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Everything posted by Evansfan1

  1. It is only 2 years in time. I can easily see Cena and Orton Main Eventing stiil. With maybe Batista, Rey is an iffy. But the posters are cool though. I like the Mania logo along with it being in Japan. The second seems a bit better as I don't like the boxed pics for the guys in the first one.
  2. Well I am sort of a newbie, haven't been making graphics for to long. And once I saw the topic, I was like oh shit I am done, and I knew I would lose.
  3. I can do kyky, but I can promise to always answer your requests. Only when I have time.
  4. Just realized the deadline was Sunday. So just looked at a movie website and the first movie I saw was coming out soon was Ice Age 2 so I did that. Just threw this together and it isn't my best.
  5. I like both graphics, but I am going to go with [ Tyler ] just because I don't like how AD's font is below the TEW 2005. I think he only should up put it like Tyler's making it like 2 words instead of taking up so much room. [ Tyler ]
  6. This was for a battle on another board. What do you guys think. It was make a graphic for the enter of a wrestlers website.
  7. I really like mine actually except maybe the font.
  8. Yea sure, you can be in I guess. Let's make the deadline next Sunday which is March 5.
  9. I was just wondering if anyone would like to battle me. It could be on anything wrestling related and that's basically it. And I wouldn't like to do DVD covers if possible. So who will respond to my challenge?
  10. I vote JTE as I just dont like the flow of Orton and the Dragon in the background. With Jimmy's I really like Batista as the focus and I like the effect on him. JTE
  11. With the pics i got a lil tired as I was working on the actual DVD cover for a while as I had to fix it up to look like an ROH one from a RAW one. Danielson has some hair now with a beard growing back like he use to have.
  12. This is my first ever DVD cover I made. It is for ROH's Show last night.
  13. Eh, mine isn't the best. Here it is: I got the pics on google by searching, Evil Santa.
  14. I did use brushes. The whole bg is with brushes.
  15. I have made a poster for Final Resolution. Tell me what you think about it. I am still sort of a newbie in graphic making, but this one I think is one of my best pieces.
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