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Posts posted by MattHarms

  1. WWF Prime Time Wrestling for 1/6/92

    Your Hosts are Bobby “The Brain” Heenan and Gorilla Monsoon.

    The New Foundation faces Brooklyn Brawler and Iron Mike Sharpe

    Anvil brawls with “Canada’s Greatest Athlete” to start out and clotheslines him to the mat. Anvil shoulderblocks Sharpe and stomps away on him. Anvil throws Sharpe into the ropes and dropkicks him down. The Anvil chokes away at Sharpe but breaks at four. Jim Neidhart throws Sharpe into the ropes and takes him down with an awkward Samoan Drop. Tag to Owen Hart. Owen enters the ring and pounds away at Sharpe with some forearm smashes. Owen backs up and dropkicks Sharpe down to the canvas. Owen goes to the outside. Owen is up top and cross body off the top from the Rocket. Two count on Iron Mike. Owen picks up Sharpe and throws him into the ropes but Sharpe reverses. Sharpe charges in with the forearm but Owen moved out of the way. Owen blasts Sharpe with a spinning leg lariat as he comes out of the corner. Owen stomps away on Sharpe and drops a leg down on Sharpe. Owen lifts Sharpe up but Sharpe goes right to the eyes. Tag to the Brooklyn Brawler. Brawler pounds away at Owen and throws him into the ropes. Brawler backdrops Owen and chinlocks him. Brawler works over Owen but Owen powers out of the chinlock and counters with a belly to back suplex. Owen makes it to the corner and tags the Anvil back in. Neidhart rushes into the ring and wipes out both Sharpe and Brawler with a double clothesline. Neidhart grabs Sharpe and hooks him. Neidhart suplexes Sharpe over. Brawler is up and Owen runs in, putting the Brawler over the top rope with a clothesline. Sharpe goes for a swing but Neidhart ducks and delivers a stiff clothesline to the back of the head. Neidhart grabs Sharpe and Camel Clutches him with the knee digging into the lower back. Neidhart has Sharpe and Sharpe submits. The New Foundation wins.

    Winners: The New Foundation(w/a Modified Camel Clutch)

    Segment Approval Rating: 58

    Crowd Reaction: 48

    Match Quality: 69

    House Show Footage from Last Weekend

    Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage are teaming up for a very rare Megapowers reunion against The Undertaker and Ric Flair. Hogan pounds away on the Undertaker while Flair is brawling with Savage on the outside of the ring. Mr. Perfect jumps Savage from behind on the outside. Paul Bearer hands the urn to the Undertaker and Undertaker bonks Hogan with it for a DQ. Hogan is down and Taker chokes Hogan. Taker is choking the Immortal Hulk Hogan out cold. Savage is attempting to get back into the ring to help Hogan but Perfect and Flair pull him out and stomp away on him on the floor.

    The crowd is really booing and out comes Jake Roberts. Roberts enters the ring and Roberts is telling The Undertaker to stomp choking Hogan. Roberts is pulling the Undertaker up. The Undertaker reluctantly releases. Jake Roberts picks up Hogan and BAM DDT. Roberts yells at the fallen Hogan: “Never trust a snake.” Roberts tells the Undertaker to go back to choking Hogan and the Undertaker does. Perfect and Flair dragged a battered Savage into the ring and feed him to the Snake for another DDT. These four men (five if you count Paul Bearer), have just taken out the top two popular wrestlers today. Roberts struts around the ring as Flair gives him a dirty look. The Undertaker continues to choke Hogan. The footage ends there.

    Segment Approval Rating: 93

    Sid Justice comes out against Skinner

    Skinner spits his tobacco juice in the face of Sid at the bell and Sid goes postal on Skinner with punches. Sid clotheslines Skinner down. Sid picks up Skinner and throws him into the ropes. Sid takes Skinner down with a stiff side slam. Sid backs up and big boots Skinner down to the canvas. Sid grabs Skinner and pulls him up by the hair. Sid throws Skinner into the corner and stiff knee smash into the corner. Sid chokes Skinner in the corner with the boot and breaks at four. Sid grabs Skinner by the throat and pulls him out of the corner, only to shove him back into the corner. Sid grabs Skinner by the throat and Choke Slams him to the canvas. Sid picks up Skinner and puts him in a standing headscissors. Sid lifts up Skinner and POWER BOMB. That was a brutal Power Bomb and Sid covers Skinner with a foot on the chest to score the pin.

    Winner: Sid Justice(w/The Power Bomb)

    Segment Approval Rating: 67

    Crowd Reaction: 68

    Match Quality: 67

    Bret Hart interview

    Sean Mooney is standing backstage with Bret Hart.

    Sean Mooney: I am Sean Mooney and I am backstage with the reigning WWF Interconinental Champion, Bret Hart. Bret, in two weeks at the Royal Rumble, you will do battle with the Mountie with the WWF Interconinental Title on the line. Your thoughts on your opponent at the Royal Rumble.

    Bret Hart: The Mountie thinks he can beat me. The Mountie has proven that he is nothing but a joke. This is about the WWF Interconinental Title and I will not allow the likes of the Mountie to beat me in a wrestling match. A lot of great men have held this belt but none of them have been cartoon characters like my challenger at the Royal Rumble. The Mountie will be faced with the Excellence of Execution at the Royal Rumble. I hope he is prepared for it because I am not giving up this Interconinental Title Belt without a fight.

    Sean Mooney: This has been Sean Mooney with Bret “The Hitman” Hart. Back to ringside.

    Segment Approval Rating: 89

    The Big Boss Man goes into battle with Joe Malenko

    Joe Malenko taunts the Boss Man to start the match and gets slapped. The Big Boss Man pounds away at Malenko and throws him into the ropes. Boss Man uppercuts Malenko to the mat. Big Boss Man picks up Joe Malenko and into the corner. Boss Man clotheslines Joe Malenko in the corner. Big Boss Man throws Malenko into the ropes and kick to the face knocks Malenko down to the canvas. Big Boss Man backs up the ropes and a knee to Malenko. Boss Man drops to his knees and stiff uppercut to the jaw of Malenko. The Big Boss Man picks up Joe and throws him into the corner. Boss Man charges in but Joe Malenko moves and the Boss Man hits the corner. Joe Malenko goes for a clothesline but Boss Man ducks. Malenko leaps RIGHT INTO THE BOSS MAN SLAM. Big Boss Man covers Malenko and scores the pin.

    Winner: The Big Boss Man(w/The Boss Man Slam)

    Segment Approval Rating: 61

    Crowd Reaction: 47

    Match Quality: 75

    Jimmy Snuka faces the Mountie(w/The Mouth of the South Jimmy Hart)

    This is a PRIMETIME WRESTLING EXCLUSIVE. Snuka chops away at the Mountie to start and headbutts him causing the Mountie to head to the outside. Snuka slides out, going after the Mountie. Snuka throws Mountie into the ring and charges into the ring. Snuka throws Mountie into the ropes and Snuka delivers a kick to the midsection. Snuka goes behind and atomic drop on the Mountie. Snuka goes to the outside. Snuka is up on the top rope and Snuka leaps off with a headbutt to the Mountie as he is on his feet. Mountie flops bac to the canvas. Snuka grabs Mountie from behind but the Mountie’s trick knee acts up, causing Snuka to be doubled over. Mountie grabs Snuka and drives him down across the knee with a facebuster. Mountie chokes away at the Superfly. The Mountie picks up Snuka and throws him into the ropes. Mountie clotheslines Snuka down to the mat. The Mountie drops a knee down across the chest of Snuka before going for the cover. He only gets a two count.

    Mountie lifts Snuka up and rake to the face. Mountie throws Snuka into the corner. Mountie charges in but Snuka gets both feet up to the face. Mountie staggers back and Snuka punches away on the Mountie. Snuka throws the Mountie into the ropes and Snuka delivers a dropkick taking the Mountie down. Snuka waits on the Mountie and Snuka scoops up the Mountie and slams him down to the canvas. Snuka gives the signal. Snuka is going up for the Superfly Leap. Snuka is on the top rope but Jimmy Hart grabs the foot of Snuka. Snuka turns around to go after the Mouth of the South. The Mountie has the cattle prod, meanwhile. Snuka kicks Hart off and leaps off the top rope. RIGHT INTO THE CATTLE PROD. Snuka gets shocked by that one. Mountie cradles Snuka for the pinfall attempt.

    Mountie is beating down the Superfly after the match. Mountie picks up Snuka and hooks him. Mountie suplexes Snuka down. The crowd is excited about something. BRET HART IS OUT FROM THE BACK. Bret enters the ring NO Jimmy Hart grabs his ankle. Mountie kicks Bret in the head as he attempts to enter the ring. The Mountie and Jimmy Hart are tying the Interconinental Champion in the ropes. Mountie has the cattle prod and HE ZAPS BRET HART WITH IT WHEN HE IS TIED IN THE ROPES. The crowd boos and the Mountie mocks Bret Hart. The Mountie and Jimmy Hart leave, the damage done.

    Winner: The Mountie(w/The Cattle Prod)

    Segment Approval Rating: 69

    Crowd Reaction: 70

    Match Quality: 70

    Randy Savage interview

    Lord Alfred Hayes is backstage with Randy Savage.

    Hayes: Greetings gentlemen, I am backstage with one of the most gifted wrestlers in the World Wrestling Federation, that being the Macho Man Randy Savage. Mr. Savage, you will be facing a brute of a man known as the Warlord but surely you cannot be one hundred percent coming off that brutish attack from Mr. Perfect, Ric Flair, and Jake Roberts this past weekend.

    Savage: Let me tell you something, Lord Alfred. It doesn’t matter how many times people jump me. They will have to deal with the Madness every time. Sure they put me done but you cannot keep the Macho Man down for very long. They better hope they don’t get in my path in the Royal Rumble or something very, very scary will happen to those punks. The Macho Man will be on fire and recapture what is rightfully his, the WWF World Title. As for the Warlord, well the Macho Man has to work off some stress and anger, so you have had the misfortune of dealing with the Madness tonight. Ohhh yeahhh!!!!

    Segment Approval Rating: 91

    General Adnan(w/Colonel Mustafa) vs Marty Jannetty)

    Adnan attacks Jannetty at the bell and chokes him. Adnan throws Marty into the ropes but Marty ducks and leaping forearm smash. Marty backs up but gets tripped by Mustafa. Marty goes after the Colonel but gets an awkward rollup from Adnan. Marty’s shoulders are no where near the canvas but it gets two when Marty gets out. Adnan weakly punches away on Marty and goes to slam him down but Marty drops out. Marty superkicks Adnan. Marty climbs to the top rope and flying fistdrop to the head of Adnan. Marty covers Adnan and scores the pin. The Colonel enters the ring and Marty superkicks him as well. Marty yells about Shawn Michaels as he poses for the crowd.

    Winner: Marty Jannetty(w/The Flying Fistdrop)

    Segement Approval Rating: 54

    Crowd Reaction: 58

    Match Quality: 45

    Jake Roberts interview

    Sean Mooney is backstage with Jake Roberts.

    Sean Mooney: I am Sean Mooney and I am backstage with Jake Roberts. One of the partipents in that brutal attack over the weekend. Jake…

    Jake Roberts: Yes I know, Mooney. How can I look myself in the mirror after I beat up the two sacred cows Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage? Those two have gotten favorable treatment for two long. I have been in the WWF for 6 years and I yet to get a World Title Shot. They got off easy, because I could have done something much more sinister to those two. Trust me, Sean Mooney, these two have not seen the last of Jake Roberts. The Royal Rumble is coming up and I am planning to personally launch those two over the top rope and to the arena floor. The DDT is the most deadly move in wrestling today as both Hogan and Savage found out last Weekend. The WWF World Title is coming into the hands of pure evil at the Royal Rumble. Trust me.

    Segment Approval Rating: 85

    In our Feature Bout: The Warlord (w/Harvey Wipplemen) faces Randy Savage

    Savage poses and gets jumped by the Warlord at the bell. Warlord pounds away on the Macho Man and Warlord scoops up Savage to slam him down to the match. This is another Prime Time Wrestling Exclusive for all you keeping score at hope. Warlord pummels the Macho Man in the corner. Warlord throws Savage into the ropes. Warlord charges into the corner with an elbow but Savage moves out of the way. Savage catches the Warlord with a leaping kneesmash to the back of the head. Savage jabs away at the Warlord and attempts to scoop him up for a slam but Savage wrenches his back. The Warlord clotheslines the Macho Man down. Warlord picks up Savage and massive backbreaker. Warlord holds Savage across the knee, putting the pressure on. Warlord hoists Savage up and drives him down with a second backbreaker.

    Warlord lifts up Savage and throws him into the corner .Warlord drops Savage with a clothesline as he stumbles out of the corner. Warlord picks up Savage and forearms him. Savage falls on the bottom rope, stunned. That little rat Harvey Wippleman chokes Savage while he is on the bottom rope. Savage staggers up right into a powerslam from the Warlord. Warlord flexes his muscles and gives the signal. He is going put Savage in the Full Nelson. Warlord locks Savage in the Full Nelson. Warlord has Savage stunned. The Warlord is attempting and he has got the fingers locked. Savage may find it hard to escape this move. The Warlord could be moments away from the biggest win in his career. Savage is attempting to break out. Savage is going to break the grip. He has to get those fingers unlocked to hope to break the full nelson. Savage is pushing up with everything he has. SAVAGE HAS BROKEN THE HOLD. The Warlord staggers backwards stunned by the burst of power from Savage.

    Savage dives at the Warlord and pounds away on him with punches. Savage throws the Warlord into the ropes and Savage delivers a clothesline but the Warlord is only wobbled. Savage goes to the top rope. Savage leaps off and double axe handle chop to the head of the Warlord. Warlord is doubled over and Savage catches the Warlord with a running kneelift. Harvey Wippleman is on the ring apron and Savage has him by the tie. Savage is going to blast Wippleman but the Warlord is up. Warlord charges Savage but Savage pulls Harvey Wippleman into the path of the Warlord. Warlord collides with his manager. Warlord is down and Savage is going up top. Savage leaps off and FLYING ELBOWDROP. Of course that gets three. The Macho Man wins.

    Winner: Randy Savage(w/Flying Elbow Drop)

    Segment Approval Rating: 72

    Crowd Reaction: 75

    Match Quality: 66

    Sid Justice Interview:

    Sid Justice: It seems like the World Wrestling Federation has no concept of Justice. THAT IS WRONG. THEY WILL ALL FAIL. At the Royal Rumble….EVERYONE WHO DARES TO GET IN MY WAY…will be crushed. It doesn’t matter who gets into my way. They will all fall to me because I am the biggest, baddest man in the Royal Rumble. THEY WILL LEARN NOT TO CROSS JUSTICE. THEY WILL LEARN. OH THEY SHALL LEARN AT THE ROYAL RUMBLE. I rule everyone and THEY SHALL BE CRUSHED IF THEY DARE STAND UP TO JUSTICE. Doesn’t matter who will be in. THEY WILL FALL. They will fly over the top rope at the RUMBLE THAT IS ROYAL. I am the biggest, the baddest, and the boldest man on the planet and YES I RULE THIS WORLD. JUSTICE IS RULE. RULE IS JUSTICE. THE WWF WORLD TITLE IS MINE. They will all fail. Yes they shall. THEY SHALL.

    Segment Approval Rating: 78

    Overall Rating: 74

    Prime Time Rating got a 5.64 Rating

  2. WWF Wrestling Challenge for the Weekend of 1/4/92

    Bobby Heenan and Gorilla Monsoon are your commentators

    The Repo Man goes into the ring to face Rob Zakowski in the opening bout

    Repo sneaks into the ring and pounds away on Zakowski to start out. Repo goes for a punch but Zakowski rolls underneath and dropkicks Repo Man down to the mat. Zakowski backs up and catches Repo Man with a spinning leg lariat knocking him down to the mat. Repo Man is pulled up by Zakowski but he gets a knee to the midsection. Repo Man punches Zakowski to the mat and drops an elbow across the sternum. Repo Man picks up Rob Zakowski and hooks him. Gutwrench Suplex from Repo Man. Repo Man chokes Rob Zakowski and picks him up. Repo Man throws Zakowski into the ropes and punch to the midsection. Repo Man kicks Zakowski’s leg out from underneath him and laughs about it. Repo Man picks up Zakowski but gets pulled into a small package. This move only gets two. Zakowski goes for a kick but Repo catches it. Zakowski flips out of the kick and delivers a front dropkick sending the Repo Man crashing to the corner. Zakowski goes after Repo Man but REPO MAN BASHES ZAKOWSKI WITH THE HUCAP ACROSS THE HEAD. The referee does not see this and Repo covers Zakowski to score the pin.

    Winner: The Repo Man(after using his hubcap as a weapon]

    Segment Approval Rating: 62

    Crowd Reaction: 45

    Match Quality: 80

    Hulk Hogan interview

    Hulk Hogan: Hulkamania is running wilder then ever as the Royal Rumble is two weeks away. It is the chance for the Hulkster to regain what is rightfully is. All the little Hulkamaniacs are training, saying their prayers, taking their vitamins, and hoping to see Hulkamania run wild once more in the Royal Rumble Match. The last two years, The Hulkster has outlasted 30 men and captured the WWF World Title. The Hulkster doesn’t care if it the Undertaker, Ric Flair, or that evil dude, Jake “The Snake” Roberts, brother. Heck, if some of the Hulksters pals such as The Macho Man and Rowdy Roddy get in his way, they will learn what the power of Hulkamania is all about. So whatcha going to do when The Hulkster enters the Royal Rumble and regains the WWF World Title and runs wild on you, dude.

    Hulk poses as the camera cuts out from this pre-taped interview.

    Segment Approval Rating: 90

    The Texas Tornado dukes it out with the Brooklyn Brawler

    The Tornado is busy playing to the crowd and the Brawler jumps him from behind. The Brawler pounds away at the Tornado with punches. Brooklyn Brawler goes for a clothesline but Von Erich ducks and the Tornado chops away at the Brawler. The Texas Tornado throws the Brawler into the ropes and leaping forearm smash brings the Brawler down to the canvas. The Tornado throws the Brawler into the ropes and takes him down with a dropkick. The Tornado covers the Brawler. Two count off of that dropkick. The Texas Tornado picks up the Brawler but Brawler goes to the eyes. The Brooklyn Brawler clotheslines the Tornado down to the mat. The Brawler chokes away on Von Erich and breaks at four. The Brooklyn Brawler throws the Texas Tornado into the ropes. The Brooklyn Brawler charges in but The Texas Tornado moves. Brawler crashes into the corner sternum first. Von Erich hooks the Brawler and atomic drop. The Brawler does a forward roll sell. Von Erich picks up on the Brawler and slaps the clawhold on him. The Texas Tornado is putting down the Brooklyn Brawler with that clawhold. The Brawler is attempting to break the move and he pushes the Texas Tornado off. The Texas Tornado catches the Brawler with the Tornado Spin Punch on the rebound. The Brawler is knocked out and The Texas Tornado covers him to score the three count pin.

    Winner: The Texas Tornado(w/The Tornado Spin Punch)

    Segment Approval Rating: 57

    Crowd Reaction: 48

    Match Quality: 67

    The Legion of Doom interview

    Animal: It seems like when you hold the WWF World Tag Team Titles, there are a lot of really bad dudes coming after you. The Legion of Doom can handle a lot but there are two really big, bad dudes that seem to want our Tag Team Title Belts. Tell em, Hawk.

    Hawk: Wellll, it seems like the Natural Disasters are knocking at the door of the Legion of Doom. They are really big but when you have a really big and thick tree, you just hit it harder and harder until it falls down. The Natural Disasters are the two biggest and the two thickest men in the WWF. The Legion of Doom will smash them into little bits at the Royal Rumble. The bigger they come, the harder they fall. Ohhhhhhh what a rushhhhhhh.

    Segment Approval Rating: 76

    “The Mighty” Hercules will face the high flying newcomer, The Lightning Kid

    Hercules pounds away on the Lightning Kid at the bell and throws him into the ropes. Hercules rocks the Lightning Kid with a huge shoulderblock. Hercules stomps away at the Kid and chokes away on him. Hercules picks up the Lightning Kid and presses him above his head. Herc throws the Kid to the mat with a Gorilla Press. Hercules picks up the Lightning Kid and scoops him up. Hercules rams the Lightning Kid into the corner and flexes to some boos from the crowd. Hercules picks up the Lightning Kid by the hair and throws him towards the ropes. Hercules clotheslines the Lighning Kid down. Hercules drops a knee down across the chest of the Kid. Hercules picks up the Kid and pummels his face with a series of punches. Hercules presses the Kid over his head and a stiff throwing Gorilla Press Slam. Hercules knees The Kid in the midsection and Hercules gutwrenches him. Hercules brings the Kid down across the knee with a vicious gutbuster. Hercules pumps his arms up. Hercules picks up the Kid and HORIZONTAL BACKBREAKER. Hercules is stretching the Kid across his shoulders. The Kid submits and Hercules drops him. Hercules yells something at the camera.

    Winner: Hercules(w/The Horizontal Backbreaker)

    Segment Approval Rating: 56

    Crowd Reaction: 39

    Match Quality: 74

    Rowdy Roddy Piper interview

    Piper: It seems like everyone is all psyched up for the Royal Rumble. Everyone wants to be the champion. I hate to break this to all the dreamers but the Hot Rod is trailor made for the WWF Championship. Plus the belt would look good with my kilt, as a fashion statement. It is time for the Hot Rod to make his play to the top. The Royal Rumble is the perfect time to make all the doubters eat there words. Everyone better take some crash landing lessons because they will be flying over the top rope at the end of the night. There is still some sadistic nature in this Crazy Scot, so you all watch your back.

    Segment Approval Rating: 76

    The Beverly Brothers (w/The Genius) face Barry Hardy and Duane Gill in the Wrestling Challenge Feature Bout

    Duane Gill starts out against Blake. Blake takes Duane down to the mat and Blake dances as the crowd boos. Duane Gill grabs Blake and hiptosses him down to the mat. Duane Gill charges Blake but gets a knee to the midsection. Blake throws Duane over to the corner and tags in Beau Beverly. Some basic double teaming from the Beverly Brothers. The announcers talk about the Beverly Brothers’s match with the Bushwhackers at the Royal Rumble. Beau throws Duane into the ropes and elbowsmash knocks him down. Beau chokes away at Duane Gill. Beau picks up Gill and tags in Blake. Some more double teaming on Gill. Blake throws Gill into the ropes and knee to the face. Blake hooks Gill from behind the head. Blake drives Gill down across the knee. Blake picks up Gill and throws him into the corner. Blake charges in but Gill moves out of the corner.

    Gill makes the tag to Barry Hardy. Barry Hardy runs in and knocks down Blake with a clothesline. Barry Hardy goes into the ropes but the Genius is up on the ring apron. Hardy goes after him and turns around into a kick from Blake. Blake throws Hardy into the corner and punches away on him. Beau enters the ring and knocks Duane Gill off of the ring apron. The Beverly Brothers set up Barry Hardy and BEVERLY BOMB. That drives Hardy into the canvas and Blake covers Hardy to get three.

    Winners: The Beverly Brothers(w/The Beverly Bomb)

    Segment Approval: 38

    Crowd Reaction: 33

    Match Quality: 68

    Overall Rating: 61

    3.91 Rating for Wrestling Challenge

  3. WWF Superstars for the Weekend of 1/4/92

    Your Announcers are: Vince McMahon and Mr. Perfect

    The Bushwhackers do battle with the Malenko Brothers

    It was the brawling of the Bushwhackers vs the Technical Skills of the Malenko Brothers. This is the Malenko’s first WWF apperence althrough the announcers do not announce anything about their past in typical WWF manner. Bushwhacker Butch pounds away at Joe Malenko and suplexes him. A headbutt dropped to the stomach and Luke gets tagged in. The Bushwhackers double team Joe, clubbering him in the corner. Luke does some biting and scratching, which gets the crowd behind the Bushwhackers. Fans are so easy to please. Luke clotheslines Joe down and Joe manages to make the tag to Dean Malenko. Dean gets a brief advantage with some basic moves, keeping it on The Bushwhacker’s level but not for long. Luke bits Dean and tags in Butch. Double team from the Bushwhackers, double clothesling Dean Malenko down to the mat. Joe attempted to enter but gets double clotheslined as well. Battering Ram to Dean and the Bushwhackers score the pin. They work the crowd after the match.

    Winners of the Match: The Bushwhackers (w/The Battering Ram to Dean Malenko)

    Segment Approval Rating: 65

    Crowd Reaction: 49

    Match Quality: 82

    Interview with the Undertaker and Paul Bearer

    Paul Bearer: My Undertaker tasted what was rightfully his for only six days. Six days until Hulk Hogan took away the destiny from the Darkside. No one has the belt and my Undertaker is poised to capture the belt. The Royal Rumble is coming up in two weeks and the darkside will reign over the World Wrestling Federation, much longer then six days this time. The dark age will come to the WWF soon enough as my Undertaker will crush everyone in his path to the top. They will all Rest in Peace.

    The Undertaker looks at the camera with a meanacing look but does not say anything.

    Segment Approval Rating:80

    The Berzerker(w/Mr. Fuji) husses out to do battle with Reno Riggens

    Reno Riggens attacks The Berzerker with punches and kicks at the bell. The Berzerker shoulderblocks Riggens down and yells out: “HUSS, HUSS”. This allows Riggens to gain a slight advantage by catching the Berzerker with a dropkick from behind. He gets staggered forward and Riggens goes for a cross body but the Berzerker catches him and drops him on the ring apron. The Berzerker shoulderblocks Riggens off the ring apron and Riggens hits the floor with a thunderous crash. “HUSS HUSS”. Riggens goes up to the ring apron and the Berzerker drags him in over the top rope. The Berzerker throws Riggens into the ropes and ducks the head and pays for it with a knee to the face. The Berzerker blitzes Riggens with a clothesline after not feeling that knee to the face. The Berzerker hooks Riggens from behind and throws him to the canvas with an atomic throw. Riggens is stunned. The Berzerker backs up and Big Boots Riggens to the canvas as he gets up. “HUSS HUSS”. The Berzerker covers and gets three. “HUSS HUSS”.

    Winner: The Berzerker (w/The Big Boot)

    Segment Approval Rating: 39

    Crowd Reaction: 33

    Match Quality: 45

    Ric Flair interview

    Ric Flair There is only one real World’s Champion in wrestling. That is the Nature Boy. I came to the World Wrestling Federation for one reason only. That is to capture the WWF World Title and become the undisputed champion in wrestling. The Nature Boy, the master of stylin’ and profilin’, kissing all the girls and making them cry. It really doesn’t matter what number I draw in the Royal Rumble because the Nature Boy has the endurance to got the distance. Ask any woman who has ever ridden Space Mountain. They know of the Nature Boy’s great endurance. The WWF World Belt is coming around the waist of the Nature Boy and that is the best thing going today. Wooo!!!!

    Segment Approval Rating: 94

    “Canada’s Greatest Athlete” Iron Mike Sharpe faces El Matador

    El Matador locks up with Canada’s Greatest Athlete and headlock to start. El Matador works Sharpe down to the mat and works the headlock before Sharpe powers out. Sharpe batters El Matador with some kicks to the midsection and throws him into the ropes. Sharp shoulderblocks him down. Sharpe charges Matador but gets armdragged. Sharpe yells “AHHH my arm”. Tito looks concerned and Sharpe cradles Tito for a two count. Tito chops away on Sharpe. Iron Mike is whipped into the ropes. Tito catches Sharpe with a dropkick. Tito backs up and Tito delivers a dropkick to Iron Mike Sharpe as he gets up to his feet. Tito gets ready and bounces off the ropes. Flying Jalapeno knocks Sharpe down and Tito covers to score the win ove Canada’s Greatest Athlete.

    Winner: El Matador (w/The Flying Jalapeno)

    Segment Approval Rating: 50

    Crowd Reaction: 41

    Match Quality: 59

    Jake Roberts interview

    The Snake is sitting in a darkened room. He pulls himself up and looks at the camera.

    Jake The Snake: The Royal Rumble is coming up soon. 30 Men all battling for the biggest prize in wrestling today, the WWF World Title. Ah yes, the WWF World Title. Hulk Hogan, my good friend, never offered me a title shot when he was champion. I am certain that he had a busy schedule, not that he was afraid of losing to me or anything. Hulk, I am the only one who truly knows how you feel to see your glory snatched away from you. Trust me, Hulk. Trust me. Randy Savage, we have some unfinished business from This Tuesday In Texas. Savage, we will meet once again in the Royal Rumble and I will drive your head into the mat with the DDT. The WWF World Title belt is tailor made for heroes. It has never had a snake as the champion. It would be a shame if someone who is totally evil got his hands on the belt. That shame will happen at the Royal Rumble when I capture the WWF Title. It has stayed out of my hands for too long. Trust me, it will happen.

    Segment Approval Rating: 86

    In Our Feature Bout: Jimmy Snuka faces Shawn Michaels (w/Sensational Sherri)

    The legendary Jimmy Snuka comes out to face the cocky Shawn Michaels. Snuka locks up and Shawn shoves him down to the mat before posing at the crowd. Snuka gets up and Shawn jabs away on Snuka before hiptossing him down to the canvas. Shawn drop toe holds Snuka and works the hammerlock. Snuka powers out of the hammerlock and catches Shawn with a headbutt to score a two count. Snuka works the headlock for about a minute before Shawn gets in the ropes. Snuka chops away at Michaels and throws him into the ropes. Snuka lifts Michaels up and down with a high back body drop. Snuka knocks Michaels down with a leaping headbutt. Snuka picks up Michaels and flips him into the corner. Snuka attempts to suplex Michaels into the ring but Michaels reverses it to suplex Snuka out of the ring.

    Sensational Sherri grabs Snuka and rakes his eyes on the outside. Michaels exits the ring and throws Snuka into the ring. Michaels short clotheslines Snuka and chinlocks him. The crowd attempts to get behind the Superfly. The arm lifts and drops. The arm lifts and drops a second time. On the third time, the arm stays up. Snuka fights to his feet and shoves Michaels off. Snuka chops away on Michaels. Snuka throws Michaels into the ropes and Snuka catches Michaels with a clothesline sending him into the air 360. Snuka goes up to the top rope and waits on Michaels to get up. Snuka delivers a headbutt off the top to the standing Michaels and Michaels falls backwards to the canvas. Snuka heads up top again. Snuka is going to go for the Superfly Leap. Snuka leaps off and DOWN onto Michaels. That’s his move. NO wait, Snuka only gets a 2 and 3/4th count because Sherri draped Shawn Michael’s foot over the bottom rope.

    Snuka goes after Sherri but Michaels is up. Michaels catches Snuka with a knee to the back of the head. Michaels thrust kicks Snuka down but only gets two. Michaels climbs up to the top rope but Snuka heads him off. Snuka throws Michaels off the top rope. Snuka bounces off the ropes but Sherri grabs the leg. Snuka attempts to get her away but Michaels cheapshots Snuka. Michaels cradles Snuka and Teardrop Suplex driving the Legend down to the canvas. Michaels scores the pin.

    Winner: Shawn Michaels (w/The Tear Drop Suplex)

    Segment Approval Rating: 68

    Crowd Reaction:69

    Match Quality: 69

    Overall Crowd Approval Rating: 68

    Superstars got a 3.57 Television Rating

  4. December 22 1991:

    My story begins in 2050.

    I know what you are saying. How can that be? This is December 1991 and you are telling a story that happens in the future.

    This is a very strange story. It involves time travel, mind switching, and professional wrestling. A very odd string of things which should make little to no sense no matter how many times I explain it.

    As you are probally coming across these logs somewhere years later if you are reading them, the WWE(or WWF in this time line, because we paid off the other WWF with a huge sum of money) is not what you expect. In the previous time line before the freak accident that I am about to tell you about, a man known as Triple H married into the McMahon family and after Vince McMahon died in 2022, he ruled with an iron fist.

    Vince’s son, Shane, was bitter that his father didn’t give him control of the promotion in his will so he purchased World Championship Wrestling name from the co owners Stephanie McMahon and Triple H.

    This proved to be a disaster. The inner McMahon turmoil destroyed the wrestling scene. To make things worst, NWA-TNA, owned by Jeff Jarrett, was refusing to push anyone new. Jarrett continued to put himself over everyone week after week until the crowds started disappearing. They had to start holding shows in empty studios until they folded in 2030(remind you of a certain AWA).

    Wrestlemania XXX happened in 2024 and it was the worst wrestlemania of all time. The Undertaker continued to be undefeated at Wrestlemania by defeating Billy Gunn(who was in the middle of yet another failed push to the top in this timeline). Triple H retained the World Heavyweight Title against John Bradshaw Layfield in the worst main event in Wrestlemania history. Hulk Hogan also fought Ric Flair in the first ever Wheelchair Match in Wrestlemania history.

    The new WCW wasn’t doing too much better. It folded in 2026 and the WWE folded in 2032 after it finally ran out of the rest of Vince McMahon’s billions.

    Other then a few small promotions here and there, wrestling had been set back to the days of smokey pool halls and bars.

    So where do I come in you may ask? I am a scientist. A slightly deranged scientist, some say. I developed a watch that allows you to travel to any point in time. In a related note, I had a rough prototype of a machine. It allows a person to switch minds with another person. I have no use for it but I need a little excitement in my life by having every two bit criminal come after it for evil plots.

    I am strange like that, if you must know.

    I was tweaking my useless machine (while wearing the time piece). There was a heavy storm going on outside. The power source of my lab got struck by a huge bolt of lightning and triggered the unstable mind switching device and my time piece.

    It suddenly went to black. Then I woke up…in the lockeroom…of a WWF event….in 1991.

    This Tuesday in Texas to be exact. The failed WWF experiment where they wanted to have a PPV every week but the test run failed.

    I looked in a nearby mirror and I did a double take.

    My brain was in the body of current WWF magazine writer/junior consultant of the booking team/future Internet punching bag in the other timeline, Vince Russo

    God has played a practical joke on me. There is no way around it.

    I watch the show and here are the results of it.

    Interconinental Champion Bret Hart defeated Skinner

    Randy Savage pinned Jake Roberts in a No Disqualification Match

    Davey Boy Smith pinned the Warlord

    Ted DiBiase and Repo Man defeated Virgil and El Matador when Dibiase pinned Virgil.

    Hulk Hogan pinned the Undertaker to win the World Title.

    That was then and this is now. Since then, Jack Tunney has stripped Hulk Hogan of the World Title and has put it up in the Royal Rumble Match.

    The more I think about this, I can fix Wrestling so the bottom doesn’t drop out after Vince dies.

    Mucking with time does have consequences, unfortunely. This is less risky with my brain in the body of someone else then my future self coming to the past, but still the future as I know it is about to change. Hopefully for the better.

    1992 is where the past gets changed to help the future.

    Fax from Vincent Kennedy McMahon, December 31st 1991 to all creative in World Wrestling Federation

    WWF talent roster (does not include enhancement talent)

    Faces=Blue, Heels=Red (Position on Card, Gimmick)

    Animal (Midcarder, Power and Paint)

    Beau Beverly (Lower Midcarder, Arrogant)

    Big Boss Man (Midcarder, Law Enforcer)

    Blake Beverly (Lower Midcarder, Arrogant)

    Bobby Heenan (Manager, The Brain)

    Bret Hart (Upper Midcarder, Old School Face)

    Brian Knobbs (Midcarder, Slob)

    The British Bulldog (Midcarder, Old School Face)

    Butch (Lower Midcarder, Fun Babyface)

    Colonel Mustafa (Lower Midcarder, Evil Foreigner)

    Earthquake (Lower Midcarder, Monster)

    El Matador (Lower Midcarder, Old School Face)

    Miss Elizabeth (Manager, None)

    General Adnan (Manager, Evil Foreigner)

    Greg Valentine (Lower Midcarder, Grizzled Veteran)

    Haku (Lower Midcarder, Savage)

    Harvey Wippleman (Manager, Obnoxious)

    Hawk (Midcarder, Power and Paint)

    Hercules (Midcarder, Old School Heel)

    Hulk Hogan (Main Event, Hero)

    IRS ( Midcarder,Obnonxious)

    Jack Tunney (WWF President, Staff Member)

    Jake Roberts (Upper Midcarder, Evil)

    Jameson (Manager, Fun Babyface)

    Jerry Saggs (Midcarder, Slob)

    Jim Duggan (Midcarder, Pro USA)

    Jim Neidhart (Lower Midcarder, Old School Face)

    Jim Powers (Opener, Old School Face)

    Jimmy Hart (Manager, The Brain)

    Jimmy Snuka (Face, Savage)

    Kato (Opener, Evil Foreigner)

    Koko B. Ware (Opener, Fun Babyface)

    Luke (Lower Midcarder, Fun Babyface)

    Marty Jannetty (Midcarder, Teen Idol)

    Mr. Fuji (Manager, Evil Foreigner)

    Mr. Perfect (Manager, Executive Consultant)

    Owen Hart (Lower Midcarder, Old School Face)

    Papa Shango (Midcarder, Voodoo)

    Paul Bearer (Manager, Supernatural)

    Randy Savage (Main Eventer, Old School Face)

    Repo Man (Opener, Theif)

    Ric Flair (Main Eventer, Cheater)

    Rick Martel (Lower Midcarder, Prima Donna)

    Rowdy Roddy Piper (Upper Midcarder, Crazy)

    Sensational Sherri (Manager, Obnoxious)

    Sgt. Slaughter (Midcarder, Pro USA)

    Shawn Michaels (Midcarder, Cocky)

    Sid Justice (Main Eventer, Monster)

    Skinner (Lower Midcarder, Slob)

    Slick (Manager, Evil Preacher)

    Tanaka (Opener, Evil Foreigner)

    Tatanka (Lower Midcarder, Native American)

    Ted DiBiase (Midcarder, Rich Snob)

    Texas Tornado (Midcarder, Old School Face)

    The Barbarian (Lower Midcarder, Savage)

    The Berzerker (Lower Midcarder, Savage)

    The Genius (Manager, Obnoxious)

    The Mountie (Midcarder, Corrupt Law Enforcer)

    The Undertaker (Main Eventer, Super Natural)

    The Warlord (Midcarder, Monster)

    Typhoon (Midcarder, Monster)

    Virgil (Lower Midcarder, Old School Face)

  5. WWE Smackdown 2-13-03

    Team Angle vs Chuck Palumbo and Billy Kidman

    Highlight: What a way to open up Smackdown. Palumbo was isolated and pinned with a superkick/german suplex combo from Team Angle. **

    Winners: Team Angle(superkick/german suplex combo to Palumbo)

    65(56, 75)

    Notes: Chuck Palumbo lost overness from this match. Billy Kidman lost overness from this match. Shelton Benjamin gained overness from this match. Charlie Haas gained overness from this match.

    The Rock talks

    The Rock: The Rock is on the road to No Way Out. Tonight the Rock faces Chavo Guerrero Jr. So Chavo get ready for some smackdown getting pancaked all over your candyass. The Rock doesn't care who it may be. Whether it be Kurt Angle, Matt Hardy or Chavo, The Rock will come out on top. Kurt Angle you have 10 days and The Rock means Ten days before you lose your World Title if you smell what the Rock is cooking.


    The HOSS Squad vs Mark Henry and Rikishi

    Highlights :The match that all the fans have been waiting for. Slow paced action with a lot of rest holds. The ending came when DeMott hit Mark Henry with a chair to score the pin. The HOSS Squad beat up Henry and Rikishi after the match. * 1/2

    Winners: The HOSS Squad(via a chairshot to Henry)

    56(59, 50)

    Notes: Mark Henry didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating.

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0 vs Tajiri

    Highlights: Matt Hardy will face Chris Benoit in the semifinals of the Interconinental Title tournament at No Way Out. Hardy wins after clocking Tajiri with brass knuckles in a great match.***

    Winner: Matt Hardy(after using brass knuckles)

    79(75, 83)

    Kurt Angle talks about the Rock:

    Angle: In 10 days at No Way Out I will roll over the Rock on my way to the main event at Wrestlemania. The Rock doesn't stand a chance and I will make him tap at No Way Out. As for that little punk Mattitude, if he sticks his nose in my business again, I will snap his Ankle in two. Its true, its damn true.


    Kurt Angle vs Shannon Moore

    Highlights: Angle beat on Shannon Moore but Matt Hardy ran in and laid out Kurt with a chair for the DQ. Hardy pounds on Kurt but The Rock makes the save(!) for his No Way Out opponent. The Rock has had his problems with Mattitude. Angle shows his gratitude by Angle Slamming The Rock and bashing his leg with a chair that Mattitude left in the ring. Matt Hardy is smiling on the ramp at the Rock being taken out.

    Winner: Kurt Angle via DQ(interference from Mattitude)

    75(70, 81)

    When Hosses attack II...Next of Fox

    Rikishi is in the back but Albert and Bill DeMott lay him out. Rikishi is thrown through a mirror backstage and Albert drops a cinderblock on the shoulder of Rikishi. They stomp Rikishi before leaving. Rikishi is spitting up blood and may not be able to face Chavo Guerrero Jr next week in the Interconinental Title tournament.


    Notes: Rikishi lost overness from this segment.

    After the break it is announced that The Rock will not be able to face Chavo tonight and Hurricane will take his place. Also Rikishi will not be able to face Chavo in the Interconinental Title Tournament so Rikishi is out of the tournament and Rey Misterio Jr is in.

    Chavo Guerrero Jr vs The Hurricane

    Highlights :Holy awesome match Batman. The Rock's injury may have been a blessing in disguise for the fans of Smackdown. 15 near falls in this 8 minute match. The ending came when Chavo rolled up Hurricane pulling the tights after blocking the Vertebreaker. After the match the Rock limps out and layed out both men with a chair. The Rock has a microphone.

    The Rock: Kurt Angle, at No Way Out, the Rock will lay the Smackdown on you.

    *** 1/4

    Winner: Chavo Guerrero Jr(rollup pulling the tights)

    81(74, 88)

    Kanyon comes out:

    Kanyon comes out in jeans and an Innovator t-shirt. He has a black armband that says UT on it. What is this all about.

    Kanyon: Tonight is a sad night. We will mourn for the end of the career of the Undertaker. He might not be able to walk again. I am sorry that I did that and I apologize to the family of the Undertaker. I apologize that I didn't put the bastard out to pasture sooner.

    The crowd boos and an "asshole" chant starts.

    Kanyon: So Undertaker....I will remember you for what I last saw you as. A washed up piece of crap. And...

    "Dead Man Walking"

    Could it be? Could he have returned? Could it...No it is a midget verson of the Undertaker riding out on a tricycle. Kanyon is laughing at this. Mini Taker enters the ring.

    Mini Taker: Kanyon you better get out of my yard. I am the biggest dog in the yard. I am also the oldest dog in the yard. I am...

    Kanyon hits the midget in the gut and Flatliner. Kanyon now picks up the midget and Tombstone Piledriver to the Midget. That is the trademark move of the Undertaker. Kanyon crosses the arms of the midget across the chest and poses. The crowd is really booing Kanyon. Kanyon now goes to the outside and destroys mini-Taker's tricycle with a chair.


    Eddie Guerrero vs Edge in the First Round of the Interconinental Title Tournament

    Highlights: Pretty decent TV match between these two. Eddie hit Edge with a tag title belt to advance foward in the tournament. Edge spears Eddie after the match. *** 1/4

    Winner: Eddie Guerrero(after hitting Edge with a tag title belt)

    81(87, 68)

    ]Rhyno and The Big Show vs Chris Benoit and Brock Lesnar

    Highlights: Benoit got pounded but hot tag to Brock. Brock laid out the Big Show but got chaired by Rhyno for the DQ. Rhyno left and allowed the Big Show to lay out Benoit and Brock with choke slams. ** 3/4

    Winners: Brock Lesnar and Chris Benoit via DQ

    74(84, 53)

    Overall :73

    Chuck Palumbo is forced to check into rehab because of drug problems. He gets fired.

  6. WWE Raw 2-10-03

    A heated opening

    We see Triple H doing push-ups in the lockeroom. His world heavyweight belt is laying on the floor. Suddenly Dave Batista walks into the room.

    HHH: Hey what's up big man.

    Batista just stares at HHH

    HHH: Maybe you didn't hear me. It is a sign of respect to respond to Veteran wrestlers when they talk to you. It gives them the impression that you have respect to the business. Now what do you want.

    Batista continues staring. Triple H starts getting more agitated.

    HHH: What the hell do you want?

    Batista points to the World Heavyweight Title belt.

    HHH: OH No. That is mine and it shall only be mine. I am the Game and I am that damn good. You have only been here for a few months. I have paid my dues. I got where I am on talent and being the best in the business.

    Ric Flair walks into the lockeroom.

    Flair: Hunter, HE isn't happy because I haven't gotten him a title shot. I told him that oppertunities will come but he wants the big belt.

    Batista: I will answer that. Game, listen, I am the biggest threat to your title and you know it. I have scored several wins over Glen Jacobs and now I want a bigger piece of the action. You say that you are that damn good but I want proof of that. All the technical smarts in the world will not save you when you get ripped limb from limb.

    HHH: Hey bud, you had your chance to get into the four way match at No Way Out for the right to be pinned by me at Wrestlemania. It isn't my fault you couldn't stop choking RVD. You one all the little ones but you couldn't win the big one that mattered.

    Batista: This isn't over. You will be grateful that I don't lay you out right now.

    Batista walks out of the dressing. Triple H looks to go after him but Flair holds him back.

    Flair: Not now, Trips. You have to defend the title against Jeff Hardy. You don't need to get injured doing anything stupid.


    Notes: Dave Batista gained overness from this segment.

    WWE Woman's Title Bra and Panties Match:Torrie Wilson vs Victoria©

    Highlights: Torrie Wilson was given zero chance despite this being a divas match. Victoria worked her over with Wrestling moves and hit her with the Widow's Peak. Victoria went for the stripping but Trish came out and layed out Victoria with the Stratusfaction. Trish then stripped Victoria to her bra and panties and TORRIE WINS. Torrie is the new champion. Torrie wakes up holding her head still fully clothed. She accepts the belt and tears off her clothes in celebration. * 1/2

    Winner and NEW Woman's Champion: Torrie Wilson(Trish interfers and strips Victoria of her clothes)

    59(73, 28)

    The Dudleys(Spike, D-Von, and Bubba Ray) vs Three Minute Warning and Randy Orton

    Typical six man tag team action. The ending came with Orton hit D-Von with a pair of brass knuckles as he attempted a suplex and fell on top for the pin. ** 1/2

    Winners: Randy Orton and Three Minute Warning(via brass knuckles to D-Von)

    69(66, 73)

    Glen Jacobs and Kevin Nash again:

    Jacobs comes down to ringside.

    Jacobs: Nash, I am calling you out. You hit me with a wrench to cheat your way into the four way at No Way Out. So I want to hit you with something. A Choke Slam that will drive you dye job ass right through the canvas. The biggest choke slam you ever did see. Come on Vinnie Vegas. I know you are back there.

    Out comes Kevin Nash. Nash is on the Titan Tron.

    Nash: Hey Jacobs. Think you have everything figured out. Think you have my punk card. Well you better look behind you. Right about...now.

    Nash is in the ring behind Jacobs. The titan tron video was a pre-recording. Nash hits Jacobs with a wrench(again). Nash now with some more wrench shots to Jacobs. Nash now throws Jacobs to the outside and clears the Spanish Announcer's Table. Nash now lifts up Jacobs. JACK KNIFE POWER BOMB THROUGH THE TABLE. Jacobs is DEAD. Nash now stands with a foot on the throat of Jacobs.


    World Heavyweight Title: Jeff Hardy vs Triple H©(w/Ric Flair)

    Highlights: See HHH vs midcarder from any past match. HHH enters and pounds Hardy. Hardy however finds a way out of the Main Event Sleeper and backs HHH into the referee. HHH pissed that his mid-card killer doesn't work wails on Hardy with punches. HHH goes to the outside and grabs a chair. Hardy dropkicks it in is face. Twist of Fate and Swanton Bomb hits. Flair runs interference but that doesn't work out too well. Flair gets beat up by Jeff and is about ready to be Swanton Bombed. Batista runs out and power bombs Hardy. HHH is up and he locks Hardy in the Main Event Sleeper despite being knocked silly. Submission Win for the Game. Batista now gives HHH a look that says "You owe me one". However, RVD runs out and chases off HHH and Batista from doing anymore beating on his friend Jeff Hardy. ***

    Winner: Triple H(with the Main Event you know what and oh yeah, help from Batista)

    77(80, 71)

    Notes: The World Heavyweight title has gained in image.

    Jericho tries to get some action.

    Jericho enters and bumps into Stacy Keibler.

    Stacy: Oh hi Chris, long time no see.

    Jericho: Stacy, I am going to ask you. What do you see in that loser Test. Is it money? Is it just a chance to get a bit of fame? If so your standards are way too low. Because if a slut like Stephanie McMahon dumps Test at the alter, you know he isn't worth it. Unlike the Canadian god, that being Y-2-J. I have been blessed with great sexual powers. When you slept with Chris, you just can't resist.

    Test walks into the picture.

    Stacy: Is that a cheap ripoff of Test's pickup line:...

    Jericho: NO. Test is a loser with a very small pe....

    Test taps Jericho on the shoulder.

    Test: Excuse me Stacy, was he bothering you.

    Stacy:Yes he was.

    Test: Listen to me your blond haired canadian rock star wannabe. If I ever catch you coming near Stacy again, I will knock everyone of your teeth down your throat.

    Jericho: You are just jealous because I have better hair and you have a very small pe...

    Test: If you have a problem with me why don't you settle it in the ring.

    Jericho: Fine. I can lick every one of your testicles. (Stacy and Test start laughing). NO I didn't mean it that way. What I meant is...aw screw it. Just prepare for a beating you will never, Evvverr forget.

    Jericho vs Test tonight.


    Notes: Test gained overness from this segment.

    Al Snow vs Christopher Nowinski

    Highlights: One of those midshow time wasting match. For more such matches tune into Heat every Sunday Night(thumbs up, cheap plug). Anyway the announcers talk about the Four Way at No Way Out with Goldust vs Booker T for the final spot and they announce that Raw GM Eric Bischoff has made Jeff Hardy and Rob Van Dam vs Triple H and Dave Batista for later tonight. Nowinski wins after rolling up Snow pulling the tights. Maven runs out afterwards and dropkicks Nowinski to continue their epic Sunday Night Heat feud. Maven taunts Nowinski. ** 3/4

    Winner: Christopher Nowinski(illegal rollup)

    75(73, 77)

    Goldust vs Booker T for the fourth spot in the Four Way Number One Contenders Match at No Way Out

    Highlights: Very clean match. Lots of chain wrestling and clean breaks. Booker T looked to be the better man hitting two ax kicks but Storm and Regal came out. Storm distracted the referee and Booker T went for the Spinaroonie but Regal hit him with a tag title belt. Goldust gets up confused after Regal and Storm leave. Goldust covers Booker T and scores the pin. Goldust will be in the Four Way with Nash, Jericho, and RVD for the spot at Wrestlemania World Heavyweight Title match at No Way Out. ***

    Winner: Goldust(unseen interference by William Regal)

    77(83, 66)

    Notes: Goldust gained overness from this match.

    Test(w/Stacy Keibler) vs Chris Jericho

    Highlights: Test dominated Jericho throughout the early portions with power offense but crotched himself on an attempted big boot. Jericho works over the knee of Test but missed a bodypress. Stacy went on the ring apron distracting Jericho and Test charges Jericho. Jericho moves and Test and Stacy collided. Jericho hit the Lionsault on Test to score the pin. Jericho ran to the back as Test tried to get up. ***

    Winner: Chris Jericho(via the Lionsault)

    79(83, 73)

    Triple H and Dave Batista(w/Ric Flair) vs Jeff Hardy and Rob Van Dam

    Highlights: Hardy played Ricky Morton. RVD came in fists of Fire but Batista pounds on him. HHH grabs the sledgehammer but accidentally hits Batista. RVD spin kicks HHH to the outside and hits the Five Star on Batista for the pin. RVD and Hardy win. After the match Batista gets up holding his head and goes after HHH. Ric Flair tries to make peace between his two clients. ***

    Winner: Jeff Hardy and Rob Van Dam(Five Star Frog Splash to Batista)

    77(78, 76)

    Overall: 76

  7. WWE Heat 2-9-03

    The Dudley Boys vs Brooklyn Brawler and Justin Credible

    Highlights: Boy has Justin Credible fell down the totem pole. From ECW World Champion to mid card stable(X-Factor) to teaming with the Brooklyn Brawler in a squash tag team match. Dudleys threw Brawler to the outside. D-Von pins Credible after the Dudley Death Drop. **

    Winners: The Dudley Boys(3D to Credible)

    64(56, 72)

    The Game

    Triple H music video is reshown. Footage of HHH holding up the World Heavyweight title, spitting water, and squashing midcarders is shown in this nice package.


    Notes: Triple H gained overness from this segment.

    Mike Osbourne vs Test(w/Stacy Keibler)

    Highlights: This was a nice squash to establish Test further in this mini-push that he is getting. Big Boot scores the duke. *

    Winner: Test(via the Big Boot)

    52(39, 66)

    Chris Jericho

    A video package of Chris Jericho to "King of the World" is played. Chris Jericho will be in action tonight in our feature bout.


    Notes: Chris Jericho gained overness from this segment.

    Bully Douglas vs Goldust

    Highlights: Goldust will face Booker T tommorow night for the final spot in the four way dance at No Way Out. Goldust hits the Curtain Call to wrap up the match. *

    Winner: Goldust(Curtain Call)

    54(48, 60)


    Nash vs Glen Jacobs is replayed from this past Monday. Will these two get into it yet again this Monday?


    Maven vs Chris Jericho

    Highlights: Jericho is main eventing Heat. He is not happy about that for some reason. Anyway Maven misses a missile dropkick and Jericho locks Maven in the Walls of Jericho. Maven taps out and Jericho wins. ***

    Winner: Chris Jericho(via Walls of Jericho)

    80(84, 71)

    Overall: 71

  8. WWE Velocity 2-8-03(Jobbers, more jobbers, and Albert)

    Ash Parker vs Mark Henry

    Highlights: Hey everyone, looks who back off the injured list. Yes everyones favorite HOSS Mark Henry. Parker was squashed and submitted to a bearhug. 1/2*

    Winner: Mark Henry(via the bearhug)

    48(35, 61)

    A replay

    A look at the Undertaker's speech from Smackdown and Kanyon interrupting. We will have an update on Undertaker this Thursday on Smackdown.


    Notes: The Undertaker gained overness from this segment.

    Brooklyn Brawler vs Shannon Moore

    Highlights: The Brawler is back to face Shannon Moore. Mattitude is not at ringside because this is a cheap show and big name wrestlers appear only during video recaps. Anyway Shannon Moore won the the Halo. 1/2*(How sad is it that Shannon Moore and Mark Henry had the same star rating for their match)

    Winner: Shannon Moore(via the Halo)

    47(34, 61)

    Six Man Recap

    The Six Man Tag match from Smackdown finish is shown. Brock vs Rhyno and Rock vs Angle is hyped up some for No Way Out.


    Notes: Chris Benoit gained overness from this segment.

    Rory Fox vs Albert

    Highlights:It wouldn't be Velocity without good ol' A-Train. One half of the tag team, the HOSS Squad with Bill DeMott, that will take Smackdown by storm. Albert just kicks Rory in the face after some token jobber offense to pin him. Albert doesn't even bother pounding on the poor scrub after the bell to put over the fact he is a BULLY. 1/2*

    Winner: Albert

    49(42, 56)

    Spanky vs John Cena

    Highlights: Spanky is the WWE Cruiserweight Champion but that belt is not on the line because A)It is a cheap show and B) John Cena is over the cruiserweight limit anyway. Best match of the night. Spanky hits a tornado DDT but Cena is in the ropes. Cena rolls up Spanky as he attempts a frankensteiner and pins him by pulling the tights. ** 3/4

    Winner: John Cena(rollup with the tights)

    72(68, 77)


  9. WWE Smackdown 2-6-03:


    Voiceover: Tonight, a career may end.

    Footage of the Undertaker.

    Voiceover: Tonight on Smackdown the Undertaker may announce his retirement due to injuries.

    Footage of Undertaker hitting the Last Ride on several opponents.

    Voiceover: Will the Undertaker retire tonight on Smackdown? Keep it right here to find out. Also tonight:Los Guerreros defend the WWE Tag Team Titles against Team Angle and Brock Lesnar, The Rock, and Chris Benoit face Rhyno, Kurt Angle, and the Big Show in a big six man tag team match.


    Notes: The Undertaker gained overness from this segment.

    First Round of the Interconinental Title Tournament: Billy Kidman vs Matt Hardy Version 1.0

    Highlights: Some great highflying action. Kidman was rolled up with the tights pulled. Matt Hardy wins and will face Chris Benoit in the semifinals at No Way Out. ** 3/4

    Winner: Matt Hardy Version 1.0(via illegal rollup)

    77(66, 81)

    When Hosses Attack....Next of Fox

    Rey Misterio Jr is stretching but Albert and Bill DeMott attack him from behind. They are beating Rey to a pulp but Edge makes the save with a chair. DeMott and Albert will now be known as the HOSS Squad.


    Notes: Bill DeMott gained overness from this segment.

    WWE Cruiserweight Title Match:Cousin Nunzio vs Spanky©

    Highlights: The announcers say that Nunzio is undefeated in the WWE and so is Spanky(well the announcers say that anyway and who would believe them). One man will get his first defeat tonight. Nunzio works on the leg and puts in the Trailor Hitch but Spanky gets to the ropes. A second attempt causes Nunzio to get pinned with a cradle by Spanky. Spanky retains the cruiserweight title. ** 3/4

    Winner: Spanky(via reversing the Trailor Hitch)

    73(61, 86)

    Notes: Cousin Nunzio lost overness from this match. Spanky gained overness from this match. The WWE Cruiserweight title has gained in image.

    The Undertaker's announcement

    "Rollin'" plays and out comes the Undertaker. He doesn't look like his normal self. He has been slowed by age and injury. Taker comes into the ring and grabs the microphone.

    Undertaker: For over 12 years, I have dominated the WWE. I have made more people famous then anyone else in the history of this sport. All good things must come to an end however. My body looks like it has been through hell about a dozen times.

    The Undertaker pauses while the crowd chants "U-T. U-T. U-T."

    Undertaker: It's with a heavy heart I am going to say it is over. I can't do this anymore. Many fans say I have hung on past the point where most should give it up and I must say they are right. Its over. I'm done. No Mercy 2002 was the last time I wrestled and that is offically my retirement match. Thank you for all your support over the years.

    Undertaker pauses to soak in the cheers. Undertaker turns to leave....

    "Who Better than Kanyon"

    Out comes Chris Kanyon. What is he doing out here? Is he signed with Smackdown? He hasn't been seen since the end of the Alliance. What business does he have out here? Kanyon gets into the ring and starts clapping at the Undertaker.

    Kanyon: That was beautiful man...NOW the past can move over for the future....Chris Kanyon. So get out of my ring you hasbeen! You are yesterdays garbage and I am today's treasure.

    Undertaker: First of all Kanyon, who the hell do you think you are. If you are trying to get a rise out of me, it won't work. I AM RETIRED. Get it, done. I don't care anymore what happens in the wrestling business. Good bye.

    Undertaker leaves but KANYON JUMPS THE UNDERTAKER FROM BEHIND. Kanyon grabs the Undertaker. FLATLINER. Kanyon rains in some fists on the forehead of Undertaker and exits the ring. Kanyon is pulling back the protective padding at ringside. Kanyon now grabs the Undertaker by the hair and drags him to the ring apron. Kanyon has the Undertaker in a standing headscissors and PILEDRIVER OFF THE APRON TO THE EXPOSED CONCRETE. GOOD GOD. Kanyon grabs a chair and Kanyon with a series of jabs with the chair to the neck of the Undertaker. Kanyon leaves. Paramedics are out and they look concerned. Undertaker's neck bounced off the floor in a way where he may be crippled for life. The Undertaker is saying something about not having any feeling below his waist. The crowd chants "Kanyon Sucks". Sadly as this may be, this could be the last memory we have of the Undertaker. Get stretchered out, perhaps to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.


    Notes: The Undertaker lost overness from this segment.

    B2 vs Tajiri

    Highlights: Tajiri really laced into Bull with some kicks. Tajiri spit mist in the face of Bull and nearly took his head off with a Buzzsaw like kick. Tajiri scores an upset defeating B2 on Smackdown. ** 1/2

    Winner: Tajiri(via mist and Buzzsaw kick)

    71(63, 79)

    WWE Tag Team Titles: Los Guerreros© vs Team Angle

    Highlights: Crowd didn't know who to cheer for because both teams were heels. The ending came when Eddie hit Haas with a tag title belt to score the pin. ** 3/4

    Winners: Los Guerreros(via beltshot from Eddie to Haas)

    73(68, 79)

    Rhyno badmouths Brock

    Rhyno: LESNAR!!! You are a weakling as far as I am concerned. You don't deserve to breath the same air that I breath. At No Way Out, I will crush you and take what is MINE a shot at the gold at Wrestlemania. You will get gored so hard, your skeleton collaspes and you are just a pile of skin. You are MINE Brock and I am coming to slay the Brock Lesnar legend at No Way Out.


    HOSS Squad vs Rey Misterio Jr and Edge

    Highlights: DeMott pitched Rey to the outside but Albert accidentally hit DeMott. Rey missile dropkicked Albert into a spear from Edge. Edge pinned Albert. ** 3/4

    Winners: Edge and Rey Misterio Jr(spear to Albert)

    74(72, 76)

    Rhyno, The Big Show, and Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit, The Rock, and Brock Lesnar

    Highlights: Hyped the biggest match in the history of Smackdown by the crack announce team. Well it is BIG with the Big Show, Brock, and Rhyno in there. Anyway Rhyno brawled with Brock to the back leaving a tag team match in the ring. Mattitude ran out but accidentally hit Kurt Angle. Big Show attempted to Choke Slam Benoit but Benoit countered with a cross-armbreaker. Show tapped out and Rock, Brock, and Benoit win. *** 1/4

    Winners:Rock, Brock, and Benoit(cross-armbreaker submission from Benoit to Show)

    81(86, 70)


  10. WWE Raw 2-3-02

    Spike Dudley vs Randy Orton

    Highlights: We start out with something different, a match. That is a rarity for Raw. Spike pounds Orton but gets rolled up for the pin with the feet on the ropes. Orton books it afterwards. **

    Winner: Randy Orton(Illegal Rollup)

    64(58, 70)

    The Game

    Triple H is backstage.

    HHH: I am still the World Heavyweight Champion and it doesn't matter who wins that paper top contenders match at No Way Out. I will walk out of Wrestlemania the Champion. I might have to retire because I have no more competition. NO ONE can beat me anymore. I will remain the World Heavyweight Champion FOREVER. No one in this fed isn't even close to being on the level of having the privledge of licking the mud off of my boots Because I am the Game and I am that damn good.


    D'Lo Brown vs Test

    Highlights: Test remains on his roll. D'Lo misses the Lo Down and Test boots him in the face for the pin. ** 1/2

    Winner: Test(via the Big Boot)

    67(60, 75)

    WWE Woman's Title:Stacy Keibler vs Victoria©

    Highlights: Third match without a major point. What is this Sunday Night Heat. Anyway Stacy hit a few punches but Victoria hit a few suplexes and finished her off with the Widow's Peak to retain the title. **

    Winner: Victoria(via the Widow's Peak)

    62(78, 27)

    Notes: Stacy Keibler lost overness from this match. Victoria gained overness from this match. Stacy Keibler basically no-sold everything, which ruined the match. (Last time Stacy will be wrestling a match for a while. She will stick to managing Test.)

    World Tag Team Titles: Bookdust© vs Lance Storm and William Regal

    Highlights: Return match from the Rumble. Booker T was beaten on but made the hot tag. Goldust pounded on the challengers and finished Storm off with the Curtain Call. Next Week Booker T will face Goldust for a spot in the number one contenders match at No Way Out. ***

    Winners: Bookdust

    80(80, 81)

    Notes:The World Tag Team titles have gained in image.

    Trying to take out the competition

    Glen Jacobs is lacing up his boot but WHACK. He gets hit from behind with a pipe from Kevin Nash. Jacobs gets thrown headfirst into a wall. Nash whales on him with a pipe some more before sercurity breaks it up. Will Glen Jacobs be able to wrestle tonight? Stay Tuned.


    WWE Hardcore Title:Bubba Ray Dudley vs Raven©

    Highlights: Raven is on his way to becoming the best hardcore champion of all time. Bubba got the table and attempted to put Raven through it with a power bomb but Raven countered with an Evenflow through the table. Raven picked up the duke to retain the WWE Hardcore Title. ** 3/4

    Winner: Raven(Evenflow DDT through Table)

    74(70, 78)

    Notes: Bubba Ray Dudley lost overness from this match. The WWE Hardcore title has gained in image.

    For a Spot in the Four Corners Match at No Way Out: Glen Jacobs vs Kevin Nash

    Highlights: Jacobs pounded Nash and Nash went for the pipe. Jacobs ducked a shot and grabbed the pipe away. In the heat of the battle, Jacobs smacked Nash. DQ victory for Kevin Nash. ** 3/4

    Winner:Kevin Nash(via DQ)

    72(82, 50)

    Notes: Kevin Nash gained overness from this match.

    Jeff Hardy and Rob Van Dam vs Chris Jericho and Triple H

    Highlights : Total mish mash of styles between all four but some good moments in all four. The double teaming moves of Jeff Hardy and RVD worked great. The ending came when RVD accidentally kicked Hardy and HHH put him away with the Main Event Sleeper. Shawn Michaels came out and brawled with Jericho and HHH laid out everyone with the sledgehammer. HHH stands tall as Raw goes off the air. *** 1/4

    Winners: Chris Jericho and Triple H(via Main Event Sleeper)

    81(84, 75)


    Heather Savage vs Molly Holly

    Highlights: A woman jobber. Not everyday you see that. Anyway Molly takes the poor kid to school. Ms. Savage is a bit better than Jackie Gayda in the wrestling department. Molly power bombs Savage and makes her submit to the Twin City Twister(Spinning Indian Deathlock) 1/2*

    Winner: Molly(with the Twin City Twister)


    Chris Jericho:

    A Chris Jericho highlights package to "The King of the World" by Saliva plays. Jericho taunting opponents and putting them down with the Walls of Jericho. Because he is the King of the World.


    Notes: Chris Jericho gained overness from this segment.

    Bully Douglas vs Al Snow

    Highlights: Bully Douglas pounds on Snow with some low risk power offense but gets dropkicked in the groin and put in the Beast Choker. Bully taps out and Snow wins. * 1/2

    Winner: Al Snow(via the Beast Choker)

    57(43, 72)

    Jacobs vs Nash

    A look at the war between Glen Jacobs and Kevin Nash. This is becoming a weekly thing on Heat.


    Notes: Glen Jacobs gained overness from this segment.

    Bobby Rude vs Sean O'Haire

    Highlights: The squash parade keeps on rolling. Sean O'Haire gets 100 percent offense and finishes off Bobby with the Cruel Intentions. O'Haire wins and the announcers state that he is on a roll. Well, he defeated Maven and Bobby Rude. He is like maybe only two rungs up the ladder of contention. 1/2*

    Winner: Sean O'Haire(via the Cruel Intentions

    49(36, 62)

    Triple H

    A look at HHH. HHH spits water and finishes off midcarders with the main event sleeper. Why? Because Triple H wanted a music video too.


    Notes: Triple H gained overness from this segment.

    Justin Credible and Steven Richards vs Bookdust

    Highlights: What, no token Test match this week? Anyway no mention if the World Tag Team Titles are on the line. Does it really matter. (For the record, yes they are). Goldust pinned Richards with the Curtain Call to retain the titles. ** 1/2

    Winners: Bookdust(Curtain Call to Richards)

    71(73, 69)

    Notes: The World Tag Team titles have gained in image.

    Overall Rating: 68

  12. WWE Velocity 2-1-03(with JOBBER SQUASHES)

    Rory Fox vs Cousin Nunzio

    Highlights: Its a jobber squash. Nunzio worked on the arm, Fox got some token jobber offense in. Nunzio hit the fujiwara armbar for the submission victory. *

    Winner: Cousin Nunzio(via the fujiwara armbar)

    53(40, 63)

    A look at the Crippler

    A video shown of Chris Benoit making various opponents tap out to the Crossface is shown. Benoit advanced in the Interconinental Title tournament against Albert on Smackdown. Could Benoit win the gold.


    Crash Holly vs Name Not Announced

    Highlights: Don't you hate it when the announcers don't tell you who is being squashed(editor's note, the jobbers name is Mike Osbourne). Crash wins with the Crash Landing in a very bland match. 1/2* Doesn't this look like an old edition of The Wrestling Challenge already?

    Winner: Crash Holly(via the Crash Landing)

    48(29, 68)

    Feud Recap

    A look at the Rock and Mattitude is shown.


    Ash Parker vs The Big Show

    Highlights: Oh its the Big Show. He is getting demoted down to Velocity. Oh well its the Big Show, he is feuding with Rikishi in a feud that will lead to nothing except bad matches. Oh its the Big Show, he won this squash match with a choke slam. *coughs*. Anyway Big Show squashes Parker like a gnat in under a minute with the choke slam. *

    Winner: The Big Show(via the Choke Slam

    51(46, 57)

    Bill DeMott vs the Hurricane

    Highlights: This ladies and gentlemen is your feature bout. When Hugh F'n Morrus is in the best match of the night, you know the show sucks(hey its my B show and I will book it however the heck I want to). The Hurricane wins with the Shining Wizard after DeMott misses a moonsault. ** 1/2

    Winner: The Hurricane(via the Shining Wizard)

    70(64, 77)

    Overall: 68

  13. WWE Smackdown 1-30-03

    Match Making Session by the GM

    Stephanie McMahon sits at her office chair. The Old WWE Interconinental Title belt is laying on her desk.

    Steph: As you know, this belt was rendered inactive a few months ago however Smackdown is bring it back. An eight man single elimination tournament where the semifinals and the finals are to be held at No Way Out. Tonight Albert will face Chris Benoit in the first round. Both men have held this belt as you know. Smackdown will promote some of the best wrestling out there over this belt. Other matches will include:

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0 vs Billy Kidman

    Eddie Guerrero vs Edge

    Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Rikishi

    Steph: The first round matches will happen on Smackdown all throughout the month of Febuary. Also the World Title will be defended at No Way Out when Kurt Angle defends against the man who pinned him in a non-title match just last week....The Rock(big pop for that announcement). Also tonight a match to determine a challenge for the tag team titles next week will take place:Team Angle face Kaientai 2003. The tag titles will also be on the line tonight when Los Guerreros face Edge and Billy Kidman for gold. Thank you and enjoy Smackdown.


    Notes: Stephanie McMahon lost overness from this segment. Albert gained overness from this segment.

    WWE Cruiserweight Title: Spanky vs Jaime Knoble vs Shannon Moore©

    Highlights: Tazz and Michael Cole promoted that you cannot see the cruiserweights on no where else but Smackdown. Standard Triple Threat fare with several high spots. The ending came when Spanky hit Knoble with Sliced Bread #2 to score the pin. Spanky is the new WWE Cruiserweight Champion and Moore wasn't even pinned to lose the belt. ** 3/4

    Winner and new WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Spanky(Sliced Bread #2 on Knoble)

    72(61, 83)

    Kaientai 2003 vs Team Angle

    Highlights: Not as good as the tag team ladder match at the Rumble but few matches could be. Funaki got isolated and pinned with the superkick/german suplex combo. Team Angle will face either Los Guerreros or Kidman and Edge next week on Smackdown. ** 1/2

    Winners: Team Angle(via superkick/German Suplex combo to Funaki)

    67(58, 76)

    Notes: Funaki lost overness from this match. Tajiri lost overness from this match. Shelton Benjamin gained overness from this match. Charlie Haas gained overness from this match.

    An Undertaker video

    A look at the Undertaker is shown. The Undertaker will be at Smackdown next week and will have a majour announcement. Could it be his retirement or something else?


    Notes: The Undertaker gained overness from this segment.

    Battle of the Titans

    Brock Lesnar comes out to the ring to some cheers. He will face the WWE World Champion at Wrestlemania whether it be Kurt Angle or the Rock.

    Brock: At the Rumble I conquered and won. I will take back what is mine, the WWE World Title and....

    Out comes Rhyno. What the hell is this? Rhyno enters the ring and Brock and Rhyno stare each other down.

    Rhyno: BROCK!!! You won the rumble for one reason and one reason only. I WASN'T IN IT. I would be the number one contender if I had been in there. You wouldn't even be in the WWE if I hadn't got injured. I can do the same stuff you can do but do it ten times better. You are a cheap Rhyno imitation Brock. I want you to HAND ME OVER the Wrestlemania title shot and about 95 % of your paycheck for the rest of your career because YOU OWE ME. Without Rhyno there will be no Brock Lesnar and that is a motherf****** fact.

    Brock: First of all who in the hell do you think you are to demand anything. Sure you were the last ECW champion and you were on the verge of superstardom but you got injured and have to start from square one. I earned this title shot and you are getting it OVER MY DEAD BODY.

    Rhyno: That can be arranged, bitch.

    Rhyno goes for the Gore but Brock side steps it. Brock clotheslines Rhyno and is punching away at him but Rhyno gets up and absorbs it. Rhyno now clotheslines Brock and does the same. Brock pops up and a bunch of referees and sercurity come out. They seperate the two and out comes Stephanie McMahon.

    Stephanie: Since you two are so eager to fight each other you can do it at No Way Out. The Wrestlemania Title shot will be on the line at that event. You are not to touch each other or the match is off. However Brock, if you touch Rhyno you forfeit the Wrestlemania title shot to Rhyno. Rhyno if you touch Brock first, you are stripped of your chance for the Wrestlemania title shot.

    Another great match signed for No way Out.


    Notes: Brock Lesnar lost overness from this segment. Rhyno lost overness from this segment.

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0 and The Big Show vs Rikishi and The Rock

    Highlights: Big Show and Rikishi are having issues as is Mattitude and The Rock so we make a tag team match out of it. Nothing much happens, Mattitude is running away from the Rock the entire match. Rikishi pins the Big Show with a superkick and after the match Mattitude lays out out both the Rock and Rikishi with a chair. ** 3/4

    Winners: The Rock and Rikishi(Rikishi pins Show with a superkick)

    73(79, 60)

    Chuck Palumbo vs Rhyno

    Highlights: Rhyno makes his offical in ring return. Brock watches on the monitor backstage. Palumbo was pounded but makes a comeback with a pair of belly to belly suplexes. Rhyno no sells the Superkick and Gores Palumbo for the pin. ***

    Winner: Rhyno(via the Gore)

    77(78, 76)

    Kurt Angle talks about the Rock.

    Kurt Angle has the WWE World Title belt over his shoulder.

    Kurt: It is funny that even after sucessfully defending the title last Sunday, people give me no respect. You people should really show some respect to your Olympic hero I beat Chris Benoit to prove who the top submission wrestler is and now at No Way Out I have to defend against the Rock. I will go one on one with the Great One and come out on top like I should. Two years ago at No Way Out 2001 I was heading into Wrestlemania but the Rock cheated me out of the gold. I will right the wrong of that night, at No Way out by making the Rock tap. Its true, its damn true.


    WWE Tag Team Titles: Billy Kidman and Edge vs Los Guerreros©

    Highlights: Great match here all the way. Not Rumble 2003 ladder match qualities but few could be. Edge speared Chavo but neither was the legal man. Eddie popped Kidman with a tag title belt to score the pin. Afterwards Team Angle came in and layed out all four men. Next week on Smackdown will be Los Guerreros vs Team Angle. ***

    Winners: Los Guerreros(via Belt shot to Kidman)

    79(77, 81)

    Albert vs Chris Benoit in the first round match for the WWE Interconinental Title Tournament

    Highlights: Albert pounds on Benoit before Benoit busts out the Triple Germans. Benoit locks in the Crippler Crossface and Albert taps. Before Albert could attack Benoit REY MISTERIO JR MADE HIS RETURN. Rey dropkicked Albert in the groin and Rey hit a DDT to Albert. Rey stomps Albert and hits him with a springboard legdrop. Rey has made his return. ** 3/4

    Winner: Chris Benoit(via Crippler Crossface)


    Overall: 75

  14. WWE Raw 1-27-02

    Tonight: Jeff Hardy and Chris Jericho tie it up one more time and Tommy Dreamer faces Triple H in a non-title match.

    Bischoff makes a ruling on the Wrestlemania contendership

    Bischoff: As you know Raw does not have a number one contender for its World Belt at Wrestlemania. So I am making a four corners match for No Way Out. Four of the top superstars on Raw go after a shot at the Gold. Chris Jericho gets into the match by virtue of being the last Raw Superstar in the Rumble last night. Three qualifying matches will take place. Tonight:Batista will face RVD for a chance in the match. The other two qualification matches will be Glen Jacobs vs Kevin Nash and Booker T vs Goldust. Those will take place in the near future. Thank you for your time. I am sure it was YOUR pleasure.


    Notes: Eric Bischoff lost overness from this segment. Rob Van Dam lost overness from this segment.

    WWE Woman's Title: Victoria© vs Trish Stratus

    Highlights: A bit faster paced version of last nights match minus Molly. Trish went for the High Kick but Victoria ducks. Victoria drops Trish with the title belt causing a DQ win for Trish. Victoria still keeps the titles. Victoria then hits the Widow's Peak to Trish after the match. **3/4

    Winner: Trish Stratus(via DQ)

    74(78, 66)

    Notes: The WWE Womans title has gained in image.

    A return

    Spike Dudley is out in the ring for his match with Test but the RNN news update comes up.

    This is an RNN news update.

    Orton: The shoulder is 100 percent. Randy Orton offically makes his return. NOW.

    This has been an RNN news update.

    Randy Orton comes from behind and clobbers Spike. Randy hits the O-Zone to Spike. Randy now pulls out a table and Randy power bombs Spike through it. The other Dudleys run out before Randy can do any further damage.


    Notes: Spike Dudley lost overness from this segment.

    Jericho shoots his mouth off.

    Jericho: Last night at the Rumble I outlasted everyone. I threw HBK over the top rope to prove who the real showstopper is. and tonight I have to face Jeff Hardy AGAIN. Where is my title shot? Triple H is obviously ducking the top threat to his spot....as Champion. I will win the Four Corner match at No Way Out and get what is rightfully mine at Wrestlemania. Because I am the larger than life living legend and the king of the WORLD!!!!!


    WWE Hardcore Title:D-Von Dudley vs Raven©

    Highlights: Raven brought a shopping cart of weapons and D-Von pulled out a couple of tables. D-Von set Raven on top of a table and flew off but Raven rolled off. D-Von puts himself through a table and Raven scores the pin. ** 1/2

    Winner:Raven(after D-Von put himself through a table)

    70(68, 72)

    Notes: The WWE Hardcore title has gained in image.

    Kevin Nash badmouths Glen Jacobs

    Nash: Glen Jacobs we will meet soon to get into the number one contendership four corners for the World Heavyweight Title. Tonight I will team up with Christian to face you and that wierdo Al Snow. I put you over the top rope at the Rumble and I plan to dish out more pain and agony tonight and when we meet one on one.


    Glen Jacobs and Al Snow vs Christian and Kevin Nash

    Highlights: Snow and Jacobs have team up in Smokey Mountain Wrestling so they are no strangers to each other. Snow played Ricky Morton but tagged out to Jacobs who came in a house of fire. Jacobs destroyed Christian with a choke slam but got smacked with a wrench by Nash. Nash pins Jacobs. Nash hit Jacobs with a power bomb after the match. ***

    Winners: Christian and Kevin Nash(when Nash pinned Jacobs after hitting him with a wrench)

    76(79, 70)


    A look at Test(basically highlights from his matches of the past month on Sunday Night Heat)


    Notes: Test gained overness from this segment.

    Rob Van Dam vs Dave Batista

    Highlights: Van Dam used his quickness against Batista but Batista drilled Van Dam with a power bomb. Batista would not cover and instead choked RVD until the referee called for the bell. The referee got attacked as well. ***

    Winner: Rob Van Dam(via DQ to get into the four corners match at No Way Out)

    78(76, 81)

    Jeff Hardy vs Chris Jericho

    Highlights: See last week. Hardy went for the Swanton Bomb, Jericho rolled out of the way. Jericho rolled up Hardy pulling the tights for the pin. Jericho layed out Hardy but HBK made the save. *** 3/4

    Winner: Chris Jericho(via illegal rollup)

    81(83, 77)

    Non-Title Match: Tommy Dreamer vs Triple H

    Highlights: Just a routine HHH match against a midcarder, right. WRONG. HHH got the Main Event Sleeper on but the referee got bumped. HHH blasted Dreamer with a chair and he had to revive the referee. HHH goes to hit Dreamer again but Dreamer ducks. Dreamer takes the chair away and smacks HHH with it for the DQ. Dreamer attacks HHH after the bell and lays him out with a Spicolli Driver. A title match for Dreamer in the works next maybe. ** 3/4

    Winner: Triple H(via DQ)

    73(75, 70)

    Overall: 73

  15. I look at this Pay Per View and I regret not writing the Rumble out. In 2004, I will indeed write up the rumble and I hope it won't suck. Anyway only the final four was written out. This Pay Per View will indeed look rather weak when compared to other Pay Per Views that will happen later. Anyway let's not dwell on this right now. Let's get on with the show.

    WWE Royal Rumble 2003

    We see both sets of commentators at their tables. Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler will commentate for Raw Matches and Michael Cole and Tazz for Smackdown. A coin toss will be held for each commentary team and then a commentator from each team will commentate the Rumble Match.

    We go first to Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler.

    Ross: What a night for tonight at the Rumble. Lets kick things off with a bang. A triple Threat match for the WWE Woman’s Title will be the first match of 6 tonight at the Royal Rumble.

    Lawler: Puppies!!!

    Ross: Lets get down to the ring for the first match. This should be a slobberknocker.

    WWE Woman’s Title Triple Threat Match:

    Molly vs. Victoria© vs. Trish Stratus

    Both Molly and Trish went after the champion at the bell. Victoria dumped Trish to the outside and Molly nearly won the title in the first minute with a cradle. Trish reentered the ring and dropkicked both women but only got a two count on Molly. Trish hit a high kick on Molly but walks into a clothesline from Victoria. Victoria hits a vertical suplex to Trish but gets a two count after Molly breaks it up. Molly hits a power bomb to Victoria and the Twin City Twister but Trish breaks up the pin this time. Trish bulldogs Molly and hits Victoria with a frankensteiner. Trish fails to win the title however on a pin attempt on each woman. Trish focuses on Molly with chops and kicks. Trish hits a bulldog to Molly but Victoria knocks Trish out of the ring. Victoria then hit the Widow’s peak for the pin on Molly. ** ¾

    Winner:Victoria(via the Widow’s Peak on Molly)

    73(80, 60)

    Notes:The WWE Woman's Title has gained in image.

    Victoria celebrates her win. We go to the Smackdown Announce team for the next match.

    Michael Cole: Welcome to the first Smackdown match of the Rumble. I am Michael Cole and this is my partner Tazz.

    Tazz: Let me tell you something Cole, this match will be highflying and death defying. A ladder match between the two top highflying teams on Smackdown, Los Guerreros and Kaientai 2003. Should be a classic.

    WWE Tag Team Title Ladder Match:

    Kaientai 2003 vs. Los Guerreros

    We pan to the belts hanging above the ring and the Guerreros jump Kaientai as they enter the ring. Funaki gets a vicious DDT on the floor by Chavo. Eddie beats on Tajiri and slams him headfirst onto one of the ladders stationed at ringside. Chavo and Eddie double-team Tajiri some and a ladder is slid in the ring. Chavo holds Tajiri but Tajiri ducks the shot and Eddie hits Chavo. Tajiri with some buzzsaw like kicks and he sets up the ladder in the corner. Tajiri sets up the ladder in the corner. Tajiri hip tosses Eddie into the ladder. Chavo follows. Both Guerreros are stunned and Tajiri sets up the ladder underneath the title belts. Tajiri climbs up but Chavo pulls him off. Funaki is back in and he missile dropkicks Chavo. Chavo collides head on with the ladder. Eddie is pushed into the corner and the ladder is set up by his crotch. Kaientai 2003 with a double baseball slide sending the ladder into the crotch of Eddie, and boy is Eddie in pain. Funaki sets up the ladder and goes up near the title belts. Tajiri stands guard. Chavo goes after Tajiri but Tajiri dropkicks Chavo out of the ring. Eddie pulls Funaki off the ladder. Eddie goes for a power bomb but Funaki flips him over with a frankensteiner. Tajiri throws another ladder in the ring. Tajiri sets up the ladder but Chavo hits him with a clothesline. Chavo hits Tajiri with a Gory bomb but Funaki is trying to sneak off of the ladder.

    Chavo climbs up the other end and both Funaki and Chavo trade punches. Funaki and Chavo both fall off the ladder and crotch themselves. Eddie is up and Eddie is now trying to climb up the ladder. Tajiri pulls himself back up and sprints up the ladder. Eddie is at a fingers reach of the belts but Tajiri spits mist in his eyes. Tajiri then kicks Eddie off of the ladder in the Head. Eddie free falls to the canvas. Tajiri has his hands on the belts but Chavo tips the ladder over. Funaki catches Chavo with a leaping Swing DDT and all four men are down. Funaki gets up first and sets up the ladder. He tries to climb but one ladder step snaps in half. Funaki has to jump off and set up the other ladder. By the time he climbs half way up Eddie sprints up and hits Funaki with the Sunset Flip Power Bomb off of the ladder. Funaki folds up; he may be dead from that vicious move. Eddie rolls to the outside. He is underneath the ring for something. He pulls out the Jeff Hardy memorial ladder™. This is about a 25 ft ladder. Eddie slides it into the ring and sets it up. Tajiri however is up and he hits Eddie in the legs, ribs, and face with a series of kicks. Tajiri now drops Eddie with a brain buster and now Tajiri is going up the ladder. Tajiri may reach the belts on this tall ladder without jumping. However both Guerreros are up. They pitch Funaki to the outside and both sprint up the ladder. Chavo, then Eddie. Chavo hits Tajiri with a gutshot. Eddie and Chavo get on the same rung and they hook Tajiri. DOUBLE SUPERPLEX OFF OF THE 25 FOOT LADDER TO TAJIRI. That is one for the highlight reel. All four men are down and Chavo pulls himself to his feet. Chavo slowly climbs up the ladder and grabs the tag team title belts. Chavo drops down exhausted. Los Guerreros win. **** ¼

    Winners: Los Guerreros(Chavo grabs the gold)

    91(86, 97)

    Notes:The WWE Tag Team titles have gained in image.

    What a match! The crowd gives both teams a standing ovation and boy do they deserve it. Lets go over to the Raw team.

    Jim Ross: All right King; coming up next, Booker T and Goldust defend the World Tag Team Titles against Lance Storm and William Regal. Regal and Storm could finally upset the champions to win the gold.

    Lawler: It could be the night for Regal and Storm but I think Bookdust will come out on top.

    World Tag Team Titles:

    Bookdust© vs. Regal and Storm

    Brawl to begin and the challengers get pitched to the outside. After some brawling, Goldust plays Ricky Morton. Storm and Regal beat down Goldust with chops and uppercuts. Regal chin locks Goldust and punches away at his face. Regal holds Goldust and Storm superkicks the Golden One. This only gets a two count. Storm hits a vertical suplex and Storm works over the knee. Storm with the Straight Shooter but somehow Goldust gets to the ropes. Regal holds Goldust for another superkick but this time Regal got clobbered by mistake. Goldust wipes out Storm with a clothesline. Goldust tags in the Book. Booker is in with some chops and kicks. Storm eats an ax kick and Booker T spins up. He hits Storm with a Side Kick but Regal is the legal man. Regal hits Booker T with the power of the punch. Regal raises his hands in victory but he drops the knuckles on accident. The referee calls for the bell disqualifying Storm and Regal. ***

    Winners: Bookdust(as a result of a DQ)

    80(81, 79)

    Regal and Storm beat on the champions after the bell, leaving them down in the ring. They leave with the tag team title belts even through they didn’t win them.

    Notes: The World Tag Team Titles have gained in image.

    We go to the ring where there is a table set up in the ring.

    “I’m back” plays and out comes Eric Bischoff with a contract. It is time to see which side Rhyno chooses, Raw or Smackdown. Bischoff sits on a chair at the table. There are three chairs.

    “All grown up” plays and out comes Stephanie McMahon. Stephanie has a contract for Rhyno to sign as well. Which side will he choose, we will find out in a few minutes.

    “Man Beast” plays and out comes Rhyno. Rhyno stalks to the ring and he enters the ring. Bischoff gets up to shake the hand of Rhyno but Rhyno blows him off. Stephanie laughs at Bischoff and Bischoff just gives her an angry glare. Bischoff has a microphone.

    Bischoff: Mr. Rhyno, sir, how are you? Hope you are fine. You ARE the top free agent in the company and Raw would be to your benefit. Look at this contract and see for yourself.

    Rhyno takes a look at the contract and reads it. Rhyno looks satisfied about something.

    Bischoff: I see you are pleased. So just sign your name, here.

    Stephanie: Hold on, Bischoff. Rhyno hasn’t seen the Smackdown contract yet.

    Bischoff: Rhyno, a word of advice. Don’t sign with Smackdown or you might be her coffee boy within two weeks. You did see what happened to poor Chris Jericho last year, I assume.

    Stephanie shoots Bischoff an angry glare but quickly regains her composure..

    Stephanie: Just read the contract, Rhyno and I am sure Smackdown will be your new home.

    Rhyno reads through the contract. He looks pleased at this one as well. Rhyno lays both contracts side by side and appears to be considering. RHYNO SIGNS THE SMACKDOWN ONE. Stephanie looks pleased and Bischoff looks pissed.

    Bischoff: You pulled one over on me, Steph, but I will get back at you. Some way, somehow you little conniving bitch.

    Bischoff leaves the ring and Stephanie gets up to shake the hand of Rhyno. She does and we see turns around, Rhyno slides the table out of the way and he is poised. RHYNO GORES STEPHANIE AS SHE TURNS AROUND. Stephanie falls to the mat and the crowd reaction for Rhyno is rather mixed. Rhyno leaves. Rhyno has signed with Smackdown and gored the boss. Not a good start but Rhyno is tough enough to make it on his own.


    Tazz: I can’t believe what we just saw, Cole. Rhyno Gored our boss, Stephanie McMahon. He is on her bad list right out to start with.

    Cole: Rhyno however is a great addition to the Smackdown roster and I know I am looking forward to calling his matches.

    Tazz: What a match we have next, Cole! It will be an I-Quit Match between Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle. Who is the better submission wrestler? We will find out tonight, Cole.

    WWE World Title Match I-Quit Rules:

    Kurt Angle(w/Paul Heyman) vs. Chris Benoit

    Both men circle each other. They lock up and they trade waistlocks for a couple of minutes. Angle gets the first takedown and rides over into a front face lock. Benoit powers out and hits some chops on Angle, reddening his chest. Benoit headbutts Angle and takes him down with a hiptoss. Benoit steps over the arm, twisting it. Angle refuses to give in. Angle grabs the leg and Angle with a leg ride. Benoit chops out of it. Both men trade more chops. Benoit with a knee to the midsection and three rolling snap suplex to the WWE World Champion. Benoit grabs Kurt’s leg(the same one Kurt injured) and rolls it over into a half Boston crab. Angle is trying to fight the pain. Angle makes to the ropes and the Wolverine Machine has to break the hold. Benoit pounds at the leg with punches and Benoit with a dragon screw. Benoit drags Angle over to the ring post and wraps his leg around it three times. Benoit now with a ring post figure-four to Kurt Angle. Benoit may get a submission but Paul Heyman pulls him off. Benoit attacks Heyman and goes back after Kurt.

    Benoit rolls Kurt back into the ring and Kurt surprises Benoit with a low blow. Angle hits an overhead belly to belly almost dropping Benoit on his head. Angle now wraps up a neck crank. He is working on Benoit’s neck, which was injured a year and a half ago. Benoit fights up and Angle reverses a corner whip. Angle with a dragon sleeper to Benoit, once again working over the neck of the Wolverine Machine. Benoit gets to the ropes and Angle hits the rolling Germans to the Crippler. Angle then puts Benoit in a headlock. Yes, he puts Benoit in a simple headlock. This may be a submission however because Benoit got dropped on his head a couple of times and it got worked over in that neck crank earlier. Benoit elbows Angle in the groin breaking the hold.

    Benoit hits some vicious chops to Angle. Angle’s chest is beet red from those chops. Benoit smokes Angle with a lariat and hits his version of the Rolling Germans. Paul Heyman enters the ring and eats a series of chops for his troubles. Benoit hits a vertical suplex to Heyman taking him out of the match. Angle trips Benoit and goes for the Ankle but Benoit rolls out. Benoit with an enzugiri to Angle, taking him down to the canvas. Benoit hits a vicious release power bomb to Angle. Angle was drilled. Benoit now rolls Angle over into the Crippler Crossface. Angle may be tapping but Team Angle runs out from the back. Heyman has the referee distracted on the other end. Benoit grabs a chair and lays out both members of Team Angle. Angle takes Benoit down into his own Crossface. Benoit counters into his own version of the Angle Lock but Angle rolls out of that and both men are up. They trade chops and Benoit drops Angle on his head with a dragon suplex. Angle flops over onto his face and Benoit grabs Angle for the Crippler Crossface. Heyman enters the ring but Benoit attacks him and locks Heyman in the Crossface. Benoit doesn’t see Angle and Angle grabs Benoit’s ankle when Benoit has the Crossface on Heyman. Ankle Lock. Benoit has to release the hold but Kurt is really cranking. Benoit is refusing to give in. Benoit reaches over and grabs a chair that was lying in the ring. Benoit hits himself with the chair and Benoit falls to the canvas motionless. He is refusing to give Kurt Angle the pleasure of making him say I-Quit or tap out. The referee calls for the bell. Angle retains the title. *** ¼

    Winner: Kurt Angle (Benoit knocks himself out while in the Ankle Lock)

    84(85, 85)

    Notes: Chris Benoit lost overness from this match. The WWE World title has gained in image

    Angle celebrates to chants of “You Suck”. Lets go to the Raw team for news on the main event for Raw.

    Jim Ross: Coming up next, King, Scott Steiner tries to take the World Heavyweight Title from the Game, Triple H. Just who is the top wrestler in the game. We will find out soon enough.

    Jerry Lawler: I think Mr. Steiner has bit off more than he can chew.

    World Heavyweight Title:

    Scott Steiner vs. Triple H©(w/Ric Flair)

    Both men circle each other to start. They lock up and Steiner with a full nelson to Triple H. HHH cannot find away out it. This goes on for a few minutes before HHH gets to the ropes. Steiner hammers HHH some and whips him into the ropes. Clothesline by Steiner, kiss of the bicep, elbow drop, and push-ups. HHH rolls to the outside to regroup and talk with Flair. HHH enters the ring and they lock-up again. HHH with a headlock and Steiner powers out easily. HHH goes to the outside to pace some more. HHH reenters again and HHH with a kick to the midsection. HHH fires off about a dozen punches but Steiner absorbs them all. Steiner slaps HHH and whips him into the ropes. Steiner slams HHH to the canvas and Steiner with a sitting full nelson to HHH. HHH is dragging himself underneath the ropes. Steiner pounds HHH with forearms but HHH low blows Steiner. HHH delivers the Main Event Sleeper to Steiner but since Steiner is not a midcarder or RVD, he counters with a back suplex. Flair hands HHH a pair of brass knuckles and HHH pounds Steiner with them. HHH tosses the knuckles back to Flair. HHH only gets a two count. HHH hits a series of knee related moves and goes for the Pedigree but Steiner powers out. Steiner wipes out HHH with a couple of clothesline and Steiner with the Steiner Recliner. Flair enters the rings and eats a T-Bone suplex, taking the biggest bump in the match. HHH has rolled to the outside and he grabs his sledgehammer. HHH drills Steiner in the face with the sledgehammer. HHH hits the Pedigree to Steiner but Steiner kicks out at two and just stands up. That didn’t look to be part of the show. HHH hits Steiner again with the sledgehammer and the referee fast counts Steiner. Steiner no-sells the second shot again but HHH wins and retains the title.

    Winner: Triple H(after hitting Scott Steiner with a sledgehammer)

    Overall:73(83, 50)

    Notes:Scott Steiner didn't really sell much which hurt the match


    {editor’s note: For The Rumble, only the final four will be written up in full form)

    Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler get to commentate the Rumble.

    Royal Rumble Order of Entry

    1. Shelton Benjamin

    2. Test

    3. Chris Jericho

    4. Edge

    5. Rosey

    6. Albert

    7. Shawn Michaels

    8. John Cena

    9. Jaime Knoble

    10. Tommy Dreamer

    11. Charlie Haas

    12. The Undertaker

    13. Rikishi

    14. Cousin Nunzio

    15. Chuck Palumbo

    16. Jeff Hardy

    17. Dave Batista

    18. Bubba Ray Dudley

    19. The Rock

    20. Glen Jacobs

    21. Jamal

    22. The Big show

    23. Kevin Nash

    24. Rob Van Dam

    25. Brock Lesnar

    26. Raven

    27. D-Von Dudley

    28. Christian

    29. Matt Hardy

    30. Spanky

    Order of Elimination

    1.Shelton Benjamin(via Edge)

    2.Test(via Edge.)

    3. Jaime Knoble(via John Cena)

    4.Tommy Dreamer(via Rikishi)

    5.Chuck Palumbo(via Shawn Michaels)

    6. Albert(via John Cena)

    7. Jeff Hardy(via John Cena)

    8. Jamal(via Shawn Michaels.

    9. The Undertaker(via The Rock)

    10. Cousin Nunzio(via Kevin Nash)

    11. Shawn Michaels(via Chris Jericho)

    12. Big Show(via RVD)

    13. Bubba Ray Dudley(via D-Von Dudley)

    14. D-Von Dudley(via John Cena)

    15. Spanky(via Dave Batista)

    16. Edge(via Chris Jericho)

    17. Rikishi(via RVD)

    18. Raven(via John Cena)

    19. John Cena(via Glen Jacobs)

    20. Matt Hardy Version 1.0(via Brock Lesnar)

    21. Charlie Haas(via Christian)

    22. Christian(via The Rock)

    23. Glen Jacobs(via Kevin Nash)

    24. Rosey(via Dave Batista)

    25. Kevin Nash(via Chris Jericho)

    26. Dave Batista(via Brock Lesnar)

    Final Four: Brock Lesnar, Chris Jericho, The Rock, and Rob Van Dam are your final four. One of these men will go to Wrestlemania to face the champion on their brand. RVD and Brock form an alliance to take out Jericho and Rock. They pound their opponents but RVD gets dumped to the outside after missing a roundhouse kick.

    27. Rob Van Dam(via Chris Jericho)

    We have three left. We are down to three. One of these men will be in the Main Event at Wrestlemania. Jericho accidentally hits the Rock and they get into a tiff. Brock clotheslines them both but the Rock hangs on when he attempts to dump him. Brock hits the F-5 on Jericho but the Rock lays Brock out with the Rock Bottom. Rock has to pick up Brock to dump him however. Matt Hardy Version 1.0 runs out from the back and the Rock fights him off. The Rock turns around and Jericho spin kicks him over the top rope. The Rock has been eliminated.

    28. The Rock(via Chris Jericho and interference from Matt Hardy)

    Jericho jumps Brock and hits him with the Breakdown. Jericho hits the Lionsault to Brock and tries to toss him out. Brock hangs on and reverses the toss. Jericho skins the cat to get back in. Matt Hardy meanwhile is working over the Rock with a chair on the outside. Jericho hits a spin kick to Brock and Jericho unties the corner pad from the buckle exposing the steel bolt. Jericho goes to whip Brock in but Brock reverses. Jericho hits head on with the bolt. Brock picks up Jericho and hits him with the F-5. Brock now picks up Jericho above his head and throws him to the outside. Brock Lesnar is the winner of the 2003 Royal Rumble. Jericho lasted over an hour in the ring if Jericho got a higher number, he could have won. ** 3/4

    29. Chris Jericho(via Brock Lesnar.

    Winner: Brock Lesnar

    72(73, 72)

    Overall: 81

    Royal Rumble buyrate: 1.69

    Scott Steiner has been fired by WWE. The reason of this is unknown at the time. Someone with the initials H.H.H. had something do with it is what is rumored on the Internet. The official word is “conflicts beyond our control”.

  16. WWE Smackdown 1-23-02

    Tonight: Kurt Angle goes one on one with the Rock in a non-title match. Tune in and stick around for Smackdown like on UPN.

    Another shot at being an M'Fer

    Shannon Moore is sitting in the back when Matt Hardy Version 1.0 comes in.

    Mattitude: Shannon tonight you have another chance to becoming an full fledged M'Fer. Tonight you will face Billy Kidman for the WWE Cruiserweight Title. I want you to bring the gold to Camp Mattitude.

    Shannon gets up and walks to the ring. Shannon Moore has a chance at greatness tonight.


    Notes: Matt Hardy Version 1.0 lost overness from this segment

    WWE Cruiserweight Title Match: Shannon Moore vs Billy Kidman©

    Highlights: Standard cruiserweight fare. Shannon Moore tries to power bomb Kidman, you know the drill. Kidman went for a leapfrog but Moore headbutted him in the groin. Moore, exhausted, fainted on top of Kidman for the pin. Matt Hardy Version 1.0 comes out and snatches the Cruiserweight Title to hand to a dazed and confused Shannon Moore. When Moore saw the replay, he refuses the title. He leaves and Matt Hardy leaves confused. ** 1/2

    Winner: and New WWE Cruiserweight Champion Shannon Moore(accidental headbutt to the groin)

    67(51, 83)

    The Rock is ready for the Rumble and tonight.

    Mark Loyd is backstage with the Rock.

    Loyd: Rock...

    The Rock puts a hand up to silence him.

    The Rock: Finally the Rock has come back...to Houston.

    The crowd cheers.

    The Rock: This Sunday at the Rumble with 29 other jabronis and one Rock, The Rock will toss them one by one over the top rope. But tonight The Rock faces the cueball himself, Kurt Angle. Kurt has the belt but this is a non-title match. But don't fret. When I win the Royal Rumble I will capture the WWE World Title at...Wrestlemania. IF YOU SMELLL WHAT THE ROCK....IS COOKING.


    Cousin Nunzio and Jaime Knoble vs Kaientai 2003

    Highlights: Some great cruiserweight action here. Kaientai 2003 gets a nice tune-up before the Rumble. The ending came when Tajiri pinned Nunzio after an elevated missile dropkick by Funaki. Afterwards Los Guerreros came down and beat up both teams. ***

    Winners: Kaientai 2003(via an elavated Missile Dropkick)

    77(63, 92)


    Edge: This Sunday at the Royal Rumble I am the underdog. However I will come out on top for all the Edge-Heads. Whether it be Cueball Kurt or Chris Benoit, I will win the Rumble and then get the title shot at Wrestlemania. That is totally awesome.


    A Rhyno Video

    Rhyno's decision at the Rumble is hyped up and some of his most vicious Gores are shown. Will Rhyno choose Raw or Smackdown? Find out this Sunday.


    Notes:[Rhyno gained overness from this segment.

    Brock Lesnar and Rikishi vs Matt Hardy Version 1.0 and The Big Show(w/Paul Heyman)

    Highlights: This match is set up because Rikishi and Brock have had problems with the Big Show and Brock has had some problems with Mattitude and Mattitude has had some problems with everyone. Anyway Brock was more content stalking Heyman around the ring and that opened up Rikishi to a two on one assault. Rikishi made a comeback and tagged Brock. Brock wipes out Mattitude with a spear nearly snapping him in half. Brock goes after the Big Show but Heyman distracts him. Brock goes after Heyman and Rikishi is somehow the legal man again. Rikishi superkicks the Big Show out of the ring but gets a face full of powder by Mattitude. Mattitude covers with the feet on the ropes scoring the pin. Big Show attacks Brock on the ramp, knocking him down long enough for Heyman to make the escape. ** 1/2

    Winners: The Big Show and Matt Hardy Version 1.0(via powder to Rikishi's eyes and feet on the ropes from Mattitude)

    71(76, 60)

    Notes: Rikishi gained overness from this match. Big Show gained overness from this match.

    Los Guerreros hype up their tag team match at the Rumble.

    Chavo Guerrero Jr: Let me tell you something Eddie, we will kick off our PPV record for 2003 with a bang.

    Eddie: Thats right Esse. We will kick some jap tail in that Ladder match at The Royal Rumble. We will prove that once again we are the greatest tag team on Smackdown. We will let are LATINO HEAT run wild.

    Chavo: We shall win. We are the force on Smackdown.

    Both: Viva La Raza


    Team Angle vs Chris Benoit and Edge

    Highlights: A great display of wrestling by Benjamin and Haas. Benoit hits the Triple Germans to Benjamin and Edge spears Haas. Kurt Angle runs out and decks Benoit with the title belt. Angle does the same to Edge. Team Angle and Kurt Angle beats up Edge and Benoit to send a message to them. ** 1/2

    Winners: Chris Benoit and Edge(via DQ)

    70(65, 76)

    A look at the WWE World Title I-Quit Match

    An extensive look at the I-Quit Match for the Royal Rumble. Benoit vs Kurt for the gold this Sunday at the Rumble.


    Notes: Kurt Angle gained overness from this segment.

    Non-Title Match: The Rock vs Kurt Angle(w/Paul Heyman)

    Highlights: Classic match. Kurt worked on the leg of the Rock early on but the Rock hit a pair of lariats to knock our Olympic Hero off balance. The Rock hit the spinebuster but Angle played possum tripping the Rock on a People's Elbow attempt and grabbing the Angle Lock. The Rock got to the ropes and Angle nearly sealed the match with a pair of overhead belly to belly suplexes. Angle with the Triple Germans and another nearfall. Angle goes to the top but gets slammed off ala Ric Flair. The Rock hit his own version of the Angle Slam and Paul Heyman runs in. Paul eats a Rock Bottom for his troubles and Angle hits The Rock with an Angle Slam. Now thats how you do an Angle Slam. Nearfall however and The Rock sidestepped a charge and Rock Bottomed Kurt. The Rock drops the People's Elbow but it only gets two. Mattitude runs out but the Rock fights him off quickly. Angle rolls up the Rock and bumps the referee in the process. Angle with a low blow and his version of the Rock Bottom but no referee. Angle went for the Olympic Elbow but The Rock kipped right up and Rock Bottomed Angle. Matt Hardy however smacks the Rock with a chair. Chris Benoit ran out and knocked Mattitude out. Benoit now smashed Angle over the skull with the title belt. The Rock rolls over and gets three. ****

    Winner: The Rock(via help from Chris Benoit)

    90(95, 75)

    Overall: 79

    FINAL Royal Rumble Card:

    Royal Rumble Match:

    Raw: Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam, Glen Jacobs, Kevin Nash, Dave Batista, Christian, Test, Jeff Hardy, Raven, Tommy Dreamer, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, Spike Dudley, Jamal, and Rosey.

    Smackdown: Edge, Brock Lesnar, The Big Show, Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin, The Rock, Matt Hardy Version 1.0, The Undertaker, Cousin Nunzio, Jaime Knoble, Albert, Spanky, John Cena, Rikishi, and Chuck Palumbo.

    WWE World Title I-Quit Match:

    Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle©

    WWE World Heavyweight Title

    Triple H© vs Scott Steiner

    WWE World Tag Team Titles:

    Bookdust© vs William Regal and Lance Storm

    WWE Tag Team Title Ladder Match

    Los Guerreros© vs Kaientai 2003

    WWE Woman's Title:

    Victoria© vs Trish Stratus vs Molly Holly.

    Plus Rhyno will make his choice.

    Predictions are Welcomed

  17. WWE Raw is War 1-20-03

    One Angry Scott Steiner

    The sirens blare and Scott Steiner enters. He grabs the ring announcer and shoves him down. Steiner punches the camera man. Steiner has the microphone.

    Steiner: TRIPLE H. I am not leaving this ring until you come out and face me like a man.

    Steiner waits. He is armed with a pipe.

    Steiner: Come on HHH. I'M WAITING.

    "I'm Back" plays and out comes Eric Bischoff with a couple dozen cops.

    Bischoff: You are not getting Triple H tonight. He is defending the title against someone who deserves a shot. You will find out who later.

    The crowd chants R-V-D. R-V-D. R-V-D.

    Bischoff: However I don't want you interfering in the main event so officers, ARREST HIM.

    The cops swarm in the ring and mace Scott Steiner. One of the cops takes off his hat to reveal HHH. HHH pounds Scott Steiner with a nightstick as the cops cuff him. Steiner is being lead out of the building by the (corrupt) cops. HHH stands tall and he has bloodied Scott Steiner again.


    Notes: Eric Bischoff lost overness from this segment. Scott Steiner lost overness from this segment.

    WWE Hardcore Title: Raven© vs Tommy Dreamer

    Highlights: A great match between two Hardcore Icons. A few "ECW" chants broke out during the match. The ending came when Raven blasted Dreamer with a chair and hit the Evenflow DDT on a cookie sheet for the pin. Raven retains the Hardcore Title. ** 1/2

    Winner: Raven(via an Evenflow DDT)


    Jericho is the King of the World and don't you forget it.

    Shawn Michaels is backstage with Terri.

    Terri: HBK what are your thoughts about Chris Jericho saying he is better than you and the King of the World.

    HBK: Jericho has like maybe five years before he can be as half as good as me. He is not the King of the World. He isn't even the King of his own neighborhood and...

    CHRIS JERICHO ATTACKS SHAWN MICHAELS FROM BEHIND. Jericho smacks Michaels across the face with a pipe. Jericho does it again and again. Michaels is busted open and juicing big time. Jericho goes for the back with the pipe but Jeff Hardy shoves Chris Jericho away.

    Jericho: You want a piece of the King of the World, rainbow bright. You got a match tonight and don't be late. I have other legends to beat. I will give you a beating you will never evvvverrr forget, a-gayne.


    Notes: Chris Jericho gained overness from this segment.

    HHH is the Game and he reveals his opponent for tonight.

    HHH: Tonight I will defend my WWE World Heavyweight title. The question is against who. Well it is one of the top ten superstars on Raw. This man is a highflyer(crowd chants R-V-D) and is a fan favorite. He is....Maven(the crowd boos and their R-V-D chants get higher). WELL TOO BAD. That asshole RVD is not getting anywhere close to the main event. He is not a tenth as good as me. Last time I fought him, I demolished him. I proved that he isn't good enough to lick the slime off of my boots. I will beat Maven tonight and Scott Steiner at the Rumble because I am the Game and I am THAT DAMN GOOD.


    William Regal vs Goldust

    Highlights: Preview for the tag title match at the Rumble. Regal went for the Brass knuckles but Goldust knocked them out of his hand and to the outside. Goldust went for the Shattered Dreams but Lance Storm ran out. Lance Storm slid a backup pair of knuckles to Regal. Goldust fought off Storm and got the Power of the Punch. Regal wins and Storm and Regal stomp Goldust. Booker T makes the save afterwards with a chair. ** 3/4

    Winner: William Regal(via the Power of the Punch)


    Kevin Nash calls out Glen Jacobs

    Out comes Kevin Nash. He stands on the edge of the stage.

    Nash: I want Glen Jacobs to come out right now. I want to settle our score. Come on Glen, I know you are back there. Come out and let Big Sexy give you a beating that is big but not so sexy.

    Out comes Glen Jacobs and he stares at Nash. Nash takes a step backwards and crumples holding his quadricep. THAT IS THE SAME QUAD HE INJURED. Glen Jacobs looks concerned and is calling for help but Nash gets back up. He was just faking. Nash grabs one of the pryo devices and BLASTS JACOBS IN THE FACE WITH SOME PRYO. Jacobs falls back holding his face.

    Nash: HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT. Ever heard of karma. Well pretending you are a charred freak worked but now you really all one.

    Nash leaves and the crowd boos. Will Glen Jacobs be 100 percent for the Royal Rumble?


    Lance Storm vs Booker T

    Highlights: Good technical match. Storm goes for a springboard dropkick but Booker T drops down. Booker T hits a couple of ax kicks and the Houston Hangover for the pin. Both teams are 1-1 leading up to the tag match at the Rumble. *** 1/4

    83(79, 87)

    Al Snow gives Maven a pep talk.

    Al Snow: This is it Maven. You can do it. This is the big one. If you beat Triple H, your career springboards to the next level. If you fail, it is another setback. Now go out there and try your best. That is all I am going to ask.

    Maven walks out.

    Al Snow: Poor kid. He is going to get creamed.


    Notes: Maven gained overness from this segment.

    WWE World Heavweight Title:Maven vs Triple H©

    Highlights: Triple H shoved Maven around before Maven came back with TWO dropkicks. Maven goes for a high cross body but HHH powerslammed him. HHH hit a series of knee related moves and finished Maven off with the Main Event Sleeper. HHH retains the World Heavyweight Title. ** 3/4

    Winner: Triple H(via the Main Event Sleeper)

    74(78, 68)

    Jeff Hardy vs Chris Jericho

    Highlights: Jeff Hardy hit some spots on tonight. Jericho proved to be a bastard by pounding Hardy. Hardy hits the Swanton Bomb towards the end but Jericho put the foot on the rope. Jericho rolls up Hardy for the pin, pulling the tights. After the match, Jericho lays out Hardy goes for the Walls of Jericho but Shawn Michaels makes the save. Michaels raises the hand of Hardy as Jericho goes ballastic. ***

    Winner: Chris Jericho(illegal rollup)

    80(83, 76)

    Main Event Interview:

    Out comes HHH. What is he doing. HHH comes out.

    HHH: This Sunday I will face Scott Steiner. But I don't want to wait. I want to do it right now. So Steiner...oh wait. You are in the big house. I can't wrestle you tonight. Tough luck.

    The sirens blare and HHH's eyes go wide. Scott Steiner runs out with a pipe and swings at HHH. Sercurity intervenes. Someone must of posted bail. It will all come together at the Rumble.


    Overall: 79

  18. WWE Heat 1-19-03

    Steven Richards vs Test(w/Stacy Keibler)

    Highlights: Steven is a whacko and Test is on a roll. This basically sums up the Storyline for this match. Steven goes for the Steven Kick but Test ducks it. Test with the Big Boot to score the pin. **

    Winner: Test(via the Big Boot

    62(62, 63)

    A Batista video

    A look at Batista destroying nearly everyone on Raw. Batista is one of the favorites to win the Rumble.


    Notes: Dave Batista gained overness from this segment.

    A look at Jacobs vs Nash

    A look at the war between Glen Jacobs and Kevin Nash is shown. Will these two have a confrontation on Raw. Tune in to find out.


    Notes: Glen Jacobs gained overness from this segment.

    Justin Credible vs Goldust

    Highlights: Time for your weekly Justin Credible job. Credible was pounded by Goldust but made a short comeback. It was short lived as Goldust hits the Curtain Call for the pin and thats a wrap. **

    Winner: Goldust(via the Curtain Call)


    A look at the Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho wars

    A look at the recent events involving these two. Another possible confrontation for this Monday on Raw.


    Notes: Chris Jericho gained overness from this segment.

    Ivory vs Trish Stratus

    Highlights :A little tuneup for Trish for her match at the Rumble. It went like this. Ivory pounds on Trish for two minutes, Stratusfaction out of nowhere, pin. **

    Winner:Trish Stratus(via the Stratusfaction)

    65(78, 35)

    Notes:Ivory didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating. (strike one for Ivory)

    D-Von Dudley vs Lance Storm

    Highlights: An okay match. D-Von hit the Reverse DDT but Storm gets into the ropes. D-Von argues and William Regal comes out and gives Storm his brass knuckles. Storm pops D-Von with them to score the pin. Lance Storm is your winner. ** 3/4

    Winner: Lance Storm(via brass knuckles)



  19. WWE Velocity 1-18-03

    Chuck Palumbo vs Albert

    Highlights: Do you really care. IT is Chuck Palumbo vs Albert. Just to fill a slot on Velocity. Well Palumbo missed a superkick and gets Baldo Bombed for the pin. ** 1/2

    Winner: Albert(via the Baldo Bomb)

    67(65, 70)

    Highlights from Smackdown

    Highlights of the Mattitude, Shannon Moore, and Rock stuff are shown from Smackdown. Will Mattitude and the Rock get into it again this week on Smackdown? Tune in to find out.


    Notes: Matt Hardy Version 1.0 gained overness from this segment.

    Jaime Knoble vs the Hurricane

    Highlights: Some great cruiserweight action on Velocity. Knoble goes for the Tiger Bomb but Hurricane fights out. Hurricane with some dropkicks and Hurricane with the Shining Wizard for the three. ***

    Winner: Hurricane(with the Shining Wizard)


    Kurt and Benoit hype up

    Highlights from all the events involving Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit leading up to the I-Quit Match in the Rumble. What will happen.


    Notes: Kurt Angle gained overness from this segment.

    Crash vs Cousin Nunzio

    Highlights: Nunzio worked over the arm of Crash nearly the whole match. Crash fought back but went for the Crash Landing. Nunzio shifted his weight and turned it into an armbar submission. Crash taps out and Nunzio gets the win. ** 1/2

    Winner: Cousin Nunzio(via an armbar submission)

    69(54, 85)

    Eddie Guerrero vs Funaki

    Highlights: A preview to the tag team match at the Rumble. A bit rushed because the match started 4 minutes before the end. Funaki nearly got the win with a tornado DDT. Eddie hit Funaki with the title belt and put his feet on the ropes as he covered for the pin. Eddie cheats to win. ** 3/4

    Winner: Eddie Guerrero(via a beltshot and feet on the ropes)

    73(70, 77)

    Overall: 79

  20. WWE Smackdown 1-16-02

    A main event made tonight

    Kurt Angle enters the office of Stephanie McMahon.

    Kurt:What do you want Stephanie? I am a busy man.

    Stephanie: Well the doctors have cleared you to wrestle so how about a little tuneup for the match at the Rumble. Non-Title you vs Edge.

    Kurt: This is bullshit. BULLSHIT. How dare you treat an Olympic Gold Medalist like this? I thought better of you Steph.

    Stephanie: And by the way...your match with Chris Benoit is now an I-Quit Match. We will see who the better submission wrestler is at the Rumble.

    Kurt walks out of the GM's office sulking. What a main event for tonight and a stipulation for the WWE World Title Match at the Rumble.


    Tough Love...Mattitude style

    Shannon Moore is in the rockeroom when Matt Hardy hits him from behind with a chair. Hardy slaps him a couple of times and rubs his face into the floor.

    Hardy: You screwed up again. You will not achieve Full Mattitude if you keep doing this. You were to beat the Rock last week and you failed. You have nothing but a failure. You are a disgrace to the cause of Mattitude. So tonight I shall set an example for you. So I am going to win the Cruiserweight title tonight from Billy Kidman and you better be taking notes. I will show you what you should do to achieve greatness.


    Notes:Shannon Moore gained overness from this segment.

    WWE Cruiserweight Title:Billy Kidman© vs Matt Hardy Version 1.0

    Highlights: Hardy pulled the old "fake a knee injury" trick about a minute in to gain the advantage. Hardy scores several nearfalls but made the age old mistake of trying to power bomb Kidman. Moron. Kidman reverses into a faceslam and Mattitude rolls to the outside to regroup. Shannon Moore comes out and rolls Mattitude back in. Kidman catches a dazed Mattitude with a short power bomb for the pin. After Mattitude got up, he wasn't pleased. He slapped around Shannon some more for screwing up again. ** 3/4

    Winner: Billy Kidman(via a short powerbomb)

    73(66, 80)

    Notes: Matt Hardy Version 1.0 lost overness from this match. Billy Kidman gained overness from this match. The WWE Cruiserweight title has gained in image.

    A Rocky Rumble

    The Rock is backstage with Mark Loyd.

    Loyd: Rock...

    The Rock puts his hand up and cocks his head up.

    Rock: Finally the Rock has come back to...Tampa.

    The crowd cheers.

    Rock: In over a weeks time the Rock goes into a WWE ring with 29 other superstars. Raw and Smackdown alike. The Rock will come out of the Rumble and go to wrestlemania.

    The crowd cheers.

    Rock: I don't care if it is Brock Lesnar, The Big Show, or that little bitch Mattitude, The Rock will plow through the field and earn the right to be in the Main Event at Wrestlemania. The Rock shall toss 29 other jabronis over the top rope and go onto Wrestlemania to capture the WWE World Title.

    The crowd cheers.

    Rock: If you smellll what the Rock...is cooking.


    If Rikishi wins, he gets five minutes alone with Paul Heyman: The Big Show(w/Paul Heyman) vs Rikishi

    Highlights: The Show pounds Rikishi but Rikishi hits the Big Show with two superkicks. Heyman is on the ring apron and Rikishi knocks him off. Big Show grabs a chair and smacks Rikishi with it twice. Big Show lays out Rikishi but Rikishi gets five minutes with Paul Heyman. **

    Winner:Rikishi(via DQ)

    63(70, 47)

    Paul Heyman vs Rikishi

    Highlights: Heyman gets a two count and Rikishi quickly makes a comeback and hits a samoan drop. Before Rikishi gets the Stink Face, Team Angle comes out and he has to fight them off. Paul Heyman throws powder in the eyes of Rikishi but before anything else can happen, Brock Lesnar runs out and spears Paul Heyman. Brock goes for the F5 but the Big Show kicks Brock in the face. Big Show choke slams Brock and does the same to Rikishi. Brock and Rikishi are layed out in the center of the ring. **

    Winner:Paul Heyman(via DQ)

    63(73, 43)

    Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Tajiri

    Highlights: A preview to the tag team title ladder match at the Rumble. Chavo low blows Tajiri on a ten count punches and hits a brainbuster but that only gets two. Frog Splash gets two and an attempted Tornado DDT gets mist. Tajiri kicks Chavo hard in the head and scores the pin. ***

    Winner:Tajiri(mist and Buzzsaw Kick)

    80(70, 91)

    Mattitude and The Rock and Shannon round 2

    Out comes Matt Hardy with Shannon Moore behind him. Todays Mattfacts are:

    Matt Hardy did not suck in his Rookie year unlike the Rock.

    Jeff Hardy steals Lita's hair dye.

    Matt Hardy: Well The Rock ran his mouth off about me earlier so I want him one on one tonight. I want him, NOW.

    "Do You Smell What The Rock is Cooking"

    Out comes the Rock to cheers.

    The Rock: You want to go one on one with the Great One. Sure you aren't going to get a mysterious injury this time. I don't have my gear but lets do this.

    Matt Hardy: Lets go. Bring it and I shall educate you in the priciples of Mattitude.

    Hardy takes a step foward but then kneels down holding his right leg.

    Matt Hardy: OWW my leg. I think I bruised something in it.

    Rock: The Rock thinks you have a case of "youwillgetsmackeddownbythegreatoneitis".

    Matt Hardy: Do you think I would lie about something like this? Shannon, you can fight him tonight. I am in no condition too. I already had a match anyway.

    Rock: I already beat this little punk last week. and speaking of which, Shannon sounds like a name for a little girl so I am going to smack you down like the bitch you are again.

    Hardy: Fine. How about both of us in a handicap match since I am injured. Or is that too much Mattitude for you to handle.

    The Rock: The Rock says you got a deal. Ring the damn bell.


    Notes: Matt Hardy Version 1.0 gained overness from this segment.

    Handicap Match: Shannon Moore and Matt Hardy Version 1.0 vs The Rock

    Highlights: The Rock layed the smackdown on Moore but Hardy hopped up and dropkicked the Rock. That is the second time tonight he faked a knee injury. Hardy and Moore stomp the Rock and Hardy uses some great moves on the Rock and Moore leaps off the top with some bodypresses and elbowdrops and the like. Hardy held Rock and Moore went up for the Halo. But The Rock moved and Hardy got hit. Rock Bottom to Moore and the pin was made. The Rock scored the pin. Mattitude attacks The Rock after the match hitting him with the Mattitude Adjustment(the move formally known as the Twist of Fate). Then Matt Hardy backhanded Shannon as he got up. ** 3/4

    Winner: The Rock(via The Rock Bottom to Shannon Moore)

    75(76, 76)

    Shelton Benjamin vs Chris Benoit

    Highlights: Technical masterpiece of a match this was. Shelton worked on the neck of Benoit with various suplexes. Benoit bused out the Triple Germans and Charlie Haas ran from the back for the DQ. Team Angle stomped Benoit and Edge ran out and made the save. Spears for all and Edge grabbed the microphone.

    Edge: Kurt, get out here so I can totally beat your olympic dork ass.

    ** 3/4

    Winner: Chris Benoit(via DQ)

    74(68, 80)

    Non-Title Match: Edge vs Kurt Angle(w/Paul Heyman)

    Highlights: Some great moves were busted out in this match. Top-Rope spear from Edge. Triple German from Angle. Edge with the Edgecation but Paul Heyman eats a spear. Edge countered the Angle Slam into a spinning DDT. Edge with his own Angle Lock. Team Angle came out but they were held off by Chris Benoit. The ending came when Edge went to spear Angle but Edge hit his shoulder on the ringpost. Angle rolled up Edge using the tights and the ropes for the pin. Angle then Angle Slammed Edge as he got up and Chris Benoit enters the ring and takes down Angle. Benoit with the Crippler Crossface on Angle and he taps out like there is no tommorow. If that happens at the Rumble, Benoit will win the WWE World Title. *** 1/4

    Winner: Kurt Angle(via Illegal Rollup)

    84(86, 80)


  21. WWE Raw 1-13-03

    Tonight: Rob Van Dam vs Chris Jericho and the offical contract signing for the World Title match at the Rumble.

    A challenge

    "Can You Dig it, sucka"

    Out comes Booker T and he doesn't look in a very good mood. He enters the ring.

    Booker T: Batista, last week you defeated Goldust and screwed him out of the win. Well I want a little payback so tonight how abouts you and me sucka. I can dig that.


    Out comes Ric Flair and Batista.

    Flair: Booker T you got your match tonight. You will just be another notch on the undefeated streak of Batista. You can't take on the monster, Booker. He will crush you underneath his heel just like he did to your buddy last week. Wooo!!!


    WWE Woman's Title:Torrie Wilson vs Victoria©

    Highlights:Torrie made her debut after being traded to Raw for the Hurricane at the request of Dawn Marie. Torrie tried and only got a two count off of her swinging neckbreaker. Victoria destroyed Torrie with two clotheslines and hit the Widow's Peak for the win to retain the Woman's title. Trish Stratus ran out to save Torrie from further beating and Molly came out and attacked Trish. Victoria attacked Molly and it will be a three way woman's match at the Rumble for the title between Molly, Trish, and Victoria. * 1/2

    Winner: Victoria(via the Widow's Peak)

    59(69, 39)

    Notes: Torrie Wilson lost overness from this match. Victoria gained overness from this match.

    ]Kane RIP(1997-2003)

    Kane is backstage. He is wearing a t-shirt and blue jeans with his mask.

    Kane: Last week Kevin Nash said something that got to me. He more or less said that I can't do well in being something I am not. and what has Kane done for me. A one day reign as WWE World Champion, a few tag team reigns, and some controversy that Triple H stirred up that I am not even getting into. So Kane is no more. I will do something that Kevin Nash did, be myself. I will win the Royal Rumble and then capture the World Title at Wrestlemania. I will destroy Kevin Nash however in the process to prove that I am the best big man in this sport today.

    Glen "Kane" Jacobs takes off his mask and throws it into a garbage can. We fade out.


    Bubba Ray Dudley vs William Regal

    Highlights: Regal outwrestled Bubba but he misses a corner charge. Bubba hit a series of clothesline but Regal got the brass knuckles. Bubba went for a suplex but Regal popped him with the brass knuckles and fell on top for the pin. Regal and his partner Lance Storm will face Bookdust for the tag gold at the Rumble. ** 3/4

    Winner: William Regal(brass knuckles punch)

    75(73, 78)

    WWE Hardcore Title:Raven© vs Jeff Hardy

    Highlights: Jeff Hardy showed some flashes of his old self. Maybe he has a ninch in the Hardcore Division. Jeff brought a ladder into the match and Jeff set up Raven on a table. Swanton Bomb off of the ladder misses and Raven hits Hardy with the Evenflow DDT onto a trash can lid to score the pin. ** 1/2

    Winner: Raven(via Evenflow DDT on a trash can lid)

    70(68, 72)

    Notes: The WWE Hardcore title has gained in image.

    Contract signing

    Usual contract signing fare. Steiner signs and then HHH signs. Then HHH decks Steiner with a cheapshot and overturns the table on him. HHH now goes underneath the contract signing table to reveal a sledgehammer. HHH hits two shots to the chest and a shot to the head. Steiner is spitting up blood. HHH pedigrees Steiner and stands tall. Will this be what we see at the Rumble.

    (Editor's Note:I have no idea why I didn't transcribe this when I first wrote the diary. )


    Notes: Triple H lost overness from this segment.

    Christopher Nowinski and Sean O'Haire vs Tough Enough

    Highlights: Not much to write home about here. O'Haire hits the Cruel Intentions to both Snow and Maven. Nowinski picks up an easy pin on Maven because of it. ** 1/2

    Winners: O'Haire and Nowinski(via Nowinski pinning Maven after an O'Haire Cruel Intentions)

    70(67, 73)

    Notes: Al Snow lost overness from this match. Maven lost overness from this match. Sean O'Haire gained overness from this match. Chris Nowinski gained overness from this match.

    Christian vs Glen Jacobs

    Highlights: Jacobs had ditched the bodysuit for red and black striped tights. Christian bumped his ass off and even got some offense in. Jacobs powered out of the Unprettier and hits the Choke Slam to score the pin on Christian. ***

    Winner: Glen Jacobs(via Choke Slam)

    79(81, 77)

    Kevin Nash vs Spike Dudley

    Highlights: Nash makes his in ring return. Nash with a big boot, side slam, and snake eyes to Spike. Nash bearhugged the rest of his way through the match. Spike got a brief advantage with a clip to the leg but Nash kicked and punched Spike. Nash went for the Jackknife but Glen Jacobs enters the ring and attacks Nash. Nash wins via DQ. Jacobs clotheslines Nash to the outside and Nash staggers to the back. **

    Winner: Kevin Nash(via DQ)

    63(67, 57)

    Booker T vs Dave Batista

    Highlights: This was Booker T bumping for every little punch or kick of Batista. Batista went for the Trip to Hell but Booker T backdrops out of it. Booker T with a pair of ax kicks and spinaroonie but Batista clotheslines him as he spins up. Booker T and Batista brawl and the referee gets knocked down. The referee calls for the bell DQing both men. They brawl to the back afterwards. *** 1/4

    Winner: No One(Double DQ)

    81(82, 80)

    Rob Van Dam vs Chris Jericho

    Notes: Another great match. Jericho played a jackass heel to profection. Everytime RVD cartwheeled or flipped, Jericho popped him with a clothesline. Jericho hits a lionsault but only gets a two count. Second Lionsault misses. RVD hits a pair of spin kicks and the rolling thunder. Five Star misses and Shawn Michaels runs out and decks Jericho. Five Star hits this time and scores the pin. Jericho sulks as HBK celebrates the win with RVD. *** 1/4

    Winner: Rob Van Dam(via HBK interference and Five Star Frog Splash)

    84(85, 83)


    TV Rating:6.11

  22. WWE Heat 1-12-03

    D'Lo Brown vs Test(w/Stacy Keibler)

    Highlights:The Testicles were in full force tonight on Heat. D'Lo misses the Lo Down and Test hit a big boot for the pin. Test scores another win. Test has been on a roll as of late in the WWE. **

    Winner:Test(via a big boot



    The Rhyno music video from Velocity was reshown. Who will he join Raw or Smackdown.


    Notes:Rhyno gained overness from this segment.

    HBK shoots off his mouth about Chris Jericho

    Shawn Michaels:Chris Jericho calls me a hasbeen. Well I think Chris Jericho is jealous because he is a Shawn Michaels wannabe. He isn't good enough to carry my bags. The Heartbreak Kid will rock on and win the Royal Rumble. No one will stop him, not even a punk like Chris Jericho


    Notes:Shawn Michaels gained overness from this segment.

    Johnny Stamboli vs Spike Dudley

    Highlights:The announcers played this match up as a match between two possible competitors of the revived hardcore division. Stamboli hit a spinning DDT but he misses a flying legdrop. Spike hit some punches and Dudley Dawged Stamboli for the duke. ** 1/2

    Winner:Spike Dudley(via Dudley Dawg)

    70(63, 77)

    Highlights from last Monday:

    Footage of Kevin Nash attacking Kane and accusing him of being a fraud is shown. Will Kane respond this Monday. Tune in to find out.


    Notes:Kevin Nash gained overness from this segment.

    Justin Credible vs Jeff Hardy

    Highlights:The mighty have fallen haven't they. Jeff Hardy manages to blow two spots about every 30 seconds. Credible superkicks Hardy but he gets the foot on the rope. Credible missed a fistdrop and Hardy "hits" the Whisper in the Wind and hits the Swanton Bomb for the duke(first move by Hardy hit full on in this match) **

    Winner:Jeff Hardy(via the Swanton Bomb)

    64(59, 69)

    Maven vs Christopher Nowinski

    Highlights:Two of the standouts from Tough Enough I battle on Heat. Maven hit two dropkicks and then flew off the top with a crossbody. Nowinski however rolls through and pulls the tights for the pin. Maven dropkicks Nowinski out of the ring after the match and Nowinski runs to the back. ** 1/2

    Winner:Christopher Nowinski(via reversing a crossbody and pulling the tights)

    69(71, 67)


  23. WWE Velocity 1-11-03

    Crash Holly vs John Cena

    Highlights:Rematch from last week. Much of the same happens except Crash got a two count on the Crash Landing. Crash misses a top rope splash and Cena hits the Record Breaker for the pin. ** 1/2

    Winner:John Cena(via the Record Breaker)

    68(62, 74)


    A video showing Rhyno goring various opponents. At the end it asks what side will Rhyno choose. Find out at the Royal Rumble.


    Notes:Rhyno gained overness from this segment.

    What is Mattitude II

    Matt Hardy is sitting in the lockeroom.

    Matt Hardy:What is Mattitude? Mattitude is not just a state of mind, it is a way of life. That is what Mattitude is.

    This concludes this weeks edition of What is Mattitude? Tune in every week on Velocity for a new installment.


    Shelton Benjamin(w/Charlie Haas and Paul Heyman) vs Rikishi

    Highlights:Rikishi with a superkick after Shelton controlled the match with mat based tactics. Rikishi decked Charlie and went after Paul. Shelton hits a spin kick knocking Rikishi down. Benjamin picks up the win over Rikishi. **

    Winner:Shelton Benjamin(via spin kick)

    63(62, 65)

    Notes:Shelton Benjamin gained overness from this match.

    Rikishi is upset

    Rikishi:Paul Heyman. Your life will be a living hell when I get done with you. My goal in life is you put your head between my cheeks. You will get a stinkface and I will not rest until you get one.


    WWE Cruiserweight Title:Jaime Knoble(w/Nidia) vs Billy Kidman©

    Highlights:Kidman is depressed because his girlfriend Torrie got traded to Raw for the Hurricane. Knoble hit some suplexes but he made the fatal mistake of trying to power bomb Kidman. When will everyone learn. One bulldog later and Kidman hits the Shooting Star Press to retain the gold. Afterwards Nidia tries to console Knoble. ** 3/4

    74(62, 87)

    Notes:The WWE Cruiserweight title has gained in image.


  24. Smackdown 1-9-02

    A trade

    Stephanie McMahon comes out to the ring with a microphone.

    Stephanie:A trade has been made between Raw and Smackdown. At the request of Dawn Marie, Torrie Wilson has been traded to Smackdown for this man.

    "Stand back there is a Hurricane Coming"

    Out comes The Hurricane. He left Smackdown and now he is back.

    Stephanie:Yes I took you back but I am going to make sure your loyality never sways again. Tonight you will face Bill Demott. This is a reminder to all that defect to Raw and then come crawling back, you will get back but not without some punishment.


    Notes:Bill DeMott gained overness from this segment.

    Bill DeMott vs the Hurricane

    Highlights:Hurricane used his quickness to dodge DeMott. DeMott gained advantage with power however. DeMott missed a splash off the top and the Hurricane hit two superkicks and went for the Hurri-Chokeslam. Mistake. Demott beat up the Hurricane and shoved the referee. DQ win for The Hurricane. Afterwards DeMott powerslams and hits the moonsault to the Hurricane. ** 1/2

    Stephanie:Welcome back to Smackdown, Hurricane. Now we are even.

    Winner:Hurricane via DQ


    Kurt is ready for the Rumble and attempts to rap

    Kurt:Benoit, you had your brush with greatness when you teamed with me. Now you will tap like the sap that you are. So the WWE World Title will remain in my lap and the fans will clap. So it ends this rap, Benoit you will tap next Sunday. and thats a wrap.


    WWE Tag Team Titles:Kaientai 2003 vs Los Guerreros©

    Highlights:What a match this was. A camel clutch/dropkick to the face combo on Chavo nearly snagged the titles. An elvated missile dropkick got another nearfall. Eddie however clocks Tajiri with a tag title belt to score the pin. Los Guerreros retain. ***

    Winners:Los Guerrero(via a beltshot to Tajiri)


    Notes:The WWE Tag Team title has lost image.

    A match signed for the Rumble

    The Guerreros are celebrating in the back when Stephanie McMahon comes in.

    Stephanie:You think you are cute ruining a tag title match. Well here is something to think about. You will defend those tag team titles at the Rumble against Kaientai 2003 AGAIN. This time the belts will be hanging above the ring and it will be a ladder match.

    The Guerreros are protesting but Stephanie has made her ruling.


    Notes:Stephanie McMahon gained overness from this segment. Eddie Guerrero gained overness from this segment. Tajiri gained overness from this segment.

    Spanky vs Albert

    Highlights:Debut for Spanky, the newest signing of Smackdown. Spanky was thrown around like a rag doll but Spanky hit a surprise sunset flip and scored the pin. Spanky than ran to the back before Albert could get revenge. Spanky could be a big star in the Smackdown cruiserweight division. ** 1/2

    Winner:Spanky(via sunset flip)

    67(61, 74)

    Notes:Albert lost overness from this match.

    Finally the Rock has come back to Smackdown

    "If you smell what the Rock is cooking"

    The crowd pops big time and out comes the Rock. He has returned. The Rock enters the ring.

    The Rock:Finally The Rock has come back....to Smackdown.

    The crowd cheers.

    The Rock:It is great to be back. 2003 is going to be the year of the Rock. The Rock will regain the WWE World Title this year if you smell what the Rock...

    Mattitude facts:

    Matt Hardy was originally the favorite to play the Scorpion King in the Mummy Returns and the Scorpion King but he turned down the part.

    Matt Hardy can do the People's eyebrow better than the Rock.

    Out comes Matt Hardy Version 1.0 with his junior M'fer Shannon Moore. What business does Matt Hardy have out here. He enters the ring. The Rock looks a little upset.

    The Rock:Before you speak let the Rock ask you one question, WHO in the blue hell do you think you are.

    Mattitude:I'm Ma...


    The crowd cheers.

    The Rock:You intruded on the Rock's comeback so you have three seconds and The Rock means three seconds before the Rock lays the smackdown on you.

    Matt Hardy:You listen Rock. You are no longer the star of Smackdown and 2003 is not the year of the Rock. It is the year of Matt Hardy....Version 1.0. By the time I have achieved total greatness, the fans will forget all about you Rocky. But I admit one thing. You are great. But you are lacking one essential thing.

    The Rock:What is that pray tell, you rooty poo?

    Matt Hardy:Mattitude. You are too late to be saved so I will do you a favor by putting you out of wrestling.

    The Rock:So you want a match tonight, jabroni?

    Matt Hardy:Not tonight. I have a hangnail. I cannot wrestle tonight...you will fight my junior M'fer, Shannon Moore. Shannon, you have another chance to become a full fledged M'Fer. Do not blow it this time.


    Notes:Matt Hardy Version 1.0 gained overness from this segment.

    Shannon Moore(w/Matt Hardy Version 1.0) vs The Rock

    Highlights:The Rock layed the smackdown on Shannon Moore with punches at the bell. The Rock threw Moore to the outside and Moore looks to have landed on his leg. Matt Hardy throws him back into the ring and Moore walks right into the Rock Bottom. The Rock scores the pin. The Rock leaves but after the match, Matt Hardy slaps Shannon Moore around a bit. So the Rock comes back to the ring and lays out Matt Hardy with a Rock Bottom. The Rock stands tall but Mattitude will not live this one down. ** 3/4

    Winner:The Rock(via The Rock Bottom)

    73(69, 78)

    Rhyno sees what the Smackdown side has to offer

    Stephanie is in her office when Rhyno walks in.

    Stephanie:Rhyno, Smackdown's hottest free agent. I saw you talking to Eric Bischoff on Raw. A piece of advice, do not sign with that piece of slime. He only will use you for his own gains. I will however give you main event matches and title shots. I...

    Rhyno holds up his hand.

    Rhyno:Just bring a contract to the Rumble. I will tell the Bischoff the same thing. I will read them both and see what is the better offer. I will make my decision at the Royal Rumble. The decision will be best for me and not for any brand.


    Notes:Rhyno gained overness from this segment.

    The Big Show vs Edge

    Highlights:Very few because it is a Big Show match. Edge hit a spear off the second rope but Heyman got involved. Edge attacked him and Brock entered the ring. Brock wiped out the Show with a chair and Edge scored the pin. After the match, Brock hit the F5 on The Show and stalked Heyman. ** 1/2

    Winner:Edge(help from Brock)

    71(78, 57)

    Brock Lesnar and Chris Benoit vs Team Angle

    Highlights:Team Angle used some great technical wrestling skills but so did Benoit and Brock even busted out some moves that he learned from his amauteur days. Benoit suplexes Charlie and Kurt Angle ran out and broke a crutch over Benoit. DQ happens. Afterwards Kurt, Charlie, and Shelton beat up Benoit and Brock. Big Show came out as well and choke slammed Brock. Team Angle stood tall as Smackdown went off of the air. ** 3/4

    73(67, 79)


  25. WWE Raw 1-6-02

    Main Event Made:

    Eric Bischoff is sitting in his office smirking.

    Bischoff:Have I got a man event for you fans to kick off the new year. Chris Jericho will team up with Triple H to face Rob Van Dam and Scott Steiner. and you fans think I don't care.

    Bischoff smirks as we fade to the arena.


    Notes:Chris Jericho lost overness from this segment

    Raven's Masterpiece:Not what you think

    "Caw Caw Caw"

    Out comes Raven in his old school ECW attire. He has a gym bag. What in the hell.

    Raven:Tonight on Raw, my materpiece finally is revealed. However it is not what you thought it was or anything. This is my masterpiece.

    Raven reaches into the gym bag....and pulls out the old WWE Hardcore Title. Wasn't that belt made extinct by Eric Bischoff.

    Raven:Yes the hardcore title belt is back and I am going to defend the belt against the first person who comes out.

    "What Does Everyone Want"

    Out comes Al Snow to the ring. A former multi time hardcore champion in his own right. Snow runs to the ring and we have a match.


    Notes:Raven gained overness from this segment.

    WWE Hardcore Title:Raven vs Al Snow

    Highlights:Some stiff weapon shots in this match. Raven was hit with Head but kicked out. Snow tried to blast Raven with a fire extiguisher but couldn't get it to work. Raven creamed Snow with a trash can lid and hit the Evenflow DDT on a piece of wood for the pin to retain the Hardcore Title. ** 3/4

    Winner:Raven(DDT on plywood)

    73(71, 76)

    Notes:The WWE Hardcore Title has gained in image.

    The hottest free agent in wrestling:

    Eric Bischoff is sitting at his desk when Rhyno walks in.

    Bischoff:Rhyno. The hottest free agent in wrestling. You were in the WWE before the brand extension but got injured. So you are neither contracted to Raw or Smackdown. Well it so happens that I have a spot open on Raw that could use some filling.

    Rhyno:I know what you are doing, Bischoff. Sucking up to me, so you can sign me to your brand. Well I may or may not sign. I want to hear what both sides have to offer and I will make my choice in due time. I will make what is best for ME and not for any brand.

    Rhyno walks off. Bischoff has a frown on his face.

    Bischoff:I don't care what I have to do but Stephanie is not signing him if I can help it.


    Three Minute Warning vs William Regal and Lance Storm vs The Dudley Boys-winners face the tag champions at the Royal Rumble

    Highlights:The winner faces Bookdust at the Rumble. All six men brawled and Three Minute warning gets eliminated after a 3D from the Dudleys pins Jamal. Storm got hit with the 3D but he was not the legal man. This allows Regal to hit D-Von with the Power of the Punch and score the pin. Regal and Storm face Bookdust at the Royal Rumble. ** 3/4

    Winners:Regal and Storm(via Power of the Punch)


    Kane vs Rico

    Highlights:Poor Rico. Kane's punching bag tonight OR IS HE. Kane pounds Rico for about a minute and KEVIN NASH COMES FROM THE BACK. Nash assaults Kane with a baseball bat. Kane wins by DQ and Nash keeps up the assault with more bat shots. Kane is left a bloody mess in the ring thanks to the returning Kevin Nash. ** 3/4

    Kane(dq after Nash murders Kane with a ballbat


    Nash reveals the truth

    Nash is on the stage. He has a microphone.

    Nash:You know that man in the ring. HE IS A FRAUD. He isn't the brother of the Undertaker. I will tell you who the hell he is. The Undertaker did have a brother named Kane, but he DID die in the blaze that killed The Undertaker's parents. That imposter is a man by the name of Glen Jacobs. He was just hired by Paul Bearer to play Kane. And 7 years ago the WWE got the bright idea to replace Kevin Nash with this moron. Diesel II. So Glen, paybacks are a motherf*****.

    Nash throws down the microphone. The announcers are shocked at this. Nash just blew "Kane's" cover.


    Goldust vs Dave Batista(w/Ric Flair)

    Highlights:Goldust tried to defeat Batista, who is undefeated in the WWE. Goldust failed to take the big man down after Flair tripped Goldust up. Goldust went after Flair and Batista hit him with the Trip to Hell(Sitdown Powerbomb). Batista remains undefeated. ** 3/4

    Winner:Dave Batista(via the Trip to Hell)

    75(76, 73)

    Molly Holly vs Trish Stratus

    Highlights:Trish and Molly had a good little match until Victoria ran in. Victoria attacks both women causing a no-contest. A three way brawl occurs and no winner is determined. ***

    Winner:None(due to Victoria attacking both women)

    78(88, 55)

    After the commericial it is announced to Victoria will face Trish and Molly both for the Woman's Title at the Royal Rumble.

    Christian vs Booker T

    Highlights:Christian hit a reverse DDT for two and misses a flying elbowdrop. Booker T made a comeback. Pair of ax kicks and a spinaroonie. Spinebuster Slam and then the Houston Hangover gets the duke. Booker T scores a big win. *** 1/4

    Winner:Booker T(via Houston Hangover)

    83(84, 81)

    Scott Steiner and Rob Van Dam vs Triple H and Chris Jericho

    Highlights:RVD played Ricky Morton and he made the hot tag after a spin kick to Jericho. Steiner smoked Jericho with a couple of suplexes and Steiner brawled with HHH to the back(RVD got tagged back in, on Steiners way out). Jericho tagged RVD with a chair but HBK comes out. The referee is meanwhile trying to break up the fight between Steiner and The Game. Jericho swings at HBK with the chair but HBK ducks. HBK yanks the chair away and creams Jericho with it. RVD hops up and Five Stars Jericho for the win. *** 1/4

    Winners:Scott Steiner and RVD(via Five Star Frog Splash on Jericho for the pin)

    82(85, 77)


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