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Congress to save 50 Classic Recordings

Guest JT179

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Yay. Now future generations can be infected by horrible guitar playing, and horrible music, and the so-so lyrics of Kurt Cobain.

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After looking over the complete registry, I just wonder about one particular piece being archived, that being "Tapestry" by Carole King.

I grew up with a mother who loved this album, and I think it's a fabulous work...but I'm not sure I see how it changed or illustrated American culture. Hmm.

Ah, well...at least future generations won't be allowed to forget that Carole King was, and still is, one of the finest songwriters we've ever had.

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The funniest thing is that the people who take the piss out of Nirvana are usually the "open-minded" alt crowd, who you'd think would value the input they had on the music that they like.

On the other hand, people who don't even usually listen to them seem more likely to hold them in higher regard.

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Guest Bluesman

I knew there had to be a great blues album on the list, and "Hoochie Coochie Man" by Muddy was there. Great choice, as there are some classic tracks on there that are still being covered today. Overall definately some variety, and I loved the selections of Coltrane and the Allman Brothers.

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Good, now let's work on getting Straight Outta Compton in there. It had at least as much impact as Fear of a Black Planet.

I agree with whoever said It Takes a Nation of Millions should have been the pick.

Thanks, syco. jstarr2k3, pleastameetcha.

As far as Straight Outta Compton goes...I'd be shocked as hell if that one ever gets archived. Imagine the fucking protests when someone brings up enshrining the album that contains "Fuck tha Police." The Library would be condemned for "condoning violence on police" or something. Great album, great impact on society, but that impact would be seen as totally negative in a setting like this. No branch of the U.S. government would touch that recording with a ten-foot pole when it comes to dishing out honors or "preserving for future generations."

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