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Posts posted by EddieRuckus

  1. Phantom of the Opera?  WHY HAVEN'T I HEARD OF THIS!?(Really big fan of musicals.)

    You either live under a rock or your local theater isn't planning on having more than one print of it....they've already starting selling tickets at my theater for it. :huh:

  2. Phantom of the Opera? WHY HAVEN'T I HEARD OF THIS!?(Really big fan of musicals.)

    That is definately a must-see for me, but I might as well list some other ones. Extra note: If you like Phantom of the Opera, you will probably enjoy Jekyll and Hyde(yes, there is a musical for it and has a very dark tone to it.)

    Polar Express

    Blade: Trinity

    Meet the Fockers

    Ocean's 12


    The Aviator

    Finding Neverland

    Not too sure on the others, haven't seen trailers for them.

  3. Chappelle's Show

    The Blind Racist


    Playa Hata's Ball

    Rick James


    All the Jeopardy's

    The one where the Rock is the gay bartender

    Canteen Boy :shifty:

    Motivational Speaker

    Hans and Frans

    Numerous Others I can't remember

    Monty Python

    The Argument Sketch

    How To Defend Yourself Against Fruits

    And of Course, the Dead Parot Sketch


    My God from Sister Act

    The Radio Station(Janitor kills DJ by accident, does entire show with friend, hilarious.)

    The Dreaded Batter Pudding Hurler-Spike Milligan

    The Radio Sketch(Guy goes through tons of radio stations, guy that did it was frickin awesome)

    More to come if I remember them.

  4. Guerrero vs. Regal

    Mysterio vs. Malenko

    Steiners vs. Harlem Heat

    Hall vs. Flair

    Nash vs. Luger

    Hogan vs. The Giant with special guest Referee Comissioner Bischoff.

    Who joins the n.W.o. at Road Wild? Ric Flair

    Who will be added to the Horsemen to make it complete? Guerrero

    TIE BREAKER: Who will be debuting soon? Goldberg

    EDIT: Winner now predicted, sorry bout that.

  5. Ok this is cool.  Today a woman came by our campus and was making dog tags for free.  So myself and my two Halo playing buddies decided we were gonna have our Halo Tag's put on the Dog Tag's.  Along with that we had to come up with a sweet catch phrase as well.  On Halo my tag is NASCAR, and my buddies use bob and Skelator.  So here is what we came up with:

    NASCAR - It's Halo Time - Buckle Your Seatbelts!

    Bob Of The Lowlands - Your X-Box Or Mine?

    Skelator - 1 Million Kills And Counting!

    So now when we walk around campus and people ask us what our Halo 2 tags are, all we have to do is show them our new Dog Tag's.

    Just thought i'd throw that out there, if anyone cares  <_<

  6. The cutscenes are better, multiplayer is better(as on System Link games you don't have to have only four X-boxes able to join one game, this one you can have as many as you want as long as it doesn't overflow with 16 people, which is good for dorm life), story seems a little more interesting, and some of the problems in the first one are fixed. No one said it was the best game ever, I don't even think that. I think it's the greatest X-box game ever, as the replay value of the Halo series is extremely high(I found myself choosing to play Halo over more recent releases excluding GTA.) Also the music is a lot better composed as well(which for me also really helps a game, addicted to all kinds of music), so in essence it's a sweet game. Only reason that there's this much hype is because it's the sequel to Halo 2 and because it was supposed to come out close to two years ago.

  7. Man, this game really rocks. Played campaign for a little bit(still on the earth stage), and played some good multiplayer games. I so want a headset though so I can communicate with other members better online. If you're interested in joining my clan, the League of Honor, give me your gamertag. Mine is EkinJones, and if you need a clan member I could do that as well.

  8. Once you finish one blackboard it goes to another one. Soon I will be able to decided which car I want to drive around in mayhem with(on the second blackboard). Stealing the Patriot is also fun, getting it from the 69 compound to the docks is one hell of an adventure.

  9. I've bought every single game in the smackdown series, but I believe that is going to change on this one. I may buy it eventually, like when it's 20$ next year when the next one comes out. I've heard way too many complaints about the game, and I'm glad I decided to spend my money on San Andreas rather than SD vs. RAW. Eventually I'll buy it, but it's not going to be at the top of my priority.

  10. It's going to be fricking kick-ass. Mind you that it isn't going to be the best game ever, but it will still keep me busy for the rest of this fiscal year along with GTA.

    My plan: I have class on Monday from 9-4(stupid music classes), but then I'm going to try to sleep until 11PM that night. Play GTA or watch some adult swim that night til midnight, go to Gamestop, get my game, and good times will be had as I stay up until class. Class isn't until 11 either, so that's around 11 hours of Halo 2 goodness!

  11. Need some help finding cars for the exporting side mission, so far I've exported a Camper, a Stretch, and a Feltzer. Any tips on finding the other ones? I know I can probably find a Sanchez and a Buffalo, but any tips on the other cars?

  12. Stupid Stupid Seahawks! I just hope that they can somehow come off of their loss today to realize their mistakes(Hasselback had 4 interceptions) and become a better team because of it. Cardinals deserved the win, nice job by them.

  13. As I'm sure some of you may know, the teaser trailer is going to be released in theatres with Pixar's The Incredibles. Also my brother just sent this to me through e-mail, and seeing as I didn't see it here is what looks to be a legit teaser poster, since I know some people can't be arsed to check out theforce.net


    Thoughts? I for one think it looks sweet and is very fitting of the movie.

  14. 988278.jpg

    Team America-World Police-8.5/10

    This was by far one of the craziest movies I have seen all year. As Boulder mentionted there were quite a few belly-bursters in this film and it had a lot of satarical moments in the film. I'd definatley watch this again and buy it on DVD for it's sheer bellybusters.

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