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Posts posted by Darloboy

  1. No-one's really sure of the exact reason our chairman put us into admin. The fans have been left in the dark, the chairman has been trying to spin some sob story but no-one is buying it, he's public enemy number one at the minute.

    All we know is that he'd been bankrolling us for about 2 and a half years. We assumed it was using his own money, but it turns out he's been securing loans against the club to pay for it, and one of the companies he used went into administration, and it had a domino effect on us, so now in the space of his brief tenure we've gone from being run on an even keel to being £5m in debt, around £3m of which is the chairman's, who has now decided that his funding was a loan and not a gift.

    And he's separated the club and the stadium into two separate entities, so if someone buys the club, they either have to pay him however much rent he wants, or buy the stadium off him for a no doubt extortionate price. The only serious bidder we've had is threatening to pull the plug because he and the chairman don't get on (the bidder was vice-chairman for a few months during the winter, but quit after being fed a pack of lies by the chairman).

    Our manager's gone, soon to be followed by our entire squad, and there's no knight in shining armour in the horizon, I really don't see a way out of this mess other than folding and starting again down the pyramid. The real sickener is that without the 10 point deduction, we would be 6th, six points off automatic. And looking at our form before and after entering admin, it's very reasonable to suggest we would have got an extra six points in our games if we hadn't gone into admin, so to have promotion snatched away from us like this is sickening.

  2. Yeah I think the punishment system is about as fair as it can be, although IMO it doesn't come down harshly enough on the actual individuals involved in taking a club into administration. Our chairman just put us into admin to wipe some of his debts, yet he gets off scott free while the club is punished. I agree with punishing the club, but punish the chairman as well by banning him from football for life.

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