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The Chief

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Posts posted by The Chief

  1. Hi, i was just playing around in PSPX for a while but then it got serious lol. I didnt really have a particular target when i started, just kept adding really, here's what i came up with. Their all just variations really.

    I guess they could be sigs but i'd have to resize them:







  2. ive had the everglow for a while

    pretty good album, the type of album you can just relax to and drift off.

    some of the songs really do need the fat trimmed off though, some songs feel like theyve been on forever.

  3. Considering there was about an hour or so of Jack overtaking a plane going to Germany earlier this season, they can put something in a movie about an 8 hr plane ride. The writers can make anything in this show action filled.

    Season 5 spoiler above, don't read if you haven't seen it (or at least the last 6 episodes)

  4. Yep, love say anything, theres a delux edition as mentioned above, which has the album, and a bonus cd that was originally leaked over the net, but they released it in the end.

    my faves are definatley glory of love, the amazing 'woe', and the even more amazing 'admit it!'

  5. Hah, id like a sort of mini terrorist threat, one that lasts around 3 hours of real time.

    i dont usually like my movies long, but i could take 3 hours of bauer (done it plenty of times on the DVDs)

  6. Source: Here

    The real-time TV thriller "24" is headed to the big screen under a deal between movie studio 20th Century Fox and the show's producers, trade paper Daily Variety said on Thursday.


    The Hollywood publication said no deals are in place with the cast, although star

    Kiefer Sutherland -- an executive producer of the series -- has said he would like to reprise his role as sleep-deprived action hero Agent Jack Bauer in a feature version.

    However, the paper said the "24" movie would likely abandon the TV show's distinctive real-time conceit, meaning that all the murder and mayhem will no longer be squeezed into one day. A rough plot outline has been drafted, but no details have been disclosed, it said.

    Fox, a unit of News Corp., struck a deal with series creators Robert Cochran and Joel Surnow, who will write the script, and executive producer Howard Gordon, who will work on the story, Daily Variety said. The feature could potentially shoot next spring and summer during the hiatus between season six and a likely seventh season of "24."

    The critically acclaimed "24" series, which airs in the United States on News Corp.'s Fox Broadcasting unit, saw ratings improve by 14 percent for the just-wrapped fifth season, with nearly 14 million viewers tuning in every week, the paper said.

  7. i thought they were all around 54 mins. i mean, each episode on dvd is around 40-42 minutes.

    Unbelieveable how much time they give commercials really. i have to say they've completley ruined season 5 for me, having seen the others on dvd, its just not the same when something gets going, then we get 5 minutes of DFS and Argos...

  8. Just remember, it was supposed to be sent to central Asia and be used against Russia (pretty sure it was Moscow). But we interfered with their plans, so they started using it on us.

    There's no need for spoiler tags there, that's what happened in the first quarter of the season.

  9. oooooh, i totally thought it would either be vice president.

    but i totally knew it would be the actual president when he was on the phone, they tried to make the camera all mysterious but you could totally tell who it was straight off.

    one question...does this mean the logan-meister was behind the nerve gas all along? cos at the start , cummings was trying hard to convince the president it was a good move.

    actually, it makes sense now because he went with the plan until bauer found out.

    edit> another thing, is the food chain - logan > henderson > bierko

    because bierko made plenty of threats to the president, why bother if he knew he was in on it?

  10. i'd say ps3. the thing about nintendo that pisses me off is every game released is mario. mario mario mario mario mario. mario soccer, mario tennis, mario baseball.

    waaay too much mario for me. plus i already got a HD tv like a year ago and i actually want to use it :)

    btw, the core ps3 version is total bollocks for anyone even considering buying i, its worse than the 360 core - at least with that you could buy the other stuff separate.

    the ps3 core system has no HD output, a 20gb HDD, and i think stuff like wi-fi and bluetooth are also missing - nothing is upgradeable either as far as i know.

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