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RAW 2005

Guest The Real Deal

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I think this diary has a lot of potential and I'm looking foward to more shows.

Positives: I like the cockiness that Murray has, hopefully this leads to a confrontation with someone with some power in the lockerroom. I also like the pictures and the updates are pretty cool. Glad to see your keeping signings on the realistic side, and good to have Nowinski coming back.

Negatives: Get rid of the small font please, it's hard to read. Todd Grisham, I just hate him so that's not your fault. Conway jobbing to Masters, you had me so ready for a Conway push too. Also Heat was very detailed but I'm with Colt, I think it's a waste of your time to devoute so much to a B show, I'd rather see RAW sooner and have Heat be very brief.

I'm be reading and I'm interested to see where you take this.

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Guest Michael Louis

Simon Dean & Maven- La Resistance= stale. Maven= awesome, Dean= awesome.

Muhammad Hassan- Jericho has had the title seven times. Enough said.

Kane- By DQ naturally. It wouldn't be fair if Mr. Money In The Bank lost cleanly here.

Shawn Michaels- It's not Christian's time to get a win over HBK here. Especially on a non PPV event.

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Guest The Real Deal

WWE RAW Results

Location - Toyota Center, Houston, Texas.

Announcers - Jim Ross & Jerry "The King" Lawler

WWE RAW opens up with a video highlight package at the current events circulating the brand. Lita poses happily in the ring with Edge as Kane cries a tear of solitude and pain. Triple H slapping Batista about and then demanding he meets him in a hell in a cell match at Badd Blood.

Jim Ross - Welcome to RAW and we're just under a week away from Badd Blood!

Jerry Lawler - A week away JR I cannot wait!

Jim Ross - After the previous incident between Triple H and Batista both men will meet up for the third time this year and this time it'll kick off in a hell in a cell.

Jerry Lawler - The look on your face JR when Hunter's music played it was a one off moment haha.

Jim Ross - Coming up in the show we have a number one contendership match for the Intercontinental title when Muhammad Hassan will meet 7 time Intercontinental champion Chris Jericho in a cage!

Jerry Lawler - There has been a cloud of uncertainty between Shelton, Muhammad and Jericho over the last few weeks and hopefully at Badd Blood the lid will be sealed.

--Time To Shine?--

The music of Simon Dean kicks off the show. Simon comes out accompanied by Maven who follows him remotely. Simon struts down the ramp looking disgruntled and unhappy. Maven stomps down the ramp eager to get under way. Simon grabs a mic from a shocked Lillian and says to her "its not my fault you're huge"

Simon Dean - Wow...wow...wow....lets get this straight Mr. Bischoff. Me and Maven here have to go against La Resistance? That is a complete and utter travesty. Me and Maven have ALL the creditentials to be your world tag team champions and yet we get hardly any recognition?

Maven nods his head in agreement.

Simon Dean & Maven Vs La Resistance

Simon is interupted by the thunderous music of La Resistance. Rob and Sylvain come out waving their flags in the air to their hearts content.

Maven accepts to go in first against Conway who sells The Masterlock superbly. Both men lock up and Maven takes advantage of the "injured" Conway by taking him over with a northern lights suplex. Conway cries out in agony as Simon Dean laughs in his corner in a sarcastic manner. Maven delivers a few well placed boots to the ribs before grabbing Conway by the head and dragging him up, Maven hits an European uppercut and then follows up with a backdrop into a pin for a 2 count. Sylvain has his hand out anticipating the tag as Conway slowly crawls to his corner but Maven drags him back before locking in a knee lock. Maven tags out to Simon who quickly delivers more boots. Simon picks up Conway and backs him into the corner, Simon goes at the midsection with a few punches and follows up with a kick. Simon walks back and poses before running at Conway who moves out of the way and dives to Sylvain getting in the tag. Sylvain runs at Simon taking him out with a clothesline and following up with a body drop onto Maven, Sylvain picks up Maven and hits a few punches before laying him out onto the canvas with a spinebuster. But Simon crouches up behind Sylvain and delivers a lowblow for a roll up..1.....2......3.

Winner at 14:56 - Simon Dean & Maven

67% 68% 66%

Jim Ross - Simon Dean disgusts me!

Jerry Lawler - It seems as if his patent "Simon System" is working for Maven eh?

Jim Ross - Well I dunno about that now.

--Commercial Break--

--Fair Demands--

Simon Dean - You seen what we just done..we totally demolished La Resistance.

Simon cockily nods to Maven.

Simon Dean - Who can stop us?

The camera turns to Eric Bischoff who is sitting in a chair with a smile on his face.

Eric Bischoff -Lets all calm down here Simon. Yes I witnessed your cheating but I am surprised that someone as wrapped up, maybe I should change my wording here. You's two impressed me, im not going to lie so how about we cut to the chase? Badd Blood is this Sunday, the world tag team championships will be on the line when The Hurricane & Rosey take on you two.

Simon Dean interupts.

Simon Dean - Alright boss!

Simon and Maven slap hands before hugging each other.

Eric Bischoff - AND La Resistance!

Simon Dean - WHAT?

Eric Bischoff - You heard me.

Simon Dean - But...but...Eric they don't even deserve a shot.

Eric Bischoff - Take it or leave it.

Simon instructs Maven to leave with him. Simon opens the door and points back at Bischoff.

Simon Dean - We're still going to win....and.....YOU NEED TO GO ON A DIET!


(Back in the arena)

Jim Ross - Another match added to Badd Blood and boy its shaping up to be a hectic card.

Jerry Lawler - Certainly JR but to make it more complete and sophisticated Bischoff should add puppies and lots of them.

--Big Red Destruction--

A video is played of the situation involving Kane, Edge and Lita it ends with a cryptic message from Kane..


"Destruction is my friend"

--Commercial Break--

The cage has been lowered and Muhammad Hassan has already entered the ring. He grips the side of the cage and shakes it trying to prepare himself for the challange that awaits him. Khosrow shouts in to Muhammad telling him he should think clear and take Jericho as he attacks. The countdown begins..

"3.......2.....1....*Pyros go off* "BREAK THE WALLS DOWN"

The fans erupt as Jericho appears on screen with his arms outstretched in the air. He turns round and shouts insults at Muhammad who goes off the ropes repeatedly.

Cage Match - Intercontinental Title Number One Contendership - Muhammad Hassan Vs Chris Jericho

The cage door is locked and Jericho takes it to Muhammad with punches that don't connect, Muhammad takes down Jericho with a kick to the knee before locking him into a sleeper trying to work him down. Jericho fights back however and manages to get back onto one foot, he rams his elbow into Muhammad before jumping up, going off the rope and missing a clothesline however he goes off the ropes again and this time connects with a flying body press. Jericho gets up and rams his knee into Muhammad's face before picking him up and flinging him into the corner. Jericho attacks Muhammad like a mad man with punches flying everywhere but Muhammad takes him off his guard with a thumb to the eye.

Muhammad delivers a wild forum before going off the ropes and hitting a running neckbreaker for a cover but he only manages to get a 1 count. Muhammad picks up Jericho and clips him with his elbow on purpose. Jericho staggers backwards, Muhammad grabs Jericho by the hair and launches him into the cage as Khosrow screams with joy. Jericho falls back and Muhammad hits a german suplex bridge....1.....2....kick out. Muhammad and hits a powerful blow to the side of the head before placing Jericho down onto the canvas with a scoop slam. Muhammad goes to the top rope and comes off with a picture perfect elbow drop for a cover...1.....2....3.

Winner at 16:23 - Muhammad Hassan


The music of Hassan plays once again as he stumbles out of the cage. Khosrow allows Muhammad to lean up against him simultaneously raising his arm in the air as they walk up the ramp.

--Commercial Break--

--Captain Charisma Indeedo--

Christian walks backstage closely followed by Tyson Tomko. They turn a corner and walk straight into Edge who has his arm placed firmly around Lita.

Captain Charisma - Wow!

Edge glances at Christian before speaking..

Edge - Wow?

Captain Charisma - Wow...yes WOW!

Lita looks up at Edge before looking back at Christian.

Lita - Do you have a problem?

Edge - Its alright babe I can handle this. Anyway what IS your problem?

Captain Charisma - Captain Charisma's problem is that his brother and former tag team partner has turned from a complete cool down to earth guy to some crazy teenager acting like she's first found her set.

Edge - Heh, I've been portrayed to new heights something I obviously couldn't with you following me about.

Captain Charisma - Its quite obvious I ruled and reeked of awesomeness far more so than your stinking butt!

Edge - Well we can sort this out right now then?

A scuffled emerges before Tyson comes between the two and grabs Edge by the collar.

Tyson - Get out of here!

Lita resorts to stopping Edge from furthering the confrontation.


--Badd Blood Issues--

We head back to the arena where RAW general manager Eric Bischoff is located in the ring with a microphone in hand.

Eric Bischoff - In just 6 days our worlds heavyweight champion Batista will defend his world title in most likely the trickiest of situations...the HELL IN A CELL! The hell in a cell has made careers and ended them. Kevin Nash last year could not dethrone Triple H who back then held the prestigious title that Batista comfortably holds up in the air week in week out. We have found the man that will take on Shelton Benjamin in a ladder match. Yeah you heard me a ladder match for the Intercontinental title. Shelton Benjamin the champ defending his gold against Muhammad Hassan, a 3 way tag team elimination match for the world tag team titles between Rosey & The Hurricane, Simon Dean and Maven and lastly La Resistance. But lets get onto other matters, you see, as I sat there backstage at my desk believing that I the genius that I am..believing that Badd Blood wasn't finished I needed something extra in order to shape it up. With all this commotion going around between Christian and Tyson Tomko I've decided that Tyson Tomko will be at Badd Blood and he will be taking on Chris Jericho. Edge you still hold that money in the bank match but due to a request from Kane believe me you will want to hold on to that contract even tighter as not only that but Lita will be on the line...In the second EVER love her or leave her match / money in the bank contract on the line, Edge you will be going up against the big red machine...KANE...Situations need to be drastically taken by the reigns and I have done for you all, with this brand draft coming up I have decided to get back at Theodore Long and at Badd Blood you all shall see a 4 way immunity match. The winner will be saved from being put into the lottery and shall stay here on RAW, the challangers? Well they'll be none other than Chris Benoit, Randy Orton, Gene Snitsky and last but not least Lance Storm. And to get things going tonight in our RAW main event we will have Triple H going toe to toe against Chris Benoit.


Jim Ross - BAH GAWD King! A 4 way immunity match at Badd Blood..

Jerry Lawler - Kane...Edge....money in the bank...love her or leave her...This is absolutly breath taking..

--Commercial Break--

Edge's theme music begins to play and out he comes, carrying the briefcase like a crazed animal holding his prey. Lita walks in line with him and ignores the fans that bring up yet another "You screwed Matt" chant. The pyros go off and the place erupts as Kane makes his way down the ramp filled with hate and a passion to get one back on Edge. Edge slides out of the ring as Kane steps over the top rope and stares briefly at Lita laughing like a mad man.

Kane Vs Edge

They lock up but Kane immediately hits an uppercut followed by another and a kick to the midsection. Kane hits a club to back before whipping Edge off the ropes who comes back and slides under Kane's legs. Kane goes to grab him but Edge goes off the ropes behind him and hits a bulldog on the big man. Kane manages to get back to his feet and turns round to meet a spinning heel kick from Edge but Kane only staggers backwards, he ties up with Edge again before forcing him into the corner, Kane whips Edge into the opposite Turnbuckle before running and hitting a splash as Edge falls forward. Kane picks up Edge and drags him outside of the ring, he rams Edge's head into the barrier before picking him up into a gorilla press slam before dropping him chest first onto the unforgiving barrier below.

Kane walks away leaving Edge down on the padded floor struggling to breath. Kane lifts the top off of the steps and laughs at Edge who begs for forgiveness and for Kane not to go through with it but Kane doesn't see his way of thinking and rams the steel steps into Edge..

The bell is rung.

Winner at 8:34 - Edge via disqualification


But Kane continues and picks up Edge before chokeslamming him onto the padded floor, he lays in the stomps before lifting him up by the hair and ramming him once again into the barrier. The crowd go wild as Kane reaches for a chair at ringside, he places the chair around Edge's foot but Lita runs over and attempts to stop him. Kane stalks Lita but Edge manages to tackle Kane, Kane turns round and grabs Edge by the hair before bashing his head against the turnbuckle. Kane continues to stalk Lita the whole way up the ramp as the scene ends.

--Main Event Hype--

A video is played hyping up the main event for this evening between Triple H and Chris Benoit.


--Badd Blood--

Another video is played this time hyping up Badd Blood which is on pay per view this coming Sunday.


--Commercial Break--

--I want to stay--

We head backstage once again this time Gene Snitsky has the attention of Eric Bischoff.

Gene Snitsky - I want to stay here....on...RAW!

Eric Bischoff - And you will Gene if you manage to win the immunity match at Badd Blood.

Gene slowly walks around Eric's office.

Gene Snitsky - But.....Lance....he...he cheats!

Eric Bischoff - Look at you Gene...Whats to stop you defeating Storm?

Gene Snitsky - ......NOTHING!

Eric Bischoff - That's right, go out and do me proud and win that match this Sunday and I'll promise you big things in return.

Gene Snitsky - ..ex...cellent!


(Back in the arena)

Jim Ross - We're back here on RAW, Jim Ross alongside Jerry "The King" Lawler and Jerry its this Sunday...the hell in a cell match...Batista the worlds heavyweight champion going one on one against Triple H.

Jerry Lawler - Im hyped for it JR I really am, we know how dominate HHH has been in hell in a cell's he last lost one at Armageddon against 5 other men, but since then he's defeated Mick Foley, Kevin Nash in that cell.

Jim Ross - But all due respect to the big man, the man that has dominated RAW. We seen what he done to Muhammad Hassan and Khosrow last week on RAW. Batista is an animal on a rage.

Christian Vs Shawn Michaels

First out is Christian accompanied by the man that will take on Jericho at Badd Blood, Tyson Tomko. "Im just a sexy boy" plays over this time signalling an end to Christian's entrance, HBK comes out to a rather loud pop. Shawn twirls around before going down on one knee and doing his usual on the ramp pose as the pyros go off behind him.

Usual lock up, HBK takes advantage by reversing the attempted headlock and hitting an arm wringer followed by a clothesline, Christian however gets back up and locks up again but HBK forces him back down to the canvas with a takedown followed by a few punches to the head. HBK poses for the crowd and awaits Christian, Christian delivers a sneaky lowblow before lifting HBK up into a running powerbomb for a cover...1....2.....arm up.

Christian derates the referee's decision. Christian goes back to working on HBK. Christian drags HBK into the center of the ring before hitting a snap suplex followed by another and another for a cover..1.....2...kick out once again. Christian pounds the matt and shouts "this is a disgrace" to the referee.

Another tie up and it see's Christian delivering a knee to the midsection followed up by a backbreaker and a leg drop. Tyson Tomko threatens the referee who takes no notice and continues to officiate the contest.

HBK, now standing on his feet delivers punches to Christian who returns them back and forwards until HBK manages to take the lead with a cheap poke to the eye followed by a legsweep. A loud HBK chants becomes hearable, HBK goes to the top rope and comes off with a picture perfect elbow drop. Tyson Tomko jumps up onto the apron, the referee warns him to get down. Meanwhile HBK notices the situation and goes for a sweet chin music but Tyson grabs the referee who is near by and he ends up hitting the ref.

Tyson steps into the ring and slogs it out with HBK, suddenly Mark Henry runs down from the back and clobbers Shawn Michaels from behind, Tyson whips him into the turnbuckle and Mark runs at him hitting a giant splash. Christian, now on his feet hits his unprettier for the count....1.............2...........3

Winner at 14:23 - Christian


--Commercial Break--

--I want SEX!--

We head backstage where The Coach is standing alongside Mark Henry.

The Coach - Mark..everyone is amazed at your actions on "HBK" Shawn Michaels..why did you do it?

Mark wipes the sweat from his head before grabbing Coach by the scruff of the neck.

Mark - Why I went about it eh? Shawn Michaels struts around backstage as if he's God's gift. He's forgot that im God's gift...sexual chocolate Mark Henry right here baby! Shawn you can forget about all the young ladies out there, they're chanting "Sexual...Sexual...Sexual" over and over and over again..They want to see me show my stuff. So that's why!! That's why this Sunday it's going to be me...versus Shawn Michaels in "Wine them dine them get them to say I love you hunny" with the winner getting a $5,000 reward. The rules are quite simple Shawn, bed any diva and get them to say "I love you hunny" and the winner receives $5,000 and the name "Mr. Sexual"...OH YEAH!


(Back in the arena)

Jerry Lawler - Hahahaha..wine them dine them get them to say I love you hunny contest?

Jim Ross - Im at a loss for words..Will Shawn accept?

Jerry Lawler - Oh I bet he will...I bet he will.

Jim Ross - Coming up next folks..its our main event. Can The Game, Triple H edge off Chris Benoit?

"Time to play the game". Out struts Triple H with a watter bottle in hand. He takes a drink before strutting on down past the fans at ringside, he gets up onto the apron and spits the water out of his mouth and into the crowd. Next is his opponent and the man that made him tap at Wrestlemania 20, Chris Benoit. Benoit, calmly walks down the ramp slapping the hands of various selected fans.

Triple H Vs Chris Benoit

Both men start the contest with a lock up, Triple H takes control of the situation with a wild right hand followed up by another and then a knee to the head combo. Hunter whips Benoit in off the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Benoit ducks and puts the breaks on. Hunter turns round to meet a few punches from Benoit followed by a belly to belly suplex. Benoit and Hunter both get up at the same time, Hunter with another attempt at a clothesline this time it catches. Both men down, they slowly get to their feet. Another lock up and this time its Benoit that gains control with a german suplex into a roll up for a quick 2 count. Hunter manages to fight Benoit off. Hunter beats Benoit into the corner and hits 2 chops as the crowd *wooooooooo* around the arena, Benoit reverses it and hits numerous chops onto HHH as the crowd *woooooooo* again.

Benoit rams HHH's head against the turnbuckle and goes for a backdrop but Hunter is able to fight out of the hold and hits a full nelson slam for a cover..1...2...arm up.

Ric Flair struts down to ringside and gains the attention of the referee but the match continues. The match is overshadowed this time as Batista makes his way out going to the opposite side of the ramp. Benoit hits another fun punches but HHH hits a spinebuster for a cover. Flair grabs onto Hunter's leg to strengthen the pin..1.....2.......Batista slides into the ring but the referee orders him to get out whilst Benoit turns round Flair sprays something into his eyes, Benoit turns round to a gretting from HHH which is a kick to the gut followed by the pedigree for a cover..1....2....3.

Winner at 13:08 - Triple H


After the bout Hunter and Batista engage in a few words to a massive stare down to cap off the RAW leading into Badd Blood.

Edited by The Real Deal
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Guest The Real Deal

user posted image

WWE RAW Presents Badd Blood 2005 - Final Card

World Tag Team Titles

Rosey & The Hurricane © Vs Simon Dean & Maven Vs La Resistance

Wine them dine them. I love you hunny Contest

Mark Henry Vs Shawn Michaels

Tyson Tomko Vs Chris Jericho

Immunity Match

Chris Benoit Vs Randy Orton Vs Gene Snitsky Vs Lance Storm

WWE Intercontinental Title - Ladder Match

Shelton Benjamin © Vs Muhammad Hassan

Love Her Or Leave Her / Money In The Bank Contract On the line

Kane Vs Edge

World Heavyweight Title - Hell in a cell

Batista © Vs Triple H

Edited by The Real Deal
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World Tag Team Titles

Rosey & The Hurricane © Vs Simon Dean & Maven Vs La Resistance

Wine them dine them. I love you hunny Contest

Mark Henry Vs Shawn Michaels

Tyson Tomko Vs Chris Jericho

Immunity Match

Chris Benoit Vs Randy Orton Vs Gene Snitsky Vs Lance Storm

WWE Intercontinental Title - Ladder Match

Shelton Benjamin © Vs Muhammad Hassan

Love Her Or Leave Her / Money In The Bank Contract On the line

Kane Vs Edge

World Heavyweight Title - Hell in a cell

Batista © Vs Triple H

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Guest The Real Deal

Im wondering here guys because I have 1 major show done and hardly any build up.

Should I write detailed results for Badd Blood or a recap?

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Detailed, it is part of the story archive of your diary. Also, that font you use for writing shows is horrible. Also, a request to those posting feedback, it is nice to give RD a reason why you think that person is going to win, was it somethign he did, something he wrote well. Don't just copy, paste and then bold.

I'll add a review of RAW in here at a later date. (Y)

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