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  1. Janelle just made my whole day. I have the entire video of what went on in the house when they were all drunk, thank God for showing some of it atleast. Janelle flipping off Jennifer after she threw the hoh key on live tv was awesome. And "Bye bitches" at the end lmao. She's hilarious.
  2. I would love to see Kaysar back in but even Micheal would stir shit up too. The only bad person to come back would be cappy that would be horrible.
  3. "Early Morning Rain" - Gordon Lightfoot
  4. Worst thing that could have happened, happened. Ugh! Well, atleast Cappy! is gone. Kaysar and James are going up unless they try to do some weird shit with the veto. I think James would leave because he lost April's trust when he came out to them that he lied so much. And April would sway Jenn. I could see Howie go up if someone gets the veto. Best thing that could happen would be Janelle getting the veto saving herself and Kaysar.
  5. That episode last night was all kinds of awesome. Kaysar is such a good repersentative for brown people! Woohoo, finally some good rep on TV. I love how lastweek him and Janelle were just hated and this week they are running the whole house to the ground. Awesome nominees. I don't know about Janelle, Kaysar and Howie trusting James though. He seems very unstable and is the kind of person that will change there mind very quickly. But aslong as they make the final 6 that will be awesome. I'm hoping the HOH stays in there ranks because they're so screwed if anyone from the other side gets it.
  6. I guess BB6 isn't very popular around here. I love it so far though. Janelle and Kaysar are my two favourites. I would like Ivette if she wasn't such a racist dykey bitch. I would like to Maggie and Eric go very soon, there both gross.
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