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Jonny D

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Posts posted by Jonny D

  1. Darren Fletcher is a fucking twat.

    Playing second fiddle for two years now, first to Salomon Kalou and now to Bastian Schweinsteiger, I decided to cut the wage bill by offering him in specifically to a number of clubs reportedly interested as suggested by my assistant manager.

    I get a few offers with Deportivo offering the most money, I accept. Then I get an E-Mail from him saying that he’s rejected they’re contract and under no point does he want to leave Old Trafford.

    Questioning my authority, are you? It’s reserve football from now on you Scottish cunt.

    Now fast-forward a few months, I check up on him and he now ‘dislikes me’ and now feels that moving clubs will give him more of a first-team opportunity (Who’d have thought it?). Again I offer him out and get a deal from Juventus, £14 ½ Million (His worth) plus Shaun-Wright-Phillips (A player who I brought to them) in an exchange deal. I can safely say that’s the last I’ll see of him. Prick.

  2. I came the closest I have ever come to doing the only thing I have left to do on this game as a big club last night, win the Champions League. Man United Vs Juventus, Champions League Final, 2012. I was 2-1 up going into the 88th minute, almost preparing to break out the champagne, when Juventus scored to take it to extra time. Then, in the 118th minute, just as I was preparing myself for penalties, Zlatan Ibrahimovic scored a wonder goal from about 30 yards to win them the game. I was gutted. :(

    The Champions League STILL eludes me on this game.

  3. When it went to penalties I had a feeling Arsenal would win, and they were all very good penalties from Arsenal. With the amount of chances we had in the game though, it shouldn't really of even gone to penalties.

  4. Has to be Empire for me. Although the only bit I can remember of it right now is the massive SWERVE~! at the end, as it's been a long time since I saw it, that part alone made the film rock.

    Oh, and whoever voted Phantom Menace needs shooting. Twice.

  5. I got Guarin on a free for my Manchester United side a few seasons back as well. He started out as a backup to Keane, then when Keane got to old he became a backup for Poulsen. Now in 2009 he has finally found his place in my starting XI, scoring regular fantastic goals. His stats have developed well since the start of the game as well, and now he's a real goal threat from the midfield. He's not normally the type of player I look for as a DMC, but this season his average rating is well above 8, which is better than any of my other DMC's managed.

  6. So yeah, it happened to Leeds. Does it happen to all clubs upon takeover? No. It has been outlined that the club will be in debt by nothing other than the tabloids. Truth be told, no one really knows what the club will be like after the seemingly inevitable purchase.

  7. Yes they will, because the West Brom players have worked like dogs this season and whatever happens on Sunday, WBA fans will know their team has tried their very best. This season has not been good enough for Manchester United, for a number of obvious reasons, including bad management and players seemingly not giving a toss half of the time, and the fans showed that. Good on them.

  8. Man United fans make me sick. Just because they wanted to beat the Chelsea fans down the M6 to London they left early and never stayed for the lap of honour. I don't care what people say, sneaking out of the ground on your last home game of the season 5 minutes early just because you're losing is pathetic. Noticed Alan Smith looked around the ground and wondered what the fuck he is doing there. To be fair, no-one deserves an empty crowd more than him

    At least Man United fans don't have far to travel to their home games next season, unless they live in East London. Hey, it's a big city

  9. I don't usually complain about players asking for a lot of money, as being a Footballer is generally a very short career, and one bad tackle and it suddenly becomes even shorter, so they have the right to squeeze as much money out of the game while they have the chance. I do think it is outrageous the amount of money some people want though, as when you go above the amount in a week that most people make in a year it just becomes rediculous.

  10. FM06 really sounds like its going to be great. Some of the features were announced recently, and these are my faves of the bunch:

    Half-time team talks add the ability to tell your players individually or collectively exactly what you thought of their first half performance, via the tactics screen. Will you be able to keep your players motivated, or will you cause a collapse in the second half?

    Another welcome feature is the ability to manage players on a personal level. Unhappy players can cause huge morale problems for the whole squad and result in bad performances, so the new Player Interaction feature will help you to manage your team more closely.

  11. I don't think you can blame bad creativity for the result,as we created 27 chances so the creativity was there, it was just a mixture of bad finishing, bad fortune and decent goalkeeping that lost us the result. Scoring one goal against teams like WBA is simply not good enough, but it has happened all the time this season. Blackburn, Portsmouth, Man City, Fulham, Palace, Blackburn (again), Norwich and now WBA - in those eight games we have only scored 3 goals this season, and picked up only six points. If we want to win the title again draws and losses against those teams have to be turned to wins, and I don't know if Fergie is the man to do that with his current negative tactics and team selection. Trouble is, as I've said before, I really don't see an obvious replacement.

  12. I'll say Norwich, as Fulham are a very beatable team, and not having to rely on other results certainly goes in their favour. I'd like it to be Palace, because Dowie and Johnson have both been great this season, but it really wouldn't surprise me to see them both moving to greener pastures is Palace go down.

  13. With our dominance in the first half we really should of been more than one goal up, but in the second half West Brom came out fighting, and it was obvious they just wanted the points more. Best of luck to WBA in their final game.

    And despite what everyone is saying about Fergie going, I still think he should at least stay on next season, but only if he can get this 4-5-1 bollocks out of his head. When the time does come for a new man in charge though, I think he'll have a very tough job on his hands, as right now there are no really obvious replacements around and whoever comes in will be seen as not good enough by the fans.

  14. I already posted it; it’s up the page.

    What I'm unsure of is where you're getting these details, such as the cost of the transfer. The amount you're quoting seems ridiculous and to my knowledge, at no point has a fee been made public. I don't know much about him other than what was in the MUtv feature they did on him, I wouldn’t say he's quite in the same league as a lot of our other players but more so a future prospect of sorts. Henning Berg gave his thoughts on the signing on manutd.com, he being a coach at the club Mikel was signed from, I'd check it out for more details.

  15. Man United have just confirmed the signing of John Obi mikel, a 17 year old Nigerian playing in Norway for anywhere between £6.5m and £10m, depending on who you believe. Wg=hatever the figure is, its a hell of a lot of money for a 17 year old who's only ever player three senior games. He's cheduled to join in January 2006, but despite that will go on the Asain tour with us this Summer, and will more than likely make an impact an the first team immediately. Apparently he's an all action central midfielder in the Roy Keane/Steven Gerrard mould, but all I know of him is what I've seen in a short 10 second video clip and what people have said.

    The player has spent time with both Chelsea and Man United before, training with us in 2003. Mourinho said of him, "Our scouting department has found a lad of 17 who is training with me, seems like a mature man and a player with a lot of experience. He's Nigerian, plays in Norway ... we've found gold."

    He might of found gold, but he didn't get gold, we did. Sounds like he could possibly be a great signing.

  16. And we've only got four because of the performance of Liverpool, and others, in Europe.

    Actually you got four because the English, Spanish and Italian were (and are) regarded as the three top leagues in europe. The reason why you KEEP having 4 teams is due to the performance of Liverpool, and others, in Europe, though.

  17. I highly doubt that UEFA will increase the number of English teams in the CL. They didn't do it when Real Madrid finished fifth and won it in 2000, and they won't do it now. BTW, that season the Spanish FA gave the spot to Madrid ahead of the fourth placed team, and the team in fourth that season got relegated two seasons later. Make of that what you want, but chances are none of this will matter anyway.

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