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The Daily Highlight

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Hello and welcome to the first ever edition of The Daily Highlight, as the name states, I will be highlighting many different promotions around the Globe and giving you upto date information on them. So lets kick things off with Combat Zone Wrestling...

Combat Zone Wrestling, run by Fat Frank Iadevaia and currently trading at cult level. They are said to be in icy waters and are in financial problems, we do hope to see them get past this as they may not have many good workers but the ones they do have can put on rather entertaining matches.

Imakerumours.com reported that Christopher Daniels may be leaving NWA:TNA in the coming months after shooting on Jeff Jarrett and telling Jerry Jarrett that he cant run a proper promotion, if he does leave TNA then it is expected he will either return to Ring of Honor or go to Japan.

Wrestling Anaylists are predicing the worst slump in the wrestling business since back in the late 90's, around 1997. The bigger promotions are expected to trim their rosters so that they can push new wrestlers and hopefully allow new people to get into wrestling and raise wrestling from this slump.

As with every Daily Highlight, I plan to spotlight an up and comign wrestler, and the wrestler who I have noticed the most recentley and for some reason he isnt over, is Justice Styles. He currently works for Wrestle Dome who I advise people to see because of the fact that Justice Stytles is there, and being that he is the world champ it is almost guaranteed he will be at each and every show. Wrestle Dome is the only place you will actually se Justice Styles as he created the company and thats why he is the World Champ, but I've heard a lot of good things about him so he probably isnt one of these power crazy bookers, like Triple H.

Probably the most shocking news article is that Hollywood Hulk Hogan has re-signed with World Wrestling Entertainment despite the fact that Vince McMahon, owner of WWE, has a personal dislike for him. Well, maybe its a way to get the old school wrestling fans back into the wrestling industry, we can all just hope it works for the good of all wrestling promotions in North America.

Total Championship Wrestling, a newly created fed running at cult level, signed a LOT of workers yesterday, here is a list of all the workers signed...

Ichiro Yaguchi, Joey Matthews, Bryan Danielson, Keven Martel, Scoot Andrews, Genki Sudo, Joey Kaos, The Messiah, Kentaro Shiga, Elix Skipper and Matt Stryker.

A Pretty solid roster they have there, if booked right then TCW could easily gather a good fanbase pretty quickly, and become another promotion that succeeds.

Well hope you enjoed being informed by all of this news, I'll be back tomorrow with even more news, rumours and gossip from the world of wrestling. Until then, Bye the book... Oh sorry. Just goodbye.

Chris Glen.

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