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Posts posted by Tarheels.

  1. source: Prowresting Insider

    Rumor has it that TNA's plan to put the title strap on Jay Reso might not work. The reason he picked up the win over Rhino this week is because Raven refused to let Reso go over. And with Raven's creative control, and him just signing a new contract TNA's little plan might not work due to Ravens refusal to let Reso go over him. But in the eyes of many stars, and fans, Reso is already the most over man in the company, followed by Daniels, then Raven, Samoa Joe, then DDP.

    TNA recently saw Aries being named the North American Champion, since his debut in early '06 he has lost only 1 match. That match was when he faced Michael Shane for the X-Division Title. It seems like TNA is really trying to push this man into becoming their next big star.

    In a recent meeting backstage people feel that Reso shouldn't be getting the title and that Raven is the man that they should stick with. This could be because the booking team are almost all friends with Raven. But there is only one man who feels like Reso should be the main attraction and be holding the strap..Raven.

    TNA's booking team feels like Elix Skipper should be getting a big push soon, he was recently being paired up in matches against Michael Shane. People feel that maybe a heel turn could be good for him but the way his push is going to happen is still not clear yet.

    Christopher Daniels open challenges have been going very well recently, so far his past two have already been seen as match of the year candidates.

    It appears that Randy Orton's contract with the WWE will be expiring in June and TNA is looking to go after him. Lots of WWE wrestlers are looking at TNA as somewhat of an equal. It all comes down to who will dish out more money, like the Jericho situation. Jericho was offered a 1 1/2 year deal for 16,000 a month with creative control but WWE dished out more money on him. While TNA rakes in around 1,000,000 every Pay Per View it still doesn't compare much to WWEs large accoutn of around 15 million. Also Eddie Guerrero and The Rock's contract expire in August so with those two as a possible target for TNA the WWE should watch their backs, they might have a big name stolen from them before they know whats happening.

  2. The show opens up as usual with the camera slowly panning over the fans sitting in the RBC Center of Raliegh, North Carolina. The arena looks like its got over 8,000 in it which is always good for a wrestling crowd, almost 3 times as much the wwe is getting with Raw and Smackdown. Its safe to say TNA is the number one promotion in America right now. The camera shows Fairplay and West at the announce tables and Jay Reso is walking down the ramp. He is greeted with cheers and boo's all at the same time. Some boo'ing for his viscious assaults on Raven for the past month, others cheering as the man who could very well lead TNA to the spot as the number one promotion in the world is walking to the ring right now. Reso steps into the six sided ring and grabs a microphone from a man at ringside. He flashes a cocky smile to the crowd and poses on the turnbuckle.

    Reso- Well, look whos finally come to TNA. The man who will single handedly lead this company to glory. Take this place from the bottom of the wrestling world..all the way to the top baby. Ravens title run has ruined this company and I'm here to make this company great again. After I left..well you know where, I knew that I was going to be the man to take Ravens title. So people, watch out..Reso is here and at Destination X..Ravens title is MINE. He can use Rhino as his body guard all he wants, but I'm going to get to him. See I'm not here with Douglas, he was simply the middle man in this situation. Who better to get to Raven through than the man who has been behind all of these attempts to get that title off of Raven. Rhino, Andrew Martin, and even Douglas himself failed. I'm the only one in this place that can even hold a candle to Raven..and I'll do much more than that. I'm going to go out there and win that title at Destination X. Douglas may think that he has succeded in getting the title off of Raven, but he will have another problem after that..getting it off of me. See after I go out there and beat Raven and Rhino tonight, single handedly..everybody who didn't belive before. They'll belive me now. So watch out people..Captain Charisma is here..and he's here to stay.

    Length: 7 minutes

    Rating: 83.3%

    Jeff Hardy v. Shannon Moore

    These two North Carolina natives put on a show for the crowd tonight. They didn't know which one to root for but after Moore had two failed attempts at cheating to get past Hardy they knew who they wanted to win it. Moore and Hardy were exchanging blows and kicks back and forth in the opening minutes of the match, until Hardy capitalized from a big ddt. Hardy had the lead throughout most of the match but Moore almost grabbed a scare when he reveresed the Twist of Fate and pushed Hardy into the ropes. When he came back he shocked him with a hurricanrana. Moore took this and ran with it, never letting Hardy even get back on his feet for more than a second. Moore thought he had it and went up top for a Mooregasm but Hardy got out of the way. He slowly got up and slapped the Twist of Fate on him, then hit a swanton bomb for good measure and picked up the win over Shannon.

    Winner: Jeff Hardy

    Length: 12 minutes

    Rating: 75%

    Charlie Haas v. Petey Williams

    This was no filler match at all, Williams and Haas still have a history going on. Williams was representing Storm in this match, showing Haas that Team Canada was not a team that they should mess with. Haas started out with some big techincal moves on Williams, keeping him grounded and working on his legs. He grabbed a quick headlock and held it in for over a minute before Williams powered out of it with the help of D'Amore cheering him on at ringside. Wiliams got the lead after a huge back drop when Haas came back from the ropes. When Haas finally got the upper hand again at the 10 minute mark he went to the ropes for a clothesline but he got tripped up by D'Amore. The referee was distracted when D'Amore ran up to the apron and argued with him, while he was doing so Storm came from the crowd with a chair and smacked it over Haas' head. Williams went for a pin but the referee didn't catch him in time and Haas remarkably kicked out. D'Amore was kicked out after his little ordeal and Storms interference went unnoticed. Haas somehow fought back against Williams and hit an Exploder Suplex out of nowhere for the win over Williams. After the match Haas accepted Storms proposal of an Ultimate Submission match at Destination X.

    Winner: Haas

    Length: 14 minutes

    Rating: 75.4%

    Daniels Opponent..Hand Picked

    Christopher Daniels came out to the ring to boo's from the crowd. He payed them no mind and simply patted the title on his shoulder arrogantly and rolled into the ring. He took a mic from the man at ringside and he looked out at the crowd who continues to jeer. Daniels just stares at his title then points to the titantron. It shows footage of the Ultimo/Daniels match last week where Daniels just barely came up with the win. The crowd boos while Daniels is standing there, grinning from ear to ear.

    Daniels- Normally I would come out here and ramble on about how much better I am than anyone backstage and how anyone who thinks that they are man enough to face me they should come out here right now. Well that won't be happenening tonight because..I'm hand picking my opponent. After beating the Japanese wrestling star Ultimo Dragon I figured maybe I should degrade this culture some more. I'm calling out Tajiri to be my next opponent, my next victim. So come on out here Tajiri..you're finally going to get your chance to "prove yourself" to the world if you can beat the great Christoph--

    Before Daniels can finish his sentence Tajiri comes out with a sick smile on his face and he's nodding his head and rubbing his hands together. Daniels smiles then takes the title off of his shoulder and hands it to the referee and gets ready for his big match with Tajiri.

    Length: 6 minutes


    Christopher Daniels v. Tajiri

    X-Division Title

    The match started out with Daniels capitalizing on already being in the ring. Tajiri couldn't get in, every time he tried Daniels either got in a baseball slide or he ran up to the side and punched him off of it. Tajiri finally just backed up to the top of the ramp and ran in at full force then slid into the ring. Daniels started stomping away on Tajiri and not giving him the chance to get to his feet. Tajiri was pissed by the time he got up and he smacked Daniels with a huge right hand then let it all out on him. He was kicking and punching Daniels and finally got him on the ground. When he did so he never let him capitalize on anything to get back up. Daniels was getting pumelled with punches while he was lying there on the ground. This back and forth lead went on for about 15 minutes before Daniels caught a buzz saw kick that was heading right for his face. He spun Tajiri around and hit a huge over head belly to belly. He picked Tajiri up and hit the Angels Wings to retain his title once more.

    Winner: Daniels

    Length: 17 minutes

    Rating: 92%

    Ron Killings v. Austin Aries

    North American Title

    After these two men have made it through the tournament they finally get to face each other. Killings and Aries have somewhat of a stare down in the center of the ring then Killings runs in and hits a clothesline. He smackes Aries around a bit before he taunts him and it turns out for the worse. Aries hits a drop kick when Killings turns around and hes floored. He goes to get back up and is greeted with a clothesline from Aries. After this little burst of energy from Aries, Killings gained the advantage and had it for nearly the rest of the match. Aries kicked out of a Truth or Consequences which made Killings furious. He set Aries up on the top turnbuckle and went for a superplex. Aries pushed him off of the top and got his balance and out of nowhere hit the 450 Splash for the pin and won the North American Title.

    Winner: Austin Aries

    Length: 14 minutes

    Rating: 79.1%

    Michael Shane v. Samoa Joe

    Shane and Samoa came out and Samoa immediatly got the upper hand on him. He had Shane in so many submissions you'd think he was going to break in half right there. Samoa kept the tide of the match throughout the entire thing. At around the 8 minute mark Shane hit in a lowblow that the ref didn't see and finally got Samoa on the ground. Samoa was on his knees and Shane ran off the ropes and hit him with a huge kick right to the face. Samoa was out like a light and Shane slid out of the ring and grabbed a chair from outside. He slid into the ring and when the ref tried to take it from him he pushed him away. Samoa finally got to his feet and was smashed with the chair right into his skull. He was left lying there on the ground, bleeding from his fore head and Shane sat there smilling as he walked up the ramp and back to the locker rooms.

    Winner: Samoa Joe (dq)

    Length: 14 minutes

    Rating: 77.8%

    Rhino/Raven v. Reso/Douglas

    This match started with Rhino and Reso in first. Reso was getting anhialated in there by Rhino for around 5 minutes before he finally got over to Douglas to tag out. Douglas finally started to turn the tide of the match by beating up on Rhino. He was trying to keep Reso in the corner as much as possible, so he'd be ready for when Raven finally got into the ring. When Rhino finally did get the hot tag Douglas' eyes got big. He went to tag Reso but Reso jumped off the apron. Douglas turned around and Raven hit a huge clothesline. When Douglas finally got Raven beaten down he was taking him to the corner and Reso slapped Douglas' back and got in and beat up on Raven. He whipped him over to the other corner and Rhino tagged in the same way that Reso did. Rhino came running at Reso, looking to get a gore out of nowhere but couldn't grab it. Reso looked at him lying on the ground and kicked him around a bit before picking him up and hitting a ddt. He grabbed him again and got the Unprettier in for the win.

    Winner: Reso/Douglas

    Length: 15 minutes

    Rating: 83.2%

    Show Rating: 79.9%

    Viewers: 899,765

    Attendance: 8,332

  3. IPB ImageTNA iMPACT! Preview

    Last week on TNA iMPACT, Jay Reso was identified as the mystery attacker and he is going after Ravens title. But that wasn't the only shocking thing to occur, after Reso and Douglas attacked Raven one man came to his aid..RHINO! This led to Jarrett making a tag team main event tonight with Reso and Douglas facing Raven and Rhino. Will Raven get his revenge on Reso and Douglas for their viscious assault on him. Or will Rhino finally get payback on Douglas for treating him like he has for the past few months.

    This week will have the North American Title Tournament finals, with Austin Aries facing off against Ron Killings. Recently Killings was heard saying that Aries stood no chance against a man with the talent like Killings had. Aries hasn't said anything back but this is sure to be a big match up and we will FINALLY get to see who the North American Champion will be. But recently Devon has been hanging around with Ron, will Devon have something to do with this match, or is it just a false alarm. Interference or not, this is going to be a match up you DONT want to miss.

    Also on iMPACT this week, Daniels holds another open challenge with his title on the line to anybody in the X-Division. After an impressive win over Ultimo Dragon next week, who will it be this week. After Daniels was taking shots at Michael Shane will he be the one to come out this week or will it be another man who Daniels has been calling out recently after he suffered a loss to him..Samoa Joe. Either way Daniels is going to have to fight for his life to win another one of these matches after Ultimo almost gave him a scare last week.

    We've also heard that Haas will have an answer for Lance Storms challenge for an ultimate submission match at Destination X. After Storm joined the group of Team Canada they attacked Haas and cost him a North American Title shot, Haas is expected to agree to these terms and try for revenge on Lance Storm...but anything is possible. All of this and more on iMPACT, Monday Febuary 27th on the WB!

  4. well, tonight is the finale of Rockstar INXS, who do you think will win it. I personally would like for Mig to win it just because I'd like to see JD and Martey do their own thing..they'd be better without INXS and I'd enjoy to see Martey make an album..cause I love "trees". So..whats your prediction.

  5. TNA Xplosion

    Hype Video for Reso


    Alex Shelley v. The Amazing Red

    Amazing Red by pinfall

    Reaction: 62.2%

    Match Quality: 81.3%

    Overall Reaction: 67.9%

    Michael Shane interview, puts himself over


    Ron Harris v. Andrew Martin

    Andrew Martin by pinfall

    Reaction: 61.6%

    Match Quality: 60.1%

    Overall Reaction: 67.8%

    Killings Interview, hyping the Aries/Killings match next week


    Sean O'Haire v. James Storm

    Sean O'Haire by pinfall

    Reaction: 62.6%

    Match Quality: 66.4%

    Overall Reaction: 65.4%

    Team Canada interview, threatening Haas


    Eric Young v. Shocker

    Young by pinfall (D'Amore interfered)

    Reaction: 34.5%

    Quality: 68.2%

    Overall: 46.6%

    BG James interview, put himself over


    Team Canada v. The Naturals

    Lance Storm pins Andy Douglas

    Reaction: 53.2%

    Quality: 74.0%

    Overall: 61.5%

    Show Rating: 66.9%

    Attendance: 1,755 (Edmonton)

    Viewers: 718,833

    let me know if you think I should go back to the old way of writing the shows or if you'd rather have this and have a more detailed and better Impact!

  6. looks better than the others were so I'll most likely go see this. For the simple fact its Harry Potter already says its gonne debut at No. 1 so why not go see it. I like the fact that this looks a little more intense than the others, I never read Order Of The Phoenix or the new one which name escapes me right now but this is my favorite book so far so I think this could actually be decent.

  7. Source: nodq.com

    WWE has been squashing Booker to the likes of Nunzio and Heidenreich..they did the same thing to Christian right before TNA signed him, could TNA be getting another WWE star in Booker T.

    Also WWE and TNA seem to be in somewhat of a bidding war in trying to sign Chris Jericho, after Rey Mysterio and Edge both turned down a TNA offer they feel that if they can sign Jericho it would be a huge dent in the WWE's income.

    TNA is also been speaking of a Killings/Devon stable called Black Attack, the two are currently a team already..this adds a little more depth to the Booker T deal, did they really sign a deal with him or is all of this just a simple rumor.

    TNA recently signed AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn to a written contract, rumor had it that ROH was trying to sign Styles, after they were successful in doing so with Sabin they would rather have the two secured than stolen by Ring Of Honor.

    Recent news has said that TNA is looking to possibly make Michael Shane and Shannon Moore a team, Shane recently vacated his X-Division title to move onto bigger and better things, then again this could also mean that they might be putting the title on Reso and giving him a feud with Shane..but that would require one of them to turn..but is still possible.

    Also, Rhino and Shane Douglas are looking at a feud with each other.  After Rhino turned face on this weeks Impact! and helped Raven out after the viscious assault on him.  Douglas and Rhino should put on some good matches together and if done well the two may both gain from this.

  8. user posted image

    TNA Impact!

    Febuary, 20th

    Live from Calgary

    The show opens up with pyros and Don West and Johnny Fairplay do their introductions as the crowd cheers. The camera shows Elix Skipper making his way to the ring and he gets a couple of cheers, but nothing compared to what Michael Shane does. Despite his arrogant and cocky ways, the Calgary crowd cheers for him. He rolls into the ring and has a cocky bounce to his step, he smiles at the crowd and the match is under way.

    Michael Shane v. Elix Skipper

    Michael Shane begins the match with some rights and lefts, getting the upper hand on Elix early in the bout. It doesn't last long though as he gets too cocky after he floors him and Elix hops up and hits Shane with a kick to the face. Shane goes down and Elix unleashes a flurry of punches and kicks on him. Shane blocks one of the kicks and hits a dragon whip. This back and forth action goes on for almost the entire match. Elix gets the upper hand late in the match and goes for a Sudden Impact but Shane turns it over. After that its all Shane, he hits a quick roll up and Skipper kicks out. Shane immediatly hits a ddt on Skipper and waits for him to get up then hits the Sweet Shane Music for the win.

    Winner: Michael Shane

    Length: 14 minutes

    Rating: 82.2%

    Hope You Like Surprises

    Shane Douglas comes down to the ring and gets jeers from the crowd. He pays them no mind and whispers something in Rhino's ear, who accompanies him at ringside. Rhino slowly walks behind Douglas, almost like he doesn't really want to be there but none the less he follows him and rolls under the ropes then taunts the crowd a little bit. Douglas grabs a mic and whispers something into Rhino's ear again and Rhino nods in agreement.

    Shane Douglas-Well, tonight is the night people. Tonight you all will see who the big mystery man is, and I know damn well that nobody has guessed it yet. I've heard some say Rhino, Ron Killings, Andrew Martin, Kevin Nash, hell I've even heard ME. But still nobody has come even close to it..tonight your man will be revealed. The man who has beaten Raven more times than anybody in this company. In the past month he has knocked Raven out cold 8 times..amazing isn't it. So many people in this place couldn't even pin him, much less knock him out. But tonight you will see why I have had so much build up to this, why I have put all of my time into it. I planned on losing to Raven..just so this man could be the one who beats him. I'm sure once you find out who he is you'll all be singing his praises, you'll all see why he was chosen to do this job. And Raven..don't even think about trying to get out of this one..watch your back in your match tonight against Devon Dudley..we'll be waiting for you Raven. But the thing is..you don't know where we'll be. We could be in the audience, we could be backstage, hell we could even be hiding under this very ring..you'll never know until it happens. There is no way for you to get out of this Raven, I've gotten Jerry to put this place on lockdown..you're little attacker is already in the building. Nobody will be getting in and nobody will be getting out. Tonight Raven..you'll get to meet the man who has been knocking you around for the past month..tonight..you will meet your maker! Be ready for us Raven..'cause you never know when we're gonna hit. All you know is that its gonna happen..and when it does, you'll remember it for the rest..of...you..LIFE!

    Length: 6 minutes

    Rating: 80.6%

    Austin Aries v. Rhino

    North American Title Semi-Finals

    The match kicks off with Douglas in Rhino's corner and Aries already knows that Rhino has the upper hand. He tries to avoid the corners and stick to mat wrestling but against Rhino that might not work. He slips out of Rhinos attempt at big moves, Rhino finally gives up on doing them and gets in some punches before hitting a huge clothesline that almost takes Aries head off. He picks Aries up and hits a huge spinebuster. Douglas is cheering him on in the corner and Rhino is taunting the crowd. He sees Aries getting ready to stand so he runs to the corner of the ring and flies at him and hits a huge shoulder block, knocking Aries out of the ring. While hes out there Douglas beats up on him a little bit and throws him into the barriers. He rolls Aries back into the ring and Rhino lifts him up and hits another big spine buster. Aries was getting dominated for over half of the match until Rhino missed a gore and ran right into the turnbuckle. Aries took this as his chance to pick up a win and hit the Brainbuster, followed by the 450 splash to advance to the final round of the North American Title tournament.

    Winner: Austin Aries

    Length: 12 minutes

    Rating: 74.6%

    Diamond Dallas Page v. Samoa Joe

    This match featured DDP getting killed by Samoa in almost every way possible, DDP got in a few big impact moves but he never really put up much of a fight for Samoa. DDP was almost 50 pounds lighter than Samoa which helped him get away from him quicker..but DDP was almost twice Samoa's age as well so after about 12 minutes through this match DDP got tired and Samoa destroyed him then. DDP got in a diamond cutter early on in the match which almost put Joe away but he put his foot on the ropes and the ref saw it so he got out of it. After that Samoa came back and absolutely crushed DDP with a powerbomb which nearly put him away. After DDP kicked out of the powerbomb Samoa applied the Triangle Choke which got DDP to tap and gave Samoa Joe another win.

    Winner: Samoa Joe

    Length: 14 minutes

    Rating: 81.6%

    Ron Killings v. Charlie Haas

    North American Title Semi-Finals

    This match showed Haas performing at almost his best we've seen him in recent matches, for every thing Killings threw at him Haas had an answer to it. Haas might have been on fire, but so was Killings. He hit a huge ddt near the middle of the match which led to Killings hitting a True Conviction which almost put Haas away for the 3. Haas fought back after almost getting taken out of the tournament and he hit a huge T-Bone suplex which turned the tide of the match. After the t-bone Haas had control of Killings, he began to lock in a headlock and it stuck in there for around 30-40 seconds until Killings powered out of it and elbowed him in the stomache. Haas hit a bulldog following that elbow and he picked him back up and threw him at the ropes. When Killings came back he went for a clothesline, Haas ducked and Killings hit the referee. Haas caught Killings with an exploder suplex but couldn't pin due to no ref. Out of nowhere through Petey Williams comes flying through the crowd and hits a canadian destroyer on Haas. Lance Storm flies through the curtains and stares at Petey Williams..he smiles and shakes hands with him. The crowd boo's Storm for his turn and Storm picks Killings up and places him on Haas and wakes the referee up and lets him pin Haas. Storm and Williams beat up on Haas after the match and Williams declares that Storm is the new leader of Team Canada.

    Winner: Ron Killings

    Length: 15 minutes

    Rating: 76.2%

    Daniels v. Ultimo Dragon

    X-Division Title on the line

    This match started when Daniels came to the ring and boasted that nobody in the back could take this title off of him. When he said that he asked for one man to come out, someone who thinks that they can face him, someone who thinks that they can take the title from him. Ultimo came out and the crowd cheered for him and the two went at it. Ultimo started out with some swift kicks to Daniels. Daniels quickly fights back though and hits a ddt to floor Ultimo. The fast paced match kept the crowd entertained and it kept both men on their heels, knowing that at any point of this match the other could hit a quick finisher and the match would be over. At about 19 minutes in Dragon gained control of the match and hit a norther lights suplex which almost put Daniels away. Ultimo went up high and hit a missle dropkick once Daniels got up. Ultimo looked like he was about to hit the dragon sleeper but Daniels got out of it and slipped behind Ultimo then hit the Last Rites to retain his title against Ultimo in a VERY close matchup.

    Winner: Daniels

    Length: 20 minutes

    Rating: 90.1%

    Raven v. Devon Dudley

    Raven had to be ready for anything in this match, and Don West and Fairplay kept emphasizing that. Raven was always getting in a big move then backing out and looking around him, then hitting another move and repeating. Devon realized what he was doing and after he hit one of the moves Raven looked around and Devon crept up behind him and punched him right in the back of the head. Catching Raven off guard he hit a reverse ddt to get Raven down. He locked in a headlock to keep Raven floored but Raven slowly powered out of it. He elbowed Devon in the stomache and hit him with a big right hand. He delivered an evenflow ddt and picked up the win over Devon. As he was pinning him the masked man and Douglas came out from the crowd and ambushed Raven. Douglas hit Raven in the back with a chair and picked him up and hit the Franchiser on him. Douglas held Raven up so he could see the face of the man..he slowly raised the black mask and revealed himself to be...JAY RESO! (christian). Reso hit the unprettier on Raven and stood over his lifeless body. The two were taunting the crowd and suddenly Reso's eyes got big. Douglas looked around him, thinking that maybe something was behind him..he was right. When Douglas turned around he was gored out of his boots by Rhino. Reso got out of the ring before Rhino had the chance to do the same to him. Rhino helped Raven up and held Douglas up, Raven hit the evenflow DDT on Douglas and Reso stood at the top of the ramp motioning that he was going after Ravens title.

    Winner: Raven

    Length: 10 minutes

    Rating: 84.6%

    Show Rating: 78.4%

    Attendance: 5,048

    Viewers: 978,950

    Raw's Viewers: 787,782

    let me know what you thought of the show, and once again what you think of the way I wrote it out. Any suggestions or ideas on how to improve I'll take as well. The card for Xplosion and rumors going around in TNA will be up in the next update.

  9. user posted image

    TNA Impact! Preview

    Febuary 20th, 2006

    Last week Shane Douglas announced that the mystery man would be revealed this week on Impact, this mystery man has been attacking Raven for the past month and every time left him bloodied on the floor.  Will another attack occur, and what will Rhino have to say about being left in the dark after hes helped Douglas for the past few months attempting to get the title off of Raven.

    Also on last weeks Impact! Jerry Jarrett announced the North American Title Tournament, this week the Semi-Finals are taking place, which has Charlie Haas facing Ron Killings and Austin Aries facing Rhino.  Who will go into the finals and face each other for the North American Title?

    Also, on Xplosion Lance Storm promised revenge on Haas and also challenged him to an Ultimate Submission match at Destination X, will Haas accept or will Storm have to wait longer for his rematch.

    Also with matches like Samoa Joe v. DDP and Elix Skipper v. Michael Shane this is an Impact! You won't want to miss.  Tune in Monday at 9 on the WB.

    Announced Matches:

    Austin Aries v. Rhino

    Charlie Haas v. Ron Killings

    Samoa Joe v. DDP

    Elix Skipper v. Michael Shane

  10. TNA Xplosion!

    The show kicks off with some pyros going off, tonight we're live from Toronto, Canada. The fans are ready for another big show of Xplosion. The camera pans over to the announcers tables and shows Johnny Fairplay and Don West sitting at the tables and they give a brief wave to the camera. The attention immediatly turns to the ring where the man who vacated his X-Divison title days ago without giving any explanation what so ever. Shane stands in the ring with the microphone in his hands and hes rubbing his chin and looking around the arena at the fans.

    Michael Shane- Well, I'm sure there is one question that everybody out there is asking. The one question that I have been hearing all week..."why Michael?" Well I'll tell you why, that title was holding me down! I have been working my ass off ever since I debuted here in TNA and still I have had no respect. Winning the ultimate x didn't give me a name..I was simply known as the X-Divison champion. Now I'm out here to make a name for myself. A little while back a man named Samoa Joe *fans cheer*..a man named Samoa Joe debuted here. He has made a big name for himself here in TNA, taking out some of the biggest stars of the X-Division..but not me. Just last week he took down one of the biggest wrestlers here in the company, Christopher Daniels. Now people are saying he might be the next big thing here in TNA..WRONG! You're looking at the next big thing people, I've come out here and proved my self time and time again but Samoa Joe has gotten more recognition in the past few months than I have in my entire career. I have wrestling in my blood people, don't you realize that. I should be main eventing pay per views right now, I should be holding the Heavyweight Title not that washed up, garbage wrestler Raven. So Samoa Joe..I want a match with you. I want to show you the difference between me and you, show you just how much better than you I am. I'm callin' you out Joe...you get back up with me, I'll be waiting for ya.

    Length: 6 min.

    Rating: 76.5%

    O'Haire v. Apolo

    The match starts out with O'Haire and Apolo locking up in the center of the ring. O'Haire got the upper hand and pushed Apolo to the ground. The two went at it for around 5 minutes before he really took control of the match. O'Haire beat around on him then hit a reverse DVD for the win.

    Winner: O'Haire

    Length: 9 minutes

    Rating: 63.9%

    James Storm v. Bobby Roode

    Storm and Roode had back and forth action for the entire match. D'Amore interfered often which led to him getting thrown out from ringside. Roode gave Storm a scare when he hit the Canadian Lariat but Storm some how kicked out of it. He fought back from Roodes attacks for what seemed like for ever but could never grab the upper hand, that changed after Roode got a little cocky and taunted the crowd, Storm ran up from behind him and hit a german suplex. After that he hit the 8-Second Ride and pinned Roode for the win.

    Winner: James Storm

    Length: 11 minutes

    Rating: 59.9%

    Daniels..The X-Division Champion

    Christopher Daniels walks out and is greeted with boos from the entire crowd. Daniels pays no mind to them and pats the gold that is laying on his shoulder. He steps into the ring and raises his hands up in the air then stares at the ceiling. He flashes a cocky smile as he grabs a microphone and begins to speak.

    Daniels- Well, well, well, look whats happened. Shane buckled under the pressure of being the X-Division champion and now the belt is back where it belongs. See people Shane just isn't made for gold, hes not championship material like The Fallen Angel is. I'm standing here before you as the X-Division Champion and Shane is sitting in the back wishing he hadn't been so foolish. I was made for this title, I have overcome all of the challenges put before me, and if you bring up that little Ultimate X..uh uh. I never lost that, Styles lost it for me, he allowed Shane to grab that title..I didn't. While I was handing Ultimo Dragon his ass Styles got caught up in Shane. I could have easily beaten him had I ever gotten the chance to. See Styles couldn't handle him, that is why he isn't standing here cutting this little promo. See I won that title fair and square, not only did I pin AJ Styles..I pinned Jeff Hardy too. The "Charismatic Enigma". I've beaten everyone there is to beat, there is nobody left who even stands a chance against me anymore. So as I stand here I ask myself this question, why stay with only X-Division gold..why not go for the big one. Raven watch out..you've got a bulls eye on your chest and I'm aiming right for you.

    Length: 7 minutes

    Rating: 85.2%

    Tajiri v. Sean Waltman

    This match consisted of Tajiri staying on the defense, trying to bide some time to wear Waltman out and go in for the kill. This match really entertained the crowd due to Tajiri taunting Waltman after every missed move. Waltman got angry and went off, hitting punches and kicks galore. Tajiri was blindsided and just like that the tables were turned. Waltman got a little too cocky and when he put Tajiri in the corner for the Bronco Buster he got a little too cocky. He took his own time and when he went in for it Tajiri slid under him and Waltman got all turnbuckle. When Waltman finally got the chance to get up he was greeted with a huge buzz saw kick and a pin for the 3.

    Winner: Tajiri

    Length: 14 minutes

    Rating: 82.4%

    Storm Wants Revenge!

    Lance Storm comes out and gets a huge ovation from the candian crowd. He rolls into the ring and smiles at the crowd, getting a standing ovation as he stands there getting ready to cut his promo. He gets a mic from ring side and stares out at the faces in the crowd, the people who are chanting his name. He lets out a long sigh and picks the mic up to his mouth.

    Storm- Well, last week was a sad week for all Canadians out there. I was beaten by Charlie Haas, I could have won a shot at the North American title. I could have taken the gold and represented all of the canadians out there, but I didn't. Trust me Haas, I will not forget this any time soon. I will show you not to mess around with Lance Storm. You might have beaten me this time Haas, but this won't be our last match Haas..because I'm challenging you to a rematch..but not just any kind of match. I want an ultimate submission match, you and me at Destination X. I'm game if you are Haas.

    Length: 3 minutes

    Rating: 62.6%

    (I know I did a terrible job with Storm, if anyone wants to help me with this thanks)

    Douglas..Be Frightened

    Raven comes out with the Heavyweight Title around his waist and is greeted with cheers from the crowd. He has serious look on his face, with bandages from the many attacks hes been on the wrong end of recently. He walks into the rings and stands on the turnbuckle and gives them the famous crusifix stance. He stands in the middle of the ring with chants of his name in the air.

    Raven- I seriously don't have the time for this so I'll make this nice and sweet. For the past month there has been a mystery man sneaking up behind me and blind siding me nearly every week now. Its getting old, and apparently Shane Douglas has something to do with this. Apparently hes getting angered after all 3 of his attempts to take me down have failed, Rhino, Andrew Martin, and himself..all were stopped in their tracks. I've taken out everybody that has been thrown at me and there is nothing left to do almost. Just give up Douglas, there is no man in this company who can take me down..unless of course he isn't from here. Rumor has it that an outsider is coming into the company..doesn't sound too good to me. Sounds like you've brought in another goon Douglas, trying to take me down once more. It won't happen Douglas..you can take my word for it. I am the greatest TNA champion to date..and thats all there is to it. Ever since Jarrett left this place there has been nobody who can even come close to me, Douglas the facts are here. I haven't lost my title yet and I never will. I'm the Heavyweight Champion Shane, and to date nobody has been good enough to take this from me. Thats all there is to it..so quothe the raven..nevermore.

    Length: 8 minutes

    Rating: 84.9%

    Raven walks out of the ring and up the ramp. As he is doing so a man comes from out of nowhere, wearing a mask and has a chair in his hands. He runs up behind Raven and smashes it over his head. Raven lies on the ground and the mystery man picks up the title and holds it high above his head for the crowd to see. He drops the title on Ravens chest then motions for it as he walks past his life less body and heads backstage.

    Rating: 81.0%

    Shannon Moore v. Jerry Lynn

    This was easily the match of the night, Moore entertained the crowd with his high flying manuevers and got some cheers despite being the heel in this match. He was on the offensive for most of the match, getting in some quick moves and then jumping back and moving around the ring. Moore continued this plan until Lynn caught him with a clothesline that floored him. After that Lynn had the offensive, he almost hit a powerbomb but Moore countered into a hurricanrana. Moore continued his hit and run plan then got in a big ddt then went up top. He went for a Mooregasm but didn't connect, this was the end of the match for him. Lynn got up and hit Moore with the TKO for the win.

    Winner: Jerry Lynn

    Length: 16 minutes

    Rating: 79.6%

    Overall Rating: 73.4%

    Attendance: 7,523

    Viewers: 727,227

    any feed back is appreciated whether it be good or bad. I haven't really been motivated to write this but Impact! will be better hopefully. I've got the big debut planned which can help me get pumped to write it because I hope it goes well. Any tips on how you think I could make this better would also be appreciated.

  11. NO DISQUALIFICATION World Heavyweight Title Match


    Street Fight


    US Title Match


    Grudge Match


    Pure Title Match


    Bonus(+1 point): How Many ropebreaks will Low-Ki have left at the end of the match? 1

    Television Title Match


    Grudge Match


    WHO KIDNAPPED EUGENE: (+2 points) William Regal

  12. Ok, here is the roster

    Main Eventers:

    Christopher Daniels [H]

    DDP [H]

    Jushin Thunder Lyger [F]

    Kevin Nash [F]

    Raven [F]

    Upper Mid-Card

    AJ Styles [F]

    Andrew Martin [H]

    Austin Aries [F]

    BG James [F]

    Bubba Ray Dudley [H]

    Charlie Haas [F]

    D-Von Dudley [H]

    Jeff Hardy [F]

    Jerry Lynn [F]

    Lance Storm [T]

    Michael Shane [H]


    Ron Killings [H]

    Samoa Joe [F]

    Sean Waltman [H]

    Shane Douglas [H]

    Tajiri [F]

    Ultimo Dragon [F]


    Abyss [H]

    Alex Shelley [H]

    Andy Douglas [F]

    Apolo [F]

    Bobby Roode [H]

    Chase Stevens [F]

    David Young [H]

    Elix Skipper [F]

    James Storm [F]

    Lance Hoyt [H]

    Monty Brown [H]

    Petey Williams [F]

    Ron Harris [F]

    Sean O'Haire [H]

    Shannon Moore [H]

    Shocker [F]

    Simon Diamond [H]

    Sonjay Dutt [F]

    The Amazing Red [F]

    The Outlaw [H]

    Zach Gowan [F]

    Lower Mid-Carders:

    A-1 [H]

    Big Tilly [H]

    Cassidy Riley [F]

    Eric Young [H]

    Johnny Devine [H]


    Buck Quartermain [H]

    Jerelle Clark [F]

    Lex Lovett [H]

    TNA Xplosion

    Last Weeks Impact was a big one, with the 1st round of the North American Title tournament going down there were some angry people after the matches. This week on Xplosion watch Shannon Moore face another opponent who lost in the first round, Jerry Lynn. Not only will we see Moore v. Lynn but rumor has it that Rhino isn't too thrilled that Douglas will be keeping the attacker a secret from him, will he do something about it or will he simply wait until Impact! like the rest of us. In other action Tajiri will be facing off with Sean Waltman and Bobby Roode will be facing James Storm and much more. Tune in Friday at 8 pm est. on MTV for another exciting episode of TNA Xplosion.

    Confirmed Matches:

    Moore v. Lynn

    Tajiri v. Waltman

    Roode v. Storm

  13. (writers note: I started this game a while back and I've started to wish I had done a diary so I'm starting it now. It started in September and now its in Febuary of 2006 and some big changes have occured in the wrestling world.)

    TNA, many view it as one of the best promotions in the world, behind the WWE of course. They've always been in the shadow of the WWE, never really standing out and just barely making it by. This is the story of how TNA rises to the occasion and makes an attempt to over throw the monster that is the WWE. Here is a recap of what has happened since September 2005.

    September, 2005

    September started off bad for TNA. The first Impact! went well, it was still being shown on the Sunshine network and it still had its big names..for the first show. The day after Impact! Jeff Jarrett left and became the owner for IWA:PR Wrestling School, leaving us without our top draw. Raven and Monty Brown had a very successful feud and the two main evented Unbreakable. The tag titles changed hands at Unbreakable as 3LK II beat The Naturals and AMW in a 3 way tag match. This was a big month for signings as well, Haas, The Dudleyz, and Rhino all signed for TNA and Haas debuted on Impact! after Alex Shelley issued an open challenge. Raven was getting attacked by a man in a mask who was revealed to be Rhino, who made his debut on the last Impact! of September by beating Kevin Nash. September was definately a good month for TNA. In WWE news JBL beat Batista on Smackdown for the World Heavyweight Title.

    October, 2005

    October was another big month as two big Japanese stars were signed this month. Samoa Joe also made his debut on Impact! but fell victim to the Gore. Ultimo Dragon debuted on Impact! and made an attempt to take the X-Division Title from Daniels but failed. The Dudley Boyz made their debut on the last Impact! of October as they were the mystery opponents who were set to face 3LK and took their titles from them. No ppv this month for TNA but there was a big one coming up in November which changed TNA for the better. In WWE news Ric Flair won the WWE Title off of John Cena at No Mercy.

    November, 2005

    The WWE was still doing well..but their developmental territory wasn't..OVW had lost most ofits roster due to the WWE calling them all up. This would lead into the downfall of OVW but thats for later. Victory Road saw Jushin Thunder Lyger making his big debut agaisnt Jerry Lynn. It also saw the X-Division Title changing hands, Michael Shane won the title in a 4-Way Ultimate X match involving AJ Styles, Ultimo Dragon, and Christopher Daniels. There was another big Japanese star who made his debut in TNA..but he wasn't a free agent before. TNA stole Tajiri from the WWE and made him their own. He debuted in a tag match in which Michael Shane and the heel Sonny Siaki beat AJ Styles and Tajiri. This month also saw Chris Harris being signed to a written contract, he declined our counter offer so we had to say good-bye to one half of AMW..this led to the downfall of James Storms career.

    December, 2005

    Turning Point was TNA's December ppv, it saw Raven/Rhino II in which Raven remained the champion. It also saw Shane retain his X-Division title against Styles and Ultimo. But the highlight of Turning Point was Shane Douglas' return to the ring. He beat Ron Killings in a match where Rhino helped him out, in return Shane Douglas became Rhinos manager. But in sad news, TNA lost both of its TV shows after they refused to pick us back up. We thought this was going to be the end of TNA as we knew it. We had improved in our financial situation though gaining around a million a month and we were able to upgrade our materials. But we weren't the only ones to lose tv shows..many small indy promotions lost the little coverage that they had. And the WWE lost Sunday Night Heat..we had to face the facts..wrestling wasn't too popular right now. The entire month had only one show..Turning Point and this was certainly no good way to end our year. The show and match of the year went to the WWE, the show was WWE raw and the match was Eddie Guerrero v. Chris Jericho getting a 92 rating.

    January, 2006

    Last year went out in a bad way..but things certainly changed this year. We got a prime time show on Monday Nights going up against Raw with the WB network and we got a Friday night show with MTV from 8-9. Things were looking up for TNA, we signed Andrew Martin, Shannon Moore, Lance Storm, and Austin Aries for our big tv return. Andrew Martin was revealed as Rhinos secret partner who would face Raven and Nash at the first Impact of the year. Lance Storm debuted on Xplosion, facing Charlie Haas in the main event. Shannon Moore debuted in a win over Sonny Siaki on Xplosion and Austin Aries beat The Outlaw on Impact!. Final Resolution saw Shane defending his X-Division gold against Austin Aries who won the 4 way #1 contenders match to get the shot, Shane beat Aries in 26 minutes. Raven beat Andrew Martin to retain his gold once more. Another big debut happened at Final Resolution, DDP beat Kevin Nash in his big TNA return. This was a big month for TNA, while it lost Chris Sabin who signed a written contract to RoH before we knew it but we were becoming a lot bigger in the USA. When we debuted on the WB WWE lost nearly 200,000 viewers from Raw. And for the first time in history..on Jaunuary 30th, TNA had more viewers than Raw did. Not only that but the main event saw O'Haire debuting against Raven. But this wasn't the only big thing to happen this month..a huge WWE superstar agreed to a contract with us....but who is it?

    Febuary, 2006

    The beginning of the month was the final blow for OVW, they closed down due to the inactivity..every Saturday night they had to cancel their shows due to their roster being so small. The WWE had taken a blow..the only thing they had now was the training camp. TNA was seriously getting huge, our small show (Xplosion) was getting more people in attendance than Smackdown was, our average for Xplosion was 5,000 while Smackdowns was 4,000. TNA was the biggest promotion in North America, with RoH in third with about 50% overness here in North America. Impact! had 3LK's big split..Killings turned on Bg James and he sided with D-Von..who also turned on his partner. The two were now a team, but the Dudleyz were still tag champions..but not for long. Against All Odds saw Lyger and Ultimo taking Tag Gold, it also saw Shane Douglas getting defeated by Raven and Shane beating Haas to retain his X-Divison title. Raven has been attacked mysteriously backstage for nearly a month now and Douglas seems to know something about it. Rhino seems skeptical..telling Douglas if he knows about it this is getting a little out of hand and he should stop them. Douglas disagreed, he said he would reveal who the attacker was in the next week. But that wasn't the biggest thing that happened on that Impact! Michael Shane vacated the X-Division title..claiming he was too good for it and Daniels won it back in a 3 way with Styles and Hardy involved. Also Jerry Jarrett announced the North American Title tournament and the first round took place on Impact! The bracket was Aries/Moore, Rhino/BG James, Killings/Lynn, and Haas/Storm. Next week the tournament would continue with the brackets now looking like Haas/Killings and Aries/Rhino. So not only would the finals for this tournament be revealed..so would Ravens Mystery attacker..next week was going to be big!

    *next update will feature the roster for TNA and a card for Xplosion.*

    *feedback is appreciated*

  14. Until then I'll still belive what I wish.

    Then why did you tell us that "possesion is a real thing whether you want to belive it or not. "? Believe whatever you want, but don't tell us who don't that just because we don't believe it doesn't mean it's not real.

    I'm sure your one of those people who also believes those who have said to have nead-death experiences and talk about tunnels are shit.

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