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The Chief

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Posts posted by The Chief

  1. i was going to start a new thread but i'll just post my questions in here:

    Where do i go now that civil war has just finished? i'm currently following astonishing xmen anyway but i'm interested to see whats happening to spiderman and daredevil (im intruiged to know whats happening in this prison storyline he's in or something) now that civil war is over.

    which issues should i look out for?

    and! regarding the end of civil war:

    on the final few pages, was that spider man ina black suit and underground??

  2. wow this album is nothing but suckage :thumbsdown: i think i like about 3 songs, and i cant believe they raped hallelujah

    (and im a big fan of the previous albums)

    either its suckage, or maybe i just dont like this stuff anymore, ive stopped listening to a lot of stuff i used to like.

  3. well if max and steph have decided to leave the show, its probably safe to assume boyd will leave, also taking janae with him?

    they might decide to move house or something.

    and those two new dudes at number 30, i cant tell which is which, and i find it disturbing, since i am a total neighbours freak

  4. im pretty bad too.

    When i finally got a proper hard drive (from 6gb 1997 pc to a newer 80gb model) i decided to get itunes, and rip 80 or so cd's into it. And by rip i mean - Title, artist, album, track number (of number of tracks), disc number, composer, genre - and back then there wasn't auto album art either, so i went through amazon to get each album's artwork.

    but damn it is so beautiful.

    Anyone who uses itunes - i use a program called libra, which allows you to switch between different libraries. I did it recently as i had too much music i was bored of, so now i have a main library of everything, and a second library with all the bands i actually like these days. Awesome.

    things i would like time to do is adding lyrics and upping the bitrates (just got very high quality headphones)

    oh and my cd's - they are organised on my rack depending on the colour of the spine - Black --- Colours --- Whites

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