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Okay, has anybody found that when they added songs via a CD-RW onto their hard drive, that the games they later play get stopped within 5-10 minutes due to "dirty disc errors"?

If so, what do I do afterwards to fix it? Or should I just sell it and forget I ever had it?

EDIT: I know it'll be hard to understand what I'm saying, but I'm just so mad right now that I don't have much time to correct myself.

Edited by TheROC-Revolt
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Um. Are you saying that you burned some CDs with your CD-Rewriter, put the music on them into the Xbox and then your games won't play after this?

As far as I know, only modded Xboxes recognize burned CDs as genuine and will copy the music onto the hard drive. If I could do that, my whole hard drive would be music probably.

All I can recommend is turning the Xbox off at the front AND the back, turning the power off then power on, back swich on and then turn the Xbox back on at the front. If it doesn't work you might try and use one of those DVD cleaner things. Like this: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...e&s=electronics.

If your Xbox is modded, you're pretty fucked.

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All I can recommend is turning the Xbox off at the front AND the back, turning the power off then power on, back swich on and then turn the Xbox back on at the front. If it doesn't work you might try and use one of those DVD cleaner things. Like this: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...e&s=electronics.

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All I can recommend is turning the Xbox off at the front AND the back, turning the power off then power on, back swich on and then turn the Xbox back on at the front. If it doesn't work you might try and use one of those DVD cleaner things. Like this: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...e&s=electronics.

Umm, only the PS2 has one of those switches at the front and the back.

And Gongzun, I have the Samsung drive, when has been said to be either a very reliable drive or a drive that doesn't play CD-Rs.

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