    The fans continue booing Syxx, Syxx then hands the microphone back over to Eric Bischoff.

    Eric Bischoff - Now then, We got a little matter to discuss..... And that matter is STING! Sting we offered you a spot in the nWo awhile back about two weeks ago and you have yet to answer us, We know you're not here tonight but next week we will ask you to join us once again! Sting just remember that when you're nWo you're nWo for life! Sting WCW didn't trust you but we do! So Sting join us and we'll reign supreme over WCW!

    Bischoff hands the microphone back over to Hollywood Hogan to boos from the crowd.

    Hollywood Hogan- Sting just remember something brother, Hollywood has always had your back in the past.... WCW didn't trust you but Hollywood does! And when you're with Hollywood you're on the winning team! So Sting think about it and you'll know you're making the right choice when you join the nWo brother!

    Hogan hands the microphone back over to Eric Bischoff.

    Eric Bischoff - Sting you got one week to think about it! One week!

    The nWo music hits to boos from the fans, Hogan poses for a bit as the nWo heads to the back. Bischoff then tells the camera that next week Sting will join the nWo!


    Tony Schiavone- The nWo still wants Sting to join, What if Sting does join the nWo? There's no way WCW can compete with the nWo having Sting with them!

    Bobby Heenan - If Sting joins the New World Order then WCW is history! They already have Hogan, The Outsiders, Syxx and Eric Bischoff running things. Imagine if they get Sting with them Schiavone.

    Tony Schiavone- That'll be quite the unstoppable force, Lets hope that Sting doesn't decide to join the nWo.

    Bobby Heenan - Well Sting is still angry over WCW not trusting him, It could happen....

    Tony Schiavone- Lets hope it doesn't go that far, Fans when Monday Nitro comes back from the commercial break we'll see great tag team action! Vicious and Delicious takes on Steiner Brothers! Don't go away!


    The nWo "B-Team" music plays to boos from the fans, Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton walk down the entry way Bagwell wears his big hat and sunglasses while Norton wears his vest with the nWo logo on the back..... Buff Bagwell does his dance on the entry way before getting down on his knees and showing off his muscles..... Norton on the other hand just walks down the entry way with a serious look on his face. Bagwell and Norton pose in the ring taking off their entrance attires and throwing it to the outside.

    Next the music of Steiner Brothers plays to a great ovation from the fans, Scott Steiner and Rick Steiner make their way down the entry way wearing black leather jackets.... Scott and Rick walk down to the ring slapping hands with the fans at the ringside area..... Steiner Brothers get into the ring and take off their jackets revealing their black wrestling attire. They give the jackets over to the ringside attendant as Bagwell and Norton look on.

    Steiner Brothers defeated Vicious and Delicious

    The match starts off with Scott Steiner and Buff Bagwell..... Bagwell taunts Steiner by showing off his muscles to which the crowd responds to boos. Scott Steiner then shows off his muscles to cheers from the crowd. They lock up and Bagwell takes Scott Steiner down to the canvas. Bagwell then does his dance taunting Steiner to boos from the crowd. Steiner gets up and nails Bagwell with right hands! Steiner beats down on Bagwell in the corner with heavy blows! Steiner then rams Bagwell's head onto the turnbuckle 10 times as the fans count along! Scott Steiner then throws Bagwell down to the canvas by the waist and tags Rick Steiner in. Rick comes into the ring and runs around barking.... He then goes over to the corner and Scott Steiner pets him in the head saying "Good boy".

    Rick and Bagwell lock up and Rick throws Bagwell back down to the canvas by the waist.... Bagwell then rolls over to his corner and tags in Scott Norton. Norton comes into the ring and he and Rick Steiner slug it out. Norton gets the best of Rick and backs Rick into the corner where he pounds away on Rick with big right hands! Norton sends Rick to the opposite corner and charges at Steiner with a avalanche! Norton then takes Rick Steiner down with a back breaker for 2. Norton delivers a sidewalk slam and scores another 2 count. Norton tags Buff Bagwell back in. Bagwell comes into the ring and runs right over Rick with a clothesline. Bagwell does his taunting dance at Scott Steiner.... Steiner tries to come into the ring which gets the referee tied up, Bagwell and Norton then double team Rick Steiner behind the referee's back! Bagwell slams Rick Steiner down and delivers a legdrop which gets 2.

    Bagwell takes Rick Steiner down with a snapmare take over and locks Rick into a side headlock. Bagwell puts his feet on the ropes for leverage and the referee doesn't see it! Scott Steiner gets the crowd behind Rick Steiner clapping...... The crowd claps which gets Rick Steiner going.... Rick powers his way out of the side headlock and follows with a overhead belly to belly suplex to Bagwell! Rick then tags Scott Steiner in and Bagwell tags Scott Norton in! Steiner comes into the ring and knocks Norton down with a clothesline! Scott Steiner then grabs Bagwell and gorilla slams Buff! The Steiners' double clothesline Scott Norton out to the floor! Rick goes to the outside after Norton.....

    Inside the ring, Scott Steiner takes Buff Bagwell down with a belly to belly suplex while Norton throws Rick Steiner onto the steel guardrail! Norton comes back into the ring and nails Scott Steiner from behind.... Norton goes for the Norton Bomb but Steiner gets out of it, Scott Steiner then grabs Norton from behind and takes him down with a german suplex into a bridge! 1,2,3! Scott Steiner goes to the outside and he and Rick celebrate their win as Buff Bagwell checks on Scott Norton.

    79, 73, 85 ***1\4

    Tony Schiavone- Big win for Steiner Brothers coming off their loss at nWo Souled Out to The Outsiders, And I don't know what The Outsiders are talking about saying the match was easy.... Steiner Brothers came close many times to winning the titles.

    Bobby Heenan - Well you heard The Outsiders, They didn't consider Steiners a challenge and they won't defend the titles against them anytime soon....

    Tony Schiavone- I think The Outsiders are scared of having a rematch with Steiner Brothers. Fans last night we saw Masahiro Chono face Jeff Jarrett in the opening bout of nWo Souled Out, Steve McMichael came down during the match and tried to help Jarrett but ended up costing Jarrett the match.... Afterwards Jarrett kicked McMichael right in between the groin!

    Bobby Heenan - McMichael is not happy, How will this affect Jeff Jarrett and the Four Horsemen?

    Tony Schiavone- Well Jarrett is not a official member yet, But last night that could have affected Ric Flair's decision of Jarrett joining the Four Horsemen.... When will Ric Flair return to address this whole situation? Well fans stay tuned because when Monday Nitro returns we'll hear from Jeff Jarrett! You don't want to miss what he has to say up next!


    More problems for McMichael and Jarrett

    Monday Nitro comes back from the commercial break and the music of Jeff Jarrett plays to a mixed reaction from the crowd, Jeff Jarrett who's wearing street clothing makes his way down the isle way..... Jarrett gets into the ring quickly and grabs the microphone from the ring announcer.

    Jeff Jarrett- Last night I fought Masahiro Chono and I had the match won if Steve McMichael hadn't stuck his nose in my business! McMichael I have helped the Four Horsemen for months now and helped you guys pick up wins while you can't even hit the right person with a briefcase! You're worthless and you don't belong in the Four Horsemen! Your spot in the Horsemen should belong to me and everyone knows it! Steve McMichael I'm laying down the challenge for you, Winner gets the spot in the Horsemen! How about it? I am the one who belongs in the Horsemen and I will prove it to the whole world when I beat you!

    Jeff Jarrett doesn't have to wait long because the music of Four Horsemen hits to a good pop from the crowd, Steve McMichael makes his way down to the ring wearing street clotheslines carrying a microphone in hand. McMichael gets in the ring and he and Jarrett stare each other down.

    Steve McMichael- Now first of all, If you think I'm going to apologize for accidentally hitting you with the briefcase last night then pal you got another thing coming! Jeff Jarrett I tried to help you and it backfired! And what do I get for my efforts? I get kicked right in midsection! Jarrett if you want a fight you'll get one but not tonight! I promised Ric Flair I wouldn't lay a hand on you.... Yet! But Jarrett you want to talk about me not being worthy of being in the Horsemen? I didn't have to go ask Ric Flair for a spot in the group unlike you! Tonight I won't lay my hands on you, But Jarrett soon you and I are going to fight, And I will prove to you that you're not Horsemen material!

    The music of Four Horsemen hits as Steve McMichael throws his microphone down and heads to the back with Jarrett staring him down..... Monday Nitro goes to a commercial break.



    Monday Nitro returns from the commercial break with Konnan already in the ring with manager Jimmy Hart giving him instructions. "Self High Five" then hits to a huge ovation from the fans in attendance, Diamond Dallas Page makes his way down the isle way wearing a "DDP" T-Shirt, DDP makes his way down the isle and stops.... He does the Diamond Cutter sign as pyros shoot off.... DDP then rips off his DDP shirt, DDP then slides into the ring and points at the crowd.... DDP then does the Diamond Cutter sign as the fans chant "DDP".

    Diamond Dallas Page defeated Konnan with Jimmy Hart

    Page and Konnan start off going right it hitting each other with right hands to the face. Page gets the best of Konnan and ducks a right hand before hitting Konnan with a discus right hand to the face knocking down Konnan! Page then clotheslines Konnan out to the floor! Page goes out to the floor after Konnan.... Page goes to send Konnan to the steel steps but Konnan reverses and Page goes shoulder first onto the steel steps! Konnan lifts Page up and rolls Page into the ring.... Konnan goes up top and hits Page with a flying clothesline for 2. Konnan lifts Page up and suplexes Page down on the canvas. Konnan covers and scores a 2 count. Konnan lifts Page up and sends Page to the corner.... Konnan charges at Page but Page puts his boot in the way! Page follows with a stiff clothesline for 2.

    Page goes for the Diamond Cutter but Jimmy Hart gets up on the apron distracting DDP! This allows Konnan to get a roll up with a hands full of tights for a 2 count! Konnan argues with the referee over a slow count but decides to go back after Page. Konnan stomps down on Page and then hits a neck breaker for another 2 count. Page slowly gets up to his feet, And Konnan hits his rolling clothesline for 2. Konnan calls for the 187 as DDP slowly stumbles to his feet..... Konnan waits for DDP to get up and kicks him in the midsection.... Konnan sends Page off the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Page ducks and delivers a big swinging neck breaker to Konnan! Page then hits his rotating powerbomb for a 2 count. Page lifts Konnan up and sends Konnan off the ropes, Konnan walks right into a powerslam from Page which gets a 2 count for Page.

    Page calls for the Diamond Cutter but Jimmy Hart once again gets up on the apron! Page grabs Konnan and sends Konnan right onto Hart knocking Hart off the apron! Konnan then turned around and walked right into Page's Diamond Cutter! Page covers! 1,2,3! "Self High Five" then hits to a huge ovation from the fans as DDP rolls out to the floor and gets into the crowd.... Page leaves through the crowd as they chant "DDP".

    78, 78, 79, **3/4

    Jimmy Hart debuted his new gimmick (Obnoxious), it got a positive response.

    Tony Schiavone- Diamond Dallas Page picks up a big win here tonight over Konnan of the Dungeon Of Doom. Diamond Dallas Page is on quite a roll Bobby.

    Bobby Heenan - Page picks up a win here tonight coming off a win at nWo Souled Out last night, Page is WCW through and through Schiavone.

    Tony Schiavone- DDP is the people's champion here in World Championship Wrestling, And he's becoming quite the superstar. One of the best WCW has to offer. Fans up next I understand we'll be hearing from The Giant, What does The Giant have to say? Find out when Monday Nitro returns from the commercial break!


    The Giant pulls a fast one on Hogan and Bischoff!

    Monday Nitro comes back from the break and The Giant makes his way down to the ring wearing his wrestling attire. The Giant gets into the ring and is handed a microphone.

    The Giant- Hollywood Hogan! Last night everyone knows I had your ass beat if it wasn't for Nick Patrick and Eric Bischoff! I was going to walk out of nWo Souled Out as the new World Champion and everyone of these people know it! But Hollywood you don't got to worry about me, Well tonight you do! Tonight it's going to be me and you for the World Championship in a rematch from Souled Out! Hollywood you might think you have power because Eric Bischoff is in your little group but The Giant called the board of directors who have granted me a title shot tonight! And guess what? The nWo is barred from ringside! And tonight Hogan I promise you we'll have a new World Champion!

    The Giant is interrupted by the music of the nWo which the crowd responds with boos, Eric Bischoff is shown standing on the entry way with a microphone in hand.

    Eric Bischoff - Giant you think you're pretty clever don't you? You went over my head and got the WCW board of directors to grant you a rematch tonight? Fine! And sure the nWo might be barred from ringside but not me Giant! I will be at ringside when Hollywood Hogan faces you just to make sure the match is fair! And Giant as far as having a new champion goes, Hollywood Hogan beat you last night without anyone help and he'll do it again tonight! Giant consider this your last shot at the title! Tonight Hollywood Hogan will take care of you once and for all!

    The Giant- Eric Bischoff you sound awfully confident, Well just remember that if you interfere at all during this match then you will get the Choke Slam! Aaaaaaaah!

    Eric Bischoff looks scared of The Giant and heads to the back, Giant stays in the ring and poses for a bit to cheers from the fans.


    Eric Bischoff gained overness from this segment.

    Tony Schiavone- What a announcement! The Giant gets his rematch with Hollywood Hogan here tonight and the title is on the line!

    Bobby Heenan - The Giant is gonna do it tonight Schiavone! I got a feeling we're going to have a NEW champion!

    Tony Schiavone- I think it's going to happen too, No nWo at ringside! The Giant is going to do it tonight!

    Bobby Heenan - What a main event! Only WCW gives you a main event this big!

    Tony Schiavone- Fans we're going to go to a commercial break but when Monday Nitro comes back the Cruiserweight title will be on the line don't go away!


    Chris Jericho's theme plays as Monday Nitro returns from the break, The fans give young Chris Jericho a good ovation as he makes his out through the curtain. Jericho stops on the entry way and poses before heading down the isle way slapping hands with the fans, Jericho stops near the ringside area and goes back first onto the guardrail allowing fans to pat him on his back. Jericho then gets inside the ring and poses on the turnbuckle.

    Ultimo Dragon's music hits to boos from the crowd as Sonny Oono makes his way down to the ring wearing a red suit with his small camera in hand.... Ultimo Dragon then steps through the curtain wearing his pink outfit with the WCW Cruiserweight Championship around his waist. Dragon stops on the entry way as Oono takes a quick picture.... Both Oono and Dragon then walk down the entry way with Oono smiling. They both get inside the ring and Dragon poses before taking off his cape.... Oono just claps and smiles before heading to the outside.

    WCW Cruiserweight Championship

    Ultimo Dragon© with Sonny Oono defeated Chris Jericho

    Dragon hands the Cruiserweight Championship to referee Billy Silverman who raises the title high in the air before handing it to the ringside attendant. Jericho and Dragon starts things off with a lock up... They do a sequence which leads to Jericho almost locking Dragon into the Lion Tamer but Dragon rolls to the outside and talks strategy over with Sonny Oono..... Jericho goes for a baseball slide but Dragon moves out of the way and then nails Jericho with a right hand to the face. Dragon goes to send Jericho to the steel guardrail but Jericho reverses and Dragon goes onto the guardrail back first! Jericho rolls Dragon back into the ring and comes off the top turnbuckle with a reverse back elbow getting a 2 count.

    Jericho followed nailing a big clothesline and a springboard cross body block for 2. Jericho went for a drop kick but Dragon caught him by the legs and hit the big swing! Dragon waited for Jericho to get up and nailed the kicking combination for a close near fall. Dragon worked over Jericho in the corner nailing vicious chops to Jericho's chest. Dragon nailed Jericho with three suplexes in a row and followed with a moonsault right off the top which was enough to score a 2 count. Dragon worked over Jericho's lower back and locked Jericho into a camel clutch! Jericho eventually powered out and dropped Dragon down to the canvas back first! Both men stayed down for a 7 count.... When they got up, Jericho went wild on Dragon with big right hands to the face! Jericho then used chops to rock down Dragon....

    Jericho knocked Dragon down with a clothesline and followed with a bulldog. Jericho then hit his Lion Sault on Dragon for a close 2 count. Jericho then went up top and scored with a huge missile drop kick to Dragon for another 2 count. Jericho lifted Dragon up and delivered a double underhook back breaker.... Jericho then went up top..... Jericho tried a moonsault but Dragon rolled out of the way! Dragon then finished Jericho off with a Tiger Suplex for the three count. Afterwards Oono came into the ring with the title and handed it to Dragon. Dragon posed with the gold as Oono clapped and yelled "Japan number one".

    84, 69, 100 ****1\2

    The WCW Cruiserweight title has gained in image.

    Tony Schiavone- Ultimo Dragon picks up a hard fought win, Chris Jericho looked like he had the match won until missing that moonsault which allowed Dragon to hit his Tiger Suplex for the win. Great win for Ultimo Dragon.

    Bobby Heenan - Jericho just proved that what goes up must come down, Dragon retains the title keeping his winning streak going since becoming Cruiserweight Champion.

    Tony Schiavone- Dragon has certainly been on a role, Chris Jericho came very close to winning the title but in the end Dragon picks up the win.... I'm sure Jericho will get another shot at the title sooner or later.... Fans don't go anywhere because up next we'll hear from Lex Luger! What does Luger have to say? We'll find out when Monday Nitro returns from the commercial break!


    The nWo Wolfpac take out Lex Luger!

    The music of Lex Luger plays to the biggest ovation of the night as the fans stand up out of their seats, Lex Luger then makes his way down the entry way wearing street clothes...... Luger stops and poses flexing his muscles as pyro shoots off behind him..... Luger then walks down to the ring..... Luger gets inside the ring and poses on the turnbuckle. Luger then gets in the ring of the ring and is handed a microphone as the fans cheer.

    Lex Luger- Last night I showed to the nWo that WCW spirit was still alive and well!

    The fans cheer Lex Luger's comments and start a "Luger" chant.

    Lex Luger- Last night I beat Scott Norton, I racked him up with WCW power and beat him! I will take the nWo out one by one! And Sting if you join the nWo then you will also be taken out by "The Total Package". Sting we've been friends for a very long time and I hope you have the character to stay away from the nWo. Sting I was wrong not to trust you but you'd be even more wrong if you joined the nWo, Sting you need to........

    Lex Luger is interrupted by the music of the nWo to boos from the crowd, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash and Syxx stand on the entry way wearing their nWo T-Shirts..... The Outsiders are wearing their tag team titles around their waist. Scott Hall is holding a microphone and Luger stares down Scott Hall.

    Scott Hall- I thought the Wolfpac would come out here and stop the boredom! Luger you come out here and try to convince Sting to not join the nWo? Well we got a problem with that.... See Flexy Lexy the fact of the matter is this, WCW is weak and it's gonna die soon..... And Sting wants to be on the winning team, And that is the nWo! Hell if Sting joins the nWo he might even get a spot in the exclusive nWo Wolfpac! So Sting don't listen to this moron.... Listen to the nWo when we say this is the best choice you can ever make! Join the nWo Sting!

    The fans boo Scott Hall who hands the microphone over to Kevin Nash.

    Kevin Nash- Sting just look at us and then look at Lex Luger there, He's WCW and we're nWo. Really is it that hard to pick? I mean WCW has a bunch of losers while the nWo has the top talent in the world. WCW has Lex Luger while the nWo has Hollywood Hogan, Syxx, The Outsiders and other great talents. Sting you will want to join the nWo, It's just a matter of time.... But Luger we couldn't help but to overhear your comments.... You said you were going to take the nWo out one by one? You'll more than likely get hunt down by the Wolfpac before you can succeed........ Actually we're thinking of sending a message to the rest of WCW right now..... So we'll.....

    Nash drops the microphone down, Hall, Nash and Syxx walk down the entry way getting ready for a fight.... Lex Luger stands in the middle of the ring telling them to bring it on..... Syxx is the first one to come into the ring, Luger nails Syxx with a big clothesline taking Syxx down! But Hall and Nash soon come into the ring and the odds are too great even for Lex Luger.... the Outsiders beat down on Luger and Nash throws Luger to the corner.... Nash charges at Luger with a running clothesline! Nash then sends Luger right onto Scott Hall who hits Luger right in between the eyes with one of the WCW Tag Team titles! Hall lifts Luger up and Syxx drills Luger with a reverse back heel kick! Luger is left out of it as Nash goes to the outside.... Nash looks under the ring and grabs a can of spray paint! Nash comes back into the ring as Hall and Syxx rip off Luger's shirt right off his back! Nash spray paints "nWo" on Luger's back in red! The nWo music then hits as The Wolfpac pose standing over Luger to boos from the crowd..... The nWo Wolfpac then heads to the back leaving Lex Luger out cold in the ring.


    Lex Luger lost overness from this segment.

    Tony Schiavone- No! Darn it! Lex Luger has been laid out by the nWo Wolfpac!

    Bobby Heenan - Luger didn't stand a chance, He got out numbered by the Wolfpac.... The question now is, Will Sting join the nWo?

    Tony Schiavone- Bobby if that happens then the end is close for World Championship Wrestling..... There's no way WCW can last with Sting joining the nWo.

    Bobby Heenan - Anything can happen Schiavone, Remember that Sting is still angry over WCW not trusting him..... That will be a huge factor over his decision.....

    Tony Schiavone- We'll have to wait until next week, Fans stay tuned because up next we'll see tag team action!


    Harlem Heat's music plays when Monday Nitro returns from the commercial, Booker T and Stevie Ray step out through the curtain both men wearing red outfits..... Booker T poses on top of the entry way as flames shoot off.... Harlem Heat then walk down to the ring and pose on the turnbuckles.....

    The Four Horsemen theme hits to a good ovation from the crowd as Arn Anderson and Chris Benoit both make their way down the isle wearing Horsemen T-Shirts. Benoit and Anderson walk down to the ring with no emotion on their faces and once they get inside the ring, They rip off their T-Shirts and throw them to the outside before staring down their opponents.

    Harlem Heat defeated Chris Benoit and Arn Anderson

    Booker T and Arn Anderson start off. Booker gets taken down by Anderson after a quick exchange.... Anderson taunts Booker T which gets Booker pissed off.... Booker kicks Anderson in the midsection and sends Anderson to the ropes.... Booker knocks Anderson down with a shoulder block. Booker T then lifts Anderson up and rams Anderson head first onto the corner.... Booker rams Anderson's head onto the turnbuckle several times before tagging Stevie Ray in. Ray came into the ring and took Anderson down with a clothesline. Ray pounded down on Anderson and took Anderson to the corner where he nailed Anderson with right hands.

    Ray then tagged Booker T back in who scored with the Harlem Side Kick to Anderson for two. Booker T beat down on Anderson and kicked Anderson in the midsection before drilling Anderson in the back of the head with the Scissors Kick for 2. Booker T then spun around on his head (spinaroonie) and followed up by dropping a knee across Anderson's face for 2. Booker T taunted Anderson as Anderson slowly got up to one knee.... Booker T charged at Anderson but Anderson ended up taking Booker T out with the Anderson Spinebuster! Anderson then made the hot tag to Chris Benoit and Booker T rolled over the tagged Stevie Ray in! Benoit came in like a man on fire and drilled Ray with right hands and then chops! Benoit kicked away at Ray and DDT'ed Ray down!

    Booker T went after Benoit but Benoit ended up taking Booker T down with a german suplex! Benoit hung onto Booker T and hit another big german suplex! Benoit went for a third one but Stevie Ray broke it up! Ray though turned around and Anderson planted him with a big DDT! Booker T then took Anderson out to the floor with a DDT! Booker T went out to the floor after Anderson leaving Benoit and Stevie Ray in the ring. With Booker T and Arn Anderson on the outside, Benoit suplexed Stevie Ray down. Benoit then went up top and connected with the Diving Headbutt!

    But then Jimmy Hart and The Taskmaster ran down from the back! Hart got up on the apron distracting the referee which allowed Taskmaster to come into the ring and hit Benoit with a foreign object! Taskmaster then left the ring as Stevie Ray rolled over on top of Benoit! Anderson tried to make the save but Booker T grabbed him by the legs which allowed Stevie Ray to get the three count! Afterwards Harlem Heat headed to the back with Taskmaster and Jimmy Hart standing on top of the entry way laughing..... Anderson then checked on Benoit.....

    85, 80, 91 ***3/4

    Tony Schiavone- The Taskmaster just cost Chris Benoit the match up! This feud between Taskmaster and Chris Benoit has really gotten out of hand as of late!

    Bobby Heenan - Benoit looked like he things well under control but Taskmaster nailed him with a foreign object knocking his lights out!

    Tony Schiavone- Fans in any event, Next we're going to take a look at a new WCW superstar, Ken Shamrock! Lets take a look at this video.....

    Video for Ken Shamrock

    A video airs hyping the debut of Ken Shamrock, It shows Shamrock beating down several enhancement talent and locking one of them into the Ankle Lock, Shamrock then breaks the hold Shamrock and looks right into the camera....

    Ken Shamrock- WCW they say that's where the big boys play? Well I'm coming soon and I ain't no boy..... To all the WCW superstars be ready to fight the "World's Most Dangerous Man", When you step into the ring with Ken Shamrock you will learn that my nickname ain't no marking ploy, It's the real Mckoy! I'll snap each and everyone of you into my Ankle Lock and go right to the top of World Championship Wrestling! I'll be coming very soon and WCW will be the playground for the "World's Most Dangerous Man!" There will be a line of people who get their ankle snapped one by one! Now get that damn camera out of my face!

    The video fades as we're taken back to the announce booth.


    Tony Schiavone- Ken Shamrock is ready to come to WCW, This man is real dangerous and he's going to be something big here in World Championship Wrestling.

    Bobby Heenan - He's intense.....

    Tony Schiavone- He's pretty scary, That's what he is.... I wouldn't want to say the wrong thing to him....

    Bobby Heenan - I suggest you keep your mouth shut near him Schiavone before he snaps your ankle!

    Tony Schiavone- Fans don't go anywhere, Up next it's the big main event! The Giant challenges Hollywood Hogan for the World Championship! You do not want to miss this huge match up, It's up next!


    Monday Nitro returns from the commercial break with Michael Buffer standing in the ring wearing a black suit and holding a microphone.

    Michael Buffer- Ladies and gentlemen, It's now time for the main event of the evening! This match is a rematch from last night's nWo Souled Out Pay Per View and it is for the WCW World Championship! Are you ready? Well then for the thousands in attendance and the millions watching at home lets get ready to ruuuuuuuuuuuumble!

    The Giant steps out through the curtain with no music playing for him, Giant walks down to the ring looking determined as the fans give him a mixed reaction..... Giant comes into the ring right over the top rope.... Giant then does the "Choke Slam" taunt as the fans cheer.

    Michael Buffer- In the ring is the challenger, From Tampa, Florida weighting in at 458 pounds wearing black he is the master of the Choke Slam and a former two time WCW World Champion, Ladies and gentlemen The Giant!

    Monday Nitro goes to a commercial break with The Giant standing in the ring.


    When Monday Nitro returns, Michael Buffer is still in the ring with The Giant in the corner....

    Michael Buffer- And now ladies and gentlemen about to make his way to the ring is the champion, He's one of the foundation fathers of the nWo..... Wearing black and white From Hollywood, California weighting in at 285 pounds the WCW World Champion..... Hollywood Hogan!

    The theme of the nWo hits drawing huge heat from the crowd, Hollywood Hogan then makes his way down the entry way using the title like a guitar playing it..... Hogan's wearing a nWo T-Shirt and a nWo bandana.... Hogan poses on the entry way before slowly making his way down the isle.... Hogan puts the title on his shoulder as The Giant looks on.... Hogan slowly makes his way into the ring and poses with the title holding it high over his head. Hogan then takes off his bandana and stares down The Giant. Buffer gets out of the ring while the stare down continues. Eric Bischoff then walks down the isle way as the fans boo.... Hogan smiles because now the odds have turned against The Giant!

    WCW World Championship

    Hollywood Hogan© with Eric Bischoff defeated The Giant

    Hollywood Hogan hands referee Randy Anderson the WCW World Championship.... Anderson raises it high in the air and hands it to the ringside attendant.... The bell rings and the match is ready to begin! Hogan trash talks The Giant.... They lock up and Giant throws Hogan down to the canvas with ease! Hogan and Bischoff argue with the referee..... The Giant goes after Hogan so Hogan rolls to the outside..... Hogan and Bischoff talks things over but The Giant goes to the outside after Hogan! Giant stalks Hogan around the ringside area.... Hollywood Hogan comes back into the ring followed by The Giant. Hogan gets down on his knees and begs for mercy but Giant just kicks him in the midsection.... Giant grabs Hogan and tosses Hollywood halfway across the ring! Giant calls for the Choke Slam!

    Giant lifts Hogan up with one hand by the throat! Bischoff gets up on the apron distracting the referee which allows Hogan to low blow Giant! Hogan then hits two clotheslines to The Giant putting the big man down to one knee. Hogan takes off his shirt and chokes The Giant with it! Hogan then punches Giant in the forehead and follows by biting The Giant's forehead! Hogan goes for another clothesline but Giant grabs Hogan once again by the throat! Hogan rakes Giant in the eyes! Hogan tries to slam Giant but Giant nails him in the back! Giant then clotheslines Hollywood out to the floor! Giant goes to the outside after Hogan and slams Hogan on the floor! Bischoff tries to get involved but Giant shoves Bischoff down! Hogan ends up grabbing the ring bell and clocking The Giant over the head with it rocking the big man down!

    Randy Anderson threatens to disqualify Hogan who says he doesn't care! Hogan rolls Giant back into the ring and starts choking away at The Giant! Hogan stomps down on Giant and drops a elbow for 2. Hogan slowly drags Giant up and distracts the referee up which allows Bischoff to get a few cheap shots in on Giant! Hogan sends Giant for the ride and Giant runs into the big boot! Hogan then runs off the ropes and delivers the Hollywood Legdrop! Hogan covers! 1.....2.... Giant kicks out with force! Hogan can't believe it! Giant is up and he looks MAD! Hogan once again begs for mercy but Giant just pounds away on Hogan! Giant throws Hogan to the corner and delivers big chops to Hollywood!

    Giant sends Hogan to the corner and avalanches Hogan! Giant then throws Hogan down to the canvas and legdrops Hogan! Giant covers! 1...2..... no! Bischoff put Hogan's foot on the ropes! Giant lifts Hogan up and slams Hogan in the middle of the ring..... Giant drops a elbow! Giant covers! 1....2.... Eric Bischoff pulls Randy Anderson out to the floor! Anderson starts yelling at Bischoff so Bischoff decks Anderson with a right hand to the face! Giant goes outside and runs over Bischoff with a clothesline! Giant comes back into the ring..... Giant calls for the Choke Slam! Hollywood Hogan slowly stirs to his feet and Giant grabs him by the throat....

    Bischoff comes into the ring with the World Championship! Giant sees Bischoff coming in and drops Hogan down, Giant kicks Bischoff in the gut! Giant goes to Choke Slam Bischoff but Hogan low blows Giant! Hollywood Hogan then takes the World Championship and nails Giant with it right in between the eyes knocking Giant out! Hollywood Hogan then drops the Hollywood Legdrop! nWo referee Nick Patrick runs down from the back as Hogan covers The Giant! 1....2...3!

    The nWo music hits as Hogan grabs the title and poses with it... Bischoff and Hogan celebrate as Giant is left down and out.... Hogan motions for the nWo to come down to the ring! But no one is coming down! On the video screen we're shown the nWo locker room with a forklift blocking the door! The nWo members pound on the door but they can't get out! Hogan and Bischoff look concerned! The bagpipes then hit to a huge ovation from the fans.... And Rowdy Roddy Piper makes his way down the entry way! Hollywood Hogan and Eric Bischoff can't believe it! Piper's carrying a steel lead pipe! Piper gets inside the ring and stares down Hogan! Hogan though grabs the title and heads to the outside, Bischoff and Nick Patrick soon follow Hogan! Piper stands in the ring with the weapon in hand as Hogan, Bischoff and Patrick look on from the entry way.... Piper stands over the fallen Giant as Monday Nitro comes to an end....

    82, 94, 56 3/4*

    OR Show Rating- 82

    TV Rating- We got a 5.58 rating for 'Monday Nitro'!

    The attendance level was 6516 people.

    We made $260640 from ticket sales.

    WWF got a 5.47 television rating for 'Monday Night Raw'!

    The event was attended by 4025 people.

    They made $161000 from ticket sales.

  5. user posted image


    Live from: Columbus, Ohio

    Monday Nitro is coming off the heels of nWo Souled Out. Last night the nWo had a big night as Hollywood Hogan defeated The Giant to retain the World Championship and The Outsiders defeated Steiner Brothers to retain the Tag Team Championship. Tonight we'll hear from the nWo. What does the nWo have to say after having a big night last night?

    Will The Giant show up and if so what will he do? The Giant is not a happy man after being beat down by the nWo last night.

    We'll also hear from "The Total Package" Lex Luger, Last night Luger defeated Scott Norton in a hard fought match, What does Luger have to say tonight?

    Matches for Monday Nitro

    Rey Mysterio Jr. V Lord Steven Regal *Non title match*

    Steiner Brothers V Vicious and Delicious

    Diamond Dallas Page V Konnan

    Ultimo Dragon V Chris Jericho WCW Cruiserweight Championship

    Harlem Heat V Chris Benoit and Arn Anderson

    Plus the nWo, Interview with Jeff Jarrett, And much more!

  6. World Heavyweight Championship Match:

    Chris Benoit

    WWE Intercontinental Championship Match:

    Randy Orton

    World Tag Team Championship Match:

    Ric Flair & Batista

    No Holds Barred Match:

    Kane, All though HBK should be beating Kane.....

    WM20 Rematch:

    Chris Jericho

    WWE European Championship Match:

    Shelton Benjamin

    BQ1: How many championships will change hands? none, Well one if you count the European

    BQ2: Which match will have the greatest match quality in EWR? Orton/Rhyno probably

    BQ3: Which match will have the greatest crowd reaction in EWR? Benoit/HHH

    BQ4: Which match will open the show? European title

    Great work guys :D

  7. really liking this diary. I'm happy that you've carried on the current storylines at a time when WCW was putting out some great tv. Personally I agree with Saturday Night being a more condensed shortened show because that really signifies how important (or unimportant) it was in terms of WCW's tv output at the time. It was a small show, so I'm glad you're writing it as one.

    Just a few comments about the Souled Out PPV, which as a standalone PPV I thought would have been good, but as Souled Out I felt was lacking some of the things which made it such an atmospheric and entertaining PPV. Souled Out, first time round, was purely an nWo PPV. It was an integral and interesting part of the nWo angle. Having Schiavone announcing on it was disappointing for me. It didn't happen in real life, and I feel shouldn't have done in this. Bischoff and Schiavone's on screen characters hated each other at this point and Schiavone would have been too scared to get anywhere near the announce position in this one. They had Bischoff and Dibiase announcing in real life, obviously with a huge nWo bias, which I felt was right for the PPV. The other thing was the video clips right at the beginning of the show. Again, as it was a purely nWo PPV, a faction that based a lot of what it did around propaganda and hero worship for Hogan, showing Hogan running away from the Giant was something they just wouldn't have shown. On a regular PPV, great way to build the match, but on the nWo PPV I didn't like it. Also Souled Out was hugely atmospheric, everything had an nWo feel. It was quite unique. I did however like that you stuck with Nick Patrick (as the only nWo referee and a hated heel at the time) as the guy to referee every match. There were little touches that I felt were missing though. Like the WCW stars not having entrance music, the the PA system blurting out things like "loser" when Scotty Riggs came out.

    I do really like the way this diary is written though, and as I said, if this was any other PPV I Would have loved it.

    As for where to go with the nWo angle, as I'm sure you know, it just needs to not be dragged out and rehashed in the way that WCW did. Have it end, and have it end significantly, then let it lie. You could even do something that WCW would never have had the balls to do (perhaps rightly so, perhaps not) and that would have been to have nWo actually win the war and complete the hostile takeover, changing the brand to nWo completely. After all, while some would argue it would have lost the history and name brand value that the WCW tag bought with it, the reality is that WCW's history was almost non existent, with it only really having existed for a few years, and the WCW name itself never carried as much weight as WWF's.

    anyway, like I said, really really enjoying this one so keep up the good work

    I had Schiavone announcing because I couldn't put Bischoff/DiBiase on the announce position since their both on the roster.... Never thought about the video but good point man, As for the PA system, I didn't get to watch the PPV so I had no idea they had no music (Only match I saw was the ladder match online and the wrestlers were already in the ring)

    I do have plans for the nWo and whenever I do end it, I won't be bringing back like WCW kept doing.

    I really appreciate the comments man

    Nitro preview should be up later :D

  8. WCW "nWo Souled Out" notes. The arena small sold out and the crowd have said that overall it was a good show... The ladder match stole the show while the rest of the matches were good.... After the cameras stopped rolling, Hogan and the nWo celebrated and then headed to the back after awhile leaving The Giant out cold in the ring. Many people were disappointed there was no Sting.... Overall this was a good way to kick off 1997....

    Top 5 Face Pops

    1. Lex Luger

    2. Diamond Dallas Page

    3. Steiner Brothers

    4. The Giant

    5. Eddie Guerrero

    Biggest heat

    1. Hollywood Hogan

    2. The Outsiders

    3. Syxx

    4. Eric Bischoff interfering during the main event

    5. Nick Patrick screwing around during the matches

    user posted image

    snapshot of the night

    Next Pay Per View- "Superbrawl VII" Will be live from San Francisco, California and the event will be held on Sunday, February 16th live from the Cow Palace.

    Daniel316 and Blueblood win the contest, Each one of you PM me one wrestler or one tag team to hire.... Has to be someone who wrestled during that era.... (Note PM me more than one name and put the ones you want the most in bold)

    Glad to see you reading this Slimsoc, Hope you and the other readers are liking this so far :D

  9. P.O.D - Wildfire

    Blink 182 - Down

    Weezer - Dopenose

    D12 - My Band

    :o Dope nose is an awesome song :D

    Mine would be

    Weezer- Knock down drag out

    Weezer- Slave

    Blink 182- Feeling this

    Blink 182- Mutt

    Rage Against The Machine- Maggie's farm (The beginning is cool but the rest sucks imo)

  10. He came to help Angel fight...uh...I forgot his name, but he was working at Wolfram & Hart, and he was a member of The Circle Of The Black Thorn.

    Ending was basically like this: Angel, Spike, Irilliya & Gunn were about to fight like 30,000 demons and dragons and shit and Angel said something like, "well let's start fighting" and it ended.

    So did he get his memory back? what happened to conner? did he die? Is he evil and stuff?

  11. Awesome show, I never read one of your diaries before except some of the WCW 2001.... Anyways Jericho/Austin for Backlash looks solid and the nWo coming into the WWF makes things interesting hopefully they'll be a real threat unlike what WWE did to them.... Anyways I'll be reading.... :D

  12. Back up on the entry way, The nWo music hits to boos from the crowd.... Syxx makes his way down to the ring wearing a nWo T-Shirt and he has the WCW United States Championship around his waist too. Syxx does his "attitude dance" on the entry way and walks down the isle with his usual "cool" walk.... Syxx looks at the ladder on the entry way and points to it.... Syxx then gets near the apron and hops onto it... Syxx then gets inside the ring and poses on the ropes.... Syxx takes the title off of around his waist and poses with it....

    Tony Schiavone- Syxx seems ready for the match, Can he win the first ever ladder match in World Championship Wrestling history?

    Eric Bischoff- Of course he can, He's been training for this one for a long time.... He'll climb that ladder and get the title..... Syxx is the true WCW United States Champion and tonight he'll prove it once and for all!

    Eddie Guerrero's music then plays to a good ovation from the fans, Eddie Guerrero makes his way down the isle way staring down Syxx..... Eddie Guerrero walks past the black ladder and slides into the ring under the bottom rope..... Eddie Guerrero and Syxx stare each other down as the fans cheer.

    Tony Schiavone- Eddie Guerrero hasn't even gotten a chance to wear the title around his waist, Syxx and the nWo stole it from him right after he won it last month at Starrcade. Tonight's it's his chance to walk out with the title he worked so hard for to get.

    Eric Bischoff- He might have worked hard for it but he never beat Syxx, Syxx should have been in that tournament from the beginning Schiavone. If Syxx was in that tournament than Syxx would be standing here as the champion.

    Ladder Match

    WCW United States Championship

    Syxx V Eddie Guerrero©

    Nick Patrick is handed the WCW United States Championship, He straps the United States Championship to the hook and raises it above the middle of the ring high in the air. Both Syxx and Eddie Guerrero stare each other down. Syxx starts trash talking Guerrero and slaps him across the face! Eddie responds by nailing Syxx with right hands to the face! Eddie sends Syxx off the ropes and goes for a clothesline but it's ducked. Syxx goes for a spinning heel kick but Eddie blocks it and Syxx goes crashing down to the canvas. Eddie catapults Syxx but Syxx lands on his feet on the turnbuckle.... Eddie charges and Syxx hits a reverse cross body. Syxx then nails Guerrero with right hands to the face. Syxx lifts Eddie up and tosses Eddie onto the apron...

    Tony Schiavone- So far we haven't seen eighter man go for the ladder, They're playing it safe right now but when the ladder gets involved you know something is going to happen.

    Eric Bischoff- No doubt, Right now Syxx is getting the best of Guerrero. Scott Hall is the king of the ladder match and I bet he's watching this right now cheering Syxx on!

    Syxx goes over to Eddie but Eddie nails him in the midsection..... Eddie then drops Syxx neck first across the ropes! Eddie hits a slingshot clothesline back into the ring. Eddie lifts Syxx up and snap suplexes Syxx. Eddie then goes to the apron and hits his slingshot senton bomb into the ring! Eddie decides to go out to the floor..... Eddie goes for the ladder up on the entry way and grabs it but before Eddie can bring it into the ring Syxx hits a somersault plancha out to the floor onto Eddie Guerrero and the ladder! Syxx slowly gets up to his feet, Syxx puts the ladder onto the edge of the apron.... Syxx lifts Eddie up and tries a suplex but Eddie counters and hangs Syxx crotch first across the steel guardrail! Eddie then grabs Syxx and suplexes Syxx onto the ladder which is positioned on the edge of the apron!

    Tony Schiavone- Oh my god! Syxx just got sent back first across that ladder! He's out of it! He could have a broken back!

    Eric Bischoff- First Syxx hits that insane somersault plancha out to the floor onto Eddie Guerrero and now his back gets suplexed right onto the ladder! I have never seen a more vicious suplex in all of my life!

    Eddie Guerrero lifts Syxx up and rolls Syxx into the ring..... Eddie tries to put the ladder into the ring but Syxx ends up delivering a baseball slide sending the ladder right onto Eddie Guerrero's face! Syxx goes to the outside and finally puts the ladder into the ring. Syxx sets up the ladder and starts climbing.... Eddie Guerrero quickly makes his way to the ring and nails Syxx from behind and jerks Syxx off the ladder. Eddie stomps down on Syxx and goes to climb the ladder but Syxx low blows Eddie.... Syxx then pushes the ladder over making it fall right onto Eddie Guerrero! Syxx lifts the ladder up and drives it onto Eddie Guerrero's ribs. Syxx positions the ladder in the corner.... Syxx puts Eddie Guerrero in the opposite corner and opens up on Guerrero with big kicks and then a big round house kick knocking Eddie down..... Syxx calls for the bronco buster! Syxx hits the bronco buster and then taunts the fans..... Syxx charges at Eddie Guerrero but Guerrero backdrops Syxx out to the floor over the top rope!

    Tony Schiavone- Syxx just went flying over that top rope! He hit the mats pretty hard!

    Eric Bischoff- Syxx's back is taking a beating tonight, First the suplex onto the steel ladder and now getting back dropped out to the floor.

    Eddie Guerrero goes up top.... Syxx slowly gets up to his feet and Eddie comes off the top turnbuckle onto Syxx out on the floor! Eddie Guerrero then sends Syxx to the steel steps shoulder first! Eddie Guerrero rolls Syxx back into the ring.... Eddie goes after Syxx and stomps down on Syxx.... Eddie grabs Syxx by the legs and catapults Syxx to the corner right onto the ladder! Eddie Guerrero then side suplexes Syxx.... Eddie Guerrero goes onto the turnbuckle and rides the ladder down driving it onto Syxx! Eddie Guerrero sets the ladder up and slowly begins the climb.... But Syxx heads up top....... Syxx comes off the top turnbuckle with a missile drop kick knocking the ladder and Eddie Guerrero down! Syxx lifts the ladder up and goes to climb it.... Syxx slowly makes his way up but Eddie Guerrero is up and nails Syxx from behind! Eddie Guerrero then positions himself under Syxx and POWERBOMBS SYXX OFF THE LADDER! Both men are down! The ladder ends up falling right on top of Syxx too!

    Tony Schiavone- Powerbomb! Syxx got powerbombed right off the top of that ladder! I have never seen anything like that in all my life!

    Eric Bischoff- Did you see the way Syxx's neck made contact with the canvas? He could have broken it! What a unbelievable maneuver by Eddie Guerrero!

    Both men are slow to get up, Eddie nails Syxx with right hands and tosses Syxx right out to the floor! Eddie Guerrero goes to the outside after Syxx and then fight onto the entry way! Syxx hits Eddie with a kick and swings off the nWo sign on the entry way kicking Guerrero in the face! Syxx then goes for a suplex right on the steel staging but Eddie counters and Syxx gets sent back first to the steel!!!! Eddie Guerrero then heads back down to the ringside area as Syxx is left down and out..... Eddie goes into the ring and sets the ladder up..... Syxx though slowly walks down the isle.... Syxx gets into the ring and Eddie Guerrero turns around and walks right into Syxx's spinning heel kick. Syxx grabs the ladder and drives it down Guerrero's ribs three time! Syxx then puts the ladder near the corner.... Syxx climbs up top and LEAPFROGS OVER THE LADDER WITH A LEG DROP TO EDDIE GUERRERO!

    Tony Schiavone- Syxx leap frogged right over that ladder with a leg drop! What a move!

    Eric Bischoff- Look at the air Syxx got on that one! Syxx is the greatest dare devil in this business and that move just proved it!

    Both men are out of it! After a couple seconds, Syxx gets up..... Syxx grabs the ladder and sets it up..... Syxx goes to climb it but Eddie Guerrero shoves Syxx down to the canvas. Guerrero grabs the ladder and rams it across Syxx's back! Eddie Guerrero then pushes the ladder down and drags Syxx up.... Guerrero goes to suplex Syxx onto the ladder but it's countered and Syxx suplexes Eddie Guerrero onto the steel ladder! Syxx then rolls Eddie Guerrero out to the floor.... Syxx sets the ladder up.... Syxx slowly climbs the ladder and he sees Eddie Guerrero getting up out on the floor.... Syxx then comes off the ladder all the way out to the floor onto Eddie Guerrero! Both men are out! Syxx is the first one to get up, Syxx slowly rolls back inside the ring..... Eddie Guerrero then comes into the ring.... Both men are on their knees and they slug it out with big right hands! Eddie nails Syxx with a headbutt putting Syxx down..... Eddie Guerrero sets the ladder up and starts climbing.... Eddie almost reaches the title but then Syxx shoves the ladder over and Eddie Guerrero goes crotch first across the ropes!

    Tony Schiavone- What a bad way to land! Eddie Guerrero has got to be feeling that one!

    Eric Bischoff- Syxx is a smart man, I doubt we'll be seeing Eddie Guerrero have kids now....

    Syxx goes to the outside and looks under the ring..... Syxx gets another ladder out from under the ring! Syxx comes into the ring with the ladder and runs right over Eddie Guerrero hitting him in the face with the steel ladder! Syxx sets the second ladder up...... Syxx slowly climbs as Eddie Guerrero sets the first ladder up right besides Syxx! Both men climb their ladders and Guerrero nails Syxx in the face and then back! Guerrero grabs Syxx and takes him off the ladder with a big neck breaker! Both men lay motionless on the canvas as the fans applaud.

    Tony Schiavone- Neck breaker off the ladder! I have never seen anything like that! There's no way Syxx will be walking tomorrow!

    Eric Bischoff- Come on Syxx get up! You can't let Guerrero win!

    Eddie Guerrero is the first one up to his feet..... Guerrero climbs Syxx's ladder and almost reaches the belt until Syxx nails him with a kick.... Syxx climbs Guerrero's ladder and takes Eddie Guerrero out with a russian legsweep off the ladder! Syxx slowly stumbles up to his feet, Syxx shoves the first ladder down to the canvas. Syxx grabs the second ladder and drives it across Guerrero's ribs. Syxx then sets the ladder up and goes to climb it..... Eddie Guerrero is up and low blows Syxx! Eddie grabs the second ladder and puts it next to Syxx's ladder.... They both face each other trying to get up top and grab the title.... Eddie nails Syxx with right hands! Eddie shoves Syxx down to the canvas but Syxx bounces to his feet and shoves the ladders over sending them right on top of Eddie Guerrero!

    Tony Schiavone- Eddie Guerrero just got two steel ladders right on top of him! What the hell else can happen in this match up?

    Eric Bischoff- Syxx is taking to Guerrero, The beginning of this match was all Guerrero's but now Syxx is going to begin to dominate Eddie Guerrero.

    Syxx slowly gets up and lifts one of the ladders up..... Syxx positions it right under the title belt, Syxx slowly climbs as Eddie Guerrero takes the first ladder off of on top of him.... Eddie sets the ladder up next to Syxx's ladder again.... Eddie climbs up and he and Syxx are almost grabbing the title! Eddie Guerrero though sunset flips Syxx right off the ladder!!!!! Syxx is out and hurt! Eddie lays on the canvas as Nick Patrick checks on both men.

    Tony Schiavone- Oh my god! Eddie Guerrero just hit a sunset flip right off the ladder! Syxx is down and out! Syxx could really be hurt!

    Eric Bischoff- Syxx is down! Come on Syxx get up!

    Eddie slowly gets up to his feet..... Eddie goes to climb the first ladder..... Syxx also starts getting up to his feet..... Eddie goes to climb the ladder but Syxx nails him from behind.... Syxx pulls Guerrero off the ladder and knocks Guerrero down. Syxx grabs the first ladder and throws it to the outside leaving only one ladder in the ring. Syxx positions the one ladder that's left in the ring right under the title. Syxx starts climbing but Eddie Guerrero goes to the other side and climbs as well! Both men are near the title! Syxx nails Guerrero with a right hand and positions Eddie Guerrero for a suplex...... Syxx suplexes Eddie Guerrero off the ladder! Both men are down and prone on the canvas!

    Tony Schiavone- Syxx just suplexed Eddie Guerrero fight off the top of that ladder! I have never seen anything like that in my life!

    Eric Bischoff- Syxx has just taken the advantage Schiavone. Eddie Guerrero won't be able to get up for about a week!

    After about a minute, Syxx and Eddie Guerrero slowly pull themselves up...... Eddie nails Syxx with right hands and rams Syxx's head onto the ladder. Eddie then shoves Syxx right onto the ladder knocking down the ladder! Eddie Guerrero lifts Syxx up and suplexes Syxx in the center of the ring. Eddie Guerrero then heads up top! Eddie Guerrero attempts the Frog Splash but Syxx rolls out of the way! Syxx then heads up top! Eddie Guerrero slowly gets up..... Syxx then comes off the top with a moonsault to Guerrero! Syxx goes over to the ladder and tries to set it up.... Syxx lifts the ladder above his head but Guerrero ends up drop kicking it right into Syxx's face!

    Tony Schiavone- Drop kick! Eddie Guerrero just send that ladder right into Syxx's face! What a match!

    Eddie Guerrero grabs Syxx and delivers a big brainbuster in the center of the ring.... Eddie Guerrero then grabs the ladder and puts it near the corner in a standing position.... Eddie Guerrero climbs the ladder as Syxx is laid out in the center of the ring...... Eddie Guerrero comes off the top of the ladder with a Frog Splash to Syxx!

    Tony Schiavone- Frog Splash! Syxx is out! What impact! Eddie Guerrero must have been fifteen feet high in the air!

    Eddie Guerrero is slowly getting up and Syxx is left laid out.... Eddie Guerrero grabs the ladder and starts positioning it under the title..... Eddie Guerrero goes to climb the ladder but Syxx is once again up! Syxx nails Guerrero from behind! Syxx then takes Guerrero off the ladder with a back suplex! Syxx then starts climbing...... Syxx gets on the final rung! Syxx touches the title belt and tries to yank it off the hook but he can't! Eddie Guerrero then slowly gets up.... Eddie pushes the ladder over and Syxx goes crashing out to the floor! Eddie Guerrero then slowly sets the ladder up.... Eddie takes one final look at Syxx who's out! Eddie Guerrero climbs the ladder rung by rung until he's on top! Eddie Guerrero yanks the title off the hook and falls down to the canvas with the United States Championship! Eddie Guerrero's music hits to cheers from the fans. Eddie Guerrero walks off the title as Syxx is left laid out on the floor.

    Winner and STILL WCW United States Champion: Eddie Guerrero

    89, 85, 94

    The WCW United States title has gained in image.

    Tony Schiavone- Eddie Guerrero wins! He retains the title! He finally gets to wear the belt around his waist! What a big win for this young man! What a great match!

    Eric Bischoff- Syxx got robbed! The title was put too tightly on the hook! That's not fair!

    Tony Schiavone- It's a ladder match anything goes! And Eddie Guerrero is STILL the WCW United States Champion! What a great performance by both men! They took every risk in the book on that one!

    Eric Bischoff- Syxx deserved to win! He had it won! Come on!

    Tony Schiavone- Fans in any event up next it's the Main Event of the evening. Hollywood Hogan defends the WCW World Championship against The Giant. The Giant won World War 3 last year to become the number one contender.... Tonight they go at it one more time.... Should be one heck of a match.

    Eric Bischoff- Everyone's gonna see Hollywood destroy The Giant! We kicked The Giant out of the nWo and tonight everyone will see why! It's nWo Souled Out! It's our event damn it!

    Tony Schiavone- The Giant is a former two time World Champion having defeated Hogan and Ric Flair for the title.... Tonight who will come out on top? The nWo or The Giant? The Giant also isn't on any team.... He's not nWo but he's not WCW eighter.....

    Eric Bischoff- Well no one wants that tall freak on their team!

    Tony Schiavone- Fans lets take you to Michael Buffer for the introductions.

    The cameras go to the ring where announcer Michael Buffer is shown wearing a black suit.

    Michael Buffer- Ladies and gentlemen, It's now time for the main event of the evening! For the Heavyweight Championship of the world! Tonight it'll be a true clash of the titans..... Are you ready? Well then for the thousands in attendance and the millions watching at home on Pay Per View, Lets get ready to ruuuuuuuuuuumble!

    No music plays as The Giant makes his way down to the ring to a mixed reaction from the fans.... The Giant points to the nWo sign on the entry way and rips it right off! Giant then walks down to the ring and gets inside the ring stepping right over the top rope! The Giant gets inside the ring and does the "Choke Slam" sign.

    Michael Buffer- In the ring is the challenger, From Tampa, Florida weighting in at 458 pounds wearing black he is the master of the Choke Slam ladies and gentlemen The Giant!

    Tony Schiavone- The Giant is ready for a fight. He's been waiting for this since World War 3. He's got revenge in his mind too. Hollywood Hogan kicked him out of the nWo and now the big man wants revenge.

    Eric Bischoff- He won't get revenge, He might be The Giant but Hollywood Hogan can put anyone way! The Giant will lose tonight!

    Michael Buffer- And now ladies and gentlemen the about to make his way to the ring is the champion, His name is a household word.... He's one of the foundation fathers of the nWo..... Wearing black and white From Hollywood, California weighting in at 285 pounds the WCW World Champion..... Hollywood Hogan!

    The theme of the nWo hits drawing huge heat from the crowd, Hollywood Hogan then makes his way down the entry way using the title like a guitar playing it..... Hogan's wearing a nWo T-Shirt and a nWo bandana.... Hogan poses on the entry way before slowly making his way down the isle.... Hogan puts the title on his shoulder as The Giant looks on.... Hogan slowly makes his way into the ring and poses with the title holding it high over his head. Hogan then takes off his bandana and stares down The Giant. Buffer gets out of the ring while the stare down continues.

    Eric Bischoff- There's the champion! Look at Hollywood! Does he look scared? No way!

    Tony Schiavone- Well he looks tough right now, But when that bell rings The Giant is going to go wild on him.....

    Eric Bischoff- We'll see about that Schiavone.... We'll see.....

    WCW World Championship

    Hollywood Hogan© V The Giant

    Hollywood Hogan hands the title over to referee Nick Patrick..... Patrick raises it high in the air before giving it to the ring announcer. The bell rings! Giant goes after Hogan but Hogan rolls out to the floor.... Hogan starts arguing with fans at ringside and then taunts The Giant..... The Giant decides to go outside so Hogan rolls into the ring.... The Giant comes into the ring and Hogan rolls back out to the floor! Hogan stalls out on the floor saying he's checking his pads.... Hogan slowly gets up on the apron and yells at The Giant calling him a big "goof ball" and a moron.

    Tony Schiavone- What is Hogan doing? He's stalling! He's scared of The Giant!

    Eric Bischoff- He's got a game plan! Don't worry about that Schiavone!

    The Giant goes over to the apron and Hogan grabs him by the neck.... Hogan tries to drop Giant down across the ropes but Giant blocks it and throws Hogan into the ring! The Giant yells as Hogan gets down on his knees and begs for mercy! Giant grabs Hogan by the throat and goes for the Choke Slam! Hogan though rakes Giant in the eyes! Hogan then bites Giant on the forehead! Hogan goes for the irish whip but Giant grabs Hogan and throws Hogan down! Giant then goes for another Choke Slam attempt but Hogan rolls back out to the floor. Giant goes to the outside after Hogan and chases him around the ringside area...... Hogan rolls into the ring.... Giant gets up on the apron but Hogan nails him with a right hand! Hogan tries to suplex The Giant back into the ring but Giant grabs Hogan and shoves him down! Giant then comes into the ring and again Hogan begs for mercy!

    Tony Schiavone- He's begging for mercy! But I doubt he'll get any here tonight when the World title is on the line!

    Giant goes over to Hogan and Hogan uses a low blow right in front of referee Nick Patrick! This brings The Giant down to one knee.... Hogan nails Giant with right hands and then rips off his nWo shirt.... Hogan begins to choke Giant with the shirt! Hogan bites and hammers away on Giant's forehead.... Hogan puts The Giant neck first across the second ropes and uses it as a way to choke the big man down! Hogan goes to the outside and grabs the ring bell.... The Giant is in between the ropes and Hogan nails him with the ring bell!

    Tony Schiavone- Why hasn't Nick Patrick disqualified Hogan for using the bell?

    Eric Bischoff- Because Hogan can do what he wants!

    Hogan comes into the ring with the bell and nails Giant with it again but it doesn't knock Giant down.... Hogan bounces off the ropes and tries to nail Giant with the bell again but Giant kicks Hogan in the midsection! Hogan drops the bell and Giant tosses it to the outside! Giant lifts Hogan up right over his head! Giant gorilla slams Hogan! Giant covers! 1..................2........ no! Hogan gets the shoulder up after a slow count from Nick Patrick! Giant lifts Hogan up and slams Hogan down. Giant goes for a running elbow drop but Hogan rolls out of the way! Hogan goes to the corner and undoes the turnbuckle padding! Hogan waits for Giant to get up, Hogan low blows Giant again and then sends Giant head first to the exposed steel! Hogan rams Giant's head five times on the exposed steel! Giant falls down to the canvas and Hogan begins to yell and taunt him.

    Eric Bischoff- Brilliant game plan by Hollywood, That's why he's the champion!

    Hogan finally covers Giant and a quick Nick Patrick count gets 2. Giant slowly gets up and Hogan clotheslines him.... Giant falls down to one knee so Hogan once again clotheslines Giant down. Hogan covers Giant and gets another fast 2 count. Hogan goes to the outside once again..... Hollywood grabs the World Championship! Hogan comes into the ring with the title.... Hogan goes to use the title on Giant but Giant kicks Hogan! Giant then suplexes Hogan! Giant covers but Nick Patrick is busy trying to put the belt on the outside.... Giant then grabs Patrick and argues with him before Patrick can put the title out on the floor. Giant goes for the Choke Slam but Hogan pokes him in the eye!

    Tony Schiavone- Hollywood Hogan again avoids the Choke Slam at any cost.

    Hogan nails Giant with right hands but they have no affect on Giant! Hogan resorts to yet another low blow! Hogan then sends Giant right off the ropes.... Giant runs right into the big boot! Hogan then runs off the ropes and delivers the Hollywood Legdrop! Instead of going for the cover, Hogan calls for another one.... Hogan once again connects with another Hollywood Legdrop! Hogan calls for one more as The Giant is left down and prone on the canvas! Hogan delivers a third Hollywood Legdrop! Hogan covers! 1...2.... no! The Giant kicks out! Hollywood Hogan can't believe it!

    Tony Schiavone- The Giant kicked out! He kicked out of three Hollywood legdrops!

    Eric Bischoff- I can't believe it! Come on Hogan take him out! Take out The Giant once and for all!

    The Giant gets up and looks pissed! Hogan goes to the corner and begs for mercy! Giant though nails Hogan with chops in the corner! Giant sends Hogan to the opposite corner and charges at Hogan with a huge avalanche! Giant then slams Hogan! Giant elbow drops Hogan in the heart and hooks the leg! 1......2... Nick Patrick pretends he hurt his hand! The Giant gets angry and grabs Patrick by the throat.... Choke Slam to Nick Patrick!!!! Giant lifts Hogan up and drops him across the exposed turnbuckle with a pair of snake eyes! Giant then grabs Hollywood Hogan by the throat and Choke Slams Hollywood down to the canvas! Giant covers but there's no referee!

    Eric Bischoff- I gotta get out of here and do something! Eric Bischoff leaves the announce booth and heads to the ring....

    Bischoff heads to the ring and grabs a steel chair! Bischoff comes into the ring with the chair and nails Giant in the back with it! Giant doesn't feel anything from the chair shot! Giant grabs Bischoff by the throat and calls for the Choke Slam! But here comes The Outsiders! Hall comes into the ring and nails The Giant! Giant grabs Hall and Choke Slams Hall! Nash comes in and Giant Choke Slams Nash! Eric Bischoff then grabs something from Nick Patrick's pocket.... Giant goes over to Bischoff and Bischoff blinds Giant with spray paint to the eyes! Hollywood Hogan then grabs the World title and nails Giant over the head with it! Hollywood covers Giant! Bischoff grabs Patrick's arm and slams it down on the canvas! 1.2.3!

    Winner by Pin Fall and STILL WCW World Champion: Hollywood Hogan

    82, 94, 56

    The WCW World title has gained in image.

    Tony Schiavone- No! The Giant got shafted out of the title! Damn Bischoff and the nWo!

    The Giant gets spray painted

    Hall and Nash slowly get up and they start stomping down on Hogan. The rest of the nWo come down the isle and get in the ring! They beat down The Giant as Hollywood Hogan pulls down Giant's straps.... Bischoff hands Hogan the spray paint..... Hogan spray paints "nWo" on The Giant's back! Ted DiBiase then hands Hogan the WCW Championship...... Hogan poses with it as the nWo stands victorious.


    Hollywood Hogan lost overness from this segment.

    Tony Schiavone- The Giant gave it all he had but the odds were too much, The nWo stand tall tonight but what will happen next month at Superbrawl VII? Fans have a good night!

    nWo Souled Out fades with The Giant left out cold in the ring with the nWo music playing and the nWo standing over him victorious.

    OR Show Rating- 81

    Pay Per View Buy Rate- We got a 1.27 buy rate for 'nWo Souled Out'!

    The attendance was 14814 people.

    We made $3175000 from pay-per-view revenue.

    We made $888840 from ticket sales.

    WWF got a 0.97 PPV buy rate for 'Royal Rumble'!

    The event was attended by 11357 people.

    They made $2425000 from pay-per-view revenue.

    They made $681420 from ticket sales.

    ECW's 'House Party' show was attended by 2688 people!

    They made $80640 from ticket sales.

  13. user posted image

    nWo Souled Out


    Announcers: Tony Schiavone (WCW) and Eric Bischoff (nWo)

    LIVE from: Dayton, Ohio From The University Of Dayton Arena.

    Credit Damshow for the banner

    nWo Souled Out opens up with a video which shows the history of the nWo, It shows how the nWo formed at Bash At The Beach '96 and how Hulk Hogan turned his back on World Championship Wrestling. It then shows Hollywood Hogan defeating The Giant to become the World Champion. It shows Hall, Nash and Hogan spray painting "nWo" onto the title belt. The video shows other footage like The Giant getting kicked out of the nWo and how The Giant became the number one contender for the title tonight. It then shows footage of last Monday Night on Monday Nitro involving Hollywood Hogan and The Giant and how Hollywood Hogan ran away from The Giant.

    Once the video ends, We're taken into the arena where pyro shoots off and we get the attendance number for tonight's show which is 14814 people on hand for nWo Souled Out! We get a shot of the live crowd who look pumped for tonight's extravaganza. Several fans are wearing nWo T-Shirts while some have T-Shirts of their favorite WCW stars like Sting, Lex Luger etc. The ring is black with the nWo logo on it it and then the cameras show several WCW wrestlers in the crowd, Wrestlers like Bobby Eaton, Jim Duggan, Chris Jericho, Public Enemy and many other wrestlers supporting World Championship Wrestling. The cameras then take us over to the announce booth where the announcers for tonight's show are Tony Schiavone and nWo member Eric Bischoff who is wearing a nWo T-Shirt.

    Tony Schiavone- Hello and welcome to nWo Souled Out, I'm Tony Schiavone and alongside me is nWo member Eric Bischoff. And what a night we have for you fans, It's WCW versus nWo and we got titles on the line, Including a ladder match, The Outsiders defend the tag titles against Steiner Brothers and in the main event The Giant challenges Hollywood Hogan for the WCW Championship and there's plenty of other matches going on here tonight.

    Eric Bischoff- Schiavone I'm confident that tonight the nWo will walk out with all the gold, Hollywood will put The Giant down, The Outsiders will beat The Steiners and Syxx will walk out of the ladder match as the new WCW US champion.

    Tony Schiavone- Those are three huge matches, Tonight we'll also see Chris Benoit go up against Big Bubba Rogers, Michael Wallstreet faces Diamond Dallas Page in what should be a exciting match up, We got Lex Luger facing Scott Norton in what will truly be a battle.

    Eric Bischoff- Tonight's the night where "Flexy Lexy" gets taken out for good, Scott Norton is going to take care of business nWo style here tonight!

    Tony Schiavone- Former partners face off when Buff Bagwell faces Scotty Riggs that should be a emotionally charged match up, And Jeff Jarrett faces nWo Japan star Masahiro Chono!

    Eric Bischoff- I can't wait to see Bagwell take it to Scotty Riggs, Riggs was weak and that's why he didn't get into the nWo. Tonight Buff Bagwell is going to show him what true nWo wrestling is all about.

    Tony Schiavone- Fans also remember that nWo referee Nick Patrick will be the referee for all the matches! I hope he can be fair.... Anyways lets get the night started with Jeff Jarrett taking on Masahiro Chono of the nWo!

    The cameras point to the entry way as the nWo "B team" music hits the arena to a mixed reaction from the fans in attendance. Masahiro Chono makes his way down the isle way wearing silver sunglasses and a nWo T-Shirt. Chono quickly walks down the entry way and gets into the ring, Chono poses on the ropes and takes off his shirt and glasses handing it to a ringside attendant. Chono and referee Nick Patrick shake hands to boos from the fans.

    Tony Schiavone- Masahiro Chono looks to be in great shape Eric, He's the first Japanese member of the nWo and he's a impressive superstar. But he has his work cut out for him because Jeff Jarrett is quite the wrestler. I just hope Chono's not sucking up to Patrick to get the advantage here tonight.

    Eric Bischoff- Look at this man, He's from Mitaka City, Tokyo in Japan and a proud member of the nWo. He's a former NWA Heavyweight Champion, A three time former IWGP Tag Team Champion and one of the best wrestlers to ever come out of Japan. And Tony don't worry, Patrick will do the right thing!

    Jeff Jarrett's music plays and Jeff Jarrett makes his way down to the ring with the lovely Debra McMichael by his side who's carrying the briefcase. Jarrett stops on top of the entry way and struts as Debra claps. Jarrett and Debra then walk down to the ring as Masahiro Chono looks on not taking his eyes off of Jarrett. Jarrett and Debra make their way into the ring and Jarrett struts some more before stopping and posing on the turnbuckle. Debra McMichael heads to the outside and Jarrett and Chono stare each other down.

    Tony Schiavone- Jarrett also he's had some big wins in his past, He won several titles up North and he has had wins over Scott Hall. Jarrett's a second generation star and has the ability to beat anyone.

    Eric Bischoff- Anyone except nWo members Schiavone. Those wins over Hall were all fluke wins, Lets see how well Jarrett does with Scott Hall in WCW. After Chono gets done with Jarrett, Jarrett better try to sell those records he made up North!

    Jeff Jarrett with Debra McMichael V Masahiro Chono

    Jarrett and Chono start off with a tie up, Jarrett backs Chono into the corner and referee Nick Patrick makes them get a clean break.... Jarrett backs off of Chono which allows Chono to kick him in the midsection. Chono then backs Jarrett into the corner and starts nailing Jarrett with vicious chops! Chono stomps down on Jarrett as Debra McMichael looks on concerned. Chono lifts Jarrett up by the head and goes to send Jarrett to the opposite corner but Jarrett reverses.... Jarrett charges at Chono in the corner but ends up taking a boot to the face. Chono then drops Jarrett down to the canvas with a clothesline. Chono covers and gets a 2 count. Chono goes to work on the arm and drops down across Jarrett's left arm knee first! Chono then works over Jarrett's arm locking it into a arm wringer.

    Tony Schiavone- That could break the arm of Jarrett if he's not careful. I'm surprised to see Chono controlling this match up, I thought Jarrett would get the upper hand.

    Eric Bischoff- Well when you're nWo 4 life you always get the upper hand Schiavone.

    Jarrett fights out of Chono's arm wringer and eventually rakes Chono in the eyes. Jarrett delivers a jaw breaker to Chono and follows with a stiff clothesline. Jarrett though struts to a mixed reaction from the fans and to the applause of Debra McMichael. Jarrett lifts Chono up and delivers a big suplex. Jarrett covers and Nick Patrick slowly counts to two. Jarrett argues with Patrick which allows Chono to get up to his feet... Jarrett turns around and Chono plants him with a big spinebuster! Chono covers and Patrick makes a quick 2 count. Chono lifts Double J up to his feet and takes Jarrett down with a back breaker. Chono then goes up onto the second turnbuckle... Chono yells something in Japanese before coming off the second turnbuckle with a elbow drop to Jarrett. Chono covers and Patrick again gets a fast 2 count.

    Tony Schiavone- Another fast count by Nick Patrick! Come on!

    Eric Bischoff- That wasn't fast, If you want to see fast you should see Debra!

    Chono pounds away on Jarrett and puts Jarrett up on the top turnbuckle, Chono goes up with Jarrett and tries a superplex but Jarrett blocks it.... Jarrett pounds Chono in the midsection and shoves Chono down to the canvas.... Chono slowly stumbles up to his feet and Jarrett comes off the top turnbuckle with a cross body block! Nick Patrick counts a very slow 2 count! Jarrett argues with Patrick which allows Chono to nail Jarrett from behind. Chono takes Jarrett down with a back suplex and Nick Patrick makes another fast 2 count. Chono lifts Jarrett up and goes for a suplex but Jarrett counters and suplexes Chono across the ring ropes! Jarrett then suplexes Chono back into the ring and scores a 2 count. Jarrett waits for Chono to get up to his feet before taking the legs out from under Chono with a chop block.

    Tony Schiavone- Smart strategy from Jarrett, He's trying to take the legs out from Chono so Chono won't be able to use the Yakuza Kick one of his favorite maneuvers.

    Eric Bischoff- Jarrett's a dirty player, But that won't stop Masahiro Chono from winning this match up Schiavone I promise you that! Chono will beat Jarrett tonight!

    Jarrett then drops down ass first onto Chono's leg as Debra McMichael continues to clap in approval. Jarrett once again drops down with his behind onto Chono's leg! Jarrett calls for the Figure Four but Chono kicks Jarrett in the behind sending Jarrett to the corner hitting Jarrett's arm right across the steel ring post! Chono grabs Jarrett from behind and delivers another back suplex. Chono waits for Jarrett to get up to his feet and calls for the Yakuza Kick!

    Eric Bischoff- He's going for it! Keep an eye out Schiavone! This will knock Jarrett's lights out!

    Jarrett is slowly getting up to his feet as Chono charges.... Chono goes for the Yakuza Kick but Jarrett grabs Chono by the leg! Jarrett then delivers a knee breaker to Chono and puts Chono down on the canvas! Jarrett locks Chono into the Figure Four Leglock! Chono tries to fight out of the hold but Jarrett has it locked on tight! Chono then tries to go for the ropes but Jarrett drags him to the center of the ring! Chono is about to tap out but Nick Patrick drags Chono to the ropes! Patrick then tells Jarrett to break the hold or he'll be disqualified!

    Tony Schiavone- What the heck is Patrick doing? He can't do that!

    Eric Bischoff- I didn't see anything, All I saw was Chono reach and grab the ropes!

    Jarrett lets go of the Figure Four and starts arguing with Patrick. Patrick threatens to disqualify Jarrett if he doesn't calm down! Steve McMichael then comes down from the back! McMichael grabs the briefcase from Debra and comes into the ring.... Patrick yells at McMichael and calls him an idiot! McMichael then goes to hit Patrick with the briefcase but Chono pushes Patrick out of the way and McMichael accidentally knocks Jarrett out with it! Chono then low blows McMichael and covers Jarrett! Patrick counts 1,2,3! Victory for the nWo! Chono then heads to the back as the nWo "B team" music plays.

    McMichael slowly gets up to his feet as Debra checks on Jarrett... McMichael tells Debra to go the back saying that he'll make things right.... Debra takes awhile and goes to the back.... McMichael helps Jarrett up to his feet and explains it was an accident.... Jarrett seems to have understood it but then.... Jarrett kicks McMichael in between the legs with a low blow! McMichael falls down to the canvas and Jarrett heads to the back angry.....

    Winner by Pin Fall: Masahiro Chono

    79, 68, 90

    Jeff Jarrett lost overness from this match. Masahiro Chono gained overness from this match.

    Tony Schiavone- The nWo picks up it's first win tonight, But Eric you and I both know Masahiro Chono was seconds away from tapping out! Jeff Jarrett had the match up won!

    Eric Bischoff- You don't know a thing Schiavone! Masahiro Chono beat Jeff Jarrett tonight because Steve McMichael is a big dumb animal who couldn't even hit the right person with a briefcase! This night can't get any better, First a nWo win and now two WCW wrestlers are going at it!

    Tony Schiavone- Well have to wait until Monday Nitro to see what happens between Steve McMichael and Jeff Jarrett, Fans coming up next we'll see Buff Bagwell take on Scotty Riggs. If you remember last year Bagwell turned on Riggs and joined the nWo. Tonight it's Riggs' first chance to get his hands on Bagwell.

    Eric Bischoff- But that won't happen because you and I both know Buff Bagwell is going to dominate Scotty Riggs here tonight!

    We're taken back to the entry way where "American Males" plays to cheers from the crowd, Scotty Riggs walks down the isle way with a look of determination on his face, Riggs slaps hands with the fans at ringside before getting into the ring.... Once he's in the ring, Riggs poses and bounces off the ropes....

    Tony Schiavone- Look at Scotty Riggs, What a great body this young man has Bischoff. He's certainly one of WCW's young up and comers who has alot of potential.

    Eric Bischoff- Potential won't get him anywhere here in WCW, He didn't cut it to be in the nWo and tonight he won't beat Buff Bagwell!

    the nWo "B team" music hits to boos from the fans as Buff Bagwell comes down to the ring... Bagwell is wearing a big hat, Sunglasses and a nWo T-Shirt. Bagwell does his dance on the entry way, Bagwell says he's the stuff to the camera as he walks down the isle. Bagwell hesitates getting into the ring feeling a bit scared of Riggs... But Bagwell gets into the ring anyway and takes off his his nWo T-Shirt and then his glasses and hat and gives it to the ringside attendant.

    Tony Schiavone- Bagwell is also in great shape, But he seems a little scared to get in there with Riggs. Riggs has been waiting for this since November.

    Eric Bischoff- It won't matter though, Buff Bagwell is the the better of the two and tonight he'll prove it to the whole world!

    Buff Bagwell V Scotty Riggs

    Bagwell taunts Riggs by doing his dance, Riggs though just charges at Bagwell and throws Bagwell down to the canvas! Riggs mounts on top of Bagwell and drills him with right hands to the face! Referee Nick Patrick tries to get involved but Riggs scares him off which allows Bagwell to roll out to the floor. Riggs goes to the outside and heads after Bagwell. Riggs clotheslines Bagwell right on the isle way! Riggs then lifts Bagwell up and sends Bagwell to the steel guardrail back first! Riggs then grabs Bagwell and suplexes Bagwell right on the isle way!

    Tony Schiavone- Riggs is on fire here! What a suplex! Bagwell could have a back injury as a result of that suplex!

    Eric Bischoff- Come on referee get in there! Riggs is a mad man!

    Tony Schiavone- Nick Patrick isn't crazy enough to try to stop Scotty Riggs!

    Riggs lifts Bagwell up and tosses Bagwell back into the ring.... Riggs comes into the ring after Bagwell and Bagwell begs for mercy! Riggs though kicks and nails Bagwell with right hands to the face! Riggs lifts Bagwell up and sends Bagwell to the corner! Riggs mounts on top of Bagwell and does 10 punches as the fans count along. Riggs then takes Bagwell down with a bulldog and covers for a close 2 count from Nick Patrick. Riggs drags Bagwell up to his feet and delivers a big suplex. Riggs covers and Patrick makes yet another slow 2 count. Riggs waits for Bagwell to get up to his feet, When Bagwell is up Riggs goes for a clothesline but it's ducked by Bagwell who then nails a big neck breaker to Riggs for a 2 count.

    Eric Bischoff- Beautiful maneuver! I'm surprised Scotty Riggs was able to kick out of that one.

    Bagwell lifts Riggs up and pounds him in the back.... Bagwell then connects with a russian legsweep for a fast 2 count from Nick Patrick. Bagwell stomps down on Riggs on the canvas.... Bagwell stops and does his dancing taunt to boos from the crowd. Riggs then gets up to his feet and Bagwell runs right over him with a big clothesline. Bagwell covers and gets another 2 count. Bagwell lifts Scotty Riggs up and sends Riggs to the corner... Bagwell charges but runs right into a boot to the face! Riggs goes to follow up with a clothesline but Bagwell once again ducks and locks Riggs into a sleeper hold! Riggs drops down to his knees on the canvas as Bagwell keeps the hold on him ever so tightly. Nick Patrick checks Riggs' arm... It goes down once, It then goes down again.... But when Patrick goes to drop it for a third time, Riggs has a rush of energy and takes Bagwell down with a back suplex leaving both men down on the canvas!

    Tony Schiavone- How in the world did Riggs get out of Bagwell's sleeper? What a match this has been so far!

    Eric Bischoff- Riggs was about to lose but he had to resort to cheating!

    Tony Schiavone- Cheating? What'd Riggs do?

    Eric Bischoff- Tony don't pretend you didn't see it, I saw it and that's what counts!

    Nick Patrick counts both men down... 1....2.....3....4....5....6....7.... Bagwell is the first one to get up, Riggs then gets up to his feet and Bagwell goes after him... Bagwell goes for a right hand but it's blocked by Riggs. Riggs drills Bagwell with big right hands! Riggs sends Bagwell for the ride and connects with a high back body drop! Bagwell stumbles up to his feet, And Riggs delivers a big clothesline! Riggs covers and gets a slow 2 count. Riggs lifts Bagwell up but gets raked in the eyes. Bagwell goes to piledriver Riggs but Riggs counters into a high backdrop! Bagwell then gets up and Riggs runs right over him with the flying forearm!

    Tony Schiavone- Flying forearm! That's it!

    Riggs covers! 1.....2...... Bagwell has his foot on the ropes! Riggs can't believe it! Riggs is a bit frustrated but he grabs Bagwell and puts Buff up on the top turnbuckle.... Riggs goes up with Bagwell and tries a superplex but Bagwell hammers Riggs in the ribs.... Bagwell then shoves Riggs off the top turnbuckle down to the canvas! When Riggs gets up to his feet, Bagwell comes off the top turnbuckle with the Buff Blockbuster! Bagwell covers! 1,2,3! The nWo "B team" music plays as Nick Patrick raises Bagwell's arm in the air.... Bagwell poses for a bit before heading to the back.

    Winner by Pin Fall: Buff Bagwell

    72, 64, 80

    Tony Schiavone- Buff Bagwell picks up yet another win for the nWo, Riggs seemed to have things well in hand but in the end the better man wins....

    Eric Bischoff- Damn right he does Tony, Buff Bagwell picks up a big win over his former partner.... I guess Riggs will have to be in Buff's shadow because Bagwell just proved who the better man is.

    Tony Schiavone- Maybe next time those two meet Riggs will get the win, In any event fans coming up next we'll see Chris Benoit of the Four Horsemen take on Big Bubba Rogers, This should be a different match up, Benoit's a technical wrestler while Rogers is a brawler. Can Benoit use his wrestling smarts to beat Rogers?

    Eric Bischoff- A brawler will win over a mat wrestler anytime Schiavone, The nWo is 2-0 and after this match the score will be 3-0!

    Tony Schiavone- Well you might be right, But I believe that Chris Benoit can beat Big Bubba Rogers!

    The cameras show the entry way and the nWo "B team" music plays to boos, Big Bubba Rogers makes his way down to the ring, Bubba Rogers gets inside the ring and bounces off the ropes. He then raises his arms in the air and waits in the corner.

    Tony Schiavone- Big Bubba looks to be in great shape, But tonight the question is can he beat Chris Benoit?

    Eric Bischoff- Of course he can, Look at the size of Big Bubba Rogers and then look at the size of Chris Benoit! There's no way Benoit can beat Big Bubba Rogers. No way in hell Schiavone. Rogers will run right over your "Canadian Crippler" here tonight.

    The music of the Four Horsemen hits to a great ovation from the fans, Chris Benoit makes his way down the isle wearing black and red tights with the "Horsemen" T-Shirt on..... Benoit stops on the entry way and looks back as Arn Anderson walks down the isle! Anderson is going to be in Benoit's corner! Both men get into the ring and do the Horsemen sign as the fans cheer.

    Tony Schiavone- Arn Anderson is going to be in Benoit's corner which should give Benoit an upper hand here tonight.

    Eric Bischoff- That's not fair! None of the nWo members had people with them for their matches!

    Tony Schiavone- You guys have your own referee for the matches!

    Chris Benoit with Arn Anderson V Big Bubba Rogers

    Benoit and Rogers start off trading right hands and chops! Benoit chops away at Rogers and backs him into the corner! Benoit drills Rogers with big chops! Benoit then stomps down on Rogers. Referee Nick Patrick tries to pull Benoit off of Rogers but Benoit scares him off. Benoit lifts Rogers up and kicks away at him some more. Benoit goes to lift Rogers back up but Rogers is able to send Benoit out to the floor through the middle ropes. Rogers goes to the outside after Benoit and ends up running over Benoit with a big clothesline! Rogers lifts Benoit up and rams Benoit back first to the steel ring post! Rogers then once again rams Benoit's back across the ring post! Rogers rolls Benoit back into the ring and yells at Arn Anderson.

    Tony Schiavone- If I was Big Bubba Rogers I wouldn't get in Arn Anderson's face like that yelling at him.

    Eric Bischoff- What's Anderson going to do to Big Bubba Rogers? Rogers will knock Anderson's lights out if he tries anything!

    Rogers comes back into the ring and drops his elbow across Benoit's back! Rogers covers Benoit and scores a 2 count. Rogers lifts Benoit up and sends Benoit for the ride.... Rogers ducks his head which allows Benoit to kick him right in the face! Benoit goes to follow up with a clothesline but it's ducked and Benoit ends up taking a big powerslam from Rogers! Rogers covers and Nick Patrick gets a 2 count. Rogers grabs Benoit and locks him into a bear hug! Benoit tries to fight his way out of it but Rogers squeezes him tightly! Anderson tries to rally the fans behind Benoit as they start a "Benoit" chant. Benoit bites Rogers in the nose which makes Rogers break the hold! Benoit then kicks Rogers in the midsection and delivers a big DDT putting both men down!

    Tony Schiavone- What a DDT by Chris Benoit! Rogers is out of it!

    Eric Bischoff- Don't worry, Big Bubba Rogers is down but not out!

    Nick Patrick begins to count both men out..... 1...2....3....4....5...6.....7...8.... Both men slowly stir to their feet, Rogers goes after Benoit but Benoit drills Rogers with chops! Benoit kicks Rogers in the midsection and sends Rogers for the ride.... Rogers charges into a stiff clothesline from Benoit! Benoit covers and Rogers is able to kick out at two. Benoit lifts Rogers up and goes for a suplex but Rogers counters and hammers Benoit in the ribs. Rogers sends Benoit off the ropes and catches Benoit with a big sidewalk slam. Rogers covers and it only gets 2. Rogers drags Benoit up to his feet and delivers a big back breaker. Rogers then splashes down on Benoit and gets 2.

    Tony Schiavone- How did Chris Benoit manage to kick out of that?

    Eric Bischoff- Benoit got lucky, Trust me when Bubba hits him with the Bubba Slam there will be no getting up.

    Rogers sends Benoit to the corner and runs at Benoit with a big avalanche. Rogers then delivers another sidewalk slam and gets another 2 count. Rogers drags Benoit up and positions him for a piledriver.... Anderson cheers Benoit on but Rogers just takes Benoit down to the canvas with a nasty piledriver! Rogers covers! 1...2.... no! Benoit kicks out! Big Bubba Rogers and Nick Patrick both can't believe it! Rogers lifts Benoit up and goes for a right hand but it's ducked.... Benoit grabs Rogers by the waist and takes Rogers down with a german suplex! Benoit hangs onto Rogers and delivers a second german suplex! Benoit once again hangs onto Rogers and delivers a third german suplex! Benoit hangs onto Rogers and delivers a fourth german suplex! Benoit slowly puts his arm over Rogers! 1........2......... no! Rogers gets the shoulder up!

    Tony Schiavone- Big Bubba Rogers somehow kicks out! He kicked out of four german suplexes! No one does them better than Benoit!

    Eric Bischoff- I'm sure Hollywood Hogan can! But how tough is Big Bubba Rogers? Four of those suplexes that just dropped him right on his head!

    Benoit slowly lifts Rogers up.... Benoit snap suplexes Rogers down and gets a slow 2 count from referee Nick Patrick. Benoit goes for the irish whip but it's countered.... Rogers goes for the Bubba Slam but Benoit gets out of it and takes Rogers down to the canvas locking Rogers into the Crippler Crossface! Rogers tries to get to the ropes, But Benoit drags him to the center of the ring! Rogers taps out but Nick Patrick looks the other way! Benoit thinks he has it won but looks over and sees Nick Patrick not doing a damn thing! Benoit breaks the hold and goes over to Patrick... Benoit starts yelling at Nick Patrick but Patrick says he doesn't know what the hell Benoit is talking about!

    Tony Schiavone- What does Patrick mean? Bubba was tapping out! What the hell does Nick Patrick think he's doing?

    Eric Bischoff- I didn't see Rogers tap out, Benoit is a bit slow though Schiavone, Well then again he is Canadian.

    Benoit argues with Patrick and Rogers slowly gets up and pulls something out of his pants, But before he can use it.... Arn Anderson slides into the ring! Rogers turns around and Anderson delivers a huge Anderson Spinebuster to Rogers! Anderson then slides out of the ring! Benoit stops arguing with Patrick and sees Bubba out of it.... Benoit does his "throat sign" and heads up top..... Benoit comes off the top turnbuckle with the Diving Headbutt to Rogers! Benoit hooks the leg! Nick Patrick slowly begins to count... 1............2.......3! Benoit wins this one! Anderson comes into the ring as the Horsemen theme plays. Anderson helps Benoit to the back as Nick Patrick checks on Big Bubba Rogers.

    Winner by Pin Fall: Chris Benoit

    79, 71, 87

    Tony Schiavone- WCW wins! What a victory for World Championship Wrestling! Benoit picks up the win with a little help from Arn Anderson.

    Eric Bischoff- That's not fair! Anderson cost Rogers the match! Big Bubba Rogers had Chris Benoit beat if it wasn't for Arn Anderson!

    Tony Schiavone- What are you talking about? Benoit had Rogers tapping but Nick Patrick pretended he didn't see it!

    Eric Bischoff- That never happened! The Four Horsemen will pay for this one, I promise you that!

    Tony Schiavone- Fans in any event, Coming up next Diamond Dallas Page takes on Michael Wallstreet from the nWo. What a match that one should be.

    the nWo "B team" music plays to boos as Michael Wallstreet walks down to the ring wearing a nWo T-Shirt. Wallstreet gets into the ring and poses before heading to the corner and looking up at the entry way.

    Tony Schiavone- Michael Wallstreet is one heck of an athlete, But tonight he has a tough challenge ahead of him and that challenge is Diamond Dallas Page of World Championship Wrestling.

    Eric Bischoff- DDP was a fool not to accept our offer and tonight he's going to pay at the hands of Michael Wallstreet. Wallstreet is going to teach DDP a lesson he'll never forget.

    "Bang" hits to a big ovation from the fans as Diamond Dallas Page makes his way down the isle way wearing a "DDP" T-Shirt and a vest over it..... DDP makes his way down the isle and stops.... He does the Diamond Cutter sign as pyros shoot off.... DDP then takes off his vest and rips off his DDP shirt, DDP then slides into the ring and points at the crowd.... DDP then does the Diamond Cutter sign as Wallstreet looks on.

    Tony Schiavone- Here's DDP, The man who turned down joining the nWo Bischoff!

    Eric Bischoff- He might have turned us down but now he will have hell to pay! I promise you that tonight Michael Wallstreet will take out DDP once and for all!

    Diamond Dallas Page V Michael Wallstreet

    Match starts out with both men tying up, Page gets Wallstreet into a side headlock..... Wallstreet tries to fight out of it but DDP has it on too tightly..... Wallstreet ends up breaking the hold by grabbing the ropes which makes DDP break the hold.... DDP and Wallstreet once again tie up and this time Wallstreet locks DDP into the side headlock... DDP counters and shoves Wallstreet to the ropes.... DDP knocks Wallstreet down with a clothesline and gets a quick cover which gets him a 2 count. DDP waits for Wallstreet to get up and clotheslines Wallstreet out to the floor!

    Tony Schiavone- DDP has been controlling this match up, If I was Wallstreet I would think over my strategy.

    Eric Bischoff- Don't worry, Wallstreet knows what he's doing. Watch pretty soon he'll beat Page.

    Wallstreet stalls out on the floor as Nick Patrick begins to count him out ever so slowly, When Patrick gets at 9 Wallstreet gets up on the apron.... Wallstreet contiplates going back out to the floor but Page has enough of it and goes after him, Wallstreet though grabs Page and drops him across the ropes neck first! Wallstreet then runs into the ring and takes Page down with a clothesline. Wallstreet stomps down on Page and drags him up, Wallstreet takes Page down with a side headlock. Wallstreet locks Page into a headlock and Nick Patrick tells him to give up!

    Tony Schiavone- He's not suppose to tell him to give up! He's suppose to ask him to give up!

    Eric Bischoff- Who cares? Eighter way Page is history!

    Wallstreet continues to keep the hold on Page tightly, Page though starts fighting out of it and eventually gets up to his knee.... Page hammers Wallstreet in the midsection three times making Wallstreet break the hold. DDP goes for a clothesline but Wallstreet ducks and locks Page into the abdominal stretch! Wallstreet holds the ropes in clear view of referee Nick Patrick! Patrick yells at DDP to give up but Page yells no! Page ends up countering out of the abdominal stretch with a hip toss! Page goes for a Diamond Cutter attempt but Wallstreet nails DDP in the back and takes him down with a stiff clothesline for another 2 count.

    Tony Schiavone- Wallstreet tries to avoid the Diamond Cutter at any cost, I'm actually surprised he's been able to control Page here.

    Wallstreet sends Page to the corner and delivers big right hands to DDP. Wallstreet sends DDP to the opposite corner and charges but Page raises his foot on the way! DDP then clotheslines Wallstreet and both men are down! Nick Patrick begins to count both men out...... 1....2....3.....4....5....6....7..... Wallstreet and Page slowly get up, Wallstreet's right hands are blocked by Page! Page drills Wallstreet with big right hands and then knocks Wallstreet down with a discus right hand! Page waits for Wallstreet to get up to his feet and delivers a big swinging neck breaker for 2. Page grabs Wallstreet and goes for the Diamond Cutter but Wallstreet rolls out to the floor.... DDP goes to the outside after Wallstreet and rams his head onto the steel ring post!

    Eric Bischoff- Come on! Page can't do that!

    Page puts Wallstreet back into the ring and heads up top.... Wallstreet gets up to his feet and DDP comes flying off the top with a clothesline! DDP covers and Nick Patrick gets a slow 2 count. Page lifts Wallstreet up and delivers a rotation powerbomb! DDP slowly puts his arm over Wallstreet! 1...2..... no! Wallstreet puts his arm on the ropes. DDP lifts Wallstreet up and sends him for the ride, Wallstreet ducks a clothesline from DDP but DDP catches Wallstreet with a back elbow to the face! DDP signals for the Diamond Cutter! Wallstreet gets up to his feet and Page goes for the Diamond Cutter but Wallstreet shoves Page onto the ropes! Wallstreet ducks his head and Page kicks him in the face! DDP then delivers the Diamond Cutter to Wallstreet out of nowhere! Page covers and Nick Patrick has no choice but to count! 1....2....3! DDP is victorious! Page stands over Wallstreet and yells "Bang" as the fans cheer....

    As Diamond Dallas Page celebrates, Vincent comes down from the back with a nWo T-Shirt in hand. Vincent gets into the ring and DDP stares him down.... Vincent offers Page the shirt as the crowd boos, DDP takes the shirt off of Vincent's hands and rips it! Vincent goes to strike Page but Page delivers the Diamond Cutter to Vincent! Page's music hits as Page stands over both Wallstreet and Vincent... Page then heads to the outside and goes into the crowd where he leaves.

    Winner by Pin Fall: Diamond Dallas Page

    77, 71, 84

    Tony Schiavone- DDP wins! Diamond Dallas Page has won here tonight! What a huge victory for WCW! And he once again turns down the nWo! How about that?

    Eric Bischoff- Page is a fool! He's eighter with us or against us! We have given him plenty of chances, Now he's going to have to pay!

    Tony Schiavone- Well it's still a big win for WCW, Fans coming up next it's the power match between Lex Luger and Scott Norton. Last Monday Night on Monday Nitro we saw Luger beat Norton with the Torture Rack. Can it happen again tonight?

    Eric Bischoff- No it can't, Don't get too excited. Tonight Scott Norton is going to take care of business!

    Tony Schiavone- Well he will certainly have a tough challenge ahead of him here tonight. Lex Luger is one of the best wrestlers in World Championship Wrestling.

    We're taken back to the entry way where the nWo "B team" music plays to boos, Scott Norton makes his way down the entry way wearing a black vest and sunglasses... Norton groans and snarls during his entrance proving what a bad ass he truly is..... Norton poses in the ring before taking off the vest and sunglasses and handing it to the ringside attendant.... Norton then waits.....

    Eric Bischoff- Look at him Schiavone, An incredible athlete.... WCW's strongest wrestler.... He won't be an easy challenge for Lex Luger.....

    Tony Schiavone- It certainly won't, But if anyone can put away Scott Norton it's Lex Luger.....

    Lex Luger's theme than plays to the biggest ovation of the night as the fans stand up out of their seats, Lex Luger then makes his way down the entry way...... Luger stops and poses flexing his muscles as pyro shoots off behind him..... Luger then walks down to the ring..... Luger gets inside the ring and poses on the turnbuckle..... Luger then gets into the center of the ring and stares down Norton.

    Tony Schiavone- Look at Luger, What a great psychique this man has.... He's a former World Champion here in WCW and one of the best wrestlers to have ever step foot in a wrestling ring.

    Eric Bischoff- Luger is decent, He'd be better if he was nWo 4 life though.... Tonight thought, You can expect him to get beat by Scott Norton!

    Tony Schiavone- Well you have to remember that Norton did lose to Luger this past Monday night.

    Eric Bischoff- That was a fluke, Trust me Schiavone tonight you're going to see Scott Norton run right over "Flexy Lexy".

    Lex Luger V Scott Norton

    Norton and Luger start off locking up.... Luger over powers Norton and shoves Norton down to the canvas. Norton quickly gets up and they tie up, Luger puts Norton into a side headlock but Norton counters and shoves Luger onto the ropes.... Luger charges and runs right into a big shoulder block from Norton! Norton then taunts Luger and the fans which the fans respond by booing Norton. Luger is up and Norton charges at him, But Luger side steps Norton and Norton goes over the top rope all the way out to the floor! Luger taunts Norton to cheers from the crowd. Luger goes to the outside after Norton.... Luger charges at Norton but Norton moves out of the way and Luger ends up crashing into the ring steps!

    Eric Bischoff- What a moron Lex Luger is! Norton is going to beat him badly tonight, Just you wait Schiavone.

    Norton rolls Luger back into the ring..... Norton comes into the ring and hammers away on Luger's back. Norton lifts Luger up and sends Luger back first to the corner hard! Luger then comes out of the corner and walks into a spinning sidewalk slam from Norton. Norton covers and Luger is able to kick out at two. Norton lifts Luger back up to his feet, Norton delivers a big back breaker to Luger. Norton hangs onto Luger and takes Luger down with another big back breaker. Norton covers and Lex Luger is able to kick out. Norton waits for Luger to get up..... When Luger gets up Norton charges right at him with a shoulder tackle. Norton once again covers and Nick Patrick gets a 2 count.

    Tony Schiavone- Norton is just really controlling Luger here, Luger's back must be in pain.

    Eric Bischoff- Of course it's in pain, Norton is a big bull!

    Norton pounds away on Luger in the corner as the fans chant "Luger" trying to get Luger going.... Norton sends Luger to the opposite corner and charges at Luger with a big avalanche! Norton then takes Luger down with yet another back breaker for another 2 count. Norton lifts Luger up to his feet and plants Luger down to the canvas with a powerslam. Norton covers! 1....2...... no! Lex Luger is able to kick out! Norton gets frustrated and calls for the Norton Bomb! Norton lifts Luger up and positions Luger into the Norton Bomb.... But Luger backdrops Norton down! Both men get up to their feet and Luger blocks Norton's right hands! Luger nails Norton with right hands and sends Norton to the corner.... Luger charges at Norton with a huge clothesline!

    Tony Schiavone- Look at Luger! Look at him! He's on fire Bischoff!

    Luger mounts on the turnbuckle and does 10 big punches to Norton as the fans count along! Luger then sends Norton to the opposite corner and charges but Norton gets his foot in the way! Norton then goes for a clothesline but it's ducked.... Luger grabs Norton and delivers a atomic drop! Luger follows with another atomic drop! Luger then grabs Norton and again delivers another atomic drop! Luger then runs over Norton with a clothesline! Norton slowly stumbles up to his feet and Luger runs right over him with another clothesline! Luger then calls for the Forearm Shot as the crowd goes wild! Norton slowly gets up and Luger runs right over him with the Forearm Shot! Luger calls for the Torture Rack as the fans get up off their seats!

    Tony Schiavone- Here it comes! He's calling for the Torture Rack Bischoff! Nobody is able to get out of that! Nobody!

    Luger lifts Norton up and puts him into the Torture Rack! Norton quickly taps out and Nick Patrick is forced to call for the bell! Luger drops Norton down to the canvas as his music hits to a huge ovation from the fans. Luger goes to the outside and heads to the back as the fans cheer.

    Winner by Submission: Lex Luger

    72, 74, 68

    Tony Schiavone- Luger wins! That's three wins for World Championship Wrestling! What a huge victory for "The Total Package!" Lex Luger continues his winning ways here in WCW!

    Eric Bischoff- Well Lex Luger got lucky, Trust me next time he steps into the ring with Scott Norton it'll be alot different! Norton will destroy Lex Luger!

    Tony Schiavone- Well it's still a WCW win, The score is WCW three and the nWo two. WCW is ahead of the nWo. And up next it's the WCW Tag Team Championship match, The Outsiders defend the titles against Steiner Brothers. Could we have new champions?

    Eric Bischoff- No we won't, Hall and Nash are the greatest tag team in the history of World Championship Wrestling! They're the best champions and there's no way Steiner Brothers will walk away with the gold tonight!

    Tony Schiavone- I think it'll happen, The Outsiders are taking them too lightly and tonight they're going to end up paying for it.

    Eric Bischoff- We'll see about that Schiavone. The Outsiders will run right over Steiner Brothers!

    The cameras point to the entry way as the music of Steiner Brothers hit to a big ovation from the fans in Dayton. Rick and Scott make their way down to the ring both wearing black leather jackets.... On the way down to the ring, They slaps hands with the fans at ringside.... They both get inside the ring and pose on the turnbuckles before handing their jackets to a ringside attendant.

    Tony Schiavone- Look at those two, One of the best tag teams in pro wrestling. They have been former three time WCW Tag Team Champions. The Outsiders have their work cut out against them.

    Eric Bischoff- The Outsiders will show everyone who the best team truly is, Rick and Scott are just boys caught in a man's world and tonight Hall and Nash will teach them the ultimate lesson.

    Tony Schiavone- It could happen, But I don't see Rick and Scott losing this match up. The Outsiders are in for their toughest challenge Eric.

    The nWo music hits the arena to a mixed reaction from the crowd mainly boos as Scott Hall and Kevin Nash make their way down the isle way both men wearing nWo T-Shirts.... Hall with the title around his waist and Nash carrying the title.... Hall does his "I'm scared" taunt at the camera before flicking his toothpick at it.... Both The Outsiders walk down to the ring with cocky looks on their faces.... They get inside the ring and Hall does his "Outsider's Edge" pose and Nash does his "Jackknife Powerbomb" pose.... Hall and Nash rip off their nWo T-Shirts and throw them at Steiners Brothers.... Hall takes the title off his waist and hands it to Nick Patrick.... Nash then also hands over his title to Patrick as Rick and Scott stare them down.

    Eric Bischoff- Look at them Schiavone, Hall and Nash. Two big bad men. Nash is the best big man in pro wrestling. And Scott Hall is one of the best brawlers. Two charismatic men who are the best tag team to have ever stepped foot in WCW. The Steiners have no chance in hell of beating those two.

    Tony Schiavone- They certainly are a tough team, But they're too cocky and that could help Steiner Brothers win.... The Outsiders aren't taking this match as seriously as they should be taking it.

    Eric Bischoff- They don't need to take Steiner Brothers seriously, Hall and Nash have beaten everyone who's challenged them for the titles. Tonight will be no different!

    WCW Tag Team Championship

    The Outsiders© V Steiner Brothers

    Scott Hall and Scott Steiner start the match off. Hall does his "I'm scared" taunt to Scott Steiner and laughs at Steiner. They lock up and Steiner gets the best of Hall putting Hall into a arm wringer. Hall elbows Steiner in the face and takes Steiner down with a side headlock... Steiner gets out of the hold grabs Hall around the waist and throws Hall down to the canvas to a big ovation from the fans! Scott Hall goes over to his corner and tags Kevin Nash in. Nash comes into the ring and asks for Scott to tag Rick Steiner in..... Scott Steiner tags Rick Steiner in.... Nash hits Rick in the midsection with a knee.... Nash then nails Rick in the back of the head with his elbow..... Nash sends Rick to the corner.... Nash then charges at Rick but Rick lifts his leg up sending his boot right to Nash's face! Rick clotheslines Nash down! Nash rolls out to the floor and he and Hall start talking over some strategy.

    Tony Schiavone- Looks like Kevin Nash doesn't want anything to do with Rick Steiner who can blame him?

    Eric Bischoff- The big man is just taking a break don't worry about Schiavone, The Outsiders are just talking over some strategy... They'll get back in the game....

    Nash comes back into the ring..... Nash and Rick Steiner tie up and Nash over powers Rick into the corner... Nash hammers away on Rick with knees to the midsection. Nash then nails several back elbows to Rick's faces and follows with one big one.... Nash chokes away at Rick using his big boot..... Nash sends Rick to the opposite corner and charges at Rick with a running clothesline. Nash then slams Rick down and delivers a elbow drop which gets a 2 count. Nash drops another elbow for another 2 count. Nash tags Scott Hall in. Hall waits for Rick to get up and charges.... But Rick grabs Hall by the waist and takes Hall out with a huge overhead belly to belly to belly suplex!

    Tony Schiavone- What a suplex! Scott Hall is out of it!

    Rick tags Scott Steiner in and Hall tags Nash back in..... Nash comes into the ring and Scott Steiner delivers a huge belly to belly suplex to Nash! Scott Steiner then nails Hall with a belly to belly as well! The Outsiders go out to the floor as Rick Steiner runs around the ring barking..... Scott pats Rick on the back as Hall and Nash talk on the outside.... Hall slowly gets up on the apron and yells at Nick Patrick telling him to make Rick Steiner go to his corner..... Patrick makes Rick Steiner go to his corner and Hall comes back into the ring. Hall and Scott Steiner stare each other down and Hall slaps Steiner across the face! Steiner responds by kicking Hall in the midsection and lifting Hall up right above his head.... Steiner then press slams Hall down to the canvas!

    Tony Schiavone- Look at the power of Scott Steiner! He lifted up a 275 pound man like he was nothing!

    Scott Steiner drags Hall up to his feet and rams Hall's head onto the turnbuckle in the corner.... Hall though kicks Steiner right in between the legs with a low blow! Hall then goes up onto the second turnbuckle.... Scott Steiner slowly gets up and Hall comes off the second turnbuckle with a bulldog to Steiner. Hall tags Kevin Nash in. Nash comes into the ring and throws Scott Steiner to the corner.... Nash nails Steiner with big knees to the midsection! Nash follows with several back elbows to Scott Steiner's face. And finishes Steiner off with a big elbow to the face. Nash then uses his big boot and chokes down Scott Steiner.

    Tony Schiavone- Nash has really slowed down the pace of this match up, He's using his size and power advantage to really keep Scott Steiner down.... Smart strategy on the part of The Outsiders.

    Eric Bischoff- Look at Nash, He's a big man and he's using his big boot to choke away at Scotty Steiner... Nash is such a tremendous athlete.... The best big man in all of pro wrestling.....

    Nash sends Scott to the opposite corner and charges at Scott with a big clothesline..... Nash follows with the sidewalk slam. Nash hooks the leg and gets a 2 count. Nash tags Scott Hall back in. Scott Hall comes into the ring and hammers away on Scott Steiner with right hands to the face. Hall then locks Scott Steiner into a abdominal stretch! Hall grabs Nash's hand for leverage and Nick Patrick doesn't make Hall break the hold instead Patrick yells at Steiner to tap out! Rick comes into the ring and nails Nash off the apron as Scott hip tosses Hall.... Patrick makes Rick go to the corner which allows Nash to cheap shot Scott from behind sending him right into Hall's short choke slam! Hall covers and Nick Patrick counts to 2.

    Eric Bischoff- Near fall, Hall has such a great choke slam.... Better than The Giant's Schiavone!

    Hall tags Nash back into the ring.... Nash lifts Scott up and drops him across the turnbuckle with the snake eyes. Nash follows with a short arm clothesline. Nash covers and gets 2. Nash lifts Scott up and slams Scott down. Nash drops a elbow for 2. Nash follows with a second elbow drop for 2. Nash does another elbow drop for another 2 count. Nash lifts Scott Steiner up to his feet... Nash connects with another short arm clothesline for another 2 count. Nash tags Scott Hall back in.... Hall waits for Steiner to get up, Hall takes Steiner down with a back elbow to the face.... Hall locks Steiner into a rear chin lock down on the canvas.... Hall puts his foot on the ropes for leverage and again Nick Patrick sees it and doesn't do anything about it!

    Tony Schiavone- What is Nick Patrick doing? Hall's using the ropes for leverage! Come on!

    Eric Bischoff- Hall can do whatever he wants, What are you going to do about it? Hey if you want a piece of Scott Hall go right ahead of Schiavone.

    Hall lets go of the hold and kicks Steiner in the back. Hall makes the tag back to Nash.... Nash comes into the ring and kicks Steiner in the midsection.... Nash nails a elbow to Scott's head and sends Steiner to the corner... Nash pounds away on Steiner in the corner.... Nash goes for another snake eyes but Scott Steiner wiggles out of it and sends Nash to the corner chest first! Scott then back suplexes Nash and both men are down. Nick Patrick begins the count.. 1....2....3....4....5... both men slowly get up and Nash stops Scott from making the hot tag. Nash drags Steiner to The Outsiders corner and tags Scott Hall in.... Hall pummels away on Scott Steiner.... Hall sends Steiner off the ropes and nails him with a back elbow to the face and then Hall follows with the fallaway slam!

    Eric Bischoff- Fallaway slam! Hall's going for the Outsider's Edge! Scott Steiner is going to be history Schiavone! Watch Hall!

    Hall does the Outsider's Edge taunt as Nash cheers him on.... Hall lifts Scott Steiner up and puts him in between his legs.... Hall sticks his arms out..... Hall lifts Scott Steiner up and has Steiner in the position for the Outsider's Edge but Steiner gets out of it..... Hall turns around and Steiner delivers a T-Bone Suplex! Scott Steiner then rolls over to his corner and makes the tag to Rick Steiner as Scott Hall tags Kevin Nash in! Rick comes into the ring like a man on fire! Rick ducks a right hand from Nash and nails him in the ribs! Rick then grabs Nash by the waist and suplexes Nash!

    Tony Schiavone- Rick Steiner just suplexed Nash! What a suplex!

    Eric Bischoff- Don't worry, Nash is tough he'll get up from it!

    Rick and Scott then double clothesline Nash out to the floor leaving Scott Hall all alone in the ring! Scott Steiner grabs Scott Hall and sends Hall off the ropes.... Hall then runs right into a powerslam! Scott and Rick call for the Steiner Bulldog! Scott Steiner puts Scott Hall up on his shoulder as Rick heads up top.... Nash comes back into the ring and crotches Rick on the top turnbuckle.... Scott Steiner then falls down backwards driving Hall down to the canvas.... Scott though ends up walking right into Nash's big boot! Nash lifts Scott up and goes for the Jackknife Powerbomb but Rick comes flying off the top turnbuckle with a clothesline to Nash! Hall then runs over Scott Steiner with a clothesline which takes both Hall and Steiner to the outside! Meanwhile Rick Steiner side suplexes Nash and heads up top...... Hall sends Scott Steiner to the ring post face first on the outside! Rick waits for Nash to get up to his feet, Rick goes for the Steiner Bulldog but Nash catches him in midair with a sidewalk slam! Nash slowly gets up to his feet and DRILLS Rick Steiner with a big boot! Nash then lowers down the straps as Hall once again sends Scott Steiner to the ring post! Nash lifts Rick Steiner up and delivers the Jackknife Powerbomb! Nash covers! 1...2.....3! The nWo music hits as Hall comes into the ring with the titles.... He hands one to Nash and they pose with it... They go to the corner and pose with the titles and Nash yells "It's too easy" into the camera...... Hall and Nash then head to the back as Scott Steiner checks on Rick.

    Winners by Pin Fall and STILL WCW Tag Team Champions: The Outsiders

    90, 91, 89

    The WCW Tag Team titles have gained in image.

    Tony Schiavone- Darn it! The Outsiders win this one! Well it was a hard fought match up and you have to give the Steiner's all the credit in the world.... But in the end Nash's Jackknife Powerbomb was too much for Rick Steiner.

    Eric Bischoff- Hall and Nash are still your WCW Tag Team Champions, The best tag team in WCW retain the titles in a very hard fought match up.... Hall and Nash continue to dominate the tag team scene here in WCW.

    Tony Schiavone- Fans coming up next it's another title match up, This time the WCW United States Championship will be up for grabs in a ladder match. The first ever ladder match in WCW history. It'll be Syxx facing the champion Eddie Guerrero!

    Eric Bischoff- I can't wait for this one, Syxx is going to bring the nWo the United States Championship here tonight. There's no way Eddie Guerrero can beat Syxx in a ladder match.

    Tony Schiavone- Fans the rules are simple, The referee will strap the United States Championship Championship to the hook and raise it above the middle of the ring. There's a ladder set up on the isle way and you have to use the ladder to climb up and get the title.... No disqualification and anything goes. There must be a winner.

    Eric Bischoff- Lets not forget Syxx has been training for this match with the king of the ladder matches, Scott Hall.

    Tony Schiavone- That could be a big factor, Scott Hall has been involved in many grueling ladder matches up North.... Fans who will win this one? Can Eddie Guerrero get the title back or will Syxx walk out as the new champion?

  14. user posted image


    LIVE from: Dayton, Ohio From The University Of Dayton Arena.

    Credit Damshow for the banner

    FINAL Card

    WCW World Championship

    Hollywood Hogan© V The Giant

    WCW Tag Team Championship

    The Outsiders© V Steiner Brothers

    WCW United States Championship

    Ladder Match

    Syxx V Eddie Guerrero©

    Scott Norton V Lex Luger

    Michael Wallstreet V Diamond Dallas Page

    Big Bubba Rogers V Chris Benoit

    Masahiro Chono V Jeff Jarrett

    Buff Bagwell V Scotty Riggs

    Tie Breakers

    1. What will be the opening match?

    2. What will be the best match? (EWR wise)

    3. What will be the worst match? (EWR wise)

    4. Will anyone debut? *If so then put in who will debut*

    5. What will be the match before the main event?

    Winner gets to hire one wrestler or one tag team (As long as I seen them wrestle, So no hot shot indy guys)

  15. Saturday Night would be posted along with Main Event but the PPV is the next show so right.... After the PPV Saturday Night and Main Event will be posted together unless there's like a PPV....

    user posted image


    Announcers: Mike Tenay and Dusty Rhodes

    Taped from: Jacksonville, Florida

    Saturday Night opens up with it's usual regular opening and then we're taken to the announce booth where Dusty Rhodes and Mike Tenay are shown, They hype up tonight's show which is one night away from nWo Souled Out. They talk about the nWo Souled Out card and bring us to the first match of the evening.

    Glacier defeated Craig Pittman

    Watchable match but the crowd wasn't too much into it. Pittman dominated most of the match and got a couple near falls over Glacier including one after a big powerslam. But Pittman wouldn't keep Glacier down as Glacier made a come back late into the match up. Glacier finished Pittman off with the Cryonic Kick for the one, two, three. Glacier's music then hit the arena as Glacier did his martial arts trademarks and "snow" fell into the arena....

    58, 48, 68

    Interview with Chris Jericho

    After Glacier's match we were taken to the back where Mean Gene Okerlund interviewed young "Lion Heart" Chris Jericho.

    Mean Gene Okerlund- Chris Jericho tonight you take on newcomer Devon Storm, Many think that Storm is a bit nuts.... Tonight what will be your strategy against Devon Storm?

    Chris Jericho- Well Gene he might be a big nuts but that won't matter, I'm the better wrestler and tonight I'm going to prove it to Storm. Chris Jericho is the future of World Championship Wrestling and tonight Devon Storm will find out first hand!

    Mean Gene Okerlund- Good luck Chris Jericho, Fans can young Chris Jericho beat Devon Storm? Find out next!


    Chris Jericho gained overness from this segment.


    Chris Jericho defeated Devon Storm

    Jericho and Storm had a great back and fourth match up with neighter man gaining a clear advantage in the beginning. Storm would end up nailing Jericho with a high spinning heel kick to keep Jericho down... Storm followed his offense using a slingshot legdrop and other high flying maneuvers. The ending comes when Storm tries a hurricanrana but Jericho catches him in midair and drives him down to the canvas, Jericho then locks on the Lion Tamer for the submission win! Jericho then celebrated his win as Saturday Night went to another commercial break.

    69, 51, 88

    Devon Storm debuted his new gimmick (Crazy), it got a positive response.


    Bobby Eaton defeated Mike Enos

    This match was all Enos. Enos beat down Eaton early on and assaulted Eaton in the corner. Enos got a few near falls over Eaton through out the match up, And Enos seemed to have the match won after a spinning slam (Angle Slam) but Enos didn't go for the cover. Enos ended up going up top! Enos missed a elbow drop which allowed Eaton to roll him up the 1,2,3!

    54, 46, 62

    Interview with Amazing French Canadians

    We're taken to the locker room area where we see Mean Gene Okerlund standing by with Amazing French Canadians.

    Mean Gene Okerlund- Amazing French Canadians last year you two made your debut in World Championship Wrestling, You two have fought great teams like Steiner Brothers, Harlem Heat.... But tonight you take on Public Enemy two brawlers. Tonight can you two survive out there with Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge?

    Jacques Rougeau- Le gène s'il vous plaît, nous Regarde et regarde alors ces deux gros rustauds Ennemi Public. Nous sommes la première équipe d'étiquette ici dans WCW pendant que ces deux sont juste dansant des idiots, Ce Soir ils peuvent obtenir comme l' "extrême" comme ils veulent, Mais dans la fin que les vrais champion sortent sur le sommet.

    Translation- Gene please, Look at us and then look at those two fat slobs Public Enemy. We're the top tag team here in WCW while those two are just dancing fools, Tonight they can get as "extreme" as they want, But in the end the true champions are coming out on top.

    Pierre Oulette- Le gène tout comme mon partenaire Ennemi dit et Public pourrait être considéré l' "Extrême" Mais tout le monde sait que les Canadiens français sont plus extrêmes que vous les Américains. L'Ennemi ce soir Public mieux est prêt pour un vrai combat et un vrai défi!

    Translation- Gene just like my partner said, Public Enemy might be considered "Extreme" But everyone knows that French Canadians are more extreme than you Americans. Tonight Public Enemy better be ready for a true fight and a true challenge!

    Mean Gene Okerlund- Well I didn't understand what you two said, But fans stay tuned because up next these two take on Public Enemy! You don't want to miss it!



    Public Enemy defeated Amazing French Canadians

    This match was mostly a brawl, It started off with all four men going at it and eventually the action made it's way to the outside where Public Enemy beat down Amazing French Canadians. The action eventually made it's way back into the ring where Jacques drilled Rocco Rock with a stiff clothesline. Amazing French Canadians isolated and beat down Rocco Rock until he was able to make the hot tag to Johnny Grunge. Grunge came in knocking down everyone in his way! Rocco Rock and Pierre went out to the floor leaving Jacques and Grunge alone in the ring, Jacques went for a DDT but Grunge countered into a front suplex. Grunge then came off the second turnbuckle with a legdrop to Jacques for the win. Afterwards Pierre helped Jacques to the back as Public Enemy celebrated their win.

    77, 66, 89

    Interview with Chavo Guerrero Jr.

    The cameras cut to the locker room area where Mean Gene Okerlund is standing by with the challenger for the Television Championship, Chavo Guerrero Jr.

    Mean Gene Okerlund- Chavo Guerrero Jr., Tonight you have the chance of a life time as you challenge Lord Steven Regal for the WCW Television Championship. Chavo you have had some big wins here in World Championship Wrestling but tonight this is the biggest match of your life, Your thoughts?

    Chavo Guerrero Jr.- Mean Gene tonight you're going to see a new WCW Television Champion, Lord Steven Regal you have had a long reign with the title but tonight it's Chavo's time! Tonight everyone is going to see a new WCW Television Champion and that man will be me!

    Mean Gene Okerlund- Well I wish you the best of luck, Fans up next the Television Championship will be on the line! Don't go anywhere!


    Chavo Guerrero Jr. gained overness from this segment.


    WCW Television Championship

    Lord Steven Regal© defeated Chavo Guerrero Jr.

    Chavo Guerrero showed to everyone that he means business, Chavo attacked Regal right out on the floor with a suicide dive to the Television Champion! Chavo beat down on Regal out on the floor and send Regal to the steel ring post face first! Chavo then put Regal into the ring and came off the top with a missile drop kick to the champion scoring a 2 count. Chavo continued his assault beating down Regal in the corner with right hands and stomps. Chavo went for the Tornado DDT early on but Regal countered into a northern lights suplex for 2. Regal then worked over Chavo's legs and tried to apply a half crab but Chavo countered it into a small package for a very close 2 count. But Regal soon turned the tide drilling Chavo with a reverse neck breaker for 2. Regal continued beating down Chavo and often times trying to lock Chavo into the Regal Stretch but Chavo would make it to the ropes every time. Late into the match, Regal went for a powerbomb but Chavo got out of it and drilled Regal with the Tornado DDT! Chavo rolled over on top of Regal and got a 2 count! The match hit the nine minute mark with both men trading blows. Chavo backed Regal into the corner and went for another Tornado DDT but Regal shoved Chavo down to the canvas! Regal then locked Chavo into the Regal Stretch for the submission win! Afterwards, Regal took the title and posed with it as Saturday Night came to an end.

    84, 69, 100

    The WCW Television title has gained in image.

    OR Show Rating- 72

    TV Rating- We got a 2.93 rating for 'Saturday Night'!

    The attendance level was 6526 people.

    We made $261040 from ticket sales.

    WWF got a 2.99 television rating for 'Shotgun'!

    The event was attended by 4522 people.

    They made $180880 from ticket sales.

    ECW got a 0.08 television rating for 'Hardcore TV'!

    The event was attended by 453 people.

    They made $9060 from ticket sales.

  16. user posted image


    Announcers: Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan

    Live from: Miami, Florida

    Monday Nitro opens up with it's usual regular opening and then we're taken to the area where pyros shoot off.... We're then taken to the announce booth where Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan are standing by.

    Tony Schiavone- Welcome to Monday Nitro! We're live in Miami, Florida and what a night this is going to be! We're six days away from nWo Souled Out, I'm Tony Schiavone and next to me is the one and the only Bobby "The Brain" Heenan! Bobby what a night we got for the fans here tonight. We got a huge tag team main event, It'll be Lex Luger teaming up with Diamond Dallas Page to face Michael Wallstreet and Scott Norton!

    Bobby Heenan - What a main event that one is going to be Tony, Can Lex Luger and DDP work together against the nWo tag team of Norton and Wallstreet? Tonight we also know that Hollywood Hogan is going to be here.....

    Tony Schiavone- Fans tonight we also got the great cruiserweights of WCW in action, We got tag team action and so much more. Lets start tonight's big event with six men tag team action!

    The music of Four Horsemen hits the arena to cheers from the crowd, Arn Anderson, Steve McMichael and Chris Benoit make their way down the entry way with Debra McMichael.... The Horsemen slowly walk to the ring with the look of determination on their faces, When they get inside the ring.... They put four fingers in the air as the fans cheer. Mongo takes off his jacket and sunglasses and hands the briefcase over to Debra while Benoit and Anderson take off their Four Horsemen T-Shirt.

    The evil laughter of the Dungeon Of Doom theme hits to boos from the crowd as The Taskmaster, Jimmy Hart and Faces Of Fear make their way down the isle way.... Faces Of Fear grunt as they walk down to the ring while Hart pumps up Taskmaster.... The Dungeon Of Doom get into the ring and stare down the Four Horsemen.

    Arn Anderson, Chris Benoit and Steve McMichael with Debra McMichael defeated The Taskmaster and Faces Of Fear with Jimmy Hart

    The bell rings as Anderson and McMichael go over to their corners, Meng and Barbarian also go to their corners as the match starts off with the rivals...... Chris Benoit and The Taskmaster. Both men rush forward and start clobbering each other with right hands! Benoit gets the best of Taskmaster and starts nailing him with chops! Benoit backs Taskmaster into the corner and nails vicious chops to The Taskmaster! Benoit then starts stomping away on Taskmaster as the fans cheer. Benoit grabs Taskmaster by the head and sends him to the opposite corner, Benoit charges but gets a boot right to the face! Taskmaster then clotheslines Benoit down! Taskmaster stomps down on Benoit as Jimmy Hart shouts instructions through the megaphone. Taskmaster drags Benoit up and sends him to the corner of Dungeon Of Doom.... Meng, Barbarian and Taskmaster triple team Benoit as the referee tries to get them off of him... Taskmaster tags in Meng. Meng whips Benoit to the ropes but ducks his head which allows the "Canadian Crippler" to kick him in the face! Benoit follows with a clothesline but Meng feels no affect from it!

    Benoit goes for another clothesline but Meng ducks and then takes Benoit out with a boot to the face! Meng covers Benoit and only gets two. Meng lifts Benoit up to his feet and positions him in between his legs and drops Benoit down to the canvas with a sit out powerbomb! Meng covers! 1...2... Benoit kicks out! Meng chokes away at Benoit before tagging in The Barbarian. Barbarian and Meng lift Benoit up and send him for the ride.... Benoit ends up running right into a double back elbow to the face from Meng and The Barbarian. Barbarian covers and gets two as Meng goes back to his corner. Barbarian grabs Benoit and delivers a big back breaker for 2. Mongo and Anderson try to rally the crowd behind Benoit as Barbarian stomps down on Benoit. Barbarian lifts Benoit up and sends Benoit onto the corner hard! Benoit then bounces off the turnbuckles right into another back breaker from Barbarian for 2. Barbarian tags The Taskmaster back in... Taskmaster stomps and chokes away at Benoit.

    Taskmaster drags Benoit up by his hair and taunts him.... Taskmaster goes for a right hand but Benoit ducks and grabs Taskmaster from behind and delivers a german suplex! Benoit hangs onto Taskmaster and nails another german suplex! Meng runs into the ring as Benoit lets go of Taskmaster. Meng goes for a clothesline but Benoit ducks and takes Meng out of with a german suplex! Barbarian then runs in and Benoit also takes him out with a German Suplex! Benoit then tags Arn Anderson in as the fans come alive! Anderson runs into the ring and knocks down Meng with a right hand! Barbarian is then up and Anderson kicks him in the midsection! Taskmaster slowly gets up and Anderson rams the heads of Barbarian and Taskmaster together! Mongo then comes into the ring and all hell breaks loose! Mongo battles Meng in the corner while Benoit sends Taskmaster out to the floor with a clothesline!

    Benoit then dives right through the middle rope onto The Taskmaster like a missile! Meanwhile, Back inside the ring Anderson and Mongo double irish whip Meng and Anderson drop toe holds Meng as Mongo follows with a leg drop to the back of the head! Barbarian then comes into the fold and drills Anderson with the Kick Of Fear sending Anderson out to the floor through the middle ropes! Barbarian and Meng then go for a double suplex to Mongo but Benoit comes into the ring and nails Meng from behind! Benoit clotheslines Meng out to the floor and goes after Meng! Taskmaster then goes after Benoit while Meng and Anderson brawl on the floor leaving Mongo and Barbarian in the ring! Mongo goes for a powerbomb but Barbarian counters into a backdrop!

    Barbarian then calls for the Kick Of Fear! But Jeff Jarrett comes down from the back! Debra McMichael gets up on the apron distracting the referee which allows Jarrett to grab the briefcase! Jarrett comes into the ring and clobbers Barbarian over the head with the briefcase! Jarrett then heads to the back as Debra gets off the apron! Mongo rolls over on top of Barbarian while Taskmaster and Benoit are fighting out on the floor and Anderson and Meng are both down! The referee counts! 1...2...3! The Four Horsemen win this one!

    After the match ends, Taskmaster, Jimmy Hart and Meng help Barbarian to the back as Anderson and Benoit come into the ring.... Mongo, Benoit and Anderson pose to cheers as Debra McMichael claps in approval.

    62, 65, 73

    Tony Schiavone- Big win for Four Horsemen here tonight Bobby. Jeff Jarrett helps them out with a win over the Dungeon Of Doom. And you got to wonder if they're going to accept Jarrett into the group anytime soon.

    Bobby Heenan - Well that's up to Ric Flair to decide. Jarrett though if he keeps interfering in Horsemen matches against Dungeon Of Doom won't be around much longer if the Dungeon Of Doom get their hands on him.

    Tony Schiavone- Speaking of Ric Flair, When will he show up? Is he still down with that knee injury he suffered last year? And if so who's the current leader of the Four Horsemen?

    Bobby Heenan - I would say Double A is calling the shots for right now, It'll be interesting to see what happens when the nature boy returns to World Championship Wrestling.

    Tony Schiavone- And fans speaking of.....

    Sting is here!

    Tony stops speaking as the cameras point up to the rafters.... And we see STING! Sting is here! Sting is shown up on the rafters with a baseball bat in hand! Sting then heads off as the cameras can't find him again!


    Tony Schiavone- Sting! Sting is here on Monday Nitro! Fans what will Sting do tonight? We'll have to wait until after the commercial break to find out!


    Monday Nitro comes back from the commercial break with the sound of Disco Inferno's theme... Disco makes his way down the isle way doing a little dance to boos from the fans... Disco stops on the entry way and does his disco dance... Disco then heads to the ring looking cocky and saying he's the man... Disco gets inside the ring and does his dance before taking off his disco jacket and handing it to a ringside attendant. Disco then waits...

    "American Males" theme hits to a good pop from the crowd as Scotty Riggs makes his way down the isle way... Riggs slaps hands with the fans at ringside before getting into the ring.... Riggs stares down Disco who doesn't look too concerned.

    Scotty Riggs defeated Disco Inferno

    The bell rings as both men lock up.... Riggs backs Disco into the corner and gets a clean break... Disco goes for a cheap shot but Riggs blocks it and nails Disco with right hands backing Disco back into the corner.... Riggs though ends up tossing Disco from the corner right to the center of the ring! Disco then gets up and walks into a clothesline from Riggs which scores a 2 count. Riggs lifts Disco up and goes for a suplex but Disco counters out of it with a jaw breaker! Disco then knees Riggs in the midsection and delivers a swinging neck breaker. Disco covers and Riggs kicks out at 2. Disco grabs Riggs by the head and suplexes Riggs. But instead of going for the cover, Disco taunts Riggs and the fans with a dance. Disco then finally covers Riggs and Riggs kicks out at two.

    Disco lifts Riggs up and takes him down with a russian legsweep for 2. Disco then goes up onto the second turnbuckle.... Disco does a dance on the turnbuckle before delivering a elbow drop to Riggs for 2. Disco gets frustrated and argues with the referee which allows Riggs to roll up Disco for a two count! As both men get up, Disco nails Riggs with a stiff clothesline! Disco covers and Riggs once again kicks out. Disco slams Riggs down in the center of the ring and heads up top. Disco stalls too long up top which allows Riggs to get up to his feet and throw Disco off the top turnbuckle sending Disco crashing onto the canvas! Both men lay on the canvas as the referee begins his count. 1...2....3....4....5....6.... The count is broken as both men stumble up to their feet.

    Disco goes for a right hand but Riggs blocks and nails Disco with right hands to the face! Riggs follows with a big atomic drop! Riggs then bulldogs Disco and covers for 2! Riggs lifts Disco up and suplexes Disco down to the canvas for 2. Riggs goes to lift Disco Inferno up to his feet but Disco rakes Riggs' eyes! Disco then kicks Riggs in the gut and goes for the Last Dance but Riggs shoves Disco onto the ropes.... Disco bounces off the ropes and Riggs charges at him with the flying forearm shot! Riggs covers! 1...2....3!

    Riggs gets up to his feet and the referee raises his arm in the air.... Wait! Buff Bagwell runs down to the ring! Buff gets into the ring and jumps Riggs from behind! Buff stomps down on Riggs! Buff then does his dancing taunt as Riggs gets up to his feet! Bagwell turns around and Riggs runs over him with a stiff clothesline! Bagwell then stumbles up to his feet and Riggs throws him out to the floor over the top rope! Riggs then tells Bagwell to come back into the ring but Bagwell decides to head to the back! Riggs tells Bagwell he'll see him this Sunday night!

    59, 64, 69

    Tony Schiavone- What a impressive showing by Scotty Riggs. This Sunday night he faces Buff Bagwell at nWo Souled Out! What a match that one is going to be.

    Bobby Heenan - If tonight is a preview of Souled Out then I would not want to be Buff Bagwell. Scotty Riggs is a angry young man and it looks like he's going to take it out on Buff Bagwell.

    Tony Schiavone- Fans speaking of nWo Souled Out, It will be this Sunday night live on Pay Per View. And here's the current card for this huge nWo versus WCW event. Hollywood Hogan defends the WCW Championship against The Giant, The Outsiders defend the WCW Tag Team Championship against Steiner Brothers, Eddie Guerrero defends the United States Championship against Syxx in WCW's first ever Ladder Match!

    Bobby Heenan - We also got Diamond Dallas Page facing Michael Wallstreet, Lex Luger goes up against Scott Norton, Jeff Jarrett faces Masahiro Chono, Buff Bagwell goes up against his former tag team partner Scotty Riggs and Chris Benoit faces Big Bubba Rogers. What a great event that's gonna be Tony.

    Tony Schiavone- It'll certainly be a huge event, And remember fans it'll be live from Dayton, Ohio and it's available only on Pay Per View! When we come back from the commercial break we'll see Big Bubba Rogers face Dean Malenko!


    "Ice Man" hits the arena when Monday Nitro comes back from the commercial break to a good ovation from the fans.... Dean Malenko makes his way down to the ring with a cold stare on his face.... Malenko slides into the ring and takes off his vest.... Malenko then waits......

    The nWo "B-Team" music hits to boos from the fans.... Big Bubba Rogers makes his way down the isle with an intense look on his faces.... Rogers gets up on the apron and raises his arms in the air... Rogers then gets inside the ring and raises his arms up in the air as Malenko stares him down.

    Big Bubba Rogers defeated Dean Malenko

    Rogers and Malenko start off with a tie up and Rogers throws Malenko down the canvas using his size and power advantage. Rogers then taunts Malenko and the fans which draws boos from the crowd. They tie back up and Malenko gets a go behind, Malenko grabs Bubba by the left arm and wrenches back on it. Bubba though elbows Malenko in the face! Bubba then irish whips Malenko and goes for a clothesline but Malenko ducks and charges at Bubba with a spinning heel kick for 2. Malenko then lifts Rogers up to his feet and goes for a suplex, Rogers though counters out of it and suplexes Malenko for 2. Rogers waits for Malenko to get up to his feet.... Once Malenko is up.... Rogers charges at Malenko and sends him out to the floor with a clothesline! Rogers goes out to the floor after Malenko. Rogers sends Malenko onto the steel guardrail back first! Rogers then clotheslines Malenko out on the floor!

    Rogers rolls Malenko back into the ring and covers Malenko for 2. Rogers drags Malenko up to his feet and clubs Malenko in the back.... Rogers then piledrives Malenko. Rogers covers and Malenko kicks out at 2. Rogers lifts Malenko up and sends Malenko to the corner... Rogers charges with a big avalanche! Rogers then grabs Malenko and delivers a sidewalk slam for 2. Rogers drops a elbow down onto Malenko for another 2 count. Rogers lifts Malenko up and sends him for the ride... A back elbow to the face from Rogers gets 2. Rogers stomps and bites Malenko down on the canvas, Rogers waits for Malenko to get up to his feet.... Rogers charges at Malenko but Malenko ducks and Rogers goes crashing onto the turnbuckle! Malenko then back suplexes Rogers and both men are down!

    The referee begins his count. 1...2....3....4....5....6 both men beat the count and quickly get up to their feet. Malenko nails Rogers with right hands and kicks away at the legs... Malenko chop blocks the legs of Rogers and then drop kicks Rogers in the legs when Rogers tries to get up to his feet. Malenko nails a DDT for 2. Malenko then follows with a snap suplex for another 2 count. Malenko goes for the Texas Cloverleaf but Rogers kicks him in the face! Both men slowly get up to their feet, Malenko charges at Rogers but Rogers nails the Bubba Slam! Rogers then hooks the leg! 1...2...3! the nWo "B-Team" music hits as Bubba Rogers taunts Dean Malenko... Rogers then heads to the back to boos from the crowd.

    65, 68, 78

    Tony Schiavone- Big Bubba Rogers picks up the win here tonight, Rogers is going to nWo Souled Out with a win. Can he beat Chris Benoit at nWo Souled Out though?

    Bobby Heenan - Big Bubba Rogers can beat anyone, Anytime. Dean Malenko seemed to have things well in hand but that Bubba Slam came out of nowhere. Big win for the nWo member.

    Tony Schiavone- Fans Sunday night we'll also see Steiner Brothers challenge The Outsiders for the WCW Tag Team Championship. But tonight they face Harlem Heat. Lets take you to the back where Mean Gene Okerlund is standing by with the Steiner Brothers!

    Interview with Steiner Brothers

    The cameras are taken over to the locker room area where we see Mean Gene Okerlund is shown standing by holding a microphone. And then standing next to him are the Steiner Brothers.

    Mean Gene Okerlund- Thank you Tony, Well right now I'm standing by with the men who Sunday night challenge The Outsiders for the WCW Tag Team titles and those two men are Rick and Scott the Steiner Brothers. Now tonight you two take on Harlem Heat a team who you have alot of history with, And then Sunday night you two challenge The Outsiders for the WCW Tag Team Championship. Your thoughts?

    Scott Steiner- You know Gene, The Steiner Brothers and Harlem Heat go back along way.... We have faced many times before in the past and they have some wins over us and we have some wins over them, Tonight you two are going to face us one more time and when it's all said and done only one team will come out on top and that team is the Steiner Brothers!

    Rick Steiner- *Barks* Gene! Tonight Harlem Heat are going to be out there and they're thinking that they got the advantage, Well boys you don't! Tonight me and Scotty are going to go out there and kick some butt! *barks*

    Mean Gene Okerlund- Well what are your thoughts on nWo Souled Out when you two challenge The Outsiders for the titles?

    Scott Steiner- The Outsiders be ready for their toughest challenge ever Sunday night Mean Gene! Hall and Nash walk around with the titles thinking they're the best team in WCW, Well you two boys aren't! We are! And Sunday night there will be new WCW Tag Team Champions!

    Rick Steiner- *Barks* Sunday night when we walk into nWo Souled Out everyone of those fans in attendance will see us walk out as the new champions. Hall and Nash you two have held the titles for way too long and come Souled Out we're taking them from you!

    Mean Gene Okerlund- Fans when we come back you'll see Steiner Brothers face Harlem Heat! You don't want to miss it!



    Harlem Heat's music hit when Nitro comes back from the break as Stevie Ray and Booker T walk down to the ring, They stop on the entry way as Booker T does his pose and flames shoot off.... Harlem Heat then walk down to the ring saying "Sucka" alot. Harlem Heat pose on the turnbuckles before taking off their sunglasses and bandanas.

    Steiner Brothers' theme then hits to a great ovation from the fans as their favorite tag team make their way down to the ring both wearing black leather jackets. Rick and Scott pose in the ring as the fans cheer.

    Steiner Brothers defeated Harlem Heat

    Scott Steiner and Stevie Ray start off the match. They lock up and Scott over powers Stevie Ray throwing him down. Stevie Ray gets up looking pissed off and kicks Scott Steiner in the midsection. Stevie Ray pounds away on Scott's back and sends Steiner to the corner.... Stevie Ray charges with a big clothesline to Scott Steiner! Ray then drops Steiner down on the canvas and tags Booker T in.... Booker T comes into the ring and waits for Scott Steiner to get up to his feet, When Steiner gets up.... Booker T drills him with a Harlem Side Kick for 2. Booker T drags Steiner up to his feet and sends Scott Steiner to the corner.... Booker T charges but ends up taking a boot right to the face!

    Scott Steiner nails Booker T with a stiff clothesline and tags Rick in.... Rick grabs Booker T by the waist and throws Booker down to the canvas. Rick then runs around the ring and barks as Booker T gets up.... Rick and Booker tie up and Booker gets Rick into a side headlock... Rick shoves Booker T to the ropes and drives him down to the canvas with a shoulder block. Monday Nitro then goes to a commercial break.


    When Monday Nitro comes back from the break, Stevie Ray is pounding away on Rick Steiner in the corner! Ray tags Booker T in.... Booker kicks Rick in the gut and follows with the Scissors Kick. Booker T covers and gets a 2 count. Booker T lifts Rick up and sends him for the ride..... Rick then walks into a big flapjack for Booker T which gets a 2 count for Booker T. Booker T grabs Rick Steiner and lifts him up by the head.... Booker takes Rick into the corner and rams Rick's head onto the turnbuckle! Booker T then tags Stevie Ray back in.... Stevie Ray comes into the ring and runs right over Rick with a clothesline. Ray lifts Rick up and takes him down with a butterfly suplex for 2.

    Stevie Ray grabs Rick..... Stevie Ray goes for a DDT but Rick shoves him off onto the ropes.... Ray then charges right into a big overhead belly to belly suplex from Rick Steiner! Rick then makes the hot tag to Scott as Stevie Ray tags Booker T in. Scott Steiner comes in and knocks Booker T down with a right hand! Stevie Ray then gets nailed with a stiff clothesline from Steiner! Rick and Scott grab Harlem Heat and ram their heads together! Rick and throws Stevie Ray out to the floor and goes after him......

    Scott Steiner grabs Booker T and delivers a huge belly to belly suplex! Steiner then lifts Booker T up and puts him up on the top turnbuckle..... Rick throws Stevie Ray out into the crowd as Scott Steiner goes up top with Booker T.... Scott Steiner delivers a huge frankensteiner to Booker T! Scott Steiner then covers Booker T and gets the win! After the match ends, Stevie Ray helps Booker T to the back as Steiner Brothers celebrate.... Then The Outsiders are shown standing on top of the entry way with the WCW Tag Team Championship around their wastes.... The Outsiders stare down Steiner Brothers as Monday Nitro goes to a commercial break.

    72, 78, 82


    Syxx uses the Ladder!

    Monday Nitro comes back from the commercial break with the music of Eddie Guerrero playing as the fans cheer.... Eddie Guerrero then walks down to the ring wearing street clothes. Eddie Guerrero gets inside the ring and is handed a microphone.

    Eddie Guerrero- Sunday night I go into nWo Souled Out and face Syxx in a ladder match for my WCW United States Championship, Syxx you stole the title I worked hard for just like that, You think can you just take other people's property? Syxx you might think you have the advantage because it's a ladder match but let me assure you that come nWo Souled Out I will do anything and everything to walk out with my title! Sunday night you're going to see me climb that ladder essa, You're gonna be down on the canvas and you're gonna see me grab my title for WCW! Syxx the nWo might think they're in control of WCW but when I walk into nWo Souled Out everyone is gonna see me walk away the winner! I promise you that! Syxx you...

    Eddie Guerrero is interrupted by the music of the nWo..... Eddie Guerrero gets ready for a fight as he looks up on the entry way.... But no one is coming down to the ring..... But wait! Syxx comes out through the crowd with the United States Championship! Syxx slides into the ring.... Eddie Guerrero turns around and Syxx nails him with the title right over the head! Eddie Guerrero is out! Syxx poses with the title as the fans boo! Syxx then goes to the outside of the ring.... Syxx looks under the ring and grabs a ladder! Syxx brings the ladder into the ring as Eddie Guerrero is slowly getting up to his feet.... Syxx then nails Eddie Guerrero with the ladder right across the ribs! Eddie Guerrero is down on the canvas he might have broken ribs!

    Syxx drops the ladder onto Eddie Guerrero and then grabs a microphone.

    Syxx- Hey Guerrero! There's your preview! You think you're going to be able to beat me in a ladder match? Well you're dead wrong boy! See this Sunday night I'm going to show to the whole world that you're not worthy of being the United States Champion! Sunday night all you people are going to see me climb that ladder and walk out the new United States champ! Guerrero I'll see you Sunday night!

    The nWo music hits as Syxx grabs the WCW United States Championship and poses with it, Syxx then heads to the back as Eddie Guerrero is laid out.....


    Eddie Guerrero gained overness from this segment.

    Tony Schiavone- No! What has Syxx done? Eddie Guerrero could have broken ribs! That was totally uncalled for!

    Bobby Heenan - Syxx didn't want to wait for Souled Out, How is Eddie Guerrero going to win now with injured ribs?

    Tony Schiavone- I have no idea Bobby, Fans stay tuned up next the Cruiserweight Championship will be on the line!


    Monday Nitro comes back from the commercial break with Juventud Guerrera already in the ring..... Ultimo Dragon's music then plays as Sonny Oono and Ultimo Dragon make their way down the isle way.... Dragon stops as Oono takes a quick picture.... Ultimo Dragon and Sonny Oono then head to the ring.... Dragon takes off his cape and title and hands it to the ringside attendant.....

    WCW Cruiserweight Championship

    Ultimo Dragon© with Sonny Oono defeated Juventud Guerrera

    Dragon and Juventud circle the ring before tying up.... Juventud is able to send Dragon onto the ropes but Dragon ducks a clothesline from Juventud and delivers a big spinning heel kick. Dragon goes to lift Juventud up to his feet but Juventud kicks him in the face, Juventud takes Dragon down with a high hip toss! Dragon quickly gets up to his feet and Juventud takes him down with another high hip toss! Dragon then gets drop kicked out to the floor!

    Juventud waits for Dragon to get up to his feet and then delivers a corkscrew plancha to Dragon out on the floor! Juventud then tosses Dragon back into the ring and nails a springboard leg drop for 2. Juventud lifts Dragon up and sends him for the ride... Guerrera ducks his head which allows Dragon to kick him right in the face! Dragon then follows with his kicking combination to Guerrera putting Guerrera down for 2 count. Dragon lifts Guerrera up and suplexes Guerrera for 2. Dragon continues his assault on Guerrera by nailing Juventud with big chops in the corner! Dragon then puts Guerrera up on the top turnbuckle and goes up top with Juventud.....

    Dragon nails a big hurricanrana but instead of going for the cover, Dragon taunts Guerrera to the approval of Sonny Oono. Dragon slams Juventud down on the canvas and goes up top.... Juventud ends up crotching Dragon up on the top turnbuckle.... Juventud then springboards off the ropes and grabs Dragon's arm taking him off the top turnbuckle with a arm drag! Juventud lifts Dragon up and delivers a drop kick for 2. Juventud follows with a pair of head scissors. Juventud then goes up top. Juventud comes off the top with a big leg drop to Dragon! Juventud covers but only gets a two count!

    Juventud sends Dragon out onto the apron.... Juventud tries to suplex Dragon back into the ring but Dragon counters and suplexes Juventud all the way out to the floor! Dragon then follows with a asai moonsault out onto Guerrera! Dragon rolls Juventud back into the ring and covers for 2. Dragon lifts Guerrera up and scores with his running powerbomb! 1...2... Guerrera kicks out! Dragon works over Juventud's arm and locks him into a arm bar! Guerrera though ends up getting out of it and nailing Dragon with a tornado DDT out of nowhere!

    Juventud lifts Dragon up to his feet, Guerrera suplexes Dragon and springboards off the ropes with a splash for 2. Guerrera then follows with a huge powerslam for another close 2 count. Juventud calls for the Juvi Driver! Dragon stumbles up to his feet and Juventud goes for the Juvi Driver! Dragon though counters out of it and takes Guerrera down with the Tiger Suplex! 1...2... Guerrera kicks out! Dragon and Oono can't believe it! Dragon lifts Guerrera up to his feet, Dragon goes for a spinning side kick but Guerrera ducks... Juventud then grabs Dragon by the waist and delivers a huge release german suplex! Dragon is out! Juventud goes up top! Juventud goes for the 450 Splash but Dragon moves out of the way! Dragon then waits for Guerrera to get up to his feet.... Dragon nails a huge sit out powerbomb for the three count!

    Sonny Oono comes into the ring with the Cruiserweight Championship and hands it to Dragon... Ultimo Dragon and Sonny Oono pose with Oono shouting "Japan number one!"

    64, 55, 90

    The WCW Cruiserweight title has gained in image.

    Tony Schiavone- Ultimo Dragon retains the title, What a great win for Dragon. Juventud Guerrera came close to winning tonight but tonight was Ultimo Dragon's night.

    Bobby Heenan - Dragon beat Malenko at Starrcade, He beat Rey Mysterio last week and tonight he beat Juventud Guerrera. He's on a role Schiavone.

    Tony Schiavone- Oono keeps talking about team Japan, So far he has Ultimo Dragon and Kensuke Sasaki with him two great talents. I wonder who's next for Sonny Oono.

    Bobby Heenan - Could be anyone, Oono is a smart man.....

    Tony Schiavone- He certainly is, Well fans lets take you to the locker room area where Mean Gene Okerlund is standing by with the dream team of Lex Luger and Diamond Dallas Page!

    Interview with Diamond Dallas Page and Lex Luger

    The cameras cut back to the locker room where we see Mean Gene Okerlund standing by, Then next to him is Diamond Dallas Page and "The Total Package" Lex Luger.

    Mean Gene Okerlund- Luger and DDP tonight you two represent WCW when you team up to face the nWo team of Michael Wallstreet and Scott Norton. Diamond Dallas Page last week you were offered a spot in the nWo but you turned it down giving a Diamond Cutter to Hall, Nash and Syxx. At nWo Souled Out it will be DDP against Michael Wallstreet while Luger faces Scott Norton. Your thoughts on tonight's match?

    Lex Luger- First of all DDP, I'm glad you're WCW all the way! And as far as tonight goes, DDP and "The Total Package" are going to show Norton and Wallstreet what WCW is all about! And then Scott Norton at nWo Souled Out I will beat you! Norton tonight you'll get a small preview of nWo Souled Out!

    Diamond Dallas Page- Gene last week those nWo scumbags had the nerve to ask DDP for a spot in the nWo, Well if you guys wanted DDP you should have asked DDP when you first started the nWo! You missed out and now DDP is WCW all the way! And Michael Wallstreet at nWo Souled Out you better get ready to feel the bang!

    Mean Gene Okerlund- Fans you don't want to miss this main event! Stay tuned because it's up next!



    Monday Nitro returns from the commercial break with Norton and Wallstreet already in the ring.... The music of Lex Luger hits the arena to a huge ovation from the fans as Luger makes his way down to the ring, Luger stops on top of the entry way and flexes his muscles as pyros shoot off behind him.... Luger stands near the ring.....

    Diamond Dallas Page's music then hits the arena to another huge ovation from the fans.... DDP makes his way down the isle and stops.... He does the Diamond Cutter sign as pyros shoot off.... DDP then takes off his vest and rips off his DDP shirt.... He and Luger then slide into the ring as their opponents look on.

    Diamond Dallas Page and Lex Luger defeated Michael Wallstreet and Scott Norton

    Luger and Norton start off the match.... Luger and Norton trade right hands and Luger knocks Norton down! Norton gets up and gets knocked back down by another right hand from Luger! Luger sends Norton for the ride and runs over Norton with a clothesline! Luger grabs Norton up and sends him to the corner... Luger does 10 punches to Norton as the fans count along. Luger tags DDP in. DDP kicks away at Norton's ribs and works over Norton's arm... DDP drives his shoulder onto Norton's arm and then follows with a swinging neck breaker for 2.

    DDP lifts Norton up and goes for a early Diamond Cutter but Norton shoves DDP onto the ropes and runs right over Page with a stiff clothesline! Norton lifts Page up and sends Page to the corner... Norton charges at Page with a huge avalanche! Norton tags Wallstreet in. Wallstreet delivers a clothesline to Page and then locks Page into a rear chin lock.... Page fights out of it but Wallstreet then locks him into the abdominal stretch! DDP counters out of it with a hip toss! Page then knocks Norton off the apron but walks right into a clothesline from Wallstreet which gets 2. Luger rallies the crowd behind Page with a "DDP" chant.

    Norton gets tagged back in. Norton pounds away on Page in the corner and Norton's able to deliver a big powerslam for 2. Norton drags Page up and drops Page down to the canvas with a back suplex. Norton tags Wallstreet back in.... Norton and Wallstreet attempt a double suplex but Page falls down to the canvas on his knees and delivers a low blow to both men behind the referee's back! DDP then makes the hot tag to Lex Luger! Luger comes into the ring and runs right over Wallstreet and Norton with a clothesline! Luger grabs Wallstreet and delivers three atomic drops one right after the other! Luger then throws Wallstreet out to the floor!

    Page goes to the outside after Wallstreet leaving Norton and Luger alone.... Luger runs right over Norton with a clothesline! Nortin stumbles up to his feet and Luger takes him out with another clothesline! Luger then calls for the forearm! Norton stumbles to his feet and Luger runs right over him with the forearm shot! Luger calls for the Torture Rack! Meanwhile out on the floor, DDP hits the Diamond Cutter to Wallstreet! Norton is up and Luger racks him! Norton quickly taps! Luger drops Norton down to the canvas as DDP comes into the ring. Page and Luger celebrate as the fans cheer. Norton and Wallstreet head to the back leaving Luger and Page celebrating their victory.

    65, 72, 74

    Tony Schiavone- DDP and Luger win! What a win for WCW with six days away from nWo Souled Out! What a great victory!

    Bobby Heenan - Page and Luger dominated the match, Luger racked Norton up and Norton never stood a chance! Big, big win for team WCW!

    Tony Schiavone- Can Luger beat Norton Sunday night? Will DDP beat Wallstreet Sunday night as well? Fans stick around because up next we'll hear from the WCW World Champion Hollywood Hogan!


    The Giant chases Hollywood Hogan away!

    The nWo theme hits the arena as Monday Nitro comes back from the commercial break to a huge chorus of boos from the fans, Hollywood Hogan then makes his way down the entry way with the WCW Championship using it as a guitar.... Hogan then walks down to the ring as he puts the title on his shoulder. Hogan gets inside the ring and grabs a microphone as the fans chant "Hogan sucks".

    Hollywood Hogan- Sunday night it's nWo Souled out brother, And on that night Hollywood Hogan defends the title against The Giant. And Giant brother you actually think you're going to take away the nWo's title brother? You see Giant you got kicked out of the nWo for a reason brother! And that reason was quite frankly you weren't good enough to be a nWo member brother. You let us down and you dare ask us for a title shot brother? Well you got your shot! At nWo Souled Out you'll step into the ring with the biggest icon in pro wrestling! Hollywood Hogan! Giant I made this business what it is and Sunday night you'll step into the ring with me and you'll know why no one can beat Hollywood brother! Giant I beat you for this title and at nWo Souled Out I'll beat you once again to walk out still the champion! I'm the icon in WCW and....

    Hollywood Hogan is interrupted as The Giant is shown standing on top of the entry way with a steel lead pipe in hand! Giant slowly walks down to the ring as Hogan looks scared! Once Giant gets into the ring, Hogan rolls to the outside and heads to the back! Giant goes right after Hogan! The cameras cut to the parking area where Hogan gets inside a limo.... The Giant makes his way to the parking area as the limo is about to leave.... Giant grabs the pipe and smashes it into the window breaking it! Hogan screams and begs for mercy.... Giant tries to open the door but the limo finally leaves! The Giant is shown standing there with a lead pipe as Monday Nitro comes to an end.....


    OR Show Rating- 74

    TV Rating- We got a 5.83 rating for 'Monday Nitro'!

    The attendance level was 6542 people.

    We made $261680 from ticket sales.

    WWF got a 5.49 television rating for 'Monday Night Raw'!

    The event was attended by 4542 people.

    They made $181680 from ticket sales.

  17. user posted image


    Live from: Miami, Florida

    nWo Souled Out is just six days away, And tonight on Monday Nitro you'll get a small preview of nWo Souled Out because in the Main Event we'll see Diamond Dallas Page and Lex Luger of WCW join forces to face Michael Wallstreet and Scott Norton of the nWo! At nWo Souled Out DDP faces Wallstreet while Luger faces Norton!

    Hollywood Hogan is also scheduled to be in Miami, What will Hollywood have to say about his match with The Giant Sunday night? Will The Giant show up?

    We'll also hear from the WCW United States Champion, Eddie Guerrero. What does Guerrero have to say about his ladder match with Syxx this Sunday night?

    Matches for Monday Nitro

    Arn Anderson, Chris Benoit and Steve McMichael V The Taskmaster and Faces Of Fear

    Disco Inferno V Scotty Riggs

    Dean Malenko V Big Bubba Rogers

    Steiner Brothers V Harlem Heat

    Ultimo Dragon V Juventud Guerrera WCW Cruiserweight Championship

    Plus the main event!

  18. WCW Main Event


    Announcers: Michael Cole and Larry Zbyszko

    Taped from: Colorado Springs, Colorado

    Main Event opens up with it's usual regular opening and then we're taken to the announce booth where Michael Cole and Larry Zbyszko are standing by.

    Michael Cole- Hello and welcome to WCW Main Event, I'm Michael Cole and alongside me is the "Living Legend" Larry Zbyszko. And Larry what a afternoon we got for the fans, In the Main Event we'll see Dean Malenko take on Psychosis!

    Larry Zbyszko- That should be a great match up with two of the top Cruiserweights here in World Championship Wrestling Michael.

    Michael Cole- Fans we're going to get the afternoon started with singles action, It'll be the nWo's Masahiro Chono taking on Billy Kidman of WCW!

    Masahiro Chono defeated Billy Kidman

    The match was all Chono right from the opening bell. Chono dominated Kidman with stiff kicks and punches in the corner and Chono almost turned Kidman inside out with a stiff clothesline. Chono suplexed Kidman twice and got near falls. Chono ended up getting too cocky and went up top.... Chono took too long up top and missed a high elbow drop! Kidman then nailed a swinging bulldog and a clothesline for 2. Kidman followed with two drop kicks and a big DDT. Kidman then connected with a huge sit out powerbomb and called for his Shooting Star Press! Kidman went up top but ended up missing his Shooting Star Press! Chono then locked Kidman into the STF for the submission win! Afterwards Chono posed for a bit to boos from the crowd.

    63, 48, 79

    Michael Cole- Big win for Masahiro Chono here on Main Event, Chono will take on Jeff Jarrett at nWo Souled Out in what should be a great match Larry.

    Larry Zbyszko- Chono picks up a win today but Billy Kidman is no Jeff Jarrett, We'll see how Masahiro Chono does when he's up against Jeff Jarrett.

    Michael Cole- I can't wait to see Jeff Jarrett and Masahiro Chono go at it at nWo Souled Out, Other matches include Buff Bagwell taking on Scotty Riggs, Big Bubba Rogers faces Chris Benoit of the Four Horsemen, Diamond Dallas Page faces Michael Wallstreet, Lex Luger goes up against Scott Norton, Syxx challenges Eddie Guerrero for the United States Championship in a ladder match, The Outsiders defend the Tag Team Championship against Steiner Brothers and Hollywood Hogan defends the World Championship against The Giant. It's a great card fans so don't forget to order nWo Souled Out on January 19th.

    Larry Zbyszko- I'm looking forward to seeing some big WCW wins, Especially for Eddie Guerrero and Steiner Brothers.

    Michael Cole- Speaking of Steiner Brothers, Earlier today our cameras caught up to them in this interview.

    Interview with Steiner Brothers

    We're shown an interview from earlier today with Steiner Brothers.

    Scott Steiner- The Outsiders, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. You two boys think you're the best tag team in WCW? Well think again! The Steiner Brothers are the best tag team in WCW and one week from now we're going to prove it to the both of you! At nWo Souled Out there will be new Tag Team Champions and it'll be us you can bet on that!

    Rick Steiner- Hall and Nash, You two said that the tag team division is like luggage that needs to be carried around? Well at Souled Out you're going to find out what happens when you get into the ring with the Steiner Brothers! Me and Scotty are going to walk out the new WCW Tag Team Champions! And there's nothing you two can do about it! *Barks*

    Scott Steiner- Hall and Nash you two better be prepared for the fight of your life come nWo Souled Out! Because we will give you the toughest match you two have ever had!

    The image fades we go to a commercial break.



    John Tenta defeated Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker

    Parker jumped the big man from behind as the bell rang, Parker beat down on Tenta in the corner and choked away.... Parked worked over Tenta's arm and rammed it onto the ring post three times! Parker continued his assault on Tenta kicking away at the arm! Parker eventually went for a clothesline but Tenta caught him and slammed him down to the canvas! Tenta then followed with his vertical splash to pick up the win! Afterwards Tenta celebrated to cheers from the fans.

    58, 49, 68

    Michael Cole- What a big win for John Tenta. The big man continues to impress me Larry, And he's a top contender for the WCW Championship.

    Larry Zbyszko- John Tenta the veteran picks up a big win, He's one of the top players here in World Championship Wrestling and in my opinion he's deserving of a title shot against Hollywood Hogan.

    Michael Cole- He certainly is, But he'll have to wait until nWo Souled Out to get his shot, Because it will be The Giant challenging Hollywood Hogan for the title.... Who will come out on top of that one?

    Larry Zbyszko- Well The Giant isn't WCW or nWo, But then again he'll be a better champion than Hogan, Eighter way I can't wait to see what should be a great match up.

    Michael Cole- Fans lets take you to the locker room area where Mean Gene Okerlund is standing by with Alex Wright and Chavo Guerrero Jr.!

    Interview with Alex Wright and Chavo Guerrero Jr.

    The cameras pan to the locker room area where we see Mean Gene Okerlund standing by with the team of Alex Wright and Chavo Guerrero Jr.

    Mean Gene Okerlund- I'm standing by with the young tag team of Chavo Guerrero Jr., And Alex Wright. Today you two young men prepare to take on the veteran team of Dirty Dick Slater and Bunkhouse Buck. Some might think you two are at a disadvantage because Buck and Slater are veterans and because they have Colonel Parker at their side, Your thoughts?

    Chavo Guerrero Jr.- You know Gene everyone looks at me and Alex like we're going to lose, Because we're younger and don't have as much experience as Bunkhouse Buck and Dirty Dick Slater, But today you two are going to find out that we're the better team! And Colonel Parker don't even think about interfering in this match!

    Alex Wright- Chavo and Alex Wright today will prove why we're the top young talent here in World Championship Wrestling, Today you're going to see this young team beat Bunkhouse Buck and Dirty Dick Slater!

    Mean Gene Okerlund- Fans it could happen, Up next we got some great tag team action!


    Chavo Guerrero Jr. gained overness from this segment.


    Alex Wright and Chavo Guerrero Jr. defeated Bunkhouse Buck and Dirty Dick Slater with Colonel Parker

    The team of Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater controlled most of the match isolating young Chavo Guerrero Jr. Slater and Buck would resort to dirty tactics through out the match up. They would even distract the official at times so Colonel Parker could get some cheap shots in on Chavo Guerrero. Eventually Chavo Guerrero was able to make the tag to Alex Wright. Alex came in and took out Dick and then Slater with clotheslines! Wright and Chavo then double back dropped Buck and followed with a double drop kick to Slater! The match ends when Chavo is on the outside with Buck, Inside the ring Slater goes for a clothesline to Wright but he ducks it and takes Slater out with a German Suplex for the one, two, three! Afterwards Chavo and Alex celebrated as Colonel Parker helped his team to the back.

    57, 48, 67

    Michael Cole- The young of Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Alex Wright pick up a huge win, Larry I get more impressed with these two young rookies each and every day here in World Championship Wrestling.

    Larry Zbyszko- Alex Wright and Chavo Guerrero Jr. will be top players here in WCW, They picked up a win over one of the top tag teams here in World Championship Wrestling.

    Michael Cole- Fans speaking of the tag team division, At nWo Souled Out we'll see The Outsiders defend the titles against Steiner Brothers. Who will come out as the champions? The Outsiders of the nWo or Steiner Brothers from WCW?

    Larry Zbyszko- I can't wait to see that match take place Cole, I can't wait to see Steiner Brothers take back the titles for World Championship Wrestling.

    Michael Cole- It could happen, Fans lets take a look at the tag team title match for nWo Souled Out!

    Video for Tag Team Championship at nWo Souled Out

    A video airs hyping the tag team championship match for nWo Souled Out, It will be The Outsiders defending the titles against Steiner Brothers. It shows several clips like when The Outsiders won the titles and the defenses they had.... It then shows several clips of the Steiner Brothers during their stay here in WCW. At nWo Souled Out which tag team will come out on top?


    Kevin Nash lost overness from this segment. Scott Hall lost overness from this segment.


    Dean Malenko defeated Psychosis

    Malenko and Psychosis had a great back fourth match up with neighter man getting a real advantage. Dean Malenko worked over the leg of Psychosis softening it up for the Texas Cloverleaf while Psychosis used flashy Mexican style offense to "wow" the crowd. Psychosis ended up taking control of the match after hitting a devastating powerslam to Dean Malenko for a two count. Psychosis then continued his assault using a big DDT and a back suplex all for near falls. Psychosis then came off the top with a moonsault but Malenko ended up kicking out at two. Psychosis had Malenko down after a brutal sit out powerbomb and went up top.... Psychosis went for the Guillotine Legdrop but Malenko rolled out of the way! Malenko then nailed a tilt a whirl slam out of nowhere for a 2 count. Malenko followed with a back breaker and huge underhook powerbomb into a back breaker for 2. Malenko finished off by locking Psychosis into the Texas Cloverleaf for the submission win! Main Event with Malenko in the ring celebrating his win.

    65, 51, 80

    Dean Malenko debuted his new gimmick (Ice Man), it got a positive response.

    OR Show Rating- 66

    TV Rating- We got a 2.90 rating for 'Main Event'!

    The attendance level was 6546 people.

    We made $261840 from ticket sales.

    WWF got a 2.93 television rating for 'Superstars'!

    The event was attended by 4017 people.

    They made $160680 from ticket sales.

    All right for results, Nitro will be fully detailed while Saturday Night/Main Event will stay the same except they'll be posted in the same post... I find it easier that way... So Nitro will be fully detailed and then SN/ME will be up together but they'll stay the same :D

    Thoughts on the new result change are welcome :D

  19. This diary seems a tad predictable. Why must Kliq members hold all the top spots in your diaries? Fair enough if your a mark for them, but try and make a little less predictable.

    I don't get how the clique members are holding the top spots, Hall and Nash are in the tag team division, Syxx is in the US title division.... How is that them in the top spots?

    I do agree it's a tad predictable but that's because I'm only in the first month, Hopefully things won't stay predictable for long.... :D

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