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Everything posted by kliq

  1. Look, you've got Marsh so angry he spelt receive wrong, tsk. Everyone needs to calm down a little. Matzat seems to be taking people's liking of the SmackDown! games a little badly, like it's some sort of personal attack on him. It's not, different people like different things. Deal with it, it's a fact of life. :thumbsup: By all means debate, just don't ruin the thread for everyone else who just wants to chat about the new SmackDown! game.
  2. It changes on every page refresh :thumbsup:
  3. I had an Ironman match, as the Undertaker, against CPU Tajiri yesterday as it happens. I tombstoned him through two tables at the same time, chokeslammed and tombstoned him around 20 times, beat him with chairs and a sledgehammer to the pint where it got boring, and did that chokeslam off the top rope to the outside move... twice. I eventually beat him with a DDT at what I estimated to be the 40 minute mark.
  4. Last 4 legends have been announced: 1999 style Mankind, 1999 style Rock and the LOD. :smug: http://ps2.ign.com/articles/540/540498p1.html
  5. I doubt it. If they have Holly then they should have Billy Gunn. And Conway/Grenier were tag champs by the time the deadline hit. Soooo... I'm sure that isn't very complete. ← http://ps2.ign.com/articles/539/539783p1.html Unless there are more suprises other than the 6 legends, then that article lists the final roster.
  6. As far as I'm aware, that is the final roster with the exception of 6 more legends.
  7. Check out ps2.ign.com, there's some very cool screenshots of the legends. OS Taker looks amazing. As for the remaining 6 legends, I'm saying Rock and Foley as definates. I'm also silently praying for Austin.
  8. I watched it yesterday and I realized that DoR wrestlers STILL suffer from the absurd looking walk that was even worse in the WM games. The lack of music and a tron spoiled it for me too. Overall tho, the Undertaker looks much better in SvR than he does in DoR, and they'll probably improve it a great deal. EDIT: I also think that his arms are in that position when he's walking up the steps in SvR because he's meant to be holding his coat; maybe they'll add that in.
  9. There's a reasonably big update just posted on IGN. Check out Undertaker's entrance; for what it is, it's amazing.
  10. This is why I'm inclined to think this is a hoax. There are literally hundreds of sites out there that steal WWE's images and post WWE's media, etc; yet for some reason they're picking on PWSE because they're using the term "WWE Diva" ?
  11. No. Anytime you use copyrighted material without permission from the copyright owner, you're breaking copyright law and you can be sued; whether or not you charge is only relevant when it comes to damages.
  12. I'm not sure what to make of this. Over the years I've heard about and been privy to people being contacted by the WWE's "legal team" and being instructed to remove various WWE-related images and references, it always turned out to be a hoax.
  13. Don't know whether it's been mentioned or not, but the Royal Rumble has been revamped in a way. In Raw vs. SmackDown!, there's now a special move to throw people out of the ring, meaning you won't be able to just punch someone and have them do a somersault over the rope, which is an excellent addition in my opinion. The opening taunts and stare-downs should be cool too, and from what I've seen the referee's counts are a lot faster. Apparantly there's also a Mission mode as well as a Career, and a new charisma stat. Source: PSW Magazine. If anyone does get the PSW magazine, watch the Mysterio/Benoit match and notice the voiceover man pronouce Benoit, "Benwit"
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