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Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


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Guest Locutus of Borg

Wasn't the question actually "What do you get when you multiply six by seven?"

Or rather, they were going to get a slightly screwed question because the Earth computer matrix went wrong (with the humans replacing the original apes), so when they discerned it from Aurther's brain using the well-known scientific method of a Scrabble bag, they got "What do you get when you multiply six by eight?".

...Or did I just misinterpret that bit entirely?

I though the humans crash landed on Earth and were actually all the useless occupations on another planet that they're civilization ditched.

Wow this was totally a spoiler.

Edited by Locutus of Borg
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Yeah, I couldn't remember the names of the guys who crash landed...

It may just be me, but it seems a little silly to try and keep a lid on 'spoilers' of something that's been around for decades and in three different mediums already... Hell, everyone already knows the Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything - that's got to be the biggest spoiler of all time. :shifty:

In any case - I apologise, and have removed the spoiler. You can edit your quotes in turn if you wish.

Edited by stokeriño
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Guest Locutus of Borg

But I haven't seen the "Sixth Sense" so I didn't know that, but I don't care since I'll probably never see it. Some people here, however have never read the books and plan on reading them, which is strongly advised before seeing the movie.

I'm ready. Already got a group of Douglas Adams fans together and we're all hitting the movie first showing here.

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Definitely read the books first, watching the film first will spoil your imagination when reading the book (i.e. you'll see the actors in the role in your mind's eye, not as fun, IMO). Course, if you've seen the tv series, ignore this :P

Anhyone else picture Jasper Carrott as Arthur when they first read the books?

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