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What do you want in your next gen console?


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So I've seen the coverage, I've read the threads, and do you know what has struck me? I just don't care. To me the look of a console is superfluous, ducks falling into a sink doesn't float my boat, nor does graphics that aren't even real time.

I've realised I'm not fussed about which console has the potential for the best graphics. I don't care which console will have the best graphics. All I want is the console which will provide me with the most joy and fits in with what I'm after in a console, which is multiple uses, a low price and most importantly fun!

I originally thought it would be an easy decision. The Revolution would be more than ample. However I'm scared, I'm very scared. It seems to me all of the next gen of consoles are looking to make BB essential to getting the most out of them. I don't have BB nor do I see myself having it for at least the next 3 years. This is making me rethink getting one of the next gen consoles. I'll feel cheated and jaded if 90% of the game is geared to being played online. For those that have BB it's excellent, for those of us without it, we're being left behind.

I was going to discuss games, but since it seems as if as of yet there basically are no games there is little point. We can have a peeing contest over which 30% completed game looked better, or which console is home to the better franchises. But all this makes me want to do is yawn. Until there are completed games for the consoles I'm reserving judgement.

I've realised that frames per second matters more to me than graphics. If Perfect Dark ran smoother, and if the other N64 games were quicker I would be quite content with an N64. As such I'm looking for more than which console has the most under its bonnet. If I'm to pay a crap load of money for a next gen system I want things that will make my life more complete outside of the gaming experience.

I want things like the touted hard drive recorder that is meant to be in the X-box 360. In short I want things that I would like to buy but don't have the money for. It's the same reason as why I got a PS2. I couldn't convince my fiancée that whatever the hell I spent on it was a good investment for a games machine, but it suddenly became a lot more attractive when I pointed out we wouldn't need to buy a DVD player, which at the time was only around $100 cheaper than the console.

I myself now feel the same way, I'm not going to spend close to $1000 just to play games, I'm a busy lad, I played the PS2 for the first time in at least a month yesterday and since completing RE4 a couple of weeks ago the NGC has been collecting dust.

As far as I'm concerned you can keep your specs, I want a console that has a variety of uses, a lowish price point relative to its uses, great gameplay and little else. I was just wondering what you people wanted?

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Good question, my new PopProm feud-mate.

It's a tough call for me as well; originally, way back when, I was leaning toward the Xbox, but when I realized it's internet access was broadband only, I leaned back towards the PS2. GTAIII and MGS2 pushed me over the edge and I got it. I later bought an Xbox and a Gamecube, but I digress.

What am I looking for in a console?

Quite simply, longevity. Xbox360 doesn't come out until late this year, PS3 and N-Rev aren't coming out until next year; so basically I'm not buying any system until 2007.


Well, I could buy them at launch for a hefty sum...estimation of $400, but that's just a wild guess, really.

If I wait a year or so I can:

Compare multiplatform games.

See what systems are getting the good games first, and which ones are waiting in line for ports.

Probably get it for half the release price...a bit more if I opt for a bundle package.

So to recap, I can take a shot in the dark as to which one will be the dominant console and spend $400, not including any games (which rumors are floating about will go up in price to around $60-$70)...or I can wait a year and get a console I know will have good games and will last a few years (dodging any errors in the system's build, i.e. Disc Read Errors in PS2's) AND a handful of games for the same price.

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I'll probably end up getting a Revolution first and then a PS3 after I have worked my arse off. The games on Nintendo I prefer because they seem to have more fun multiplayer stuff and I will get a PS3 for one player games like Metal Gear etc. Its the way I do things. I prefer fun multiplayer games you can play with mates over most other games except FM.

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Guest Grapehead

I'll probably end up getting a Revolution first and then a PS3 after I have worked my arse off. The games on Nintendo I prefer because they seem to have more fun multiplayer stuff and I will get a PS3 for one player games like Metal Gear etc. Its the way I do things. I prefer fun multiplayer games you can play with mates over most other games except FM.

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A toaster.

Think about it, eat and play. Sit on the shitter and you never have to move.

Seriously i'm not sure if i'm going to get one (If I do I don't know which now), i've been playing video games less and less. The only games I play recently are Football Manager and Pro Evo 4. Sometimes I have another blast at Ninja Gaiden, but before yesterday my X-Box hadn't been touched in 6 weeks.

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Guest strongarm85

If you guys don't have Broad Band yet I would seriously consider getting it. Its not nearly as expensive as it used to be, and if you get cable your basicly looking at $25 a month extra for it, which is still prety cheap considering all the extra bandwidth you get and the fact that the cheapest phone service around right now is still around $10 and probably wont be getting any cheaper.

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Guest strongarm85

Once you get to PS3 quality there realy isn't a whole lot of room left to improve. I don't see this as being the final console generation but with the graphics PS3 is capable of turning out I don't see too many more in the future.

Nintendo is baisicly banking 100% on their hand helds at this point and I imagine thats where they'll end up. I predict that Revolution will flop since it can't handle the graphics that 360 and PS3 can. They are more or less just billing themselves now as the "Cheaper Alternative" which is what Nintendo is going to be reduced to if they do manage to survive. Basicly PS3 becomes the Lexus of the Gamming consoles, and X-box 360 becomes the Honda of the gamming consolse. And where dose that leave Nintendo? Quite simply it leaves Nintendo as the Kia of the gamming Console.

Don't get me wrong, Kias are good cars, but they arn't very expensive. Nintendo Revolution will be a good system, but it wont be the best system, and it sertainly wont be as expensive. Rrying to compare Revolution to the PS3 is like comparing a Kia to a Lexus.

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You can use a mouse on the ps2. I was curious to see if my wireless mouse could workw ith GT4 and it did. It didnt improve my gameplay, but it was worth a try.

EDIT - The point of this post was to say that if it has USB ports, then it should be compatable with USB keyboards and mousessss'sss. Or something.

Edited by MDK
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