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Posts posted by Rashid

  1. This weekend I was in the mood for something a little different.

    The Wasp Woman

    Film Quality: 3/10

    Entertainment: 6/10

    Bride of the Monster

    Film Quality: 3/10

    Entertainment: 8/10

    Leave it to Ed Wood to make an awful movie that's fun to watch all way through.

  2. Shrek: 8/10

    Shrek 2: 7.5/10

    Shrek The Third: 6.5/10

    Honestly, it was better than expected. Judging from the trailer, I was expecting crap. It still had a lot of funny moments. Though the story wasn't as good as in the previous installments. And while there were a lot of good jokes, there were a nice bit of jokes that didn't work at all.

  3. Supernatural - All Hell Breaks Loose (Pt.2) - 9/10

    With the exception of the last 10 minutes, I didn't care too much for pt.1. The killing of multiple characters kinda annoyed me. Though pt.2 was much better. One of the best episodes of Season 2. Though if you compare season finales, this kinda lacks when compared to "Devil's Trap".

  4. I love the Mario music from SMB, SMB2, SMB3, and SMW.

    Bomberman, Mega Man X and Zombies Ate My Neighbors have catchy music.

    Also, RPGs like Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger.

    Though my favorite song from a video game is the main theme from 'Battle Toads and Double Dragon'. The game itself was decent, but that opening song was amazing.

  5. 28 Days Later is a great film. And it's not just a mindless zombie movie. It also has a lot of drama as well, and does a fine job at developing the characters. I'm very anxious to see the sequel.

  6. Luckily my cinema is getting it opening night. Which is quite rare, cause our cinema only has 1 screen and is usually behind a few weeks.

    I didn't care for Pirates 2 as much, it was a decent flick. But my girlfriend loves the movies, so I'll be going with her.

  7. Thefinalcutcover.jpg

    Pink Floyd: The Final Cut: 9.5/10

    Of the 10 Floyd albums I've listened to now, I rank this one 5th (just behind PatGoD, WyWh, DsotM, and Wall) A spectacular album. Sounds a lot like The Wall, which I can't complain about. 'Final Cut', 'Two Suns in the Sunset', 'The Post War Dream' and 'The Gunner's Dream' are probably the highlights. And I know a lot of people hate Roger Waters, and I don't blame you if you do, but he's my favorite Floyd vocalist, I just love his voice. My only problem with the album is that the songs all sound too similar. But maybe that's just because I've only listened to it once so far.

  8. My two favourite songs are Bohemian Rhapsody and Stairway to Heaven.

    Rhapsody I've loved since I was around 8, and probably always will love.

    Stairway is a song I don't know WHY I love it so much, but I do for some reason. It's not their "best" song by any means, "Immigrant Song", 'Whole Lotta Love", "Dazed and Confused", "D'yer Maker", "Black Dog", "Rock and Roll" etc, are all better songs.

  9. "Don't", "Machete", and "S.S..." were all pretty genius, and I would love to see them as full length movies.

    "Thanksgiving" I didn't care for. It was just random death scenes. And the only one that got a reaction of me was the trampoline scene. The rest of the trailer was pretty useless. But then again, I really dislike Eli Roth, so maybe I'm just being biased.

    And I'd like them to make Grindhouse a franchise. Though I don't doubt they'll be released DTV.

  10. Avril Lavigne - Let Go: 7.5/10

    Avril Lavigne - Under My Skin: 7/10

    Avril Lavigne - The Best Damn Thing: 8/10

    -I'm really impressed by Avril this time around. 'Girlfriend' is an alright, but catchy song, though different then the rest of the songs on the album. 'The Best Damn Thing' and 'Keep Holding On' are probably the highlights.

  11. Jason Goes To Hell - The Final Friday: 5/10

    I want to hate this movie, it's just so incredibly stupid and bizarre. But it is a lot more enjoyable than parts 6,7 and 8. It has some really great death scenes, it did try something new and original (and didn't completely fail), and it's just a fun movie overall.

    Unfortunately I don't own Jason X or Freddy vs Jason, so my extended "marathon" has ended. It's been fun.

    14 movies in 3 days, that's something I'm proud of.

  12. Rewatched Grindhouse

    Friday The 13th - The New Blood: 3/10

    Friday The 13th - Jason Takes Manhattan: 4.5/10

    The Butterfly Effect 2: 1.5/10

    The Shining: 9.5/10

    13 movies (totaling around 24 hours) in just a bit over 2 days. This is a record for me.

  13. Disturbia

    ***1/2 out of *****

    Good little thriller flick. I usually hate these kind of movies, but I have to give props to the director for doing a good job. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes a good scare, or is fans of the horror movie genre. A little slow to pick up, but when it does it is good. The last half hour is stellar, and definitely has some scream worthy moments.

  14. Just got back from a double feature at the cinema.

    Meet The Robinson's: 7/10

    Blades of Glory: 7/10

    Both were fairly good movies, that surprised me. Honestly, I was expecting 3 hours of crap, more so with Blades of Glory, as I don't like Will Ferrell and I hate John Heder.

    Oh God, 8 movies (12 hours total length) in just a 23 hour timespan. My life is sad.

  15. Friday The 13th: 7.5/10

    Friday The 13th - Part II: 8/10

    Friday The 13th - Part III: 7.5/10

    Friday The 13th - The Final Chapter: 8/10

    Friday The 13th - A New Beginning: 6/10 (good up until the last 20 minutes)

    Friday The 13th - Jason Lives: 5/10

  16. Roseanne - Season 3: 9.5/10

    This is the first classic season, just about every episode is superb. Darlene's character really evolves this season. She becomes less or a tomboy and more of what you see in the later seasons. Season 3 is much better than 1 and 2, though 4 and 5 is really when the show hit its peak.

  17. I'll definitely agree that Friday the 13th 1-3 are all great. 4 is a little shaky, but an important part to the series. 5 is fucking terrible, 6 and 7 are weak, 8 and Final Friday are great campy fun, and Jason X is one of the funniest movies I've ever seen in my life. Freddy vs. Jason was fucking great, they really need to get on the ball with a sequel.

    Halloween 1 and 2 are the only ones I like.

    Nightmare on Elm Street and New Nightmare are pretty scary. The sequels mostly suck (except DREAM WARRIOOOOOOOORS), but at least they're really funny.

  18. I'm really looking forward to this, as I consider Devil's Rejects one of the best horror movies of the last decade.

    Now, I might as well ask here, instead of making another topic: I've only seen the original Halloween, I thought it was superb. I heard that parts 2-8 are not that great, but of 2-8, which should I watch/which are the best?

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