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Everything posted by ChrisO

  1. Gonna pick this up later on this morning, can't wait to get it! Looking forward to seeing how it develops
  2. Once I get Rollins or another Leg. Pro or something I'll be in Survivor + for RTG it'll take a Survivor Pro or something before I get to Survivor ++ for exhibition
  3. I'm holding out hope that 16 for PS3/360 will just mainly be a roster update and they'll focus everything on the New Gen Consoles
  4. Just got my day 23 login... if it wasn't for trying to get another Legendary or even a Survivor card if I can... I may do some frustration playing tonight... My cable company sucks so I can't watch RAW or my local news channel which is NBC so no America's Got Talent either
  5. Wow, that actually look really good/life-like! But, that's just this image, I'll hold onto my reservations until I see it in an in-game video or something
  6. I've gotten my login bonuses, moved stuff on KOTR but that's pretty much it
  7. I'm pretty sure absolutely no one is playing PCC this time around. I got my usual points that normally gets me the double Super Rare cards and I'm still in the top 60,000
  8. Missed out on a Survivor KOTR by a win and a loss by the other guy finished tied for 8th on the outside looking in
  9. Rey Mastrio out of a Survivor KOTR... Oh well, I needed a Leg card for fusion fodder too
  10. Same. The only thing that would help me it is the pair of Leg. cards and above, it's not worth it. Too much time and money to invest
  11. I can see maybe like a 2004 Cena and a 2015 Cena, they're two different characters, movesets for the most part, etc. But what got me last year was the 2011 Del Rio and 2012 Del Rio or something like that, just a waste of space, even if it was for the game mode, that could be used for another NXT star, or something along those lines
  12. I noticed on the SuperCard Forums on 2K that they were organizing a WM tier KOTR, how exactly does that work? Do you get to invite people to KOTR somehow that I don't know about? As far as I know it would be hit or miss on whether they all get in the same one even if they hit the start button at the same time... The only prize divas in PCC are Nikki and Paige, WM cards only... Ridiculous
  13. If The Undertaker isn't in at least 6 times... We Riot
  14. Agreed, I guess since it's part of the "largest roster in WWE video game history" they want to make them all a big deal, to me, the biggest ones will be who makes it out of NXT/Legends/etc.
  15. 2K announced on Twitter a little bit ago that Ambrose is now confirmed
  16. Aaaaaaaand it's Paige Vs. Nikki
  17. If Sycho Sid is in... this game is made....
  18. I'd be really pissed at a Diva PCC. I want a diva RTG next but we won't get both. Diva RTG would be epic (no pun intended) especially if it was all diva cards, I need another Leg. Pro/Survivor Diva, I just got a Leg. Fusion Brie during RTG, but don't have another to pro, if I could get a Leg. Nikkie or Stephanie, I'd be set in Survivor+
  19. And network maintenance time, any predictions on this weeks PCC? Been tryin to think of possibilities but can't seem to figure it out...
  20. Haven't really done much with this RTG, played enough to get Ryder and pulled a Hot Rod Survivor from the deck but that's been about it
  21. RTG this week... Fight Owens Fight!
  22. The only time I'm doing exhibition is if I get a Legendary card from KOTR that can be pro'd or I'm searching for energy and power ups for KOTR
  23. Actually, I may hold off on the Leg. Fusion, I don't have a lot of Leg. cards and I need a Leg. Pro/Survivor card for RTG still as I still have two Epic Pro cards in RTG, and I have all the male Leg. Fusion cards
  24. I already threw one of my truths to the chamber for an Epic Fusion, I gotta get another one for the next Leg. Fusion
  25. Where did everyone finish? I got two SR R-Truths, which is what I needed for Fusion
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