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Posts posted by supergrass

  1. There were talks in the Mail today that Arsenal might move Trabelsi to right back and put Lauren in the middle if Vieira leaves. I think that's paper talk, I hope that's paper talk, because as good as Lauren is, he really isn't Patrick Vieira, not by a long shot.

  2. They rarely pick the best album, it'll be something new or something not too many people like. Why this is I don't know.

    I knew Muse didn't stand a chance of being nominated, but I was still a bit gutted they weren't. Absolution was as good as any album in the last year.

    I'm with Snow Patrol or Franz Ferdinand. The best of not an amazing bunch.

  3. I think Gerrard will be as good as Vieira in time, but I think Vieira is still the better of the two, plus he's always seemed so committed to the club, which is why I'd take Vieira over Gerrard.

    If Real could take Vieira from Arsenal I think Arsenal would be able to take Gerrard with the extra cash. Vieira's got a three year contract I believe, so Gerrard's might not save him.

    Hopefully it won't come to this, leaving both us Arsenal and the Liverpool fans happy.

  4. I'd advise that too. I picked up a vintage bass for £90, I've been told by quite a few bass enthusiasts that the bass, when new, would cost hundreds. So that's the way to go I think.

    Anyone know of any good online guitar tutorials? I've mastered bass (sort of) and I'm trying to pick up on some acoustic guitar. I've seen a few but not any great ones. Any help?

  5. I think that's the case. On a random note, somebody on TV mentioned signing Steven Gerrard if we sold Vieira. That might ease the void, but Gerrard is no Vieira and we shouldn't let him go.

    Something else that was mentioned; do Real really have that much more of a chance of winning the Champions League than Arsenal? The way it's gone the last couple of years I don't think any team can promise a player that he'll lift the cup. I'd say Arsenal will start next year with as good a chance as anyone, nobody really wants to play us.

  6. If he played enough games he'd score plenty of goals. But when you're at the top of the league you don't have time to wait for players to come good, they have to do it straight away.

    With Jeffers' wages I doubt anybody will have him. That and we'll probably want a decent price for him after we over-paid. I can't see anybody bidding more than £3m for him.

  7. On the subject of Jeffers, I personally don't doubt his talents, but I just don't think he fits in well at Arsenal. He plays more as a traditional centre-forward, in the style of an Alan Shearer or Ian Wright (though he's not quite up to their standards yet), who'll wait for crosses and score tap ins. I don't think this fits in with how Arsenal play, they don't want to cross balls, they pass through teams.

    Nice to see Van Persie and Reyes looking good, I'm hopeful for next season. This could see us go further in Europe.

    A few non-league clubs do what Barnet did in auctioning a place in the team, good way to raise a little cash.

  8. As I said in the Arsenal thread, this type of thing seems to come up every year for the past three or four years. Even when Vieira was out of contract he stayed at Arsenal. I'm thinking it's more attempts by Real to unsettle Vieira and nothing more.

    It'd be a huge step back for us to let him leave, and even if it was for £30million we couldn't buy anybody better with that cash. It makes little sense to me, I think he'll stay.

  9. It's only as back-up, and didn't Lehman play all or at least most of the games least season anyway? If Wenger's impressed we'll just have to go along with it and support the new guy.

    Moving on to Vieira, does anybody think there's any truth in rumours saying he wants to go to Real Madrid? They seem to bring this story up every year, and Vieira is still with us. I'm hoping it's boring speculation again, why would we sell Vieira when we couldn't possibly buy anybody better? It'd be a huge step backwards.

  10. I've got to hope, I can't face the prospect of Linderoth/Li Tie in our midfield next season.  With those two, we'll be lucky to string 3 passes together next season.

    Gah...it's just been confirmed.  Well, get your money on Everton to go down, Rooney or not.

    If you can get Robbie Savage after al the speculation I think you'll be ok. He works hard and should be better than those two you've mentioned (Li Tie did start well, but that's it).

    You were better off getting rid of David "Long Ball" Unsworth.

    My brother supports Everton, hence I have all the comings and goings drilled into me.

  11. For what it's worth, The Sun today have a list of players who Mourinho wants and who he doesn't.

    They think he wants: Kezman and Mutu (to stay)

    Whilst they claim he has no/little interest in: Crespo, Davids, Deco and Rooney.

    I can remember Lampard saying before that Chelsea should keep the English backbone to the side (players like himself, Terry, Parker, Cole, Bridge etc). While I don't think ALL those English players should play every game, I think Lampard's got the right idea.

  12. Cygan started well but had a shake in confidence and just never really got over it. He's not bad cover, but I think we can do better. I'd let him go.

    Apparently Trabelsi may only be cover, not sure on that. But either way Wenger apparently wants 2 right-backs so that Toure can play in the middle all the time rather than have to cover Lauren if he's out injured or suspended

  13. Mine's been very similar to how it was when I first got into music. From an early-ish age my brother would pound bands like Oasis (still my favourite band), The Charlatans, Pulp, Ocean Colour Scene etc into my head non-stop.

    Since then I've gone on to bands like Supergrass, The Libertines, Muse...but it's the same kind of thing I guess, and I still love the bands that he used to play to me.

    So I have my brother to thank for my musical tastes now.

  14. I'd say no. Ronaldo is good on the game, and stays good a long time (in my 2018 game he's still a great player). It would give Arsenal and advantage plus would you really be able to buy anyone better with the cash? I'd imagine you're not short on funds anyway.

    The best offer I ever got was £30,000,000 for Aaron Lennon. I turned that down.

  15. To be honest I have no idea how we were still in the game when Campbell nodded in. Portugal really should've put the game away before that considering their amount of chances and how deep we defended and badly we played.

  16. Apparently the spot was as bad at the other end. England had been taking penalties there yesterday, Hansen said after the match that somebody had already complained to UEFA about the state of the spots.

  17. Matzat, fuck off from this thread. Please. You're just causing more people to get mad.

    That's why he's here.

    Of course it is. When you're in with the admin trolling is just another part of your day at EWB

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