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Posts posted by Kyle_

  1. It seems to be a flashier version of the beginner mode where you selected run or pass and Madden picked the play. I don't see seasoned players making much use of it. If I want to be a QB and not the team, I'll play Superstar Mode which hade this option all along, though this could improve it. I could see myself audibling out of every play I don't like which would defeat the purpose to begin with.

    That's not what it is. You can set the gameplan how you like, and you still control your whole team. It's the same Madden, just a way to make the games faster.

    That's a shame, I really like Madden and American football, but I still don't fulling understand play-calling, which ends up screwing me over.

    They need more help for us Brits!

    Hopefully they will sort out the online franchise trading with the CPU too, they seem to accept anything.

    Don't they have an option where the CPU just calls the plays for you already in the game? I'm fairly certain that's what "Beginner" is.

    No currently there is just ask Madden

  2. Pretty sure Hayes died after the episode was released later that year. They made fun of him leaving and ripped on him, but Stan's speech at the end about remembering him for the good times was there way of saying "yeah, it sucks for you to go, but we'll always remember you for the funny guy you were." They killed off the Chef character since he left, and the majority of the episode was just voice clips of him, sprinkled in with someone who sounded like him for the words/phrases they didn't have.

    The episode was first aired March 22th, 2006 and Hayes died August 10th, 2008. And all the clips were of Chef aside from the Darth Chef part(which was voiced by the same guy that voiced Darth Maul). Although they did rip on Chef Matt and Trey was more saying that Hayes was brainwashed by Scientology.

  3. Clearly Al Davis is dead ... the Raiders just haven't let it out yet ... they'll parade him around in "weekend at Bernie's" style this year before breaking the news after they just miss the playoffs

    I thought they've already been doing that with him for years?

  4. Don't tell people my secret, naiwf.

    I'm higher on Tebow than most people. The only reason I think that was a bad pick was because of how much they gave up to get him. Then again, they probably didn't think he'd get past NE.

    sayhder, really? Brady f'n Quinn is a better pro football player than Tebow ever will be? Everything wrong with Tebow is fixable, with time. Given three years, and he'll be a serviceable starting QB. Within five and he'll be one of the top 16 QBs in the league. I'm not saying that he'll be special, but the kid might be the best character guy EVER, he's going to work his ass off, and he's a leader. I hate his hype as much as anyone, but it's really hard to hate the man himself, and I an against his political/religious as much as anyone.

    Denver has made a ton of stupid decisions since Shanahan left, and this isn't what I'd call 'smart', since they gave up so much, but the selection itself isn't horrible. If you wanted a QB, Tebow probably has more upside than anyone left, except LeFevour, who is a poor man's Tebow.

    I never thought I'd say it, but I wouldn't mind Jimmy Clausen as a Raider at this point. He's worth a second rounder. Don't think he makes it past KC, though.

    What are the BAPs? Anyone got a top 10?

    My opinion exactly on Tebow. I think he will be a good fit in Denver especially with the wild horses formation. I think he will be better than Quinn will ever be and Orton isn't bad but he's just a game manager and I don't think that's what McDaniels wants.

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