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Extreme Championship Wrestling. What cant be said about it? It was a revolution of Wrestling. One that will never be forgotten by Wrestling Fans...

It's been, it's gone, it's returned..and its once again disappeared...it was no doubt that final show of ECW was memorable to say the least...

so lets take time to say goodbye to ECW..

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...........But with every door that closes, another one opens, and one night stand didn't just awaken the ECW fan inside of us all, if it had ever left, it also awakened others, ones silenced during the era of attitude. These men watched with greedy eyes as the money rolled in for one night stand...and one of these men, was Tony Andolloni.

While he may look stupid, dont be percieved by looks. This man is consumed with greed. A buck saved here, a buck saved here. It all matters to a man, whose heart is as black as his. Lets put this way...when it comes down to it, even loyalty is expendable where money is concerned.

It all starts with the EGW's very own last night stand...it's one last breath.

Domini Patris, Et Filis, et Spiritu Sanctus, Amen.

Edited by DaveKOTW
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Tony Andolloni Interview w/ Interviewer Eric B - Transcript from Digital Radio

Eric - People, it's time to introduce you to a name whom you may have heard recently, although I doubt it, Tony Andolloni

Tony A - Morning

Eric - So Mr Andolloni...

Tony A - Call me Tony

Eric - ok Tony........ you're former Wrestling Federation owner...

Tony A - yes

Eric - EGW I beleive..

Tony A - Thats correct

Eric - Went bankrupt about 3 years ago now..

Tony A - thats correct

Eric - So tell me, we invited you here today becasue we understand you are resurfacing that federation for a one night stand similar to that of ECW, is that correct?

Tony A - Yep

Eric - Why did you decide to resurface for one night?

Tony A - Well its not like we're becoming a company once again. What we are doing is making the most of a marketable niche in the market. From the high sales of the ECW PPV, it shows that the WWE is no longer perfect and that you can bank money on this

Eric - So thats your main ambission..to make money?

Tony A - Eric, money is the blood that runs through the veins of the earth. Money is important. Look at Vince McMahon. With his billions, he can buy out his competion.

Eric - Some would argue he had the better product...

Tony A - Well some people no shit Eric. Let me tell you this..Vince McMahon is the "big Dog" in the Wrestling "yard" at the moment. But every dog eventually barks up the wrong true. And while Paul Heyman and all the other pussies that are currently working for Vince McMahon or making deals with him have no bite, this dog definately does. If Vince McMahon thinks he can make money out of other peoples work, then so can I..and thats nuff said on that topic.

ok...so Tony, have you decided a final card for this up and coming PPV

Tony A - For a matter of fact I have Eric. There will be 5 matches. 1 Tag Team Match and Four Standard EGW Rules Matches...

Eric - EGW rules pfft

Tony A - Have you got a problem with my product Eric? Because if you do, I can do the same to you that I did to the Disciple and other members of the EGW that decided to cross the boss. They got wacked!

Eric - Whose main eventing the show?

Tony A - Nothing has been completely finalised just yet but I believe it's going to be the tag team match. Cypher and Big Danny G vs. The Freaks of Nature, Kume Hiroshi and Malice!

Eric - Love the names...

Tony A - Don't get smart with me!

Eric - So other than working on this revival, what has Tony Andolloni been up to?

Tony A - Watching lots of Porn and biding my time Eric. Waiting for that perfect moment to strike

Eric - You're comeback?

Tony A - You could say that...

Eric - Is it true that you applied for a job in the WWE a year ago?

Tony A - Applied for a job? Me? I don't apply for job's Eric. I am the money. You find me, not the other way around.

Eric - so the answer is...

Tony A - NO DAMN IT! NO!

Eric - ok, well we've got a word assocation thing to do Tony, do you mind taking part in that?

Tony A - Sure..Why not..and It's Mr Andolloni thank you!

Eric - but you said...


Eric - ok..and you know how it works?

Tony A - you say a name...I give a word what ever comes to mind...right? can we get on with this..I want to talk to your producer lady friend..

Eric - this is a full male production team...

Tony A - so whats the first name?

Eric - Paul Heyman

Tony A - Thief!

Eric - Vince McMahon

Tony A - jerk!

Eric - AJ Styles

Tony A - Wanted to come to my company!

Eric - Diva Search?

Tony A - Soft Porn for Children

Eric - nWo?

Tony A - great parody

Eric - Raw?

Tony A - The Triple H show

Eric - Smackdown?

Tony A - Weak..Very Weak

Eric - Thank you..everybody Tony Andolloni. And for all those interested in seeing the EGW Show, its in Ottawa, this coming Sunday. Prepare for it to be...


Eric - or at least rather entertaining...we return after the break..

End of transmission

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The Card

Lance Bentworth vs. Harry "Hazz" Harrison

Concrete vs. Keith Chambers (Only Circus Winner in EGW History)

Jamie Lemont vs. X-Rated Jason Rimes

Zarus (The last EGW Champion) vs. Painite

Main Event

Cypher and Big Dan (The 6 Time EGW Tag Team Champions) vs. Malice and 'The Sexual Predator' Kume Hiroshi

This Card maybe Subject to Change - We apologise for any convenience that this may cause

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EGW One Last Breath report

July 17th, 2005

Ottawa, ON.

Welcome to the theatre of dreams...well at least theatre of old ladies and people who have nothing better to do. EGW's last ever PPV, is brought to you live from the Convention Center Bingo Hall.....

The camera shoots over the hall. The hall is at 60% of its capacity, with approximately 120 people heading this event. The ring is empty. The announce table is empty. Fans await in baited breath..well, at least till their hot dogs cool down enough to start eating them.

Suddenly, the lights in the arena dim and the fans start to cheer and clap. The arena darkness eventual turns all sound to silence. Then 'One Last Breath' by Creed blares through the sound system and out come the commentators for todays show, the legendary Chester Torrance and Leonard Bloom who make their way over to their decorating/announce table for this PPV event.

Bloom - Ladies and Gentlemen, We are back. The EGW is back for One Last Breath. Chester I cant believe I'm here tonight..I never thought this would ever happen!

Torrance - I must say I am also suprised Leo. But you know what they say...whatever stops you from drinking your life away...

Bloom - That's a phrase?

Torrance - No you moron, evidently you haven't got any wiser in these last 3 years...

Bloom - Why are you always derogatory to me? This is a special night?

Torrance - A special night it is..a night that filled with special matches full of special people..haha yeah special..

Bloom - I have no idea why you were brought back here!

Torrance - I know why you were brought back here...ooh Mr Andolloni...oh please...stop..ooh haha.

Bloom - Shut up!

"I Am Loco" by Ill Nino blasts out of the PA system halting commentary conversation and lights flash round the entrance

Bloom - What the?

Torrance - I have No Idea...

At the entrance of the arena stands...CHAVO GUERRERO Snr. The fans cheer at the site of this Wrestling Legend. Chavo salutes some of the fans as he makes his way down to the ring, climbing and going immedietly for the microphone. Chavo grabs the mic and turns to the crowd as his music dies down.

Chavo Snr. - So......This is EGW?

some of the fans cheer at the cheap pop.

Chavo Snr. - So right now, I guess you all a wondering what a legend like me, a man who has achieved so much in his career, is doing in a dive like this

A section of the audience turn on Chavo after his disregard from the fed

Chavo Snr. - Ah What? You think because you have a special PPV, that is broadcasted on some crappy channels, you are a big federation. Red the title of your programmes, it's your finale!

Boos get thicker in the crowd

Chavo Snr. - IF you'd let me TALK. I'd get to the point. The reason I am here in this dive is through mutual hatred. Hatred for the McMahon family and the World Wrestling Entertainment company.

The fans in the audience remain disrespectful to Chavo although some become more patience through interest in the speach

Chavo Snr. - Entertainment? Sports Entertainment is what they call it! A mockery of the profession that I helped build. And how do they do this? Through Storylines. Storylines such as..Necrophilia. Storylines pushing racial hatred. Storylines making my son, Chavo Guerrero Jr, turning on his own ethnicity..why? because it's entertaining..No..But because it makes money. The WWE is nothing more than a cesspool of moral depravity. It disgusts me

Out of no where, 'EGW' Chants start in the arena and Chavo looks around like he's made some complementary comment about the federation

Chavo Snr. - The WWE has to be stopped. It has to be shown that immorality and bad taste is not something that should be marketed. That is Why, I, the WWE proclaimed "Chavo Classic" is going to go to Raw, go confront Chavo Jr, go and confront Eric Bischoff, hell if I have to confront Vince McMahon and I am going to show that just how much I feel about this...In the words of Paul Heyman, "DEATH TO SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT, DEATH, TO THE WWE"

All of a sudden 'Crimes' by A Perfect Circle blare out of the PA system. The fans know that music and begin to boo as out steps the self proclaimed 'Legend' Keith Chambers.

Bloom - I got a bad feeling about this...

Torrance - You always do. Just respect this guy Bloom, he's the Only Circus Wrestling Champion in the history of the business. You should be standing up and applauding his efforts.

Bloom - Why? He won a chocolate Gold Medal. That's hardly impressive...

Torrance - Have you seen the chocolate?

Bloom - No

Torrance - Then how do you know..

Bloom - It's got cadbury's on the front!!!!

Chambers, already carrying a microphone with him, looks up at the crowd smiling and then looks directly at Chavo classic, before continuing on his appraoch to the ring, talking

Chambers - Chavo Classic? What the hell is that? It sounds like the name of some old piece of scrap metal that the owner has got to attached to dump

Chavo looks at Chambers as he makes his way into the ring

Chambers - You seem very bitter Chavo. Very bitter. And I, an Ottawan Circus Champion, a Legend in the Wrestling Industry and most of all, a man who holds a WWE development deal at Ohio Valley Wrestling, cant understand why?...And then it hit me..

Chavo Snr. - Oh yeah, whats that?

Chambers - You're bitter because..The WWE Sacked you!

Chambers gets a lot of heat from the crowd as he smiles at the now more angry looking Chavo

Chambers - You said you were abducted? Hell Chavo, that was the worst excuse I've ever heard. Why didnt you say that you had hemmoroids, or that you were delayed through personal difficulties..but nooo, you said, you were abducted!

Chavo Snr. - Whats you're point Chambers?

Chambers - The point is, is that you are nothing but a jealous, washed up has-been who can't accept the fact that you lost yourself a contract, a once in a life time deal, and now you're stuck in this pile of crap. You dont give a damn about your son. All you give a damn about is your wallet, and that my friend, is true.

Chavo moves the microphone away from his mouth smiling slightly before moving it back?

Chavo Snr. - So you're Kurt Angle now?

Chambers - What?!

Chavo Snr. - I said, you consider yourself a Kurt Angle now, with your stupid little in ring outfit, with your stupid copied catch phrases, and you're stupid little medal!

The crowd cheer Chavo classic as Chambers looks angry at Chavo's comments

Chambers - Are you disrespecting my Circus Championship GOld Medal? You know, that tournament was in memory of Stu...

Chavo immedietly rips the medal off the neck of Chambers, and Chambers stands back in shock, the string ripping with real ease.

Chambers - What the hell are you doing?

Chavo Snr. - You know what Keith...

Chavo starting to rip off what looks like tin foil off the "medal"

Chavo Snr. - I just wanted to see how authentic this medal really is, mr Circus Champion winner

Chavo Guerrero Snr. Leaves the wrapping on the floor and sniffs the round circle object now bare of its wrapping

Chambers - Don't you dare Chavo...

Chavo Snr. - Dare? By doing what? This?

Chavo bites into the medal as the crowd cheer crazily, Keith Chambers holding his hands over his head

Chavo Snr. - Mmmh, this is Milk Choc........

Chambers clotheslines the head off of Chavo Classic Immediately knocking Chavo to the ground. Chambers screams on Chavo, "you shouldn't have done that you son of a bitch before rolling Chavo over and locks in what he calls, the Chamberlock (Modified Inverted Reverse Figure Four-Leglock Variation). Chavo screams in pain, taping to the ground as Chambers smiles almost in response to the pain Chambers is causing Chavo. Eventually, officials run down to the ring to stop the beat down but Chambers lets go. The crowd boo as Chambers raises his arms to the crowd, before climbing out of the ring.

Bloom - That Chambers is a sick son of a bitch! A sick son of a bitch who has a contract in the WWE too!

Torrance - Chavo Guerrero had it coming Leo. You don't eat another man's Gold medal and not expect to be punished. Chavo crossed the line and he got what he deserved!

Bloom - Well I hope that little bastard gets whats coming to him tonight!

Torrance - Against Concrete? Hell if that happens, I'll eat my hat

Bloom - You don't even have a hat!

Torrance - You'd think in 3 years, he'd improve his commentary beyond the poor standard during this companies so called finest hours..would improve

"No Brains" by Sum 41 blasts out of the PA System and the crowd cheer!

Bloom - Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time for our first match! He was firmly a fan favorite here in the EGW! It's Hazz Time

Torrance - Folks, if you've seen losers before. Forget them! This man is in a whole new league of its all.

Harry "Hazz" Harrison hits the ring wearing wearing knee cut denim shorts and a white shirt with holes in. Hazz slides into the ring before climbing the turnbuckle and raising his arms.

Bloom - Hazz weighs 198 lbs folks, and a whole lot of heart goes with that.

Torrance - For a man who is only 5'6, he's got talent. Well a little...some, but hey screw him, part of the real EGW diet is coming out any moment..

'Livewire' by Fozzy blasts out of the PA System and out steps, to the platform, 212lbs, 5'8, long brown hair, wearing black shorts and black tights with Bent in blue up both sides. Bent slides into the ring to and moves to the opposite side to Hazz

Bloom - This-self "rejuvinator" the Cruiserweight belt is as slick as they come folks!

Torrance - Bentworth was a cold hearted killer in EGW! Who could forget his actions under the barbarian order? Hell, even I was scared then...and thats why I love him

Bloom - You scare me Chester!

Hazz goes over to shake the hand of Bentworth but Bentworth rejects the handshake. The referee looks round to the ring man and the bell rings

Match 1

Harry "Hazz" Harrison Vs. Lance Bentworth

Hazz and Bentworth lock up straight away. Bentworth has the power over Hazz and drives him over to the corner. Bentworth chockes Hazz in the corner as Hazz drops in the corner. Bentworth turns around cocky only to get spun back from Hazz. Hazz sends some right hands the way of Bentworth, hit after hit before whipping him into the ropes and hitting a drop kick that connects on Bentworth. Hazz gets to his feet as so does Bentworth. Bentworth gets whipped into the ropes before being hit with an elbow to the face. Bentworth falls against the ropes checking his face for blood. Hazz goes back at Bentworth again with a few more right hands, hits that are audiably heard through the crowd before going for a whip into the opposite ropes. Hazz attempts for a second elbow to the face but Bentworth ducks the movement and locks up behind Hazz before hitting a belly to back suplex making a bridge for a pinfall attempt....1....2...Hazz kicks out quickly. Bentworth gets up to his knees and goes for a chinlock on Hazz, Hazz trying to get out of it. Hazz gets out to one knee trying to wriggle out of the head lock, then to both feet, before using the back of his leg to low blow. Bentworth to get out of the lock. Hazz turns around and goes for Bentworth but Bentworth rakse the eyes before hitting a second suplex, this time a belly to belly suplex. Bentworth climbs out of the ring and goes under it to pull out a few bits and bobs, the first being a kendo stick. Bentworth looks up to the ring..here comes Hazz, suicide dive to the outside. Hazz holds his ribs as Bentworth reaches for his back. Hazz gets back to his feet and trys to whip Bentworth into the steal steps but Bentworth reverses......CRUNCH, Hazz comes off in pain, FOREARM smash to the face of Hazz. Bentworth grabs hold of Hazz by the face and he throws him into the metal railings holding back the fans from the wrestlers. Bentworth goes over to his kendo stick and picks it up before holding it up in the air. Hazz is slowly getting up meanwhile at the guard railings. Bentworth walks over, Hazz turns into it, crack over the head, Hazz drops to his knees holding his arms before CRACK AGAIN. This time the Kendo stick snaps in two. The fans shout at the sight of first blood on Hazz's head. Hazz is thrown back into the ring before Bentworth gets back in himself. Bentworth goes for a cover and the ref begins the count.....1......2.........Hazz kicks out. Bentworth looks up at the ref in shock. Bentworth covers again.....1.......2.......Hazz kicks out. Bentworth gets up to his feet and begins to stomp on Hazz. Bentworth turns around and goes over to the turnbuckle, then proceeds to climb it. Bentworth is going for a moonsault....can he connect........NO. Hazz gets his knees up and Bentworth rolls over in agony. Hazz gets back to his feet slowly and grabs hold of Bentworth and throws him out of the ring before taunting the fans, who respond graciously. Hazz climbs over the ropes ont the edge of the ring and then signals for an Axe-handle and then jumps......SPEAR INTO THE SIDE OF THE RING By Bentworth. Bentworth is bleeding from the mouth now. Bentworth rolls Hazz back into the ring one more time before getting in himself. Bentworth unbuckles the support on the turnbuckle. Hazz is trying to get to his feet. Bentworth turns around and Hazz runs at him, drop toe hold into the turnbuckle. Hazz bounces back, Bentworth going around him...belly to back suplex, Hazz counters landing back on his feet, boot to the midsection of Bentworth, Bentworth is whipped into the ropes, Hazz goes for a spinning elbow, Bentworth ducks, gets around Hazz, goes for a roll up, but Hazz counters.......1........2.........Bentworth kicks out. Bentworth rolls over and goes for a right arm, Hazz ducks, who then sets up Bentworth for a Reverse Implant DDT, but Bentworth gets out, and locks in THE CROSSFACE. Hazz drops to the floor in agony, the ref asking him if he wants to tap. Hazz can hardly move, he's crawling over to the ropes, can he get there, he's so nearly there...can he make it...............HAZZ TAPS. The bell rings. Bentworth lets go as his music plays once more. Bentworth climbs up the turnbuckle and writes in the air BWO. EGW fans around the world know what that one means.

Winner by Submission with the crossface..Lance Bentworth

Bloom - Ladies and Gentlemen. It's time for the second match of the card

Torrance -It's time for Keith Chambers to show us how much of a star that he really is...

Bloom - Lets take you back to earlier in the night where Chambers made a heinous attack on Chavo Guerrero! That man is nothing but a bully and a coward!

Chavo Guerrero Snr. Leaves the rapping on the floor and sniffs the round circle object now bare of its wrapping

Chambers - Don't you dare Chavo...

Chavo Snr. - Dare? By doing what? This?

Chavo bites into the medal as the crowd cheer crazily, Keith Chambers holding his hands over his head

Chavo Snr. - Mmmh, this is Milk Choc........

Chambers clotheslines the head off of Chavo Classic Immediately knocking Chavo to the ground. Chambers screams on Chavo, "you shouldn't have done that you son of a bitch before rolling Chavo over and locks in what he calls, the Chamberlock (Modified Inverted Reverse Figure Four-Leglock Variation). Chavo screams in pain, taping to the ground as Chambers smiles almost in response to the pain Chambers is causing Chavo. Eventually, officials run down to the ring to stop the beat down but Chambers lets go. The crowd boo as Chambers raises his arms to the crowd.

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Raw Preview

Two weeks ago, Shawn Michaels laid out the Immortal Hulk Hogan with "Sweet Chin Music." Last week he was on Piper's Pit and told Hogan that there was a price to pay for immortality. Then, before laying out a second-straight Hall of Famer in Piper, he challenged Hogan to a one-on-one matchup for SummerSlam. It would be The Legend vs. The Icon. Will Hogan answer his challenge and give the fans "one more match?

Edge and Kane will square off in a rematch from last week. This time, however, all outside interference will be eliminated, as both Superstars will compete inside a steel cage.

Also, what will Eric Bischoff's response be towards John Cena, after John Cena gave the FU to Eric Bischoff on Raw after he announced that Jericho would be fighting at Summerslam. Eric Bischoff has also planned to make a statement regarding the current Status of the WWE Raw Tag Team Championship.

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"Across the Nation" by Union Underground starts the show off. The newly updated videos which show Carlito, Big Show, as well as the lack of Batista and co. look very flash before the cameras shoot across the arena where we are told that the show is also in Spanish. Pyros go off in the arena and the fans scream

JR - Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to WWE's Monday Night Raw! I am Jim Ross and I am joined here tonight with Jerry 'The King' Lawler and the Coach, guys how ya doing?

King - JR I am very glad to be here tonight!...

Coach - As am I!

King - And as you know, we have an amazing line up tonight! Including a Cage Match between Edge and Kane! Maybe this could be there final match tonight! The one t hat settles all scores.

Coach - Let us not forget that tonight, Hulk HOGAN! is responding to Shawn Micheals, The Heart Break Kid, The Show Stoppa, The Icon's challenge after he super kicked him two weeks ago..

'I'm Back...And Better Than Eveeeeeeer" blasts through the PA System and out steps the General Manager of Raw, Eric Bischoff, dressed in a grey suit, looking like a man on a mission

JR - Fellas, that much is true but it seems first that we are going to be joined by our General Manager, Eric Bischoff!

Coach - Listen to this guys, it's gonna be great

JR - You know what he's gonna say?

Coach - Of course, Me and the Boss are like that!


Eric Bischoff stands at the entrance with his microphone and calls for the music to be stopped

Bischoff - Alright Alright You Lot! I, Eric Bischoff *smirks* Have a couple of announcements to make tonight here regarding tonight's Raw!

JR - This is gonna be good!

Bischoff - First off, I'd like to address the most pressing issue! Last Week on Raw, I was FU'ed by The WWE Champion, John Cena

The fans cheer and a 'Cena' Chant starts up

Bischoff - Now! I know on Smackdown, Theodore Long is lead by his tail and probably allows anything to go on, on his show without being punished, but on Raw, this is my show! Not some stupid rapper wannabe like John Cena. I mean, I've listened to his album and his music sucks. Cena, I am not going to be led around by anyone you hear me! And I have thought this through long and hard, and I had to decide how to punish you. Let me tell you John, if I had my way, you would be stripped, indefinately suspended, hell I'd have gone the whole hog and fired your ass. But like I said, my hand was tied behind my back. See. Last week, I had a meeting with the board of directors, asking them if I could fire you. And they told me, that while you are the WWE Champion, the merchandise of your gear has been sky high and therefore it would be financial suicide to throw away a champion as marketable as yourself. They also told me, if I wanted to fire you, that would mean that the WWE Championship, with yourself would have no alternative but to journey on home back to Smackdown with the championship. And I am not going to run a show without a Championship belt, you understand. So I'm gonna give you a chance John, a chance to prove to me that you are worth the risk. Tonight! I am putting you in a WWE Championship match against I dont know, none other than Kurt Angle.

The fans boo at Kurt Angle's name while some cheer that the WWE Championship is on the line tonight

Bischoff - Now if you win, I promise to get off your back, and I will give you nothing more than a fine of $50,000. However John, if you lose the WWE Championship to Kurt Angle tonight, which you will, then, you will no longer be as valuable an asset to me will you, and therefore, in the eyes of the board of directors, you would become expendable. And therefore, nothing more than Eric Bischoff's personal bitch.

A-hole chants rock the arena leaving Bischoff with a cheesed off look on his face

Bischoff - Hey Don't Blame Me! BLAME CENA! Anyway, I got more important things to talk about now! During this meeting with the board of directors over the previous week, I had a long conversation about a WWE poll that concluded that at present, the WWE does not have enough tag teams. And this poll is true, the WWE does not have enough tag teams...hell I remember during my time in WCW, we were churning out tag teams like they were easy money. But now, where have the all gone? Thats why tonight! I am going to make it my personal mission to find 2 wrestlers and using the Eric Bischoff magic, will make them the most dominating tag team that the WWE has ever seen. Stay tuned!

JR - A New WWE Tag Team! CENA Vs. Angle for the WWE Championship! This night is going to be Amazing! Join us after the break!

WWE goes to a commercial break

'I Spit In the Face of People Who Dont Want to Be Cool' hits through the PA System and the fans begin to cheer as the show returns, with the Intercontinental Champion, Carlito hitting the arena.

JR - Folks, Welcome back! If you have just joined us then you are in for a treat! Eric Bischoff has just made a HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT regarding the show tonight!

King - Thats right JR! Tonight! Kurt Angle will go one on one with John Cena for the WWE Championship! Right here on Raw!

Coach - Let's not forget that tonight! Eric Bischoff, The Boss, Is Also Going to Make a Tag Team, that are going to be the most devestating tag team ever to hit WWE TV.

Carlito is wearing his blue Caribbean shirt as he makes his way to the ring still sporting his purple shorts which are "cool". Carlito climbs up the steps before getting into the ring and taking a microphone from the ring side

JR - Thats true Coach, but now we are joined with Carlito Carribbean Cool Who looks like he has something important to say!

King - I bet its going to be real...Coool!

The cameras go to Carlito

Carlito - Carlito just wanted to say that there will be no Cabana tonight on Raw because of someone who certainly isn't...Cool. Yeah, Carlito's Cabana was cancelled because of a man, a man who is nothing but a coward. Especially after what happened 2 weeks ago. Thats right! Yeah, Carlito is talking about Hulk Hogan.

The crowd boo and start "Hogan" chants through the arena

Carlito - So you are the Hulkmanaiacs then?

Carlito smiles as he is looking round at the crowd and the crowd give off a cheer of recognition.

Carlito - That's Cool! Now Carlito knows how many losers there are in the arena tonight..

A "Cut your hair" chant starts in the arena, turning Carlito's insulting grin into an almost stressed-like face

Carlito - Hey! Dont you start with Carlito because your favorite Wrestler decided to ditch on you to.......

"Hellllllllllllloooooooooooo Ladies" screams through the arena as the lighting turnings to purple shooting down at the entrance of the ring. The crowd begin to cheer as out steps Val Venis to the entrance of the arena

Venis - Hey Carlito. I gotta ask you a question..How is it possible that each and every single week you have so much to say! Hell, I never knew crap could be generated that fast!

Carlito looks punked out as he shouts something derogatory back in the way of Val. The fans cheer as Val continues his way to the ring.

Venis - It seems in the eyes of myself! Val Venis That you can definately talk the talk! But I want to know If you can walk the walk! You know what Im saying?

Carlito - Hey, I am the Intercontinental Champion! Carlito doesn't want to star in any of your trashy movies!!

Venis - No Carlito, tonight, Hollywood is closed! Tonight, I am talking about your Intercontinental Championship!

Carlito - Wait..you want a shot at Carlito's Intercontinental Championship, here? Tonight?!!

Venis - Yeah! You Damn Right!

Val turns to the crowd egging them on to cheer for him

Carlito - Welllll................SURE

Carlito cracks the microphone off the head of Val Venis and the crowd boos. The ref rings the bell and the match begins

Intercontinental Championship Match

Carlito Caribbean Cool © Vs. Val Venis

Carlito quickly takes advantage of the situation and begins a beat down on the stunned Venis. Carlito attacks from behind as Venis turns away as a result of the microphone shot. Carlito hits a huge shot to the back of the neck of Venis knocking him down to his knees before executing a drop kick to the back of Venis knocking him to the ground. Carlito taunts the crowd with his usual grin. Carlito picks up Venis showing a trickle of blood on the face of Venis before hitting a fireman's carry slam on Venis. Carlito goes back to the taunting of the crowd. What Arrogance. Carlito springs against the ropes and then hits an elbow drop to Venis before going for a cover........1.........2.......Venis kicks out. Carlito grabs hold of Venis and hits a bodyslam on him taking him to the ground. Carlito then stretches out Venis and climbs up to the top rope. Flying Leg drop. Carlito covers.........1.......2........Venis kicks out. Carlito drops to the floor and locks in face lock on the ground of Venis, Venis not looking like he's going to get into this match. The crowd start to clap and stamp there feet, trying to bring back Venis into the match. Carlito shouts at them to shut up and then tells Venis to tap out. Venis looks like he's almost out. The ref grabs hold of Venis' arm and raises it......"ONE" he shouts. The ref does the same again. "TWO". Val maybe out cold. The ref lifts Val's arm for the final time. It's dropping back...No Wait..It's up. Val begins to lift off the ground. Carlito looks distraught. Val is swinging around, desperately trying to get out of the hold. Elbow's to the body of Carlito, the fists. Val's gotta be out. Carlito knees Val in the midsection and takes hm back to the ground. Carlito laughs at Val's attempt to get himself out of the manouver and shouts to the crowd that "this is Carlito's show!". Val slowly gets his knees. Val is once again fighting to get out of this manover, hitting anything that he can hit. Val eventually hits Carlito hard and Carlito scrambles letting go and Val is Free. Val clothesline's Carlito down. Carlito gets back up. Val clotheslines Carlito down for a second time. Val is on fire. Carlito gets picked up by Val and whipped into the ropes before getting hit with a big back body drop. Val goes for the cover.........1.........2...Carlito kicks out. The crowd sighs almost with a sense that the match was over. Val grabs hold of Carlito by his hair and sets him up for a Vertical Suplex but Carlito counts, pushing Val away into the ropes. Val comes back and Carlito swings by Val ducks the shot and then hits a sweet neckbreaker drop on Carlito. Val Venis says it's time and you know whats coming. Val climbs the turnbuckle. He signals for it! IT'S THE MONEY SHOT! Val goes for the manover but Carlito gets his knees up cracking Val's ribs and Val roles over in agony. Carlito gets back up and hooks his inside leg over Venis's head!. COOL BREAKER! Carlito covers Val.....its over..........1............2.............3. Carlito rolls out of the ring and grabs his belt off of the referee and the smiles as the crowd boo him clearly. "Thats Cool" he shouts as he makes his way up the ramp, Val Venis looking distraught still in the ring.

Winner and Still Intercontinental Champion - Carlito Carribbean Cool

JR - What An Impromtu Match that Was! Carlito Carribbean Cool still the WWE Intercontinental Champion!

King - That guy is the epitome of Cool! I can't believe we have someone as Cool on WWE TV as Carlito...

Coach - What about me?

King - Anyway....I am really looking forward to this main event tonight! Kurt Angle, an Olympic Gold Medalist and Multi-time WWE Champion going head to head with the Dr of Thuganomics. UNbelievable

JR - That it certainly is King! I can hardly wait!

The Cameras go backstage to Eric Bischoff's office. Eric Bischoff is standing looking at booklet in his hand that reads on the cover "maintaining profit" when there are knocks on the door.

Bischoff - Come IN!

In through the door appears Danny Basham and Gene Snitsky

Danny - You wanted to see us boss?

Bischoff - Yes Yes! Danny sure, I did! Have I welcomed you to Raw yet?

Danny - err I think so, but doesn't matter now, whats the matter?

Bischoff - Well let me ask you this...have you been dispirited of late about having lack of appearances on TV?

Snitsky breathes heavily and just stands by nodding at everything that Bischoff asks. Danny has a confused look on his face

Danny - Well a little but I just understand that at this moment in time, the shows booking was really tight up, with a lot of very personal feuds going on?

Bischoff - Yeah, well you know? you've got to give the public what they want, and at the moment Danny, the public don't want you! Now I dont mean to be personal but thats just the way it is at the current moment in time! You're a great wrestler, I've got faith in you!

Danny - Thats good boss, so with that in mind, why am I here? that is, if you are not calling me and Snitsky here to give us our pink slips?

Snitsky continues to smile as if nothing has been said here

Bischoff - No..No! I am giving you an opportunity here. Like I said, Eric Bischoff gives what the people want. The people wanted Hulk Hogan, the people got Hulk Hogan! The People wanted Bra and Panties Matches, the People got Bra and Panties Matches! Raw even had Taboo Tuesday! A Fan Voted Show! And see, the Raw fans want more tag teams!

Danny - A Tag Team? Well I've just come from a tag team background with Doug but hey, if it gets me on the show!

Bischoff - Thats a good attitude to take Danny! A very good attitude! One that will get you far in the Raw administration..

Danny - Well that suits me fine Mr Bischoff *shaking Eric's hand* So...Who is going to be my tag team partner? Tyson Tomko? Rob Conway? Rene Dupree maybe?

Bischoff - Well...No...He's a big guy like Tomko, and he's definately more vicious than Dupree and Conway

Danny - The Big Show? Cos you know...The two of us don't have a very good histor...

Bischoff - Wow Wow Danny I think that you are misunderstanding the situation....

Eric Bischoff nods over to Snitsky making it clear to Danny who his partner would be. All of a sudden...Danny's face turns a little green and Danny turns back to Eric quickly

Danny - But Mr Bischoff, he's.. he's

Danny moves next to Eric so that Snitsky can't here

Danny - Rather weird looking....

Bischoff - Well you're not dating him are you? You would be his tag team partner! Plus, you're no oil painting yourself are you Danny?

Danny - HEY! I'd have you know! In OVW, when I was the Damaja, I have women all ov.....

Snitsky puts his hand on top of Basham's shoulder

Snitsky - Danny! It Will be An Honour Being Your Tag Team Partner!

Snitsky leaves the office while Danny Basham and Bischoff still talk, Eric pointing at the leaving Snitsky

Bischoff - See...That's the Spirit! And as I said, you scratch my back Danny, I'll scratch yours. And if you ever want a career on Raw, this is what you've got to do. So go, work with Snitsky, I'll put you on the main event of heat and I guarantee within a few months! you'll be thanking me!

Danny - Alright Boss

the camera turns over to backstage where Shawn Michaels is seen training up against a wall. Maria goes up to Shawn to talk to him about Hogan

Maria - Hi, Shawn Michaels, after Superkicking Hulk Hogan 2 weeks ago on Raw, are you at all nervous after reports that Hogan will be here tonight?

HBK - Sorry Maria, may I retort?

Maria - Sure...

HBK - You are asking, Me, The Heart Break Kid, The Show Stoppa, The Icon! The Legendary Shawn Michaels if he is nervous about the return of Hulk Hogan?

Maria - Yep...

HBK - Well Maria, let me tell you something. Hulk Hogan used to be a great wrestler! I will except that! 10/20 years ago, the Hulkster was one of the toughest sob's the wrestling world have ever seen at the time...but like I said...At THAT TIME! The World of Wrestling has changed! Wrestlers are far more talented than they used to be back then. Modern day wrestlers can eat Hulk Hogan alive. The Brock Lesnar's, the Kurt Angle's could beat him ease so what chance does The Hulkster have against someone like the Icon of Professional Wrestling.

Maria - Uh...

HBK - Exaaaaaaaaactly Maria! Exaaaaactly! If I were Hulk Hogan, I'd stay at home, keep my fat ass comfy and look forward to a new series of "Hogan Knows Best" rather than destroy his chances of Wrestling Immortality. Lets face it. A Loser Now. A loser forever. Make your choice Hogan..I'm counting on ya!

Raw goes to a Commerical Break

It's Time For A New Masterpiece Moment

Show Returns - A Classic example of Jim Johnston's genius hits the ring as the lights dim. It's time for 'The Masterpiece' Chris Masters. The lighting sets the ring up as the man with the robe on his back gets up from his pose position and makes his way to the ring.

JR - Welcome back Folks to Monday Night Raw, If you have just joined us, you're are just in time for The Masterpiece Chris Masters...King, what do you make of the cocky remarks of Shawn Michaels?

King - Well JR, as much as I am a fan of Hulk Hogan, I have admit that in the past, Wrestling talent was not as strong as it is nowadays. Modern day wrestlers have taken the ball and they have moved it forward 10 or 15 notches.

Coach - It's true...have you seen some of King's Matches?

JR - Either way, Hulk Hogan is a legend..Hogan does not deserve this gastly disrespect that a man like Shawn Michaels has payed him.

Masters walks around the ring as fans berate him collecting a microphone from Lilian Garcia before getting into the ring ready to give his public more of what he gives them

King - I can't agree with you more JR!

Coach - Hey King...sssh, its time for The Masterpieces' Invitational

Masters - My Name is Chris Masters! And I am THE MASTERPIECE!

"Boring" Chants start through-out the arena

Masters - Since Arriving At the WWE. I have been very special! Thats right Special! And I have proven to all you fans, throughout the world that once you get locked into my Masterlock, whether you are boy, girl, man or woman! There is no way of you getting out unless I let you. JBL may call himself a Wrestling God! But I! I am Perfection! And that is why, since I made a challenge to the people backstage, to see if they could break my masterlock, everyone has failed. In fact, everyone has failed so bad! That tonight! Not a single one of them has volunteered to do i.....

|"Stand Back....There's a Hurricane Coming Through" is heard across the arena. It can only mean one thing........ITS THE HURRICANE. The fans go ballistic at the site of the green lantern loving, cape wearing super hero of the WWE.

Hurricane - Citizen Masters! I couldnt help but over hearing your brief speach. You said that you are unbeatable once you get your master lock in and it is a very fine move. But Citizen Master, You may have beat many men, and you may have beat many wo-men, but you have never beat a superhero like the Hurricane with your Master lock. That is why...

Masters - Ok Ok Hurricane. I think I get you. And hey, let me say, it sounds like a good challenge to accept. Hurricane, please, take a seat. And ladies and Gentlemen, let say, on the line tonight, for the esteemed Hurricane, is cash to the sum of $2000 Here we go! Hurricane Sit Down!

Hurricane is made to take a seat in the middle of the ring and Masters' gets the lock on. Hurricane tries to lift Masters out of the lock but Masters' weight holds Hurricane down. Hurricane swings around in the Masterlock giving a good fight and Masters' looks like a few times he is struggling until Hurricane starts to flop forward and the bell rings. Masters' music as Masters' lets go and Hurricane falls to the floor. Masters then picks up Hurricane by the head and throws him out of the ring lifting his arms to the air as if he just won the most difficult match of his life.

Masters goes back and gets the microphone

Masters - I've said it before, and I'll say it again! I don't care who you are! Whether you're 7ft foot tall, whether you're 500lbs! Whether you are Tajiri or whether you are the Big Show! No one can get out of my masterlock! Period

Masters' climbs out of the ring to his music as the Hurricane just begins to get up again. Masters makes his way up the ramp to a load of boos before leaving the arena once and for all

JR - What a Cocky SOB!

King - Come on JR! The Man defeated A Superhero...

JR - He beat up the Hurricane King! And Now he thinks he can beat up any one in the entire world! Hell I'd love to see him take on the Big Show or Viscera! I'd pay to see that!

Coach - Calm down JR! He's a promo!

WWE promo shows the debut of the Boogeyman. "He's The Boogeyman! And He's COMIN, TO GET YA HAHAHAHA *Cough

The cameras come back to the ring where Kerwin White is standing wearing what can only be described as an outrageous golfing outfit

White - Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to the Wonderful World of Kerwin WHITE! Where everything that is White, is nothing but Right!

The crowd start a boring chant immedietly in respect this what seems to be a ludacriously boring gimmick

White - Today, I'd like to share with you all a very great passion of mine...and that is GOLFING!!

the boring chants change to "Chavo Sucks" chants but Kerwin goes on anyway

White - And For all you that don't know, as most of you people are inbred hicks, Golf is a sport in which a ball is hit into a series of holes using golf clubs


Kerwin removes a Golf ball from his pocket and shows it to the crowd

White - This my friends, is a golf ball! In a game of golf, you start the game rolling by placing this little ball in the grass on something that is known as a TEE, not the drink but a little plastic holder...Golf was originally thought to come from.....

"OOOOOOOOOOOH CHAAAAAAAVO" blasts out of the PA system and the fans begin to cheer when they realise coming out of the entrance is none other than CHAVO CLASSIC.

JR - I can't believe it King! Kerwin White's Father! Chavo Guerrero Snr IS here on WWE RAW with us! I can't believe what I am seeing!

King - Damn It JR! I was looking forward to a lesson on Golf!

Kerwin White can't believe what he is seeing as the man whom he once used to call his father walks to the ring, before beginning up the steps

White - Wow Wow Wow! Chavo Guerrero! What are you doing here?!

Chavo - Son, you know why I am here! I have come here to stop this masquarade! As I said only a few nights ago on EGW's final show, One Last Breath, I was saddened that the WWE have made you change your ethnicity to become a successf......

White - I can't believe this..!

Chavo - Chavo..It's the truth!

White - MY NAME IS NOT CHAVO ANYMORE! MY NAME IS KERWIN WHITE!! You and your family are a disgrace! A DISGRACE!

Chavo - You dont have to be ashamed of who you aaaaree........

White - I AM NOT ASHAMED OF WHO I AM! I am EVERYMAN's dream! I am Kerwin White! A model of Modern America! Who are you? Eh Chavo? Look at you! Bald! Cheap clothes! Bad relations with your family! You're a Joke! And now you want to come on to my show? My Show? RAW and make a name for yourself?

Chavo - No I want My......

White - I DONT GIVE A DAMN WHAT YOU WANT! You threw your life away! You're nothing but a compulsive liar, and a bad one at that! You had it all, you had talent! you had everything! But you through your success away! Your brother! Your Son! What do they do? They make names for themselves! And what do you do? You DO NOTHING but SCROUNGE off them! They get you a job! They get you on WWE Smackdown, and once again, YOU HAVE IT ALL! And what do you do? you throw it away! Why? Because you're stupid? Maybe? Because you're a waste of space...Probably! But most of all! because all you are is a scrounger and that is the Mexican Way! And that Is Why, I want nothing to do with you, your ethnicity or anything about you! You make me sick!

Chavo Classic grabs hold of Kerwin

Chavo - Chavo......

White - What? You Know What?? SECURITY! Get this Illegal immigrant out of here!

Chavo - Please!

The crowd boo Kerwin White heavily as WWE security come down the ring to collect Chavo Classic. When the security arrive, Chavo Snr requests to leave without any struggle and the officers agree to escort him out of the ring....

JR - That Kerwin White is a Sick Son of .A....NOO...Kerwin NO!

When Chavo Classic turns away, Kerwin White picks up his golf club off the floor and he cracks Chavo Classic over the head with it! The crowd boo Kerwin White to hell as Chavo Classic lies on the floor bleeding as Kerwin White's music hits before Kerwin leaves the arena with a smile on his face

King - That was sick! I can't believe What I just saw! His own father!

Coach - Jerry, thats why you dont mess with middle class america! because they hit you with golf clubs!

JR - Kerwin White is nothing but a sick son of a bitch! Treating your own father like that! Sure, Chavo Guerrero Snr was no Saint but he loved his son and he spat in his face! It makes me sick!

Show goes to a commerical break

When the show returns, the show goes to recap

JR - Folks if you've just joined us, you have missed one of the most heinous acts I have ever seen as my time as commentator!

Recap 1

White - I AM NOT ASHAMED OF WHO I AM! I am EVERYMAN's dream! I am Kerwin White! A model of Modern America! Who are you? Eh Chavo? Look at you! Bald! Cheap clothes! Bad relations with your family! You're a Joke! And now you want to come on to my show? My Show? RAW and make a name for yourself?

Chavo - No I want My......

White - I DONT GIVE A DAMN WHAT YOU WANT! You threw your life away! You're nothing but a compulsive liar, and a bad one at that! You had it all, you had talent! you had everything! But you through your success away! Your brother! Your Son! What do they do? They make names for themselves! And what do you do? You DO NOTHING but SCROUNGE off them! They get you a job! They get you on WWE Smackdown, and once again, YOU HAVE IT ALL!  And what do you do? you throw it away! Why? Because you're stupid? Maybe? Because you're a waste of space...Probably! But most of all! because all you are is a scrounger and that is the Mexican Way! And that Is Why, I want nothing to do with you, your ethnicity or anything about you! You make me sick!

Edited by DaveKOTW
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Hey Guys! Just to Inform you that the Smackdown Card will be up on Wednesday 20th July Evening, and I hope to have the Show in order for the weekend. It should be noted that the game hit August so we are unfortunately not going to hit the American Bash on here, and the next PPV will be Summerslam. Hope you're enjoying the show.


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After Batista got attacked with a vicious chair shot last week by JBL, how is Batista going to respond this week on Smackdown.

Christian is set to go in one on one action against Rey Mysterio

Psicosis will go one on one against Nunzio

Road Warrior Animal and Heidenreich will tag together for the first time on Smackdown

and Eddie Guerrero has a visitor from his past make a special request to be there.

All this and more on Smackdown

Coming Soon

Edited by DaveKOTW
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WWE Possible Smackdown Spoilers

There is a possible Smackdown spoiler regarding Eddie Guerrero's visitor from the spoiler based on a rumour of one particular person mentioning that he has been invited to Smackdown this week

Do not highlight below if you dont want to know


It is rumoured that Chavo Guerrero Snr. will be backstagee at Smackdown this coming week as well as friend of Eddie and TWA Head Trainer Rudy Boy Gonzalez. While this hasn't been confirmed to be the visitor, there is a good chance that it could be either of these 2 people
Edited by DaveKOTW
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  • 2 weeks later...

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The Smackdown theme starts the show off before the cameras shoot across the arena where we are told that the show is also in Spanish. Pyros go off in the arena and the fans scream

Cole – Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to WWE Smackdown, I am Michael Cole and I am joined here with Tazz. Tazz?

Tazz – Thanks Cole and let me say, What a night we have tonight! It’s gonna be a rocketbuster!

Heidenreich’s music hits the ring and the fans cheer and the arena lights flash down at the entrance, before the man himself steps out to the arena with a microphone in hand

Cole – And It Looks Like we’re gonna get off to it straight way!

Tazz – Man I love Heidenreich! I wonder if he’s got another poem for you Cole?

Cole – I can honestly say I hope not!

Heidenreich – Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to WWE Smackdown. The only show to see HEIDENREICH! And tonight! Heidenreich has a very special POEM for all of his friends here on Smackdown TONIGHT!

Heidenreich pulls a piece of paper out of his tights and unfolds it, the crowd waiting in anticipation

It’s been a long time since Heidenreich has had the chance to get some gold,

Anxious I have waited

But now my talent has begun to unfold,

MNM have attacked me, insulted my poems and friends

But with Road Warrior Animal,

Their reign of tyranny will end,

In memory of Hawk, tonight we shall fight,

2 Young New Talent, It will be a great night


Tazz – “Anxious He Has Waited” Cole!

Cole – Anxious He Has Tazz! Anxious He Has

Tazz – And let me just say, with word order like that, he gives even me confidence to write poetry

Cole - *laughing* Well we all got to be glad for that

The cameras go back stage to Theodore Long who is in the room with Daivari, Long currently on the phone and Daivari looking impatient

Long – Orlando! No! Hell Orlando! Put me onto JBL! I want to speak with JBL! You can’t just no show, this is Smackdown Playa! I am the boss, and you will listen to….

Jordan hangs up the phone and Long face turns from annoyed to angry. Long folds the phone up slowly and turns his attention to the increasingly impatient Daivari

Daivari – Mr Long! You wanted to see ME?

Long – Yes Khosrow! For a matter of fact I did. As you maybe aware, after last week’s disgraceful act on Smackdown, it has been a joint decision from the board of directors at the WWE and UPN to indefinitely suspend Mohammed Hassan from WWE television.

Daivari shakes his head

Daivari – I am AWARE of this Situation and I would like say It is a DISGRACE THAT…

Long –Khosrow, RIGHT NOW! I Don’t give a DAMN what you think is a disgrace. What I want is a straight Answer…Do you want to keep your Job?

Daivari – Of Course…

Long – Then, starting this week On Velocity! You will start the very best of a 2 out of 3 fall competition against a WWE Veteran of my choosing. First fall will be a normal WWE standard Singles Match. Week 2 will be a Street Fight Match and then, if it is needed, you shall go face to face against this WWE Veteran in a Ladder Match that will take place on Smackdown in 2 weeks time. You Dig?

Daivari – And if I reject?

Long – Then I shall have to give you this..

Long pulls out a pink slip

Daivari – Okay Okay! I accept!

Long – I thought you would playa! Now! Holla Holla!

The Show goes to a commercial break

When the show returns, the Mobile Phone rings. You know what time it is? “ARE YOU READY FOR LATINO HEAAAT” blasts out of the PA system as the happy fans turn to boos.

Cole – Everybody Welcome back to Smackdown! Before the break, we heard Theodore Long having trouble getting hold of JBL and his company

Tazz – Yeah, he got in contact with Orlando Jordan, and the US Champion just hung up. I don’t believe it!

Cole – A complete lack of respect for authority Tazz! A complete lack of respect!

Tazz – Speaking of lack of respect, Eddie Guerrero is on his way to the ring Cole, and look what he has been doing to Rey Mysterio and his family!

Eddie Guerrero stands at the ring looking disturbed as he slowly makes his way to the ring sucking up the boos. Eddie Guerrero, already dressed in wrestling attire grabs hold of a microphone from the ring announcer to appease the fans.

Guerrero- Alright Alright! Keep it down! I GOT SOMETHING TO SAY ABOUT REY REY! Hey Rey, Homez! I know you’re listening man! I know you are in the back watching your little tv screen so listen up homez, cos I think this applies to you. And hey! I know someone else is watching the tv tonight! You know who I’m saying Rey Rey? Hey Dominik? Hey my little hommie! You know your Uncle Eddie Loves you very much Homez! And Dominik, your uncle Eddie has a very good BED TIME STORY to tell you homez, but your papa! Rey Mysterio! He won’t let me tell it to you! And you know why Dominik? Because your Dad is afraid of this story. He’s afraid of this story so much that he would do anything to stop me telling you Dominik! But you know your Uncle Eddie knows what’s best for you! You know that right? You know that?

Eddie smiles at the camera and does a little wave and the fans respond with huge boos

Guerrero- But you know what Dominik? Your Uncle Eddie is going to tell you it eventually because your Uncle Eddie knows that you want to hear it! He knows that you want to know the truth! He wants to hear his bed time story!

All of a sudden, the lights dim and the fans begin to cheer unexpectedly. Then all of a sudden….THE RADICALZ music hits the arena and PERRY SATURN stands at the entrance with a microphone in hand looking at Eddie in his fixed state, the crowd cheering him


Cole – We KNEW that someone was being booked here tonight to step up to Eddie! But hell, it was kept so under wraps by our General Manager Theodore Long

Tazz – Man..Saturn is a tough guy! I’ve been fortunate enough to face him from time to time and this man has no quit in him. One tough SOB

Saturn- Hey Eddie, MAN! What the hell are you doing?

Eddie looks at Saturn as a small Saturn chant begins in the arena

Saturn- I’m sitting here at home, hearing you talk about the truth! Talking about how you want to tell your former friends Son the truth? Well I got some TRUTH for you BUDDY!

Guerrero- Hey Man, this is none of your business! Get your face out of my business before I make you get it out of my business. This is between Me! Rey Rey and Little Dominik homez!

Saturn begins to make his way closer to the ring

Saturn- You know Eddie! I don’t know what sick thing is going through your mind right now! But this has gotta stop! And this has gotta stop now!

Guerrero- Esse, Did you hear what I said?

Saturn- Eddie! Rey Mysterio has been a brother to you! HE STAYED LOYAL TO YOU when even some of your own family had turned their back on you. But hey, I guess you don’t know much about loyalty. Especially since after you got your big break here on Smackdown, you totally forgot about Me and Dean!


Saturn gets into the ring


Guerrero- Oh yeah homie?

Eddie and Saturn go face to face

Saturn- Yeah…

Saturn turns to the referee to tell him to ring the bell, but as Saturn is turned, Eddie Guerrero hits him cheaply from behind

Cole – What a cheap shot from Eddie Guerrero! Join as after the break everybody for this impromptu match

Standard Singles Match

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Perry Saturn

Saturn and Guerrero lock up. Guerrero breaks the grip and eye rakes Saturn in the face, Guerrero kicks Saturn in the gut before whipping Saturn into the ropes, Saturn rebounding back against Guerrero to get hit with a hip toss. Saturn gets up slowly as Guerrero tells the crowd that he is the man. Guerrero turns back and Saturn and Guerrero lock up again. This time Saturn pushes Guerrero into the ropes crushing him against the ropes before dropping back. Eddie Guerrero swings at Saturn but Saturn ducks before hitting a huge back drop driver on Guerrero. Saturn gets up to a cheer from the crowd, before turning back to Guerrero. Saturn goes to grab Guerrero’s head but Guerrero quickly hits Saturn back with some punches to the midsection. Guerrero gets back to his feet and whips Saturn into the ropes again. Saturn stops at the ropes, grabbing onto them, only to get clotheslined out of the ring by Eddie. Saturn sets back to his feet as Eddie slaps his chest. Suicide dive from Guerrero to Saturn on the outside, both bodies crashing hard against the floor. The referee begins to start the count out. Guerrero and Saturn both slowly get up, Guerrero tries to connect with a blow on Saturn but Saturn blocks. Saturn does the same but to the same effect. Eddie finally blind sides Saturn before trying to whip him into the steel steps but Saturn counts and Eddie crashes in head first. Eddie gets up surprisingly quickly from the collision only get knocked down hard with a forearm smash. Saturn rolls into the ring to break up the count and goes back to Eddie. Saturn stomps down on Eddie, Eddie holding his face which is now bust open. Saturn whips Guerrero into the barricade, Guerrero connecting hard. Saturn then grabs hold of Guerrero and drops Guerrero’s body onto the barricade top, crunching Guerrero’s ribs. Saturn has to climb once again back into the ring to break up the count. Saturn grabs hold of Guerrero in a missile launching position and points to the ring post. Saturn is systematically trying to bust open Guerrero. Saturn launches Guerrero but Guerrero drops down and pushes Saturn into the ring post. Guerrero slowly gets back to his feet and stomps on Saturn showing his disagreement of what has been going on. Guerrero rolls Saturn back in the ring before getting back in himself and stomps again on Saturn. Guerrero picks up Saturn and whips him into the ropes before hitting a stiff dropkick to the face of Saturn before going for a cover…….1…………2…..Saturn kicks out. Guerrero looks up at the ref with shock but the ref tells him it was just 2. Guerrero hits a blatant choke hold on Saturn………..1…………2………..3……….4…….Guerrero lets go. Guerrero chokes again on Saturn, but this time only to a 3. Guerrero gets up and shouts to the crowd that he is the real “Vato Loco” Guerrero picks of Saturn who tries to fight out of his grip with punches but Guerrero responds with a knee to the face. Guerrero locks on Saturn…Vertical Suplex. Guerrero holds on and pops the hips, but Saturn gets out of it, swinging and Guerrero, but Guerrero ducks, SWINGING NECKBREAKER. Guerrero covers………1………..2………..Saturn gets the shoulder up. Guerrero looks at the referee like he’s just cheated him a hundred dollars. Guerrero says its over and climbs out of the ring ordering the ring announcer to get up and he folds up the chair. Guerrero gets back into the ring chair in hand and the referee, the referee and Guerrero pull and push, only for Guerrero to release flying back, Saturn hits a kick to the gut, grabbing hold of Guerrero’s head in a face lock. SATURN BOMB! Saturn covers……..1…………..2………………Guerrero kicks out. Saturn goes for a cover again straight away only to get another 2. Saturn picks up Guerrero and hits a sweet brainbuster on Guerrero. Saturn looks around at the crowd who are completely behind him, before going for the SATURNSAULT by Guerrero gets his knees up. Guerrero gets back up swearing at Saturn before bouncing against the rope and hitting a double footed drop kick to the face of Saturn. Saturn is on his back. Guerrero looks at the crowd who continue to boo him and smiles. Everyone knows what’s on Guerrero’s mind. Guerrero climbs up top, and the cocky Guerrero taunts the crowd, shouting at one in particular who called Guerrero something. Guerrero notices that Saturn has got to his knees and Guerrero goes quickly back down to go for it. Guerrero swings but Saturn picks him up DEATH VALLEY DRIVER TIME! Guerrero gets down and pushes Saturn into the ropes. Guerrero goes for a roll up……1……..2……..Saturn kicks out. Saturn gets to his feet first and knocks down Guerrero with a forearm smash. Saturn gets up and points to the top ropes. Saturn is going for his patented Flying Elbow Drop. Saturn is up to the top rope but Guerrero hits the ropes and Saturn drops holding his privates. Guerrero climbs up the turnbuckle and hits a hurricanrana off the top rope. Guerrero covers……1……….2………..Saturn kicks out again. Guerrero gets up to his feet, but Saturn grabs onto him, Guerrero kicks him up as he tries to climb to the turnbuckle. Saturn grabs onto the bottom cushion, pulling himself up. Guerrero tries to punch him off but Saturn holds on. Both men are back on the top rope. Saturn has the advantage after delivering some hard right hands to Eddie. Saturn is going for the superplex, but…GUERRERO HITS SATURN WITH A TOP ROPE DDT. Guerrero covers………1…………..2……………3

Winner – Eddie Guerrero

After the match. Eddie Guerrero stands above Saturn looking down at him as the crowd clap both contestants for a great contest

Tazz – Man Cole, that match was awesome!

Cole – What a match indeed Tazz! And what an opener of Smackdown tonight!

Tazz – What’s Eddie doing now?

Eddie Guerrero stands above Saturn talking some trash before taking hold and LOCKING IN THE LASSO FROM EL PASSO!


Saturn taps away on the floor but Eddie doesn’t release the lock until security and EMTs run down to the ring and pull Eddie off Saturn.

Tazz – Eddie is so fired up! I don’t think he took such a equal match with Saturn too well tonight!

Cole – Saturn took the game to Eddie and Eddie didn’t like it! Enough said Tazz! That’s all there is to it

The cameras go backstage with Todd Romero and his interviewee

Romero – Hello Everyone, I am backstage tonight with Christian, Christian?

The fans cheer as Christian is seen looking rather arrogant tonight

Christian – Hey Todd, and may I say, you look once again like the biggest gearbox here on Smackdown!

Romero – Err…thanks!

Christian – HEY! Did I say you could talk!...Thought not!

Romero looks rather bewildered

Christian – Listen Todd! Tonight The C-Man is going to go one on one with Rey Mysterio!

The fans cheer at Rey Mysterio’s name

Christian Hey? Do you believe that? I move over from Raw and it’s been almost a month now and I’ve only just got to fight the flying Midget tonight on Smackdown’s Main Event. Well the peepulation and I say bring it on! Because I am the top draw here on Smackdown! You know it! Theodore Long knows it! The peepulation know it! Even Booker T knows it, especially after I beat his ass to the ground last week. And after I beat Rey Mysterio tonight! I am going to go on and on until there is nothing left in between me other than air and the World Heavyweight Title. Why? Because I am Captain Charisma and that’s how I roll!

Christian walks off as Todd Romero looks baffled

The show goes to a break

When the show returns the cameras go back to the ring to see two wrestlers, Matt Cross and Josh Piscura waiting in the ring for their opponents

Cole – Welcome back to the action everyone! We are moments away from our tag team match with Heidenreich and Animal against two rookies in the WWE

Tazz – Matt Cross, Josh Piscura! Two talented athletes Cole, no doubt about that but can they put up any sort of fight to Heidenreich and Animal? I have no idea! If they are anything like as impressive is they could be, then we could be in for one beat down tonight Cole! That’s for sure

Cole – That’s very true Tazz, Heidenreich and Animal are nothing short of two menacing Hosses!

”WHAAAAAT A RUUUUUUSSSSSSSSH” hits the arena and the fans scream as Heidenreich and Animal hit the ring to Hawk’s words

Cole – Here they come!

Tazz – This match is gonna be immense Cole! Immense!

Heidenreich and Animal climb into the ring and take a turnbuckle each saluting the fans before climbing down as the other tag get into the ring

Standard Tag Team Match

Road Warrior Animal and Heidenreich Vs. Matt Cross and Josh Piscura

Heidenreich and Piscura start off the match, Heidenreich getting out of the opening grapple, whipping Piscura into the rope before hitting a huge back body drop. The crowd are really behind Heidenreich. Piscura bounces against the floor before grabbing hold of a rope. Piscura looks at Heidenreich with disgust before tagging in Matt Cross. Cross stands there waiting to lock in a grapple with Heidenreich but Heidenreich turns to the crowd asking them if they want them to tag Animal in. Heidenreich goes to tag Animal but Cross attacks Heidenreich from behind taking him straight into the turnbuckle. Cross beats the kidneys of Heidenreich with his fist not noticing the Animal blind tag. Cross tries to whip Heidenreich into the ropes but Heidenreich counters before getting hit with a huge shoulder barge by Animal. Animal picks up Cross and hits a massive side walk slam on Cross. Animal goes for the cover but Piscura runs in breaking up the count immediately, only to get beheaded by a huge clothesline from Heidenreich. Animal grabs hold of Cross whom desperately tries to get out of the grasp of Animal punches and punches at Animal before running at him with a flying cross body. A-Oh, cross has been caught, RUNNING POWERSLAM. Heidenreich tosses Piscura out of the ring as Animal covers Cross.

“Wait!” shouts Heidenreich and points to the top rope which the crowd respond with big cheers. Animal grabs hold of Cross and puts him on his shoulders while Heidenreich climbs to the top rope. DOOMSDAY DEVICE! Animal covers………1……………..2……………3

Winners – Road Warrior Animal and Heidenreich

The two winners hug each other in the ring as Cross is pulled out of the ring, out

Cole – What dominance! Tazz! What dominance!

Tazz – Man I can’t wait for them to face MNM

Cole – We’ll be back…after the break

Camera goes to a commercial break

Cameras return and go backstage to the WWE locker room where Scotty 2 Hotty, Chris Benoit and William Regal are all hanging while Christian gets changed

Benoit – So Christian? How does it feel to be on Smackdown?

Christian How’s it feel?! HOW’S IT FEEL? Benoit it sucks monkey nuts that I have be stuck here on the WWE’s second brand with all these losers that I could beat any day of the week!

Benoit – Ha! That’s an arrogant comment to come up with, especially when they are facing Rey Mysterio tonight!

ChristianRey Mysterio? Rey Mysterio can’t even handle his own family affairs, how the hell can he cope with me tonight Benoit? You tell me!?

Benoit looks angrily on at Christian who is ignoring Benoit having just come upon a piece of paper in one of his pockets

Benoit Your blind Christian! And I thought you were just stupid.

Christian finishes reading the paper and then turns to Benoit grabbing his stuff

Christian You know what Benoit?! You know what? I’d love to stay here and chat with you but I’ve got to be somewhere! Bore me later chumpstains!

Christian barges his way through the three wrestlers as he makes his way out the room with a smile on his face

Cole – What was that about?

Tazz – I have…no..idea?

The lawnmowers are started. That can only mean one thing…..It’s Time for the Mexicools. At the entrance to the arena, the first lawnmower is seen, driven by Juvi, as the other two, Crazy and Psicosis follow down to the ring

Cole – Everybody, it’s time for our 3rd match of the night, and let me say, the Mexicools are on a role at the moment!

Tazz – I believe they are still undefeated Cole! That is some feet! I personally really respect the Mexicools, especially the Juice…The Juice

Cole – Would you stop that? That’s really annoying

Tazz – That’s his name Cole, The Juice

Cole – I know that’s his name Tazz but you don’t have to repeat it!

Nunzio’s music hits as the Mexicools stop their lawnmowers and Nunzio appears at the entrance of the ring ready for a big match tonight

Cole – It’s gonna be a big task tonight for Nunzio! He’s up against Psicosis! A name that is known all around the world!

Tazz – Lets give the guy some credit, Nunzio is a two time ECW Tag Team Champion but Psicosis, a champion in Mexico, a 2 time Cruiserweight Champion in WCW, you can guarantee that this is gonna be one hell of a rocketbuster!

Psicosis acts cocky in the ring as Nunzio slides in saluting some of the fans before the ring bell starts

Standard Singles Match

Psicosis Vs. Nunzio

Pscicosis and Nunzio lock up. Psicosis gets behind Nunzio and locks up around the waist. Nunzio hits some elbows behind and reverses the hold locking up behind. Nunzio hits Psicosis with a half nelson slam. Nunzio grabs hold of Psicosis and whips him into the ropes before hitting Psicosis with a reverse elbow. Nunzio goes for a cover but only gets a 2 count. Nunzio gets up quickly and goes for an elbow drop on Psicosis but Super Crazy grabs hold of Nunzio’s leg pulling him back. Nunzio turns around and hits a two footed drop kick on Super Crazy holding onto the ropes. Nunzio, gets back to his feet and turns around to get hit with a huge forearm smash by Psicosis which receives heavy boos from the crowd. “MEXICOOL” shouts Psicosis posing for the crowd before grabbing hold of Nunzio and hits a snap suplex. Psicosis goes for the cover…………1……….2…Nunzio kicks out. Psicosis picks up Nunzio by his face and hits him with a hard punch which echoes throw the crowd. Psicosis hits a second hard punch again, this one even louder than the first. Psicosis then hits a huge upper cut on Nunzio totally disorientating him. Nunzio gets whipped into the ropes, and Psicosis goes for a clothesline but Nunzio ducks it, Psicosis spins around, before getting hit in the midsection…IMPLANT DDT. Nunzio gets to his feet and climbs the turnbuckle and is going for a dropkick. Juvi quickly jumps onto the apron shouting at the referee distracting him. WAIT. Super Crazy cracks Nunzio causing him to side saddle the ropes before falling to the ground. Super Crazy hits THE DOUBLE SPRINGBOARD MOONSAULT. Psicosis is back up and drags Nunzio into the middle before climbing the parallel turnbuckle. FLYING LEG DROP. Psciosis covers…….1………..2………..3

Winner – Psicosis

Nunzio lies still in the ring as the Mexicools all get into the ring taunting the crowd.

Cole – The Mexicools cheat again! Some talent these guys have!

Tazz – They don’t cheat Cole, it’s the Mexican way, the Lucha libre way Cole, you just don’t understand it.

Cole – Whatever Tazz! We’ll be back After this Commerical break

The show goes to another commercial break

When the show returns the cameras go back stage to Theodore Long’s office where he is standing with Batista

Long – Batista! I have been trying and trying to get hold of JBL and Orlando Jordan all god damn day playa! And as hard as I try, they just don’t answer their phones!.

Batista pushes his connected hands against his head obviously stressing

Batista – That son of a bitch is going to pay for what he did last night! NOBODY! and I mean NOBODY jumps me from behind and lives to tell the tale of it

Long – Well you know what playa! Next Week on Smackdown! JBL is gonna get what’s coming to him in a No DQ, No Count Out, No Interference from the Cabinet Match against you, Batista

Batista smiles at Theodore Long

Batista – You know, as great as that is, I want the fans of Smackdown to think of me as a fighting World Heavyweight Champion, you know what I’m saying?

The fans begin to cheer “Batista”

Long – I feel ya playa. Therefore, LISTEN UP! Next Week! On Smackdown! It will be a No DQ, no Interference, no count out World Heavyweight Championship Match between JBL and Batista! You feel me?

Batista – Yeah! I dig!

Batista and Long shake hands

Cole – Batista vs. JBL next WEEK for the World Heavyweight Championship! What a match up!

Tazz – Watch a match indeed Cole! And what suffering is Batista gonna put JBL through after that sneak attack last week on Raw

The lights in the arena dim and gold sparkles drop from the top of the arena! ‘Just Close Your Eyes’ by Waterproof Blond hits the arena and out comes, former Raw WWE Star, Christian to some good heat

Cole – It’s time for the main event folks, and what a main event we are in for! Christian, Mysterio! 1 on 1

Tazz – Mysterio is a talented wrestler Cole, you and I both know that, but Christian is a mean customer!

Cole – Christian, a former multiple time Tag Team and Intercontinental Champion in the WWE, there is no doubt that has the talent to get the job done!

Christian climbs into the ring and blows some kisses to some of his peeps before his music stops. Mysterio’s music then hits the arena and the fans scream as Rey Mysterio makes his way to the ring, mask and all ready for this fight

Cole – The man whose got a bravest face on Smackdown Tazz!

Tazz – No doubt about that Cole, fighting a Main Event Match while all of his troubles with Eddie! It must be hard to keep his mind on the game

Rey Mysterio climbs into the ring and salutes the fans before looking at Christian straight in the eyes that is currently leaning cockily against the ropes. The referee orders the two men to the centre of the ring and to listen to his instructions before checking the two for weapons. Charles Robinson finds brass knucks on Christian to which Christian pleads his innocence

Cole – Well look what was on Christian!

Tazz – But…Yeah…Christian has never seen that in his life before! Look at h is face. Innocence

Cole – Yeah right!

Once the knucks have been cleared out the ring, the referee orders the bell to be rung and the match to start

Main Event Singles Match

Christian Vs. Rey Mysterio

Christian and Rey lock up and hold each other in arms for a few seconds trying to power each other out. Christian lets go and swings for Rey but Rey ducks his arms and bounces against the rope before hitting a head-scissors take down. Christian gets back up before getting hit with a drop kick from Rey before rolling outside of the ring with Rey getting a big cheer from the crowd. Christian looks really unsettled banging his hands against the apron. Rey tells Christian to get back the ring but hey tells him to wait. Christian climbs up the steps and gets back into the ring, Rey giving him space to breathe before the two of them lock up again. Christian stops Rey on the spot with a knee to the gut before whipping him into the ropes. Christian locks in a front face lock on Rey and squeezes his head. Christian uses his elbow against the head of Rey Mysterio knocking him to his knees. Christian then bounces against the ropes and hits a boot to the face of Mysterio before going for a cover……..1………….2………….Mysterio kicks out. Christian picks up Mysterio and whips him into the ropes before hitting Mysterio with a spinning elbow. Christian picks up Mysterio again before hitting Christian with a pumphandle slam. Christian covers again……….1……………2………..Rey Mysterio gets a shoulder up. Christian gets up and goes over to the turnbuckle pulling the cover off the buckle. The referee tries to stop Christian but Christian pushes him away. Christian picks up Rey Mysterio by the mask and whips him into the turnbuckle but Mysterio stops himself. Christian charges into the corner to push him in but Mysterio springs himself over the back of Christian and Christian just about stops himself in time……Roll Up……..1………..2…………….Christian gets a shoulder up. Rey Mysterio hits a shoulder a couple of elbow drops on Christian before going for another cover……1………2….Christian gets his shoulder up again. Rey Mysterio climbs up to the top rope only to get stumbled by Christian. Christian looks to be going for the superplex…..BUT WAIT....Rey Mysterio with the sunset flip…..cover…..1……….2……..Christian just about gets a kick out. Mysterio picks up Christian and pushes him into the corner of the ring by the turnbuckle and goes for the bronchobuster but Christian moves out of the way and Rey Mysterio ends up straddling the turnbuckle. Rey got back to his feet before getting hit in the midsection and Christian goes for the UNPRETTIER twisting Mysterio around, but Mysterio pushes Christian away, Christian returning to a huge spinning heel kick. WAIT! CHRISTIAN HAS FOLDED ONTO THE BOTTOM ROPE! IT’S TIME FOR THE 6-1-9. Christian bounces off the ropes to the ground and the crowd cheer loudly as Mysterio signals that it’s time for the West Coast Hop. Christian is down on the ground trying to use the referee to pull himself to his feet. Christian’s Up! MYSTERIO CONNECTS!..WITH THE REFEREE. Mysterio gets to his feet…DDT by Christian. Both Men are down on the ground and OUT! Wait! Look who it is. Eddie Guerrero runs to the ring and climbs into the ring and checks the referee. Eddie Guerrero climbs up top. FROG SPLASH ON MYSTERIO. Guerrero climbs out of the ring and slaps at his chest hard telling the crowd that he knows what’s right. Christian crawls over Mysterio as the referee is awaking……..1…………………….2……………………………3 Christian wins!

Winner – Christian

Cole – Christian wins through the slimy help of that sick sob Eddie Guerrero! Ah this is making me sick

Tazz – Eddie Guerrero hates Rey Mysterio and has no shame in showing it!

Eddie Guerrero slides back into the ring and goes up to Christian who is trying to get back to his feet and pats Christian on the back as they both look down on Mysterio. Guerrero then tells Christian something and next thing, Christian picks up Mysterio and holds him up for Guerrero before Guerrero hits Mysterio with a huge crack to the face. Eddie Guerrero laughs at Mysterio before cracking Mysterio for a second time, Mysterio almost falling in Christian’s arms. Christian then grabs Mysterio and sets him up for the Unprettier when…..CAN YOU DIG IT? SUUUUUUCKA blasts out the PA system


Tazz – BOOKER T! But But he aint even supposed to be here tonight! Cole! This is great!

Booker T runs down to the ring, chair in hand. Christian drops Mysterio and Guerrero and Christian escape from the ring as quick as they can, Booker T standing in the ring sending a b-line to Christian and Guerrero.

Cole – This is not over Tazz! Not by a long shot!

The cameras go backstage to Theodore Long who is chatting with Candace Michelle when Chad Patton runs up to Theodore Long

Patton – Mr. Long! You gotta come with us, your office has been trashed

Long – What?

Cole – What the hell?

Long turns to Candace

Long – excuse me

Starts walking with Patton down the corridor

Long – You know who did this?

Patton – No Sir, but they left you a message!

Long – A message?

Long and Patton walk into his office where a few other WWE officials are standing. Long looks in shock as the camera swerves around to the wall where it says in bold red…

Be Seeing You. Mr. Extreme

Cole – Would could have done this?

Tazz – It surely couldn’t be Paul Heyman! Could It?

Cole – I don’t know Tazz! This is extraordinary!

the camera fades to black as Long looks in shock at the room

We got a 6.10 rating for 'Smackdown!'!

The attendance level was 7524 people.

We made $300960 from ticket sales.

Hope you all enjoyed the show :)


Quick Results

**Heidenreich read a poem about tonight's match

**JBLand Orlando Jordan refused to participate in tonight's show following last week and Daivari was offered the chance to keep his WWE contract by participating in a 2/3 falls tourament starting on Velocity this week against a WWE veteran

**Eddie Guerrero confronted by old ally Perry Saturn calling Eddie Guerrero a messed up human being. Guerrero told him to mind his own business

**Eddie Guerrero bt. Perry Saturn in an Impromtu Match followed by a beat down on Saturn

**Christian calls Rey Mysterio an easy victim

**Heidenreich and Animal bt. Matt Cross and Josh Piscura with doomsday devise

**Christian finds a note while changing for his match that he responds to.

**Psicosis bt. Nunzio via interference from the Mexicools

**Batista informed of a No DQ, No Count Out, No interference Match Up with JBL which he requests to be a World Heavyweight Championship Match that JBL has to participate in if he wishes to keep his job.

**Christian bt. Rey Mysterio via Interference with Eddie Guerrero. Guerrero and Christian start to beat down before Booker T makes the save.

**Teddy Long's GM office is trashed by a man called Mr. Extreme telling him that he'll "be seeing him"


Edited by DaveKOTW
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WWE News and Rumour @ WrestlingWorldHeadlines.Com

Smackdown News

This week has shown serious speculation into the retirement of one Al Snow. Snow, who earlier in the week was released from his other open contract duties, has now only got an open contract with WWE. Considering that Al Snow has not been used on the show for a long period of time, except for Tough Enough skits and that he is no longer regarded in many peoples eyes as desirable, the thought is that Al Snow will depart in the short future.

Many were suprised by the arrival of Perry Saturn last week on Smackdown. As of right now, no one is sure of whether this move will be a permanent one with the WWE, although it is understood that the backstage staff were very happy with his in ring work.

Also, for all those that didn't know, Matt Cross and Josh Piscura are better known as M-Dogg 20 and Josh Prohibition of the Indy Tag Team, Youthanasia. Apparently, after Jim Ross had seen them wrestle, he thought it would be a good idea to give them a try out in the WWE. WWE have not given them any sort of contract, developmental or otherwise as far as is aware.

There has been a lot of thought as to who Mr. Extreme is?

The cameras go backstage to Theodore Long who is chatting with Candace Michelle when Chad Patton runs up to Theodore Long

Patton – Mr. Long! You gotta come with us, your office has been trashed

Long – What?

Cole – What the hell?

Long turns to Candace

Long – excuse me

Starts walking with Patton down the corridor

Long – You know who did this?

Patton – No Sir, but they left you a message!

Long – A message?

Long and Patton walk into his office where a few other WWE officials are standing. Long looks in shock as the camera swerves around to the wall where it says in bold red…

Be Seeing You. Mr. Extreme

Edited by DaveKOTW
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OOC: hey everyone, I just thought I'd inform all you that are reading that there is now, at the bottom of every show, there is a brief quick results summary.

Once again, I hope you are enjoying the show and the Velocity card will be up this evening

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WWE Velocity

Saturday 6th of August 2005

This is the following planned card for tonight's WWE Velocity

Big Stevie Cool and Da Blue Guy of the bWo challenge WWE Tag Champions MNM tonight on Velocity.

As well as this, the future Frankie Kazarian has been challenged to a match by none other than WWE Veteran Hardcore Holly.

Finally, Daivari will participate in the first bout of the 2 out of 3 falls challenge set by Theodore Long against one of Smackdown's Veterans in the main event. This fall will be a standard singles match.

Velocity is coming soon!

Please feel free to predict the results!

Edited by DaveKOTW
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Saturday 6th August 2005

Velocity starts up before any credits roll backstage with Big Stevie Cool and Da Blue Guy who are making their way to the ring

Stevie - You Ready Meanie?

Meanie - Oh Yeah

Stevie - Tonight Meanie, tonight......the bWo are gonna get some gold. It's time to take over Meanie! And there is nothing MNM or anyone can do about it!

The show cuts to the Velocity intro before we shoot to the arena entrance where a few pyros are going off

Matthews - Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Josh Matthews and welcome to Velocity. We have a great line up tonight dont we Steve Romero!?

Romero - We do and its about to START RIGHT NOW JOSH!

The lights dim in the arena and the Blue World Order music hits the arena, with blue lights strolling around the arena. Big Stevie Cool and the Blue Meanie come out to a good pop from the crowd, ready to start off tonight's action. Stevie runs down to the ring quickly while Meanie seems to be handing out stuff to the crowd

Matthews - Is the Meanie handing out stuff to the crowd?

Romero - Well knowing the Meanie, he's probably telling the people in the crowd to look after his after match snack.

Matthews - Then why is he giving it to different people?

Romero - Isn't it obvious?

Matthews - Err No Steve?

Romero - It's so much stuff, it's too heavy for one person! Look at that guy's belly for heaven's sake!

Meanie slides into the ring and climbs the turnbuckle dancing to the crowd

Romero - Damn thats hideous!

the bWo's music dims before the lighting changes and a bunch of photographs begins to congregate at the entrance while a red carpet is laid down. MNM's music hits the arena, provoking the crowd to boo. MNM come out in their fir coats, with Melina in the middle. The 3 of them walk down to the ring, posing for the cameras before Mercury and Nitro get into the ring awaiting Melina's moves

Matthews - Don't you think that Melina is hot?

Romero - She is josh! Way to hot for you!

Matthews - How do you know?

Romero - Well it all goes back to a phone call yesterday...

While Mecury and Nitro watch Melina slide her first leg onto the ring, Richards and Meanie attack them from behind and the bell rings early as Melina gets down quickly and the bell rings

WWE Tag Team Championship Match

MNM © Vs. Big Stevie Cool and The Blue Meanie

Stevie and Mercury start off the match, Richards whipping Mercury into the ropes before hitting him with a hard forearm. Richards gets Mercury up and hits a perfect snap suplex on Mercury before going for the cover only to get a two count. Richards whips Mercury into the ropes and charges in for another smash but Mercury gets his elbow to the face of Richards stopping the attack. Mercury then throws Richards into the turnbuckle throwing him into the metal post, shoulder first. Mercury throws Richards to the ground and locks in an armlock on Richards for about 5 seconds before tagging out to Nitro. Nitro climbs into the ring and stomps away at Richard on the ground before calling Mercury over. Meanie tries to get into the ring to stop the double of team but the referee runs over to Meanie pushing him back to the outside not noticing the double team on Richards. Nitro and Mercury hit a double suplex on Richards before Nitro goes for a cover only to get a two count. Richards needs to make the tag as Nitro hits more kicks to Richards. Nitro throws Richards into his corner and chokes Richards with his boot before tagging into Mercury once again. Mercury hits a snap mare on Richards leaving Richards sitting up in the middle of the ring. Mercury bounces against the ropes and hits a drop kick to the back of Richards before going for the cover again only getting a 2 count. Mercury hits the ground with frustration as Melina cheers him on outside the ring. Mercury picks up Richards by the hair and lifts him up, but Richards tries to fight his way out with some punches. Mercury hits Richards hard with a club over the back to slow him down and then whips him into the ropes. Mercury bends down a back body drop but Richards kicks him in the chest with a stiff kick pushing Mercury back to stance...STEVIE KICK! Both men are crawling to their seperate corners while the crowd cheers bWo..bWo. Mercury gets back first. Nitro quickly runs into the ring but Stevie is almost there. Nitro has hold of Stevie's foot, he tries to drag him back, enziguiri by Richards and Richards tags the Meanie in for the hot tag Richards then falling to the ground on the outside. Meanie gets in the ring and clotheslines down Nitro, then he clotheslines down Mercury who runs into the ring. Back body drop on Nitro. Mercury swings an arm at Meanie but Meanie ducks before raking the eyes of Mercury. Mercury gets whipped into the corner. Nitro gets up, eye rake and then he's whipped into the corner on top of Mercury. Meanie then charges at the two of them crushing them both into the turnbuckle. Nitro falling flat against the floor. Meanie stops Mercury from falling and hits a running powerslam on Mercury. Meanie then climbs the turnbuckle, you know what it's time for! But wait. Melina has climbed onto the apron and she is pleeding with the Meanie! Nitro hits Meanie from behind. Nitro moves Mercury out of the way while Melina drops down off the apron laughing before Nitro hits a modified version of the snapshot off the top turnbuckle onto the ground. Nitro gets up but gets clotheslined out of the ring by Richards both of them falling to the outside throwing punches. WAIT..Mercury puts an arm over Meanie......1...........2............3 MNM retain the titles.

Winners and Still WWE Tag Team Champions. MNM

Melina grabs the titles off the time keeper and makes her way to the exit while Mercury and Nitro clumsily follow her. Richards is knelt over on the ground hitting the ground as Meanie is moving only slightly in the ring

Matthews - What an opening Match for WWE Velocity!

Romero - More..after the break!

The show goes to a commerical break.

When the show returns, We recap on Smackdown where Eddie Guerrero fights Perry Saturn in an impromtu match after Eddie Guerrero is interupted by Saturn. Romero and Matthews agree the actions of Guerrero to Saturn were nothing more than that of a coward. The cameras then go backstage to Chris Leary who is interviewing "The Future" Frankie Kazarian

Leary - Frankie, after your dominating first weeks here on Smackdown, do you think it is a suprise that Hardcore Holly challenged you to a match here on Velocity?

Kazarian - Suprised? I can't say I am suprised. After all I am the future of professional wrestling. But see, that is the very thing that Hardcore Holly either doesn't understand or doesnt like. See...Hardcore Holly in his prime was a pretty decent wrestler. Sure, he was not main eventer like The Rock or Stone Cold and a couple of main event matches with Brock Lesnar aint gonna change that, but nevertheless, he was pretty good. But see, the point is that Holly WAS good. I call myself the future, well Hardcore Holly, he aint even the present. He's nothing more than a hasbeen who is desperately trying to keep on to his paycheck. But tonight, I am going to show the world why I am the future and why Hardcore Holly better start collecting his nuts because he's about to have a very long winter. I am the Future, and the Future Looks Good!

Frankie Kazarian leaves for the ring leaving a speachless Leary before we face another commerical break

When we return, the cameras go straight to the ring where "The Future" is standing awaiting his opponent

Matthews - Welcome back, and what strong words from Frankie Kazarian

Romero - Frankie! I got 4 words for you! NOT THE INDY'S ANYMORE!

Matthews - Thats right Steve, this is the WWE! And if you want to be big here, you gotta prove yourself!

Romero - And thats why we're here right Josh?

Matthews - You got it in one!

"How do you Like ME NOW" blasts out of the PA system and there is a roar from the crowd as the WWE veteran Hardcore Holly appears at the entrance raising his arms to the crowd before turning his attention to Kazarian pointing and b-lining him. Kazarian stands in the ring, with a smile on his face, saying nothing as Holly makes his way to the foot of the ring, before he steps back a few steps allowing Holly space to get into the ring. Holly and Kazarian end up in the ring face to face and the referee has to pull them apart telling them the rules.

WWE Singles Match

"The Future" Frankie Kazarian Vs. Hardcore Holly

Kazarian and Holly lock up in the middle of ring, before the lock is broken by boots by Holly. Hardcore holly locks on a side head lock on Kazarian, squeezing the neck of the future before Kazarian pushes him into the ropes forcing Holly to let go. Holly walks back with a smile on his face while The Future grin still remains on his face. Kazarian and Holly lock up again, this time, Kazarian boots coming in first allowing Kazarian to wrap round to the back of Holly. Kazarian grips hard but Holly forces him to the ropes, Kazarian lets go of the waist, allowing Holly to turn round into a drop kick. Kazarian picks up speed and whips Holly into the ropes, bending down for a body drop but Holly kicks him in the gut before clotheslining Kaziaran down. Holly bodyslams Kazarian. Holly then bodyslams him a second time before going for a cover.........1........2......Kazarian kicks out. Hardcore Holly grabs hold of Kazarian and throws him to the outside of the ring. Holly then salutes the fans before climbing outside to get hold of Kazarian. Hardcore Holly goes for Kazarian but Kazarian eye rakes Holly. Kazarian then whips Holly into the steel steps sending Holly crashing. Kazarian then went on and choked Holly on the outside before the referee pulled him off. Kazarian hits a beautiful vertical suplex on the outside of the ring, before rolling back in to break up the count before coming back out. Kazarian picks up Hardcore Holly and drops him on the guard railing before getting back into the ring and out again. Kazarian then hit a standing moonsault on Holly taking all the wind out of him. Kazarian grabs hold of Holly and throws him back in the ring before getting in himself and going for the cover............1...............2...........Hardcore Holly kicks out. Kazarian looks up at the referee like he has just been cheated and goes for a second cover but he only gets a 2. Kazarian grabs hold of Holly and hits him hard in the face. Kazarian then bounces against the rope before hitting Holly with a knee to the face. Kazarian climbs up the nearest turnbuckle and begins shouting to the crowd that he's the future. Kazarian turns around and waits for Holly to get up before going for a flying crossbody but Holly catches Kazarian in mid air.....he sets Kazarian up............ALABAMA SLAM! Kazarian crashes against the mat and Hardcore Holly covers............1....................2..........................................Kazarian gets a shoulder up. Hardcore Holly grabs hold of Kazarian who looks very dazed and whips him against the ropes before knocking back with a stiff standing drop kick before going for another cover but once again gets the 2. Hardcore Holly looks around at the flat lying Kazarian and looks to the top rope. Hardcore decides to go for a Moonsault but takes his time climbing. Holly gets to the top. It's gonna be moonsault time but Kazarian out of nowhere hits the ropes and Holly slips. Kazarian climbs up the turnbuckle facing to the back and side of Holly, what's Kazarian thinking here? KAZARIAN HITS THE FLUX CAPACITOR on Holly. Kazarian covers..........1............2............3

Winner - Frankie Kazarian

Matthews - What a hell of a match!

Romero - That Flux Capacitor move is amazing! I've never seen anything quite like that before!

Kazarian grabs a microphone from the outside and gets back into the ring

Kazarian - You have just witnessed the demise of a WWE veteran, the first of many! WHY? because I am Frankie Kazarian! I am the future and the future looks goooood!

Kazarian's music hits again and Kazarian leaves the ring leaving Holly down on the floor slowly getting back to the real world as the show cuts to a commercial break

When the show returns, Velocity shows a recap of the announcement on Smackdown that next Week, JBL would face Batista for the WWE live on Smackdown. The show then cuts to show what happened at the end of Smackdown where the cameras show Theodore Long's office destroyed by a man who labelled himself as "Mr Extreme"

We then go backstage once again with Chris Leary, this time with Khosrow Daivari.

Leary - Daivari, after the release of your friend Muhammed Hassan off Smackdown, how has the backstage been for you at Smackdown?

Daivari - How has it been? It has been a living hell! The Smackdown locker room, is nothing but racist! They all spoke to me on Smackdown like my career was already over with the WWE and that I should enjoy the last few weeks I have here!

Leary - How difficult has it been to prepare for a match whose opponent you have no idea of!?

Daivari - I can't say it has been easy! But let me tell you this! No matter what it takes, no matter who it is, I am going to come out of this tournament victorious and I am going to remind everyone here at the WWE that Hassan was released, not because his gimmick was in bad taste, not because he was disobedient of the WWE rules but because of clear cut racism. WWE may sugarcoat it but I wont! But I guarantee you this Leary, there is no chance in hell that they are going to do the same to me!

Daivari pushes Leary out of the way and walks to the ring entrance before the show goes to a commercial break

When the show returns, the cameras are back at the ring and Daivari is in the middle of the ring in some sort of argument with the referee

Matthews - Everybody welcome back! Steve what do you make of Daivari's words before the break?

Romero - Josh, let me tell you, I hate racism, I really do, but as far as I am concerned, Daivari is nothing but a whiner!

Matthews - Definately..

Romero - I mean, a couple of weeks ago, the guy was a human sacrifice on Smackdown against the Undertaker! And since that match, there has been outrage regarding the taste of the shoot. Mr Long, our General Manager could do nothing more than get rid of Hassan and in my opinion, he should have got rid of Daivari too

Matthews - No doubt Steve but nevertheless, he is here tonight, and he is fighting a yet to be named WWE veteran

Romero - For one, I hope it's the Rock, after all, I loved his movie Mr Nanny so much..

Matthews - That was a Hulk Hogan film..

Romero - Whatever his name was..right now, I can really smell what the Hulk is cooking..

Daivari stands in the centre of the ring waiting his opponent as his music stops. The crowd all grow silent when..."WHAT DOES EVERYBODY WAAAAAAAANT" blasts out of the PA system and the fans cheer as Al Snow appears at the entrance of the arena holding Head. Al Snow runs down to the ring and climbs in before climbing up the turnbuckle waving Head in the air getting the crowd to cheer like mad before going to the diagnal turnbuckle and doing the same. Daivari stays in the ring watching Al Snow parade around the ring obviously ready for his match. The referee calls both opponents over and informs them that its the first fall out a 3 fall tournament, with whoever getting 2 falls first wins before checking the opponents for weapons and then ringing the bell

Round 1 of the 3 round Tournament - Standard Singles Match

Daivari Vs. Al Snow

Al Snow and Daivari start the match off quickly Daivari almost blind siding Al Snow with some punches knocking him back. Daivari attempts on irish whip on Al Snow into the ropes but Al Snow reverses the moves before hitting Daivari with a drop kick sending Daivari out of the ring. Al Snow then climbs the turnbuckle, waiting for Daivari to get up before hitting him with a flying crossbody to the outside. Al Snow gets up and hits Daivari with a hard knock to the face. Daivari falls to his knees, and the referee tells Al to get it back into the ring. While Al is listening to the referee, Daivari low blows Al Snow. Daivari gets back and starts to push Al Snow towards the ramp with some forarm hits before attempting a piledriver on Al Snow. Al Snow REVERSES and Daivari ends up getting back body dropped on the platform Daivari sitting up in the agony. Al Snow scoops up Daivari before landing him back on the platform with a huge slam. The referee tells Al to get it back into the ring or he will disqualify him, and Al grabs hold of Daivari and throws him back into the ring. Al talks to the referee on the outside befoe getting back into the sing and stomping on Daivari. Al Snow whips Daivari into the ropes before hitting a huge running clothesline before hooking the leg......1...........2........ Daivari kicks out. Al Snow gets back to his feet and hits Daivari with a stiff leg drop before going for another cover.........1...........2....Daivari kicks out. Al Snow bodyslams Daivari before locking in an Abdominal Stretch on Daivari. Al Snow lets go and and flattens Daivari out with his boot before climbing up the turnbuckle. Al Snow goes for a moonsault but Daivari rolls out of the way and both men lay on the floor. Daivari goes for the cover but Al kicks out after a 2 quickly. Daivari goes for a headlock on Snow trying to wear him down. Daivari then steadily gets to his feet before hitting Snow in the face with a baseball slide and then attempts a cover but once again gets a 2 count. Daivari hits a snapmare on Snow before locking in a chinlock on Snow wearing Al down some more. Daivari starts to get lifted by Snow, Snow hitting some steady hands to Daivari before letting go. Snow whips Daivari back into the ropes but Daivari ducks the Snow swing, twists Snow around, kick to the gut of Snow before hitting a jawbreaker on Snow. Daivari goes for the cover..........1............2........Al Snow gets a shoulder up. Daivari picks up Snow once again, now frustrated and whips Snow into the turnbuckle. Daivari moves over to Snow but Snow fights out of the corner using his elbow and hits a belly to back Suplex on Daivari. Al Snow, cheered on by the fans climbs up the turnbuckle...can he connect this time.........MOONSAULT!........Al Snow Covers...........1.................2...............3..

Winner of the first Fall - Al Snow

Al Snow parades around the ring saluting the fans as Daivari lies on the floor holding his chest

Matthews - Al Snow 1, Daivari 0! Hope you enjoyed the show everybody!

Romero - Remember to tune in next week to velocity to see the second fall, Al Snow vs. Daivari in a street fight! I am Steve Romero

Matthews - And I am Josh Matthews...Goodnight!

the cameras fade to black

We got a 4.40 rating for 'Velocity'!

The attendance level was 7518 people.

We made $300720 from ticket sales.

Show Rating - 57


Results in Brief

**MNM defeated Big Stevie Cool and the Blue Meanie to retain the WWE Tag Team titles with interference from Melina

**"The Future" Frankie Kazarian puts himself over as The Future once again

**Frankie Kazarian bts. Hardcore Holly via the Flux Capacitor after kicking out to an Alabama Slam

**Daivari dedicates his career in the WWE to Mohammed Hassan after he was he was fired by Theodore Long as a result of "racist reasons"

**WWE Veteran turned out to be Al Snow who bt. Daivari via a Moonsault to claim to the first fall of the 2 out of 3 fall challenge


OOC: Once Again, I hope you enjoyed the show :)

Edited by DaveKOTW
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WWE HEAT Preview

August 7th, 2005

Another action-packed edition of Sunday Night HEAT is on the horizon. Rob Conway, the self proclaimed "Con Man" of the RAW brand tonight is going to go 1 on 1 with RAW's very own Tajiri

The French Phenom will also be in action as Rene Dupree takes on the former WWE Intercontinental Champion, Shelton Benjamin. Dupree also has been on a hot streak ever since coming back to RAW in the Draft Lottery Trade. Will he be able to overcome one of RAW's Hottest Talents.

Plus, Danny Basham and Snitsky tag together for the first time, as requested by Eric Bischoff against Britain's Very Own Steve Lewington and Harry Harrison

Also catch up on all of this weeks action RAW including the RAW Main Event Features WWE's very own Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle and the WWE Champion, John Cena

Tune in to Sunday Night HEAT every Sunday

HEAT confirmed Matches

Rob Conway Vs. Tajiri

Rene Dupree Vs. Shelton Benjamin

Danny Basham and Snitsky Vs. Steven Lewington and Harry Harrison

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Sunday 7th August

WWE HEAT starts with the stereotypical orange opening video, before shooting to the arena for some pyrotechnics

Grisham - Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to Raw Brands Sunday Night Heat, I am Todd Grisham, here with Jonathan Coachman, Coach?

Coach - Yeah Yeah, you know, I'm not really happy with you having to introduce me! I'm the bigger star of the two of us, I should be getting the respect you know?

Grisham - No I don't?

Coach - Well you wouldnt! I was on Raw this week and let me tell you, there is no place in the world like RAW! Thank you Mr Bischoff!

Grisham - Do you ever stop sucking up?

All of a Sudden The Heart Throbs Music begins to play in the arena and the Heart Throbs come down to the arena doing their usual dancing routine at the top of the ramp

Grisham - What the? These are supposed to be here tonight!

Coach - Thats true Todd, they aint scheduled anywhere?

The Heart throbs climb into the ring and go straight for the microphones, the crowd in silent suprise from the entrance of this team. Romeo takes the microphone first

Romeo - Everybody, in case you are not familar with out work, we are the HEART THROBS!

The crowd boo the team as Romeo hands over the microphone to his counterpart Antonio

Antonio - And you know what people? we are sick of the current status of ours in the WWE.

The crowd start a "you suck" chant as the two men stand in the arena

Antonio - Seriously I am sick of it! Jobbed to Viscera! Jobbed to this guy! Jobbed to that guy! We've been in the WWE since April and we've got nothing but lack of respect. Can't you people see that you are dealing with two hottest Wrestlers on WWE television.

The crowd continue booing the Heart Throbs with a section of the crowd start boring chants. Antonio hand the microphone back to Romeo

Romeo - And for this reason! Next Week on RAW! When The Heart Throbs fight the rookie tag team consisting of Johnny Jeter and Matt...Matt whats his face from Tough Enough, The Heart Throbs are going to introduce the 3rd Man, the man who is going to take this team into a whole new heights!

Antonio - And introduce us to a whole lot more women who want nothing more than to have sex with us!

Romeo - And as Kurt ANgle would say..."And that My Friends...Is True"

The crowd continue to boo as the Heart Throbs music hits and the two most arrogant wrestlers on Heat leave the ring and up the ramp

Segment Rating - 45

Grisham - Strong Words From the Heart Throbs Coach!

Coach - You know, as much as I am fan of the Heart Throbs! They are not the sexiest men on WWE TV!

Grisham - Oh Yeah Coach? So then who are they?

Coach - Me!

The show then goes back to RAW this week where Chavo Guerero Snr confronts his son about the gimmick the WWE have "forced" him to do and tells him that he does not have to be ashamed of who he is. Kerwin White (Chavo Guerero Jr.) retaliates to his Father's remarks telling Chavo that he is a disgrace to both his family and to the latin race, and that he is ashamed to know him. Kerwin says that it wasn't the decision of the company but of his own to disregard his race and that as far as he is concerned, is no longer anything to do with him. Kerwin White then gets Chavo Classic escorted out of the ring and arena by security before attacking his father from behind.

Segment Rating - 90

The show geos to a commerical break

When the show returns, cameras go backstage to Lilian Garcia who is with Rob Conway

Garcia - Rob Conway, over the past few weeks, over the past few weeks you have been totally dominant, what are your thoughts on your match tonight against former ECW wrestler and former WWE Cruiserweight Champion Tajiri?

Conway - What are my thoughts on the match tonight? What sort of a god damn question is that! I am the Con Man, Rob Conway! I fear nobody! And come tonight, Tajiri is gonna see why when it comes down to it, whether I'm facing Tajiri or whether I'm facing the legendary Hulk Hogan himself! I'm going to do things My Way! The Con-Way!

Rob Conway pushes the microphone out of the way and makes his way to the ring entrance

The cameras shoot over to the ring entrance as Conway's music hits the arena and Conway appears at the entrance

Grisham - Everybody Welcome back to the show! Rob Conway is pumped and ready for this match tonight!

Coach - Rob Conway, a former World Tag Team Champion, once known as the Iron Man! Rob Conway is a vicious competitor when he wants to be!

Rob Conway gets to the bottom of the ramp and looks around at the fans before climbing into the ring and walking over to the furthest turnbuckle before proping up against it and waiting. The music quickly fades and goes into Tajiri's music, and the fan's begin to cheer as Tajiri is seen at the entrance to the arena

Grisham - Listen to the response for Tajiri! Evidently Tajiri has big following here tonight!

Coach - I think its something to do with Tajiri's unusual wrestling style, Tajiri does moves that no one else does in the WWE. And thats what makes him popular!

Grisham - Wow, you're certainly philosophical tonight!

Coach - I am to please

Tajiri gets in the ring and stares off Conway. The referee calls to the time keeper and the match begins

Tajiri Vs. Rob Conway

Conway and Tajiri lock up. Tajiri gets behind Conway and hits a belly to back suplex on Conway with a bridge...causing an immediete count........1..........2..Conway quick gets out of it and clotheslines down Tajiri. Conway picks up Tajiri and whips him into the ropes and goes for a drop kick but Tajiri holds onto the ropes and Conway falls to the grounf. Conway gets to his knees and gets hit in the face with a double footed drop kick from Tajiri but only gets a 2 count again. Tajiri gets up and throws Conway into the corner turnbuckle Conway hitting the turnbuckle really hard. Tajiri runs at a handspring elbow smash into Conway and Conway bounces out of the corner. Tajiri climbs up the turnbuckle as Conway walks around dazed. HURRICANRANA on Conway......pin..........1.............2.........COnway kicks out. Tajiri picks up Conway and whips him into the rope before hitting him with elbow. Tajiri then jumps over Conway and bounces against the rope before going a elbow drop but Conway moves out of the way. Conway gets up and hits a belly to belly release suplex on Tajiri. Tajiri is picked up and bodyslammed hard to the mat. Conway covers.......1........2......Tajiri kicks out. COnway grabs hold of Tajiri and whips him against the ropes before crashing Tajiri down to the floor with a powerslam. Conway picks up Tajiri and attempts to go for a powerbomb..but Tajiri counters and hits a swinging DDT. Tajiri gets to his feet slowly, the crowd behind him and gets in his stance for his finisher, the buzzaw kick. Conway is slowly getting to his knees. Tajiri swipes but Conway ducks.....GREEN MIST INTO TAJIRI'S FACE! Conway gets back to his feet quickly and lifts Tajiri onto the ropes. THE EGO TRIP! Conway goes for the cover..........1..........2...........3

Winner - Rob Conway

Overall Rating: 69

Crowd Reaction: 64

Match Quality: 75

Rob Conway climbs out of the ring celebrating as the crowd boo him before the show goes to a commercial break

When the show returns, the cameras go backstage to Eric Bischoff. Eric Bischoff is walking backstage talking to various people as he walks past before Lilian Garcia stomps him asking for him for a second

Garcia - Mr Bischoff! People around the arena and fans across the world have been wondering, why is Shelton Benjamin, a former Intercontinental Champion fighting on HEAT this evening?

Bischoff - And May I ask what is wrong with HEAT?

Lilian Stutters in response...

Bischoff - No No! It's ok! you dont have to answer that! Lets face it! HEAT sucks! Nobody cares about it, it's not live! And as far as I am concerned, if I owned the World Wrestling Federation, I would have cancelled the show by now and had something, like I dont know, a Diva Search or something!? But lets face it, even Vince McMahon isn't stupid enough to do another one of those!Therefore it is up to me to turn this hole of a show around. And as for Shelton Benjamin. Lets just say that since Shelton Benjamin has been here on the Raw brand, he's been given title shots, he's been put in the Main Event and what has he done for me? He has done nothing but disrespect me! Last week just before RAW, Shelton Benjamin came to me and he said that he wanted a rematch for the WWE Intercontinental Championship because he said that he has not lost the championship fairly to Carlito, and that he "deserves" it. Well let me tell you something, you don't decide if you deserve something! I decide!

Garcia - And for the fans across the world Mr Bischoff, what do you expect from Danny Basham and Snitsky tonight?

Bischoff - First off, let me be the first to announce that from tonight, Danny Basham will be known as the Damaja. As for their performance, I expect them to win. They are going to be the measuring stick in the tag team division and I expect them to crush those two english losers who got this job tonight, because no other face wrestler was cleared to wrestle. Is that all?

Garcia - Yes thank you?

Bischoff - Good because Unlike you Lilian, I dont spend my time fancying myself up to look mediocre like yourself. I have a show to run! And Whats More..I have a Very Important Meeting With Vince McMahon..A little Presentation if you will about this week's Up and Coming RAW! So Goodbye!

Eric Bischoff walks off leaving Lilian with a sad look upon her face

Segment Rating - 80

Grisham - Man that Eric Bischoff is a jerk!

Coach - Hey Hey Hey! Don't insult the boss! The boss is a great man!

Grisham - Get your tongue out of his....

Coach - Easy fella!

"Aint No Stoppin Me Nooooooooooow" hits the arena and the fans cheer as the former WWE IC Champion Shelton Benjamin enters the arena raising his arms to the crowd, before running down to the ring

Grisham - Damn It! I hope Shelton wins tonight!

Coach - Dream on! MR. Bischoff knows what he's doing and tonight, Shelton Benjamin is gonna feel the force of the french phenom!

Shelton gets into the ring and shakes the hand of the referee before the music stops and Rene Dupree's music hits the arena. Rene hits the ring, wearing his wrestling gown, blue and sparkly with gold bits as he prances down to the ring. Shelton Benjamin's eyes are fixed on the Frenchman like a predator on his prey

Grisham - Two of the top young talents in WWE, going one on one, tonight on Heat! This should have been the main event!

Coach - How can you say that when we have the Damaja and Snitsky debuting as a tag team tonight? How can you? Or is it cos you dont like Englishmen? Go on Todd, say it to all the people in the UK who are tuning in!

Grisham - Dont be ridiculous!

Singles Match

Rene Dupree Vs. Shelton Benjamin

Rene Dupree and Shelton lock up. Dupree kicks off with a knee to the gut of Shelton. Shelton gets whipped into the ropes but comes back with a forearm smash on Rene Dupree. Dupree gets up and gets hit with a second clothesline. Rene Dupree runs at Shelton who immedietly tries to go for the T-Bone Suplex but Dupree elbows Shelton in the side of the head, forcing Benjamin to let go of him and squirms to the outside. Dupree takes a breather while Benjamin climbs through the ropes to the outside. Benjamin hits Dupree from behind hard with his forearm. Benjamin then tries to whip Dupree into the steel steps but Dupree reverses and Benjamin crashes into the steel steps. Dupree grabs hold of Benjamin and bounces his head off the apron before rolling him into the ring. Dupree climbs up to the top turnbuckle and waits for Benjamin to get up before hitting a missile drop kick on Benjamin going for the cover........1.............2..........Benjamin gets a shoulder up. Dupree scoop slams Benjamin back to the mat. He then shouts at the crowd.."FRENCH PHENOM" before hitting the French Tickler on Benjamin. Dupree covers............1................2..............Benjamin gets the shoulder up again. Dupree slams his hands against the floor and then climbs outside and picks up a steel chair. Dupree climbs back into the ring and goes to swing the chair at Benjamin but the referee grabs the chair from behind and pulls it away. Dupree pulls it back not realising Benjamin is back to his feet and Benjamin pushes Dupree into the referee. The referee falls down to the ground and then Benjamin low blows Dupree. Benjamin whips Dupree into the corner..Benjamin looks at the crowd and then runs at Dupree for the Stinger Splash, but Dupree dodges out of the way and Benjamin has to dodge the turnbuckle diving onto the top. Benjamin goes for a moonsault on Dupree but Dupree Catches him.......DEATH VALLEY DRIVER ON BENJAMIN! It's over...Wait..The referee is ringing th bell. Dupree unhooks the leg and gets up face to face with the referee.

Ring Announcer - And the Winner of this match, as a result of a Disqualificaiton....SHELTON BENJAMIN!

Dupree looks furious and chases the referee out of the ring while Benjamin lies motionless in the ring. Dupree picks up the chair that he was going to use earlier and slides back into the ring. Dupree goes to swing the chair but instead..BENJAMIN HITS A SPINNING HEEL KICK knocking the chair into the face of Dupree. Benjamin's music hits to a cheer from the crowd as he leaves the ring

Winner - Shelton Benjamin

Overall Rating: 74

Crowd Reaction: 74

Match Quality: 75

Grisham - Man, That Match Was Raw!

Coach - No Todd, It Was Heat, I Mean Hot!

Grisham - We'll be right back!

The show goes to a commercial break

When the Show returns, we got a recap of more of last weeks events on Raw. Grisham and Coach discuss John Cena's feud with Chris Jericho, speaking of Jericho's attack on Cena after Matt Stryker cost Kurt Angle the match. Grisham then goes on to discuss the Hulk Hogan HBK storyline going on. Grisham said he couldnt believe that Hulk Hogan, the once regarded Real American Hero could ditch his fans and not give them "One More Match" but even more importantly, not stand up against HBK after he superkicked him. Grisham said he didn't want to believe Hulk Hogan was a coward but The Coach said thats exactly what he is and that there is no chance Hogan will ever appear on RAW ever again

Segment Rating - 84

Grisham - Ladies and Gentlemen, It's time for the HEAT Main Event!

Coach - Man I Can't wait!

"IT WASN'T MY FAULT" blasts out of the PA system and out walk the new Tag Team, Snitsky and The Damaja. Snitksy looks crazed and ready for the match while Damaja walks behind him more hesitant.

Grisham - Haha, look at Danny Basham's face! He doesn't want to be here!

Coach - It's The Damaja Todd! Learn your wrestling news

Snitsky hugs Damaja hard in the middle of the ring, Damaja pulling the most disgusted face you'll ever see. At that moment, 'God Save The Queen' blasts out of the PA system and at the entrance to the arena stands Britains very own, Steven Lewington and Harry Harrison

Grisham - What A Match for these two wrestlers Coach! If they win, they get WWE Contracts for sure!

Coach - Hey, Eric Bischoff never said that! Don't assume what you dont know!

Grisham - Hey, thats what the internet is saying?

Coach - And the internet is neeeeeever wrong!

Lewington and Harrison get into the ring and both climb turnbuckles and salute the crowds ans Snitsky and Damaja stare on

HEAT Main Event

Snitsky and The Damaja Vs. Steven Lewington and Harry "Hazz" Harrison

Both teams start brawling in the middle of the ring at the start of the match, Snitsky brawling with Lewington while Damaja brawls with Hazz. Damaja clotheslines Hazz out of the ring and begins the fight on the outside while the bell rings and it looks like Lewington and Snitsky start off the match properly. Snitsky whips Lewington quickly into the ropes and then hits a huge spinebuster on Lewington. Meanwhile, Damaja throws Hazz into the steel steps on the outside. Damaja climbs back ontot the apron and takes the tag from Snitksy. Damaja comes in and hits a snapmare on Lewington before locking in a chin lock on Lewington. Damaja lets go and throws Lewington into the corner before hitting a choke on Lewington in the corner. Damaja tags in Snitsky and they both whip Lewington into the ropes. Ball and Gag by Snitsky and Damaja. Snitsky covers.........1..........2...Lewington gets a shoulder up. Lewington is picked up by Snitsky, Lewington can barely move, and Snitsky bounces off the ropes RUNNING BIG BOOT on Lewington. Where the hell is Lewington's Partner? Hazz slowly climbs back onto the apron as Lewington is dead on the floor. Snitsky tags Damaja back in and goes over to Hazz kicking him off the apron again and going to the outside. Damaja picks up Lewington and tells the crowd its over before hitting THE BRAIN DAMAJA on Lewington hooking the leg............1..............2.................3

Winners - Damaja and Snitsky

Overall Rating: 58

Crowd Reaction: 45

Match Quality: 71

Snitsky throws Hazz into the crowd barrier, before dropping him on it, Hazz bending in half. Snitsky then looks under the ring

Grisham - What the Hell is Snitsky doing?

Coach - I have No Idea! The guy is a loon!

Snitsky pulls out a table from under the ring and the fans boo Snitsky as he lifts it up kicking Hazz for good measure. The Damaja climbs out of the ring and takes the table off Snitsky setting it up while Snitsky chokes Hazz on the ground. Snitsky picks up Hazz before hitting him with a HUGE pumphandle Side Slam getting serious boos from the crowd. Snitsky screams at the crowd next to him while Damaja points out that ring officials are on their way down. Damaja holds back the officials as Snitsky grabs hold of the helpless Hazz screaming "IT WASN'T MY FAULT" before lifting him onto his shoulders.


Snitsky hits a HUGE POWERBOMB on Hazz through the table Hazz looking lifeless on Impact. Snitsky's music hits as the camera zooms on the crazed Snitsky's face smiling at the destroyed Harry Harrison

Grisham - WHY SNITSKY? WHY?!

The camera fades to black with the last image being Snitsky's grinning face

We got a 4.51 rating for 'Heat'!

The attendance level was 7519 people.

We made $300760 from ticket sales.

Overall Rating - 58


Results in Short

**The Heart Throbs announce that on RAW next week, a new member of the Heart Throbs is going to appear

**Rob Conway bt. Tajiri through cheating with the green mist

**Bischoff tells the world that Shelton is being punished for his arrogance and thats why he's on HEAT

**Shelton Benjamin bt. Rene Dupree by DQ

**Snitsky and Damaja bt. Lewington and Harry Harrison in a squash match

**Snitsky beats down Harry Harrison after the match powerbombing him through a table


Hope you enjoyed the show! :)

Edited by DaveKOTW
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