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Baseball Congressional Hearings


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Thank God they didn't grant Canseco immunity. All he would've done was go on a bigger useless rant. To me all this is pointless but I'll probably watch it anyways. There's a lot more that Congress could be doing right now then looking into this. I hate it when phony polticians try to act like that they actually care about something. The words "America's favorite pasttime" is gonna get so overused today it's gonna drive me crazy. It's funny how these congressmen can claim to be worried about America's kids.....when all around us all we see is cuts in healthcare and education.

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I just think it sucks that Bonds and Giambi aren't going to testify. I'd love for Bonds to have to go before Congress and tell the truth, because I think he was full of shit when he said he used that cream and clear substance but didn't know they were steroids.

Plus, I think its a waste of time calling up Curt Schilling to testify.

Frankly, I agree with you. Congress should be spending time on things that actually matter, like healthcare, unemployment, and education, instead of worrying about whether or not a bunch of professional athletes are juiced up or not.

Edited by GhostMachine
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I just think it sucks that Bonds and Giambi aren't going to testify. I'd love for Bonds to have to go before Congress and tell the truth, because I think he was full of shit when he said he used that cream and clear substance but didn't know they were steroids.

Plus, I think its a waste of time calling up Curt Schilling to testify.

Frankly, I agree with you. Congress should be spending time on things that actually matter, like healthcare, unemployment, and education, instead of worrying about whether or not a bunch of professional athletes are juiced up or not.

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Its because he's a pitcher. Like Schilling has said himself, he doesn't have a clue what they would want him to testify about.

I certainly hope they're not calling him up because someone has accused him of being juiced up; any pitcher would have to be an idiot to use steroids, because it would increase the likelihood of them getting a career ending injury, since steroid use is known to cause some muscle strain problems. Pitchers get hurt enough as it is.

Oh, and I know why Bonds and Giambi aren't testifying. Its just a shame that this hearing is happening now, instead of after that investigation is done.

(And I'm certain that Bonds is on the juice)

Baseball is my favorite sport, and this whole steroids scandal has pissed me off. I'm especially mad at Jose Canseco, because I thought he was a decent player for most of his career (even though I dislike the Oakland A's), when he was really just a roids freak. And it looks like what the Commissioner is planning to do to anyone who tests positive is just a slap on the hand.

(Baseball's always been too lenient at how it treats drug users; just look at how many time Steve Howe got busted for drug use when he played, for example)

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You're naive if you think pitchers don't take it for the same reason a a hitter would. These guys want to build up their muscle mass.....whether it makes them better is another question. I definitely think more pitchers should be looked into if the hitters are gonna face scrutiny.

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You're naive if you think pitchers don't take it for the same reason a a hitter would. These guys want to build up their muscle mass.....whether it makes them better is another question. I definitely think more pitchers should be looked into if the hitters are gonna face scrutiny.

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You're naive if you think pitchers don't take it for the same reason a a hitter would. These guys want to build up their muscle mass.....whether it makes them better is another question. I definitely think more pitchers should be looked into if the hitters are gonna face scrutiny.

Oh, I'm pretty sure there are pitchers on steroids. I'm just saying that a pitcher who uses it is a bigger idiot than a hitter who does; sure, you might be able to throw an extra 5 or 10 mph (I doubt it, though), but you'd probably also blow up faster. And if they're calling Schilling in as a pitcher accused of steroid use, I'm pretty sure that they're barking up the wrong tree. I'd be looking at shit\average pitchers who have recently put on a few pounds and become decent, not someone like Schilling.

Edited by sahyder1
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You're naive if you think pitchers don't take it for the same reason a a hitter would. These guys want to build up their muscle mass.....whether it makes them better is another question. I definitely think more pitchers should be looked into if the hitters are gonna face scrutiny.

Oh, I'm pretty sure there are pitchers on steroids. I'm just saying that a pitcher who uses it is a bigger idiot than a hitter who does; sure, you might be able to throw an extra 5 or 10 mph (I doubt it, though), but you'd probably also blow up faster. And if they're calling Schilling in as a pitcher accused of steroid use, I'm pretty sure that they're barking up the wrong tree. I'd be looking at shit\average pitchers who have recently put on a few pounds and become decent, not someone like Schilling.

Edited by GhostMachine
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Guest Bluesman

Congress did have better things to do...like pull strings for Terry Schiavo

Anyone notice that the guy sitting behind Palmerio looks an awful lot like The Sandman?

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Congress did have better things to do...like pull strings for Terry Schiavo

Anyone notice that the guy sitting behind Palmerio looks an awful lot like The Sandman?

after watching most of the day all I have to say is that it's scary that these people run the country. They are clueless. The least they could've done was have done some background research on this. Couldn't someone have warned these clueless idiots that this isn't a congressional vote for which you could miss all the discussion and just pop in with 30 seconds to go and say yay or nay based on what some 22 year old staffer told you? All of these congressmen were clueless as to what they were doing. The only ones that did a half decent job were that lady Sanchez from California, the independent from Vermont and that guy Cummings. The rest were terrible at best.

This definitely hurts McGwire a lot. It's a shame that some of the congressmen were basically pointing him out just to get their 15 minutes of shame. This was one of the biggest jokes of all time. I still think Canseco is an idiot and I loved every minute of the bashing he received from the others especially the congressman who said "is there another book coming out?" Pure Gold. It's funny how he completely twisted his view on steroids today.

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Guest Brady_3for3

Was that Rep. Tom Osborne I saw in there? And is Rep. Tom Davis the guy that coached Iowa U. basketball? And I saw my congresswoman in there, Rep. Candice Miller. GO MICHIGAN'S 10TH DISTRICT

And McGwire is now a turd. He invokes his constitutionally granted 5th Amendment right to not give testimony that would incriminate himself. Now, I'm no rocket surgeon, but the only reason one would need to invoke that constitutonally granted right was, to avoid giving testimony that would imcriminate himself or committing perjury

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Guest Flawless Cowboy

Sorry to step back in the conversation a few posts, but I HIGHLY doubt any pitchers are actually juicing.

If you look into any of the training or the physics behind pitching, it's not how much muscle mass you have in your arms, it's how much flexibility. Most velocity comes from the legs when pitching, and if you did juicing to increases your leg strength, you would affect other areas of your body where you need less muscle mass. I also wonder too, how much benefit steroids actually does give a batter, since there is far more to hitting than how far you can hit the ball.

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