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Without A Doubt: The WORST Diary EVER

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Didn't Troy say it wasn't VR?  Either way, it hasn't been revealed yet.

*sigh...* Actually, that's a thought. What if Kriss is told he is to meet Vince Russo, and he thinks it's the EWB one, and attacks without looking and floors the real Vince Russo! (¬_¬)

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Funny stuff.  Don't like the use of all the smilies though.

As Cade pointed out, the use of the smilies is deliberate. Kriss would do that no matter how much he denied it. And Ralphus......well Ralphus doesn't do much other than drool so.....

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Yeah I remember Kandi man having that smiley on his sig before below his 'indy warz' thingy...yep.....yep.

Damn the suspense is killing me..somebody throw me a footbal!! *a football thrown to him..on his groin...he squirms to the ground* Ouch :(

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I think it was, but Troy said something about being busy with his job at the moment. Maybe hes forgotten about us....


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No I haven't

I just didn't have time to save Chapter 9 before the closure of 3 and thus have to re-type it.

With my work I haven't had time that's all

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....sorry Troy.


We was only kidding! Take your time with it, it'll be better when it's done properly. I can't really remember Chapter 9 anyway, so it'll be good when it gets put up.

*Regrets doubting Troy*

Edited by Kaneanite
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Chapter 9: Kandi gets a group and a name

A few days later, our three heroes walked into Titan Towers having been called in to meet their new partner. The stable name would also be revealed. As they arrived Brian was once again waiting for them.

Brian: Hey guys. Glad you made it, well the suspence must be killing you huh? I bet you can't wait to find out who your partner is right?

Kriss: :wub:

Ralphus: user posted image

Brian: That's the enthusiasim I like to see. Well I have to let you in on a secret, you're actually getting two partners. Well the more the merrier right? I think you're gonna like this. Still want to know right?

Kriss: :wub:

Ralphus: user posted image

Brian: Well to explain it all. I have to tell you about my thinking ok? You see the working title for your little stable creation was the "Kandi Klan" but you see I thought a little differently, you see Kriss you're the ringleader, you were the one that formed the group. You were forming your very own stable. A........posse if you will. Thank God Shane was still talking to them man otherwise we were in a load of strife. *suddenly there's a knock at the door* Ahh there they are now. Come on in and see your new partners.

Kriss: :wub:

Ralphus: user posted image

I really don't need to tell you who the new partners are do I? Please give a huge Kandi welcome to the newest members of the Kandi Klan.




Kandi, Ralphus, Rodney, Pete Gas. The team of the NEW Millenium.

Brian: So what do you think guys? Pretty impressive huh?

Kriss: :wub:

Ralphus: user posted image

Brian: Hey no need to thank me guys. It's my job to make sure you guys get over here in the WWE. Speaking of which we've got your new name. You see "The Kandi Klan"? That ain't gonna move merchandise guys. So as you remember we ran a poll on our website and got the fans to suggest names for your new stable. Well we got a beauty for you guys. Hell not even I could've thought it up. Well are you ready to find out?

Kriss: :wub:

Ralphus: user posted image

Rodney: :huh:

Pete Gas: :unsure:

Brian: Well without further adieu I will christen you with your new name. Pete Gas, Rodney, Ralphus and Kandiman. Individually you are just a member of a greater cog. Together you are.......THE KANDI SHOPPE!Now THAT'S a name that'll move merchandise. You guys work hard together and we'll make sure you get the push you deserve

Coming up: The Posse gets re-introduced and will the Kandi Shoppe work as a unit?

So they are the nine chapters so far. The person who came up with the Kandi Shoppe in case you wondered was Psicosis, you see Kaneanite almost stole the show early with his suggestion of Kandi-Cap. But the more I thought of the Kandi Shoppe the more I was sold on it, it's just stupid enough to make me think the WWE would use it. So I never got to finish things with Psicosis before # closed. However I know he's on the boards. So Psicosis, in the next day or two I'll PM you with the stats I need. And for the rest sit tight and your Kandi fix will be here will all new chapters.

In other words more of the same crappy writing I've had passing off as a lame comedy diary on a subject we all know is just cheap heat material. At least I admit it

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Guest UmpireAJS

What wrong did Joey Abs commit? he would have been a perfect addition for the Kandi Shoppe, hehe great stuff though... Chapter 21, Kandi Shoppe vs WWE- Takeover match with Kandi vs HHH for the World Title , LOL!

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What wrong did Joey Abs commit? he would have been a perfect addition for the Kandi Shoppe, hehe great stuff though... Chapter 21, Kandi Shoppe vs WWE- Takeover match with Kandi vs HHH for the World Title , LOL!

Joeys sin was being an actual wrestler, thus eliminating him from any consideration in this diary.

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The Kandi-shoppe! Thats what it was! Not as good as Kandicap, but....*claps hands*

So this is us up to date now, right? Great, now we can see how Kandi does with the Mean Street Posse on his side! Still haven't managed to figure out who could have phoned Sprules other then VR. At first I was thinking Kobra, but theres no real reason for that other than the fact that he's one of the major guys at EWB. Then again I wasn't around for the Kandi-phenomenom, so I don't really know who else had a major beef with him. This is where it starts to get interesting, as we now get to see what Psicosis does to Kandiman. I love the way MSP react, completely clueless! This is without a doubt, my favourite diary right now, and I'm eagerly anticipating the next chapter. Keep up the great work Troy!

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Damn new readers, trying to take my No1 Fan spot.....user posted image

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