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Posts posted by CobraKaiEnTai

  1. Man, there have been a lot of terrible losses this year alone, but this one really is hitting hard, like losing Robin Williams, John Ritter, John Candy. Such a tremendous actor and terrific guy, the world was a better place with him in it than without. He had a lot of great dramatic roles in his career ,but he really knocked it out with his deadpan humor on B99, playing a gay "straight" man to perfection. This one will take time to get over. Rest in power. 

  2. And there's the third one, and another that had a connection to wrestling. Will never forget his hilarious stint as Raw guest host. Damn what a week. I guess even he couldn't hit 100 on the Showcase Showdown wheel. 

    Can't help but think his final words were to remind us one more time "Help control the pet population, have your pets spayed or neutered. Good bye everybody."

    So long Bob. 

  3. Another part of my childhood gone too soon. :crying: Grew up with Pee-Wee's Playhouse, there was nothing quite like it on TV. Such a unique but gifted performer and if it wasn't for his first movie, we may not have gotten Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before Christmas etc. Pee-Wee's Big Adventure helped put Tim Burton on the map. RIP to another comedy legend, you will be missed, but your contributions will never be forgotten. Thank you Paul Reubens. 


    • Like 2
  4. Dammit 2022 takes another one. :( 

    Didn't agree with her politics (she supported Trump) or her scientology, but loved her in Cheers, preferred the Rebecca years to the Diane years, and just bought the Look Who's Talking movies earlier this year. Also liked her in Summer School with Mark Harmon in the 80s.

    Fuck Cancer. 

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  5. Such a shame to hear. Power Rangers was a bit too ridiculous and over the top for me, I remember seeing one episode where they were fighting a killer satellite dish lol, but I guess I just wasn't in the target age range by the time it came out. I'm sure it brought joy to lots of kids, it just wasn't for me. RIP to Jason David Frank. Sorry he couldn't get the help he needed :(


  6. I feel like this movie in time will be remembered like the other Halloween 3, fittingly this was the 13th overall Halloween movie and they attempted something other than the standard tried-and-true formula again. Season of the Witch as a standalone horror movie was an interesting idea, but because it had the Halloween name attached to it, people expected Michael Myers to go on another killing rampage and didn't get it, so it tanked the whole anthology idea.

    This movie had some good ideas, and could've worked as a standalone film, but because it had the Halloween name attached to it and people were expecting Michael v. Laurie "one more time" (even if it's the fourth or fifth "one more time" and both are at least in their 60s now), doing something different for most of the movie didn't work for a lot of people. This feels a lot like the Star Wars sequel trilogy. They felt like 3 different movies rather than a trilogy with a fully connected satisfying arc. I still personally enjoyed it, but I can understand why others had a problem with it. 

  7. Damn this year has been brutal for people in their 90s who seemed like they'd live forever. Betty White (I know it was technically the tail end of 2021 but close enough), Queen Elizabeth and now Angela Lansbury. I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting, and hope there aren't more, but who can say for sure. RIP to another legend. 

  8. Really sucks to lose Americas Grandma and Americas Dad within 10 days of each other. The house feels a little less full now. :(

    Grew up with Full House and Americas Funniest Home Videos. And cant forget him as the voice of Future Ted on How I Met Your Mother.  Sad that he won't really be around in the actual 2030. Devastating loss for the world of comedy and the world as a whole. I'm sure him and  Norm Macdonald are already roasting each other.  

  9. Yea it does a great job of giving fans what they want, while also being unpredictable enough to keep things fresh and leave you wanting more. It adds a lot of depth to its existing characters while finding ways to introduce new characters or bring back characters that make sense in the story. The only (minor) problem is that it's getting so many characters involved now, that sometimes a few of them get sidelined for a few episodes, but they still manage to pay it off in the end for the most part. Its very binge-worthy, I've never been able to just watch one episode at a time, and its got great replay value too, its something I can watch over and over again and not get bored with. 

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