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Posts posted by slain

  1. I know this isn't a request topic, but did anything Frightened Rabbit, Mumford And Sons, The Tallest Man On Earth, or Damien Rice-esque come out this year? I really dig slower rock/folk, and need more of it. Any suggestions?

  2. I saw Eraserhead for the second time last night. It's not quite as fun on the second watch, but still fucked up enough to get a reaction out of me. Seriously, what the fuck? It's pretty hard for me to give this a rating, but I think if I did, it'd be something like 7.5/10. Those little chickens always creep the shit out of me.

  3. Alright, I've finally given into the whole Anime thing. I've seen most of Hayao Miyazaki's filmography, and I've been watching a lot of Dragonball Z and Death Note. Other than what I've listed, I haven't seen anything else anime-related (other than obvious childhood favorites like Pokemon, Digimon, and Yu-Gi-Oh). I'm looking for some shows/movies that contain a fair amount of violence and action, but have nothing to do with giant mechs, or anything TOO sci-fi heavy. Any suggestions? I've been told I'd enjoy Black Lagoon and Blood+, but I haven't found the time to check those out. Thanks!

  4. Inception - I think people putting this film on a God tier just killed it for me. To be honest, I didn't think it was anything more than just good. Batman Begins is still the only Nolan film I've ever loved (I still haven't seen The Prestige or Insomnia). I've already been called an idiot by two people for NOT liking Inception. I just don't understand the hype for this one. It had some great acting, memorable moments, but at the end of the day nothing clicked with me. 6.5-7/10. Maybe higher upon a re-watch.

  5. Why must you mock me papa Teej? sad.gif

    ...it was a much better film that it's given credit for, though. I mean it was no Aliens, but nothing ever will be. >_> Plus, Ron Pearlman.

    Alien is a better movie than Aliens.

    Agreed to the fullest extent. Despite being a very fun and entertaining film, Aliens is quite overrated in my opinion.

  6. Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea - This was my first exposure to Studio Ghibli, and I plan on watching everything they've ever put out after seeing this film. I've never been into the whole "Anime" thing, but this movie was absolutely breathtaking. I can't believe that I didn't see it before now. I recommend it for anybody looking to get into Studio Ghibli, or just Hayao Miyazaki. 8.5/10, and probably higher on repeat viewings. I plan on checking out Spirited Away as soon as possible.

    Brothers - I've been waiting to see Gyllenhaal and Mcguire together in a film for some time now. I just always thought that they'd mesh fairly well. And well...They actually did. The movie wasn't fantastic or anything, but it was definitely decent for what it was. I was a bit turned off as I felt that they were exploiting a shell shocked man, and making him out to look like an evil son of a bitch, but I think I've gotten over it a little bit. Also, Natalie Portman looked stunning as always. 7/10.

  7. Lately, Black Dynamite has become a current favorite. It literally has everything a comedy needs to be successful. Great pacing, hilarious dialogue, and badass action sequences. It is honestly the funniest movie I've ever seen in my life. As for all-time favorite, I find myself going with Tony Scott's True Romance. Everybody in the movie does a fantastic job, not to mention the cast being absolutely stacked. Every actor in the films shines, and the script and score are terrific. Such an underrated film.

  8. I watched The Boy in the Striped Pajamas last night before going to sleep, and it left such a large impression on me. I haven't been so close to sobbing during a film in a very long time. If anybody out there hasn't yet seen it, please go out and do so. The film is beautiful, and will leave you thinking for quite a while. 9/10.

    Me and my girlfriend watched about half of Rob Zombie's Halloween 2 before she had to leave last night. Thus far, it's a fucking awful film, and I'm dreading having to finish it sometime soon. How did Zombie go from an absolute classic like The Devil's Rejects to an abortion like Halloween 2!?

    EDIT: We finished H2 last night, and it was truly terrible. I'm still in awe that Rob Fucking Zombie directed it. I'm really hoping that he can squeeze out another Devil's Rejects type of film after this Tyrannosaurus Rex thing comes out. 2.5/10.

  9. I think the fact that there's going to be a child in the house makes the film even more intriguing. It gives it a whole new level of horror, as nobody wants to see a newborn being tormented. I'm also interested to see how the dog will play into the film, because they can supposedly "see things that humans can't". Things like this are why I'm so excited over 40 seconds of new footage.

  10. The Rebirth episode was god awful in my opinion. I felt as if they were trying a little bit TOO hard. Has Bender always been this unfunny? Thankfully, the second episode redeemed the new Futurama for me. I'll definitely be watching the next episode.

  11. I hate to bump a dead topic, but I was thinking about starting a screenplay for a Grindhouse-style exploitation double bill. I'm going to school next year for film broadcasting, and was wondering if I should wait until I've learned more on the subject before I go ahead and start writing. It would be my first ever writing project. I'm looking into purchasing the Screenwriter's Bible from Amazon, and was also wondering if this would be a good place to learn the basics of screenwriting.

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