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Posts posted by PkmnTrainerJ

  1. As the media (in the UK at least) seem to have just recently acknowledged eBay, do you sell on it? Buy on it?

    Feel free to share strange experiences on eBay and odd things you have bought/sold.

    My strangest thing that I have sold for a silly amount was a Snorlax Plush for £1,500. * I have also just given someone a feedback score of -1 by giving them negative feedback, which is a tad odd. The strangest (maybe) thing that I have bought is the FFX Tidus necklace for 1p. (Y)

    *Okay, it didn't sell for that much but it did recieve that bid. It got cancelled. :(

  2. No, it's not that as thats on Challenge TV atm, and that's more like a virtual reality video game with geeks on. I haven't seen the show I'm talking about for ages.

    EDIT: Got it. It was called lamely, The Lift.

  3. Instead of wasting time starting my own similar topic, can anyone else tell me what this show was called?

    It was a game show and there were three kids that went up in an lift, and had to play wierd games at each floor. Specifically I remember the Dark Knight game, where a Darth Vader-esque character would try to absorb the kids. They moved around on a huge board like chess pieces and if they got absorbed they went into the laundry room on the bottom floor and the surviving kids had to go down and rescue the ones that had been absorbed. I remember also, that when they got to the top they went into a penthouse and had many keys to undo boxes to earn prizes. I think they got a key every time they won a game.

    Oooh, and the Darth Vader type guy said 'MOVE' in an awesome voice after he had moved.

    It was on during my childhood, so around 1990-1995. Please help me find out what it's called as I've been thinking for months about it.

  4. There is Stadium, Stadium 2, Snap, Hey You! Pikachu and Super Smash Bros. for N64 and Colosseum and soon Gale Of Darkness for GameCube too.

    Also, you can get things called PokéROMs for PC. But they're not that great.

  5. So, it seems to be that time of year again that Pokemon has reached a bit of a high in the Dairy Cube, what with /forum/index.php?showtopic=22553">Pokemon Interactive,/forum/index.php?showtopic=22588">Kraigy's Emerald diary, /forum/index.php?showtopic=21255">Chris' 2nd Pokemon Red diary, /forum/index.php?showtopic=21303">My Emerald diary and /forum/index.php?showtopic=22848">Blitz's Pokemon Stadium tournament all going on.

    So, as this is now a Pokemon discussion thread, I should share new pokéinfo. (Some of you may already know about this but I need some kind of a starting point.)


    Pokemon XD: Gale Of Darkness is a return to Orre adventure but does not continue after Colosseum and features a freaking Dark Lugia! Catching and purifying Pokemon will be done similarly as it is in Colosseum and shadow Pokemon are still around, and they have new shadow-type attacks. Here is a list of catchable Pokemon in XD so far:


    Eevee (Starter), Teddiursa, Arbok, Pikachu, Plusle, Minun, Shellder, Spheal and Lugia.


    Butterfree, Kirlia, Parasect, Munchlax, Usohachii and Snorlax.

    DS Pokemon

    So many new Pokemon have been revealed and will most likely feature in Diamond and Pearl, the Pokemon DS games, not much is known about them but here they all are.


    Jap Name: Gonbe

    UK/US Name: Munchlax

    Classification: Big Eater Pokémon

    Type: Normal

    Height: 2'00" (0.6m)

    Weight: 231 lbs (105.0kg)

    Evolutuion: Pre-Evolution of Snorlax

    May has recently captured one of these in the animé in Japan, so they are slowly easing the new Pokemon in, anyways onward.


    Jap Name: Rukario

    Classification: Wave-Guiding Pokémon

    Type: Steel/Fighting

    Height: 4'00" (1.2m)

    Weight: 119lbs (54.0kg)

    Known Appearences: Movie 8: Mew & The Wave Guiding Hero - Rukario!

    As it says it appears in the 8th movie along with Mew.


    Jap Name: Manyula

    Classification: Sharp-Claw Pokémon

    Type: Dark/Ice

    Height: 3'8" (1.1m)

    Weight: 75lbs (34.0kg)

    Evolution of: Sneasel

    Known Appearences: Movie 8: Mew & The Wave Guiding Hero - Rukario!

    Such a cool Sneasel evolution. Is also in the 8th movie.


    Jap Name: Usohachii

    Type: Rock

    Height: 1'8" (0.5m)

    Weight: 33lbs (15.0kg)

    Pre-Evolution of: Sudowoodo

    Known Appearences: Movie 8: Mew & The Wave Guiding Hero - Rukario!

    Sudowoodo's baby form. It's so cute! *cough* Erm...manliness...yes.


    Jap Name: Manene

    Classification: Mime Pokémon

    Type: Psychic

    Height: 2'00" (0.6m)

    Weight: 28.6lbs (13.0kg)

    Pre-Evolution of: Mr. Mime

    Known Appearences: Movie 8: Mew & The Wave Guiding Hero - Rukario!

    I think this looks like its made of ice cream...but that's just me.

    Anyways, discuss all this new information, favourite Pokemon, old school Pokemon, the mangas, the animé, whatever you wanna discuss.

    By the way...my favourite Pokemon is Swampert...and maybe my green Mewtwo.

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