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Posts posted by kliq

  1. Is it me or do finishers look really weak in cutscenes? Austin stunned someone and it was really crap, it looked like he'd just hooked their head then sat down. Edge just speared someone too and he just basically ran at them and fell on top.

    all of em are terrible. Taker's Chokeslam and Last Ride are horrendous, the stunner looks terrible, they just have a terrible job of doing moves in cutscenes.

    What shocks me is that the awful execution of the moves is deliberate, and I'm not sure why.

  2. I just had a 100 minute slobberknocker and eliminated 100 people. That's 1 a minute people!!!!! (H)

    I would say that's quite sad and obsessive,

    I personally think it was a pretty big achievement on hard mode with the way the computer reverses nearly everything in the new game. I had a few spare hours this afternoon and wanted to see if I could last 100 minutes. I'm a goal orientated person. ^_^

    Just out of interest, who were you playing as? And why did you feel the need to molest poor Hurricane for twenty of those hundred minutes?!

    Austin (Y) I just chose Hurricane randomly.

  3. I just had a 100 minute slobberknocker and eliminated 100 people. That's 1 a minute people!!!!! (H)

    I would say that's quite sad and obsessive,

    I personally think it was a pretty big achievement on hard mode with the way the computer reverses nearly everything in the new game. I had a few spare hours this afternoon and wanted to see if I could last 100 minutes. I'm a goal orientated person. ^_^

  4. I just had a 100 minute slobberknocker and eliminated 100 people. That's 1 a minute people!!!!! (H)

    I did it in around 50 and I think I had numerous micro sleeps during that so I probably could've done better. That and I stopped trying for a short while as I wanted to lose after passing the challenge, then I thought I might get a bonus for 100 so I rallied on. No prize. :( Then again I was on Normal, you mighta been on a harder setting.

    And on the Rumble challenge I used Andre and eliminated all 29.

    I deliberately took 100 minutes though, lol. I kicked the shit of the hurricane for a good 20 minutes. I was on hard.

  5. Anyone else experienceing disk problems? After few matches, been getting some long ass loading time, with the disk making funny noises.

    Yeah, I've had the game freeze a few times too. What makes it worse is that I keep forgetting you have to save profile data and season data seperately, which has resulted in me losing data both times it's froze.

    Put the profile autosave on.

    I think the ring-out bars go down too quickly in this year's Rumble match. I still managed to win it in season with Eddie when having to start number 1 though :D

    There's autosave? :o How do I enable it?

    Options > Save/Load > Profile Autosave > On

    w00t, thanks.

  6. Anyone else experienceing disk problems? After few matches, been getting some long ass loading time, with the disk making funny noises.

    Yeah, I've had the game freeze a few times too. What makes it worse is that I keep forgetting you have to save profile data and season data seperately, which has resulted in me losing data both times it's froze.

    Put the profile autosave on.

    I think the ring-out bars go down too quickly in this year's Rumble match. I still managed to win it in season with Eddie when having to start number 1 though :D

    There's autosave? :o How do I enable it?

  7. Just finished the Rumble in my season, I thought it ruled. I'd have liked maybe a few new reversal moves when on the apron and stuff, but it's still good. I thought you had to grapple them, but then I realised that if you wear them down enough, they don't hold on, so I guess that's the actual idea of things which I like. Great match too. Came in at 22 and managed to win it. Came down to me and Rey, went on for about four extra minutes until I finally managed to low blow him and throw him over the top rope, and he just collapsed to the outside. Look forward to see where this leads to from here, storyline has been great so far I think.

    Yup, I thoroughly enjoyed the Rumble in season mode. Took the option to do the ironman and got a few falls, entered at number 19 and won it.

    Anyone else experienceing disk problems? After few matches, been getting some long ass loading time, with the disk making funny noises.

    Yeah, I've had the game freeze a few times too. What makes it worse is that I keep forgetting you have to save profile data and season data seperately, which has resulted in me losing data both times it's froze.

  8. There's 5 different super dirty moves, O, O + L, O + R etc.

    Uhm, care to expand on that? Situations, finishers required, etc?

    Also, what do you need to do to reverse a finisher? I'm useless.

    I stand corrected as it happens. To do a super dirty move, fill up the momentum meter after storing a finisher and tap L1 while holding holding L2. To reverse a finisher use L2 + R2 at the same time.

  9. You do know that you can change the amount of reversals by the computer?

    Its a sliding bar in options

    Yes, I am aware. But if at it's default setting the computer is reversing nearly all my moves, imagine what it would be like if the slider was at full.

    I've had some cracker matches tho, submission match against Bret as Angle was one of the best I've ever had.

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