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Guest Botmaster4lyfe

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Guest Vaice

I feel like i've made a difference....lol, Excited waiting for breakdown..

WAPW World Title Ladder Match : Zero over Evers

Marvel over Regal

Yggdrasil over Kage

Rade over Gaaanngsta

Inferno over Strong

The Perfect Suplex washing machine over Enjoyer of Darkness

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Guest Botmaster4lyfe

World Anarchy Pro Wrestling presents BREAKDOWN! April 1st, 2006

The show starts out……………..with what sounds like the stock bell!

Here comes Michael Fiocchi…dressed as JBL! He has a white cowboy hat, a jacket with a towel around his neck, and his tights say “JBF” in gold lettering. He smiles and waves his hat to the crowd before slowly rolling into the ring. He asks for a microphone.

Fiocchi: For those of you ignorant people in the crowd, let me introduce myself. My name is John Bradshaw Fiocchi. I once was just another face in the crowd, a member of an irrelevant tag team. But see, I am more than that: I am SUCCESSFUL. My stock portfolio doesn’t just match the Stock market, it BEAT the market. And most importantly, I held THE Most prestigious belt in Wrestling for 10 GLORIOUS months. My opponent tonight, Jacob Ryland, claims to be some sort of Ultimate Ladies Man. But that doesn’t matter in the ring. And Ryland, you had better prepare to BOW Before the feet of a Wrestling……………..GOD.

Overall: 64

RA NOTES: Michael Fiocchi gained overness from this segment.

Michael Fiocchi vs Jacob Ryland

Ryland comes out looking a bit upset about Fiocchi’s comments. Even so, he stops to talk with a girl in the front row. He reaches to get her his number, but Fiocchi leaves the ring and attacks! They brawl in the aisle before Ryland bounces Fiocchi’s head against the Steel Steps, then throws him into the ring.

One thing that’s clear in this match is that Fiocchi, by impersonating JBL, has a limited moveset that he can do. That’s really the only drawback to the match, as the crowd is incredibly into it. Both men have characters that have gotten really over with the fans, and there are chants for both men. Ryland slows down the match after a bit with a chinlock, and asks for a microphone. He turns the chinlock so that he’s facing the girl he talked to earlier, and says “Baby, do you have a map on ya? Because I just keep getting lost in your eyes!”. He drops a sleezy wink at the girl, but just then Fiocchi starts to fight back with several elbows to Ryland’s face. Ryland breaks the hold, lifts up Fiocchi, and whips him into the ropes. Fiocchi ducks a clothesline, then as Ryland runs back in, Fiocchi picks him up, and hits the Fallaway Slam on him! Cover, but only a two count.

Fiocchi and Ryland go back and forth for a while, with Fiocchi bringing the power man style (ironic considering he’s a Lightweight) and Ryland skipping his mat style and going for his high flying moves. The crowd remains hot throughout the opener, cheering for Fiocchi and booing everything that Ryland does. Ryland knocks down Fiocchi with a nice Enzeguri, then climbs to the top rope. He waits on Fiocchi to get up, then leaps off for a cross body…..but Fiocchi turns it into a Powerslam! He then signals for the Clothesline from hell, waits on Ryland, then goes for it, but Ryland ducks under, grabs onto Fiocchi’s arm, and whips him into the corner. Ryland backs up, then runs in for a Stinger Splash, but Fiocchi jumps out of the way, and runs woard the opposite ropes. Ryland hits the turnbuckle hard, and turns around, direct into the Clothesline from Hell! 1……..2……3! After the match, Fiocchi climbs each turnbuckle and plays the crowd. He slowly goes outside the ring, and grabs his hat. He goes back into the ring, and stands above Ryland. He raises his arms to another pop...but Ryland suddenly swings his leg up, right into Fiocchi’s groin! Fiocchi goes down, and Ryland slowly makes his way to his feet…then gets on top of Fiocchi and rains down punches! The referee finally manages to pull Ryland off, and he leaves the ring and walks to the back to boos from the crowd. (**1/2)

Overall: 63 (57CR, 69MQ)

Sebastion Suplex vs Shadow Sean Drake

Sebastion gets a great pop coming out: he’s really become very popular in a short amount of time. Drake comes out shrouded in darkness, and has added yet another part of his outfit: a flap that hangs over the rest face (The part that isn’t covered by the hood) that lets him see out, but it is impossible to see in. He gets into the ring and removes the hood and outfit, then tests the ropes.

The two start up with a lock up, and Drake immediately strikes Sebastion in the face with an open Palm Strike! Suplex holds his face, then goes for another tie up, with the same result! Sebastion calls for one more tie up, and Drake laughs to himself. They tie up again, Drake goes for another palm strike, but Sebastion moves out of the way, hooks Drake’s arm and head, and hits a Head and arm Overhead Suplex! He goes for a quick cover, but Drake kicks out at one. Drake gets up, only to be hit with an Exploder Suplex! Sebastion backs up into the ropes as Drake gets up again, and runs at him, only for Sebastion to grab Drake around the waist and hit a Front Suplex, throwing Drake over the top rope and to the floor! Sebastion pumps the crowd up as Drake slowly rolls back into the ring, and they face off again.

Despite the differing styles, this turns out to be a great match. Drake’s striking style (which he has started to master) and Sebastion’s suplex (of course) style mesh together perfectly, and the crowd’s heat on Drake (he’s one of our top heels) also makes them cheer Sebastion even louder. Drake’s powerful strikes start to wear down Sebastion (including some hard chops that bruise his chest), but Sebastion kicks out of everything thrown at him.

Drake sets Sebastion up in the middle of the ring, then kicks him in the stomach and calls for The Eclipse. But when he goes for it, Sebastion backs up, and grabs Drake from behind for a German Suplex! Drake counters it, goes behind Sebstion, and tries for the Dark Grasp. But Sebastion escapes behind Drake, and hooks in a Cobra Clutch of his own….before turning it into a Cobra Clutch Suplex, dropping Drake right on the back of his head! Cover 1…..2…….3, and in what can be considered a big upset, Sebastion Suplex cleanly pins Shadow Sean Drake! (***)

Overall: 69 (55CR, 84MQ)

RA NOTES: Shadow Sean Drake lost overness from this match. Sebastion Suplex gained overness from this match.

Kid Inferno vs Roderick Strong

Inferno leaves his commentary post and rolls into the ring for his match. As he bounces off the ropes, Roderick Strong makes his entrance. He pauses before getting into the ring to jaw jack with some fans, and out of nowhere Inferno hits a baseball slide between the bottom and middle rope, knocking down Strong! Strong is down on the ground, and Inferno grabs the top rope and leaps over, dropping an elbow onto Strong! Inferno throws Strong back into the ring, then slaps hands with all the fans at ringside before rolling in himself to start the match officially.

Strong and Inferno, two of my top all rounders in the federation, put on a great match. Inferno, having not wrestled a match for a while, is especially determined to win as he absolutely blitzes Strong with a series of elbows and then a Somersault Kick (!) to Strong’s face! He covers, but Strong quickly kicks out. Inferno waits on Strong to get up, then runs in, but Strong catches Inferno with a Tilt A Whirl, into a Backbreaker! 1` 1……2…..no, Inferno kicks out. Strong pulls Inferno up to a sitting position, then bounces off the ropes and hits a soccer kick right to Inferno’s back! Inferno goes down, and Strong covers him, only to get another two count.

Strong and Inferno’s styles match up quite well as they fight for a good 15 minutes. Inferno brings the explosive, high risk moves while Strong hits high impact moves to wear Inferno down. There are several false finishes throught the match with both men hitting crazy moves, but only getting two counts. Strong brings out several of his backbreaker variations, but Kid Inferno impressively kicks out of every one. Strong finally gets frustrated, and calls for the Sidewinder. He goes for it, but Inferno flips out of it onto his feet and hits an Enzeguri! Strong goes down, and Inferno crawls to the apron. He springboards off the top rope, and hits a Senton onto Strong! He covers,but only gets a two. Inferno immediately drags Strong to the corner, and climbs up. He goes for the Shooting Star Press, but Strong gets his knees up, and Inferno crashes! Strong makes his way to his feet, pulls up Inferno, and picks him up in a Gorilla Press, but with Inferno facing up instead of down….then Strong drops down to his back and puts his knees up, dropping Inferno into an absolutely BRUTAL Backbreaker! Cover 1…………2……….3! Roderick Strong gets the victory! (***)

Overall: 67 (52CR, 82MQ)

Triple Threat Match: Gangsta Greg vs Chris Rade vs Masashi Yatamari

Rade makes his entrance first, walking to the ring while cracking his knuckles. Greg makes his entrance second….and is ambushed from behind by Yatamari! Greg and Yatamari brawl down the aisle…without noticing that Rade has uncharacteristically climbed to the top rope! Greg and Yatamari fight all the way to the side of the ring, where Rade leaps off the top rope with a Plancha to both men! They all brawl around the ring, then finally make their way into the ring for the official start of the match.

Three styles are represented in this match: Pure High Flying (Greg), Pure Mat Wrestling (Rade), and a combination of both (Yatamari). Greg and Rade double team Yatamari for a bit, hitting some nice combination moves. However, like most triple threats, they start to argue over the pin, which quickly degenerates into Greg and Rade brawling. Rade whips Greg into the ropes, but Greg jumps up to the middle rope, then jumps back and turns, looking for a hurricanrana, but Rade catches him out of mid air with a powerbomb…..then switches to a Texas Cloverleaf! He doesn’t hold it in for long, as Yatamari runs in with a basement dropkick to Rade’s head, breaking the hold!

Really notable in this match is that, even though his previous matches have been a bit lackluster, Chris Rade is notably a lot more active. He takes it to both men with strikes and submissions, and rallys the crowd behind him. He throws Yatamari into the corner, then knocks down Greg with a stiff elbow, before flipping him over and applying a death lock! Yatamari sees this, and runs in, but Rade suddenly hooks Yatamari’s chest with his left hand and drops back into a Northern Lights Suplex! 1…..2….no, Yatamari kicks out, just as Rade applies a Mutalock to Greg! Greg struggles, but Yatamari gets up and stomps on Rade before Greg can tap.

The crowd starts to get loud towards the end of the match, as Yatamari is in complete control of both men. He whips Greg into the ropes, then as Greg is coming back, Yatamari grabs him by the hair and literally throws him over the top rope! Greg lands with a sick thud on the mat. Yatamari whips Rade into the corner hard, causing Rade to fall down in front of it. Yatamari runs in, grabs the top rope, leaps up, and goes for his Split Legged Moonsault…but Rad rolls out of the way! Yatamari hits the mat, and Rade kips up. He waits on Yatamari, then hooks him from behind and Tiger Suplexes him! 1……2…..3! Chris Rade wins the Triple Threat!(**1/2)

Overal: 61 (44CR, 78MQ)

Yggdrasil vs Kage

Yggdrasil makes his way out first, decked in his long black robe. He’s also painted what appear to be ancient Egyptian symbols on his face and chest. He rolls into the ring, takes off his coat, and waits in the corner. Kage comes out, and he’s also added some ink: he’s not wearing his leather jacket to show off his new Arm Tattoo of barbed wire around his bicep. He rolls into the ring and raises his arms to great heat (Kage is, after all, our #2 Heel). Kage and Yggdrasil circle each other as the bell rings.

They start with a test of strength, which Kage wins, forcing Yggdrasil to the mat, where Kage immediately applies a front Headlock. Yggdrasil counters into a head scissors but Kage rolls out of it and applies a leg lock. Yggdrasil responds by booting Kage right in the face, then pulls Kage in with his leg and into an Armbar. Kage rolls out, and applies an Armbar of his own. Yggdrasil escapes, switches to Kage’s legs, and goes to a Spinning Toe Hold. But Kage kicks Yggdrasil off into the ropes, and as Yggdrasil is coming back, Kage rolls backward while grabbing his leg, and locks in a Single Leg Crab! Yggdrasil makes his way out of that, then quickly gets up, and Yggdrasil and Kage have a stand off to a standing ovation from the crowd!

The rest of the match is just as hot as the start of it. Both Kage and Yggdrasil are great technical workers with some brawling skill, and their styles match up perfectly here. This match is even better than their match at WAPW Carnage, as both men (Kage in particular) are much more over. Kage eventually switches his game to brawling, but is surprised to find that Yggdrasil can brawl just as well! Yggdrasil beats Kage into the corner with some left hands, dropping Kage to a sitting position in the corner. Yggdrasil hits a few boots, then bounces off the ropes and hits a running Face Wash (With a few fans in the crowd chanting Ole a few times). Yggdrasil goes for the cover, but only gets a two count.

Kage finally gets completely fed up with the match, and floors Yggdrasil with a clothesline. He climbs out of the ring, grabs a chair, and rolls back in. He raises the chair to hit Yggdrasil, but referee Matt Columbus grabs it out of his hands! Kage goes nuts, screaming at him…giving Yggdrasil the opening to chop block the back of Kage’s knee! Kage goes down, and Yggdrasil locks in The Painful Existance….now re-named the Necronomicon! He pulls back on the move……and Kage taps! Yggdrasil wins an incredible match, as the crowd gives him a loud ovation for winning one hell of a match. (***1/4)

Overall: 71 (54CR, 89MQ)

RA NOTES: Kage lost overness from this match. Yggdrasil gained overness from this match.

Regal vs Shawn Marvel, Loser receives 5 kicks from the winner

The stakes are high for this match, as Regal and Marvel have the most brutal kicks in WAPW. Shawn Marvel makes his entrance first, cockily strutting to the ring, holding what appears to be a small cloth. When he rolls into the ring, goes up to the referee, and says something to him. The referee shakes his head no….and Marvel grabs him by the hair, and says it again! He forces the cloth into the referee’s hands….and the referee reluctantly goes down to his knees and cleans off Marvel’s boots! Marvel laughs, then takes the cloth and throws it into the referee’s face, just as Regal makes his way out. Regal rolls into the ring, but is immediately hit by stomps from Marvel!

Marvel has the early advantage in the match thanks to that attack, and quickly throws Regal into the corner and lights up his chest with chops. He then snapmares Regal, and kicks him in the back….which only fires up Regal! Marvel hits another kick, but Regal gets up, yelling at Marvel to kick him again! Marvel tries, but Regal catches his foot, then swings with a kick to Marvel’s chest, knocking Marvel all the way to the outside!

The rest of the match continues as a good back and forth contest. However, one thing stands out: Regal is definitely the underdog. He is simply outclassed in the ring by Marvel, and it shows as Marvel keeps getting the advantage. Regal still gets in a lot of good offense, mostly consisting of his kicks. He gets several near falls, before throwing Marvel to the outside. As Marvel slowly gets up, Regal bounces off the ropes, and dives through into a Tope! Marvel goes down, and Regal throws him into the ring, then climbs to the top rope, and comes off with a Double Stomp! Cover 1…..2….no!

The two compete for a while longer, with the crowd behind Regal. After escaping an attempted Simply Marvelous, Regal kicks Marvel in the back of the knee a few times. He then lifts Marvel to a standing position, and whips him into the ropes. As Marvle comes back, Regal goes for the Viper Kick, but Marvel escapes it by pushing Regal away when he tries to throw Marvel into the air. Regal quickly goes for a clothesline, but Marvel ducks, Regal bounces off the ropes…and is hit with the Final Detail! Marvel covers 1……2…..3! Marvel gets the win! (**3/4)

Overall: 63 (48CR, 79MQ)

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I’m treating this next part as its own segment, even though it wasn’t one in EWR.

Regal slowly gets up after his match, as Shawn Marvel waits in the corner, just laughing. Regal knows what’s coming next, and he backs up into the ropes. The referee brings over some rope…but Regal refuses it, instead just hooking his arms on the ropes! He nods his head that he’s ready. Marvel plays it up a bit, getting the cloth he brought to the ring and wiping his shoe off. He then frames up Regal with his fingers, lines up…..and hits the 1st Final Detail! Regal snaps back, but doesn’t go down. He stares straight ahead at Marvel, who frames up Regal again, then hits the 2nd Final Detail. Regal drops to one knee…..but makes his way back up, motioning he’s ready for the next one! The crowd start to chant for Regal, as Marvel lines up a third time, then hits a 3rd Final Detail! This time, Regal does fall off the ropes to his hands and knees. The referee runs in to check on him, but Regal shoves him off. Regal stands up…and we see he’s bleeding from a gash on his forehead! He hooks his arms in the ropes again, as Marvel looks momentarily stunned….but quickly shakes it off, lines up, and hits his 4th Final Detail! Shockingly, Regal doesn’t go down, instead shaking it off (even though his gash is now bleeding even more), and actually yells out “IS THAT ALL YOU GOT, ASSHOLE?” Marvel looks pissed, as he suddenly runs towards Regal. He instead bounces off the ropes that Regal is on, then he bounces of the opposite ropes….and hits a SICK running Final Detail! Regal goes down on this one, completely motionless. Marvel stands triumphant and poses for the crowd to booes….before noticing that Regal is getting up! Regal stumbles to his feet, and stares down Marvel. He gets right in his face (Think the old Tommy Dreamer/Sandman Singapore Cane match Aftermath), and starts saying something. Regal says “Is that all you got? That’s it? I’m just bleeding, that’s it. I’m not KO’d. I’m still standing, bitch.” Marvel looks at Regal with a mixture of Shock and Respect. Regal turns around to leave….and Marvel hits another Final Detail to the back of Regal’s head! Regal goes down, and the crowd gets all over Marvel booing as he just laughs and leaves the ring, strutting to the back. The referee helps Regal to his feet…and Regal shoves him off again! Regal walks out of the ring by himself, even though his face is dripping blood, and walks to the back to a Standing Ovation from the crowd.

It’s Main Event Time!

A few members of the Ring Crew run out, one of whom is holding the WAPW World Title, another of whom is carrying a ladder. They set the ladder up as a thin rope to hang the title from is lowered from the ceiling. As he hangs the WAPW up….Kyle Evers music hits! He struts to the ring, carrying a ladder of his own…and it’s a HUGE one! He throws it into the ring, then shoos the Ring Crew members away. Grabs the ladder the Ring Crew brought, throws it to the outside, sets up his own larger ladder under the title, and grabs a microphone.

Kyle Evers: It’s about damn time. FINALLY, I get the title shot that I deserve, and I will FINALLY win that WAPW World Title. And you know why? Because I am ELITE.

Evers starts to climb the ladder.

Evers: See, I have always known that I am the best wrestler this company has to offer. But you people haven’t believed me, for some odd reason. Well, by winning the WAPW World title, you people will FINALLY realize my greatness.

Evers continues to climb….but he doesn’t notice Scott Zero, without his music, running to the ring to a huge pop! Even with the pop, Evers doesn’t notice.

Evers: And you see, at long, LONG last, the title will finally go around the waist of me. Around the waist of Greatness. Around the waist of…

At this point, Zero rolls into the ring, and shoves the Ladder! Evers falls off of it (he’s about halfway up), and lands throat first on the top rope! He falls to the mat as Zero grabs the microhphone.

Zero: That’ll shut you up. Now ring the fucking bell!

The crowd pops as the bell does ring, and the match is on!

Overall: 75

RA NOTES: Scott Zero gained overness from this segment. Kyle Evers gained overness from this segment.

WAPW TITLE LADDER MATCH: Scott Zero © vs “Elite” Kyle Evers

Evers holds his throat as he stumbles into the corner, but is met with a series of Zero’s trademark throat chops! Evers drops down, and Zero drops down on to of Evers, raining down punches! Evers shoves him off and rolls to the outside, as Zero rallies the crowd. Evers takes a breather in the entrance ramp, giving Zero time to grab onto Evers larger ladder, and set it up in the corner. Zero rolls out after Evers, but is nailed with a Clothesline! Evers grabs onto the smaller lader, rolls into the ring with it, and immediately sets it up and starts climbing furiously! But Zero dives into the ring and pulls Evers off the ladder, and they start brawling again, ending with Zero throwing Evers into the ropes, then clotheslining him over the top rope with such forece that Zero goes out too!

The first few minutes of the match see no action with the ladders. Instead, they brawl around the ring, exchanging punches and kicks. Evers gets the advantage, and bounces Zero’s head against the Apron. Evers jumps into the ring again, and goes for the small ladder. He sets it up, and starts to climb, but Zero comes into the ring, and climbs the other side! They get near the top and start trading punches. Zero gains the upper hand, hitting a few punches on Evers, but Evers drops off the ladder onto his feet and shoves it over, causing Zero to crash into the turnbuckle! Instead of going for the title, however, Evers lifts Zero up in the corner. He takes the small ladder, and throws it on top of Zero in the corner. Evers leaves the ring, and grabs a chair from ringside. He opens it up as he rolls back in, then sets it up near Zero’s corner. Evers goes to the other side of the ring, then turns around and runs in, springing off the chair….only for Zero to throw the ladder right into Evers’ face as he is in mid-air! Evers goes down, and the crowd goes wild! As Evers tries to get up, it’s clear he is busted open badly! Zero takes the advantage, and hooks Evers for the Absolute Zero…and hits it! With Evers down again, Zero goes over to the Huge ladder, and opens it up, putting it close to the corner, the rungs facing the corner and the title. Zero clearly isn’t done, as he waits on Evers to make it to his knees. Just as he does, Zero runs in for the Zero Tolerance, but just as he goes for it, Evers dives out of the way, then jumps up behind Zero and hooks his arms, lifts up Zero, and hits the Elite Eliminator (Vertebreaker). Zero is down, as Evers grabs the smaller ladder, and sets it up. He climbs up, but he takes time to pose for the crowd, who boo him. The pause also gave Zero time to get up, and he climbs the other side of the ladder! Evers turns around, directly into a right hand…..then Zero hooks Evers by the head! He lifts Evers up, and at the same time, Zero jumps off…into a FALCON ARROW OFF THE LADDER! The crowd pops huge as both men lay in the ring, motionless.

Zero is the first one to get up, and he shockingly locks Evers in the STF instead of going for the belt! He wrenches on the move, as Evers taps out, but it means nothing, as Zero stretches the move. Evers face begins to get covered in blood as Zero FINALLY releases the hold, then chucks Evers over the top rope! Zero doesn’t have much energy, as he just crawls to the ladder. He starts to make his way up, but trips and falls to the bottom. Just as he starts to make his way up again, Evers climbs up onto the apron, and makes his way to the corner where the large ladder is Opened next to it. Zero starts his climb again, Evers starts to climb the other ladder, so that the two men are facing each other. Evers climbs a bit quicker, and makes it to the top of the big ladder just before Zero makes it to the top. Evers switches footing so he’s now sitting on top of the huge ladder. Zero reaches up…but he sells his ribs, and bends over on top of the ladder. Evers gets a crazy look in his eye........he makes a cross with his right hand on his body, then leaps off! As he jumps, he slowly angles his body, then as he goes over Zero, he manages to grab onto Zero’s waist, take him over…………..INTO A SUNSET FLIP POWERBOMB, FROM THE LARGE LADDER TO THE OTHER!!!! Both men CRASH to the mat hard, with Zero taking the more painful bump, as the crowd goes absolutely nuts, starting a “HOLY SHIT!” Chant.

Both men lie in the ring, totally motionless, until the crowd’s chants die down, after which Evers makes his way up first. He stumbles around, a bit disoriented, and finally makes his way to the ladder. He drops to his kness, but does start to climb. The blood in his eyes as he makes his way up the ladder, to the top. The crowd is booing as he reaches for the title…..but from his lying down position, Zero starts to kick the ladder! It starts to wobble as Evers tries to keep his balance, but Zero hits one final kick to tip the ladder over! Evers goes with it, and lands chest first onto the top rope, then collapses to the outside! As Zero tries to get up, Evers throws the apron up…and pulls out a table! He throws it into the ring, but Zero intercepts it. Zero props it up against the top rope, then pulls Evers in himself, and piledrives him!

With Evers down, Zero points to his belt to a big pop, and he begins to climb to the top of the huge ladder. Just as he reaches it, Evers makes his way back up, and wobbles the ladder, so Zero can’t grab the belt! Evers climbs up too, and they meet on the top of the ladder, exchanging punches! Zero hits a series of elbows, and reaches for the title…but suddenly, Evers balances on one foot and swings his other foot up, hitting Zero right in the back of the head! Zero loses his balance and falls, crashing through the table propped up! Evers pulls himself up one more rung, grabbing the WAPW Title….and Pulling it down! The bell rings, and it’s announced that your NEW WAPW WORLD CHAMPION is “Elite” Kyle Evers! Evers holds the title up on top of the ladder to boos, then drops down. He passes by Zero, spits on the former WAPW Champion, then poses with the belt one more time as he leaves. After a while, Zero finally gets up, and gets a HUGE ovation from the crowd. He looks around, then poses to a big pop before finally walking through the back to end the show.

Overall: 79 (77CR, 81MQ)

RA NOTES: Scott Zero gained overness from this feud ending. Kyle Evers gained overness from this feud ending. The WAPW World title has gained in image.

Overall Show Rating: 69

Audience: 207

Overall, a great show, enough to make….


Yes, World Anarchy Pro Wrestling is now a Regional Level federation. This means more wrestlers, more fans, and (Probably most importantly) REAL TELEVISION!

Thanks to going Regional, a LOT of our workers are now more over. The biggest is Kyle Evers, though: thanks to an AWESOME feud and Going Regional, he is now an incredible 76 Over. (OUT OF EWR NOTE: and yes, he is on a Written Contract)

I also signed several workers to Written Contracts: Gangsta Greg, Shawn Marvel, Yggdrasil, Michael Fiocchi, Anthony Molanari, and Jason Shapiro and Regal are with us exclusively for 2 years. I’m especially excited about Shawn Marvel, because as soon as we get a TV Show (which should be soon, I hope), I have a big storyline planned for him.

Sophie is saying that we need an unbelievable 6 Workers. Wow, that’s a lot. Let’s see….

“Underground” Matt McMillan (Face, 26 Over): This young British lightweight only recently relocated his talent to the United States. He’s been in his home country mostly, getting rave reviews, especially for his famous best of 5 series with Jonny Storm. He’s an incredible technical worker who also has good high flying skills too. His gimmick “Underground” is that he openly has no allies, and is completely anti-authority. Much like Steve Austin, this gets him over as a face. He uses the Underground Driver (Cradle Piledriver) as his secondary finisher, but he’s really known for his perfect application of the Ankle Lock, which he calls the Rebel Lock.

Daron Smythe (Heel, 39 Over): A great Technical worker, Daron Smythe is also quite charismatic. From North Carolina, it’s a bit surprising that no other federation has picked him up: he’s really quite a good worker. Daron uses the Figure Four Leg Lock as a finisher. While he seems a bit generic, I actually have big plans for him.A

Rich Braude (Face, 16 Over): Rich Braude is a bad wrestler. He has very little, if no skill, in the ring. In fact, even putting him in a match would be a HUGE mistake. However, he is one of the most Charismatic guys on the indy’s (93, Wow). He’ll be perfect for WAPW’s new Authority Figure.

Blue Sky (Tweener, 39 Over): Charismatic and a top notch high flier, the thing that makes Blue Sky stand out is his gimmick: he plays a great Raven-like loner, claiming that the only thing he really cares about is achieving pure nirvana. Uses the Sky High (a Wrap Around DDT) as a finisher.

Val Rade (Face, 25): This hiring makes sense: he’s the brother of Chris Rade. Chris hasn’t really done much in WAPW, but the two of them have formed a good tag team on the indys. While Chris is a technical wrestler, Val is a pure high flier. He uses the Blockbuster as a finisher. I expect that The Rades will be our second official tag team.

“Purist” Jack Porter (Heel, 16 Over): Probably one of the hottest unknowns on the wreslting scene, Porter is a great technical worker who has some high flying skills. He’ll be taking his skill to the WAPW ring, with a Legitimate Athlete character, but who has a cocky side. He uses a picture perfect Triangle Choke to finish his opponents.

Our first month of being Regional, we lost money: $10,000. However, that is factoring in that our only show this month was done when we were still a Small federation, so it’s totally handleable.

We also signed a Sponsorship deal with LucasArtsgames for a whopping $289,000 a month. This is a HUGE revenue increase for WAPW.

Yup, WAPW is going on to big things…..

Sadly, without Scott Zero. Zero’s contract ran up, and after ending his feud with Evers, he’s too over to resign. Zero will be going on to larger promotions, and WAPW wishes him the best of luck.

And we have another worker who is leaving WAPW: Kid Inferno. A month ago, Kid Inferno participated in the ROH Do or Die afternoon card (the ROH Show where they get young indy talent to wrestle, and whoever impresses them the most get full time contracts), where he put on an incredible main event with BJ Whitmer that tore the house down. And even though Inferno lost that match, he got a standing ovation from the crowd. This was more than enough for ROH to offer him a written contract after Breakdown. WAPW wishes Kid Inferno the best of luck, as he worked for WAPW every night (if not wrestling, then as commentator), and is the first WAPW Worker to make it to the Big Three (TNA, CZW, ROH).

In Overall Wrestling world news, a new federation named United States Pro Wrestling opened. Operating on a National Level, and led currently by a seven person “Board of Directors”, they already have a great roster. Their first show, “USPW Livin’ On a Prayer”, is going to be headlined by Big Show vs John Cena, but also features great matches such as Masato Tanaka vs Satoshi Kojima, Ken Shamrock vs William Regal, and (I guess they think this’ll be a great match), Nathan Jones vs Matt Morgan. They are also advertising that their commissioner will be Shane McMahon.

Here’s the official card for WAPW’s first show as a Regional Federation, LiveWire:

WAPW World Title: Kyle Evers © vs Michael Fiocchi

Tag Match: Anthony Molanari and Jason Shapiro vs Chris and Val Rade

Blue Sky vs “Purist” Jack Porter

Underground Matt McMillan vs Shawn Marvel (Smell the Workrate)

Roderick Strong vs David Bryant

Sebastion Suplex vs Yggdrasil

Edited by Botmaster4lyfe
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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Botmaster4lyfe

I do want to apologize for the lateness of this update. I should have said at the last update, I'm right now preparing for college (I leave on the 20th). I'm going to be a freshman, so things have been hectic. So I have had literally no time for this. Updates are going to be coming slow the next few weeks as I adjust to College, but I'm NOT ending this diary.

World Anarchy Pro Wrestling presents LIVEWIRE! Saturday, May 6, 2006

The show starts out with some unfamiliar music playing.

Out comes one of WAPW’s new guys. He’s wearing a nice suit and his hair is styled. Well, at least the hair that we can see, because he’s also wearing a red bandana and Sunglasses. He has a microphone in his hand, and he stays near the entrance instead of going to the ring.

Man: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to WAPW LiveWire! My name is Rich Braude, and I am proud to say that, now that World Anarchy Pro Wrestling is going to be expanding its business, I will be making the decisions as it pertains to everything that happens in that ring, because I am WAPW’s new Director of Authority! I have the authority to make the matches around here, and I’m going to start right now. I am officially making tonight’s match between Roderick Strong and David Bryant a #1 Contendership match! The winner will get that WAPW Title Shot next month at No Code in the main event. But enough of this, let’s get right into the first match, featuring the debuts of two new WAPW Wrestlers!

What he was saying seems a bit generic…but Braude has a booming voice that really caries. This guy’ll make a great Director of Authority.

Overall: 66

RA NOTES: Rich Braude debuted his new gimmick (Authority Figure), it got a positive response. Rich Braude gained overness from this segment.

Blue Sky vs “Purist” Jack Porter

Blue Sky comes out wearing a ripped trench coat, blue tights, and has dyed his long hair blue. He rols into the ring and sat, Raven-Like, in the corner. Jack Porter comes out wearing a Dark green Singlet, which on the back says “Purist”. He climbs through the middle rope and taunts the crowd. As the bell rings, Porter offers a handshake, which Blue Sky tries to accept, but Porter pulls his hand back! Blue Sky seems completely unaffected by it.

Despite a quiet crowd, Sky and Porter have a good match. Sky’s style can best be described as an American High Flier, and he shows it by knocking Porter down early next to the ropes, then going to the apron and hitting a Slingshot Leg Drop. Porter kicks out at two, then suddenly reaches up, pulls Sky down, and applies a Dragon Sleeper! He moves up to his feet, holding Blue Sky in it, but out of nowhere, Blue Sky flips up, hooks his legs around Porter’s head, and head scissors him down! The crowd pops a bit as Blue Sky goes for the cover again, but only gets a two count.

Finally the crowd starts to make some noise the next few minutes as Sky and Porter kick it up a notch, going back and forth with some good high flying (although Sky easily is better than Porter at flying). Blue Sky finally gets the advantage, and goes for his Wrap Around Sky High DDT. But Porter counters the move, and goes for a Flatliner. Blue Sky fights that off, and goes for a Hurricanrana. But as he jumps onto Porter’s shoulders, Porter shoves him off. Sky lands on his feet, and Porter leaps in for what looks like a hurricanara, but instead hooks onto Sky’s arm as well, and drops it into the Triangle Choke! He has it locked in perfectly, and Blue Sky has nowhere to go…he taps! Jack Porter celebrates his win by standing over Blue Sky (who is slowly trying to get up), and extending a mock handshake to him, before laughing and leaving the ring. But it doesn’t look like Blue Sky is done just yet…..(**)

Overall: 54 (35CR, 74MQ)

RA NOTES: Jack Porter debuted his new gimmick (Legitimate Athlete), it got a positive response. Blue Sky debuted his new gimmick (Loner). Jack Porter gained overness from this match.

Instead, he grabs a microphone. He lays down in the corner, then brings it to his face.

Blue Sky: My loss, means nothing. See, on my river of life, there are obstacles. And there are obstacles that I know I cannot avoid. This was merely one of them. And now I have passed it….and now my journey continues. I have come to WAPW for one reason, and one reason only….to find Nirvana. Nirvana……The ineffable ultimate in which one has attained disinterested wisdom and compassion. That is all. I have no alliances, no allegances, and no associations….it is just Blue Sky…..nothing more, nothing less.

Blue Sky leaves the ring and heads to the back, paying no attention to any fans who are trying to offer him high fives.

Overall: 56

RA NOTES: Blue Sky gained overness from this segment.

Anthony Molanari and Jason Shapiro vs The Rade Brothers (Chris and Val)

This is Val’s debut here, and he comes out dressed much like his brother….to almost no reaction. Even with the wins, Chris just isn’t getting over with the fans, and Val’s a complete unknown anyway. Shapiro and Molanari come out to a much bigger reaction than their opponents. All four men shake hands to applause as the bell rings.

One thing is clear, and that is Chris Rade is definitely at his best when in a tag match. He and Val really work well together, hitting some nice looking double team moves. They’re a lot more experienced than Molanari and Shapiro, but Molanari and Shapiro carry the crowd reaction in this match, with the crowd really getting behind them. It helps, too, as this face vs face match normally would have the crowd quiet. Shapiro and Val square off for a bit, trading some nice cruiserweight moves on each other. Shapiro knocks Val down near the corner, then springs up and hits an elbow drop from the second rope. Val kicks out at two, then suddenly kips up, and knocks Shapiro down near the corner. Val goes all the way to the top, and hits an Elbow Drop of his own! Shapiro just gets out at two, and both men tag in their partners. Molanari runs in, only to get drop toe held by Chris, and put into a Boston Crab! Before he can get it locked in completely, Shapiro jumps into the ring to break it up.

The match mostly sees Molanari playing Ricky Morton as he gets double teamed by the Rades, but he keeps kicking out. The crowd is decently into the match, mostly due to the workrate, as all four men really lay into each other. Molanari finally makes the hot tag to Shapiro, who goes to work on both Rades, which does get the crowd really going. The match breaks down into a four man brawl, with Molanari and Shapiro having the advantage. Molanari grabs Val by the head, but Val quickly counters, and hits a dropkick to send Molanari out of the ring! Shapiro is left alone, as Val climbs to the top and Rade grabs him from behind for his Tiger Suplex. He turns it toward the turnbuckle, then starts to lift up Shapiro as Val leaps off the top rope, and they hit a combo Blockbuster/Tiger Suplex! Rade keeps the cover 1….2…….3! Chris and Val Rade score a huge upset(**3/4)

Overall: 63 (48CR, 78MQ)

RA NOTES: Val Rade debuted his new gimmick (Clean Cut), it got a negative response. Anthony Molanari lost overness from this match. Jason Shapiro lost overness from this match. Val Rade gained overness from this match. Chris Rade gained overness from this match. Jason Shapiro is losing overness because of his weak gimmick.

Yggdrasil vs Sebastion Suplex

Yggdrasil makes his way out first. Despite still being a tweener, he gets a loud face pop, mostly due to his great matches lately. He rolls into the ring, takes his hooded coat, which reveals black face paint in a curved pattern around his right eye. He takes off his coat, and lays it across the top rope, then drops down to one knee in the corner, appearing to be praying. Sebastion comes out to a great pop as well, but not as big as Yggdrasil’s.

Yggdrasil gains the early advantage, taking down Sebastion and putting on a standling Leg Lock. As Sebastion tries to roll out of it, Yggdrasil jumps in and applies a Headlock instead. Sebastion makes his way up, whips Yggdrsail into the ropes, then hits a front suplex as Yggdrasil comes in. Yggdrasil gets up, and is hit with a quick Exploder. Yggdrsail gets up again, and Sebastion goes for another Exploder, but Yggdrasil twistis behind Sebastion and kicks him in the back of the leg. Sebastion goes down, and Yggdrasil puts on a Leg Grapevine, only for Sebastion to roll out, and they face off to a pop from the crowd.

Both men are good workers, but they have different styles. So, the match isn’t as good as I originally expected it to be. Sebastion has control early in the match with a series of vertical suplexes, but Yggdrasi lands on his feet out of one of them, then chop blocks Sebastion’s left leg again. Yggdrasil focuses almost all of his offense on Sebastion’s left leg, softening it up for The Necronomicon. Working on the leg also has another advantage, as soon, Sebastion gains the advantage, and goes for a T-Bone, but as he tries to do it, he grabs his leg in pain, and can’t get Yggdrasil over for it! Yggdrasil takes the opportunity to drop down and apply a Figure Four Leg Lock! The crowd whoooo’s away as Sebastion struggles, and starts to roll. He rolls to his right, and grabs the ropes! The match continues, but with Sebastion heavily favoring his leg. Yggdrasil has a complete advantage as he goes to school, absolutely destroying Sebastion’s leg. The crowd starts to get behind Sebastion more, as Yggdrsail hits a series of shinbusters. He takes Sebastion down, then hooks him for the Necronomicon! He tires to turn Sebastion over…but out of nowhere, Sebastoin reaches up and cradles his head into a cover! 1……..2………3! Sebastion gets a win out of nowhere!

Sebastion gets up (still holding his leg and limping) and celebrates. Yggdrasil gets up, and the two men face off. Sebastion then extends his arm for a handshake. Yggdrasil thinks about it….then accepts it to a big pop! (**1/2)

Overall: 64 (55CR, 73MQ)

Underground Matt McMillan vs Shawn Marvel

Marvel struts to the ring all smiles, obviously happy at the result of his match against Regal. He is halfway down to the ring, when suddenly McMillan runs from the back and attacks him from behind! He has long brown hair, is wearing a skull cap, and he’s wearing black tights that, in reddish/brown letters, say “Underground” down the side. The crowd pops for him as he stomps on Marvel’s head, then picks him up and throws Marvel into the ring.

McMillan rolls in himself, then lifts up Marvel and puts him in a standing headlock. Marvel throws McMillan into the ropes, then goes for a backdrop, but McMillan actually flips out of it and lands on his feet. Marvel responds by putting McMillan in a headlock, McMillan responds by whipping Marvel into the ropes, then goes for a Tilt a Whirl, but Marvel counters it mid move into a huge arm drag. McMillan hops up, and runs at Marvel, who throws McMillan into the air, but McMillan grabs his head on the way down and flips Marvel into another headlock! Marvel turns it to a head scissors, but McMillan kips up, and out of the move. Marvel sits up, and McMillan goes for a running dropkick, but Marvel drops down and McMillan misses. Marvel rolls back as McMillan kips up, and they face off to a HUGE pop.

McMillan immediately catches the eyes of the crowd, as he and Marvel put on an absolutely incredible match. Although the crowd doesn’t verbally react to McMillan, as he’s still new to WAPW, he and Marvel put on one of the best matches, quality-wise, in WAPW history. The two men’s all around style mesh very well, which does get a nice crowd reaction. Marvel gains the advantage with a thumb to the eye, and throws McMillan into a corner. He hits a few chops, but then McMillan hits a thumb to the eye of his own, then puts Marvel into the corner, and follows up with a running dropkick. McMillan and Marvel continue for a good 15 minutes, with the crowd getting more and more into it.

Marvel finally calls for the finish, and hooks McMillan up for the Simply Marvelous. McMillan rolls out of it, spins Marvel around, and kicks him in the stomach. He sets up Marvel for the Underground Driver, but Marvel back drops McMillan. McMillan gets up, but is IMMEDIATELY nailed with The Final Detail! Cover for the 1…..2……3, and Marvel gets the win!

As Marvel heads for the back, the referee tries to help McMillan up. But as he gets up, McMillan shoves him away. The referee takes offense to it, and starts to yell at McMillan….and McMillan grabs him and slams him down, before applying the Rebel Lock! The referee screams as the crowd actually pops for McMillan, who finally releases the hold and slinks to the back.(***1/4)

Overall: 68 (46CR, 90MQ!)

RA NOTES: Underground Matt McMillan is losing overness because of his weak gimmick

David Bryant vs Roderick Strong

Roderick makes his way out first, still taping up his wrists as he walks to the ring. Just as he gets into it, Bryant’s music hits, and he sprints to the ring, diving in and immediately throwing some elbows at Strong! He elbows Strong into the ropes as the bell rings, then whips Strong. He goes for a lariat, but Strong throws his own arm at Bryant’s arm, hooking him into a Half Nelson, then lifting Byrant up and spiking him with a backbreaker!

A lot of this match features Roderick Strong hitting his hard hitting Strong Style moves. Bryant sells like mad, getting the crowd behind him. Strong completely controls the first five minutes, decimating Bryant with several backbreakers. Every time he goes for a cover, however, Bryant escapes. Roderick then goes a bit dirty, tying Bryant into the ropes and letting lose a fury of chops that stings Bryant’s chest red. Strong whips Bryant, but Bryant springs to the middle rope (Without using his hands) and jumps back with an elbow, but Strong catches him in a cradle, then drops it into yet another Backbreaker! Bryant is down again, and Strong covers, but only gets a two count.

Strong works over Bryant for a little bit more, with Bryant only getting in a punch here and there. Strong has total control, and he hooks Bryant for the CX ’03 (Crucifix Diamond Cutter). But as he lifts Bryant, he wiggles his legs, and hooks them around Roderick Strong’s body. Bryant drops down, then comes back up, then spins his body, hitting Roderick with a Code Red! 1……2….no, Roderick barely gets his shoulder up. Bryant gets a second wind, and starts to hit some of his flashy offense. Bryant finally finishes it off by slamming Roderick Strong, then climbing to the top rope and hitting a big moonsault on Roderick, getting a two count.

Bryant is fired up, and he starts to really take it to Strong. He ends it by jumping to the apron, then springboarding for a Hurricanrana, but Strong catches him for a Powerbomb, but instead powerbomb’s Bryant over his knee! Strong says that’s all, and pulls Bryant up, standing behind him. He lifts up Bryant in the reverse Gorilla Press (like the move he did to Kid Inferno)….but Bryant wiggles his body so that Strong loses his balance, and Bryant drops down, grabbing Strong’s head into a Diamond Cutter! Bryant cradles the legs for the 1…….2………3! Bryant gets a bit of an upset, and is the new #1 Contender! (**3/4)

Overall: 65 (54CR, 76MQ)

RA NOTES: Roderick Strong lost overness from this match.

The music of “Elite” Kyle Evers hits, and out comes the new WAPW World Champion to LOUD boos.

As he rolls into the ring, an “Evers Sucks” chant comes up. He doesn’t seem to mind, smiling as he takes the WAPW Title and puts it over his shoulder, then asks for a microphone.

Kyle Evers: Oh, an “Evers Sucks” chant. Clever, Clever. Go on, say it.

The crowd continues to chant.

Evers: Very original. You know, I really don’t give a damn what you people say because (He holds up the belt with one hand) I’M the champ now. I did EXACTLY what I said I was going to do: I beat Scott Zero’s ass, and I took his belt. And you know something? Zero isn’t going to get a rematch. He isn’t going to get a rematch, because he’s not in WAPW. He was so ashamed of losing the belt that he fled, rather than show his face again. I took Zero out of WAPW, and I’m damn proud of it.

More boos from the crowd.

Evers: You think I give a DAMN about you people booing me? I don’t give a flying fuck. Because at last, WAPW has a champion who isn’t completely worthless. A champion who you people can be proud of. And most of all, a champion who is ELITE. Now get my opponent out here.

Evers drops the microphone, as some fast paced, intense rock music hits. Michael Fiocchi runs out dressed as Ultimate Warrior, complete with wild hair, face paint, and Tassles, Tassles everywhere!

Overall: 77

WAPW WORLD TITLE: Michael Fiocchi vs “Elite” Kyle Evers ©

As the bell rings, Fiocchi grabs the ropes and shakes them violently to a big pop, only for Evers to hit him with a few strikes from behind….which Fiocchi no-sells, and stares at Evers in anger! Fiocchi fires with a few punches, then nails a clothesline to nock Evers down. Fiocchi poses for the crowd again, but it gives time for Evers to recover, and dropkick Fiocchi in the bac, sending him to the floor. Fiocchi recovers as Evers backs up, then runs at the turnbuckle. As Fiocchi gets up, Evers jumps to the middle rope, then springs to the top rope, and hits a Spaceman Plancha onto Fiocchi!

The crowd is REALLY against Evers here, as his winning the title has caused his overness to absolutely skyrocket. The crowd gets behind Fiocchi, starting loud “Warrior” chants for him. The match itself is actually quite good, even with Fiocchi playing a worker who was never known for being good in the ring. Fiocchi does wrestle better than Ultimate Warrior ever did, and even gets Evers in several near falls throughout. Evers, however, does control the offense for the most part, hitting some quick moves to wear down Fiocchi.

Evers at one point gets frustrated, and knocks Fiocchi down with an Enzeguri, then goes to the outside and grabs a chair. As he rolls in, the referee grabs the chair from him. Evers argues with him for a second, but the referee yells right back, then turns to put the chair away, giving time for Evers to hit a low blow on Fiocchi! He rolls up Fiocchi as the referee turns around, and gets a 1…..2…..No, Fiocchi kicks out of it.

Evers finally says that’s all, and hooks Fiocchi for the Vertebreaker. But Fiocchi counters by throwing Evers into the ropes, then picking him up on the way in, and hitting the Gorilla Press! Fiocchi pumps the crowd up, then bounces off the ropes and goes for the Big Splash, only for Evers to get his knees up! Fiocchi stumbles into the ropes (kneeling down), and Evers runs in with The 1337! 1……..2…….3, and Evers is successful in his first WAPW World Title Defense!(**3/4)

Overall: 70 (64CR, 76MQ)

RA NOTES: The WAPW World title has gained in image.


Attendance: 303

In big news, the owner of USPW was revealed…..Rob Feinstein. Yes, the guy who was the owner of ROH until the sex scandal has made his way back to the wrestling world with USPW. Many people in the business have a feeling that USPW revealing their owner could be a bad move, because the reputation that Rob has could drive fans away.

Speaking of Ring of Honor, it went Global after announcing a 2 week tour throughout Europe. Interestingly, the three Global promotions in wrestling represent 3 different wrestling styles: CZW offers Ultraviolence, ROH offers Pure Wrestling, and TNA being between the two.

WAPW’s own David Bryant agreed to work some dates with Extreme Canadian Championship Wrestling. Shadow Sean Drake agreed to work with RevPro. WAPW Workers are starting to get noticed, as we have wrestlers in SMWA, MW, PWG, UTW, and now RevPro.

In great news, WAPW alumnai Scott Zero has officially signed to work in Combat Zone Wrestling exclusively. His first official match is scheduled to be at CZW Monday Night on Spike TV, where he will face Petey Williams. WAPW now has 2 former workers in the Big Three, and we wish Zero the best of luck.

Meanwhile, Kid Inferno has his first official match on a real ROH Card (not just the Do or Die Card). Their next show, WrestleRave 2006 (On Pay Per View) will feature him in a 6 Man Mayhem Match, the other participants being Vito Thomaselli, Matt Stryker, J.R. Ryder, Excess 69, and CIMA.

We signed a new sponsorship deal with National Guard for $266,000 a show, increasing our Revenue once again. WAPW is looking to be VERY financially healthy. Next month, another of our Sponsorship deals ends, and we’ll probably sign one that gets us even more money per show. All we need is that TV show, and we’re in business.

The only bad news is about Yggdrasil. While working out, he strained his back. The doctors told him it’s nothing serious, but they want him to take a few weeks to rest it. He’ll miss our next show, WAPW No Code, but that’s it.

Edited by Botmaster4lyfe
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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Botmaster4lyfe

World Anarchy Pro Wrestling presents No Code: Saturday, June 3, 2006

Daron Smythe vs Blue Sky

The rather generic looking Daron Smythe makes his debut here, wearing red tights and sporting a basic short haircut. Blue Sky comes out in his tattered trench coat, paying attention to nothing as he walks to the ring, then sits on the top rope as introductions are made.

Daron Smythe immediately shows that he isn’t just generic as he puts on a great match with Blue Sky. Blue Sky shows off his mat work in this match, as the two roll around trading submissions. The crowd, even though this is just our dark warm up match, is surprisingly loud (And behind Blue Sky, who won them over with a great match and promo last month).

Smythe at one point throws Blue Sky into the corner, then hits a hard chop. The crowd WHOOOOOOOOOoos as he proceeds to hit a few more chops….then Daron struts out of the corner like a certain Nature Boy to a big pop. He turns around, but is hit with a running dropkick so hard that Smythe actually backflip sells it. Blue Sky pulls Smythe up, hits the Sky High, then covers for the 1…..2….3 and the win! (**3/4)

Overall: 64 (46CR, 82MQ)

Jacob Ryland makes his way out of the entrance carrying a microphone.

Ryland: Yoooooooooooooo. It’s me, the Ultimate Ladies Man, Jacob Ryland, here to once again grace your ears with the sweet, sweet sound of my voice. Let me get right to it….(As usual, he’s distracted by a girl. He walks up to her). Tell me, do you believe in the hereafter? (The girl shakes he head no, but Jacob ignores it) Good, so you should know that it’s you that I’m here after. (Instead of just a scrap of paper, he now has what looks like a business card with his number on it) Call me, baby. Anyway, there’s one guy who’s been running around in WAPW for a bit, really pissing me off. His name is Michael Fiocchi (The crowd pops for him) Don’t cheer for that freak! Every show, he’s someone different. And yet for some reason, last month he was awarded a WAPW Title shot, while I have YET to get a shot! This is a TRAVESTY! Just because some indecisive idiot entertains the fans does NOT deserve a title shot. But somebody who all the ladies pay to get close to, such as myself, should be rewareded with these….

He’s interrupted by hip hop music, as the crowd pops and Gangsta Greg comes out! Ryland throws the microphone down and faces off with Greg, as our referee runs to the ring for the match.

Overall: 69

RA NOTES: Jacob Ryland gained overness from this segment.

Jacob Ryland vs Gangsta Greg

The crowd immediately starts with a “Gangsta Greg” chant for WAPW’s top face (now that Scott Zero is gone) as he quickly runs in and locks up with Ryland. Ryland shoves Greg into the ropes, then leapfrogs Greg, and drops down, but Greg stops and drops a leg drop on Ryland’s head. Ryland rolls out of the ring, giving Greg time to breakdance for the crowd to a big pop. Ryland rolls back in and tries to attack Greg, only for Greg to grab Ryland by the hair and throw him out of the ring again, then go right back to breakdancing.

Although there is a MAJOR styles clash between Ryland and Greg, the crowd’s reaction to the match more than makes up for it. Ryland and Greg are both quite over (in fact, Greg is our top face), so the shortcomings of the in-ring action are covered up by the hot as hell crowd. Greg controls the early part of the match with some cruiserweight moves, culminating in a spinning heel kick to send Ryland to the apron. Greg bounces off the ropes for something, but Ryland slingshots over the ropes into a Sunset flip, which Greg rolls through and dropkicks Ryland in the face! Cover, but only a two count.

Greg keeps his control for a while, dismantling Ryland with quick offense. Ryland finally rakes the eyes of Greg to get the advantage, then whips him into the ropes. Ryland tosses Greg into the air, but Greg comes down with a facebuster, getting the advantage right back! The crowd starts to chant for Greg again as he goes to the top rope, and comes off with a flying knee drop. He covers, but Ryland kicks out again.

The match becomes completely one sided, with Greg completely destroying Ryland. Ryland’s only offense comes from brief kicks or punches, which Greg shakes off. Greg finally calls for the end, slamming Ryland down in the center of the ring and climbing to the top for the Flying Leg Drop. But as he stands up, Ryland shoves the referee into the ropes, causing Greg to lose his balance and crotch himself on the turnbuckle! Ryland gets up and climbs up with Greg, lifting him and spiking Greg with The Rylandization! 1………..2…….3, and Ryland pulls out a major upset beating Gangsta Greg! (**)

Overall: 60 (57CR, 63MQ)

Roderick Strong vs Regal

Regal makes his way out to not only a big pop, but a few scattered chants for him. His recent performances (epecially the feud with Kage) have caused him to really get over with the crowd. His opponent, the first ever WAPW World Champion, comes out to some great heat.

As the bell rings, Strong and Regal circle each other, and Strong immediately fires with a kick to Regal’s side. Regal barely sells it, instead firing with a brutal kick of his own to Strong’s side. Strong sells a bit, then turns to Regal, who yells “BRING IT ON, MOTHERFUCKER!” The crowd pops as Strong fires with another kick, and Regal kicks him right back. The two trade side kicks back and forth, each seemingly begging the other one to kick them harder. Finally, Strong gets fed up with the kicks and goes for a lariat, but Regal ducks under it and hits an Enzeguri to the back of Strong’s head, sending him flying out of the ring. Regal climbs to the top rope and poses for the crowd as Strong pounds the ground in frustration.

The two words that cound describe this match are “Stiff Looking”. Regal and Strong kick and chop the living crap out of each other to the point where both men’s chests are completely red. Even with that, they don’t let up with the attacks at all, laying into each other. Finally, Roderick stops the striking game by picking Regal up in a Suplex, then switching to what looks like it’s going to be a Falcon Arrow, but as he comes down, he drops to his back and puts his knees up into a Falcon Backbreaker! He covers, but Regal gets his foot on the bottom rope.

Strong takes over the match, throwing Regal outside and following him. He puts Regal against the steel post, then chops him a few times. Strong winds up, and goes for one more chop, but Regal dodges it, causing Roderick to chop the post! There’s a sick CLANG as he chops it, then yells in pain and holds his hand. Regal climbs onto the apron as Roderick tries to recover, but he makes the mistake of putting his hurt hand on the apron to keep himself up, as Regal jumps up and Doublestomps the hand, hurting it even further! Roderick moves away, holding his his hand in pain, as Regal pumps up the crowd.

Regal now as the advantage, as he attacks Strong with a series of kicks to Roderick’s left leg. Roderick backs up into the corner, still holding his hand, and Regal runs in with a STIFF Dropkick right to Roderick’s face! Regal backs up and hits a second one. He backs up all the way to the other turnbuckle, and starts to run in, but Strong explodes out of the corner with a clothesline that sends Regal flipping!

Strong is back in control, and hits a few quick basic backbreakers on Regal, before pulling him up. However, Strong forgets about his hand, and chops Regal with it. Regal is hurt a tiny bit, but Strong screams and grabs his hand in pain! Regal takes advantage of it by grabbing Strong, tossing him into the air, and hitting the Viper Kick! 1………2………..3! Regal gets the victory! (***)

Overall: 67 (51CR, 83MQ)

SPECIAL NOTE: An online buddy of mine named Maxx, who is a GOD when it comes to Stick Figure Animation, made me an animation of Roderick’s Falcon Backbreaker. http://pictureposter.allbrand.nu/pictures/...Backbreaker.gif

Shawn Marvel makes his way out.

His outfit is extra flashy tonight, with a sparkling jacket, neon green pants, and new shiny gold elbow pads. He rolls into the ring and grabs a microphone.

Marvel: Last month, I’ll admit it….I was impressed. Some kid named Matt McMillan took me to the limit. Of course, he lost. When you’re in the ring with me, you usually do. But McMillan, I want you to come out here right now, because I have something to say to you.

There’s a pause, after which Underground Matt McMillan makes his way out. He gets a big pop after last month’s incredible performance vs Marvel. He jumps over the top rope and faces off with Marvel.

Marvel: McMillan, the match I had with you last month really showed me something. It showed me that you are damn good in this ring, damn good at what you do. But no matter how good you are…..

Marvel gets right in the McMillan’s face.

Marvel: I am better! See, McMillan, nobody in this federation is better than me. And even though everyone thinks that you put on a great match, let me tell you the truth: You were just better at being carried. McMillan, it’s just that simple. You got hit with The Final Detail, and you went down. But don’t feel bad about that, man, because NOBODY kicks out of The Final Detail. McMillan, you….

Surprisingly, more music hits…..and it’s the music of Shadow Sean Drake! Drake makes his way to the ring, as both McMillan and Marvel look at him, confused. Drake grabs a microphone as he rolls in. He looks back and forth at both men.

Drake: I’m not supposed to be out here, I don’t even have a match. But I have to come out here to say something that I know a lot of people want to say….

He stops, then walks up to Shawn Marvel.


HUGE Pop for Drake, as Marvel looks shocked.

Drake: I have said before that I hate light. And just looking at you, wearing all your flashy clothes, disgust me. Not only that, but all you do is come out here and run your mouth, run your mouth, run your mouth.....YOU DISGUST ME! Marvel, I want to shut your mouth permanently, and drag you down into the darkness. The darkness that I live in, where…

And Marvel jumps, socking Drake in the face with a right hand! The crowd starts a “Shadow” chant as Marvel stomps down on Drake, but from behind McMillan grabs Marvel and German Suplexes him! Marvel rolls out of the ring as McMillan helps Drake up. Marvel grabs a microphone.

Marvel: You son of a bitch! How DARE you insult someone as superior as me! You want to start shit with me? Let’s make it a tag match. How about it?

Drake and McMillan quickly consult each other, then motion Marvel to bring it on.

Marvel: Great, because I talked to someone earlier tonight. I originally wanted him to come out and attack you, McMillan, but this will work fine too. Ladies and Gentlemen, the ONLY man who I believe could one day be on my level, somebody who impressed me last month, “Purist” Jack Porter!

Out comes Jack Porter, and on the way to the ring, he shakes hands with Shawn Marvel. A referee rushes in, and officially starts the match.

Overall: 61

RA NOTES: Underground Matt McMillan debuted his new gimmick (Rebel), it got a positive response. Shadow Sean Drake's turn was completed, and he is now a face. Shadow Sean Drake gained overness from this turn.

Shawn Marvel and “Purist” Jack Porter vs Shadow Sean Drake and Underground Matt McMillan

The newly face turned Drake is monstrously over, as loud chants for him come up. The match begins with Drake and Porter facing off. Drake hits some hard punches to Porter’s face. He swings for one more, but Porter catches the arm, then jumps up and cradles it with his legs, taking Drake down into an Arm Grapevine! Drake fights out of it, then swings for a kick to Porter’s side. Porter catches that one too, hits a Dragon Screw, then goes to a Leg Grapevine. Drake scrambles out of it and the two men face off. They circle each other for another pass, but Shawn Marvel jumps into the ring and elbows Drake in the back of the head! Marvel laughs at it as Porter stomps on Drake’s head, but McMillan jumps into the ring, causing Marvel to escape under the bottom rope.

Marvel continues the match as such, refusing to fight McMillan. He only fights Sean Drake, and tags out whenever McMillan gets in the ring. McMillan clearly gets frustrated, as he begins to run into the ring without tags trying to get his hands on Marvel. That aside, this is a very good tag match. Although McMillan and Porter are both new to WAPW, in only their second match each, but Marvel and Drake are both over enough to keep the crowd into the match. McMillan controls the offense, but when he bounces off the ropes for something, Marvel jumps with an Enzeguri right to the back of McMillan’s head, who stumbles forward into a Spinning Heel Kick from Porter. Marvel immediately wants the tag, and Porter obliges. Marvel jumps into the ring and starts stomping away at McMillan to boos from the crowd. And as soon as McMillan begins to recover, Marvel tags back in to Porter to even more heat. McMillan plays the Face in peril for a while, until Porter and Marvel go for a Double Team Back Drop. They whip McMillan into the ropes, and lift him, but he comes down with a double blockbuster to both men, then immediately jumps up and tags in Drake!

Drake jumps into the ring as McMillan rests on the apron, and immediately hits chops on Marvel and Porter. He switches to punches, then kicks, and finally throws them into opposite corners, and runs in with dropkicks. Marvel falls out of the ring, and Porter stumbles forward, and Drake picks him up, and hits a Tombstone Piledriver. He picks up Porter and looks like he’s setting up for another Tombstone, but Marvel jumps into the ring and breaks it up, prompting McMillan to jump in and brawl with Marvel! They fight as Drake throws Porter over the top rope, then follows him out. Marvel gains the upper hand on McMillan, then throws him into the corner, and signals for the Final Detail. He goes for it, but McMillan ducks it and rolls Marvel up in a school boy! The referee (who’s completely lost track of who’s legal) drops down and counts the 1………..2……..3! McMillan pins Marvel! He rolls out of the ring as Marvel looks up, then does a HUGE double take when he realizes he was pinned! Drake and McMillan celebrate as Marvel absolutely freaks out, screaming that he wasn’t the legal man, but the decision has already been made!(**3/4)

Overall: 65 (49CR, 81MQ)

Kage comes out to the ring in street clothes with a microphone in hand.

Kage: Two months ago, at WAPW Breakdown, I was beaten in the ring by some gothic punk named Yggdrasil. I was all ready to come out and demand a rematch tonight, but I understand that he strained his back, and is apparently too much of a pussy to work through the pain. Well that’s fine. If he wants to sit at home just because his back is sore, that’s fine. I’m still going to make the challenge for next month at WAPW Total Impact. Yggdrasli, all the gothic face paint and symbols in the WORLD can’t save you from next month, when I PROMISE that no matter how much pain your back is in right now, it won’t be shit compared to how you feel after I get done with you!

Overall: 65

WAPW WORLD TITLE: David Bryant vs “Elite” Kyle Evers

“Elite” Kyle Evers, WAPW Belt on his waist, comes out to huge heat from the crowd. He doesn’t seem to mind, holding the belt up and smiling cockily. He struts to the ring, offering people the chance to touch the belt, only to pull it back at the last second. He rolls into the ring and holds the belt up again. Bryant’s music hits, and he comes out looking more intense than he ever has. He jumps over the top rope and faces off with Evers. Newly signed referee “Mr. Afro” (The self Proclaimed only referee in the world with an Afro) calls for the bell to begin the match, and Evers immediately runs in, only to get hit with a clothesline from Bryant!

Much like their previous encounters, Bryant and Evers have one hell of a match. The two high fliers quickly go at each other, hitting arm drags on each other. Bryant puts Evers in an Arm Bar out of one, but Evers quickly twists out of it and puts Bryant in head scissors with his legs. Bryant turns so he’s facing down (Still in the Head Scissors), then moves up into a Handstand. Evers looks puzzled, and Bryant quickly springs out of the Handstand to his feet, and hits a dropkick to the sitting Evers! Bryant quickly rushes in for a cover, but Evers kicks out at two.

Bryant is more intense then he ever has ben in a WAPW match, trying everything he can to win the WAPW Title. He can’t keep the champion down, though, and Bryant gets increasingly frustrated. As we have seen in the past, Bryant’s frustration gets the better of him, as he makes the mistake of taking too long to play the crowd, before going for a standing moonsault, and Evers gets his knees up. Bryant stumbes up, and Evers runs in and clips him with a Leg Lariat. Evers bounces into the ropes, then hits a leaping elbow on the downed Bryant, driving his elbow directly into Bryant’s throat. Cover, but a 2 count.

Evers and Bryant continue to absolutely tear it up in the ring, and they start to take it to the top rope. Bryant hits a middle rope springboard to Evers, but gets a two count. Evers gets up, then springs to the top rope and comes off with a moonsault to the standing Bryant! Bryant kicks out, then knocks Evers down with a dropkick. Bryant climbs to the top rope, and hits a flying knee drop! Bryant climbs to the other turnbuckle, and comes off with a Shawn Michaels Flying Elbow! He hooks both legs 1……..2…….NO, Evers barely gets the shoulder up. Bryant yells, hyping himself up, and signals for the Diamond Cutter. He hooks Evers, but Evers fights out of it, and grabs Bryant for a German Suplex. Bryant hits a few elbows, and goes behind Evers for a German. Evers struggles, then grabs the referee and pulls him in so he’s not facing them, then swings his leg back, Low Blowing Bryant! Bryant releases the German Suplex in pain, and Evers hooks his arms, lifts, and spikes Bryant on his head with the Vertebreaker! Cover, 1….2…..3! Kyle Evers retains his WAPW World Title, but he has to cheat to do it! He doesn’t seem to mind, beaming as he holds his title up to boos. (***1/2)

Overall: 78 (66CR, 90MQ)

RA NOTES: The WAPW World title has gained in image.

Overall show: 62

Audience: 314

The biggest news was for WAPW this month……..wait for it………wait for it……….


That’s right, Comcast Network has offered WAPW a 12 week contract for their Late Evening Timeslot. Of course, WAPW Accepts, and will be presenting “WAPW Bedlam” every Thursday Night on The Comcast Network! We’ll be putting on a great first show in hopes that they’ll extend the contract, maybe even give us a Prime Time slot.

This is absolutely huge news for WAPW as a whole. I’m extremely happy with how WAPW has been progressing, both in the ring and behind the scenes.

But before WAPW Bedlam debuts, we have WAPW Total Impact:

WAPW World Title: “Elite” Kyle Evers © defends vs Regal

Shadow Sean Drake vs Shawn Marvel

“Purist” Jack Porter vs “Underground” Matt McMillan

6 Man Tag: Michael Fiocchi, Sebastion Suplex, and Blue Sky vs Jacob Ryland, Roderick Strong and Daron Smythe

Kage vs Yggdrasil

Chris and Val Rade vs Enygma and Mark Steyl

In extremely odd wrestling news, CZW just hired a new consultant/on screen character: Vince McMahon. Although he has a lot of power in CZW, John Zandig is still the boss. Vince, who has been taking a break from wrestling since WWE died, said in an interview that he’s very excited in getting in front of a crowd again. Most people think that the presence of former WWE workers such as Triple H and Steve Austin was what led Vince to sign.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Botmaster4lyfe

World Anarchy Pro Wrestling Presents Total Impact: Saturday, July 1, 2006

We begin the show with Rich Braude coming out with a microphone

Braude: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Total Impact! Before we get to the action tonight, I have a major announcement. If you haven’t heard about it, WAPW will be debuting on The Comcast Networn this coming Thursday, with WAPW Bedlam! Well, I am here to announce a few matches for our TV Debut. First, we will see a 4 Way Dance featuring 4 great WAPW workers, with Blue Sky, Daron Smythe, David Bryant, and Sebastion Suplex! Also, we will have a rematch of what many have called the best match in WAPW history, with Shawn Marvel taking on Underground Matt McMillan. In a tag match, we’ll see Chris and Val Rade team up to take on Anthony Molanari and Jason Shapiro. And in the main event, “Elite” Kyle Evers will defend his WAPW World Title against one of WAPW’s most popular wrestlers, Gangsta Greg! For everybody in WAPW, we want to thank you for supporting us, and trust me, WAPW is going to bigger and better things in the coming months!

Overall: 65 (Considering he’s only 20 over, that’s pretty amazing)

RA NOTES: Rich Braude gained overness from this segment.

Blue Sky, Michael Fiocchi, and Sebastion Suplex vs Roderick Strong, Jacob Ryland, and Draon Smythe

The heels make their entrance together, with Ryland stopping to talk to a female fan, Strong taping up his wrists, and Smythe looking totally generic. Once they get into the ring, out come the faces. Sebastion slaps hands with fans, but Blue Sky and Fiocchi don’t. The reason for Sky is obvious, and in fact, so is the reason for Fiocchi….hes dressed as Raven this month, complete with ripped jeans and a Pearl Jam T-Shirt. They roll into the ring as the heels roll out. Sebastion taunts, as Blue Sky sits down in one corner, and Fiocchi sits down in the other. Sebastion looks at Sky, then Fiocchi, then Sky, then Fiocchi, then just rolls his eyes and hops onto the apron.

The match starts with Blue Sky and Daron Smythe. Smythe wrestles a nice technical style against Sky, but Sky keeps up with it. Smythe throws Sky into the corner, then hits a chop as the crowd whoos. He hits a few more chops, then once again does the Ric Flair strut out of the corner. As Sky comes out of the corner, Smythe slams him down, then points to the turnbuckle. He climbs up for something, but Blue Sky intercepts him, and throws him off the top rope!

The match is actually quite good, and a great way to show off some of the new stars in WAPW (Sky, Suplex, and Smythe). One thing that the crowd doesn’t seem to understand is the depush of Roderick Strong, considering months ago he was the WAPW World Champion, and is now in an opening 6 man tag match. Still, he works his ass off in the match, absolutely decimating anyone he’s in the ring with with stiff shots.

With Fiocchi and Ryland as the legal men, the match breaks down into a wild brawl, with all six men fighting. Blue Sky ends up in the ring with Daron Smythe, and he hits Smythe with the Sky High! Daron rolls out of the ring, and Sky turns around, but is hit with a kick from Roderick Strong. Strong picks up Sky for a Fallaway Slam, then looks like he’s going for a Catatonic, but he drops to one knee, snapping Sky with a Catatonic Backbreaker! Strong kicks Sky out of the ring, then turns around, and is immediately spiked with an Evenflow DDT from Fiocchi! Fiocchi does Raven’s Crucifix taunt, but from behind Ryland grabs the back of Fiocchi’s head, and hits an Edge-O-Matic! He cradles Fiocchi’s legs, and gets the 1…..2…..3, and the victory!(**1/2)

Overall: 63 (51CR, 75MQ)

After the match, everyone leaves the ring….except for Blue Sky, who asks for a microphone. He sits in the corner again.

Blue Sky: A 6 man tag. I don’t like that. I don’t like it because I am forced to depend on two other people. I have learned in my life, through painful experience, that when you have to depend on somebody else, you’ll always end up stabbed in the back. Every time I have gone to somebody else, looking for help, all they have done is fucked me over. That’s why I travel my path to nirvana alone. I need no allies, I need no friends, I need nobody. All I need is Blue Sky, and nothing more.

Sky drops the microphone and makes his way to the back.

Overall: 61

RA NOTES: Blue Sky gained overness from this segment.

Mark Steyl and Enygma vs Chris and Val Rade

Steyl and Enygma get practically no reaction at all, since it’s been a while since either one of them appeared at a WAPW show, mostly because I really have nothing for them to do. The Rades come out to a decent pop.

Despite not being booked for a while, Steyl and Engyma really work their ass off in this match to get the crowd to remember who the hell they are. Mark Steyl especially, who hasn’t done a single thing noteworthy in his time in WAPW, absolutely hauls ass, tearing into both of the Rade Brothers with some nice mat based offense. He tags in Enygma, who hits hard lariats on both Rades. He picks up Chris for a Gorilla Press, maybe looking for his Gorilla Press Power Slam early, but Val Rade jumps into the ring and dropkicks Enygma in the face, breaking it up.

Though the match is pretty short, it’s rather competitive. It’s a lot more competitive than I originally thought it would be, considering none of the four workers have really put on any great matches in WAPW before. The crowd starts out pretty silent, but gradually picks up by the end of the match.

That end comes when a brawl breaks out between all four men. Enygma and Styel gain the advantage, and whip the Rades into the ropes. They both go for clotheslines, but the Rades duck them, then nail a quick double dropkick on Enygma, sending him through the ropes. Steyl attacks Chris Rade, but Val breaks it up, and knocks Steyl down, before climbing to the middle rope. Chris picks Steyl up, then sets him up for a Tiger Suplex and turning him towards the turnbuckle. Val jumps off as Chris lifts Steyl, and they hit a combination Tiger Suplex/Blockbuster! Chris makes the cover and gets the three count, giving The Rades the victory. (**3/4)

Overall: 64 (49CR, 79MQ)

Kage vs Yggdrasil

Yggdrasil makes his return to WAPW after taking a month off due to his back injury. Even though Yggdrasil hasn’t officially come out as either a face or a heel, he gets a loud pop. Kage, however, gets MONSTER heat coming out. The two face off in the ring as the referee calls for the bell, and Kage immediately runs in and clotheslines Yggdrasil! Kage taunts to boos as he picks Yggdrasil up, then hits a shin buster, lifts Yggdrasil back up, and hits a second one!

Kage has the advantage early as he focuses on Yggdrasil’s right leg. Yggdrasil gets in a few punches to try to keep Kage away, but Kage is zeroed in on Yggdrsail’s leg. Kage finally capitalizes on it, and puts Yggdrasil in a Single Leg Crab. He really pulls on the leg hard, and it looks as if Yggdrasil might tap early in the match….but Yggdrasil then drops his leg forward, sending Kage to the mat. Yggdrasil rolls back, and attempts to lock in the Necronomicon! Kage escapes and scrambles out of the ring to rethink his strategy.

Much like the previous Kage/Yggdrasil encounters, this is a great technical match. Yggdrasil is at a slight disadvantage due to the work Kage already did on his leg, but he fights back, working on Kage’s ribs. He lets loose a series of gutbusters on Kage, then locks on a full Boston Crab. He sits down on the move, putting even more pressure on Kage’s back. Kage nearly reaches the ropes, but then rolls back (like Yggdrasil did earlier), and Kage changes the move into a Leg Grapevine! He works on Yggdrsail’s Leg, but Yggdrasil twists his body so that Kage is on his belly, then Yggdrasil escapes the Leg Lock, and jumps on Kage, putting on a Camel Clutch, pulling back hard to put extra pressure on Kage’s hurt ribs. Kage tries to escape, and he crawls to the ropes.

Kage and Yggdrasil are both hurting, but they continue to go at it, each man focusing on the body part that’s hurting on the other man. They trade a few more submissions, but it quickly degenerates into a brawl, which spills to the floor. Yggdrasil hits a few punches, then rams Kage back first onto the ring apron. Yggdrasil backs up, then runs in for something, but Kage picks Yggdrasil up and drops him face first onto the apron. Kage taunts as Yggdrasil pulls himself up, and everyone sees he’s been busted open! Blood beings to trickle down his face as he drags himself into the ring, and is met by a few stomps from Kage.

Kage begins to pick apart Yggdrasil with punches to his forehead, cutting him open even more. Kage finally throws Yggdrasil into the corner, then runs in for a clothesline, Yggdrasil just explodes out of the corner and takes Kage down with a vicious spear! Yggdrasil gets a major burst of adrenaline as he drops down on top of Kage and pummels him with lefts and rights. Yggdrasil gets up and screams (to a big pop), then makes a throat cutting motion. He grabs Kage’s legs for the Necronomicon, but he can’t turn Kage over. Kage takes the advantage, and trips up Yggdrasil, then grabs Yggdrasil’s leg. Kage lifts Yggdrasil’s leg over his own head, then stands up, putting Yggdrasil in a painful Stretch Muffler! He sits down on the move, making it even more painful (Think Brock Lock), and Yggdrasil has nowhere to go, so he taps out! Afert the bell rings, though, Kage refuses to let go. He holds the move on as the referee tries to pull him off. After keeping Yggdrasil in the move for a good 30 seconds, Kage finally releases it, then poses to boos from the crowd. (***1/4)

Overall: 74 (60CR, 89MQ)

“Purust” Jack Porter vs Underground Matt McMillan

Here we have another match featuring two newer WAPW stars. Jack Porter appears to have gotten some tips from Shawn Marvel, as he’s wearing stylish black sunglasses and a ring jacket that has “Purely Untouchable” written on the back. He doesn’t even get a chance to get to the ring, though, as Underground Matt McMillan attacks him from behind! Even though it’s a heelish tactic, the crowd still cheers the face McMillan as he stomps down on Porter, then pulls him to the ring. McMillan hops up on the apron, and pulls Porter up with him, then looks to Suplex him off the apron to the floor! But Porter blocks it with a few shots to the ribs, then reaches down and hooks McMillan by the waist, lifts him, and hits a Northern Lights Suplex ON THE APRON! There’s a sick “Thud” as McMillan’s back hits the apron/edge of the ring (which is harder than the middle of the ring), McMillan collapses to the floor as the crowd reacts quite loudly, and Porter rolls into the ring to recover.

Once McMillan gets back into the ring, Porter focuses his attack on the back of McMillan, slamming him down a lot and ramming him back first into the corner. Porter just goes to work on McMillan, and for a while, McMillan can’t even get a punch in. However, he keeps kicking out of everything that Porter sends at him. Porter calls for the end at one point, locking in a Bow and Arrow Backbreaker in the center of the ring. McMillan might have to tap as the crowd wills him on, but Porter pulls back on the move even more. McMillan refuses to tap out, and he finally rolls out of the move and grabs the ropes, breaking the hold. Porter gets frustrated and yells at the referee as McMillan pulls himself up in the corner. Porter finally turns around and runs in at McMillan, but McMillan jumps out of the corner and hits a Standing Blockbuster! Both men are down, as the referee beings his count.

McMillan and Porter make their way to their feet at about the same time. Porter goes for a punch, but McMillan blocks it and punches Porter. Porter tries another punch, but it’s countered as well. McMillan punches away at Porter, then whips him into the ropes and hits a Big Back Body Drop. McMillan hits a few clotheslines on Porter, then signals for the Underground Driver! He hooks Porter, but he can’t get him up because of his hurting back. Porter shoves McMillan off and quickly hits a dropkick to knock Matt down. Porter picks McMillan up, grabs onto his arm, and yells “TRIANGLE CHOKE!” He jumps up, hooking his legs around McMillan’s head and arm…but McMillan counters it into a Powerbomb! He keeps the cover 1……..2….Porter twists his body to get out of it, but McMillan twists his body as well, and puts Porter directly into the Rebel Lock! Porter yells in pain as McMillan twists his ankle hard. Porter crawls his way to the ropes, and is about to reach them, but McMillan just pulls him right back into the center of the ring, and with nowhere to go, he taps out, giving the win to Matt McMillan!(**3/4)

Overall: 62 (41CR, 83MQ)

Shawn Marvel comes out, looking steamed. He rolls into the ring and demands a microphone

Marvel: Last month, something happened. Something that is the biggest travesty in wrestling since the death of my idol, Ravishing Rick Rude. Last month, Underground Matt McMillan pinned me, when I WAS NOT THE LEGAL MAN! I was SCREWED in that match! I realize that wrestling referees are known for not being the sharpest knives in the drawer, but come on, ya know? That’s just wrong! And no top of that, Shadow Sean Drake tells me to shut up? First of all, I CAN’T shut up, because then you people wouldn’t be able to hear my glorious voice! And second, what has gotten into Sean Drake? He and I were once tight, we were together, we were like THIS! And now he says he wants to “Drag me down into the shadows”? That’s not cool at all! I don’t know what’s gotten into him, but tonight, I intend to knock it right back out of him!

Overall: 69

RA NOTES: Shawn Marvel gained overness from this segment.

Shadow Sean Drake vs Shawn Marvel

Drake’s music hits as the lights go out and the crowd goes wild as he makes his way out. He gets into the ring, and two of the top guys in WAPW (who have been here from the start) face off. The ref calls for the bell, and Drake moves in for a grapple, but Marvel dives out of the ring! He stalls for time as the crowd boos him, while Drake paces angrily in the ring. Marvel gets back into the ring, but immediately jumps out again when Drake approaches him. Marvel taps his head, but doesn’t notice Drake bouncing off the ropes. Marvel turns around, and gets nailed with a Tope Elbow from Drake!

This first time match between two men who have been in WAPW since the very beginning does not disappoint, as it is a good in ring match with a very hot crowd. Drake and Marvel start with a hard colar and elbow tie up, which is quickly broken off. They go for a second one, but neither man can get an advantage. Drake comes in for a third, but Marvel moves out of the way. Drake stumbles forward, and Marvel points and laughs at him. But as Marvel is laughing, Drake quickly moves in and hits a hard lariat, dropping Marvel. Drake immediately mounts Marvel and rains down a series of punches, then pulls Marvel up and hits a short arm clothesline! Drake is in total control for a while, with the crowd chanting for him. He signals for the end early on, and hooks Marvel for the Dark Clutch! Marvel quickly twists around, and thumbs Drake in the eye! Marvel grabs the hurt Drake, puts him in a Reverse DDT set up, then drops Drake across his knee (Think Christian’s old move).

Marvel’s cheating tactics begin to show as he takes every shortcut in the book to keep Drake down. He chokes Drake in the ropes, waiting until the last count to break it, then immediately goes back to the choke. Marvel does all kind of illegal tactics, from grabbing the ropes during a Leg Lock to gain leverage, to repeatedly raking the face of Drake. Drake tries to make a comeback, shows off some of his flashy offense, putting Drake into the corner, then hitting a handspring elbow, followed up by a Flipping Bulldog (Throwback). Marvel covers, but before the three count, he pulls Drake up! Marvel shakes his head no, then lifts up Drake, and spikes him on his head with a Snow Plow! He covers again, but again pulls Drake up before the three count!

Marvel is obviously extremely confident that he’s going to win, as he stands up, signaling for The Final Detail. He waits on Drake to get up, then shoots for The Final Detail, but Drake catches his foot, kicks Marvel in the stomach, and goes for The Eclipse! But Marvel backs up, then immediately grabs Drake for Simply Marvelous! But Drake escapes it again, and as Marvel turns around, Drake kicks him in the stomach, and successfully connects with The Eclipse! He hooks the legs, 1……….2……..3! Shadow Sean Drake gets the victory. (**3/4)

Overall: 69 (63CR, 75MQ)

WAPW WORLD TITLE: “Elite” Kyle Evers © vs Regal

The Elite one makes his way out first, holding the WAPW World Title around his shoulder, to a lot of booing from the crowd. He barely has time to pose in the ring, as Regal’s music immediately hits. Regal comes out, looking more intense than he ever has. He rolls into the ring, then throws a few kicks to the air, preparing for the World Title Match. The referee attempts to take the belt from Evers to show that the belt is up, but Evers refuses to let go. Instead, Evers holds the belt up himself, then holding it in Regal’s face to taunt him.

They lock up, and Evers immediately hits a basic arm drag, then celebrates like he’s won the Super Bowl. Regal gets up, they tie up again, and Evers hits another arm drag, then celebrates again. They tie up a third time, and once again, Evers hits an armdrag. Evers celebrates again, but Regal gets right back up, and when Evers turns around, Regal fires with a vicious kick to Evers’ ribs! Evers grabs his ribs in pain, and Regal fires with a kick to his face! Evers grabs his head in pain, and Regal goes back to the Ribs! Evers grabs his ribs with one hand while grabbing his head with the other (as the crowd laughs), and Regal hits a kick to Evers’ side! Evers rolls out of the ring in pain as Regal plays the crowd.

Though Regal and Evers have different styles, they still put on a pretty good match. Both Regal and Evers (especially Evers) are extremely over with the crowd, so the audience’s reaction to the match is stunningly loud. Regal actually takes it to Evers for a while with his stiff kicks. Evers finally gets in some offense when he ducks under a kick by Regal, then hits a quick hurricanrana. Evers starts to take the match to the air, hitting a series of missile dropkicks from the middle rope from each corner. He covers Regal, but Regal kicks out. Evers applies a chinlock, then yells at some fans. But him yelling at the fans gives Regal a chance to make his way out of the chin lock by snapmaring Evers over, then kicking Evers in the back hard! Evers screams out “MOTHERFUCKER!” and rolls out of the ring.

Regal is in total control for a while, dismantling the champion with kicks. Evers eventually catches another kick, then hits a piledriver on Regal. Regal kicks out at two, but Evers just scoops Regal right up, and hits a Brainbuster, but only gets a two count again. Evers looks freaked out, because he can’t seem to find a way to put Regal away. He goes for a powerbomb, but Regal swings his leg down into the back of Evers’s head, then signals for The Viper Kick! He whips Evers into the ropes, then tosses him into the air, but Evers counters it by shoving back, then catching Regal with an X-Factor on the way down! He rolls up Regal, grabs a handful of tights, and puts his feet on the ropes! Somehow, the referee misses all of this, and counts the 1……..2……3! For the second month in a row, Evers retains the World Title by cheating! (**1/2)

Overall: 68 (63CR, 73MQ)

RA NOTES: The WAPW World title has gained in image.

Overall Show: 62

Attendance: 308

In preparation for our new TV Show, WAPW has aquired the services of a new worker, one who is pretty well known to most indy fans out there…..

Delirious (Face, 44 Over): The man from “The Edge of Sanity” is just a weirdo. Wearing a green and black mask with long tassles, and baggy, green and black pants, he is basically the strangest wrestler out there. From speaking in complete gibberish to being afraid of the ring bell to claiming that wrestlers pulled his tassles, even if they haven’t touched him yet, he’s overall strange. And the crowd absolutely eats it up. But don’t let that fool you: he’s a FANTASTIC in-ring competitor as well. His Finisher is hard to describe, but he basically, from behind the guy, pulls their arms through their legs, then pulls so they do a flip, then sits out into a reverse Piledriver. He calls it the Chemical Imbalance. He also loves the Shadows Over Hell, a splash to the back of a hunched over opponent.

In slightly less important WAPW news, we hired a new Road Agent, Doug Anderson.

We also released announcer Craig Cohen, because Sophie recommends a different announcer for our shows. I noticed that there are two well known announcers out there I could pick up, but unfortunately, they’re Tony Schiavone and Mark Madden. So instead, I go with Paul Rivas, who is an unknown, but has 2 things going for him: 1, he’s not Tony Schiavone, and 2, he’s not Mark Madden.

Anyway, WAPW Bedlam is going to debut, and here’s the card:

WAPW World Title: “Elite” Kyle Evers vs Gangsta Greg

Chris and Val Rade vs Anthony Molanari and Jason Shapiro

Shawn Marvel vs Underground Matt McMillan

Blue Sky vs David Bryant vs Sebastion Suplex vs Daron Smythe

Edited by Botmaster4lyfe
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Botmaster4lyfe

Comcast, and World Anarchy Pro Wrestling, present BEDLAM! Thursday, July 6, 2006

We pan around the (small) arena for a bit, before we hear the voices of the commentators:

Brad Nicholas: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to World Anarchy Pro Wrestling! If you’re not familiar with WAPW, get ready to see some of the best pro wrestling action in the Midwest. I’m Brad Nicholas, and with me is Paul Rivas.

Paul Rivas: It’s the debut of WAPW here on Comcast, and we’re sure to have a great night! WAPW World Champion “Elite” Kyle Evers will defend his title against one of WAPW’s most popular wrestlers, Gangsta Greg! We’re gonna have a one on one meeting between the rivals, Shawn Marvel and Underground Matt McMillan, and given the quality of their last match, this is sure to be one hell of a contest. We’ll also be showing everybody WAPW’s two resident tag teams, when Anthony Molanari and Jason Shapiro face The Rade Brothers, Chris and Val!

Nicholas: But first, we have a 4 way dance featuring four of WAPW’s young stars!

4 Way Dance: Daron Smythe vs Blue Sky vs Sebastion Suplex vs David Bryant

As each man comes out, Nicholas and Rivas on commentary introduce the viewers to them. They describe Bryant as “The Master of the Diamond Cutter”, and say that he’s been in WAPW since the start, and has put on many a great match, including great matches with Kyle Evers. Blue Sky they describe as a great wrestler, but that he’s a loner who cares about nobody else. Sebastion Suplex is put over as the great grandson of the man who invented the suplex, and that he’s perfected the art. And Daron Smythe, the commentators admit, has done very little in WAPW, and while he’s a good worker, hasn’t shown anything in his time in WAPW to give anybody any information about himself. However, he’s added something new to his attire: a sparkly blue robe as he enters.

The very first match for WAPW on REAL TV (I’m not counting Learning Channel) is great. The match is set up with 2 men in the ring, while the other men wait on the apron. The match starts with David Bryant vs Blue Sky, and they move around quickly trading some fast paced offense. They eventually tag in Daron Smythe and Sebastion Suplex. As Smythe enters, he finally takes off his robe, and commentary pick up on something odd: Smythe’s tights say “NNB” on the back. They talk about what NNB could stand for as Smythe and Sebastion keep the match on the mat. Smythe eventually works Suplex into the corner, then hits a few chops, before strutting out of the corner. He turns around and runs in, but Suplex catches him, twists his body, and hits an Exploder suplex! Smythe quickly gets up, then turns toward Bryant. He calmly walks up to Bryant, tags him in, then turns around and flops to the mat, face first. There’s laughter and WHOOOs from the crowd as Smythe rolls out of the ring.

After a while, Bryant and Blue Sky end up in the ring. Bryant signals for the end, and grabs Sky’s head for the Diamond Cutter, but Sky shoves him off. Bryant runs into the ropes, and gets kneed in the back from Daron Smythe! Bryant stumbles forward, and Smythe enters the ring illegally to continue his attack, only to get intercepted by an also illegal Sebastion Suplex, who brawls with Smythe, and during their brawl, they fall through the ropes and to the floor. Meanwhile, in the ring, Bryant is still holding his back, and Blue Sky takes advantage to hit him with the Sky High! He covers, 1……2…..3, and before Suplex and Smythe can jump back into the ring to break it up, Blue Sky gets the win. (**3\4)

Overall: 60 (55CR, 80MQ) (ONE OF THOSE DAYS! Bah)

Chris and Val Rade vs Anthonly Molanari and Jason Shapiro

WAPW’s best two tag teams (Well, only two tag teams) are prepared to tear it up again, much like their last match. Molanari and Shapiro come out first. Shapiro has changed his look slightly, as he’s wearing a flashy ring jacket, much like the rockers used to wear. Molanari’s ring jacket is solid black, so there’s a bit of a difference there. Chris and Va Rade have found some matching ring attire, and they come out slapping hands with fans. One fan, however, doesn’t seem to be paying attention: a woman in the front row wearing a Beret has taken out a sketch pad, and is drawing on it, not paying attention to anything around her. The Rades look at her oddly, then get into the ring and get on the turnbuckles, hyping up the crowd. All four men shake hands before the match to a big pop.

Like their last tag match, the two teams work pretty well against each other. It’s a straight up tag match with no cheating or evil tactics by either team. Val and Molanari start off, with Molanari hitting the power moves while Val takes to the air. Molanari whips Val into the ropes, but Val springboards off and goes for a moonsault. Molanari catches him and tries to spin him around, but Val grabs onto Molanari’s head and spikes him with a DDT! Molanari quickly tags in Shapiro, and Shapiro and Val trade some beautiful cruiserweight action. The crowd is really starting to get into it, but the chick in the front row actually appears to be telling people around her to be quiet while she draws. That fan aside, the crowd is very reactive to the match. Molanari, Shapiro, and The Rades continue to tear into each other, making the match quite good.

The match begins to break down as all four men start to brawl. But as they’re brawling, two more men run from the back, carrying chairs! They get into the ring, and smack Molanari and Chris Rade with the chairs! The referee calls for the bell as Val Rade and Shapiro run in, but only get chair shots from the two men too!

Brad Nicholas: I recognize those guys……they’re Enygma and Mark Steyl! But what the hell are they doing?

Paul Rivas: This match was just getting good, too……now what are they doing to Shapiro?

As he’s saying this, Enygma has pulled Shapiro near the corner, while Mark Steyl is uncharacteristically climbing up! He climbs to the top rope, and Enygma lifts Shapiro in a powerbomb, then turns so Enygma is facing the turnbuckle. Steyl grabs Shapiro’s head for a Reverse DDT. Enygma and Steyl nod to each other, then Steyl jumps off as Enygma turns. Enygma sits out while turning, and Steyl drives Shapiro’s head into the mat in a Spiral Bomb/Twisting Reverse DDT Combo! Shapiro is DEAD.


Overall: 58 (52CR, 79MQ)

RA NOTES: Jason Shapiro debuted his new gimmick (Old School Face), it got a positive response. Enygma debuted his new gimmick (Bad Ass), it got a positive response.

Mark Steyl and Enygma survey the damage they caused as a few officials come out to help the four men to the back. They both grab microphones.

Steyl: So, WAPW’s debut on TV that people actually care about. And what happens? WAPW once again looks over us. Because apparently, myself and Enygma aren’t good enough to make it to TV. I guess we can’t ALL be as amazing as a White, Wannabee MC Hammer. It’s pathetic!

Enygma: Need I remind you idiots out there that I fought against, and defeated, one of WAPW’s biggest stars, Eric Justice, and I was one of the reasons why he ain’t around anymore? He saw the new face in WAPW, and he ran with his tail tucked between his legs. And yet, Me and Steyl have been overlooked time and time again! And you know what? WE ARE FUCKING SICK OF IT!

Steyl: You know, both Enygma and I have something in common. When we entered WAPW, we took on names that we both figured would help get us noticed. What, you people REALLY thought my last name was “Steyl”? But even with that, people have ignored us, and focused on people like Shawn Drake, and Yggdrasil. Well, no more. We’re tired of being ignored. We’re tired of being forgotten. From now on, we’re going to make our own god damn impact. And I am NOT going to use some fake name to try to get noticed, when I can do it by just destroying anything that’s in my way. From now on, I am going by my real name, CJ Petrous.

Enygma: Same here. Enygma is DEAD. My name is Ron Codomane.

Petrous: We’ve been looked over, we’ve been ignored, but NO MORE. You see, from this moment on, you will remember CJ Petrous. You will remember Ron Codomane. You will remember……….The Forgotten!

They both drop their microphones and leave the ring, as commentary talk about this new team.

Overall: 70

RA NOTES: C.J. Petrous gained overness from this segment. Ron Codomane gained overness from this segment.

Underground Matt McMillan vs Shawn Marvel

Before the match begins, commentary makes a huge announcement: Rich Braude has announced that the winner of this match will get a WAPW Title Shot next week on Bedlam! Underground Matt McMillan makes his way out first to a big pop. He’s gotten quite over in a short amount of time in WAPW, mostly thanks to his great matches. As he’s coming down to the ring, though, Shawn Marvel comes out from the back. Marvel runs in to attack, but McMillan sees it coming, and turns around and meets Marvel with a punch! They trade punches, and McMillan is on the winning side. He kicks Marvel in the stomach, and hooks him for the Underground Driver on the entranceway! But Marvel counters, and backdrops McMillan instead, and McMillan hits the entrance ramp back first! Marvel laughs, and drags McMillan back to the ring, throwing him in and climbing in himself, starting the match officially.

Much like their last one on one match, Marvel and McMillan absolutely light the ring up, putting on a beautiful contest. Marvel focuses his attack on the back of McMillan (As commentary talk about how Purist Jack Porter worked on the back when he and McMillan fought). He locks in an Abdominal Stretch early on, and as referee Mr. Afro checks if McMillan is going to tap, Marvel grabs the top rope for leverage! McMillan yells in pain,and Marvel lets go of the ropes before Mr. Afro can catch him. But as soon as Mr. Afro goes back to checking McMillan, Marvel grabs the ropes! This time, however, Afro catches him, and kicks Marvel’s arm off the rope, leading to McMillan hip tossing Marvel out of the Abdominal Stretch.

McMillan takes over, immediately going after Marvel’s leg with a chop block. He follows up with a series of knees to Marvel’s leg, then goes to apply the Rebel Lock! But Marvel moves his leg to one side, then whips it down to the ground to try to take McMillan off his balance. But McMillan cartwheels out of it, then grabs Marvel’s leg again! Marvel kicks him off, but McMillan goes right back to the leg again, abandoning the Rebel Lock for a basic leg Lock instead. He works over McMillan with moves toward his legs for a few minutes, until Marvel finally counters by sweeping McMillan’s legs out from under him, then quickly getting up and hitting a standing Flipping Senton (!) on McMillan.

They kick the match up a notch, switching from a ground game to a speedy game. They go at each other with quick moves, not even attempting to go for covers, instead just teraing into each other. Marvel goes for a Tilt A Whirl, but McMillan counters it into a brutal DDT! He turns to the corner, and comes off with a crazy Double Jump Moonsault! He gets a two count before Marvel kicks out, then goes to the corner and goes for the Double Jump Moonsault again, but Marvel gets the knees up, and McMillan crashes into them! Both men are down, and the referee starts his count.

Both men get up at around 7 (With the crowd applauding the match so far), and they start to slug it out. They go back and forth, but Marvel stops the punches with a hard knee to McMillan’s gut. Marvel backs up, and goes for The Final Detail. But McMillan catches his foot, and locks in the Rebel Lock! Marvel quickly scrambles to the ropes, then leaves the ring. He paces back and forth, rethinking his strategy…….then just blows McMillan off and leaves for the back! Mr. Afro starts his count as McMillan yells for Marvel to come back, but Marvel has no interest in continuing the match. Mr. Afro reaches 7……8…….9…..and 10! Shawn Marvel gets himself counted out, and McMillan wins the match, and gets a title shot next week on Bedlam! The crowd isn’t happy with the cheap finish, but they can’t deny that that was one hell of a match, and they give McMillan a big ovation.(***1/4)

Overall: 64 (53CR, 92!!!MQ)

RA NOTES: Underground Matt McMillan gained overness from this match.

The music of the WAPW World Champ hits, and he comes out to the loudest reaction of the night (Heel heat)

As Kyle Evers enters the ring, he asks for a microphone. The crowd starts a loud “EVERS SUCKS” chant.

Evers: Hey, here’s a good idea! Maybe if you keep chanting, I won’t be the champ anymore!

The crowd boos, and Evers pauses, then looks at the WAPW belt.

Evers: Awww, too bad, I’m STILL the champion. You all failed. Not surprising. But let’s face it…tonight is a special night. Tonight, WAPW, MY federation, is on Comcast. So to everybody who’s watching this, I’ll make it simple for you. (He gets close to the camera). I am Kyle Evers, I am Elite, I am the WAPW WorldChampion, and I am the best damn wrestler in this federation. I defeated Scott Zero for this belt. And I don’t care who I have to go through, because I am GOING to prove that I am the greatest wrestler this federation has to offer. Not Sean Drake, not Matt McMillan, not Yggdrasil, not David Bryant………ME. ELITE……..Kyle……….Evers.

Overall: 81

WAPW WORLD TITLE: “Elite” Kyle Evers © vs Gangsta Greg

As Greg makes his way out, Paul Rivas points out that the last time these two men fought, Kyle Evers got the win, so Greg has two incentives to win: get revenge for that loss, as well as finally win the WAPW World Title. Greg and Evers circle each other, then lock up, but Evers quickly pushes off. He backs into the corner, and the referee asks him what’s up. Evers reaches back, and Evers says “I have an eyelash in my eye, hang on!”. Evers stalls for time, trying to “remove” the eyelash, and Greg gets fed up with it, shoving the referee out of the way and walking in, directly in an eye poke to both of his eyes!

Evers’ cheap tactics give him the early advantage. He hits a few body slams on Greg, then points to the top rope rather early in the match. He climbs up, facing the crowd. He backflips for a moonsault, but lands on his feet, yells out “No, You People Don’t deserve it!” then hits a basic elbow drop on Greg to huge heat. Evers covers Greg, but he kicks out quickly. Greg really has been in trouble since the poke to the eye, and the only offense he gets in is a single kick to Evers while he’s being pulled up. Evers retaliates by scooping Greg up, and drilling him with a big piledriver. He covers Greg, but Greg kicks out. Evers eventually slows down the match with a chin lock, taking the time to yell at fans. He pulls Greg up in Reverse DDT position, and lifts him, but Greg counters into an Asai DDT! Greg cradles Evers up, but gets a two count. Greg pulls Evers up, but Evers shuts him down with a DDT.

That burst of offense seems like the last for Greg, as Evers continues to work over Greg. Evers can’t keep Greg down for the 3 count, but he seems to be enjoying just beating on Greg. He finally decides he’s done with it, and hooks Greg for the Vertebreaker. He goes for it, but Greg counters, shooting Evers into the ropes. And as Evers comes back, Greg damn near decapitates Evers with a spinning heel kick, which Evers sells with a backflip!

Greg gets a MONSTER second wind, absolutely destroying Evers with forearms, pushing Evers into the ropes. Greg runs into the ropes, then at Evers, who back drops Greg, but Greg lands on his feet on the apron. He punches Evers in the back of the head, and Evers stumbles forward. Greg springboards off the top rope, and hits a big Missile Dropkick to the back of Evers’ head. Evers drops into the ropes, and Greg runs in, and hits Evers’ own 1337 on him! The crowd is really going nuts as Greg jumps to the top rope, and hits a flying Leg Drop! He covers, the crowd chants along with him….1……2….NO, Evers SOMEHOW gets his shoulder up!

Greg gets up and screams out “G-U”, and waits on Evers to get up. Evers turns around, and Greg picks him up for the G-U! He goes for it, but Evers slips out of it, lands on his feet, and hits an Enzuguri to the front of Greg’s face. Greg sumbles, and Evers hits another one, this time to the back of Greg’s head. Greg drops into the ropes, and Evers runs in with The 1337! Greg goes down, and Evers covers him, for the 1……2……3! Evers retains his WAPW World Title!

Overall: 65 (67CR, 80MQ)



Attendance: 155

Comcast was happy with the ratings, but they did ask that we up our production a bit. Although it’s expensive, it’ll be worth it. Production values are raised to 51%, which should make the network happy (They’re asking for 50%)

But the BIG NEWS is with Comcast. I talked to the representative, Sean Murphy, about our show, and he was absolutely THRILLED with it. He not only offered us a 9 month extention of our contract, but he said he’d love to move WAPW from Late Evening to a PRIME TIME Slot! This is perfect for WAPW, because the highest rating we could get is above what the top rating for Comcast at Prime Time. Although eventually we’ll want to change TV Stations, for now, this is great.

Of course, with now eight to eleven segments to fill per week, WAPW needs a few more workers.

Ken Anderson (Face, 39 Over): This guy was literally about 2 weeks away from superstardom. He was scheduled to play a character named “Ken Kennedy” in WWE, and was also going to be getting a major push. But in a cost cutting measure after the fallout of Wrestlemania, WWE fired all of their OVW Talent, and Anderson was one of them. Since then, he hasn’t really been doing much. It’s a shame, because he’s really a good worker. And not only that, but he is superbly charismatic. Not bad for only $12,000. His finisher is called the “Kenton Bomb”, which is a flipping samoan drop off the middle rope. Quite impressive to see, actually.

Dennis Tracey (Heel, 42 Over): The best way to describe Tracey is “Disrespectful Punk”. Everything about him screams that he’s a punk, from his tongue piercing to the black skulls that are on his tights. It really makes him stand out from other indy stars. The other thing that makes him stand out is that he is one of the top indy stars who has yet to make it to any federation on a regular basis. He can brawl, he can fly, he can mat wrestle, and he can cut great promos. He uses a TKO as a finish. I really have high hopes for this guy.

Not only are those two workers joining us, but I’ve decided it’s time that WAPW gets a Tag Team Division underway. And, of course, to have a Tag Division, we’re gonna need Tag Titles! The current plan is to have an 8 team tag title tournament start after our next Medium show (Hyperclash), with the finals being at Windy City Wipeout. We already have 3 tag teams in WAPW (Molanari and Shapiro, The Rades, and the new team of Petrous and Codomane, whose tag name will be announced next time they wrestle). There will probably be a few Tag Teams formed from WAPW Stars, and I’m thinking that there will be one surprise team, more than likely a non-WAPW team. There is one team who I really have my eyes on.

And now, here’s the card for WAPW’s PRIME TIME Deubt with Bedlam:

WAPW World Title: “Elite” Kyle Evers defends vs Underground Matt McMillan

3 Way Dance For #1 Contendership at Hyperclash: Kage vs Shadow Sean Drake vs Yggdrasil

Gangsta Greg vs “Purist” Jack Porter

Chris and Val Rade vs CJ Petrous and Ron Codomane

Double Debut: Dennis Tracey vs Ken Anderson

Michael Fiocchi vs Blue Sky

Delirious vs Daron Smythe

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The way Daron Smythe played out makes me anticipate a day when Fiocchi shows himself as Flair.

The Forgotten seem cool, but I liked the names Mark Steyl and Enygma over C.J. Petrous and Ron Codomane. Won't really hurt it, though.

Mr. Afro whom has probably been here for a while, but this is the first time I noticed him, so I say: :)

Lastly, not that I thought he'd win, but I was really pushing for Gangsta Greg. Give him some stick time already.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Botmaster4lyfe

Comcast and WAPW Present the Prime Time Debut of BEDLAM!

Dennis Tracey vs Ken Anderson

The mildly-generic looking Anderson comes out first, and he gets a bit of a boo for being announced as from Green Bay, Wisconsin (We’re in Chicago, remember). Dennis Tracey looks everything but generic. He has a tongue ring, is wearing a leather jacket with skulls covering it, and has tattoos covering his arms. He gets into the ring, and takes off his leather jacket, revealing his back is also covered in tattoos. Anderson offers a handshake to start, which Tracey completely ignores.

Anderson starts the match with a headlock, which Tracey counters into a headlock of his own. Anderson moves it into a Hammerlock, but Tracey counters it into a top wristlock. Tracey then jumps up, putting his knees on Anderson’s back (and arm, still trapped behind), and drops back in a Lung Blower, right on Anderson’s arm! Anderson pops up, holding his arm, and Tracey goes for a lariat, but Anderson ducks under it, then hits a beautiful dropkick, sending Tracey tumbling through the ropes to the floor. As he recovers, Anderson planchas over the top onto him! Ken slaps hands with fans as Tracey clears the cobwebs.

The match is short, but quite good. The crowd doesn’t react much, which is understandable, because it’s the debut of both men. Anderson starts to take the match to the mat with a few submissions, and gains the advantage. Anderson looks like he’s going to keep with the ground game, but out of nowhere, after a body slam, he climbs to the top rope and connects with a picture perfect Flying Knee Drop! He covers, but only gets a two, after which Tracey grabs Anderson’s arm, and puts him into a unique arm submission, twisting Anderson’s arm backwards behind his own back! Anderson is in a lot of pain, but he manages to make it to the ropes.

Tracey pulls Anderson up and calls for the end, but Anderson shoves him off, and hits a snap suplex. Anderson kicks up Tracey, and whips him into the ropes. He goes for a roaring elbow, but Tracey dodges it, bounces off the ropes, and comes back with a Leg Lariat that damn near decapitates Anderson! That’s more than enough, but Tracey decides to pick up Anderson anyway, and hit him with a TKO! He covers, and gets the three count, and the victory! (**3/4)

Overall: 54 (40CR, 81MQ) (Another ONE OF THOSE DAYS? Geez)

RA NOTES: Ken Anderson debuted his new gimmick (No Gimmick Needed), it got a positive response. Dennis Tracey debuted his new gimmick (Punk), it got a negative response.

Rich Braude is in a Generic Office. Next to him is a briefcase.

Rich Braude: Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m here to announce big news for WAPW. With WAPW getting on Television, it’s time to up the level of competativeness. And this means introducing something new for WAPW wrestlers to fight for. It’s time to introduce a new title to WAPW. Or rather, new titles.

He opens the briefcase, and takes out two identical gold belts.

Braude: These are the NEW WAPW Tag Team Titles. We are going to be holding an 8 team tournament to determine the first ever WAPW Tag Team Champions, which will conclude at WAPW Windy City Wipeout in 2 months. There are 8 open slots in this tournament, so it is advised that WAPW Wrestlers start making teams and signing up. And be prepared, because the opening match of the tournament is gonna take place at Hyperclash on August 5th!

Overall: 59

RA NOTES: Rich Braude gained overness from this segment.

Daron Smythe vs Delirious

The certainly odd Delirious makes his debut, running to the ring, his ultra-long tassles flying behind him, as he flails his arms and slaps hands with fans. He rolls into the ring, kneels in the corner, and proceeds to stare into space. Smythe comes out, this week wearing a flashy red robe. As he gets into the ring, Delirious continues to stare into space. Smythe takes off his robe, and commentary again ponder just what “NNB” means. The referee checks with both men (Delirious doesn’t respond), and calls for the bell. After the bell rings, Delirious goes NUTS. He screams and leaves the ring, running around the ring flailing his arms wildly, then rolling back into the ring and hiding behind the referee

The match is actually pretty silly, as it’s just a way to introduce Delirious to the crowd. Smythe tries to take advantage with a few chops in the corner, then a strut out, but as he struts, Delirious comes out of the corner and stares at him. Smythe turns around after his strut, and Delirious turns to the referee and makes a motion, while yelling jibberish, that Smythe pulled his tassles. The crowd laughs as Smythe looks perplexed. He goes in for another chop, but Delirious grabs his arm in a hammerlock, then runs around in a circle screaming “RING RING RING, BANANAPHONE!” and cradling up Smythe for a 2 count. Paul Rivas mentions how that’s one of Delirious’ signature moves, and how Delirious feels that it’s usually the end of the match. Brad Nicholes resonse: “I don’t think Delirious feels much of anything, really”.

Smythe eventually takes the match to the mat, and begins to outclass Delirious. But as soon as he gets an opportunity, Delirious escapes a chinlock, then throws Smythe into the corner, and hits a clothesline into the corner. And again. And again. And….again. He keeps clotheslining Smythe, as the crowd begins to cheer. After an amazing 35 (!) clotheslines in a row, Smythe stumbles out of the corner, while Delirious climbs to the top rope. He leaps off, and hits the Shadows Over Hell! He covers Smythe….1……2…….3! Delirious is victorious in his debut! He celebrates by running around the ring again, slapping hands with fans, then grabbing the bandana of a fan in the front row and giving it to the referee.(**1/2)

Overall: 54 (45CR, 77MQ)

Blue Sky vs Michael Fiocchi

Blue Sky comes out first, sporting his usual tattered coat, and he gets into the ring, sits on the top rope, and just waits. There’s a pause, before a voice rings out over the PA System: “YO! It’s Me, It’s Me, it’s Fi-o-cchi!” Fiocchi comes out wearing a blue vest, long black pants, and has dyed his hair blond. He looks around, then raises his hands into the Diamond Cutter symbol, then brings them down as the crowd yells “BANG!”. Fiocchi goes to the ring, but instead of getting in, he jumps into the crowd. He gets into the middle of them, then raises his arms again as everyone around him does it too, and they all yell “BANG” at the same time. He jumps into the ring, and does one more Diamond Cutter pose, as Blue Sky jumps down off the top rope and cracks his knuckles.

What is really surprising about this match is that the crowd is relatively quiet, despite both men being pretty over. This is the second show in a row where the crowd just hasn’t been that into it, but I’m hoping that that changes soon. It’s a shame, because the match is really quite good. Even with Fiocchi focusing on brawling and Sky going for high flying, it’s still one hell of a match. Sky is especially good in the match, as at one point when he is whipped toward the corner, he bounces to the middle rope, then the top rope, then leaps off into a huge hurricanrana on Fiocchi! Fiocchi goes outside the ring, as Sky sets up for something. As Fiocchi gets up, Sky bounces off the ropes, and hits a flipping plancha over the top rope! Sky gets up, rolls into the ring, and sits in the corner, waiting. As Fiocchi rolls into the ring, Sky goes for him, but Fiocchi suddenly hits a Discus Lariat! Fiocchi then picks Sky up, and hits the Spiral Bomb!

The match continues to be very back and forth, but in the end, it looks like it’s Blue Sky who’s gonna win. He hits a series of punches to Fiocchi, then signals for the Sky High. He wraps around Fiocchi, but Fiocchi twists with the move, grabs Sky’s head, and hits the Diamond Cutter! He covers Sky, and gets the 1……2……3! Fiocchi gets the win! Fiocchi celebrates, as Sky makes his way to his feet. Fiocchi sees it, and offers Blue Sky a handshake. Sky just stares at Fiocchi, totally emotionless, then turns around and walks out of the ring, ignoring the handshake. Sky grabs his coat, then walks to the back.(**3/4)

Overall: 56 (43 CR, 83MQ)

The Rades (Chris and Val) vs The Forgotten (CJ Petrous and Ron Codomane)

Codomane and Petrous have found some matching ring gear, with black bandanas and baggy, black pants. The Rades come out, looking pretty pissed at The Forgotten already. But as they walk to the ring, camera’s catch something: the woman who was in the front row last week wearing a beret is back, and she’s once again drawing on a large pad. The Rades stop by her and try to get her attention, but she’s totally absorbed in her drawing. They finally just ignore her and roll into the ring…and are immediately attacked by Petrous and Codomane! The Forgotten both whip The Rades into the ropes, then go for clotheslines, but the Rades duck. As Codomane and Petrous turn around, they’re both hit with dropkicks, sending them to the floor to regroup. As they do, Chris grabs Val and whips him into the ropes, then backdrops him over the top, and onto The Forgotten!

The match is most notable for the fact that Codomane and Petrous are really working their asses off now that they have characters. Val Rade, though, actually takes it to Codomane at the start of the match, even though Codomane absolutely towers over him. Val hits three dropkicks in a row, then whips Codomane into the corner. Val runs in, and hits a leaping Elbow. He backs up, then hits a second. Val backs up all the way into the opposite corner, then runs in, but Codomane moves. Val grabs the top rope and lifts up, but Codomane catches him by the legs, and spikes him with a violent Alabama Slam! Codomane tags in Petrous, and Codomane lifts Petrous up onto his shoulders, then Electric Chair’s Petrous right onto Val! Cover, but Chris quickly breaks it up.

Val just can’t tag out, as Petrous and Codomane systematically pick him apart. Chris Rade tries to rally the crowd behind Val (with the beret woman once again trying to quiet them down), but as soon as Val gets one chance, as he nears the corner, Codomane runs into the ring, grabs him from behind, and hits a backdrop! Petrous covers Val, but only gets a two. Petrous picks up Val, and calls for the end. He looks like he’s going for a Powerbomb, but Val backdrops him out of it, then as Petrous gets up, dropkicks Petrous so hard that Petrous accidentally hits Codomane! Val crawls towards his corner…and makes the tag to his brother Chris!

Chris jumps into the ring, and knocks down Petrous repeatedly with elbows. Codomane goes for a clothesline, but Chris ducks, then hits a few kicks to Codomane’s knee, dropping the big man, then goes back to attacking Petrous. Codomane gets up, and is about to grab Chris, but Val springboards off the top rope with a dropkick sending Codomane through the ropes. Val rushes to the ropes, then slingshots over the top, going for a hurricanrana, but Codomane catches him, and powerbombs him onto the apron! Meanwhile, in the ring, Chris sets Petrous up on the top rope, then goes for a Superplex. But Codomane enters the ring, grabs Chris for a powerbomb, then turns around so Chris is facing away from the turnbuckle. Petrous grabs Chris’ head, and he and Codomane hit their combination Spiral Bomb/Reverse DDT, which commentary call “Never Forget”. Petrous covers Chris, and that’s enough to get the three count, giving the win to The Forgotten. (**3/4)

Overall: 57 (50CR, 78MQ)

We see Jack Porter walking backstage (Woo-Hoo, we have a backstage!).

He’s heading to the ring for his match against Gangsta Greg, when…

Voice: Hey, Jack! Jack!

Jack turns around as Shawn Marvel runs up to him.

Marvel: Man, I’m glad I found you. Did you hear Rich Braude earlier? Announcing the big WAPW Tag Title tournament?

Jack: Yeah….

Marvel: Well listen, I’m entering the tournament. And I need a partner. You and I have teamed up before, so it’d be only natural for us to enter this tourney. Just think about it, man…..Shawn Marvel and Jack Porter…..Purely Marvelous…..as the first ever WAPW Tag Team Champions. What do you say?

Jack: A chance to hold gold here in WAPW? Hell yeah, I’m in. Purely Marvelous, going all the way!

Marvel: GREAT! I already talked to Rich Braude, and I got us a warm up match next week against Sean Drake and Regal. I’ll see you later!

Marvel leaves as Porter continues to walk. It seems like something clicks in his mind, and he turns around.

Porter: Wait…you signed us up for WHAT?

Overall: 67

RA NOTES: Jack Porter gained overness from this segment.

Gangsta Greg vs “Purist” Jack Porter

Greg makes his way out first, and he gets a monster pop from the crowd. As he gets into the ring, he takes off the “bling” around his neck and throws it to somebody in the crowd. Porter comes out next, and commentary talk about how he is entered into the tag title tournament with Marvel, and how Marvel signed them up for a tag match next week. As Porter gets into the ring, he takes off his sunglasses and prepares to throw them into the crowd (like Greg did), but at the last second, he rethinks it, then just gives them to the referee to hold on to.

Porter immediately begins the match by taking Greg down into a headlock. Greg kips up out of it, and goes for a quick elbow drop, but Porter misses, then grabs the arm of Greg and applies a grounded wristlock. Greg makes his way up, then grabs the top rope, and backflips with the rope assisting him, reversing the wristlock and then sweeping Porter’s legs, then hitting a quick leg drop. But after he hits it, Porter grabs his leg and turns it into a Grapevine! Greg struggles for a few seconds, but kicks at Porter’s head to break the hold. Porter rolls backwards as Greg kips up, and they face off to a big pop.

Porter and Greg’s differing styles actually mesh quite well in this encounter. That’s mostly because both men are lightweights, so there isn’t a a big size difference as many styles clashes end up being. Porter goes to work mainly on the legs of Greg, trying to ground the high flier. It becomes apparent that it’s working, as Greg begins to limp whenever he’s back to his feet. Porter keeps going to school on the legs of Greg, lcoking in an Inverted Figure Four in the center of the ring. Greg struggles in the ring, then rolls to the ropes, breaking the hold. Porter doesn’t even pause, picking Greg up and whipping him into the ropes. But Greg hits a Tajiri like Handspring, but instead of a back elbow, he turns his body into a jumping clothesline!

Greg starts to fire back, although his legs are still bothering him. He hits a few elbows to Porter’s face, then bounces off the ropes with a running elbow. Porter goes down in the middle of the ring, and Greg turns around, then hits a standing moonsault. Greg covers, but only gets a two count. As soon as Porter kicks out, though, he grabs onto Greg’s head, and puts Greg into a Guillotine Choke! Greg is trapped, and it looks like he’s gonna tap…but he suddenly shifts his weight forward, pinning Porter’s shoulders to the mat, then rolling through into an Inverted Jackknife cover! 1……..2……..3! Greg pulls out the win!

Porter leaves the ring looking pissed, as Greg celebrates. He gets onto the turnbuckles, celebrating, but doesn’t see that Roderick Strong has run to the ring! Strong waits on Greg, and when Greg drops off the turnbuckle, Roderick hooks him and hits a Half Nelson Backbreaker! (**1/2)

Overall: 55 (49CR, 76MQ)

Roderick Strong stomps down on Greg’s head, then asks for a microphone.

Strong: Huh? You people wanna know why I did that? Because I am SICK AND TIRED OF BEING IGNORED! I was the first WAPW World Champion, in case you all forgot. Well starting right now, I’m going right back to the top of WAPW. And how better to do that than to go after one of the so called “Top guys” in WAPW. Greg, consider this a challenge. You, Me, Hyperclash, BE THERE.

Overall: 47 (As bad as that is, I have a storyline for Strong coming up that will REQUIRE him to cut a few promos)

#1 Contendership Match: Kage vs Shadow Sean Drake vs Yggdrasil

Shadow Sean Drake is out first to the loudest face reaction of the night. As he steps into the ring, Yggdrasil’s music hits, and he also gets a monster face reaction. Yggdrasil’s popularity has really been surprising, as he has become one of WAPW’s most over characters, even though he still hasn’t shown a specific face or heel side. As Yggdrasil gets into the ring, Kage’s music hits, and out he comes to heel heat. He is about to get into the ring, when Sean Drake and Yggdrasil start brawling. Kage pauses, then just waits outside the ring, letting Drake and Yggdrasil fight. Yggdrasil and Drake trade punches, until Drake hits a spinning chop, sending Yggdrsail reeling into the ropes. Drake grabs Yggdrasil for a whip, but Yggdrasil counters, then grabs onto Drake’s head and throws him over the top rope, causing Drake to slam into Kage on the way down!

This match has some classic 3 way dance action, although it’s more of a mat based 3 way dance. Kage and Yggdrasil are both great technical workers, and while Drake’s style is more of a striking style, he still fits in pretty well in the match. Yggdrsail has both of his opponents down early after taking them both out at once. He pulls Kage into the ring first, then immediately locks in an elevated boston crab. He really wrenches back on the move, but Drake reenters the ring, then hits a standing roundhouse right to Yggdrasil’s face! Yggdrasil releases the hold, then Drake hits another kick, this time wit his other leg. Yggdrasil backs up into the corner, and Drake hits a running, leaping knee right to Yggdrasil’s face! Yggdrasil slumps down in the corner, and Drake turns around, and Kage comes in with a hard lariat. Drake gets up, but is met with a second lariat. Kage keeps the power game on Drake, and then on Yggdrasil when he gets back up.

The best part of this match is that the crowd is absolutely red hot for it. Three of WAPW’s most over superstars really back it up in the ring, too, making this an incredible three way dance. Overall, though, the crowd is behind Drake, who is our top face. There are loud “Shadow” chants for him, as he rallies back in the match, hitting kicks on both Kage and Yggdrasil back and forth. Drake hits a few more punches on both men, then bounces off the ropes and hits a dropkick to both men. He gets up and signals for the Dark Clutch, then waits on one of the men to get up. Yggdrasil is first, and Drake goes for the Clutch. He locks in the Cobra Clutch, but before he can scissor Yggdrasil’s body, Yggdrasil snapmares Drake down to the mat, then applies a Cobra Clotch of his own! Before he can really lock it in fully, though, Kage runs in and breaks it up, then picks up Yggdrasil and powerbombs him to the mat hard!

Kage has both men down, and calls for the Osaka Street Cutter. He grabs Drake, and goes for it. But as Drake is vertical, Drake slams his knee right into Kage’s head! Kage drops Drake, who lands on his feet, and Drake dropkicks Kage through the middle rope to the floor! Drake turns to Yggdrasil, who is getting up, and slaps his leg for The Eclipse. He runs in, and goes for it, but Yggdrasil backs up, and grabs Drake’s legs on the way down, then locks in the Necronomicon! Kage is still down and out on the outside, and Drake desprately tries to fight the move off. He crawls to the ropes, but before he can get there, Yggdrasil pulls him right back to the center of the ring…..and Drake taps! Yggdrasil is going to Hyperclash to face “Elite” Kyle Evers for the WAPW World Title! (**3/4)

Overall: 62 (63CR, 75MQ)

Yggdrasil, breathing hard, grabs the microphone.

Yggdrasil: And thus, I have earned a shot at the WAPW World title. Kyle Evers…….you call yourself “Elite”. Need I remind you, Evers, that PRIDE IS A SIN! Evers, while you have held the belt, and even before, while you ran your mouth, and did everything in your power to screw people over…I watched what you were doing. And I was angry. And I know that wrath is also a sin, but sometimes, Evers, you must rely on sin to be able to motivate you. At Hyperclash, Evers, all the wrath that has built up is going to come out, against you. And I WILL walk out of Hyperclash as the WAPW World Champion! SO SAYETH YGGDRASIL!

He thows down the microphone to a big pop from the crowd.

Overall: 67

RA NOTES: Yggdrasil's turn was completed, and he is now a face. Yggdrasil gained overness from this turn. Yggdrasil gained overness from this segment.

WAPW TITLE: “Elite” Kyle Evers vs Underground Matt McMillan

Evers comes out first, and walks to the ring to big boos from the crowd. As he gets into the ring, he demands that the referee raises his hand in victory, despite the match not even starting. McMillan makes his way out to a big pop. As he rolls into the ring, Evers looks to attack him before the bell, but McMillan is ready, and he blocks Evers’ punch, and hits a punch of his own! McMillan takes an early advantage on Evers, beating the champ all around the ring. He goes for the Underground Driver early, but Evers counters into a hurricanrana, then dashes out of the ring. McMillan follows him, and Evers rolls right back in. McMillan begins to climb back into the ring, but Evers kicks the middle rope hard, driving it into McMillan’s groin! McMillan collapses into the ring, and the referee yells at Evers, who plays innocent, claming that he didn’t actually TOUCH McMillan while doing the low blow.

The low blow gives Evers the advantage right back, and he picks apart McMillan with quick series of kicks, followed by a standing moonsault. Evers continues his assault on McMillan for a wihle, culimating by putting McMillan on the top rope and hitting a huge Superplex. He covers McMillan, but only gets a two count, but Evers immediately goes to a side headlock, really wrenching it (and commentary note that Evers main finisher, The 1337, focuses on the head). McMillan works his way to his feet, but Evers takes him right back down with a bulldog. Evers keeps all his offense focused on the head of McMillan, then finishes it with a big piledriver. He covers McMillan, but McMillan gets his foot on the bottom rope. Evers keeps on McMillan for another about 5-7 minutes, but he just can’t keep the challenger down for the three count. The crowd starts chanting for McMillan, and he fights his way out of a headlock. He tries to run, but Evers takes him down by the hair! Evers puts McMillan this time in a Dragon Sleeper. McMillan manages to get out of it, but Evers grabs his hair again. Evers points to his own head indicating he’s smart, then tries to pull McMillan back in…but McMillan unbelievably does standing back flip, breaking Evers’ grip and landing on his feet, then hitting a leaping heel kick, right to the side of Evers’ face! Both men are down…until McMillan gets a burst of adrenaline and kips up!

McMillan screams as the crowd pops, and Evers gets up. Evers turns to McMillan, and kicks him in the side, but McMillan doesn’t feel it, and yells “COME ON, YOU BLOODY WANKER!” Evers goes for another kick, but McMillan catches it into a Dragon Screw! Evers gets back up, and is met with a Leaping Lariat! Evers gets up again, but is met with a spinning heel kick. McMillan starts to feel it, and he hits a big X-Factor, knocking Evers down….then applies the Rebel Lock! Evers screams in pain as McMillan twists his ankle as hard as he can. The crowd is going nuts in anticipation of an upset title change. Evers struggles, then raises his hand….but out runs Shawn Marvel! He jumps on the apron, and McMillan breaks the hold to attack him! He hits a few punches on Marvel, then a dropkick to send Marvel off the apron. McMillan yells at him, but Evers has recovered, and he dropkicks McMillan into the ropes, then hits The 1337! He covers, 1……2…..3! We see Shawn Marvel, on the outside, holding his chin, but laughing, as Evers holds up his title while standing over McMillan in celebration. (***)

Overall: 67 (68CR, 83MQ)


Rating: .50

Attendance: 160

Nothing majorly noteworthy happened in the world of wrestling this month. Lucha Xtreme Wrestling announced several new signings, none of whom are Luchadores. You know there’s a problem when a federation based on Luchadores has a top star of Supreme. In fact, looking at LXW’s roster, they don’t have a SINGLE Luchadore. And their owner prefers brawlers. And they’re based in Detroit. Something isn’t adding up here.

So here’s the card for the next WAPW Bedlam:

Kyle Evers, Kage, and Roderick Strong vs Gangsta Greg, Underground Matt McMillan, and Yggdrasil

Masashi Yatamari vs Delirious

Shawn Marvel and Purist Jack Porter vs Regal and Shadow Sean Drake

The Forgotten vs Molanari and Shapiro

“The Ladies Man Presents”, with special guest Michael Fiocchi!

Blue Sky vs Dennis Tracey

PLUS: More teams for the WAPW Tag Title Tournament will be announced, as well as the opening Tag Title Tournament match at Hyperclash!

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Guest Botmaster4lyfe

WAPW and Comcast present BEDLAM! Thursday, July 20, 2006

Dennis Tracey vs Blue Sky

Tracey comes out first, jaw jacking with fans on the way to the ring. As he gets in, Sky comes out. Sky walks to the ring stoically, then climbs up on the apron, looking around, but Tracey suddenly dropkicks Sky’s legs out from under him, and Sky falls off the apron, with his face hitting the apron too! Tracey just smiles and taunts again to boos as Sky tries to recover on the outside.

Thanks to that attack, Tracey has full control as the match starts. He quickly takes Sky down with a snapmare, then lifts Sky’s head up and hits a few hard crossface punches. He picks Sky back up, and throws him into the corner. He hits a few more punches, then whips Sky, and runs after him. But before Sky can hit the corner, he puts his foot up, and uses the corner to kick himself up and backflip, into a backflip moonsault on Tracey!

This is a decent opening match to get the crowd pumped up. Tracey takes on a brawling style tonight, while Blue Sky keeps to the speedy tactics. Sky repeatly springing off the ropes eventually hurts him, though, as when he goes for a cross body, Tracey dropkicks him right out of the air! Tracey signals for the end, and calls for the TKO. He picks up Sky on his shoulders, but Sky escapes, lands on his feet, and hits a reverse DDT! He then drags Tracey to the corner, climbs up top….and hits a 450 Splash! He covers, and gets the three count!

After the match, Sky stands up, then slowly walks to the other side of the ring to grab his coat. As he does, Tracey also slowly makes his way to his feet. Sky puts his coat back on, then walks over to Tracey. He stares at Tracey, who is back up to his feet, then begins to go through the ropes…but Tracey grabs the middle rope and yanks up, driving it into Sky’s groin! Sky falls down, and Tracey scoops him right back up, into the TKO!

Brad Nicholas: What the HELL was that for? Tracey attacking Blue Sky, that was totally uncalled for!

Paul Rivas: I don’t know…..but I think I’m gonna go find out!


Overall: 59 (45CR, 73MQ)

Before Tracey can leave, Paul Rivas catches up to him.

Paul: Dennis Tracey, is there a reason that you attacked Blue Sky after he beat you?

Tracey: A reason? Not really. It’s just who I am. See, I don’t give a crap about Blue Sky, about you, about anybody in that locker room. Dennis Tracey is in this for himself, and himself only. Blue Sky beat me……that pissed me off…..so I beat the living crap out of him. How hard is this to understand?

Voice: Don’t bother explaining it, man.

Out comes Kage, holding a microphone of his own.

Kage: There’s no reason to explain yourself. Nobody ever listens. I know…..I don’t give a crap about anybody either. Not any of these fans, not anybody in the back, not even you. But that’s why I’m out here. You and I are a lot alike, and I think that this could work for us. How about you and I enter the tag title tournament? You could show all these idiots out there that you are a force to be reckoned with if you win the titles quickly here in WAPW.

Tracey: …….I’ll think about it.

Tracey turns around, but Kage grabs him by the hair and pulls him right back!

Kage: No, you won’t. You’ll give me an answer now, and you’ll smile while you do it.

Tracey suddenly swings up and slaps Kage right across the face! Kage releases Tracey in shock.

Tracey: Fine. I’ll do it. But next time you grab my hair, I’ll do more than slap the taste out of your mouth.

Tracey walks to the back, and Kage looks pissed.

Kage: Is he threatening ME? *He pauses, then smiles* I like that. He’s not intimidated. He has potential.

Overall: 62

RA NOTES: Debnnis Tracey gained overness from this segment.

The Forgotten (CJ Petrous and Ron Codomane) vs Anthony Molanari and Jason Shapiro

Molanari and Shapiro make their entrances first, but they look more determined than usual. Commentary decide this is for two reasons: one, they are focused on the tag tournament, and wanting to win it, and two, they want to get revenge on The Forgotten from when they got their asses kicked by them. As The Forgotten come out, they also look just as determined as Molanari/Shapiro. They roll into the ring, and all four men start brawling, paying no attention to Mr. Afro’s pleas to stop. Molanari takes Petrous out of the ring with a Cactus Clothesline, as Codomane whips Shapiro into the corner. Codomane runs in, but Shapiro gets his boot up. Codomane stumbles back, and Shapiro climbs up to the middle rope, then jumps off for a hurricanrana, but Codomane catches him into a vicious jackknife powerbomb!

Once again, The Forgotten really impress by working their asses off in the tag match. I’m really impressed with Petrous and Codomane, because individually, they were mediocre, but as a team, they’ve really come out into their own. After the jackknife powerbomb by Codomane, Shapiro has been selling his neck, and The Forgotten take advantage of that, isolating him from his corner, and focusing on his neck. Petrous takes him down with a few neck submissions, but Molanari breaks up every one of them. Petrous tags in Codomane, who does the polar opposite of Petrous; namely, he brutalizes Shapiro with a series of Lariats, followed by a sickening piledriver. He tags right back in to Petrous, who catches Shapiro in a running STO. Petrous tags Codomane back in again, and they set up for a double team. Petrous whips Shapiro into the corner, then he whips Codomane in…but Shapiro ducks Codomane’s clotheline, then hits a running dropkick on Petrous. Codomane goes for the lariat again, but Shapiro rolls under it, and tags in Molanari!

Molanari jumps into the ring, and immediately hits a running forearm on Codomane. He hits another forearm on Petrous, then as both men get back up, Molanari lariats them both down! Shapiro gets tagged back in, and he and Molanari start to take advantage (As everything breaks down again), and they hit a double Suplex on Codomane, then one on Petrous. They pick up The Forgotten, then both bounce off the ropes. But The Forgotten both counter with Tilt-A-Whirls! Codomane turns the Tilt-A-Whirl into a Tombstone Piledriver on Molanari, while Petrous locks in a Dragon Sleeper on Shapiro, which Paul Rivas informs us is called “Petrous Oxide”. Shapiro’s neck has already taken a lot of damage, and he taps out! The Forgotten get the win, but Petrous holds on to Petrous Oxide for a bit longer, until he finally lets go, and slams Shapiro down to the mat. The Forgotten celebrate the damage that they’ve caused, before motioning that they’ll be the first WAPW Tag Champs. (**1/2)

Overall: 64 (53CR, 75MQ)

Out comes our ring crew, carrying an old couch, and a few other props.

Out comes Jacob Ryland, strutting to the ring. He pauses, and grabs a microphone, then heads over to a girl in the front row.

Ryland: Hey baby. I got some news….the word of the day is “legs”…..so why don’t you just go ahead and spread the word?

Ryland smiles and hands over his number, then gets into the ring.

Ryland: Laides and Gentlemen….well, more importantly laides….welcome to The Ladies Man Presents! And what a guest we have tonight….well, not really. He’s actually kinda lame. Ladies and Gentlemen, Michael Fiocchi!

Fiocchi comes out, just dressed in street clothes (not impersonating anybody). He gets into the ring, and lays down on the couch.

Fiocchi: Thanks for having me, Ryland, I really…

Ryland: Cut the crap. Let’s get right to the point. I don’t like you.

Fiocchi: ……………excuse me?

Ryland: I don’t like you. You annoy me. You come out here, you imitate some famous wrestlers, but you really don’t do much else. And quite frankly, the last few weeks, you’ve been kinda pissing me off.

Fiocchi: …….so, what are you saying? Cause I’m getting some negative vibes from you………..

Suddenly, Ryland jumps forward and slaps Fiocchi!

Ryland: How’s THAT For a Negative Vibe, BITCH?

Fiocchi stands up, looking pissed….then suddenly starts pulling up couch cussions!

Ryland: WHAT ARE YOU DOING? That’s my set!

Fiocchi: Hang on, I planted something here earlier, just in case you decided to be a dick….*he pulls up another cussion* Here we go!

Fiocchi pulls out…..a kilt! The crowd cheers as Fiocchi puts it on over his pants, then snatches the microphone from Ryland, and….

Fiocchi: Now then, son, lemme tell you. This ain’t no “Ladies Man Presents” anymore…THIS IS FIOCCHI’S PIT!

Ryland: You have got to be kidding……..

Fiocchi: SHUT YOUR MOUTH! Look, Ryland, I’ve been watching you strutting around here, acting like you’re all macho, and “The Ultimate Ladies Man”. And you know something….maybe youre right.

Ryland smiles.

Fiocchi: I mean, you’re a good looking guy. (Ryland rubs his chin). You have nice clothes. (Ryland brushes off his shirt). And you are certainly good in the wrestling ring (Ryland shadow boxes). So I’ve come to a conclusion………you’re compensating for….(Ryland glances down)……….something you’re lacking in?

Ryland does a HUGE Double take.

Ryland: WHAT? How dare you! I’ll have you know that I am bigger than almost every guy I know!

Fiocchi: …..and HOW did you get enough information to make this comparison?

The crowd really starts to laugh, as Ryland is absolutely freaking out.


Fiocchi: Well, now I ask them. And when you think you know the answer, I CHANGE THE DAMN QUESTION!

Ryland gets fed up, and swings at Fiocchi. Fiocchi ducks, and puts Ryland in the Sleeper! Ryland tries to fight it, and eventually steps on Fiocchi’s foot, then dives out of the ring as Fiocchi releases the hold. The crowd cheers as Fiocchi taunts in the ring, and Ryland has a fit on the floor over his segment being ruined.

Overall: 59

RA NOTES: Jacob Ryland gained overness from this segment. Michael Fiocchi gained overness from this segment.

Paul Rivas (Who doubles as our ring announcer) is ready to announce the next match.

Rivas: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. First, from the Edge of Sanity….DELIROIUS!

Delirious runs out to a pop. He rolls into the ring, then immediately jumps into the corner, where he kneels down and just stares blankly ahead.

Rivas: And, his opponent, from Japan….Masashi Yatamari!

There’s a pause, but no music hits, and Yatamari doesn’t come out

Rivas: Uh….Masashi Yatamari!

Nothing. Suddenly, somebody else comes out. The man is Asian, and is wearing a nice suit, and is holding a black cane (Although he doesn’t appear to need it to walk to the ring). He climbs into the ring, and asks for the microphone. Although he has a Japanese accent, he speaks quite clearly.

Man: Ladies and Gentlemen…..I, Shinigo Dushuku, am pleased to present to you, one of the greatest Japanese Juniors to come to America, a man who I am going to guide to the top of World Anarhcy Pro Wrestling. From Fujisawa, Japan, weighing in at 97 and a Half Kilos, he is the Shaolin Sensation…..MASASHI YATAMARI!

Masashi Yatamari comes out, and he’s gotten one hell of a change in look. He’s wearing a black bandana with white Japanese characters covering them, silver sunglasses, and new red tights with Japanese characters running down the side. He also is wearing a nice looking suit jacket. He rolls into the ring, then shakes hands with Shinigo Dushuku. Dushuku removes Yatamari’s jacket, then leaves the ring, and we begin the match.

Overall: 60

RA NOTES: Shinigo Dushuku debuted his new gimmick (Foreign Star), it got a positive response. Masashi Yatamari gained overness from this segment. Shinigo Dushuku gained overness from this segment.

Delirious vs Masashi Yatamari

The bell rings, and Delirious freaks out again. He looks around wildly in the middle of the ring, but before he can lave the ring (As he usually does), Yatamari runs in with a brutal chop, downing Delirious! The crowd gets all over Yatamari for that, but he doesn’t care, as he picks Delirious right up, throws him into the corner, and proceeds to chop him a few more times. Delirious comes out of the corner, and Yatamari catches him in a Face Crusher across his knee! Delirious is down, and Yatamari follows with a standing moonsault into a knee drop, driving his knees right into Delirious’ chest! He covers, but only gets a two.

Yatamari, who hasn’t appeared in WAPW since June, puts on a quite good match with Delirious. The crowd is only decently into it, because Delirious is still new to WAPW, while Yatamari has been sparatic in WAPW at best. Commentary spend most of the match discussing this new guy, Shinigo Dushuku, who is apparently Yatamari’s new manager. Dushuku really doesn’t seem like he’s trying to hype up his man at all, mostly instead quietly standing on the outside, watching. At one point, he gets into an argument with a fan, the same beret wearing chick who has been showing up at the last few shows, but he finally just blows her off and continues to watch.

In terms of actual wrestling, Yatamari and Delirious have a fast paced match, with Yatamari controlling almost all of the offense. He works over Delirious, then throws him down near the corner, and hits the Split Legged Moonsault! He gets a two count before Delirious grabs the bottom rope. Yatamari complains to the referee, which gives Delirious time to recover, and hit a big bulldog. Delirious starts to punch away at Yatamari, then hits a Sprinning Heel Kick. He covers, but Yatamari kicks out. Delirious starts to wind up for a clothesline, but Yatamari grabs the referee. The ref gets angry and starts yelling at Yatamari. The ref doesn’t notice that Shinigo Dushuku has hopped up onto the apron. Delirious doesn’t notice either, and he backs into the ropes, and Dushuku whacks him in the back of the head with his cane! Dushuku drops off the apron, and Delirious stumbles forward, into a sick Complete Shot by Yatamari, which he quickly turns into the Yatalock! Delirious taps almost immediately, and Yatamari gets the win! After the match, Dushuku enters the ring and raises the hand of Yatamari, then puts Yatamari’s suit jacket back on him, and they both walk to the back. (**1/2)

Overall: 62 (48CR, 76MQ)

Shawn Marvel and “Purist” Jack Porter come out together to boos.

As they roll into the ring, Marvel grabs a microphone. Porter backs up, and gives Marvel the floor.

Marvel: Before this match, I’d like to congratulate Underground Matt McMillan, who is your NEW WAPW World Champion! *There is some confusion in the crowd*. Oh wait…..no he isn’t! HE LOST! And you know why? Because of me. I’m not afraid to admit it, Matt McMillan…..I SCREWED YOU OUT OF THE BELT! And you know what else? I’m happy about it. See, McMillan, I don’t like you. Back when I beat you the first time, you could have let that go. It could have just been another loss. But NOOOOOOO, you had to go and make it personal. Well, ok. If you want to make it personal, I can continue to beat the living crap out of you. And you can continue to not beat me. We can go on like that until the end of time. So whenever you’re in the mood to get a Final Detail, just come to me. Now bring out our opponents!

Overall: 69

“Purist” Jack Porter and Shawn Marvel vs Regal and Shadow Sean Drake

The faces make their entrance together to Drake’s music. Regal has stopped wearing his Karati Gi, it should be noted. Drake gets a MONSTER pop here, as he’s one of WAPW’s most over workers. He and Marvel have a brief face off, as commentary talk about the Marvel/McMillan feud.

Regal and Shawn Marvel start out. They circle each other, before Marvel suddenly leans forward and slaps Regal! Marvel laughs about it, but then gets hit with a violent Roundhouse Kick! Marvel immediately runs and tags in Porter, then hops onto the apron, holding his face. Porter gets into the ring, and cracks his knuckles. He quickly puts Regal into a hammerlock, then yells “THAT’S HOW YOU DO IT!” But Regal escapes, and hits a roundhouse on Porter! Porter stumbles, and goes to tag in Marvel, but Marvel hops off the apron to yell at a fan! Porter looks pissed off, and yells “WHAT ARE YOU DOING, DAMNIT?”, and he turns around in anger, right into another roundhouse! Porter drops down, and Marvel turns around, sees Porter down, and says “Oh. Sorry, man!”

Damn good tag match, with a loud crowd to boot. Well, for three of the guys anyway. Jack Porter has certainly gained popularity in his time in WAPW, but he’s still a relative unknown compared to WAPW Mainstays like Regal, Sean Drake, and Shawn Marvel. Porter still does a hell of a lot in this match in terms of workrate, but the crowd is still pretty unreactive to him. He and Marvel actually make a good team together, as they hit a few slick double teams. Regal and Drake also work pretty well together, and commentary pick up on how there are only three spots left in the tag tournament, and Drake and Regal might enter if they work well enough in this match. For a lot of the match, though, Regal plays a face-in-peril, and whenever he is close to making the tag, either Porter or Marvel jump into the ring and knock Drake off the apron. At one point, Regal manages to hit a hard Enzeguri on Jack Porter, then crawls to his conrer, but just before he can tag in Drake, Porter rushes over and grabs him, and hits a Dragon Suplex, then immediately turns it into a Cattle Mutilation! He has Regal trapped in the center of the ring…and Drake gets fed up with it, jumping into the ring and booting Porter right in the face! He quickly exits the ring, as both men are down, and start crawling to their corners. Porter tags in Marvel, but before Marvel can stop Regal, Regal makes the hot tag!

Drake hops into the ring, and takes Marvel down with a Roaring Elbow! Marvel gets up, into a big dropkick! Porter gets up, and runs at Drake, but Drake takes him down with a spinebuster! Shadow Sean Drake is on FIRE, and he winds up for a big Lariat. Marvel makes his way to his feet, Drake runs in, but Marvel pulls referee Matt Columbus in front of him, and the ref goes down hard! Drake looks pissed, but is almost immediately hit with a low blow by Marvel. He goes to tag in Porter, but Porter and Regal are brawling on the floor. Suddenly, out from the back runs “Underground” Matt McMillan with a chair! Marvel turns around, and McMillan CRACKS the chair over his head! Marvel goes down, and McMillan sees that the referee is still down…and proceeds to wail away on Marvel win the chair repeatedly! He hits Marvel over and over, until he sees the referee star to stir, and he dives out of the ring. Drake crawls over to the KO’d Marvel, and covers him, and the referee (who is only now starting to get up) counts the 1….2…3! Drake and Regal win, with help from McMillan, who absolutely AHNIAHLATED Marvel! (**3/4)

Overall: 67 (55CR, 79MQ)

Rich Braude is backstage with the new WAPW Tag Team Titles

Rich Braude: Ladies and Gentlemen, the WAPW Tag Title Tournament is really shaping up. Already, we have confirmed the entrance of The Rades, The Forgotten, Anthony Molanari and Jason Shapiro, Shawn Marvel and Jack Porter, and tonight, the team of Dennis Tracey and Kage. This means that there are three open spots in the tournament. Actually, though, only two. You see, there’s a tag team, not one from WAPW, who have asked to compete in the tournament. Normally, I would say no, because this is a tournament for WAPW Wrestlers, but this team are former 2 time Tag Team Champions, so I couldn’t say no. They will also be in the very first match of the tournament at Hyperclash, where they will face The Rades! There are only 2 slots left in the tournament, so WAPW wrestlers are urged to find tag partners soon!

Overall: 73

RA NOTES: Rich Braude gained overness from this segment.

Out comes the champ for his 6 man tag. But first, he’s gonna grace us with a promo….

Kyle Evers: So here I was, all ready to go into Hyperclash and defend my WAPW Title against either Sean Drake or Kage. And I find out that my opponent turns out to be that third guy who was in the 3 way, that Yggdradel fellow. Yggdrawsil….yggpracil….whatever. It doesn’t matter. In fact, HE doesn’t matter. What has he done in WAPW? NOTHING! Meanwhile, I am the WAPW Champion, I have not lost a match in 4 MONTHS, and I single handedly ran Scott Zero out of WAPW. I have done so much, while he has done SO LITTLE. And you know what? At Hyperclash, the result is just gonna be the same. My opponent, on the losing end again. And you know why? Simple. Because I……….Am…………ELITE.

Overall: 76

WAPW World Champion “Elite” Kyle Evers, Kage, and Roderick Strong vs Yggdrasil, “Underground” Matt McMillan, and Gangsta Greg

Kage and Strong come out together to a lot of heat. You know, it’s about damn time Roderick Strong found his way back to the main event again, considering how talented he is. The faces make separate entrances, mostly because of their radically different gimmicks. McMillan is all smiles, too, mostly because of how he absolutely destroyed Marvel earlier.

This is the perfect TV main event: six of WAPW’s most over workers, so the crowd is definitely reactive, as well as really hot in-ring action. Yggdrasil and Roderick Strong start it out, and they trade submissions, before making their way to their feet, where Strong unleashes an absolultely BRUTAL chop that echoes throughout the arena! Yggdrasil reels back, then connects with a chop just as brutal! They trade violent chops for a while, with cracks echoing throughout the entire arena, until finally Strong backs down, and the crowd cheers. Yggdrasil points at Evers, demanding that Evers tag in. Strong goes to tag him in, but Evers resuses to take the tag! Kage tags in instead (while glaring at Evers), and he and Yggdrasil trade submissions before Yggdrasil tags in Greg.

The match goes back and forth for a while, with neither team gaining a decisive advantage. One thing that continues throughout the entire match is that Evers basically refuses to get into the ring with Yggdrasil, getting Yggdrasil extremely frustrated. Also in this match, Greg and Strong seem to want to go at it, as commentary mention that Greg accepted the match for Hyperclash. Eventually, the heels isolate Gangsta Greg, hitting him with high impact moves. Roderick Strong grabs Greg, hits a Half Nelson Backbreaker, and covers, but only gets a two count. Evers tags in, then picks up Greg and hits a Side Effect. He covers, but Greg kicks out again. Kage gets tagged in, and he hooks Greg for a Powerbomb. He lifts Greg, but Greg counters into a DDT! Both men are down, and they start crawling to their corners. Kage tags in Evers, who jumps into the ring, and Greg tags in Yggdrasil!

Evers tries to run back out of the ring, but Yggdrasil catches him and starts pummeling the champ! Kage quickly jumps into the ring to make the save, but Matt McMillan intercepts him! Strong also enters, but Greg springboards off the top rope with a dropkick! All 6 men start brawling, ending with McMillan and Greg throwing Kage and Strong out of the ring on the same side. Kage and Strong get up, but Greg and McMillan jump through the ropes with double dives! Meanwhile, in the ring, Evers has gained the upper hand on Yggdrasil with a thumb to the eye. He drop toe holds Yggdrasil into the ropes, then goes for the 1337…but Yggdrasil grabs Evers’ legs! He drags Evers into the ring, and immediately applies The Necronomicon! The champ struggles in the move, and is about to reach the ropes, when Yggdrasil pulls him right back to the middle of the ring…….and Evers taps out! Yggdrasil has made the WAPW Champion Tap out! Commentary go nuts, saying that we may be looking at the next WAPW Champion, as Yggdrasil, Greg, and McMillan celebrate, and the show comes to an end. (**3/4)

Overall: 69 (60CR, 79MQ)



Attendance: 148

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Guest Botmaster4lyfe

Comcast and World Anarchy Pro Wrestling present BEDLAM! Thursday, July 27, 2006

As the show opens up, commentary talk about the huge main event signed: in a preview of Hyperclash, “Elite” Kyle Evers will take on Yggdrasil in a non-Title match!

Ken Anderson comes out for his match. As he gets into the ring, out comes Shinigo Dushuku again. He grabs a microphone.

Dushuku: Ladies and Gentlemewn. Once again, I, Shinigo Dushuku, am pleased to announce….he is the Shaolin Sensation. From Fujusawa, Japan, weighing in at…….

Anderson suddenly grabs the mike from Dushuku.

Anderson: Um…what the living HELL are you doing?

Dushuku grabs a microphone of his own.

Dushuku: I am TRYING to introduce the greatest WAPW has, as well as the greatest import from Japan in years, if you wouldn’t mind….

Anderson: I DO mind, actually. What kind of cocky little jerk makes his own ring introductions, anyway?

Dushuku gets right in Anderson’s face.

Dushuku: DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE TALKING TO? I am Mister Shingo Dushuku! I am one of the most successful managers in wrestling today! I have managed many people in Japan to superstardom, and now I have decided to come to America to lead Masashi Yatamari to that same stardom, and you have NO RIGHT to talk to me like that.

Anderson: Well then….*He switches to a loud, obnoxious, mocking voice* MISTER DUSHUKU, if you don’t want me talking to you like that, then how about you SHUT THE HELL UP, and get Yatamari out here already!

With that, Yatamari finally comes out. He gets into the ring, and he and Dushuku discuss strategy.

Overall: 61

RA NOTES: Ken Anderson gained overness from this segment. Shinigo Dushuku gained overness from this segment.

Masashi Yatamari vs Ken Anderson

Yatamari and Anderson circle each other, then lock up. Anderson puts Yatamari in a headlock, and Yatamari throws him into the ropes, then goes for a Tilt-A-Whirl, but Anderson lands on his feet, then throws Yatamari into the ropes. Anderson goes for a lariat, but Yatamari grabs onto his arm, backflips over Anderson’s arm, and hitting a Japanese Arm Drag! Anderson rolls through, and quickly gets to his feet. Yatamari goes for a spin kick, but Anderson ducks under it, then goes for a discus lariat, but Yatamari Matrix Moves under it, then springs up for a head scissors. He catches Anderson’s head in his legs, but Anderson shoves him off, then goes for an elbow drop. Yatamari moves, then kips up and goes for a standing moonsault, but Anderson rolls out of the way, and attempts a flip leg drop, but Yatamari moves, both men kip up, and they face off to a HUGE Ovation.

I really wasn’t expecting much from this match; just a basic opening match between two not that over WAPW stars. What I get is one of the best matches, in-ring, in WAPW HISTORY. Yatamari and Anderson’s styles match up absolutely perfectly, maybe even better than any other two WAPW workers. And although the crowd isn’t into the two men, they really light up when the action picks up like mad. Yatamari and Anderson go toe to toe for a while, trading innovative moves back and forth like mad. Dushuku once again silently supports Yatamari, merely standing at ringside. Meanwhile, in the ring, Yatamari and Anderson start a long submission counter spot, with each man countering a submission into a submission of his own. It ends when both men make it to their feet, then hit double clotheslines on each other! They both go down, and the crowd lights up again.

Yatamari gains control, and throws Anderson into the corner. He runs in with a somersault kick, then immediately hits a running Face Wash! Anderson is dazed in the corner, and Yatamari puts him on the top rope. Yatamari climbs up too, looking for a Hurricanrana, but Andreson blocks it, then lifts Yatamari onto his shoulders! He stands up on the middle rope, then leaps off, into the Kenton Bomb! He Covers, 1….2………but Shinigo Dushuku dives into the ring and smacks Anderson with his cane in the back of Anderson’s head! Referee Matt Columbus calls for the bell (Oh, the crowd doesn’t like that), as Dushuku smacks Anderson a few times more with the Cane, then helps Yatamari back up. Dushuku grabs Anderson, and throws him to Yatamari, who nails the Complete Shot! Yatamari and Dushuku have left Anderson laying! But still, that was one HELL of a match….I think a rematch is necessary. (***1/4)

Overall: 69 (48CR, 91!!!!!!!!MQ)

Backstage, “Underground” Matt McMillan is putting on some elbow pads for his match.

He’s approached by Gangsta Greg.

Greg: YO YO YO! My Shizzle, McMizzle, what all up? I got a prop for ya. WAPW has dis tourney goin, for the tag bling. How about you and I, Underground and Tha Gangsta, go in it to win it, you know what I’m sayin’, know what I’m sayin’, know what I’m sayin’?

McMillan stares at him.

McMillan: …….what the bloody hell did you just say?

Greg sighs.

Greg: Look, man, WAPW has this Tag Tournament going. 2 spots left. I want to finally get my hands on gold here in WAPW. And I have seen what you can do. If you and I enter this tournament, I think you and I can get those belts, You Dig, Dawg?

McMillan: No, I don’t “Dig”. Do you even know what “Underground” means? It means people don’t give a shit about me. And for good reason: I don’t give a shit about them. And guess what? You fall into the “Them” category. Now if you’ll excuse me, I got a match.

McMillan starts to leave…..

Greg: COME ON! Man, you and are the same, dawg! You underground, and I’m a straight up Underground GANGSTA!

McMillan has left the screen.

Greg: Shawn Marvel’s in the tournament.

McMillan comes back

McMillan: You have my attention.

Greg: And, I don’t know if you know this, dawg, but I’ve been in WAPW since the start. I got a lot of respect. Hell, I won the first ever WAPW match. With that respect, I’m sure I can convince Rich Braude to have our first round match be against Marvel and Porter….

McMillan: …….fine. I’ll do it. But don’t expect our team to stay together if we lose in this tournament: I’m only in this to get at Marvel.

McMillan leaves, and Greg sighs again.

Greg: Man, that dude ain’t down with this…...

Overall: 66

RA NOTES: Underground Matt McMillan gained overnsess from this segment. Gangsta Greg gained overness from this segment.

“Underground” Matt McMillan vs CJ Petrous

Petrous is without Codomane tonight, but Petrous has gotten a big makeover: he’s shaved his head, and is wearing a purple bandana as a headband. He rolls into the ring, and cracks his knuckles, then leans up against the ropes. McMillan comes out to a hugely loud reaction. All of his great performances have caused him to already become one of WAPW’s most popular guys.

Because Petrous is mainly a mat worker, McMillan goes with a mat game. Even though Petrous has lately been in tag matches as part of The Forgotten, he still can put on a good technical match. McMillan also shows that he can work a pure technical style, and he shows off his british technical style. Petrous puts a wrist lock on McMillan, McMillan turns it into a hammerlock. Petrous counters that into a hammerlock of his own, and when McMillan goes to counter, Petrous hits a European Uppercut! McMillan is staggered, and Petrous turns around and taunts. He turns back toward McMillan, and gets hit with a HARD European Uppercut! Petrous goes down, and McMillan yells “DON’T TRY TO OUT EUROPEAN UPPERCUT A EUROPEAN, BITCH!”

The match goes on with both men keeping completely to the mat. Commentary spend most of the match discussing just how intense the McMillan vs Shawn Marvel feud is getting, and how McMillan is now in the Tag title tournament with Gangsta Greg. Commentary also mention that this is a potential preview of a match we could see, with McMillan and Greg vs The Forgotten. Meanwhile, as they not pay attention, McMillan and Petrous put together a nice technical match. The crowd is pretty loud, but only for McMillan, because Petrous still hasn’t really gotten over, and The Forgotten only recently showed up.

Petrous strings several submissions together to finally get a significant advantage on Underground. Petrous whips him into the corner, then fires off with a series of Kenta Kobashi-like machine gun chops! They don’t have much force behind them, but they do wear down McMillan enough for Petrous to lock in the Petrous Oxide Dragon Sleeper! He has it right in the center of the ring, McMillan tries to get to the ropes, but Petrous drags him right back to the center of the ring! It looks like McMillan might tap…when he suddenly shoots his own legs up, dropping him down to the mat suddenly. Petrous doesn’t have time to readjust his position, and McMillan escapes the hold, then grabs onto Petrous’ leg, drops him, and applies the Rebel Lock! Petrous screams, and eventually taps out!

No sooner has the bell rung when Shawn Marvel runs to the ring! McMillan breaks up the hold, and he and Marvel start to brawl. McMillan punches Marvel into the ropes, then bounces off the opposite ropes for a clothesline, bue Marvel leaps forward into the Final Detail! McMillan goes down, and Marvel grabs a microphone.(**1/2)

Overall: 65 (55CR, 75MQ)

As Marvel talks, he stomps on McMillan

Marvel: LOOK AT YOU! You’re already down! Man, you really suck, don’t you? Well while I have you down, I have something to tell you: I want you in a match at Hyperclash! I was prepared to fight you one on one, but it’s OBVIOUS to me that you’re not ready for another one on one match. So how about a tag match? Me and Jack Porter against you, and anybody you can find back there to team with you!

Marvel stomps on McMillan’s head repeatedly, until the referee manages to pull him off. Marvel leaves the ring, leaving McMillan in a heap on the mat.

Overall: 77

RA NOTES: Shawn Marvel gained overness from this segment.

Blue Sky vs Roderick Strong

Blue Sky’s music hits first…………but nobody comes out. The music dies down, and suddenly Sky stumbles out, bleeding from the forehead….and he’s followed by Strong, who grabs Sky again and starts to punch at his cut! Commentary say that they are getting word that Strong attacked Sky in the back before the match! Commentary go nuts talking about how intense Strong has been the past few weeks, in his attempt to get back into the main event spot he feels he deserves. Strong rolls Sky into the ring, then climbs in himself, but Blue Sky suddenly hits a sharp dropkick to Strong’s face, then follows up with a leaping knee drop!

Although Sky is really hurt, he takes it to Strong for a bit. But Strong quickly regains control with one of his absolutely BRUTAL chops. Sky falls back into the corner, and Strong follows up with a leaping Face Wash to Sky’s face! Sky goes down, still bleeding, and Strong covers, for a two count. Commentary discuss how Strong has been more determined than ever to get back to the level he was back when he was the first ever WAPW Champion. It shows in this match, as he takes “Strong Style” to a new level. He hits sick chops, wicked kicks, and of course, his variety of backbreakers. Although Sky does get in some offense, for the most part, this is just a glorified squash. Still, it’s a damn good squash, as the offense that the two men DO trade is very impressive.

Finally, Blue Sky manages to mount a comeback, hitting a series of side kicks, then a roundhouse, and finally a leaping spin kick to Strong. He grabs Strong by the head, then runs up the corner ropes, into a big twisting DDT! He pulls Strong to the corner, and climbs up top. Sky goes for the 450 Splash, but Strong gets his knees up! Sky crashes, and Strong quickly gets up. He lifts Sky up, hooks his head and arm, and hits a Half Nelson Backbreaker! Strong holds on, and lifts Sky back up, switche position, and hits a Rock Bottom Backbreaker! He again holds on, then picks Sky up a third time, and locks in a Bear Hug! He has it in the center of the ring, as Sky tries to fight it. Sky looks like he’s about to escape, when Strong suddenly lifts Sky up, and hits a third brutal backbreaker! He covers Sky, and gets the 1…….2………3! Strong wins the match! Commentary again go nuts at how intense Strong was, and how Gangsta Greg better watch out at Hyperclash. (***)

Overall: 66 (51CR, 82MQ)

Backstage (The same place as the Greg/McMillan segment took place), we see Michael Fiocchi, pacing back and forth, carrying two bags.

He suddenly sees something off camera….

Fiocchi: Hey! Sebastion!

Sebastion Suplex walks up.

Suplex: What’s up?

Fiocchi: I got a question for you. I just talked to Rich Braude, and he has officially signed a match, me against Jacob Ryland, for Hyperclash. And, well…I’m facing a big dilemma. A MAJOR dilemma….

Suplex: …..what is the dilemma?

Fiocchi holds up the two bags.

Fiocchi: I can’t decide who to be!!!

Suplex rolls his eyes as Fiocchi reaches into the two bags. He pulls out a singlet that has Ying Yangs and Dragons on it, as well as a red pair of tights with hearts on them.

Fiocchi: I’ve narrowed it down to either Rob Van Dam or Shawn Michaels. I mean, Michaels is a well respected athlete, but on the other hand, RVD is one of the best wrestlers out there.......what do you think?

Sebastion strikes a thinking pose.

Suplex: Well, RVD is a great wrestler……but then again, Shawn Michaels used a beautiful variation of the back suplex, which he called the Teardrop Suplex, as a finish. I’d go with Michaels.

Fiocchi: ……….what is it with you and Suplexes, anyway?

Suplex: It’s in my blood. But listen, man, I wanted to talk to you, too.

Fiocchi: Yeah?

Suplex: Listen, I just noticed the sign up sheet for the Tag Title Tournament. And there’s only one spot left. I was thinking that I should enter. I need a partner, though. You and I have had a match before, and I thought we worked pretty well together. So how about you and I enter this tourney? You never know…we could win the belts!

Fiocchi: Hmmmmmm…..hell yeah. I’m ready to hold gold here in WAPW. Count me in, man.

Overall: 61

RA NOTES: Sebastion Suplex gained overness from this segment. Michael Fiocchi gained overness from this segment.

David Bryant vs Daron Smythe

Once again, Smythe is wearing NNB tights. Commentary are absolutely puzzled as to what NNB actually stands for, but they get some news from backstage: Smythe has issued an open challenge for Hyperclash, where he will reveal what NNB is. As he rolls into the ring, he takes his shiny robe off and lays it over the top rope. Dave Bryant makes his way out to a respectable pop, as he’s been with WAPW since the very start, and has been envolved in some damn good matches.

Although Smythe has only shown off his technical skills in his previous WAPW work, he surprises everybody by keeping up, although not to the same level as Bryant, with some good fast paced moves. Smythe shoves Bryant into the roeps, and whips him off. Bryant comes back with a head scissors. Smythe gets up, and Bryant runs in, but Smythe hits a Snap Hurrcanrana! Bryant goes all the way to the floor, and Smythe readies himself. As Bryant gets up, Smythe readies himself. He bounces off the ropes, but instead of a dive, slides under the bottom rope, landing next to Bryant, then hitting a hard chop! Bryant goes down, and the crowd booes the fake out, as Smythe just laughs and struts.

Smythe presses his advantage for a few minutes, throwing Bryant into each corner, then hitting a few chops. He finally pulls Bryant out of the corner, hooks him for a suplex, yells out “N-N-B, BABY!”, then lifts Bryant. He holds Bryant up, then drops him in a Delayed Vertical Suplex. He rolls through, then lifts Bryant up, and holds him up in the air for even longer, then into a second suplex. Smythe rolls through a third time, then lifts again. He holds even longer, but this time, Bryant knees Smythe in the head, then drops down into a DDT!

Both men are down, but suddenly Bryant kips up! He gets a burst of adrenaline, pulling Smythe up by the arm, and hitting a short arm clothesline. He picks Smythe back up, right into a spinning wheel kick, then a standing flip splash, immediately into a moonsault! He cradles up Smythe, but only gets a two count. Bryant is feeling it, and he signals for the Diamond Cutter! He waits on Bryant to get up, then hooks it, but Smythe shoves him off into the ropes, and as Bryant comes back, Smythe LEVELS him with a Lariat! Smythe drags Bryant to the center of the ring, then points to the ropes (in between the turnbuckles). He runs, and does a Tajiri-like handspring, then when he lands on his feet, imeediately moonsaults, but just before he hits Bryant, he turns his body into an Elbow Drop! He quickly switches to Bryant’s legs, and locks on a Figure Four Leg Lock! Bryant taps out, giving Smythe the win in an upset! (***)

Overall: 66 (50CR, 82MQ)

RA NOTES: Daron Smythe gained overness from this match.

Cue up the Organ music, and out walks Yggdrasil for his non-title match.

He grabs a microphone on the way down to the ring.

Yggdrasil: Tonight, Kyle Evers….tonight, you have agreed to face me. And yet you refuse to put your WAPW Title on the line. You cling to that title, as if without it, you are merely a shell of a man. And perhaps that is true. Evers, your entire WAPW career has been based on trying to win that belt, and holding onto it. You have committed every sin in the book in trying to win, and retain, that belt. But if you lose it…you have NOTHING. Evers, you……

Before he can finish, he’s interrupted by Kyle Evers’ music!

Overall: 66

RA NOTES: Yggdrasil gained overness from this segment.

Evers comes out, with a microphone of his own.

Evers: Look, Yiggy, I don’t know what’s up with you, but the fact is I AM somebody without the belt. It’s just that the belt and me…..they just go well together. And you have to admit, I do look DAMN good with this belt. (He poses to boos). Now, getting to the task at hand, about tonight’s match….well, it isnt’ gonna go as planned. See, I don’t know if you know this, but when you’re the WAPW Champion, you do get a bit of power with Rich Braude and the WAPW Board of Directors. So I managed to get this match changed up a little bit, into a Handicap match. And Yggdrasil, lemme introduce you to my partner.

Suddenly, cue up Kage’s music! Commentary (of course) talk about how unfair this is as Kage comes out smiling. He and Evers make their way to the ring, and here we go!

Overall: 80 (!!!!!!!!!)

Handicap Match: Kage and WAPW Champion “Elite” Kyle Evers vs Yggdrasil

This is the kind of Handicap match where the 2 men have to tag in and out. Evers and Yggdrasil start out. They lock up, and Evers hits a basic punch. He stares at Yggdrasil, then taunts, and gets hit with a hard punch by Yggdrasil! Evers stumbles to his corner, and tags in Kage, then jumps out of the ring to recover. Kage looks pretty angry that he was tagged in, but he gets into the ring anyway, and is met with a chop by Yggdrasil! Kage chops him back, and they begin to trade chops. Yggdrasil gets the better of them, and Kage goes to tag in Evers, but Evers drops off the apron, refusing to take the tag, just like last week!

The match is a bit of a handicap match, but for the most part, Evers keeps out of the match. He even dives off the apron any time Yggdrasil even comes close to Evers. Yggdrasil finally gives up, and focuses on Kage. Kage and Yggdrasil have had a few matches before, so they know each other very well. But as opposed to their other matches, which were technical, Kage and Yggdrasil mainly brawl in this match. Yggdrasil is just as good a brawler as Kage is, so they keep to their feet, slugging it out for a while. Yggdrasil punches Kage into the corner, then grabs Kage’s hand and tries to use it to tag in Evers, but Evers will have NONE of the tag. Yggdrasil drops Kage’s hand, then just slugs Evers in the face! Evers falls off the apron, dramatically overselling, but Kage grabs Yggdrasil from behind and hits a Release German Suplex, dropping Yggdrasil right on the back of his head!

Kage continues to work over Yggdrasil, but even when Yggdrasil is down, Evers doesn’t tag in. Kage gets rapidly frustrated as every time he goes for the tag, Evers drops off the apron. Kage gives up in tagging out, and just works over Yggdrasil. He throws Yggdrasil into the corner, then hits a HUGE running clothesline! Yggdrasil crumples to the mat, and Kage covers, but only gets a two count.

Kage beats up on Yggdrasil for a while, then finally calls for the finish. He lifts up Yggdrasil, then hooks him for the Osaka Street Cutter. When he does, Evers smiles, and lays cockily across the top rope. Kage lifts Yggdrasil for the move, but Yggdrasil lands on his feet, then shoves Kage into the corner! Kage hits Evers, then backs up, and he and Yggdrasil crack heads! Yggdrasil goes down, and Kage falls out of the ring….and the referee declares that Evers is the legal man! Evers freaks out, but sees that Yggdrasil is slow to get up. Evers moves to the middle of the apron, then springboards for a Missile dropkick….but Yggdrasil turns around suddenly and catches Evers in a powerbomb, then straight into the Necronomicon! Evers is trapped in the center of the ring, and commentary mention that his legs are still hurting from last week. Evers crawls, and crawls, and is about to grab the ropes…but Yggdrasil pulls Evers to the center of the ring! Evers crawls back to the ropes…..and Yggdrasil pulls him back to the center of the ring again…..and for the second week in a row, Kyle Evers taps out! Yggdrasil celebrates, as commentary wonder if we really are looking at the next WAPW Champion, as the champ has tapped two weeks in a row!(**3/4)

Overall: 71 (67CR, 76MQ)

RA NOTES: Kyle Evers lost overness from this match

NOTE: Evers complained about losing. I do have to agree, as he didn’t do much in the match and still lost, but it had to be done.


Rating: .50

Attendance: 150

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Guest Botmaster4lyfe

Comcast and WAPW Present BEDLAM! August 3, 2006

Jacob Ryland marches down to the ring to open the show. Commentary are confused, as his match is the second match, not the first.

Ryland grabs a microphone.

Ryland: NO! I am not in the mood tonight to even hit on any wonderful lady. I’m out here because…(Naturally, he sees a girl in the front row) well, maybe I am in the mood. Hey there, honey. Say……if I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me? (Boos from the crowd, he hands over his card, then immediately goes back to his angry expression). Now anyway, back to business. So I just find out that I have to face that weirdo FREAK, Michael Fiocchi, at Hyperclash? What kind of CRAP is that? Damnit, the ULTIMATE Ladies Man should not be facing somebody with an identity crisis! Fiocchi, at Hyperclash, I’m gonna beat you so bad you’re gonna wish you never met me! Now how’s THAT For a Negative Vibe, BITCH?

Overall: 67

RA NOTES: Jacob Ryland gained overness from this segment.

Daron Smythe and Masashi Yatamari vs Regal and Ken Anderson

As Shinigo Dushuku makes Masashi Yatamari’s ring entrance, commentary discuss why this match is happening: first, due to the non-finish of last weeks match, the rematch of Ken Anderson vs Masashi Yatamari has been signed for Hyperclash. And, Daron Smythe issued an open challenge at Hyperclash, and it has been accepted by Regal! Regal and Anderson make their way to the ring together, to Regal’s music. Regal gets an especially big pop, mostly because of his loyalty to WAPW.

A great opening contest for WAPW’s final Bedlam before Hyperclash. The crowd is itching to see more between Yatamari and Anderson, but instead Regal and Smythe start. Smythe and Regal lock up, and Smythe overpowers Regal, whipping him into the ropes, then chops him on the way back in. Smythe struts, then poses in front of Regal…who hits a leaping Enzuguri, sending a crack through the arena! Smythe drops to the mat, then immediately dives and tags in Yatamari. Regal voluntarily tags in Ken Anderson, and the crowd lights up for the encounter. Just like last month, Anderson and Yatamari put on an absolute wreslting clinic, trading moves, counters, and submissions. Just as things start picking up, they start trading Elbows. Yatamari hits one, then Anderson bounces off the ropes and hits one of his own. Yatamari bounces off the ropes, and hits another elbow, harder than his last one. Anderson bounces off the ropes, and hits a Roaring Elbow! Yatamari doesn’t go down, but winds up for a big elbow, bounces off the ropes….and suddenly tags in Smythe! The crowd boos as Yatamari goes to consult with Dushuku.

The match is very competitive, and is mostly hype for the two Hyperclash matches. Commentary spend a lot of the match talking about how Smythe will finally reveal what NNB Stands for, and they make a few guesses as to what it is. Meanwhile, in the ring, Yatamari seems to be avoiding Anderson just to get on the crowd’s nerves. Unfortunately, this means he’s in the ring a lot with Regal, whos lethal kicks destroy Yatamari at every turn. Yatamari frequently leaves the ring to consult with Dushuku, until Anderson gets fed up with it, and dives through the ropes onto them! Yatmari and Anderson brawl on the outside, as Smythe and Regal (the legal men at the time) fight in the ring. Smythe hits a few chops, then whips Regal in for a Tilt a Whirl. Regal twists through it into an arm drag, which Smythe rolls through as well. Smythe rolls to his feet, and runs in, only to get tossed, and Viper Kicked out of mid air! 1……2…..3, and Regal and Ken Anderson (who is still brawling with Yatamari) win the tag match!(***)

Overall: 67 (51CR, 84MQ)

Jacob Ryland vs David Bryant

Ryland makes his second appearance tonight, this time in his wrestling gear (rather than street clothes earlier tonight). Bryant, who usually rushes the ring, walks slowly, looking pretty determined. Commentary touch on how upset Bryant has been lately, considering he hasn’t had a good win/loss record in the past few weeks. He offers a hdandshake to Ryland, but Ryland completely ignores it.

A decent match wrestling-wise, but what really caries this match is Ryland’s interaction with the crowd. What Ryland lacks in in-ring skill, he makes up for with having a natural heel feel to him, much like an old school Rick Rude. Ryland’s charisma is what has carried him along in WAPW, and he shows it in this match, working the crowd as he works over Bryant. Other than that, this is just a basic one on one match, with nothing really noteworthy coming out of it.

Although Bryant gets in a good amount of offense throughout the match, it is really Ryland dominated. At one point, Ryland snapmares Bryant down to the ground, then applies a chin lock. As he holds the move in, though, Michael Fiocchi comes through the entrance and walks down to ringside! Ryland gets off his game to yell at Fiocchi, which gives Bryant the chance to work his way to a standing position, and he hits a Standing Sliced Bread #2!

Thanks to Fiocchi’s distraction, Bryant finally works a series of moves together on Ryland. After the Sliced Bread, Ryland makes his way to his feet, and is immediately knocked back down with a spinning wheel kick, which he follows up with a flip senton, then a Standing Moonsault! 1….2….no, Ryland gets the shoulder up. Bryant hits a few palm strikes, then whips Ryland into the ropes. He goes for a back drop, but Ryland twists his body halfway through, and on the way down, grabs Bryant’s head, and spikes him with an Edge-O-Matic! He cradles the legs, and gets the 1……..2………3!

Ryland celebrates, and notices that Fiocchi is applauding sarcastically outside. So Ryland stops celebrating, and invites Fiocchi to bring it! Fiocchi rolls into the ring, and a brawl breaks out! Fiocchi gets the advantage, and clotheslines Ryland over the top rope. Ryland has a tantrum outside, as Fiocchi plays the crowd. (**)

Overall: 62 (56CR, 69MQ)

Blue Sky comes out in steet clothes for his match with Shadow Sean Drake.

Sky grabs a microphone, then sits in the corner.

Sky: Last week, everybody saw me be destroyed by Roderick Strong. But what you people didn’t see is that after the match, I thanked Roderick. I thanked him for not holding back, for not showing mercy, for being as brutal as possible. See, once, I was like many WAPW stars…..I held back. I didn’t want to hurt anybody. But after being abandoned, after being ignored, and after discovering my true meaning in life, I no longer hold back. I give it my all, if it means continuing my path. Even if it means hurting people. Even if it means that I could get hurt. Even if it means that the only thing left in my life….(He looks up)….is blue sky.

Overall: 66

RA NOTES: Blue Sky gained overness from this segment.

SPECIAL NOTE: This match was written by my older brother, who is a creative writer. Enjoy

Shadow Sean Drake vs Blue Sky

Blue sky rolls out of the ring and gets a chair. He holds the chair up to mixed boos and apathy. He unfolds the chair and sits in it. After a moment he motions for a mic and is given one again.

Sky: I saw brutality last week and I liked it. It was the first thing I liked in a long time. If blue sky is the only thing I have in my life, I have nothing. There is no point to wrestling now. I have no reason to have any matches anymore. I don’t care about performing in this ring and I sure as hell don’t care about you heaping dump of an audience (this draws boos)

Shadow Sean Drake hits the stage, shaking his head.

Sky, shouting: I don’t care about Braude and this stupid organization. If you come in this ring I will hurt you. You people want to see pain, you’ll watch me. Drake, if you want pain, you get in this ring.

Drake tears towards the ring, diving in underneath the ropes.

The bell rings, starting the match. Sky stomps away on Drake, then drops down with hard elbows to the back of his head while Drake struggles to gain his grounding. Sky with a stiff elbow to the face and knee to the back of the head. He grabs the mic.

Sky: I told you, I’m not wrestling. This isn’t a sanctioned match!

The crowd is cheering the brawl but seems confused by the fact that the match is going on anyway. Is this thing sanctioned or not?

Sky strikes Drake in the back of the head with the mic. Blue sky turns around to grab the chair and Drake pops up and dropkicks him in the back, spending Sky face first into the chair on the top rop. Drake fires back with punches and whips Sky into the ropes, ducks for a back body drop, but Sky kicks him hard in the side of the head. Drake is down and holding his head. Knee drop to the back of the head by Blue Sky.

Sky gets behind Drake for a sleeper but puts his hand in Drakes mouth and pulls up. The ref demands sky breaks the illegal hold while Sky screams over and over “not gonna happen!” and then headbutts Drake to the back of the head. Drake is down. Sky climbs up top for the 450 but Drake is able to get up quickly and kick the top rope, stending Sky balls first into the top turnbuckle. Drake holds the top rope and delivers two stiff kicks to Sky’s chest. He delivers a third kick to Skys head and the crowd is eating this brawl/match up. Sky is on dream street. It looks like he might fall off the top, and Drake is holding the back of his head and hobbles over to the chair. He takes the chair up top with him and whacks Sky over the head. Sky falls backwards but his feet are hooked under the top rope and he dangles precariously over the ring steps. Drake stands in front of Sky facing out. He pulls sky’s lifeless head forward and places his leg over his head. The crowd erupts! Drake is going for a top rope Eclipse on Blue Sky! Sky suddenly punches Drake in the balls twice. Boos. He opens the chair and puts it around Drakes head…he then shoves Drake hard off the second rope. Drake falls face first into the chair, landing with a thunk. His body is lifeless and he is busted open the hard way. Sky holds his head and climbs down carefully. He stomps the back of the chair lightly. The ref triess holding Sky back but Sky rolls under the ropes and climbs into the crowd, abandoning the match. What the hell did we just see?


Overall: 69 (62CR, 76MQ)

RA NOTES: Shadow Sean Drake lost overness from this match. Blue Sky gained overness from this match.

Roderick Strong vs Delirious

Strong looks almost disgusted at his opponent, as Delirious runs wildly around the ring, then hides behind the top rope. The bell rings, and Delirious freaks out again, hiding under the ring. Strong gets fed up, and looks under the apron, only to see Deliroius crawl out the other side! As Strong cuts through the ring to get to Delirious, Delirious runs in a big circle around the ring, finally ending with him jumping into the ring, and getting met with a Tilt a Whirl Backbreaker by Strong!

Surprisingly, Delirious controls Strong for a few minutes at the start of the match. Delirious recovers quickly from the backbreaker, and hits a succession of knees to Strong’s head. Strong stumbles down into the corner, and Delirious hits the Panic Attack (running Knee in the corner) to a pop. Deliroius runs around the ring again, then approaches Strong, but gets met with a VIOLENT Chop! Delirious goes down, and Strong picks him back up, throws him into the corner, and chops Delirious repeatedly, with each chop sounding like a gunshot going off! Strong finally lets up on the chops, and Delirious drops down out of the corner, his chest BLEEDING from the chops!

The rest of this match is a complete squash. Delirious gets in absolutely no offense as Strong just decimates him with various backbreakers and slams. Delirious literally gets in no offense, as Strong just chains his moves together. Strong finally gets tired of just playing around with Delirious, and lifts him for a suplex, before dropping him into a Backbreaker over his Shoulder! Strong covers, and gets the inevitable 3 count. After the match, Strong mouths Gangsta Greg’s name before walking to the back. (**1/2)

Overall: 60 (46CR, 74MQ)

The ring fills up with a lot of WAPW Superstars. More specifically, the members of the WAPW Tag Title Tournament.

As they all stand in teams, out comes Rich Braude.

Rich Braude: Ladies and Gentlemenen, you are currently looking at 7 of the 8 teams in the WAPW Tag Team Title Tournament. The reason I have called them out here is to announce the tournament matches.

The crowd cheers.

Braude: Our first match will take place at Hyperclash this Saturday. We will see the 8th Mystery Team go two on two with The Rades, Chris and Val!

The crowd doesn’t react, except for one person: the beret wearing woman who’s been at the past few shows puts down her sketchpad, stands up, and actually gives a standing ovation for Chris and Val. They stare at her in confusion, as does the rest of the crowd. Braude does too, but quickly shakes it off.

Braude: The next tournament match will see CJ Petrous and Ron Codomane, The Forgotten, take on Sebastion Suplex and Michael Fiocchi!

Petrous and Codomane crack their knuckles, as Suplex and Fiocchi high five.

Braude: Next, the team of Dennis Tracey and Kage will face Anthony Molanari and Jason Shapiro!

The two teams stare each other down.

Braude: And the final first round match, Gangsta Greg and “Underground” Matt McMillan take on “Purist” Jack Porter and Shawn Marvel!

Almost immediately, McMillan and Marvel get right in each other’s faces, talking trash. Porter and Greg try to get between them, but that isn’t working.

Braude: Also, I understand that Marvel and Porter have challenged McMillan and Greg to have their tag match at Hyperclash. BUT, Greg, you already have a match against Roderick Strong. So, McMillan, I will appoint a partner for you, to be announced at Hyperclash.

McMillan and Marvel aren’t even paying attention, as they are now in a shoving match.

Braude: These matches, as well as the semi-finals, will take place on upcoming episodes of Bedlam, with the final happening at Windy City Wipeout. I wish good luck to all the…hey! HEY!

The last part is because McMillan and Marvel have started brawling with each other! Greg and Porter try to pull their partners off, but to no avail. The rest of the teams rush in to separate them, but Marvel and McMillan keep breaking free and attacking each other!

Braude: THAT’S IT! You two REALLY Want to go at it that bad right now? FINE. But I’m making it an 8 man tag. Marvel, Porter…..and The Forgotten against McMillan, Greg……..Sebastion Suplex and Michael Fiocchi! Any other team that remains in the ring will be removed from the tournament! Now RING THE BELL!

Overall: 73

RA NOTES: Underground Matt McMillan gained overness from this segment. Shawn Marvel gained overness from this segment.

8 MAN TAG: Sebastion Suplex, Michael Fiocchi, Underground Matt McMillan, and Gangsta Greg vs Shawn Marvel, “Purist” Jack Porter, and The Forgotten (CJ Petrous and Ron Codomane)

As all the other tag teams leave the ring, 7 of the 8 men start to brawl. But Fiocchi doesn’t……he dives out of the ring and literally sprints to the back! The crowd seems confused, as the rest of the men brawl. With the four on three advantage, the heels begin to overwhelm the faces, until Michael Fiocchi power walks back out! He’s wearing blue trunks, and is holding a 2x4 in the air! The crowd catches on immediately and starts a “USA! USA!” chant as he rolls into the ring, then gets into the 3 Point Stance. Shawn Marvel turns around, and gets tackled! Porter gets the same treatment, as does Petrous. Fiocchi tries it on the much bigger Codomane, but Codomane barely moves. Fiocchi thinks, then stomps on Codomane’s foot! Codomane grabs his foot, and THEN Fiocchi hits the tackle. All 4 heels roll out of the ring, and Fiocchi gives a resounding “HOOOOOOOOO” to the cheers of the crowd.

For the kind of match that is usually just a big cluster match, this 8 man tag is surprisingly good. All 8 men are definitely good workers (The least talented guy is CJ Petrous, and even he has been putting on good matches), and they’re all quite over (except for Jack Porter, who is still not very known to the crowd.) One thing that really drives the match is that whenever Marvel is in the ring, McMillan demands to be in the ring, and vice versa. The feud between McMillan and Marvel has been getting more and more intense, as now more people (Gangsta Greg and Jack Porter) are being brought in. Eventually, the heels pick out Greg as the weak link, and keep the pain on him. For the most part, Codomane is the one in the ring, as he is the biggest man in the match, and destroys the smallest man in the match (Greg).

Codomane picks apart Greg, hitting power move after power move. Any sort of offense that Greg can get in is barely anything, and Codomane usually just shrugs it off anyway. Greg does get a few punches in at one point, and goes for a spin kick, but Codomane catches him into a wicked sitout powerbomb! 1…..2… No, McMillan runs in, kicks Codomane off the cover, then dives at Shawn Marvel! He knocks Marvel off the apron before the referee grabs McMillan and forces him back to his corner. Codomane gets right back up, and lifts Greg up in a Gorilla Press. He holds Greg up there for a while, but before he can slam him, Greg escapes, and drops it down into a DDT! Codomane and Greg are down, and both sides beg for the tag. Codomane tags in Shawn Marvel, and Greg jumps up, and tags in all of his partners at once! McMillan, Suplex, and Fiocchi all jump into the ring and attack Marvel. Petrous and Porter jump into the ring too, and the referee just says “Screw it” and lets them fight as the match breaks down.

Most of the brawls spill to the floor, leaving McMillan and Marvel in the ring. McMillan goes for a clothesline, Marvel ducks, and goes for The Final Detail. McMillan ducks that, then kicks Marvel in the stomach, and hits the Underground Driver! McMillan gets up and turns around, directly into the Running STO by Petrous, folding McMillan right onto his head! Petrous gets up, but is intercepted by Greg, who lifts Petrous onto his shoulders, and spikes him with the G-U! As soon as he hits the move, Codomane climbs into the ring, grabs Greg, and hits him with the Tombstone Piledriver! Greg gets spiked on his head and rolls out of the ring, as the referee checks on him. Codomane taunts the crowd, but doesn’t notice that Fiocchi has grabbed his 2x4! Behind the referee’s back, he whacks Codomane in the back with it! Codomane goes down, and Fiocchi gets rid of the evidence, then hits the Glory Knee Drop! The crowd pops as Fiocchi rolls through the knee drop, and stands up, and is grabbed by Jack Porter. Porter hooks him in a standing Tazmission, then lifts Fiocchi and slams him down in a Reverse Tazmission Side Effect! Fiocchi rolls out of the ring, and Porter flexes. He climbs t to the second rope, towards the crowd, and yells “PURELY UNTOUCHABLE”, but from behind, Sebastion Suplex climbs up! He hooks Porter around the stomach, and jumps backward, hitting a Middle Rope Reverse Northern Lights Suplex! With everybody else hurting from the other finishers, Suplex is the last man standing, and he covers Porter for the 3 count! McMillan, Greg, Suplex, and Fiocchi win!(**3/4)

Overall: 66 (55CR, 78MQ)

Kage and Yggdrasil make their way out separately for the main event.

But, something is amiss…..there’s no referee. Commentary wonder what the hold up is….when Kyle Evers’ music hits! Evers comes out without the WAPW Title, but wearing a referee’s shirt, and holding a microphone. I think we know what’s coming….

Evers: Aww, aww, AWWWWWWWW. Yggdrasil, did you really think you were gonna get away with making me tap out TWICE? Oh no no no no no no no NO! See, Yggdrasil, as the champion, I do NOT tolerate losing. Yggdrasil, I don’t know what’s up with you, but you just won’t leave me alone. I know you have this ridiculous notion that you think you can win the belt, but the fact is, you can’t. But anyway, the reason I’m out here is that I convined that, as the champion, I should make an appearance on Bedlam, and why not do it by being the totally impartial referee for the main event! So let’s start this match, and I’ll make SURE to call it right down the center!

The crowd chants “BULLSHIT” as Evers jumps into the ring, and calls for the bell.

Overall: 76

Yggdrasil vs Kage. Special “Impartial” Referee: WAPW Champion “Elite” Kyle Evers

Yggdrasil and Kage immediately lock up, and Yggdrasil puts Kage in a standing headlock, and for some reason, Evers gives Yggdrasil a five count to break it! Evers claims it was an “Illegal Hold”, and then yells at Yggdrasil for applying the move. Yggdrasil yells back, but gets cradled up by Kage from behind. Evers drops down and applies a lightning fast count. Yggdrasil kicks out at two, then agrues with Evers. Evers responds by slapping Yggdrasil across the face, and when Yggdrasil tries to retaliate, Evers threatens to disqualify Yggdrasil!

As usual, Kage and Yggdrasil put on a great technical match. But the big thing in this match is that Evers absolutely screws over Yggdrasil at every turn. He gives Yggdrasil’s pins ultra-slow counts, while Kage’s counts are as fast as humanly possible. And any time that Yggdrasil locks in a submission, Evers claims it isillegal, and forces him to break the hold. The only moves that Yggdrasil is able to get in are various punches and slams, as his main arsenal of submissions is severely limited due to Evers refereeing. For a while, Kage completely controls Yggdrasil, entirely due to Kyle Evers’ cheep refereeing. But out of nowhere, Yggdrasil drops Kage, and locks him in the Necronomicon! Evers actually appears to be legit checking for a tap out, as Kage crawls towards the ropes, but Yggdrasil pulls him back……and suddenly, Evers grabs onto Kage, and drags him, as well as Yggdrasil, into the ropes! The crowd boos as Yggdrasil gets in Evers’ face again.

Yggdrasil picks up Kage, and throws him into the corner. He unleashes a few chops, but Evers grabs onto Yggdrasil’s hand in the middle of one, again claiming that he was doing something illegal! Yggdrasil doesn’t even bother to argue….instead, he just clotheslines Evers down! He turns back to Kage, who hits him with a hard kick below the belt. Although Evers clearly saw it, he doesn’t do anything. Kage drops Yggdrasil down to the mat, then stomps on Yggdrasil again…and this time, Kyle Evers joins in too! Commentary cry foul as Evers (still in his referee outfit) and Kage lift up Yggdrasil, and whip him into the ropes….but Yggdrasil comes back with a double clothesline! The crowd goes wild as Yggdrasil beats down on both men, then locks Evers in the Necronomicon! Evers screams, and again taps out, although it doesn’t matter here. But Kage recovers ,and runs in, Yakuza kicking Yggdrasil in the face! As Yggdrasil crumples to the ground, Kage covers him, and Evers counts the 1-2-3 in about half a second, giving the cheap win to Kage!

After the match, Evers rolls out of the ring, and grabs the WAPW Title. He gets back into the ring, and waits on Yggdrasil to get up. He does, and Evers runs in, slamming the Title into the back of Yggdrasil’s head! Yggdrasil lies face down on the mat, and Evers puts his foot on the back of Yggdrasil’s head, posing with the WAPW Title to end the show. (***1/4)

Overall: 75 (62CR, 89MQ)




After the show, David Bryant and I came to terms on him being done with WAPW. We both agreed it was for the best, because Bryant really wasn’t going anywhere. Bryant will be moving to Philadelphia anyway, where several bigger promotions are based, to try his luck there.

Credit: Lordsofpain.net

Indy News: Super 8 Tournament Location?

Ever since the East Coast Wrestling Assocation folded months ago, Jim Kettner has been searching for a new federation to host the Super 8 Tournament this year. The Super 8 is a tournament featuring 8 of the top young independent wrestlers, and the winner usually gets a major publicity increase. Past winners include Low Ki, Christopher Daniels, and last year, current ROH Pure Champion B-Boy.

The top federations that are being considered for hosting the Super 8 Tournament are New Mexico based Rocky Mountain Wrestling, Montreal based Extreme Canadian Championship Wreslting, and Chicago based World Anarchy Pro Wrestling. The Super 8 Tournament will take place in December, and more than likely, the announcement of where will be made in the upcoming weeks.

Credit: www.wapwrestling.com

World Anarchy Pro Wrestling presents HYPERCLASH! Live, Saturday, August 5, 2006. Aragon Ball Room, Chicago, Il.


WAPW Title: “Elite” Kyle Evers defends the belt vs Yggdrasil

Roderick Strong vs Gangsta Greg

Regal vs Daron Smythe

Michael Fiocchi vs Jacob Ryland

Opening match in the WAPW Tag Title Tournament: The Rades (Chris and Val Rade) vs ??????????

Shawn Marvel and “Purist” Jack Porter vs “Underground” Matt McMillan and ???????

Ken Anderson vs Masashi Yatamari

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Guest Botmaster4lyfe

As I looked around the Aragon Ball Room, I was surprised that no other wrestling promotion had taken advantage of it. It was literally a perfect arena to hold shows, and not only that, but it had something that I had been wanting for a while…a working PA system that could finally give WAPW wrestlers legit theme music.

WAPW PRESENTS HYPERCLASH! Saturday, August 6, 2006, in the Agaron Ball Room in Chicago, Il

As the show starts, WAPW’s official new theme song, “Comin’ Atcha Live” by Tesla, plays as the referee (Mr. Afro) announcers, and a few camera men (Oh yes, we’re filming this show for WAPW’s first DVD!) come out.

They welcome everybody to the show, and especially plug the fact that this show will be on DVD. They announce the first match on the show….

Ken Anderson makes his way out first to “Praise” by Sevendust. He slaps hands with the fans around ringside, then rolls in and tests the ropes. Next, Shinigo Dushuku comes out to no music.

Dushuku: Ladies and Gentlemen…I, Shinigo Dushuku, present to you….the Shaolin Senseation. From Fujisawa, Japan. Weighing in at an astounding 97 and a half Kilos….MASASHI YATAMARI!

“Inane” by KMFDM starts up, and Yatamari comes out. He gets into the ring, and shakes hands with Dushuku. But as Yatamari and Anderson prepare to lock up…… “Blue Skies Bring Tears” by The Smashing Pumpkins hits! Out comes Blue Sky….through the crowd, dressed to wrestle. He rolls into the ring, and sits down in the corner. The referee tries to get him out of the ring, but Sky isn’t moving. Rich Braude comes out on the entrance with a microphone.

Braude: Blue Sky, what the HELL are you doing? First, you have that brawl with Sean Drake, he’s still hurt from that. And now…..what is going on?

Blue Sky grabs a microphone himself.

Sky: What is going on? Braude, have you heard a word I have said lately? I don’t care about rules, about authority, about the men in this ring, aabout the fans, about anything. All I have is blue sky, and my path to nirvana. And if I feel that coming out here will help me on that path, so be it.

Braude: Damnit, Sky, you’re not even on the SHOW tonight! I told you to stay home after what you did to Drake!

Sky: I’m proud of what I did to Drake. And Braude, no matter what you say, I will not be leaving this ring until I feel that it is in my best interest to leave this ring.

Braude paces back and forth angrily.

Braude: This is a COMPANY, Sky! A company that you are a part of!

Sky: I don’t give a shit! I look out for my own well being, Braude, and my own path. I’m staying in this ring.

Braude: Fine. But damnit, as long as you’re in that ring, you’re gonna be working. This is now a Triple Threat match! Sky, you’re now officially part of this match. Now RING THE BELL!

The bell rings, but Sky doesn’t look all that shaken by Braude’s announcement.

Overall: 70

RA NOTES: Rich Braude gained overness from this segment. Blue Sky gained overness from this segment.

Triple Threat Match: Masashi Yatamari (w/Shinigo Dushuku) vs Ken Anderson vs Blue Sky

Yatamari and Anderson lock up, as Sky continues to sit in the corner. Anderson and Yatamari trade some quick action back and forth, much like their first match two weeks ago. Anderson goes for a clothesline, but Yatamari Matrixes under it. Anderson sees it coming, and goes for a leg drop, but Yatamari twists his body out of the way, then kicks Anderson in the head. Anderson goes down, and Yatamari goes for a standing moosnault. Anderson moves, then attemps a moonsault of his own! Yatamari dodges, then both men kip up and face off to a big pop…..and are immediately hit by a double springboard dropkick from Blue Sky, who has finally decided to enter the match.

It’s obvious that the crowd is a bit disappointed, because they were expecting the Anderson/Yatamari rematch (and their first match was phenomenal), and instead Blue Sky gets added. Still, the match is more than acceptable, plus the fans are interested in Sky’s new character. What is especially interesting about the match is Sky himself: at times, he wrestles all out, and at times, he just sits in the corner, leaving Anderson and Yatamari to go at it.

During one period of Sky’s inactivity, Anderson and Yatamari really start to tear it up. They go back and forth with innovative moves. Anderson gets aggressive, and hits a monstrous forearm to Yatamari. Yatamari comes back with a stiff side kick. They go back and forth with forearms and kicks, until Anderson elbows Yatamari so hard that Yatamari stumbles into the corner. Anderson climbs up with him, and looks to hook Yatamari for the Kenton Bomb! But Yatamari fights out of it, so Anderson switches up, going for a top rope Hurricanrana. At this point, Sky decides to re-enter the match, and he makes his way over to them. But just before he gets to the corner, Anderson hits the Hurricanrana, sending Yatamari flying. On his way down, though, Blue Sky catches Yatamari in to a neck first powerbomb! 1………2…….NO! Anderson at the last second runs in, catching Sky with a Hart Attack neck breaker! All three men are down, and the crowd applauds.

After getting up, all three men trade punches. Sky tries to go back to the corner, deciding not to wrestle, but Anderson grabs him by his hair and hits a Lung Blower! Sky rolls to the apron, and Anderson and Yatamari fight. Yatamari gains the upper hand, and places Anderson on the top. Yatamari climbs up too, and hooks Anderson for a top rope Complete Shot! Anderson counters with a few punches, then lifts Yatamari onto his shoulders! He stands up, and hits the Kenton Bomb! Anderson is too hurt to cover immediately, as Blue Sky crawls to the top rope. Anderson finally makes the cover, 1….2….and from nowhere, Sky hits the 450 on both men, breaking the hold! Anderson rolls off in pain, and Sky covers Yatamari! 1……….2………3! Sky pulls the win out of nowhere! Sky doesn’t pause for a second, grabbing his ring jacket and leaving through the crowd again, as Dushuku checks on Yatamari’s condition, and Anderson gets helped up by the referee. (**3/4)

Overall: 61 (57CR, 80MQ)

Shawn Marvel and “Purist” Jack Porter vs Underground Matt McMillan and ????????

The hard beats of “Kiss of Death (Instrumental)” by Jadakiss hit, and out walks Jack Porter. As he’s halfway down to the ring, the song switches to “Cocky” by Kid Rock. A minute passes, until the rock part of the song kicks in, at which point Shawn Marvel finally decides to come out. He gets LOUD boos from the crowd, but he doesn’t seem to care. Porter and Marvel taunt the crowd, as “Fucking in the Bushes” by Oasis hits, and Underground Matt McMillan comes to the ring to a huge pop. He rolls in, and immediately Shawn Marvel and Jack Porter leave the ring. McMillan looks like he wants to wrestle the match on his own, but the referee tells him a partner is coming…….and “Hybrid Stigmata” by Dimmu Borgir plays. McMillan looks to the entrance, as Delirious crawls down the aisle, then crawls into the corner and goes into a catatonic state. McMillan sighs, then faces off with Marvel. Delirious continues to wait in the corner. Referee Matt Columbus calls for the bell, and Delirious goes mad. He’s about to leave the ring, but McMillan just grabs onto Delirious’s tassles, preventing him from leaving the ring.

Shawn Marvel and Delirious start out. They tie up, and Delirious suddenly breaks the hold, then curls into a fetal position on the mat. Marvel looks confused, then prods Delirious with his foot, but Delirious doesn’t react. Marvel laughs, then kicks Delirious a few times. Marvel laughs more, then puts one foot on Delirious in victory, when Delirious suddenly rolls toward Marvel, knocking him over! Deririous laughs at Marvel, then tags in McMillan, who slingshots over the top rope into a flip leg drop! He jumps down on Marvel, and starts elbowing away at his face! Marvel counters, and starts punching McMillan. Porter and Delirious jump into the ring to break it up. Porter grabs Marvel and pulls him off…while Delirious grabs the referee. Marvel tags in Porter, then takes a breather on the floor.

This match is all about the Marvel/McMillan feud. What started as just Marvel vs McMillan is gradually bringing in more superstars, such as Jack Proter, Delirious (kinda), and Gangsta Greg. McMillan and Marvel, even when not the legal men, are trying to get at each other, usually rushing in illegally to attack the other man. Porter also gets in a few cheap shots on McMillan when he can, but Delirious seems to have more interest in flailing his arms wildly than going after Marvel. McMillan, throughout the match, seems pretty angry about his appointed partner, so he tries to not tag Delirious in as much as possible. He finally has to after taking a beating from Porter, and Delirious immediately goes to work........complaining that Porter pulled his tassles. Porter grabs Delirious from behind, and plants him with the Tazmission Bulldog, then tags in Marvel.

Marvel goes to work on Delirious, locking Delirious in his bow and arrow backbreaker. Delirious flails around, trying to break the hold, then for some reason, grabs his tassles and puts them in his own mouth, then continues to flail. He manages to escape the hold by turning it into a headlock, which Marvel counters into a head scissors. Delirious handstands up in the head scissors, then just waits there. Marvel releases the hold and stands up, but Delirious contines to do a handstand. Marvel looks confused, then moves in, and Delirious rolls forward, and catches Marvel for a hurricanrana, but Marvel pulls him up into a sit down powerbomb. Delirious is folded onto his neck, but he kicks out at two. Marvel pulls him back up, and hits a backdrop, dropping Delirious RIGHT on his neck! Another cover, but shockingly, a two count. Marvel gets Delirious up again, and hooks him for the Simply Marvelous. But Delirious wiggles out of the move, and tags in McMillan!

McMillan gets into the ring, and tackles Marvel, MMA style, and begins punching away at his head. Porter jumps in to break it up, but Delirious makes himself useful for the first time in the match, diving in and clotheslining Porter, then pulling him to the outside and continuing the brawl. Meanwhile, Marvel has fought out of McMillan’s grasp, and is catching his breath in the corner. McMillan rushes in, and Marvel shoots for The Final Detail, but McMillan ducks! As McMillan turns around, Marvel goes for The Final Detail again, but McMillan ducks a second time. Marvel goes for one more, but this time, McMillan catches his foot, then cartwheels to the side, causing Marvel to fall down, and McMillan turns it right into the Rebel Lock! Porter is busy on the outside with Delirious, and Marvel taps out, giving the win to McMillan and Delirious!

Overall: 60 (53CR, 82MQ)

Michael Fiocchi vs Jacob Ryland

Ryland quite literally has the perfect theme: “Hypnotist of Ladies” by They Might Be Giants. He struts down to the ring, handing out several of his “business” cards to every lady in the front row. He rolls into the ring, and lays across the top rope. As he waits, “Sexy Boy” (not the real version, a cover) hits, and sure enough, Michael Fiocchi comes out in HBK attire, like he discussed with Sebastion Suplex. He’s wearing a light brown wig, and a necklace with a cross on it around his neck. Ryland looks disgusted, as Fiocchi poses to a big pop. He rolls into the ring, and poses again, but Ryland grabs him from behind, and hits a reverse DDT across his knee.

Ryland starts off stomping down on Fiocchi, then pulls him up by his hair, and whips him into the ropes. Ryland comes back with a flying forearm, and they both go down…and Fiocchi kips up to a big pop. As Ryland gets up, Fiocchi hammers him with a few right hands, then clotheslines him over the top rope. Ryland is staged on the floor, giving Fiocchi time to hit a plancha over the top rope onto him, then continues to reign down right hands!

Commentary are stunned at how hard these two are going at it, as Fiocchi and Ryland brawl at ringside, ending with Ryland shoving Fiocchi into the guard rail back first. Ryland fires with a few punches, then grabs Fiocchi by the hair again, and throws him head first into the steel pole in the corner of the ring! Ryland regains his composure, then goes to chat with a girl in the front row, and we see that Fiocchi has been busted open early! Ryalnd takes advantage of it, punching the wound open even more. Ryland laughs as he throws Fiocchi back into the ring, and covers him, but only gets a two count.

Ryland has a definte advantage, due to Fiocchi losing a LOT of blood early on. Ryland actually shows a more brutal side to him, as all his moves start focusing on the head/face of Fiocchi. He cradles Fiocchi’s head in his knees (both men facing up on the ground), then turns around, and repeatedly rams Fiocchi’s face into the mat with his legs (Think of Alex Shelley’s Skull-Fucker). Fiocchi is really busted open badly, as Ryland shows no mercy, picking Fiocchi back up and hitting a Lou Thez Press and punching him more and more. Fiocchi’s face is COVERED in blood, and Ryland wipes his hands off on the referee’s shirt, then goes back to work. He signals for the Edge-O-Matic (Called the LadyThrilla by Commentary) He grabs Fiocchi’s head…but Fiocchi counters it into an uppercut, then a massive lariat!

Fiocchi looks PISSED here, and he tears off the necklace and the wig he was wearing. He yells “TO HELL WITH IT”, brutally spears Ryland into the corner, then starts wailing away with lefts and rights! Commentary are in absolute SHOCK as to how intense the match is getting, as Ryland slumps down in the corner, and Fiocchi runs in with a basement dropkick! He covers, but only gets a two. Fiocchi points to the top rope, and climbs up. He leaps off for the Flying Elbow Drop, but Ryland moves out of the way! As Fiocchi slowly gets back up, Ryland hooks him for another LadyThrilla, but Fiocchi counters it again. Ryland goes for a clothesline, Fiocchi ducks…and hits Sweet Chin Music! Ryland goes down, and Fiocchi rolls him up, 1…..2…..3! Fiocchi wins!

After the match, Fiocchi grabs the wig he was wearing. He puts it back on, then struts around the ring to a big pop. Ryland is making his way up, and Fiocchi goes over to him, and does an old DX Crotch Chop. He turns around, and Ryland jumps up, grabs Fiocchi by the head, and SPIKES him with the LadyThrilla! Fiocchi is folded up on his neck, and Ryland just stares down at him, before walking to the back. Paul Rivas gives us the obvious line of the night, saying that he doesn’t think this is over yet.(**1/2)

Overall: 59 (62CR, 70MQ)

Regal makes his way out to “Dub the Mic” by The Beastie Boys. He stretches out in the ring, waiting on Daron Smythe.

Smythe walks out to no music, wearing one of his flashy robes. He has a microphone.

Smythe: Everybody’s been wondering, everybody’s been asking, what does NNB stand for? Well, I’m here to tell you all. But first, a bit of a history lesson. Back on January 24, of 1963, two men fought in a 2/3 falls match, that ended very controversially. As a result, the promoters were upset. So upset, in fact, that several broke off and formed their own new federation, known as the World Wide Wrestling Federation. They recognized the winner of that 2/3 falls match, Buddy Rogers, as their champion. Buddy Rogers decided that with this new found fame, he should flaunt it. He bought himself some robes, some new attire, and an entire new lifestyle. He flaunted his new found fame.

Smythe: Fast forward some years. A new star was taking the wrestling world by storm. He had survived a plane crash, and was back in the ring within months, when doctors said he would never wrestle again. His name was Ric Flair, maybe you’ve heard of him (Assorted WHOOO’s from the crowd). He too wanted to show off his new found fame. Flashy robes, new attire, everything. And he became known for his syling, his profiling, and who he was. He and Buddy Rogers had one thing in common….they were BOTH The Nature Boy.

Smythe: And now, somebody new has stepped up to carry on the legacy of The Nature Boy. And you’re looking at him! I am Daron Smythe….THE NEW NATURE BOY! And I PROMISE I will take the Nature Boy to greater heights than Flair or Rogers could even DREAM of!

He turns around, showing off the words “New Nature Boy” now imprinted on the back of his shiny robe. He turns around as “Stop” by the Black Rebel Motorcycle Club hits. He jumps through the ropes into the ring, then poses. He takes off his robe, and hands it to the referee, revealing his new red trunks with the words “New Nature Boy” written in black on the back. He tests the ropes, then circles Regal as the bell rings.

Overall: 53

RA NOTES: Daron Smythe gained overness from this segment.

“New Nature Boy” Daron Smythe vs Regal

Regal and Smythe tie up, and Regal starts with a basic hammerlock. Smythe counters into a hammerlock of his own, so Regal reaches up, into a quick headlock. Smythe shoves Regal into the ropes, and as Regal is coming back, Smythe hits a chop. Regal completely no-sells, and hits a chop of his own, which Smythe no-sells! Regal and Smythe get right in each other’s faces, and start to trade intense chops. Each chop gets more and more brutal, ehding with Regal hitting a spinning Kenta Kobashi-like chop to Smythe’s neck. Smythe goes down, but gets right back up, and hits a Mongolian chop! They face off again, and Smythe slaps Regal! Regal backs up, and goes for a leaping roundhouse, but Smythe catches his foot, and drops him into an I-Lock (Standing Leg Lock for those of you who aren’t familiar with Japanese Wrestling).

Smythe works over the legs of Regal for a while, as Paul Rivas points out that this is the best thing Smythe could do: it not only takes away Regal’s main offense, but also softens him up for the Figure Four. Smythe switches the I-Lock into a grapevine, but Regal chops his way out of it, then gets up. His leg is hurting him a bit, but he fights through it and hits a running knee, sending Smythe to the floor. Regal bounces off the ropes, and Baseball slides, but Smythe moves, then grabs onto Regal’s leg and slams it into the ring apron hard! Regal collapses to the floor, and Smythe hops up on the apron, then drops an elbow right onto Regal’s leg! Regal is screaming in pain, but Smythe doesn’t pause, picking Regal up and hitting a dragon screw on the floor! Finally, Smythe backs off, as the referee checks if Regal is too hurt to continue, but Regal shoves him off.

All of Smythe’s offense focuses directly on the legs of Regal, and it shows, as Regal is unable to throw any of his signature kicks without being in pain. It even becomes hard for Regal to stand up, as he begins limping when he moves around. Smythe is completely unreleting on the leg, as Regal misses a spin kick, and Smythe chop blocks Regal’s leg out from under him. Regal drops to the mat again, and Smythe drags him to the corner. He climbs outside, and wraps Regal’s leg around the ring post. The referee calls him off after five seconds, then Smythe immediately reapplies the hold, only for Regal to swing with his other foot with a hard shot to Smythe’s face! Regal takes the opportunity to recover as Smythe clears the cobwebs on the floor.

Thanks to that one kick, Regal finaly is able to start mounting a comeback. He hits a few punches (uncharacteristically), then goes back to kicks, but on the kick with his bad leg, Regal yells in pain and grabs his leg. Smythe takes advantage, putting Regal in a quick headlock, but Regal shoves him off. As Smythe coems back, Regal tosses him for the Viper Kick! He jumps and kicks, but as he does, Smythe catches his foot! Smythe drops to the ground, taking Regal down with him, and instantly applies the Figure Four! Regal almost instantly taps out due to all the damage he’s already taken on his leg, and Smythe gets the big win! (***)

Overall: 59 (48CR, 85MQ)

Opening WAPW Tag Title Tournament: The Rades (Chris and Val) vs ??????????

Chris and Val make their way out to “It Doesn’t Matter” by Crush 40. Once again, they get a sluggish reaction, except from the Beret Wearing woman. She reaches down, and pulls out a drawing….of The Rades? It’s abstract, but it’s clear that it’s supposed to the The Rades. Chris and Val just ignore her, and get into the ring. They wait on their mystery opponents…..and “Fistful of Steel” by Rage Against The Machine hits. There’s a pause, and then out come…….Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens, THE NATURALS! They get a great reaction from the crowd, mostly due to their TNA Name Value. It’s surprising that TNA got rid of them, considering how good they are, but a loss is a loss, and now the former 2 time TNA Tag Champs are in WAPW. They quickly show what side they are on, as they refuse handshakes from The Rades.

The match starts with Andy Douglas and Chris Rade. Rade is definitely the better man on the mat, so he counters everything Andy throws at him, until Andy rakes Chris’s face, and tags in Chase Stevens. Chris tags in Val as well. Val puts Chase in a standing arm lock, which Chase counters into an arm drag. Val rolls through, and runs in for a dropkick. Chase swats it away, then goes to a ground headlock. Val fights up to his feet, and elbows out of the move, but Chase grabs onto his hair and pulls Val violently to the mat, then stomps right on Val’s face.

The Naturals continue to take every single shortcut in the book here, from hair grabbing to eye pokes to double teams behind the referee’s back, everything to get the crowd against them and behind the Rades. Still, even with the name recognition of The Naturals, the crowd is almost dead silent for The Rades, who have done absolutely nothing since arriving in WAPW (although the crowd is interested in the relationship between the Rades and the woman in the front row). Val gets back on Chase, hitting a few open hand strikes, then bounces off the ropes, but Andy Douglas knees him in the back, then jumps into the ring. The Naturals grab Val for a double Suplex, and instead drop it into a Double Orange Crush! Chase makes the cover, but Chris Rade breaks it up.

All four men are good in the ring (although The Naturals are much better all round wrestlers), so the opening contest in the WAPW Tag Title Tournament is one hell of a competitive match. The Naturals take over for a while on Chris Rade, continuing their cheap, cheating tactics. Chris finally manages to tag in Val, but Val gets hit with a thumb to the eye by Chase Stevens. The crowd are all over The Naturals here as they hook Val for another Double Orange Crush, but Val slips out of it, and hits a double reverse DDT on the Naturals!

Chris is still recovering on the outside, but Val takes it to both Naturals. The numbers eventually catch up to him, and the Naturals start to double team him again, until Chris jumps back in and double clotheslines the Naturals! A big brawl breaks out, with The Rades in control. Chris tries to hip toss Chase over the top rope, but Chase counters and sends Chris to the floor, and Chris lands with a sick thud! The referee goes to check on him, as Val Rade grabs Andy Douglas from behind….and Andy Douglas swings his boot backwards, low blowing Val! Chase runs over and grabs Val for a reverse suplex, then lifts him and drapes him over Andy’s shoulders, and they nail the Natural Disaster! Chris can’t make the save, and Andy covers Val for the Victory! The Naturals are advancing to the semi finals!

After the match, Chris gets back into the ring, and helps his brother up…and Val shoves him off! Chris shoves Val back, and they get in an argument. They leave the ring, still arguing, and it looks like it might actually come to blows…..but the woman in the front row actually hops the barricade and gets between them! Oddly, security doesn’t bother her, as she talks to them. The Rades are more confused, but it seems like what she’s talking to them about has gotten them to stop. She then leads them backstage to the confussion of the crowd. (***)

Overall: 61 (52CR, 84MQ)

RA NOTES: Andy Douglas debuted his new gimmick (Cheater), it got a positive response. Chase Stevens debuted his new gimmick (Cheater), it got a positive response.

Roderick Strong vs Gangsta Greg

Greg makes his entrance to “Ego Trippin’” by Kool Keith and the Ultramagnetic MC’s. He struts down to the ring, but Roderick Strong runs out behind him….only for Greg to catch him with a right hand! Strong and Greg brawl on the outside, with Strong decimating Greg with chops. Greg fires back with punches, but Strong lifts Greg into a military press, and throws Greg into the barricade! Greg grabs his back in pain, and a sick smile appears on Strong’s face.

With a target now on Greg’s back, Strong goes to work, locking in a bear hug in the middle of the ring. It’s still early on, so Greg escapes quickly, and bounces off the ropes, but Strong catches Greg with a brutal boot, then applies a Boston Crab! He elevates it (Which commentary identify as the Stronghold), and Greg reaches the ropes quickly…only for Strong to drag him to the center of the ring, then pull Greg up by the legs and drill him into the mat with a powerbomb.

Shockingly, this is a completely one sided match. Greg gets in little to no offense, as Strong just shows a more vicious side then he usually does, not relenting on Greg at all as he destroys his back with move after move after move. Greg hasn’t even gotten the chance to take off his bandana, but Strong takes it off for him, then chokes Greg with it! Referee Mr. Afro pulls Strong off, so Strong backs off, throws the bandana down, then puts Greg in the corner and hits a running face wash!

It’s pretty weird that the match is mostly a squash, so the crowd isn’t as loud as I had hoped. As most squash matches are, the workrate also isn’t as high as I hoped it would be. The crowd rallies behind Greg, but to absolutely no avail, as Strong shuts him down with a Lairat. Strong covers, but gets cocky and pulls Greg back up at two. He lifts Greg up onto his shoulders, and hits the double knee gutbuster! Another cover, but again, Strong pulls Greg up at two. Strong is really getting cocky, and he lifts Greg onto his shoulders for another gut buster. He lifts Greg……but on the way down, Greg grabs onto Strong’s head into an ultra tight Small Package! 1…..2…..3!!!!! Greg, out of NOWHERE, gets the win!!!!!!

Greg is helped up by the referee, as Strong has a look of shock on his face. Strong walks over to Greg………….then slowly turns around and asks for a microphone.

Strong: …….I lost………..I’ll accept that. Greg, tonight, you were the better man. And maybe……….maybe Roderick Strong……………just doesn’t belong in WAPW.

He drops the microphone and walks out of the arnea, as Greg celebrates. (**1/2)

Overall: 56 (51CR, 76MQ)

WAPW WORLD TITLE: “Elite” Kyle Evers © vs Yggdrasil

Yggdrasil makes his way out to a custom made theme, “Metal Heart (Navras Chant Opening” by Hammerfall. The crowd pops big time for him, as he takes off his hood, revealing an ankh painted over his right eye. His music fades out, and is replaced by (what else) “Elite” by The Deftones. Evers struts out, holding the WAPW title on his shoulder, and also showing off WAPW’s second T-Shirt: the front says “Elite” with a Matrix-like background, and the back, in the same font, says “It’s a Way Of Life”. Evers is also wearing a leg brace on his left leg, as commentary discuss how much damage Yggdrasil has done with the Necronomicon to Evers. He struts down to the ring, not letting anybody touch the WAPW Title, then hands it to the referee. Evers takes off his shirt, then motions that he’s gonna throw it into the crowd…..then thinks better of it, and calmly lays it on the top rope to boos.

Evers and Yggdrasil lock up, and Yggdrasil immediately takes Evers down, and goes for the Necronomicon! Evers rolls to one side to avoid it, but Yggdrasil holds on, and keeps going for it! Evers grabs the ropes, but Yggdrasil pulls him off, and goes for the move again. Evers finally boots Yggdrasil in the head, and escapes to the floor. Yggdrasil follows him to the floor, but Evers grabs him and rams him back first into the ring apron, then into the ring post, arm first. Yggdrasil holds his arm, and Evers grabs it, and rams it against the apron!

Evers targets the arm to start the match, dropping Yggdrasil down, and hitting a few knees to Yggdrasi’s right arm (the injured one). Evers pulls Yggdrasil up, grabs his arm, springs off the top rope, and hits a tornado arm ddt! He covers quickly, but Yggdrasil kicks out. Evers picks him right back up, hammerlock’s Yggdrasil’s arm behind him, and body slams him down. Another cover, and Yggdrasil kicks out again. This time, Evers rolls through the cover, and puts on an Arm Lock. He doesn’t get it locked in perfectly (Evers it not a very good submissionist), so Yggdrasil is able to counter quickly, turning the move into a leg lock. Evers escapes, then hits a low dropkick to Yggdrasil’s arm.

Evers, who isn’t known at ALL for submissions, surprisingly works on Yggdrsail’s arm for a while. Commentary figure it’s because Yggdrasil needs his arm to fully lock in the Necronomicon. Evers slams Yggdrasil down, then climbs up to the top rope, and hits a Driving Elbow Drop off the top rope, right onto Yggdrasil’s arm! Yggdrasil grabs it in pain, and Evers covers, but only for a two count. Evers goes right back to work on the arm, hitting a shoulder breaker, then covering for another two count. Evers just goes to school on Yggdrasil’s arm for a while, until Evers decides to end it. He grabs Yggdrasil’s arms, and hooks him for the Vertebreaker. Yggdrasil tries to counter it, dropping to one knee, but Evers pulls him back up. He lifts Yggdrasil, but Yggdrasil counters again, dropping down. Evers breaks the hold, and hits a few kicks to Yggdrasil’s arm. He rehooks Yggdrasil, but Yggdrasil counters, hooks Evers, and German Suplexes him, right onto the top of his head!

Both men are down, and slowly making their way back up. Evers goes for a punch, but Yggdrasil blocks it, and punches Evers, but with his bad arm. Yggdrasil grabs his arm in pain, and Evers goes for a punch, but Yggdrasil blocks it with his left arm, then starts a punch combo on Evers with his left arm! He punches Evers into the ropes, then whips him into the other side, and hits a lariat with his good arm! Evers gets up, and another Lariat! Evers gets back up, and Yggdrasil drops him with a clip to the back of the leg with a leg brace! Evers goes down, and Yggdrasiul starts stomping away on the leg, then tears off Evers’ leg brace and stomps on it more! He throws the brace into the corner, then pulls Evers to the ropes, and bounces off the bottom rope onto Evers’ leg repeatedly. Evers is in pain…and Yggdrasil drags him to the center of the ring, and locks in the Necronomicon! The crowd goes wild, as Yggdrasil cranks on the move, and Evers screams in pain. He starts to crawl to the ropes, but Yggdrasil pulls him right back to the center of the ring! Evers yells in pain, and raises his hand to tap out…….but he crawls again, and this time makes it to the ropes!

Yggdrasil is forced to break the hold, and Evers scrambles to the floor, and grabs the WAPW Title! As Yggdrasil recovers in the ring, Evers tosses the belt into the ring, then rolls in himself. The referee yells at him, then grabs the belt and brings it to the outside. As he does, though, Yggdrasil punches Evers in the face, who falls into the corner, where the leg brace is. Yggdrasil walks over, and Evers suddenly WHACKS Yggdrasil with it! Yggdrasil stumbles back, and into the ropes, and Evers runs in with the 1337! Yggdrasil goes down, and just to make sure, Evers pulls him right back up, and hits the Vertebreaker! He covers, the referee finally gets into the ring, and counts 1…..2……3! Evers retains!

Evers grabs his title and his leg brace, and leaves the ring. He reaches to the underside of the leg brace…and pulls out a small piece of metal, held on by tape! He kisses it, then holds it and the belt into the air as commentary cry foul. Evers walks to the entrance, then one last time holds the belt up to close the show.(**3/4)

Overall: 63 (67CR, 73MQ)


Attendance: 301

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Guest Botmaster4lyfe

After Hyperclash, I went to work on a few WAPW T-Shirts. Greg has had a shirt for a while, but that’s because he designed it himself. The Aragon Ball Room has a small sub room that we can use for Merchandise sales, so it would help if we actually had some merchandise.

Comcast and WAPW Present BEDLAM! Thursday, August 10th, 2006

WAPW Bedlam starts out not in the ring, but in the back. We see the Rades in the locker room.

Chris: Val, she said she’d be here, and she said that “She had a solution to all of our problems”. So let’s wait a few more minutes.

Val: Are you kidding? She’s probably just a crazed fan.

Chris: Well why didn’t Security grab her, then? It just doesn’t….

We hear the door open, and both men turn. The camera pans over to see the beret wearing woman. She’s also holding an art canvas. She sets it up, then motions for the two of them to sit down.

Woman: Now then, allow me to introduce myself properly to you gentlemen. My name is Lisa DeMillo, and I….

Val: Look, what are you doing here?

DeMillo: Please refrain from speaking when I’m having a conversation with you. I am an expert on the cultural arts, as well as a wreslting connoisseur. I recently relocated to Chicago, and discovered World Anarchy Pro Wrestling. I talked to Rich Braude, who agreed to let me observe the shows, under contract with WAPW, as I was looking for a wrestler to bestow my skills upon. As I came to the events, I noticed you two. And I must say, that….

Chris gets fed up

Chris: Look, lady, just get to the freaking point.

DeMillo: I am about to get there, you uncultured swine….

Chris: Hey, I don’t need to take that crap from somebody who won’t explain what the hell she’s doing here!

DeMillo sighs.

DeMillo: Oh, how the true artists suffer…………I believe that I can turn you two into stars.

Val: Really? How do you expect to do that?

DeMillo: In this day and age, you could be the most talented wrestler in the world, or you could be somebody with no experience in the business. None of that matters anymore, as long as you can stand out from the crowd.

Chris: You know, I think that wrestling skill is favored over…

DeMillo: Excuse me, still talking. Anyway, I believe that I can mold you, I can shape you, I can make you LOOK like stars. And in doing so….you will become those stars. Now, do you accept?

Chris and Val look at each other.

Chris: ………fine. You got yourself a deal.

DeMillo: Excelent. Now, I’ve prepaired some preliminary sketches of your new look…

She sets up the canvas and reveals it. The camera isn’t in the right position to see what it is, but both Rades go wide eyed.

Overall: 61

RA NOTES: Lisa DeMillo debuted her new gimmick (Pretentious Artist), it got a positive response. Lisa DeMillo gained overness from this segment. Val Rade gained overness from this segment.

Blue Sky vs Ken Anderson

Anderson gets an unbelievable reaction coming out, surprisingly. Anderson has been putting on great match after great match, though, and it’s gotten him over in a hurry. I just wish he’d sign a written contract….anyway. “Blue Skies Bring Tears” by The Smashing Pumpkins hits, and Blue Sky comes out to a highly mixed reaction, but defeintely a reaction. His recent attitude and character have caught the crowd’s attention, but they still really don’t know what to make of it.

Sky and Anderson start out with a test of strength, with Anderson bending Sky all the way back, so Sky is balancing on his head. Sky suddenly rolls back, breaking the hold, and puts a side headlock on Anderson. Anderson shoves him off, leapfrogs, then drops down. He ducks down again, then turns sideways to try to throw Sky with his legs, but Sky does a leaping somersault to escape, as Anderson kips up. Sky puts him in another headlock, Anderson backdrops him out of it, and Sky lands on his feet. He goes for a dropkick, but Anderson catches his feet, and drops him to the mat. Anderson grabs onto his legs and arms, and pulls Sky up off the mat for a powerbomb, but Sky rolls through into a Sunset flip, which Anders also rolls through. Both men kip up, and face off.

Yet again, Ken Anderson puts on a great match. He goes with a high flying game tonight, as Sky is more of a high flier than anything else. Sky and Anderson put on an incredible show, just tearing it up in the ring. The crowd gets monsterously into it, starting a loud “ANDERSON! ANDERSON” chant. Anderson uses it to rally out of a chin lock, but holds on to Blue Sky’s head….and hits a Snapmare Driver, dropping Sky right on his head! Anderson climbs up to the top rope, and pepares to leap off for a Leg Drop. But the second before he jumps off, Sky begins to kip up! Anderson doesn’t have time to stop, and jumps off, and just as Sky reaches his feet, he hits a Sitout Powerbomb on Anderson! He rolls him up, but only gets a two!

The crowd is really into it now, as Sky and Anderson begin to trade elbows. Sky grabs onto Anderson and starts wailing away…and at the same time, Anderson throws elbows too! For a good 15-20 seconds, they elbow each other, with the crowd eating it up. They both get tired, and pause, only for Sky to hit a standing hurricanrana, sending Anderson into the corner. Sky runs in, and hits a leaping Yakuza kick, with Anderson crumpling down. Sky then grabs the top rope, uses it to spring up, then drops right down with a sick dropkick! He covers, but only gets a two. Sky pulls Anderson back up, and goes for the Sky High, but Anderson catches him on his back, and hits a Standing version of the Kenton Bomb! Both men are down, and the crowd erupts in a standing ovation.

They make their way up to their feet, and face off. Anderson motions for Sky to bring it…….and Sky turns around, grabs his jacket, and leaves the ring? Sky puts his jacket back on and starts to walk to the back. Referee Mr. Afro starts his count, as the crowd boos. He gets up to 8, but Sky has already gone through the entrance. Afro reaches 10, and calls for the bell! Anderson has won, but by Countout! The crowd is PISSED, but can’t deny the quality of that match, starting another loud chant for Anderson (one of the loudest chants I’ve heard in WAPW….I think we have a new top star!) (****)

Overall: 78 (58CR, 98!!!!!MQ)

We catch up to Sky in the back, whos making his way to the exit.

Rich Braude: GOD DAMNIT, SKY.

Braude runs up, and blocks the exit.

Braude: Injuring Sean Drake is one thing. Injecting yourself into a match is another. But walking out of one of WAPW’s best matches….WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?

Sky: I have no problem. I simply look out for my own interests. Braude, I care not about WAPW, about you, about Ken Anderson, about those fans, but only Blue Sky. That match was not helping me on my path to Nirvana, so I decided that there was no reason to continue it.

Braude: So you just WALK OUT? Depriving those fans of………No. You know what? I give up. You can walk out of that match if you want to. But next week, you’re gonna have a rematch with Anderson. And I’m going to make SURE that you can’t walk out of this one.

Sky just stares at him, then walks through the exit.

Overall: 76

RA NOTES: Rich Braude gained overness from this segment. Blue Sky gained overness from this segment.

Sebastion Suplex vs Jacob Ryland

Suplex comes out to “Not The Same” by Body Jar, and tightens up his wrist gurads as he gets into the ring. Commentary take this time to talk about next weeks Tag Title Tournament match: Sebastion Suplex and Michael Fiocchi taking on The Forgotten, and the winners of that match will take on The Naturals in the semi-finals. “Hypnotist of Ladies” hits, and Jacob Ryland comes out, showing off his new T-Shirt (Link to the picture below). He isn’t doing his usual strut, however, as commentary mention that he’s still pissed about losing to Fiocchi at Hyperclash. He doesn’t even hand his card out to any girl, instead getting right into the ring, ready for the match to start.

The crowd was certainly woken up by the opening match, so they’re also very into this match. Ryland starts out with a quick cravat, but Sebastion counters with a cravat of his own, then lifts up Ryland into a cravat-plex! Ryland gets up, and puts on a hammerlock. Suplex counters and puts on a hammerlock, cradles Ryland’s leg, and hits a hammerlock suplex this time! Ryland gets up pissed off, shoves Sebastion, and yells “DAMNIT, MAN! DO YOU KNOW ANY MOVES OTHER THAN SUPLEXES?” Sebastion strikes a thinking pose....then just punches Ryland in the face, which Ryland sells like crazy.

Sebastion obviously sticks to his game of almost a pure-suplex offense, so Ryland goes mat based for the match. Ryland also seems a lot more intense than usual, and commentary figure out why: Suplex is teaming with Michael Fiocchi in the WAPW Tag Title Tournament, so Ryland wants to do everything to get to Fiocchi. Ryland puts

Suplex on the top rope, then climbs up, maybe for the Rylandization. Ryland hooks him, but Suplex hits a few punches, then knocks Ryland’s legs out from under him, dropping Ryland into a tree of woe. Sebastion jumps down, then lifts up Ryland. He hooks Ryland around the waist, and German Suplexes him out of the tree of woe, with Ryland folding up on his neck. Sebastion covers, but surprisingly only gets a two count.

Sebastion grabs Ryland, and hooks him for a T-Bone Suplex. Ryland elbows his way out of it, then bounces off the ropes, but Sebastion hits a front suplex. He calls for the end, and sets Ryland on the top rope. He climbs up, and hooks him for the Superplex. He lifts him vertical, but just as they begin to fall back, Ryland twists his body, grabs onto Suplex’s head, and hits a top rope LadyThrilla! He covers, and that’s more than enough to get the three count for Ryland. (**1/2)

Overall: 63 (56CR, 71MQ)

JACOB RYLAND’S T-SHIRT: http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/4435/sshirt4mv.jpg

Yggdrasil comes out, in street clothes. He gets a great reaction from the crowd.

Yggdrasil: I stand here today, a man who hath been defeated. I failed to win the WAPW Title from Kyle Evers. But I also realize that I was screwed out of that shot. And I swear upon my name, that Yggdrasil will be back, and WILL reign at the top of WAPW! And I swear, that…

Surprisingly, Yggdrasil is interrupted….by “Stop” by the Black Rebel Motorcycle Club! Of all people, Daron Smythe comes out, holding a microphone.

Smythe: Whoah there, Yggdrasil. I know it’s sad and all that you lost your big title shot, but I think that there’s more important news from Hyperclash. And that is that the Nature Boy is BACK! I, Daron Smythe, am ready to take the Nature Boy further than Ric Flair could even comprehend. And Yggdrasil, even if you had won the WAPW title, it doesn’t matter, because that belt is going to be around MY waist soon enough.

Yggdrasil: While I will admit that you certainly are talented……

Smythe: You damn right I’m talented, man. Sheesh, it took you that long to realize……..

Yggdrasil: I also must say that PRIDE IS A SIN, YOU LITTLE PRICK! (Big crowd pop)

Smythe: Look, man, I know about your whole obsession with sin, but pride isn’t a sin when you can back it up like I can. In fact, if you really want to see me back it up, I’d suggest you check out my match later tonight…..you might learn a thing or two.

Smythe drops the microphone, and walks out, with Yggdrasil pacing in the ring.

Overall: 64

RA NOTES: Daron Smythe gained overness from this segment. Yggdrasil gained overness from this segment.

TAG TITLE TOURNAMENT: Kage and Dennis Tracey vs Anthony Molanari and Jason Shapiro

Kage and Dennis Tracey actually have separate entrances here, Kage to “Stinkfist” by Tool and Tracey to “Cold” by Static-X. They obviously aren’t exactly the most eager to be teaming up, but commentary says that they’re doing it so they can win the tag belts. Molanari and Shapiro make their entrance to “Silent Victory” by The Living End, and they are pumped up. They slap hands with fans, but before they can even get into the ring, they are attacked by Kage and Tracey! The four men brawl on the outside, which ends with both Kage and Tracey body slamming Shapiro and Molanari directly onto the floor!

Before the bell has even rung, Kage and Tracey have gotten the advantage. They throw both their opponents back into the ring, and go for double clotheslines, but Shapiro and Molanari duck, and take down Kage and Tracey with double dropkicks! Molanari starts out, working on Tracey. He puts Tracey on the top rope, climbs up, and busts out a wicked top rope Uranage! He covers, but Kage enters the ring illegally and brutally kicks Molanari in the side of the head. Molanari collapses out of the cover, then crawls over and tags in Shapiro. Shapiro climbs to the top rope and leaps off for a cross body, but Kage catches him (he’s still in illegally), and hits a massive fallaway slam.

Tagging Shapiro in turns out to be a mistake, because he’s the smallest wrestler in the match. Tracey immediately isolates him with a Backdrop Driver (with Shapiro coming dangerously close to landing right on his neck). Tracey puts Shapiro in a headlock, then tags in Kage, who punches away. Kage throws Shapiro into their corner, and hits a big running shoulder tackle. He tags in Tracey, who comes in and hits a shoulder tackle of his own. Tracey is a more solid all around wrestler, so he repeatedly puts painful submissions on Shapiro. Shapiro fires back after one, hitting a spin kick to the gut, then a standing dropkick, sending Tracey back into his own corner. But Tracey tags in Kage, who enters the ring to stop Shapiro from tagging in Molanari. Kage, although a competent technical worker, instead uses his size and strength to destroy Shapiro. He finally hooks Shapiro for the Osaka Street Cutter, and cuts his throat. He lifts, but Shapiro manages to escape, land on his feet, and immediately dive and tag in Molanari!

Molanari enters like a house of fire, hitting a leaping clothesline to knock down Kage. He hits another lariat, when Tracey enters the ring. Tracey clubs Molanari a few times, then jumps up on Molanari for a Hurricanrana, but Molanari blocks it, and hits a toss powerbomb! Tracey stumbles up and into the ropes, and is pulled down and out of the ring by Shapiro! As they brawl, Kage sneaks up from behind and hits a reverse DDT on Molanari. He pulls him up, and kicks him a few times in the chest. He calls for a Yakuza Kick, bounces of the ropes……and is met with the Spinebuster from Molanari! Molanari covers, and the 1…….2………..3! Molanari and Shapiro move on to the Semi-Finals!(**1/2)

Overall: 61 (52CR, 71MQ)

Jacob Ryland comes out again, looking more pissed off than ever.

He grabs a microphone, then notices a cute girl in the front row. Rather than his usual schpiel, he just takes one of his cards and tosses it to her.

Ryland: No pickup line tonight, none of that. Michael Fiocchi, you are rapidly getting on my nerves more than usual. You have the audacity, you have the nerve, to BEAT ME? That’s NOT RIGHT. Fiocchi, I have no interest in fighting you tonight, because I already had a match, and I don’t wanna risk messing up this body any more tonight. But make no mistake, the next time that we fight, I’m gonna kick your ass, and then floss my teeth with your freaking SOUL. Now, how’s that for a negative vibe, BITCH?

Overall: 73

RA NOTES: Jacob Ryland gained overness from this segment.

“New Nature Boy” Daron Smythe vs Michael Fiocchi

The “New Nature Boy” Daron Smythe comes out to boos from the crowd (after all, he insulted one of WAPW’s top faces earlier). He gets into the ring, and demands that the referee take off his jacket. He waits……..when “Also Sprach Zarathrusta” hits! Out comes Michael Fio……er……”Flairocchi”, wearing a shiny robe of his own, and a white wig. He struts and “WHOOO”s his way down to the ring, and also asks that the referee take off his jacket. Immediately, Smythe gets in his face, yelling “I AM THE NATURE BOY”, and Fiocchi responds with “NO, I AM!” They argue over who is really the Nature Boy until the bell rings.

As soon as it does, Smythe hits a big chop to Fiocchi’s chest. Fiocchi responds with a chop of his own, and they trade chops back and forth (with the crowd whoooing all the way). Smythe’s chops pack a lot more of a sting than Fiocchi’s do, and he gains the advantage, chopping Fiocchi all the way into the ropes. He whips Fiocchi to the other side, then back drops him. Fiocchi gets right back up, and motions for Smythe to bring it on! Smythe takes one step….and Fiocchi Flair Flops to the mat. Smythe just rolls his eyes, then goes for the cover, and only gets a two count.

A straigt up mat based match, which is surprising considering that Fiocchi has never really shown much mat work in the past. A few minutes into the match, the crowd pops….it’s for Yggdrasil, who has walked out on the entrance. He stays there, and locks eyes with Smythe. This gives Fiocchi the chance to hit a big chop block from behind! He puts Smythe’s leg on the bottom rope, and is about to jump down on it….when Jacob Ryland also comes out on the entrance ramp! Ryland and Fiocchi have an intense stare down, which now gives Smythe the opportunity to move out of the way, then grab onto Fiocchi’s leg and hit a knee breaker!

Smythe goes to school on Fiocchi, with chop blocks and small submissions to wear down his leg. Meanwhile, on the ramp, Yggdrasil and Jacob Ryland are both just watching the match, as both men have issues with the wrestlers (Although Ryland’s issue is much bigger). Both men actually work on each other’s legs, as both men are using the Figure Four tonight. The crowd is solidly behind Fiocchi, starting a “LET’S GO FLAIR” chant. Smythe pauses after another knee breaker to yell “ENOUGH OF FLAIR, I’M THE NEW NATURE BOY”, which gets automatic heat from the crowd. Smythe freaks out, screaming at them more, and Fiocchi takes him down from behind with a dropkick to his right leg!

Fiocchi calls for the end, and tries to lock in the Figure Four. He twists, but Smythe shoves him into the ropes, then kips up and clotheslines Fiocchi on the way back in! Smythe points to the ropes, then handsprings, into the moonsault Elbow Drop, this time dropping his elbow right against Fiocchi’s knee! He rolls backwards to his feet, then puts Fiocchi right into the Figure Four! Fiocchi taps almost instantly, and Smythe wins! Ryland applauds at the entrance, as Yggdrasil just shakes his head. Smythe leaves the ring and walks up the ramp, then gets right in Yggdrasil’s face and shouts “THAT’S HOW YOU WIN!”, before going to the back. (**1/2)

Overall: 64 (52CR, 76MQ)

“Underground” Matt McMillan and Gangsta Greg are out for the main event.

But before the match, McMillan grabs a microphone.

McMillan: Listen up, Shawn Marvel, you bloody poofter. I pinned your arse at Hyperclash, but knowing you, you’re gonna keep coming back for more. Well, tonight, the stakes are higher, mate. But let me make one thing clear, chav: if you want to keep coming back, and coming back, you have to keep in mind who you’re dealing with. The man from Portabello road, the meanest fucking street in London. And Marvel, I have connections with some of the baddest men in the wrestling business. Marvel, if you really want to test me, I’ll show you what it’s really like to be Underground.

Overall: 65

TAG TITLE TOURNAMENT: Gangsta Greg and “Underground” Matt McMillan vs Purely Marvelous (Purist Jack Porter and Shawn Marvel)

Purely Marvelous make their entrance together to Shawn Marvel’s music (“Cocky” by Kid Rock), but before they’re even halway down to the ring, McMillan leaves the ring and tackles Shawn Marvel! They brawl on the floor, as Jack Porter runs to the ring, and he and Greg brawl inside. Marvel and McMillan brawl down to ringside, and in the ring, Porter socks Greg into the ropes. He whips Greg into the opposite side, but Greg hooks the ropes. Porter runs in, and Greg back drops him over the top rope onto both McMillan and Marvel! As they get up, Greg pumps the crowd up, then bounces of the ropes, and hits a somersault dive onto Marvel and Porter (with McMillan managing to dive out of the way at the last second).

Rather than this match having a face-in-peril (which happened in the earlier tag match), our main event of the evening is a straight up tag match. The match is basically centered completely around the Marvel vs McMillan feud. The only big difference between this and the Hyperclash match is that this match has a lot more a stake, because the winners move on in the WAPW Tag Title Tournament (to face Molanari and Shapiro). To compensate, all four men are a lot more aggressive than usual. Even Jack Porter, who isn’t used to main eventing at all, works as if he’s been there for a while.

Greg and Porter fight for a while, then make the big tags to Marvel and McMillan. The two enemies circle each other, then move in for the lock up, but Marvel sidesteps McMillan, and pokes him right in the eye! Marvel takes McMillan down, and immediately applies his Bow and Arrow Backbreaker, but McMillan quickly escapes, and goes for the Rebel Lock! Marvel escapes to the ropes, and as McMillan goes for him, Marvel pokes him AGAIN in the eyes! McMillan is staggered, and Marvel hits a Lung Blower for a two count. He picks up McMillan, who counters with a few punches. He bounces off the ropes, and Marvel goes for the eyes again. But McMillan sees it coming, blocks it with his hand, then slaps the taste out of Marvel’s mouth!

Gangsta Greg and Jack Porter spend the majority of this match on the apron, as Marvel and McMillan refuse to tag them in so they can go at each other. They trade kicks, punches, and submissions for a while, until yet another thumb to the eye gives Marvel the advantage. He tags in Porter, and they double team chop McMillan repeatedly in the corner. Porter throws down McMillan, bounces off the ropes, and hits a big jumping knee drop. He immediately tags Marvel back in, who locks on a chin lock. McMillan fights his way to his feet, and is immediately pulled down by his hair by Marvel! Porter suddenly points something out in the crowd, and as the referee checks on it, Marvel hits a quick low blow!

That’s enough for Gangsta Greg, who leaps into the ring and attacks Marvel. Marvel beats down on Greg, but McMillan gets back up, and tackles Marvel into the corner. Porter comes into the ring, and the match breaks down. The referee lets it go, as Greg catches Marvel from behind, and starts to pound on him, but Porter grabs him from behind as well. Porter hooks Greg in a Tazmission, and turns it into a leaping faceplant. Greg lands at a rude angle, and looks almost KO’d. He rolls into the corner, and Porter follows him with some stomps, but McMillan grabs him and chucks him over the top rope! McMillan points to Marvel, and hooks him for the Underground Driver. Marvel backdrops him, then immediately rolls McMillan up….and grabs a huge handful of tights as well! 1………..2………..3! Marvel steals the match! He quickly leaves the ring, helping Porter up, but McMillan dives through the ropes onto them! He brawls with both men, all the way to the back, but Greg remains in the ring.(***)

Overall: 69 (56CR, 83MQ)

Gangsta Greg is still out in the corner of the ring.

Suddenly, “Elite” by The Deftones hits. WAPW Champ “Elite” Kyle Evers struts out wearing a nice suit, sunglasses, and the WAPW Title on his shoulder. He smiles, then looks at the ring. He pauses, then slowly peers over the top of his sunglasses. He asks for a microphone.

Evers: Um…….what is this? I was going to come out here to have a calm, unbiased discussion about how I am better than everybody, and somebody is still in my ring? Oh my….this won’t do.

Evers climbs into the ring, as Greg is pulling himself up in the corner.

Evers: Look at you. It’s so cute, you’re trying to stand up. Come on, you can do it!

Greg stands up, and glares at Evers.

Evers (Mockingly): THERE YOU GO! Ok, now get out of my ring, so I can talk about how awesome I am.

Greg doesn’t leave, but Evers continues.

Evers: In case you people didn’t see it, I once again retained my WAPW World Title, this time against that gothic fellow, whatever his name is. I think it might have started with two consonants that don’t belong next to each other. But the point is, I won. And…….

Evers turns towards Greg, who is still glaring at him.

Evers: Look, peon, I don’t know why you think you deserve to be in the same BUILDING as me, let alone ring, but you don’t. Now, get the hell out of the ring, before I get angry.

Instead, Greg walks toward Evers, getting right in his face.

Evers: I don’t know if you heard me, Greg, but let me make it clear: GET. OUT. OF. MY. RING.

And with that, Evers suddenly slaps Greg! Geg turns away, and starts to leave the ring….and quickly turns around and tackles Evers! Evers goes down, and quickly retreats, as Greg begs him to get back into the ring. Evers is pissed that the spotlight isn’t on him, as Greg taunts to close the show.

Overall: 65

RA NOTES: Gangsta Greg gained overness from this segment.



Edited by Botmaster4lyfe
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Guest Botmaster4lyfe

WAPW and Comcast present BEDLAM! Thursday, August 17, 2006

Once again, Bedlam starts in the back, with Sebastion Suplex sitting in a chair.

Suplex: No.

Fiocchi’s voice: Come ON, man.

Suplex: I’m not freaking doing that.

Fiocchi leans into the camera. He’s wearing Legion of Doom Facepaint and shoulder pads. He holds up a small set of face paints.

Fiocchi: Come on………

Suplex: Give me ONE REASON why I should freaking dress up as Road Warrior Hawk.

Fiocchi: No, you’re Animal. I’M Hawk.

Suplex: Does it matter? Give me one reason, and I’ll consider it.

Fiocchi thinks, then smiles.

Fiocchi: The Doomsday Device gives you a fantastic opportunity to do an awesome suplex……

Suplex: How? It wasn’t a suplex at all. Animal picked the guy up, Hawk clotheslined him down.

Fiocchi: But consider this an opportunity to change that. As Animal, you would lift the guy up onto your shoulders, correct?

Suplex: Yeah….

Fiocchi: Well, Animal would usually drop the guy. But…..what is to prevent you from, say, turning that into a Queen Angelo Suplex, WITH a Bridge?

There’s a pause.

Suplex: Gimme the damn face paint.

Fiocchi smiles, hands him the paint, and walks away.

Suplex (To himself): Damn him and his logic…….

Overall: 69

RA NOTES: Sebastion Suplex gained overness from this segment. Michael Fiocchi gained overness from this segment.

We come back to the arena, as Commentary announce the main event: “Elite” Kyle Evers, and a partner of his chosing, will take on Gangsta Greg, and a partner of HIS chosing. Commentary discuss the possible partners, as we begin the first match.

Deliroius vs Andy Douglas (With Chase Stevens)

Delirious runs to the ring, to a surprisingly sluggish reaction. Delirious has a fun gimmick, but really just hasn’t connected with the WAPW crowd. “Fistful of Steel” brings out Andy Douglas, with Chase Stevens close behind, to loud boos from the crowd. Commentary hypes their tag match next week with the winners of tonights Suplex/Fiocchi vs The Forgotten tag match.

The match starts out with a lock up, and Douglas putting on a headlock. Delirious elbows him a few times, then runs towards the ropes, but Douglas grabs onto one of Delirious’ tassles, dropping him to the mat! The referee cautions Douglas, who just ignores him, then picks Delirious up. Delirious hits a few punches, which Douglsa sells like mad for some reason. He flies back, and grabs the referee for balance. The referee yells at him as Delirious bounces off the ropes, and Chase Stevens grabs his leg, dropping Delirious! Commentary once again complain that all the Naturals do is cheat to win their matches.

Really, this is nothing more than a squash match. Douglas shows off his wrestling ability (mostly high flying, mixed with a little mat work), and any time that Delirious gets in any kind of offense whatsoever, Douglas just shuts him down with some sort of heelish dirty tactic. And even when Douglas is down and out, Stevens keeps interfering behind the referee’s back, either tripping up Delirious or choking him on the ropes.

Finally, Delirious starts to hit some moves. He chucks Douglas into the corner, then drops him down in the corner, then hits the Panic Attack (Running Knee). He climbs up to the top rope, and hits a missile dropkick! Douglas pitches into the other corner, and Delirious follows up with a second Panic Attack. He pulls Douglas to the center of the ring….and Chase Stevens hops up on the apron! The referee gets fed up with him, and runs over, yelling. Stevens argues with the referee…which gives Andy Douglas the chance to hit a low blow! The crowd boos as Douglas hooks Delirious’ arms, then hits a Sit Out Pedagree! He covers, and gets the three count.

After the match, The Naturals both pose, and motion around their waists. Delirious is just barely starting to pull himself up, but Chase pulls him up the rest of the way, then hooks him for a reverse suplex. He lifts, drapes him over Andy’s shoulders, and they drill him the Natural Disaster! The Naturals walk out, leaving Delirious down and out. (**3/4)

Overall: 64 (50CR, 78MQ)

Shawn Marvel comes out to the ring with a microphone.

Shawn Marvel: You people keep doubting me. You people keep getting behind that McMillan fellow. And look who’s in the Semi-Finals of the WAPW Tag Title Tournament! That’s right, the Marvelous One, the greatest wrestler in WAPW, Shawn freaking Marvel. Oh, and Matt McMillan? I heard your little promo last week. First of all, may I say that I don’t give a crap what streets you came from in England? As far as I’m concerned, they’re all the same, it’s just that yours has a particularly silly name. And you claim you have, what, “connections”? What kind of connections? To other losers for me to kick the asses of? Oooooh, I’m scared of more British people, they might hit me with their hot tea and…..

Overall: 72

Marvel’s cut off by “Fucking in the Bushes” by Oasis.

“Underground” Matt McMillan comes out of the entrance, also with a microphone. Before he can even say anything…

Marvel: OASIS? Sheesh, they suck, man.

McMillan: 1st of all, shut your damn mouth. And second of all, I just am out here to give you a little message. I’ve made some calls, and I’ve gotten in contact with a man I met in England. And I also had a talk with Rich Braude. So, I’m going to tell you, that no matter what, you'll be fighting at Windy City Wipeout, mate. If you win next week’s semi final, you’re in the Tag Title match. BUT, if you lose that match…..you got ME at Windy City Wipeout, one on one, in a match of MY Choice!

Marvel: THAT’S NOT FAIR! That’s not fair at all!

McMillan: Tough luck, mate. Did I not tell you I had connections? Not only in the wrestling ring, but outside of it as well. Good luck at next week’s tag match, Marvel. Cause if you lose, then I can promise you that you won’t enjoy what I have in store for you at Windy City Wipeout.

Overall: 64

Masashi Yatamari vs Jason Shapiro

As per usual, Shinigo Dushuku announces Yatamari’s entrance. The crowd actually reacts to Yatamari louder than usual, simply because lately he’s had a few good matches. Shapiro is, of course, accompanied by Molanari, and commentary hype their match next week against Porter and Marvel, with the winner heading to Windy City Wipeout.

Yatamari and Shapiro start with a lock up, and Yatamari puts Shapiro in a hammerlock. Shapiro reaches up, grabs onto Yatamari’s head, and jumps up, then snapmares Yatamari down. Yatamari rolls through, springs up, and quickly puts a side headlock on Shapiro. Shapiro shoves Yatamari off, and goes for a back drop, but Yatamari twists and lands on his feet behind Shapiro. He turns Shapiro around, and goes for a vertical suplex, but Shapiro lands on his feet out of that, then quickly turns around and faces off with Yatamari.

A surprisingly great high flying match between the two men. Molanari and Dushuku stay out of it, as Yatamari and Shapiro really burn the ring up with fast paced offense. Yatamari is a lot more adept at mat work, however, and it shows when Shapiro goes for a springboard cross body, and Yatamari catches him with a gutbuster on the way down. Shapiro pops up, holding his stomach, and Yatamari runs in with a spiking DDT. Yatamari controls the match now, slowing down Shapiro’s fast pace with a buffalo sleeper. Shapiro does escape after a bit, only for Yatamari to hit a backdrop to shut him down again. Dushuku is shouting encouragement to Yatamari, while Molanari rallies the crowd behind Shapiro.

Shapiro finally blocks a super kick from Yatamari, then hits a spin kick to buy him some time. As Yatamari gets up, he throws a punch, only for Shapiro to block it and hit one of his own. He blocks a few more of Yatamari’s punches, then whips him into the ropes and hits a big back body drop. Yatamari gets back up, and Shapiro hooks him for the Brainbuster. Yatamari gets his leg up to block it, then hooks Shapiro for the YataShot. Shapiro elbows his way out of the move, then hooks Yatamari again, and this time hits the Brainbuster! He covers, and 1……..2……….3! Shapiro gets the win. (***1/4)

Overall: 72 (54CR, 91MQ)

We see Yggdrasil backstage, putting some things away in a locker.

Voice: yo, Yo, YO!

Gangsta Greg blings onto the scene.

Greg: Yo, Yggdrasil, what’s up? Listen, I dunno if you hiseard, but I got this tizag match later tonight. Me and whoeva vs that Elite punk and whoever he can fizind. Now, I know about all of the confrontations you and he had, so I thought, who betta to pick as the partner to the Most Blingingest Man, than you! The Gangsta-Goth Connection, my friend! Whadayasay?

Yggdrasil stares at him.

Yggdrasil: I believe you just asked me to be your partner….

Greg: Don’t your ears work, dawg? I said that, clear as day!

Yggdrasil: Another chance to once again rise, like a phoenix from the ashes, and once again prove that I am on a higher level than Evers, who clings to that title as if it is his very soul? The last time this opportunity came to me, it was viciously pulled away, my destiny was altered, by that man. I will not let this opportunity be taken from me a second time.

Now Greg stares at Yggdrasil.

Greg: ….So……..do you wanna be my tag partner?

Yggdrasil: That was a yes.

Greg (brightening up): AWRIGHT, DAWG! Tonite, we gonna kick Evers’ ass, and whatever scrub he finds to be his partner. I’ll see you later tonight, Yiggy!

Greg blings out of the scene, leaving Yggdrasil staring after him

Yggdrasil: ……………Yiggy?

Overall: 75

RA NOTES: Gangsta Greg gained overness from this segment. Yggdrasil gained overness from this segment.

TAG TITLE TOURNAMENT: The Forgotten (Ron Codomane and CJ Petrous) vs Sebastion Suplex and Michael Fiocchi

Forgotten make their entrance to “Calm Like a Bomb” by Rage Against The Machine. As they wait, the old Legion of Doom music hits, and out come Suplex and Fiocchi, dressed as Hawk and Animal. Of course, the Chicago crowd goes wild for them, as Fiocchi plays it up, while Suplex doesn’t exactly look the most eager to be playing the part. One funny thing is that Sebastion has, on his forehead (on top of his face paint) written “Suplex” in black letters. Fiocchi just notices this, and shakes his head.

Fiocchi and Petrous start out. Petrous starts with a side headlock, but Fiocchi just lifts him up and tosses him away! Petrous looks surprised, and runs in, only to get lariated down! Fiocchi tags out to Suplex, who immediately grabs Petrous and hits an arm lock suplex. Fiocchi yells “NO NO NO! WRESTLE LIKE THE ROAD WARRIORS!” Suplex nods in agreement, then lifts up Petrous for a gorilla press. Fiocchi nods in approval, then turns to the crowd to taunt….not seeing Sebastion set Petrous down, cross his arms in front of his body, and hit a cross arm northern lights suplex! As he stands up, Codomane enters the ring and hits a running forarm that knocks the northern lights out of Suplex.

From that point on, Suplex is just decimated by The Forgotten. Codomane does most of the work, as he is much more powerful than anybody in the match. What really impresses me is how well The Forgotten work together. Despite differing styles, they really mesh as a team, finally giving them purpose in WAPW. Petrous gets tagged in, and he goes to work on the neck of Sebastion. He locks on Petrous Oxide for a second, but Fiocchi quickly jumps in and breaks it up. The referee restrains him, as Codomane enters the ring illegally. He picks up Sebastion for a powerbomb, and holds him as Petrous runs up, jumps and grabs the top of Sebastion’s head, and The Forgotten hit a Powerbomb/Lung Blower! Sebastion grabs onto his back as he collapses on the mat, and Petrous makes the cover. The referee finally turns around and counts two, but Sebastion kicks out.

The dominance on Suplex continues, with Fiocchi unable to do anything about it. Eventually, The Forgotten get sick of playing around, and Petrous climbs up to the top rope, signaling for Never Forget. Codomane lifts Suplex up into the powerbomb position and starts to walk to the corner…but Suplex starts punching away at his head! Codomane loses his footing and turns around, leaving Suplex facing Petrous on the top rope. Suplex grabs onto Petrous’ head, cradles his arm…and hits a Head and Arm suplex off of Codomane’s shoulders! Codomane is still disoriented from the punches, so Suplex quickly scrambles up and makes the hot tag to Fiocchi!

Fiocchi jumps into the ring and decks Petrous a few times, then manages to knock down Codomane with a shoulder tackle. Petrous gets back up, but Fiocchi grabs him, and hits a big powerslam! Codomane comes from behind, and picks Fiocchi up from behind for a Gorilla Press slam. Fiocchi wiggles his legs, and drops down into a bulldog! Codomane rolls out of the ring, and Fiocchi picks up Petrous. He tags in Sebastion, then climbs to the top rope. Sebastion points his thumbs to the sky, then lifts Petrous up onto his shoulders! He turns towards the turnbuckle, and also grabs onto Petrous’ arms. Fiocchi is on the top rope, and leaps off with the clothesline! Instead of just dropping Petrous in the normal Doomsday Device, Sebastion holds onto Petrous and drops back into a Queen Angelo Suplex Pin! Fiocchi keeps Codomane out of the ring, and the referee counts 1……2……….3! Sebastion Suplex and Michael Fiocchi advance to the Semi-Finals next week to face The Naturals! (**1/2)

Overall: 64 (55CR, 74MQ)

Blue Sky vs Ken Anderson

Anderson makes his way out first to a monstrous reaction. He whispers something into Paul Rivas’ ear, the ring announcer.

Paul Rivas: Ladies and Gentlemen, Ken Anderson has informed me that Rich Braude has made this….a No DQ match!

The crowd pops, as Sky’s music hits. But for some reason, he doesn’t come out. The music dies down, and commentary speculate that Sky isn’t even coming out, period. Anderson waits in the ring….and Sky enters through the crowd, holding a chair! Sky goes to swing the chair, but Anderson sees it coming at the last second, ducks, then grabs the chair out of Sky’s hands, and whacks him with it! Sky goes down hard, and Anderson plays the crowd.

Despite the No DQ ruling, the chair at the beginning is the only way it really comes into play for these two, because they stick to having a straight up wreslting match instead. And, much like the match last week, it’s an absolutely phenomenal encounter. They start with some straight up chain wrestling, which Anderson definitely has the advantage in. Sky retreats to the floor, but Anderson follows him. Anderson goes for a body slam on the floor, but Sky slips down his back, hooks Anderson’s arms, and tiger suplexes Anderson on the floor!

Anderson’s neck is hurting a bit, but he fights back with a series of elbows, then a huge running lariat. He covers Sky, but Sky kicks out, then suddenly kips up and kicks Anderson right in the NECK! Sky works over Anderson, focusing a lot of his offense on Anderson’s neck. Sky picks Anderson up and drapes his legs over the top rope….and drops down into a neck first Slingshot DDT! He covers, but Anderson kicks out at two. Sky works over Anderson’s neck for a few more minutes, hitting innovative moves to wear down his neck. He eventually grabs Anderson, hits a Side Effect….then cradles Anderson’s arm behind his own head, and locks on an Anaconda Vice! Anderosn is in real pain, as Sky drops backwards, putting even more pressure on Anderson’s neck. Anderson tries to roll to one side to escape, but Sky rolls with him, and keeps the move on! Now, however, Anderson is closer to the ropes, and he grabs them to break the hold.

Sky yells at the referee, while Anderson pulls himself up. Sky turns, looks at Anderson…..then grabs his coat! Sky leaves the ring, as the crowd boos like MAD again. Anderson is still holding his neck in pain, as Sky walks through the entrance. There’s a few seconds of a pause, then Sky stumbles out again, clutching his head…..with SHADOW SEAN DRAKE following him! The crowd goes insane for Drake’s return, as he grabs Sky and hammers away at his head a few more times. He drags Sky down to ringside, then sets him up and hits The Eclipse right on the floor! Sky is out, and Drake throws him back into the ring. He motions for Anderson to finish it, and Anderson oblidges, picking up Sky on his shoulders and hitting the standing Kenton Bomb! He covers, 1….2….3! Anderson wins the match!(****1/4)

Overall: 81 (65CR, 98MQ)

As Anderson leaves, Sean Drake grabs a microphone and enters the ring

Drake: Blue Sky. A few weeks ago, you dropped me on my head, onto a chair, from the middle rope. You tried to end my career. I was in the hospital for a week, blacking out. But you don’t understand, I love that darkness. Blacking out is a nightmare for some….but it is paradise for me. And it gave me an idea. Blue Sky, I’m going to get my revenge. At Windy City Wipeout, you and me…..LIGHTS OUT MATCH!

The crowd pops as Drake drops the microphone, then leaves, leaving Sky laying in the ring.

Overall: 73

RA NOTES: Shadow Sean Drake gained overness from this segment.

Yggdrasil and Gangsta Greg vs WAPW Champion “Elite” Kyle Evers and ?????????

Yggdrasil and Greg make their entrance together, to Greg’s entrance. Yggdrasil looks a bit embarrassed/frustrated at the choice of theme, as Greg breakdances, then motions for Yggdrasil to as well. Yggdrasil shakes his head, which gets a boo from the crowd. Evers makes his way out to the loudest boos of the night, then holds the WAPW title in both Yggdrasil and Greg’s faces. He pauses….and “Stop” by the Black Rebel Motorcycle Club hits! “New Nature Boy” Daron Smythe struts out, then enters the ring and shakes hands with Evers. He also goes to shake the hand of Yggdrasil, but pulls it away at the last second, and he and Yggdrasil glare at each other.

Evers starts out against Yggdrasil, as commentary mention that there is no love lost between these two. Evers starts the match by using his fast paced offense to run circles around Yggdrasil, until Yggdrasil completely shuts him down with a violent clothesline. Evers instantly tags in Smythe, and takes a breather. Smythe and Yggdarsil lock up, and have a nice technical exchange for a bit. Yggdrasil gets the better of Smythe, who tags back in to Evers. But as Evers enters the ring, Greg starts begging for the tag, so Yggdrasil tags out, and Greg and Evers exchange moves for a while.

Eventually, Evers gets tired of facing Greg, and talks out to Daron Smythe. Greg immediately goes for a kick, but Smythe catches the foot, then hits a dragon screw! Greg goes down, holding his leg, and Smythe immediately grabs it, and applies a grapevine. As the referee checks to see if Greg wants to give, Evers reaches down, and grabs onto Smythe’s arms, applying more pressure to Greg. Evers lets go just before the referee catches it, but as soon as he turns back, Evers grabs on again. This time, Yggdrasil comes into the ring, runs across the ring, and kicks Evers hands off, then socks him off the apron.

Smythe keeps the pressure on Greg’s leg, hitting a series of knee drops right to Greg’s leg. Greg manages to hit an enzugiri, but is unable to make the tag due to his leg. Smythe grabs him, and plants him with a spinebuster, then hits his handspring moonsault elbow, right to Greg’s leg (Called “Natures Cycle” by commentary). As he usually does, Smythe immediately locks in the Figure Four. Greg is right in the middle of the ring, and looks like he’s going to tap. But he crawls, and just barely reaches the ropes. Smythe breaks the hold, then pulls Greg to his feet….and Greg, with a burst of strength, hits a lighting quick G-U! Both men are down, and crawling. Smythe tags in Evers, just as Greg finally tags in Yggdrasil!

Yggdrasil bursts into the ring and clotheslines Evers several times, then hits a backdrop. Smythe gets back into the ring, and goes for a hurricanrana, but Yggdrasil counters into a snap powerbomb! He gets up, and Evers comes from behind with a spinning wheel kick to the back of Yggdrasil’s head. He and Smythe get up, and pound away on Yggdrasil. They lift him up, and hit a double dropkick, sending Yggdrasil back into his own corner, where Greg surprisingly makes the tag, then springs to the top rope and hits dropkicks on both Evers and Smythe! He’s still clutching his leg in pain as he goes to work on Evers in the corner. Meanwhile, Yggdrasil and Daron Smythe brawl on the other side of the ring, which ends when Yggdrasil clotheslines Smythe over the top rope, then follows him out. On the other side of the ring, Greg knocks Evers down with a clothesline, and calls for the G-U. He lifts Evers, but his leg gives out on him! Evers slides behind Greg, hooks him, and drops Greg right on his neck with the Vertebreaker! He covers Greg, and gets the easy 1………2……….3! Evers and Smythe win the match. Smythe and Yggdrasil continue brawling outside the ring, as Evers stands over Greg and holds up the WAPW Title. (***)

Overall: 70 (61CR, 80MQ)



After the show, I talked with both Regal and Delirious, and we decided that they would try their luck elsewhere. This really is nothing against either of them (or David Bryant, who I recently parted with), but because I really have nothing for them to do on the roster, so they were just taking up space. More than likely, when WAPW becomes larger, I’ll bring them back.

Edited by Botmaster4lyfe
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Guest Botmaster4lyfe

WAPW and Comcast present BEDLAM! Thursday, August 24, 200

We begin in the back, with Rich Braude sitting at his desk.

There’s a knock at his door.

Braude: Yeah, come on in.

Braude looks up.

Braude: Wow, I didn’t think you’d show up. Sit down.

We see Blue Sky has entered. Instead of sitting, he leans agains the wall.

Braude: I know that you’re probably angry about me signing the Lights Out match between you and Sean Drake, but let me tell you, there is no way you are going to get out of this match. I am going to hire extra security to guarantee that you don’t walk out of this match. I refuse to let you….

Sky: I’m not walking out.

Braude: What?

Sky: I have no intention of walking out of this match.

Braude: Well, how can I trust you? You’ve walked out of several other matches….

Sky: Because I failed.

Braude: Excuse me?

Sky: Don't you see? I had to take out Shadow Sean Drake, for he was trying to obscure my path. And I failed, because he has returned. My path cannot have failure. I will take Shadow Sean Drake out, and I will do it in his own match. Failure is not an option for me at Windy City Wipeout. So I will not walk out of this match.

Sky turns around and opens the door.

Braude: Where are you going?

Sky: To the ring. I have something to talk about.

Braude: There’s a match about to happen!

Sky: I don’t care.

Sky leaves the room, and Braude sighs.

Overall: 76

RA NOTES: Rich Braude gained overness from this segment. Blue Sky gained overness from this segment.

Dennis Tracey (Surprisingly, w/Kage) vs Underground Matt McMillan

Although commentary discuss how they lost in the tournament, Denknis Tracey is oddly accompanied by Kage. Commentary figure that maybe they are going to be teaming full time now. Matt McMillan walks to the ring, and as he rolls in, Blue Sky comes out! Sky rolls into the ring, and is immediately attacked by McMillan! McMillan grabs Sky’s hair and tosses him over the top rope, then motions for him to bring it. Instead, Sky sits at ringside, and merely folds his arms.

McMillan starts with a side headlock. Instead of the usual toss into the ropes, Tracy just swings his arm and nails McMillan in the neck! McMillan goes down, but quickly gets back up. He goes for another headlock, but Tracey moves, then unloads with a spinning chop to McMillan’s FACE. McMillan sells, and Tracey backs up…then hits a series of roundhouses, all connecting brutally with McMillan’s face and neck! McMillan goes down in a heap, and Tracey covers, but only gets the two count.

Tracey finally shows off why he has been talked about on the indys: he is an utter master of Strong Style wrestling. He actually is in total control of McMillan for the majority of this intense match, hitting McMillan with chops until his chest is red and dropping him dangerously close to his neck several times. The crowd really begins to make some noise for Tracey, as he sets up McMillan on the top rope, climbs up, and hits a top rope DDT! He covers, but only gets a two count. After a few minutes of decimating McMillan, Matt finally starts to make a comeback. He strikes at Tracey with a few basic punches, then bounces off the ropes to gain some speed, but Tracey slips behind him, lifts McMillan, and hits a backdrop DRIVER! McMillan is folded up directly on his neck, and Tracey makes the cover! 1………2……….No! McMillan gets his foot on the ropes!

As Tracey yells at the referee, Kage quietly reaches under the ring, and pulls out a Kendo Stick. Tracey gets very frustrated, and shoves the referee down. He picks up McMillan, then goes to whip him into the roes that Kage is near. Kage isn’t looking, but has the Kendo stick ready. Tracey whis, but McMillan reverses it, and Tracey goes into the ropes….and is hit by Kage, who wasn’t looking! Kage turns around and realizes his mistake just as McMillan boots Tracey in the stomach, and spikes him with the Underground Driver! The referee turns around to see McMillan covering Tracey, and counts the 1….2….3! Commentary are shocked at how McMillan’s Undeground Driver was that effective, and McMillan celebrates as he walks to the back.

Meanwhile, Kage has entered the ring. Tracey gets up, turns to Kage, and starts yelling at him. Kage starts yelling back….and Tracey slaps Kage! Kage looks furious, and responds by clotheslining Tracey down! Kage just laughs about it, but doesn’t notice Tracey getting up behind him…and Tracey hooks Kage, and spikes him with a Backdrop Driver! The crowd goes wild for Tracey, who spits on Kage, then walks out. (***)

Overall: 70 (55CR, 86MQ)

RA NOTES: Dennis Tracey's turn was completed, and he is now a face. Dennis Tracey gained overness from this turn.

Now that McMillan, Kage, and Tracey have left the ring, Sky finally enters. He grabs a microphone, then sits in the corner.

Sky: I’ve been in WAPW for four months now, and yet it appears that you people still don’t understand why I do what I do. Especially one Shadow Sean Drake. See, what you people don’t realize is that a long time ago, I was much like every one of you, "normal"......as if such a word can even exist. But as friends left me, as reality reared its ugly head, and rained down upon me as if God Himself was spitting on me, I realized that life was not about trying to be successful, or anything that all of you believe it to be. I realized that every person is merely looked upon as a plague of mediocrity, and every beautiful face haunts your sleep until you die. The hate for how this world worked, the pain for what I saw, changed me. Pain is now the fuel that drives me, hate is the spark that ignited me long ago.

Sky brushes the hair from in front of his face.

Sky: I only do what I have deemed as the correct thing to do to achieve the goal that nobody knows exists. And that is where you come in, Sean Drake. Drake, you opposed me. So I simply took you out of my path. But something’s wrong…you came back. You were not supposed to. It means that I have failed on this path. And I cannot let that happen. Drake, I will beat you, in your own game. In your own match. And I will teach you to get in the path of me……….and nirvana.

Overall: 73

“Fistful of Steel” brings out The Naturals for their semi-final tag match.

They wait in the ring…..when a single guitar riff plays over the PA system, then a voice…..


Another guitar riff.


The crowd pops as Michael Fiocchi and Sebastion Suplex come out. Fiocchi is wearing long black pants and a black and green shirt that says “The Roadocchi Dogg”, and Suplex is wearing trunks with lips on them, and a shirt that just says “Ass”. He turns around, revealing that the back says “Australian-Style Suplex”. Fiocchi chugs water, then spits it out doing the crotch chop, and gets back on the microphone.

Fiocchi: OH HELL YES! Live, right in Chi-Town, it’s me, the F-I-O-Double C-H-I, and the B-A-D A Double-S. You see, you see, him and me, we goin’ beat The Naturals, we goin’ to Windy City Wipeout, and we gonna be stars. Now, lemme break it down for ya.

They get into the ring.

Fiocchi: LLLLLLLLLADIES and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages! World Anarchy Pro Wrestling would like to present to you, it’s soon to be, WAPW, TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS OF THE WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORLD! “THE ROADOCCHI DOGG” MICHAEL FIOCCHI! “THE BAD S” SEBASTION SUPLEX! THE NEW AGE OUTLAWS!

Suplex grabs the microphone.

Suplex: And if you’re not down with that…I GOT ONE WORD FOR YA……....SUPLEX!!!!!!!!

Fiocchi stares at him, then takes the microphone back.

Fiocchi: ….it’s “Suck it”

Sebastion: ….Suplex sounds better.

This brilliant exchange ends with both The Naturals running in and starting a brawl!

Overall: 61

WAPW TAG TITLE SEMIFINALS: The Naturals vs Michael Fiocchi and Sebastion Suplex

The bell rings as all four men are brawling. Suplex and Stevens go to the floor, while Douglas punches away onR Fiocchi. He whips Fiocchi, goes for a clothesline, but Fiocchi ducks, then hits a snap punch! He hits 2 more, then does the Shake, Rattle and Roll, before connecting with the big forarm, dropping Douglas. Fiocchi bounces off the ropes, does a little juke and jive, then drops the knee! As he does, Stevens reenters the ring, and decks Fiocchi from the side with a forearm of his own. As he stomps away at Fiocchi’s head, Sebastion re-enters the ring. He gets behind Stevens, and hooks a half nelson, then cradles the arm with his other hand, and hits a half Dragon, half Tiger suplex!

The referee finally manages to restore some order, and moves Fiocchi and Douglas to the apron. Suplex and Stevens fight it out, with surprisingly good quality, too. Stevens shows off a little bit of his mat work, and pulls out a very impressive standing blockbuster. He goes for a second one, but Suplex counters this one, and drops Stevens back down onto his face in a reverse suplex. Sebastion tags in Fiocchi, who mainly brawls with Stevens. Andy Douglas is eventually tagged in, and almost instantly cheats his ass off, getting Stevens to distract the referee while he chokes Fiocchi. Douglas tags back out to Stevens, then Douglas distracts the referee as Stevens pulls off his bootlace, and wraps it around Fiocchi’s neck. Fiocchi elbows out of it, then tags back in to Sebastion.

Even with The Naturals cheating at every turn, the match becomes shockingly competitive. The crowd is hugely into it, especially against The Naturals as they isolate Suplex from Fiocchi. Douglas throws Sebastion into the Naturals corner, then spits at Fiocchi. As Fiocchi tries to enter the ring, the referee (Mr. Afro) blocks him, giving The Naturals another opportunity to double team Suplex. Douglas covers, and only gets the two count. He tags in Stevens, then slams Suplex in front of the top rope. Stevens climbs up top, and hits a Shooting Star Press! 1……….2………..Suplex gets his hand on the bottom rope just barely. The Naturals signal for the end of the match, and hook Suplex for the Natural Disaster. But Suplex boots Douglas in the face, sending him into the corner, then pitching to the floor. Suplex lands on his feet behind Stevens, and German Suplexes him into the corner! Sebastion quickly crawls to his corner, and tags in Fiocchi!

Fiocchi enters the ring like a house of fire and starts decking Stevens repeatedly. Douglas is back into the ring, only to get clotheslined right back down. Fiocchi is on fire, until Douglas lariats him in the back of the head. The Naturals double team him, and go for a double suplex, but Fiocchi lands on his feet, then tags back in to Sebastion Suplex! Another four man brawl stats, with Fiocchi and Suplex having the advantage. As Suplex beats up Stevens in the corner, Fiocchi hooks Douglas for the Pump Handle! He’s about to lift…..when “Hypnotist of Ladies” hits! Fiocchi immediately lets go of the Pumphandle, as Jacob Ryland struts out. Fiocchi leans over the ropes, yelling at him, as Ryland just laughs, then points to the back. Another man, in a very nice suit, walks out. Fiocchi obviously recognizes him, and instantly leaves the ring. He goes up to to the man, saying “What are YOU Doing here?” as the man just laughs. The referee tries to get him back into the ring, as meanwhile, in the ring, Andy Douglas has reached into his tights, and pulls out a pair of brass knuckles! He puts them on, then punches Sebastion right in the face! Douglas gets rid of the evidence, and covers Suplex. Fiocchi turns around, but isn’t fast enough as the refere counts 1………2………..3! The Naturals are going to the finals! Ryland, and the other man, just laugh as they walk to the back, leaving Fiocchi looking confused. (***)

Overall: 69 (55CR, 84MQ)

RA NOTES: The Mystery Man debuted his new gimmick (Ravishing), it got a positive response.

WAPW TAG TITLE SEMIFINALS: Purely Marvelous (“Purist” Jack Porter and Shawn Marvel) vs Anthony Molanari and Jason Shapiro

Molanari and Shapiro are out first, and the WAPW crowd go wild for them. Just the opposite is for Purely Marvelous, who get huge heat. To be mores specific, Shawn Marvel gets the heat. Jack Porter hasn’t really been doing much in WAPW, so the crowd doesn’t really react to him. No sooner have Purely Marvelous entered the ring when they rush in and deck Shapiro and Molanari! Purely Marvelous stomp away at WAPW’s original tag team, getting an early advantage.

That advantage stays with Purely Marvelous through beginning of the match. Shapiro is tossed over the top rope, and Jack Porter goes to work on Molanari. Molanari is whipped into the ropes, and Porter catches him with a hiptoss on the way back, but cradles Molanari’s head on the way down into a DDT! Porter covers, but only gets a two, then Molanari quickly moves to his corner and tags in Shapiro.

Shapiro goes to work on Marvel with some great fast paced offense, until Marvel completely stops him in his tracks during an attempted Yoshitonic (Code Red), which Marvel reverses into a Gory Bomb. Shapiro is mashed face first into the mat, and Marvel just laughs about it. He picks Shapiro up onto his shoulders, into an Airplane Spin….then drops it into an X-Factor! Marvel covers…but with one foot, so Shapiro kicks out easily. Marvel tags Porter back in, who climbs to the top rope. He leaps off for a flying knee drop, but Shapiro rolls out of the way at the last second. Porter gets up, and Shapiro hops onto Porter’s back, then hits the Yoshitonic! Shapiro gets up, and tags in Molanari, who enters the ring and waits on Porter. Porter gets up in the corner, and Molanari runs in, jumping about ¾ of the way there and hitting a Stinger Splash! Porter drops down in the corner, and Molanari backs up, then hits a basement dropkick! Molanari is in total control, but Marvel enters the ring illegally and takes Molanari down with a gutwrench suplex.

Purely Marvelous keep the advantage on for a while, with Molanari isolated. Marvel spends most of the time in the ring, using a submission based offense. He targets Molanari’s lower back, lcoking on a surfboard. He grabs onto Molanari’s arms and pulls back, adding pressure to the move. Molanari won’t tap, so Marvel lifts him up a bit, then brutally stomps Molanari’s face into the mat! Molanari is in all kinds of trouble, as Purely Marvelous don’t let him come within even half a ring of Shapiro. Shapiro is freaking out on the apron, tyring to will Molanari into making the tag, but Purely Marvelous won’t let it happen. Porter eventually gets into the ring, and hooks Molanari for the Tazmission Facebuster. He goes for it, but Molanari elbows Porter out of it, then grabs him and hits a Stunner! Porter gets to his corner quickly and tags in Marvel. Marvel enters the ring, but at the last second, Molanari rolls out of the way, and leaps, and tags in Shapiro!

Shapiro wastes absolutely no time, diving into the ring and almost instantly hitting a running head scissors on Marvel. Marvel gets up, and Shapiro hits a Michinoku Driver! Porter enters the ring, and takes a heel kick! Porter rolls out of the ring, but Shapiro bounces off the ropes, then hits a baseball slide through the bottom and middle ropes on Porter, sending Porter face first into the barricade! Porter is out, but Marvel gets up and goes for a clothesline. Shapiro Matrix moves under it, then hits a backflip kick! Marvel is down, and Shapiro climbs to the top rope. He looks around, then goes for a Swanton Bomb, but Marvel gets his knees up, and Shapiro crashes! Marvel gets up, chuckling..only to get violently speared by Molanari, who has reentered the ring! Molanari wails away on Shapiro, but Porter jumps into the ring, and locks Molanari in the Triangle Choke! Porter has the move on, Molanari is flailing….then plants his feet on the mat….and pulls Porter up! Molanari is carrying Porter (who still has the Triangle Choke locked in). Molanari walks over to the ropes, and violently powerbombs Porter to the ground! With Porter down, Molanari motions for Shapiro to go up top. Shapiro sits on the top rope, as Molanari grabs Marvel. He turns Marvel so he’s facing Shapiro, then hits a German Suplex. Molanari holds on, then rolls backwards, pulling Marvel back up. He keeps the waist lock on, and Shapiro leaps off the top rope, and DDT’s Marvel on the way down! Commentary call it the “West End Riot”, as Shapiro covers, 1………2……..3! Molanari and Shapiro will face The Naturals at Windy City Wipeout to determine the first ever WAPW Tag Champions!(**3/4)

Overall: 66 (55CR, 77MQ)

Molanari and Shapiro are on their way to the back…..when “Fucking in the Bushes” hits!

“Underground” Matt McMillan makes his way out. He ignores Molanari and Shapiro, and walks to the ring. Marvel is still out, as McMillan grabs a microphone.e

McMillan: Oh, too bad, mate. Looks like you just got your arse kicked. Too bad, too bad. Because it means you’ll be facing me at Windy City Wipeout. And I know you can’t hear this, mate, so I’ll keep it short and sweet. You and me. One on one. Windy City Wipeout….I QUIT MATCH.

McMillan reaches down, and pats Marvel on the cheek.

McMillan: See you there.

McMillan drops the microphone and walks out. After a brief pause, Marvel finally stirs, and gets up. He goes over and asks the announcers what happened, and when they tell him, he goes white. Marvel freaks out, and quickly walks to the back looking nervous.

Overall: 77

RA NOTES: Underground Matt McMillan gained overness from this segment. Shawn Marvel gained overness from this segment.

WAPW TITLE: “Elite” Kyle Evers vs Ken Anderson

The crowd goes wild as Anderson maks his way out, looking serious about his WAPW Title shot. As he gets into the ring, “Elite” hits, and Evers walks out to boos. He clearly isn’t taking Anderson seriously, as he struts to the ring, then rolls in and holds the belt in Anderson’s face. Evers hands it to the referee, but reconsiders and pulls it, back, then straps it around his waist, and tells the referee to start the match!

Evers wrestles the first few minutes of the match with the belt strapped around his waist, just to get on the nerves of both Anderson and the fans. He hits a few nice dropkicks on Anderson, then calmly pulls him up and hits a few light, mocking slaps on Anderson…only for Anderson to fire back with a brutal slap of his own! Evers goes down, and Anderson pulls the belt off, then holds it up himself to a big pop. Evers sits up, and Anderson hits a Curt Hennig-like Snap Neckbreaker. He covers, but only gets a two count.

Anderson now takes control of the champion, hammering down right hands. Anderon remains in control for five more minutes, starting to target the back of Evers by hitting a triple back suplex. He rolls Evers over on his stomach, then climbs to the top rope, and comes off with a power drive elbow right into the small of the back of Evers! He covers, but again only a two count. Anderson barely pauses for a breath, pulling Evers up, only for Evers to cradle Anderson, then lift him up, and hit a Cradle DDT! Anderson is down, and Evers gets up, then bounces off the ropes and hits a flip leg drop. Cover, 2 count.

The champ has the advantage again, and begins to soften up the neck of Anderson for either the Vertebreaker or the 1337. Evers sets Anderson on the top rope, then climbs up and hits a hurricanrana. Evers immediately hops to the apron, and hits a springboard leg drop, right onto Anderson’s neck. Evers covers, and gets another two, so Evers pulls Anderson up to a sitting position. Evers sets up for something, and bounces off the ropes. He bounces off the other ropes, then hits a monster dropkick right to Anderson’s face! Anderson goes down, and Evers picks him back up, then hits a piledriver. He covers again, but again Anderson kicks out. Evers shrugs, then picks up Anderson, and cradles his arms for the Vertebreaker. Anderson manages to shove him off into the ropes, and as Evers is coming back, Anderson jumps up and hits a standing Monkey Flip! Both men are down….when Andesron suddenly kips up!

Anderson rushes over to Evers, and hits a barrage of elbows! He bounces off the ropes, and hits a massive roaring elbow, sending Evers flipping! Anderson waits on Evers to get up, then hits a second roaring elbow, this one sending Evers into the corner! Anderson sees his opportunity, and sets Evers on the top rope. He climbs up too, looking for the Kenton Bomb. He tries to lift Evers, but Evers hits a few punches, then shoves Anderson down. Evers stands up, and leaps off the top rope, but Anderson catches him coming down with a lariat!

Anderson is feeling it, and he lifts up Evers for a standing Kenton Bomb! Evers manages to fight out of it, drop down, and hook Anderson for the Vertebreaker. He gets it fully hooked, and lifts up Anderson, only for Anderson to counter, land on his feet, and club Evers in the back of the head. Anderson hooks Evers, and looks to be setting up for a Russian leg sweep. He goes for it, but Evers does a complete backflip out of it, then as Anderson gets up, Evers dropkicks Anderson into the ropes! Evers bounces off the opposite side, and connects with the 1337! He jumps back into the ring and rolls up Anderson, 1…………2…………3! Kyle Evers retains the WAPW Title! (***)

Overall: 75 (72CR, 79MQ)

Before the main event, we see Rich Braude backstage at his desk.

He’s typing away at a computer, when his phone rings. He picks it up, not taking his eyes off the screen.

Braude: World Anarchy Pro Wrestling, Director of Authority Rich Braude speaking.

He pauses, then goes wide eyed and stands up.

Braude: Where the hell have you been? You just….. What? Windy City Wipeout? I don’t think I have room on the card for……what do you mean, make room? You can’t order me around…….fine, fine. You are a former champ, let me see what I can do. Hang on….(Braude goes back to the computer and types something in. He pauses, then goes back to the phone) Well……how about Dennis Tracey? Good. Now…..what? Hang on, lemme write this down. (he goes back to the computer). Ok, what is it?.......ok………that’s fine……..Huh? But I thought you…..well, ok, if you say so. Ok, everything is in order. You vs Dennis Tracey, Windy City Wipeout. Should be great to have you back. I’ll see you there, Roderick.

He hangs up, as commentary figure out he was obviously talking to Roderick Strong, and Strong will be coming back at Windy City Wipeout!

Overall: 65

RA NOTES: Rich Braude gained overness from this segment.


All of WAPW’s stars (minus Molanari, Shapiro, Douglas, Stevens, and the non-wrestlers, although Lisa DeMillo is with The Rades, and Shinigo Dushuku is with Yatamari) come to the ring. Ken Anderson remains in the ring, as he’s a part of the battle too. The last man to make his entrance is Gangsta Greg, who the crowd really pops for. Before he can even get into the ring, though, a few brawls break out between Fiocchi/Ryland, Marvel/McMillan, and Yggdrasil/Smythe.

The crowd is pretty hot for this, considering it’s a battle royal. Everybody starts off with a brawl, eventually with everybody fighting in the center of the ring…when Gangsta Greg (who hasn’t entered the ring still) hops on the apron, springboards to the top rope, and somersaults onto everybody in the ring! The crowd goes wild as everybody goes down, then Greg springs back up and taunts. The first man to make it to his feet is CJ Petrous, who fights with Greg. Petrous knocks Greg into the ropes, then goes for another punch, but Greg backdrops him over the top rope!

Meanwhile, in another corner, Dennis Tracey and Kage are slugging it out violently, probably due to what happened earlier. Tracey throws Kage in the corner, and hits a series of Kobashi chops, then slows down, only to pick back up with the chops! He tries to get Kage over the top rope, and is about to….when Yggdrasil runs in from behind and dumps BOTH Kage and Tracey out!

As most battle royals are, this one is mostly just punches and attempts to throw each other over the ropes. Two of WAPW’s biggest feuds are going at it, with Fiocchi fighting Ryland and Marvel fighting McMillan. Out of nowhere, however, Ron Codomane starts to absolutely DOMINATE. He grabs Jack Porter, and hurls him over the top rope. Both of the Rades go next, as Codomane grabs them by the hair and ejects them. He turns around, to see Ken Anderson running at him, and Codomane backdrops him over the top rope, right onto the other three men! Codomane raises his arms in victory, then turns around, only to get double clotheslined out of the ring by Suplex and Fiocchi!

Now that there are significantly less people in the ring, the wrestlers do start to pull out some moves, which gets the crowd popping. Fiocchi and Suplex (both still in New Age Outlaws) double team Jacob Ryland. Fiocchi grabs him from behind, and hits the Pump Handle Slam on Ryland! He pulls Ryalnd up, and Suplex runs in with the Fameasser! The crowd pops as Fiocchi and Suplex taunt…….when the mystery man from earlier walks out again! Fiocchi goes to the ropes and yells at him, but as he does, Masashi Yatamari runs over and bundles him over the top rope! The mystery man just laughs about it, then walks to the back again.

Over on the other side of the ring, Blue Sky and Shadow Sean Drake are still brawling. Drake hooks Sky for a vertical suplex, and lifts him, then drops him on the apron. Sky still has the suplex, and he lifts Drake, then drops down himself, eliminating both himself and Drake! Commentary are puzzled, as Sky simply grabs his coat and leaves.

McMillan and Marvel have only gone after each other the entire match, obviously. They’ve been near the ropes for quite some time, slugging it out. Yggdrasil and Sebastion Suplex see this, and run in, but McMillan and Marvel both see it, and duck down, sending both Yggdrasil and Suplex out of the match! McMillan turns back to Marvel, who almost INSTANTLY grabs McMillan by his hair, and ejects him over the top rope! McMillan hits the floor hard, as Marvel makes a huge deal out of celebrating.

Jacob Ryland has spent a lot of this match hiding in the corner, clutching the ropes for dear life (except for when he was hit with the Doomsday Device). Now that there are only 5 men left (him, Smythe, Yatamari, Marvel, and Greg), he finally lets go and starts fighting. He sneaks up behind Marvel (still celebrating), and drops him with the Ladythrilla! Ryland gets up and celebrates again, then goes after Daron Smythe. He hits a few chops, which Smythe shakes off, then starts to light up Ryland’s chest with chops! He chops him all the way into the ropes, then hits a running chop, and Ryland flips over the top rope! No sooner have Ryland’s feet touched the ground, when Fiocchi dashes out and brawls with him! They brawl all the way to the back, while in the ring, Smythe laughs about it…and is caught from behind by a running dropkick by Yatamari, sending him to the floor!

The three men left (Yatamari, Marvel, and Greg) all take breathers in the corner, then move to the center of the ring and start brawling. Of the three, Yatamari has been through the least in the match, and he starts to beat down on both men, with Shinigo Dushuku going wild on the floor. Marvel and Greg team up briefly to whip Yatamari into the ropes, then they go for a double clothesline, but Yatamari catches them both in a double Yatashot! He cuts his throat, then motions around his waist. He drags Marvel over to the ropes, and drops him over the top, but Marvel hangs on, and gets up on the apron! Yatamari punches away at Marvel’s head, then goes to bounce off the ropes, but out of nowhere, Gangsta Greg kips up, and lifts Yatamari onto his shoulders! He walks him over to the ropes (next to Marvel), and G-Us him into Marvel, and both Yatamari and Marvel hit the floor! Gangsta Greg wins, and is going to Windy City Wipeout to face Kyle Evers! Evers comes out and applauds sarcastically as Greg plays the crowd to close the show.

Overall: 61 (58CR, 65MQ)



Edited by Botmaster4lyfe
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Guest Botmaster4lyfe

WAPW and Comcast present BEDLAM! Thursday, August 31st, 2006

WAPW starts out with “Smooth Criminal” by Alien Ant Farm (the remake)

Commentary are puzzled, as the well dressed man from last week who was with Ryland walks out. He is again in a nice suit, but instead of pants, is wearing trunks that have the letter D all over them. He walks to the ring, and asks for a microphone.

Man: Now then, allow me to properly introduce myself. I am Donnovan Dyson. More specifically, I am “Dangerously Delicious” Donnovan Dyson. One look at me, and you can figure out why they call me that.

He poses, and gets a few boos…..after all, he was brought in by Ryland.

Dyson: Now then, my relation to Fiocchi……many years ago, he and I were part of a tag team. We were known as Youth Gone Wild. But after many years, we began to drift apart. The fact was, he refused to take things seriously. He would talk about wanting to imitate the greats, and thus, our matches suffered. We mutually ended the tag team, and went our separate ways. For him, he decided to go with his dumbass idea. I, meanwhile, discovered that I was quite the good looking man, and decided that it would naturally help me excel in wrestling. This is what linked me to Mr. Ryland. And coincidently, this is what tipped me off that my former partner was still here in WAPW, making a fool of himself. So I’ve decided to come out here and straighten him out. As well as to, of course, show off to all the loverly hunnies here in Chicago that I am Donnovan Dyson: Dangerously….(he turns around, then turns back to the crowd, one hand under his chin, and raising his left eyebrow)….Delicious.

Overall: 64

RA NOTES: Donnovan Dyson gained overness from this segment.

Sebastion Suplex vs “Dangerously Delicious” Donnovan Dyson

“Not the Same” by Body Jar brings out Sebastion Suplex, who is proudly showing off his new T-Shirt. Commentary do mention that Suplex does not blame Fiocchi at all for their tag title tournament loss, but blames Dyson and Ryland. Suplex gets into the ring, and motions for Dyson to bring it. Dyson isn’t paying any attention, however, as he’s busy instructing the referee to keep all ladies out of the ring until AFTER his win. Suplex shoves the referee out of the way, then goes to Dyson, only for Dyson to instantly hit a dropkick on Sebastion!

Dyson starts the match off with a few chops, then whips Suplex into the ropes and hits a nice back elbow. Dyson pulls Sebastion near the ropes, then goes to the apron. He slingshots over, but lands on his feet in front of Sebastion, and kicks dust into his face! Dyson then bounces off the other ropes…but Sebastion kips up and front suplexes Dyson! Dyson grabs the top rope to avoid hitting the mat, and starts to skin the cat, but Suplex grabs his waist (while Dyson is only halfway in the ring), and German Suplexes him back in!

A definite styles clash in this match, with Dyson showing off his high flying, and Sebastion…well, you know. Sebastion starts to take over, and hits a Wrist Clutch Exploder in the middle of the ring. He covers, but only gets a two count. Sebastion scoops Dyson back up, and hits a northern lights, then rolls through, picks up Dyson, switches his position, and hits a reverse northen lights! He makes the cover, but Dyson kicks out at two.

Sebastion eventually picks Dyson up, whips him into the ropes, and goes for another front suplex, but Dyson drops his legs on the top rope, and uses it as a slingshot to backflip, and turn the move into a DDT on Sebastion! Both men are down, but Dyson gets up first. He stomps a few times on Sebastion’s face, then picks him up for something. He lifts Sebastion onto his shoulders, but Sebastion counters, lands in back of Dyson, and goes for another German Suplex. Dyson lands on his feet, turns Sebastion around, tosses him in the air, and hits a Diamond Cutter on the way down! Commentary call it “4D”, or “Dangerously Delicious Diamond Drop”. He covers, 1……..2……..3! Donnovan Dyson wins his first match! After the match, Dyson picks up Sebastion, and hits another 4D, just for the hell of it.


Overall: 63 (53CR, 73MQ)

RA NOTES: Sebastion Suplex lost overness from this match. Donnovan Dyson gained overness from this match.


IPB Image

“Hypnotist of Ladies” comes over the speakers.

Ryland struts out. Unlike the past few weeks, he is back to his usual cocky self, and hands out a few of his “business” cards. He jumps into the ring, then grabs a microphone.

Ryland: Welcome to Bedlam folks, you can't spell Bedlam without Bed and I am Jacob Ryland, The King of Schwing and a Beast between the sheets. Now, normally I'm cooler than Henry Winkler's frozen corpse……wait…..He's not dead...Oh...Well, I'm still cooler than him. But these last few weeks, Mr. Sunday Morning has had a thorn in his side that has acted like the whole damn rose. That's right, Little Mikey Fiocchi, still playing dress up in Mommy's closet actually managed to piss off the calmest, most collected and Damn Sure the coolest individual this side of a frostbitten penguin! Now, I had a personal choice to make. You see Richie Braude came to me and said he NEEDED The World's Sexiest man at Windy City Wipeout to get that oh-so-essential female audience, cause you know how the ladies love their Ryland. BUT, My Main Man Dononvan Dyson needed a match worthy of his debut into the main event scene. So I figure, let him go one on one with WAPW's professional clow, Michael Fiocchi and his many personalities. But you ain't getting off that easy Schizo Boy. Because Personified Sex Appeal will be accompanying Mr. Delicious to ringside, so I suggest you bring along that strange friend of yours. The one who loves to grab men in odd positions. I mean, that's cool... I don't judge...but I'm wondering why you two never imitated Billy and Chuck! OH YES, RYLAND HAS BROUGHT THE FUNNY!

The crowd groans, but Ryland just smiles.

Ryland: Get ready ladies, because at Windy City Wipeout...You're gonna see the best looking man since...well...ME!

Overall: 76

RA NOTES: Jacob Ryland gained overness from this segment.

Chase Stevens (w/Andy Douglas) vs Jason Shapiro (w/Anthony Molanari)

Commentary hype this as a preview of the WAPW Tag Title finals at Hyperclash, which will feature these two teams facing each other. Molanari and Shapiro are out first, with Molanari in street clothes hyping up Shapiro. The Naturals come out, with Douglas jaw jacking with fans as Stevens goes straight to the ring.

As the bell rings, Shapiro and Stevens circle each other. Shapiro goes in for a lockup, but Stevens thumbs him in the eye almost instantly! Molanari yells at the referee wihle Douglas applauds. Chase backs Shapiro into the corner, and hits a few chops. He goes for a Monkey Flip, but Shapiro lands on his feet, then springs to the middle rope of the other corner, and hits a springboard crossbody on Stevens! Stevens quickly gets back up, and Shapiro runs in for another move, but Stevens again thumbs him in the eye! Molanari is yelling at the referee that that’s not allowed, and Douglas again applauds his partner.

While the match between these two high fliers would be great on its own, but what really gets the crowd into this is the anticipation for the Tag Tournament Finals. Molanari and Douglas, on the outside, start to get into it about halfway through the fight, getting into a shoving match on the floor. The referee jumps out of the ring to separate them, which gives Chase Stevens a chance to choke Shapiro for a while. The referee finally separates Molanari and Douglas and sends them to opposite sides of the ring, but the damage was done, as Stevens has now completely taken over the match. He works over Shapiro for a few minutes with some submissions, then pulls him up into a Tiger Driver for a two count. He goes back to a chinlock, but Shapiro is able to fight it off pretty easily, and start to mount a comeback. He hits a few elbows, but Stevens hits a third thumb to the eye! This time, Molanari can’t take it anymore, and he jumps on the apron, yelling at the referee. The referee tries to get him down, but behind him, Stevens hits a low blow on Shapiro!

Stevens calls for the end, and hooks Shapiro’s arms for what looks like another Tiger Driver. He lefts up Shapiro, but Shapiro counters it into a hurricanrana! Stevens rolls through, and runs back at Shapiro, who kicks him in the gut, and hooks his head. Shapiro lifts up Stevens, and spikes him with the Bloody Mary Brainbuster! He doesn’t have the strength to cover Stevens immediately. But suddenly, Andy Douglas rolls into the ring! He looks like he’s about to attack Shapiro…when Molanari dives into the ring and tackles Douglas! As they roll around the ring brawling, Shapiro gets up….and starts attacking Douglas! Stevens finally makes his way up, and he enters the fray too. The referee loses all control and just calls for the bell, ending the match in a Double DQ. The four men don’t seem to care, as they brawl all around the ring, eventually spilling out of the ring and into the crowd! Commentary hype the Tag Title match as security come out to try to separate them.


Overall: 68 (55CR, 82MQ)

The noisy music of “My Art” by Le Tigre hits, and Lisa DeMillo comes out.

She has a microphone, and a canvas, covered in a tarp. She sets it up, then then turns to the crowd.

DeMillo: Ladies and Gentlemen. Several weeks ago, I announced my grand plan: I would take two young stars here in WAPW, and I would mold them, I would change them, I would make them my work of art, so they would no longer be two simple faces in a crowd. I am pleased to announce that in two weeks time, my grand art will be revealed.

She takes the cover off the canvas, revealing a very abstract picture. You can vaguely make out two figures in it.

DeMillo: I’ve drawn a little preview piece of artwork for all of you eager to see the new Rades. It will be finalized in two weeks time, at the first Bedlam after Windy City Wipeout. There, ladies and gentlemen, you will see the greatest piece of art work to come out of Chicago, courtesy of moi, Lisa DeMillo.

Overall: 69

RA NOTES: Lisa DeMillo gained overness from this segment.

“Purist” Jack Porter vs Dennis Tracey

Porter comes out on his own this week, and commentary discuss that Marvel blamed his tag title tourney loss on Porter, saying that he wasn’t cutting it, so they are going their separate ways. As a result, Porter is no longer wearing the “Purely Untouchable” jacket, or even the sunglasses. Dennis Tracey is also looking generic this week, as his face turn has done little for his career in WAPW.

This match really doesn’t have a lot to be said about it. Tracey and Porter are two of the only guys right now in WAPW who don’t really have characters, so the crowd is pretty quiet. Still, the two do have a pretty god match against each other, with Porter going for a mat based game, while Tracey uses his trademark strong style. Tracey attemps his Kobashi Machine Gun chops, but after a few of them, Porter catches his arm, pulls Tracey to the ground, and locks on Cattle Mutilation! It’s on in the center of the ring…but Tracey plants his feet on the mat, and stands up, actually pulling Porter up with him! Porter is in a bad spot, and Tracey reaches up, grabbing onto Porter’s legs, and hitting a reverse Alabamaslam, with Porter faceplanting directly into the mat!

Tracey starts to absolutely brutalize Porter with a variety of strong style moves. He picks up Porter for a powerbomb, then turns…and powerbombs Porter directly into the turnbuckle! Porter drops to his knees, and Tracey bounces off the ropes, then jumps up and doublestomps Porter right in the back of the head!

Porter is on dream street here, as Tracey has unleased his absolute brutality. Tracey puts Porter back in the corner, then goes to the opposite side. He lines up, then runs in, and violently boots Porter in the face! Tracey lets his leg hang over the top rope, and brushes some dust off his baggy pants as Porter crumples down. Tracey cuts his throat, then lits up Porter, and hits the Backdrop DRIVER. Tracey covers Porter, and gets the obvious three count. Tracey plays the crowd for a bit before walking to the back. (**1/2)

Overall: 61 (44CR, 78MQ)

RA NOTES: Dennis Tracey is losing overness because of his weak gimmick

Rich Braude comes out with a microphone.

Rich Braude: Ladies and Gentlemen, I am here to hype this Saturday, when World Anarchy Pro Wrestling will present Windy City Wipeout! This is one of the most loaded cards in WAPW History! We’ll see Underground Matt McMillan face rival Shawn Marvel in an I-Quit match. The WAPW Title will be on the line, as “Elite” Kyle Evers defends against Gangsta Greg. WAPW will also crown its first ever Tag Champions, as Anthony Molanari and Jason Shapiro go against The Naturals of Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas. In adition to those, as well as many other matches, I am here to say that WAPW will make a MAJOR announcement concerning this December at Windy City Wipeout. Trust us, this is BIG. Thank you, and get ready for one of the best nights of action in WAPW History!

Overall: 77

RA NOTES: Rich Braude gained overness from this segment.

Yggdrasil and Ken Anderson vs The Forgotten (CJ Petrous and Ron Codomane)

The Forgotten come out to surprisingly good heat. Petrous once again has a dead flower behind his ear, and he makes sure it remains there as he and Codomane get into the ring and taunt. Anderson and Yggdrasil come out to Yggdrasils theme, to a HUGE reaction. They get into the ring, as Daron Smythe’s music hits! Yggdrasil turns around, and Smythe comes out wearing a suit. He sits down on commentary, as Rivas and Nicholas ask him what he’s doing out there. Smythe mentions that he’s facing Yggdrasil at Windy City Wipeout, and how he’s out here to scout his opponent. Yggdrasil leans over the ropes, but is immediately attacked by Ron Codomane.

The start of the match is all The Forgotten, who keep Yggdrasil from tagging in the ultra-popular Ken Anderson. Codomane does most of the work against Yggdrasil, working over his back. He hits a few shoulder tackles, then tags back in to Petrous. Petrous calmly enters the ring, and hits a snapmare, then takes the flower off his ear, crumples it in his hand, then lets it fall on Yggdrasil’s face, before locking a head scissors on. Yggdrasil fights out of it, and tags in Anderson (and the crowd goes ape). He locks up with Petrous, and they trade some quick reversals. Petrous eventually goes to a hammerlock, then reaches up and locks on Petrous Oxide! Anderson is in trouble early, but suddenly puts his feet on the bottom rope, then climbs up to the top and flips back, into a Sliced Bread #2!

Anderson starts beating down on Petrous, then tags back into Yggdrasil. Yggdrasil picks up Petrous, then locks on a Gory Guerrero special….then leans down, bending Petrous in a horribly unnatural position! Petrous screams in pain, then wiggles out into an arm drag. He quicklky tags in Codomane, who enters the ring, and gets hit with a chop block! Codomane is dropped to one knee, and Yggdrasil tags in to Anderson. Anderson walks in, but suddenly Codomane gets up, and tosses Anderson into the air, and Anderon crashes face first into the mat hard! The Forgotten keep Yggdrasil in their corner, hitting tons of double teams. Petrous also works on Anderson’s neck, softening him up for either Codomane’s Tombstone or the Petrous Oxide. And that’s just what happens, as Petrous counters an attempted vertical suplex by Anderson, twisting his body mid move and dropping down into Petrous Oxide! He has Anderson locked in the center of the ring, as Codomane enters the ring illegally to deck Yggdrasil off the apron. Petrous wrenches the move on, with Anderson looking ready to Tap….and in a last ditch effort, Anderson suddenly jumps, doing a backflip out of the move, landing on his feet (!), and hitting a quick Diamond Cutter! Both men are down, as Yggdrasil starts to pound the turnbuckle (he’s back on the apron) to will Anderson on. Anderson crawls, and makes the hot tag!

Yggdrasil jumps into the ring, quickly laying in some punches on Codomane, then dropping him with a running lariat. Petrous is back up, and Yggdrasil backdrops him back down. Petrous gets up again, and swings at Yggdrasil, but he ducks, and Yggdrasil grabs Petrous by the waist and German Suplexes him! Codomane is back in the ring, and clubs Yggdrasil in the back a few times, only for Ken Anderson to jump back into the ring and dropkick Codomane back down! Anderson throws Codomane out of the ring, then follows him out, as Yggdrasil calls for the Necronomicon! He locks Petrous in it, but out of nowhere, Daron Smythe jumps off commentary and rushes to the ring! He hops up on the apron, and Yggdrasil lets go of the Necronomicon and smacks Smythe off the apron! Yggdrasil turns around, and gets hit with a superkick from Petrous, who is back up! Codomane, meanwhile, throws Anderson into the guardrail, and jumps back into the ring. He sets Yggdrasil up for a powerbomb, Petrous jumps up, and they hit the Powerbomb Lungblower! 1……….2………3! The Forgotten score a major upset over Anderson and Yggdrasil! Smythe laughs on the floor, while The Forgotten celebrate their big win.(**1/2)

Overall: 67 (60CR, 74MQ)

RA NOTES: Ron Codomane gained overness from this match. CJ Petrous gained overness from this match.

It’s Main event time! The heels come out first to Evers music.

Evers grabs a microphone.

Evers: Now, gentlemen, if you don’t mind, I have something I wanna talk about.

Marvel motions for him to continue. Sky doesn’t seem to care, just slumping down in the corner.

Evers: Now, lemme begin by saying…..

He’s INSTANTLY interrupted by Gangsta Greg’s music! Greg, Drake, and McMillan come out. Greg has a microphone.

Greg: Geez, dog, that has to be a new rizecord. I’m ALREADY sick of what you’re sizaying!

Evers: I haven’t even started!

Greg: EXACTLY, DAWG! You come out hizere, and say the same thing, wizeek after wizeek after wizeek, and….

Evers: If you don’t stop saying iz, I’m going to come over there and smack you. Do you have any idea who you’re talking to?

Greg: Yeah, I’m talking to a jackass! (Crowd pop)

Evers sighs

Evers: Look, let’s compare you and I, shall we? You are a loser. I….am Elite. Your finisher is called the G-U. That stands for Greg-You, as far as I can tell. And that doesn’t mean anything. MY finisher, on the other hand, is the glorious, GLORIOUS 1337. And do you know what 1337 means? Oh yes….ELITE.

Greg: Sure, you might be 1337. But dawg, I am 1338, 1339, AND 1400, BOY!

Evers just stares blankly at him.

Evers: You have no idea what you’re talking about, do you? Sheesh. Greg, don’t think I’m afraid of you because you won a Battle Royal. It takes SKILL to hold this belt, Greg. Skill that you don’t have. Skill that can’t be possessed by a wanna be eminem. Skill that…

Greg: SHUT THE HELL UP! Put all the bling, the breakdancing, all the gangstatalk, and I can beat your ass, Evers. And come Windy City Wipeout, I’m doin’ just that, Dawg, and I’m taking that belt! Now, LET’S GO!

Greg, Drake, and McMillan rush the ring, and the match is on!

Overall: 75

RA NOTES: Gangsta Greg gained overness from this segment.

Blue Sky, Shawn Marvel, and WAPW Champion “Elite” Kyle Evers vs Gangsta Greg, Shadow Sean Drake, and “Underground” Matt McMillan

The crowd is hot as hell for this tag match featuring six of WAPW’s top stars. We start with Blue Sky and Sean Drake. Blue Sky is uncharacteristically vicious here, just absolutely doing everything in his power to take out Drake. Drake tags out to McMillan, and Sky goes to tag in Marvel. Marvel goes wide eyed, and grabs onto Evers hand, shoving it to Blue Sky, forcing Evers to tag in, then Marvel jumps to the floor. Evers glares angrily at Marvel, then gets into the ring, and fights McMillan for a while.

This match is the perfect main event, as not only are all six men quite over with the WAPW crowd, but they’re all fantastic in-ring competitors. The crowd is really into it, as all six men also have major issues with each other to settle. In fact, the only person not interested in interacting with his main rival is Shawn Marvel, who blatantly refuses to tag in when McMillan is in the ring. The crowd gets all over Marvel for this, chanting “PUSSY, PUSSY”. Marvel finally tags in when McMillan is safely on the apron, and fights Gangsta Greg. He hits a few kicks, then a big bodyslam. Marvel taunts, but behind him, Greg makes the tag to McMillan! McMillan comes in, and stands behind Marvel. Marvel finally turns around, sees McMillan, and tries to escape, only for McMillan to take Marvel down by his hair, then pound away at his face!

Marvel manages to escape the grasp of McMillan, and quickly dives back into his corner, tagging in Blue Sky. McMillan sees this, and tags in Drake. Drake and Sky go face to face, before Sky backs up and elbows Drake in the face. Drake responds with an elbow of his own, and they start elbowing each other back and forth. Sky switches his game to kicks to Drake’s side, and Drake responds with his own kicks! They go back and forth with kicks, with Drake getting the better of them. He whips Sky into the ropes, then tosses him in the air, only for Sky to catch him with a flawless headscissors! Drake gets back up…and Sky backs off, tagging in Evers!

The rest of the tag match features all six men getting equal share of the action, as well as the major continuation of all three feuds, all to be settled at Windy City Wipeout. At one point, Greg plays a brief face-in-peril, being isolated by Shawn Marvel, but after a few minutes, Greg fights out of a headlock, and tags in McMillan, sending Marvel fleeing, and tagging in Evers. McMillan tags out, then goes outside the ring, reaches under…and pulls out a Kendo Stick! Marvel sees this, and screams “OH GOD, SOMEBODY HELP!”. McMillan chases Marvel around the ring, then Marvel runs to the back, with McMillan close behind! The referee can’t do anything, because they weren’t the legal men!

Back in the ring, the four men remaning totally break down into an all out brawl. Sky and Drake brawl in one corner, and Greg/Evers in the other. Sky takes over Drake, hitting him with the Sky High, then kicking him out of the ring. Meanwhile, Evers backdrops Greg to the apron, but Greg lands on his feet, then punches Evers in the face. Evers stumbles, and Greg springboards to the top rope. He goes for a dropkick, but Evers sees it coming, and dives out of the way, and Sky takes it instead! Evers jumps to the floor, as Greg points at him, then picks Sky up and hits the G-U! 1………2……..3! Greg, Drake, and McMillan (He’s still backstage chasing Marvel) win the main event. As Evers grabs his belt, Greg points at it, then plays the crowd to finish the show.(***)

Overall: 74 (67CR, 82MQ)

So, I thought..why just have a preview? Why not do it the way that most indy federations do it? FLIERS, BABY!

IPB Image

Feel Free to make predictions if you want. No prize, but just for fun.



The big news in the wrestling world was the opening of a cult-sized federation, “New World Championship Wrestling”…..because obviously, you want your federation to be associated with WCW. Donnie B (Nova’s brother) actually got investors together to purchase the rights to the WCW name from Vince McMahon, and is reopening it. Anyway, they have signed Ken Anderson and Shadow Sean Draketo make appearances, but only to an open contract, so he will remain in WAPW (for the time being, although I know any day he’ll get signed). In a funny sidenote, they contacted Goldberg, but he actually refused, saying they weren’t big enough for him to even consider joining. So, instead, they signed GILLBERG. Eh, it’s the thought that counts.

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Guest Botmaster4lyfe


Tonight is the 1 year anniversary of the start of World Anarchy Pro Wrestling. We are about to go into WAPW's biggest show of the year, Windy City Wipeout.

So, what I wanna do is see what everybody thinks of the diary. It's been a year, so I'd like to get a good reading of how I'm doing, and what I can still improve on.

Any feedback about literally ANYTHING would be greatly appreciated. Characters, Writing Style, storylines, feuds, booking, anything.

And do NOT hold back. Give me your complete honest opinion on what you think of World Anarchy Pro Wrestling. Remember, all feedback, positive or negative, will help me make WAPW into the best diary I can possibly make it.

Thank you again,

Brian "Botmaster4lyfe" Jaffe

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Botmaster4lyfe

World Anarchy Pro Wrestling presents WINDY CITY WIPEOUT! Saturday, September 2nd, 2006. Arragon Ballroom, 7:30 PM Belltime. Front Row Tickets: $20

We start Windy City Wipeout with Rich Braude coming to the ring.

Rich Braude: Welcome, ladies and Gentlemen, to World Anarchy Pro Wrestling: WINDY CITY WIPEOUT! We have a packed card tonight, including the crowning of our first Tag Champions, Kyle Evers defending the WAPW Title against Gangsta Greg, and of course, our huge I-Quit match pitting Matt McMillan against Shawn Marvel! But ladies and gentlemen, I’m not going to let you wait any longer, because WAPW has big news. This December, World Anarchy Pro Wrestling will be hosting one of the biggest events on the independent scene. That’s right, on December 4th, WAPW will host the SUPER 8 TOURNAMENT! (Big crowd pop). This is a one night tournament, with eight of the top young stars on the independent scene. As per Super 8 rules, one of the stars in the tournament will be an official representative of World Anarchy Pro Wrestling. Plus, the winner of this years Super 8 will also get a spot on the WAPW Roster! And if the winner is the WAPW representative, he will get a WAPW Title shot at an event of his chosing. Tickets will be on sale after the show for this once a year event!

Overall: 63

RA NOTES: Rich Braude gained overness from this segment.

Michael Fiocchi vs “Dangerously Delicious” Donnovan Dyson

Dyson is accompanied to the ring by Jacob Ryland, with Ryland dressed in a light blue suit. He walks over to a female fan and starts hitting on her, as Dyson stretches in the ring. There’s a pause, before some dark music hits…and out comes Fiocchi, dressed as STING. He’s wearing the white face paint, a long black robe, has dyed his hair black and slicked it, and has a baseball bat. He’s also accompanied by Sebastion Suplex (probably to even the sides), and points his bat at Ryland, then Dyson. As he and Suplex get into the ring, Suplex grabs a microphone.

Suplex: Now, before we start the match, my friend here has a quick message. And it has to do with both fighting Dyson, AND what happens when Ryland takes a girl home.

Suplex hands Fiocchi the microphone.

Fiocchi: IT’S HO-TIME!

The crowd laughs as Ryland throws a huge hissy fit on the floor, then tries to get into the ring, only to get intercepted by Sebastion Suplex! They brawl to the floor, and a few referee’s run out, ordering them to the back.

Dyson and Fiocchi (Former partners, as commentary mention) face off in the center of the ring, jaw jacking, before Dyson slaps Fiocchi! Fiocchi does nothing, and Dyson just laughs, slapping him again. Fiocchi stares as Dyson says “What’s wrong? Afraid to hit your former partner?” and attempting another slap, but Fiocchi catches his hand, and drills Dyson with a lariat! Fiocchi rains down a series of punches to Dyson’s face, before going for the Scorpion Death Lock! Dyson scrambles to the ropes, then crawls out of the ring. The referee yells at Dyson to get back into the ring, and he is about to…but notices a girl in the front row (different than the one Ryland was chatting with). Dyson rolls into the ring, then rolls right back out. The referee yells, and Dyson says “LADIES FIRST, MATCH SECOND”, then starts hitting on the girl. Fiocchi gets fed up with it, and bounces off the ropes, hitting a baseball slide to knock Dyson down!

Fiocchi beats up Dyson on the floor for a while, before throwing him back into the ring. He climbs in himself, but as he climbs in, Dyson grabs onto the middle rope and yanks it into Fiocchi’s groin! Fiocchi collapses into the ring, as Dyson hits a front flip senton, then a standing moonsault, then bounces off the ropes and hits a huge jumping elbow. Dyson works over his former partner with his ultra-fast offense. Dyson slows things down with a chinlock, but thinks better of it, then (With Fiocchi still sitting on the mat) bounces off the ropes and hits a diving forearm right to the back of Fiocchi’s neck! Fiocchi drops to the mat, and Dyson covers him with one foot, only for Fiocchi to kick out at one.

Dyson just laughs and covers Fiocchi again, this time with a regular cover, but only gets a two. Dyson pulls Fiocchi up by his hair, and yells “STAY DOWN, BITCH”. He picks up Fiocchi, lifts him for a vertical suplex, and twists it into a reverse DDT on Fiocchi. He covers again, only a two count. Dyson gets frustrated, and calls for the 4D. He goes for it, but Fiocchi blocks, then quickly grabs onto Dyson’s arm. He twists behind Dyson, hooks his head, Scorpion Death Drop!

Fiocchi gets a second wind, stompong on Dyson, before whipping him into the corner. He backs up, and hits a huge Stinger Splash! Dyson gets whipped into the other corner, and gets hit with another Stinger Splash, then a bulldog….and right into the Scorpion Death Lock! Dyson screams in pain, but he’s too close to the ropes, and grabs them to break the hold. Fiocchi lets go, then pulls Dyson up. He goes for a second bulldog, but Dyson throws him into the ropes, and on the way back, tosses him into the air…4D! Dyson gets the 3 count, and the victory! After the match, Jacob Ryland runs out again, and stomps a few times on Fiocchi’s head, before Sebastion Suplex also runs out and chases Dyson and Ryland off.


Overall: 65 (52CR, 78MQ)

RA NOTES: Donnovan Dyson gained overness from this match.

Dennis Tracey vs Roderick Strong

“Cold” by Static X brings out Tracey to a pop. Although he certainly has skill, Tracey has yet to do something to connect to the fans. He gets into the ring, and waits in the corner, as “Did My Time” by Korn hits. The crowd turns to the entrance………..nothing. The music stops, then starts up again……and once again, nothing. Everyone is confused as a referee (Matt Columbus) runs to the ring and hands a note to the ring announcer (Paul Rivas). He reads it, then nods. “Did My Time” starts up again, and Paul lifts the microphone.

Paul Rivas: And, introducing his opponent, making his return to WAPW, from Tampa, Florida. He weighs in at 210 pounds, This is……..PENTAGRAM!

The crowd pops as PENTAGRAM comes out! It’s clearly Roderick Strong, but he’s back to wearing the jet black tights and the purple mask. Pentagram walks straight to the ring, cracking his knuckles, then gets in and paces back and forth, without letting his eyes wander from Tracey.

The bell rings, and Tracey and Pentagram lock up. Tracey goes to the headlock…and Pentagram lifts him, and hits a back suplex backbreaker! Pentagram lifts Tracey back up, hooks his arm, into a Half Nelson backbreaker! Tracey stumbles to his feet, clutching his back, and Pentagram bounces off the ropes with incredible speed, then VIOLENTLY boots Tracey in the face! Tracey goes down, and once again, Pentagram pulls him up. Pentagram lifts Tracey for a powerbomb, and powerbombs him down across his right knee! Pentagram holds on, then hits another bomb onto his other knee! He pulls Tracey back up, then turns him sideways. He lifts, and spikes Tracey with the Sidewinder! 1….2………..3! Pentagram has won in about 30 seconds! Commentary go nuts about how Strong is back to being Pentagram, and it appears to have restored confidence in him. Pentagram just looks down at Tracey, then walks out. About a minute later, Tracey gets up. He looks around, then thumps the mat in frustration, and walks to the back. As he does, Yggdrasil’s music picks up, and out he comes. As Yggdrasil walks by, Tracey stops, and stares after him, then walks to the back.(***)

Overall: 65 (47CR, 84MQ)

RA NOTES: Dennis Tracey is losing overness because of his weak gimmick.

“The New Nature Boy” Daron Smythe vs Yggdrasil

Yggdrasil is already in the ring, waiting on his opponent. “Stop” brings sout Smythe in his shiny robe (red tonight). He walks to the ring, then takes off the robe and lays it carefully on the top rope. He and Yggdrasil face off, and the bell rings. They circle each other, when Dennis Tracey comes back out? He has a chair, and sets it up near the entrance. He sits down, and just stares at the ring. The referee shrugs it off, and calls for the bell.

Yggdrasil and Smythe lock up, then go into a test of strength. Yggdrasil is the bigger of the two, and bends Smythe all the way back, so Smythe is balanced on his neck. Smythe fights back to his feet, then drops Yggdrasil into the same position. Smythe jumps on top of Yggdrasil to drop him all the way to the mat, then releases the test of strength in favor of a side headlock. Yggdrasil rolls backwards and grabs Smythe’s head between his legs into a head scissors. Smythe struggles for just a second, then rolls back into a handstand. As he drops down to his feet, he also grabs onto Yggdrasils foot, and applies a standing leg lock. Yggdrasil rolls one way, then rolls over to his stomach to break the hold, but Smythe does a cartwheel, and stays on his feet. Yggdrasil quickly gets to his feet, and he and Smythe face off.

Yggdrasil and Smythe keep the entire match on the mat for the first seven minutes, just trading locks and submissions. Yggdrasil is both bigger and better at submissions, so he beings to overwhelm Smythe, starting to work on Smythe’s knees (For the Necronomicon). Smythe tries to fight back, but Yggdrasil just picks him up in a body slam, and drops him in a Tree of Woe in the corner. Yggdrasil kicks away at Smythe’s legs, then backs up a step, and just soccer kicks Smythe in the FACE. Yggdrasil desides that’s enough, and goes for the Necronomicon, only for Smythe to kick him off, then as Yggdrasil is coming back, Smythe boots him right in the knee!

Now Smythe beings his work on Yggdrasil’s legs. He hits a few stomps, then locks in a Texas Cloverleaf. He elevates it, putting pressure on Yggdrasil’s back AND legs, as Yggdrasil bareley gets to the ropes. Smythe just turns Yggdraisl around, drapes his leg over the top rope, then jumps up and stomps it back down! He goes back to the Texas Cloverleaf, but again Yggdrasil reaches the ropes, and gets his leg stomped again. Smythe pulls Yggdrasil to the corner, and climbs out of the ring, then wraps Yggdrasils leg around the corner post! He pulls like mad as the referee counts five, so Smythe lets go, then climbs up to the apron, then to the top rope, and hits a falling elbow drop right to Yggdrasil’s leg!

Smythe is feeling it, and takes some time to strut. He pulls Yggdrasil back up, and chops him a few times, but Yggdrasil fires back with a chop of his own, then a huge clothesline! Yggdrasil can barely stand….so he drops down to the mat, then fires off with elbows right to the knee of Smythe! Smythe screams in pain as he grabs his knee, but Yggdrasil quickly applies a grapevine! Smythe might actually tap out here…but he rolls over onto his stomach, grabs onto Yggdrasil’s leg, and applies a half crab! Now Yggdrasil is in pain…but Yggdraisl swings his free leg up into Smythe’s face, breaking the hold! Both men lay there as the crowd cheers.

Both men get up, and start exchanging kicks to each other’s legs. The kicks not only hurt each other, but the person doing the kicking, because both men’s legs are in serious pain. Yggdrasil manages to fight through the pain hitting a few quick kicks, then bouncing off the ropes for another one, but Smythe out of nowhere unloads a no-hands snap hurricanrana! Yggdrasil goes down, and Smythe does the handspring into the ropes…Natures Cycle to Yggdrasil’s leg! Smythe rolls through, and applies the Figure Four! Yggdrasil grabs his legs to try to fight it, but Smythe has it locked in perfectly. Yggdrasil raises his hand to tap…but refuses to! Instead, he manages to roll onto his stomach, reversing the pain! Smythe screams, and is about to break the hold…when Yggdrasil switches his gripping, then leans up, right into the Necronomicon! Smhythe is in bigger trouble, and he tries to make it to the ropes, only for Yggdrasil to pull him right back in….and Smythe taps out! Yggdrasil wins! He collapses, as the crowd gives a big ovation to one hell of a match. Yggdrasil hobbles up, then raises his arms…as Dennis Tracey stands up and applauds? Yggdrasil looks at Tracey, who picks up the chair and slowly walks to the back, leaving Yggdrasil to celebrate. (***)

Overall: 70 (56CR, 84MQ)

LIGHTS OUT MATCH: Shadow Sean Drake vs Blue Sky

Shadow Sean Drake comes out first to “I Sell Society” by Godhead to a huge pop from the crowd. He gets into the ring, removes his hood, and waits in the corner. “Blue Skies Bring Tears” strikes up, and Blue Sky walks out…carrying a stack of light tubes over his shoulder! He lays them in the corner, then takes off his ring jacket. As the bell rings, he and Drake go nose to nose, neither saying a thing. Drake shoves Sky away, and quickly goes for a lariat, but Sky ducks under it, goes for a roundhouse, but Drake ducks under that, and they face off again.

Sky and Drake start off not with a lockup, but with a pure brawl. They smack each other back and forth for a while, until Drake throws out some kicks. He hits a few to Sky’s side, then a brutal one to his head. Sky goes down, and Drake drops down with him, repeatedly elbowing Sky in the back of the head. He locks on a quick sleeper, then brings Sky down to the mat. He has the sleeper locked, when the lights go out for the first time! There’s buzzing from the crowd, as nobody can see a damn thing. The lights go back on 30 seconds later, with Drake down, and Sky violently jabbing him in the back of the head with the point of his elbow!

Much like the first Lights Out match (Drake vs Eric Justice), when the lights go out, the momentum of the match usually shifts to the other guy. Although Sky is mostly a high flier, he barely goes to the top rope the entire match, instead just fights with Dake. Sky throws Drake into the corner, and rushes in with a violent outburst of punches! Drake goes down in the corner, and Sky rushes in with a basement dropkick to Drake’s face! Cover, 2 count. Sky pulls Drake up again, when the lights go out. With the lights out….we hear a LOUD smack! When the come back on, Drake is holding a chair in the air, and Sky on the mat bleeding from the forehead! Drake covers, but amazingly, only a two count!

Sky recovers, and starts to fight back. He punches Drake into the ropes, then violently tackles Drake to the floor! As they brawl, the lights go out again. When the come back on again, they’ve gone into the crowd, still fighting! The referee’s hands are tied, as there’s no countout. They brawl in the crowd for a WHILE, until the lights go out yet again. When they come back on, they are back in the ring…..and Sky is locked in the Dark Grasp! The crowd is going wild, as Sky flails around. He somehow makes it to the ropes, breaking the hold. Drake pulls Sky up, but out of nowhere, Sky hits a quick Side Effect, then into the Anaconda Vice! He hooks Drake’s arms with his own legs, putting even more pressure on the move. Drake manages to just barely roll enough so his hand grabs the bottom rope, breaking the hold.

Both men finally make it to their feet, and start exchanging punches, then kicks. As they do, the lights go out again. There’s a very long pause, where the fans only hear the brawl happening. At one point, we hear something dragging along the mat. When the lights come back on, Drake has Sky by the neck, and the Light Tubes have been dragged into a stack in the center of the ring! The crowd goes wild as Drake kicks Sky in the stomach, then puts his left leg over Sky’s head for the Eclipse! Drake jumps up, but Sky repositions himself, and as Drake comes down, Sky grabs him by the waist from behind…GERMAN SUPLEX INTO THE LIGHT TUBES! The back of Drake’s head snaps into the tubes, shattering them into dust, as the crowd goes bananas. Sky sits up, looking around maliciously, as we see some blood coming from the back of Drake’s head. Sky covers Drake, and gets the obvious 3 count, giving him the win in this Lights Out match. Sky glares around, then grabs his coat and a microphone. He leans down to Drake.

Sky: Drake………..stay out of my path.

Sky puts the microphone down, then slowly walks to the back as officials run to attend to Drake.


Overall: 73 (70CR, 76MQ)

“Calm Like a Bomb” by Rage Against The Machine hits, and here come CJ Petrous and Ron Codomane, The Forgotten.

Petrous, like on Bedlam, has a dead flower resting behind his ear. As they enter into the ring, Petrous takes it, then drops it on the mat in front of him. He grabs two microphones, then tosses one to Codomane.

Petrous: It has come to our attention that Ron and I are not booked in the finals of the Tag Ttle tournament. Well, that is no problem. We lost, even though it was a fluke. But what upsets us is the fact that once again, we are OVERLOOKED. Almost everybody in WAPW is on this show. Pentagram, who hasn’t done a damn thing here for a month, is on the show. Dennis Tracey, who nobody gives a SHIT about, is on the show. And NOW…WAPW is holding the Super 8 Tournament?

Codomane: Allow me to read rule number three of the official rules of the Super 8 tournament.

Codomane takes out a sheet of paper, then loudly clears his throat.

Codomane: “Rule Number 3: The federation that holds the Super 8 Tournament may only have one wrestler from their own roster participate in the Super 8 Tournament.”. ONLY. ONE. STAR. That means that one of us, or BOTH of us, will be passed over for this tournament. CJ Petrous, and myself, should NOT be passed over for ANYTHING.

Petrous: We’re through being passed up. So we are making this challenge: Whoever wins the tag titles tonight, whether it be The Naturls, or Molanari and Shapiro, Codomane and I want the first shot. Our next show, War Zone. We want the WAPW Tag Champs in the ring, for the belts. Braude, make it happen. And to whoever ends up with the belts tonight……. you will learn, that we are The Forgotten: Hate us. Love Us….

Petrous looks down, then stomps on the dead flower, crumbling it to pieces.

Petrous: But always remember us.

Petrous glares around, then he and Codomane walk to the back.

Overall: 64

RA NOTES: CJ Petrous gained overness from this segment. Ron Codomane gained overness from this segment.

WAPW TAG TITLE TOURNAMENT FINALS: Anthony Molanari and Jason Shapiro vs The Naturals (Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens)

Just before the match begins, Paul Rivas makes an announcement:

Paul Rivas: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is the finals of the World Anarchy Pro Wrestling Tag Title Tournmaent, and will be contested under TEXAS TORNADO RULES!

The crowd lights up as this is announced. “Silent Victory” by The Living end brings out Anthony Molanari and Jason Shapiro, who get a monster reaction. They high five all the fans at ringside, then roll into the ring. “Fistful of Steel” by Rage Against the Machine hits, and The Naturals walk out to huge boos. They get into the ring, and all four men go face to face. The referee tries to separate them, but a brawl almost instantly breaks out! The referee calls for the bell, and the match is on!

It’s an all out war to start, with Chase Stevens fighting Anthony Molanari and Jason Shapiro brawling with Andy Douglas. They’re in opposite corners, and Stevens and Douglas whip Molanari and Shapiro at each other. Molanari and Shapiro hook arms, twist around, and clothesline both Naturals! As they taunt, Douglas and Stevens roll to the floor and walk a bit towards the entrance (out of reach of a dive) and talk strategy. Shapiro looks at them, and motions for Molanari to do something. Molanari nods, then picks up Shapiro in a Gorilla Press. He backs up, then runs and literally HURLS Shapiro like a dart into The Naturals! Shapiro springs back up, as Molanari leaves the ring to brawl too.

After the brawl finally settles down, this becomes a legit wrestling match, with the teams paired off. Each man always breaks away from their brawl to stop their partner from behing pinned. The match is pretty even due to the Texas Tornado stipulation, until Andy Douglas hits Molanari with a DDT that spikes him on his head, then rolls him out of the ring, and both Naturals start to double team Jason Shapiro, hitting a double Spinebuster, then covering for a two count. Molanari tries to get back in the ring, but is knocked off the apron again, and The Naturals continue to destroy Shapiro.

Molanari has no chance to get into the ring, as one of The Naturals always is there to keep him out. Shapiro is extremely resilient, but it’s clear that eventually the double teams are going to get the best of him. Finally, The Naturals decide to end it, and hook Shapiro….Natural Disaster! Stevens covers, 1……2….NO! Molanari grabs Shapiro’s hand from the outside, and puts it on the bottom rope at the last second! Stevens freaks out, yelling at the referee…distracting him, as Andy Douglas pulls out a chain! He wraps it around his fist, pulls Shapiro up, and whacks him with it…….a second too late, as the referee turns around, and catches him! The referee calls for the bell…

Voice: HELL NO.

Rich Braude walks out looking steamed.

Braude: This tournament was designed to get WAPW a pair of Tag Champions in a fair way. And God Damnit, it’s gonna stay that way. This match is now no DQ, and THERE MUST BE A WINNER! RING THE BELL!

The crowd cheers as The Naturals lean over the ropes, screaming at Bruade…..giving Molanari a chance to finally get back into the ring! Stevens turns around, and is nailed with the Hellbound Spinebuster! Molanari gets up, but is hit from behind by Andy Douglas, who hooks Molanari’s arms, and hits the Sitout Pedagree. Douglas stands up and taunts, but in a last burst of adrenaline, kips up, grabs Douglas by the head, and spikes him with the Bloody Mary Brainbuster! That also takes everything out of Shapiro, who collapses as the crowd goes wild.

All four men finally make their way back up, and fight again! The crowd is eating it up as Molanari goes for another Hellbound Spinebuster, only for Stevens to counter out of it, and hit a quick Northern Lights Suplex. 1……2…..Shapiro dives in with an elbow drop to break it up. He picks up Stevens, hops on his back, hits the Yoshitonic! 1……2….this time, Douglas dropkicks Shapiro in the back of the neck! With Shapiro down, Douglas calls over Stevens, and they grab Molanari for the Natural Disaster! Just before they hit it, Molanari manages to slip out, then bounce off the ropes, and hit a MONSTER Spear on Douglas! Douglas is folded on his neck, and rolls out of the ring, as Molanari points at Shapiro, then the top rope. Shapiro pulls himself to the top, and Molanari grabs Stevens from behind. He drags him over to the turnbuckle, turns so both he and Stevens are facing it, then hits the German suplex, rolls through, Shapiro leaps off the top with the DDT…..WEST END RIOT! Molanari makes the cover! 1……………..2……………….3!!! Douglas is a second too late, and Molanari and Shapiro have won the belts!

Molanari and Shapiro hug in celebration as The Naturals walk out in disgust. Rich Braude walks out carrying the belts, and a microphone. He gets into the ring, and shakes hands with both Molanari and Shapiro.

Rich Braude: Ladies and Gentlemen, the winners, and your first ever World Anarchy Pro Wrestling Tag Team Champions….ANTHONY MOLANARI AND JASON SHAPIRO!

Braude hands the belts to them, and they strap them around their waists, then taunt again to a huge pop.


Overall: 70 (56CR, 85MQ)

RA NOTES: The WAPW Tag Team titles have gained in image.

WAPW TITLE: “Elite” Kyle Evers (Champion) vs Gangsta Greg (Challenger)

“Ego Trippin” by Kool Keith and Tha Ultramagnetic MC’s brings the crowd to their feet as Gangsta Greg blings down to the ring. He gets into the ring, breakdances a bit, then waits in the corner. “Elite” by The Deftones brings out Kyle Evers, holding the WAPW Title with a smug look on his face. He rolls into the ring, and (very reluctantly) hands the belt over to referee Mr. Afro. Afro is about to hold it in the air, but Evers suddenly grabs it…then holds it in the air himself to loud boos. He takes it, then waves it in Greg’s face, then finally gives it up to the referee.

Greg and Evers circle each other, then lock up. Evers powers Greg into the corner, breaks off at a count of five…then slaps Greg! Evers laughs, as the refere admonishes him. He and Greg lock up again, with the same result, but this time, when Evers tries for a slap, Greg ducks under it, and rolls the champ up! 1……2….no, Evers quickly kicks out. Evers gets back up, and gets another rollup! 1……2…….Evers gets out again. Evers is up, and Greg runs in and sunset flips him into a third cover! 1………2…….Evers gets out again! Evers rolls out of the ring to catch his breath, but Greg dives through the ropes with a dropkick! Evers is down on the floor, as Greg hypes up the crowd.

Evers gets back in the ring, and Greg puts him in a headlock. Evers shoots Greg into the ropes, then hits a Japanese armdrag on the back back, holding onto the arm and keeping on a side armlock. Greg quickly gets back up, and Evers applies a reverse chinlock on Greg. Greg tries to run out of it, but Evers pulls back, dropping Greg across his knee! Greg grabs his neck, and Evers smiles, then drops a few knees on Greg’s neck.

After that one move, Evers completely zeroes in on Greg’s neck, putting Greg in a tree of woe, then leaving the ring and pulling on Greg’s neck as hard as he can. He gets back in the ring, climbs to the top rope, and hits a fist drop, driving his fist right into Greg’s neck as well. Cover, but only a two count. Evers doesn’t flinch, just goes right back to a chinlock, then pulls Greg up and hits a Northern Lights Bomb, right on the neck! Another 2 count, though.

Evers works over Greg for a long time, with Greg getting in punches here and there. Evers is getting supremely confident that hes gonna win, and he starts showboating a lot more. He hits another Northern Lights Bomb on Greg’s neck, then cockily covers Greg by calmly draping his knee across Greg’s neck, but of course Greg kicks out. Evers takes great offense to the fact that he hasn’t won yet, and argues with the referee that that was three. Evers gets frustrated, and shoves Mr. Afro, who shoves Evers right back! Afro yells at Evers, and Evers holds his hands out, telling Afro to chill. Evers turns back to Greg, who is back on his feet. Evers goes for a vertical suplex, but Greg knees him in the head, then drops down with a DDT, spiking Evers violently headfirst! Greg and Evers lay there for a while as the crowd cheers Greg on.

Evers gets up first, as Greg barely pulls himself up on the ropes, his head between the middle and top one. Evers laughs, then runs in for the 1337. He swings through the ropes, but Greg catches Evers feet! Evers is helpless, as Greg pulls Evers into the ring by his feet. Greg hooks Evers by his legs, then pulls him up, steps over Evers arms, and hits the Mad Prop Drop (Styles Clash)! He’s too tired to make the cover, but pulls himself up, and starts stomping on the champ! Evers manages to get up and go after Greg’s neck again with a Cravate, but Greg counters by kicking Evers in the knee. He whirls around, grabs Evers head, and hits an X-Factor! Cover, but Evers just BARELY kicks out at two.

Greg finally begins to really fight back, taking it to the champ for a while. Greg whips Evers into the ropes, but Evers hangs onto them. But when he does, Greg runs in and hits a climbing Shining Wizard, landing safely on the apron as Evers falls down. Greg climbs to the top rope, and comes off with his old Guillitine Leg Drop! He covers, the crowd counts along, 1………….2…….NO! Evers somehow gets his right shoulder up at the very last second. Greg thumps the mat in frustration, then calls for the G-U! He puts Evers on his shoulders…And hits it!

Greg scrambles to make the cover, but Evers quickly latches on to the bottom rope, and holds for dear life! Greg pulls on Evers as hard as possible, but Evers has a firm grip on the bottom rope. Finally, Greg stands up, and grabs onto Evers legs. He pulls one last time, but Evers does a backflip out of it, lands on his feet, and hits a Van Daminator like kick on Greg! It doesn’t knock Greg down, but it knocks him for a loop, giving Evers the chance to run up, and hook Greg from behind, lift…..Vertebreaker! He rolls up Greg in a Kidou Clutch….1……….2………..3! Kyle Evers retains the belt! Evers leaves the ring quickly and grabs his belt, parading around the ring with it to the boos from the crowd. As he leaves, Greg finally gets up. He gets a big ovation from the crowd, as he looks frustrated, but plays them a bit before finally leaving. (***)

Overall: 73 (66CR, 81MQ)

I QUIT MATCH: "Underground" Matt McMillan vs Shawn Marvel

This feud, which has raged on for five months, is finally ready to come to an end. The crowd goes absolutely WILD when this is announced as the I-Quit match, as the referee (Matt Columbus) holds up a microphone. “Cocky” by Kid Rock brings out Shawn Marvel, clearly looking worried. He’s carrying one weapon, a kendo stick. He rolls into the ring, and paces around nervously. “Fucking in the Bushes” by Oasis brings out Matt McMillan, who has a garbage bag slung over his shoulder. He walks down to ringside, then takes the garbage bag and flips it over, spilling TONS of weapons on the floor! He looks at Marvel’s kendo sticks, then sifts through the weapons, finally settling on a large baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire! He taps it against his foot, then rolls into the ring, and Marvel INSTANTLY bails out of the ring. McMillan just waits, taking a few practice swings with the bat. The referee finally forces Marvel to enter the ring, much to the chagrin of Marvel.

As the bell rings, Marvel holds out his kendo stick to block. McMillan just looks around, then swings with the barbed wire bat, shattering the stick in half! Marvel goes wide eyed as McMillan swings again, but Marvel ducks under, takes McMillan down with a drop toe hold, and applies a headlock. As he does, he asks for the microphone, with McMillan still in the lock.

Marvel: Matt, make it easy on yourself. Say I Quit right now!

McMillan: You’ve got to be fucking kidding me….

With that, Marvel smiles, and slams the microphone into McMillan’s head! McMillan is down quickly, as Marvel rolls out of the ring and starts hurling all the weapons into the ring. He pulls a few more out from under the ring, then pulls out a table and sets it up right next to the apron (although the shorter side is facing the ring). Marvel jumps into the ring, with McMillan slowly getting back up, and hits a few quick japs, staying light on his feet as he slowly moves around McMillan with the punches, only for McMillan to deck him with a big right hand of his own! McMillan quickly grabs a tin sheet, and when Marvel gets back up, McMillan slams it into Marvel’s head! Marvel goes down, and McMillan takes the microphone.

McMillan: Trust me, mate. Quit now, and I’ll let you get out of this without bleeding.

Marvel: Hell no!

McMillan shrugs, then goes back to the barbed wire baseball bat. He pull Marvel to a sitting position, then rakes the barbed wire across Marvel’s forehead! Marvel goes down screaming, and McMillan holds the bat up to cheers. Marvel sits up, and indeed, his forehead is bleeding! McMillan picks up Marvel, and starts punching away at the cut. He whips Marvel into the corner, then climbs up and hits 9 punches (with the crowd counting along). Before the 10th one, he pauses, then jumps straight up and dropkicks Marvel in the FACE on the way down! Marvel goes down again, and the referee asks McMillan if he wants the microphone. McMillan thinks about it, then smiles and declines.

McMillan remains in control of Marvel for a while, with some actual wrestling moves. He takes down Marvel with an armdrag, then steps over into an inverted armlock. He wrenches on Marvel’s arm, then thinks better of it, and using his left hand, grabs the tin sheet again, and smacks Marvel in the face with it! Marvel won’t quit, though, so McMillan releases the armlock, and grabs the barbed wire bat again. He waits on Marvel to get up, but Marvel ducks under a swing, then low blows McMillan! McMillan goes down to his knees, and Marvel picks up a stop sign, and smacks it over McMillan’s head, busting him open too! Marvel searches around the ring, then grabs a steel chair. As McMillan gets up, Marvel swings, but McMillan ducks, then snatches the chair away. He swings low, but Marvel jumps over. McMillan tosses the chair to Marvel, who catches it, and McMillan goes for a dropkick. Marvel moves out of the way, then as McMillan gets back up, tosses McMillan the chair. McMillan catches it…….FINAL DETAIL INTO THE CHAIR! The chair smacks into McMillan’s face, busting him open even more. Marvel laughs, then grabs the microphone.

Marvel: Oh, I think you know what to do in this case. Quit, Bitch.

McMillan: GO TO HELL!

Marvel gets pissed, and pulls McMillan up, then throws him into the corner. He puts McMillan in a tree of woe, then grabs the chair again. He rests it against McMillan’s head, then backs up, and hits a baseball slide dropkick, driving the chair again into McMillans face! McMillan falls out of the tree of woe, and Marvel grabs the microphone yet again.



Marvel now maintains control of McMillan for a long time, mainly focusing on McMillan’s busted open head, opening the wound even further. Marvel wipes the blood off his own forehead (he’s still bleeding), and points to the table on the floor. He climbs out to the apron, then pulls McMillan out. He hits a few punches, then looks to slam McMillan through it! McMillan punches away at Marvel’s head to stop it, then kicks Marvel in the gut, and hooks him for the Underground Driver! He picks up Marvel (on the apron), hooks his arm around McMillan’s legs, but Marvel kicks his feet back, landing safely on his feet, then picks up McMillan! He cradles McMillan’s head….SIMPLY MARVELOUS, OFF THE APRON, THROUGH THE TABLE! A loud “HOLY SHIT” chant starts from the crowd, as Marvel finally gets up and asks for the microphone.

Marvel: Now, McMillan, you piece of shit, say it. SAY YOU QUIT, ASSHOLE.

McMillan breaths heavily for a few seconds….

McMillan: You’ll have to do better than…

Marvel doesn’t even pause, just thumping the microphone against McMillan’s head, then swearing in frustration.

Marvel keeps the control on for a long time, but no matter WHAT he does, McMillan absolutely refuses to quit through any of it. Marvel is rapidly getting frustrated, as he slams McMillan down, then grabs the barbed wire bat again. He waits for McMillan to get to a kneeling position, and he slams the barbed wire right into McMillan’s back! McMillan goes down, and Marvel drops the bat, then goes to his Kendo Stick. He waits on McMillan again, then repeatedly cracks it over his FACE. McMillan looks to be out, but when Marvel questions him, McMillan AGAIN doesn’t quit!

Marvel is pretty shocked, as he can’t figure out what to do. He finally looks through the weapons, and finds a large bag. He opens it up, and pulls out a clump of barbed wire! He looks at McMillan, then the wire, then smiles. He sets the wire right near the corner, and puts McMillan on the top rope. He climbs up, and leans down, trying to hook McMillan for a top rope Simply Marvelous! He lifts, but McMillan hooks his legs around the top rope to block. He hits a few punches to Marvel’s back………then lifts him up! The crowd goes bananas as McMillan hooks Marvel’s leg, then jumps off….UNDERGROUND DRIVER OFF THE TOP ROPE, ONTO THE BARBED WIRE! Marvel lands right on his head in the wire, and McMillan quickly switches to his leg and applies the Rebel Lock! He twists Marvel’s ankle violently, as the referee runs over to Marvel.

Columbus (Referee): What do you say, Marvel?

Marvel: NO! NO…………..!!!!

McMillan steps over, twisting Marvel’s ankle even further.

Columbus (Referee): Marvel, what’s your answer?

Marvel: No….No……………I QUIT! I QUIT! GOD DAMNIT, I QUIT!!!!!!!!

McMillan finally releases the hold, and collapses in exhaustion as the crowd absolutely goes WILD. Marvel rolls out of the ring and lies nearly motionless on the floor as McMillan pulls himself to his feet. The referee tries to raise McMillan’s arm in victory, but McMillan shoves him off, then raises his arms himself to a deafening pop and a “MATT MCMILLAN (Clap Clap Clap-Clap-Clap)” chant. Several people come from the back to help Marvel get out of there, as McMillan celebrates the biggest victory in his WAPW Career to close the show. (****)

Overall: 83!!!! (74CR, 92MQ)

RA NOTES: Underground Matt McMillan gained overness from this feud ending. Shawn Marvel gained overness from this feud ending.



After the show, I finished negotiations with WAPW’s new star, a guy who I have HUGE hopes for:

“Atom Bomb” AJ Baynes (Face, 49 Over): Got the nickname “Atom Bomb” from the way that he wrestles; every move he does he does with such force, such velocity, such intensity, that he’s known as the most explosive athlete on the scene. Already has made a name for himself in Philadelphia (particularly a 45 minute draw with Mike Kruel in KCW), and only two months ago moved to the Midwest. Uses a Wrist Clutch Uranage as a finisher, which usually spikes the guy right on their neck.

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